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Pausing development on this project for now but I am potentially open to returning to it in the future

Webmention Server (TypeScript)

Welcome to the repo!

This project is mostly for learning purposes. It also powers my personal blog's webmentions (

It should pass almost all of the tests on save for one of the more edgecase ones (one of the twenties, I forgot exactly which one).

Architecture and Tech Used

  • Node Bull + Redis for the queue
  • Postgres for the RDBMS
  • TypeScript + express.js for the webserver
  • Docker & docker-compose (podman) to glue it all together

Run it Locally

  1. Copy the .env.example to .env
  2. Fill in the vars
  3. podman-compose up -d

If you want to build the image locally with semver tags, use ./ [MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH]. It will build the current Dockerfile and tag the image with latest and the semver bump specified. You don't need to use this, but I think it's neat.

Bug Reports

Feel free to open an issue.


Thank you to:

voxpelli for the node-webmention-testpinger which was very helpful in testing this

Aaron Parecki and all of his content on the IndieWeb such as, as well as