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AngularJS Tablesort

Allow tables to be sorted by clicking their headings.

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When you use jquery to build your web-pages, it is very easy to add sorting functionality to your tables - include tablesorter and annotate your column headings slightly to tell it what type of data your table contains.

The goal with this module is to make it just as easy to add sorting to AngularJS tables, but with proper use of angular features and not jquery.

Click once on a heading to sort ascending, twice for descending. Use shift-click to sort on more than one column.

Additionally, these directives also makes it easy to add a default row that is shown in empty tables to make it explicit that the table is intentionally empty and not just broken.


bower install angular-tablesort


npm install angular-tablesort


Include the script in your markup

<script src="bower_components/angular-tablesort/js/angular-tablesort.js"></script>

Include the module in your app

angular.module('myApp', ['tableSort']);

The following code generates a table that can be sorted by clicking on the table headings:

<table border="1" ts-wrapper>
      <th ts-criteria="Id">Id</th>
      <th ts-criteria="Name|lowercase" ts-default>Name</th>
      <th ts-criteria="Price|parseFloat">Price</th>
      <th ts-criteria="Quantity|parseInt">Quantity</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="item in items" ts-repeat>
      <td>{{item.Price | currency}}</td>

The ts-wrapper attribute must be set on element that surrounds both the headings and the ng-repeat statement.

The ts-criteria attribute tells tablesort which expression it should sort on when that element is clicked. Normally, the ts-criteria is the same as the expression that is shown in the column, but it doesn't have to be. The ts-criteria can also be filtered using the normal AngularJS filter syntax. Tablesort includes two filters parseInt and parseFloat that use the javascript functions of the same name, but any filter can be used.

The ts-name attribute can be set to declare a unique name for an expression which will be used in the event fired when sorting has changed.

The ts-default attribute can be set on one or more columns to sort on them in ascending order by default. To sort in descending order, set ts-default to "descending"

The ts-repeat attribute must be set on the element with ng-repeat.

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ts-repeat>

Alternatively, ts-repeat-start and ts-repeat-end may be used to compliment the ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end directives.

<tr ng-repeat-start="item in items track by item.Id" ts-repeat-start>
  <td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected"></td>
  <td>{{ item.Name }}</td>
<tr ng-repeat-end data-ts-repeat-end ng-show="item.selected">
  <td colspan="2">{{ item.Description }}</td>

By default, the sorting will be done as the last operation in the ng-repeat expression. To override this behavior, use an explicit tablesort directive as part of your ng-repeat expression. E.g.

<tr ng-repeat="item in items | limitTo: 10" ts-repeat>

This will first select the first 10 items in items and then sort them. Alternatively, you can insert an explicit tablesort in the pipe:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items | tablesort | limitTo: 10" ts-repeat>

This will first sort the rows according to your specification and then only show the first 10 rows.

If the ng-repeat expression contains a track by statement (which is generally a good idea), that expression will be used to provide a stable sort result.


When changing sorting in the table, an event named tablesort:sortOrder will be emitted which contains an array of all current sorting definitions. These sorting definitions could be used to set up sorted data retrieval when using other directives that handle things like pagination or filtering.

$scope.$on('tablesort:sortOrder', (event, sortOrder) => {
  self.sortOrder = => {
   return `${} ${o.order ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'}`;


All table headings that can be sorted on is styled with css-class tablesort-sortable. The table headings that the table is currently sorted on is styled with tablesort-asc or tablesort-desc classes depending on the sort-direction. A stylesheet is included to show that it works, but you probably want to build your own.

Empty Tables

By default the content for the empty table cell is set to "No Items", however it can be changed via the noDataText configuration option (see below). It is inserted as one <td> spanning all columns and placed inside a <tr class="showIfLast">, which is placed at the top of each table.

The message can be customized for each table by specifying the ts-no-data-text attribute on the same element as the ts-wrapper.

<table ts-wrapper ts-no-data-text="Nothing to see here...">

To disable this feature add the attribute ts-hide-no-data to the ts-repeat row:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ts-repeat ts-hide-no-data>

Configuring Global Options

Several options may be configured globally per-app.

