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Generated python definitions of the protocols used by Blueye underwater drones


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Deprecation notice

Blunux 3.0 introduces a new protocol based on Protobuf messages passed over a ZeroMQ layer. Starting with Blunux 3.1 the old TCP/UDP based protocol will no longer be supported/compatible.


This repository contains a python library that defines how to communicate with the underwater drones made by Blueye Robotics.

The protocol itself is defined in another repository, ProtocolDefinitions, as is stored as a submodule in this repository. The python code in this repository is (mostly) generated from those definitions.

The blueye.protocol package's primary use case is in the blueye.sdk. The SDK implements the necessary "plumbing" to utilize the protocol defined here in blueye.protocol, and will make interacting with the Blueye drones much easier. If you wish to interact with the drones in your own project we recommend using the blueye.sdk package, not blueye.protocol directly.

This package requires Python 3.8 or newer.


pip install blueye.protocol


Dependency/Package management

We use Poetry for dependency/package management, see the Poetry docs for installation instructions.

Code generators

Important: This repository includes generated code. If the protocol definitions are changed the generated files need to be updated and committed. The generators are run with:

invoke generate-udp

invoke generate-tcp

invoke generate-proto


The tests are located in the tests folder, and written using the pytest library.

The tests can be run using invoke (to ensure that the protocol files are updated)

invoke test

or directly using pytest (if you don't want to generate the definitions)


Since bitbake doesn't have support for pyproject.toml files yet, we need to include a file to specify the dependencies needed. There's an invoke task for generating the file that can be run with

invoke generate-setup-py

If you are running MacOS, you need to install gnu-tar

brew install gnu-tar

and then run the follwing line before the invoke command:


Be sure to run this script and commit the file when the dependencies have changed.