Property Type Default Description
filterTemplate string "" HTML string template for filtering the table. This will be included before the element with ts-wrapper specified on it. See example above.
filterFunction function null A function that will be called for every item being iterated over in the table. This function will be passed the object being iterated over as the first parameter. It should return a boolean value as to include the item or not. (This can be overridden per-table)
itemNameSingular string "item" The default singular version of the name for the items being iterated over. (This can be overridden per-table)
itemNamePlural string itemNameSingular + "s" The default plural version of the name for the items being iterated over. This just appends "s" to the singular name, which should work for most words in English. (This can be overridden per-table)
noDataText string "No " + itemNamePlural The text that displays in the .showIfLast cell shown when a table is empty
paginationTemplate string "" HTML string template for paging the table. This will be included after the element with ts-wrapper specified on it. See example above.
perPageOptions array of number [10, 25, 50, 100] The options for how many items to show on each page of results. (This can be overridden per-table)
perPageDefault number perPageOptions[0] The default number of items for show on each page of results. By default it picks the first item in the perPageOptions array. (This can be overridden per-table)

Here's an example of how to change an option

    .config(['tableSortConfigProvider', function(tableSortConfigProvider){
        tableSortConfigProvider.noDataText = "This table has nothing to show!";

###Filtering & Pagination Templates

By default table filtering & pagination are supported, but not enabled so that you may use any UI and any 3rd party angular code to do these types of things.

To set up these features, you must provide some configuration HTML string templates. These will be the default templates for filtering & pagination for all tables use in the same app unless that feature is specifically disabled on a per-table basis.

Here is an example of one way to set up the templates for an app that uses bootstrap and the Angular-UI Bootstrap pagination directive

    .config(['tableSortConfigProvider', function(tableSortConfigProvider){
        var filterString = "<div class='row'>";
        filterString +=      "<div class='col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-sm-offset-8 col-md-offset-9'>";
        filterString +=        "<div class='form-group has-feedback'>";
        filterString +=          "<input type='search' class='form-control' placeholder='filter {{ITEM_NAME_PLURAL}}' ng-model='FILTER_STRING'/>";
        filterString +=          "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-search form-control-feedback' aria-hidden='true'></span>";
        filterString +=        "</div>";
        filterString +=      "</div>";
        filterString +=    "</div>";
        tableSortConfigProvider.filterTemplate = filterString;

        var pagerString = "<div class='text-right'>";
        pagerString +=      "<small class='text-muted'>Showing {{CURRENT_PAGE_RANGE}} {{FILTERED_COUNT === 0 ? '' : 'of'}} ";
        pagerString +=        "<span ng-if='FILTERED_COUNT === TOTAL_COUNT'>{{TOTAL_COUNT | number}} {{TOTAL_COUNT === 1 ? ITEM_NAME_SINGULAR : ITEM_NAME_PLURAL}}</span>";
        pagerString +=        "<span ng-if='FILTERED_COUNT !== TOTAL_COUNT'>{{FILTERED_COUNT | number}} {{FILTERED_COUNT === 1 ? ITEM_NAME_SINGULAR : ITEM_NAME_PLURAL}} (filtered from {{TOTAL_COUNT | number}})</span>";
        pagerString +=      "</small>&nbsp;";
        pagerString +=      "<uib-pagination style='vertical-align:middle;' ng-if='ITEMS_PER_PAGE < TOTAL_COUNT' ng-model='CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER' ";
        pagerString +=        "total-items='FILTERED_COUNT' items-per-page='ITEMS_PER_PAGE' max-size='5' force-ellipses='true'></uib-pagination>&nbsp;";
        pagerString +=      "<div class='form-group' style='display:inline-block;'>";
        pagerString +=        "<select class='form-control' ng-model='ITEMS_PER_PAGE' ng-options='opt as (opt + \" per page\") for opt in PER_PAGE_OPTIONS'></select>";
        pagerString +=      "</div>";
        pagerString +=    "</div>";
        tableSortConfigProvider.paginationTemplate = pagerString;

There are several tokens that can be used in the templates which will be replaced with the proper Angular expressions.

Token Description
TOTAL_COUNT The number for the total count of items in the table
FILTERED_COUNT The number for the total count of items in the table after the filter has been applied
FILTER_STRING The string used for the ng-model of the text filter
PER_PAGE_OPTIONS The array of numbers for the various page size options
ITEMS_PER_PAGE The number for the selected number of items to display per page (the selected item from PER_PAGE_OPTIONS)
CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER The number for the page that is currently being viewed
CURRENT_PAGE_RANGE The number for the current viewable range of pages
ITEM_NAME_SINGULAR The singular version of the name of the items being iterated over
ITEM_NAME_PLURAL The plural version of the name of the items being iterated over

###Item Names

The name of the things listed in the table can be displayed in the filtering and pagination templates. They are named "items" collectively and "item" individually by default, but this can be customized in the global config, and per-table to be more specific as to what is being listed.

On a table just set the ts-item-name attribute on the same element as ts-wrapper. Set this as the singular version of the word, not the plural.

<table ts-wrapper ts-item-name="product">

The plural version of the word will be automatically generated by adding "s" to the end of the singular word. The above example would produce "product" and "products" This should be fine for many words in English, but in the rare instances where it is not, a ts-item-name-plural attribute may also be specified.

<table ts-wrapper ts-item-name="knife" ts-item-name-plural="knives">

Changing the item name will also update the "no data" display to be "No " + ITEM_NAME_PLURAL unless the globally configured noDataText option is in a format other than the default.

###Table Filtering & Pagination Usage

There are a couple of ways to mark a column as filterable.

One approach is to add the ts-filter attribute to the <th> element. The property specified in the ts-criteria attribute will be used to filter.

   <th ts-filter="Id">Id</th>
   <th ts-criteria="Name|lowercase" ts-default ts-filter>Name</th>
   <th ts-criteria="Price|parseFloat" ts-filter>Price</th>
   <th ts-criteria="Quantity|parseInt" ts-filter>Quantity</th>

NOTE that the ts-filter attribute is not needed if custom filtering using the ts-filter-function attribute.

Another approach is to add the ts-filter-fields attribute to the same element as the ts-wrapper. This attribute takes a comma separated list of all the fields to which the filter should be applied.

<table ts-wrapper ts-filter-fields="Name,Price,Quantity">

####Customized Pagination Options

Set the ts-per-page-options attribute on the same element that tw-wrapper is set on to override the options for the number of items available per page.

Set the ts-per-page-default attribute on the same element that tw-wrapper is set on to override the default number of items available per page.

<table ts-wrapper ts-per-page-options="[5, 10, 15, 30]" ts-per-page-default="15">

If filtering or pagination has been configured globally, but you wish to disable either of these features per table you can set ts-display-filtering="false" and/or ts-display-pagination="false" on the same element as ts-wrapper

<table ts-wrapper ts-display-filtering="false" ts-display-pagination="false">

####Customized Filtering

To have a custom UI for filtering, build the UI around the table however you want and simply provide the ts-filter-function attribute with a function that will return a boolean for the item being iterated over. This attribute must be set on the same element as ts-wrapper

If filtering has been globally configured it is probably a good idea to also set ts-display-filtering="false" NOTE that the ts-filter attribute is not needed for custom filtering.

$ = [
  {id:1, name:"Product A", enabled: false},
  {id:2, name:"Product B", enabled: true},
  {id:3, name:"Product C", enabled: true}
$scope.customFilterValue = "";
$scope.customFilterFn = function(item){
   if($scope.customFilterValue == ""){
       return true;
   } else if($scope.customFilterValue === "false"){
       return !item.enabled
   } else {
       return item.enabled
<select ng-model="customFilterValue">
 <option value="">Show All</option>
 <option value="true">Only Enabled Products</option>
 <option value="false">Only Disabled Products</option>

<table ts-wrapper ts-display-filtering="false" ts-filter-function="customFilterFn">
           <th ts-criteria="id">Id</th>
           <th ts-criteria="name|lowercase" ts-default>Name</th>
           <th ts-criteria="enabled">enabled</th>
       <tr ng-repeat="item in data track by" ts-repeat>

Customized Sorting

It may be useful to customize how a particular column is sorted. For example, if a column can contain numbers and strings, you may want the numbers to be sorted numerically and the strings to be sorted lexicographically. To specify a custom sorting function, add a ts-order-by attribute to your header element:

<th ts-criteria="name" ts-order-by="numbersBeforeStrings">Name</th>

The function specified in the ts-order-by attibute should behave in the same way as a custom comparison function passed to Array.prototype.sort. See MDN for more details.