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GUI: Paths

Dimitris Panokostas edited this page Jun 12, 2024 · 4 revisions


The Paths panel is where you can configure various paths for Amiberry resources:

  • System ROMs: The Amiga Kickstart files are by default located under kickstarts.

  • Configuration files: These are located under conf by default. This is where your configurations will be stored, but also where Amiberry keeps the special amiberry.conf file, which contains the default settings the emulator uses when it starts up.

  • NVRAM files: where CDTV and CD32 modes will store their NVRAM files. The default location is nvram.

  • Plugins path: where any external libraries that Amiberry can use, are placed. Things like and go here.

  • Screenshots: where any screenshots you save will be stored. By default, that's under screenshots.

  • Save state files: if you use them, will be saved in the specified path here. The default is savestates.

  • Controller files: any custom (user-generated) controller mapping files will be saved in this location. The default is controllers. This location is also used in RetroArch environments (such as RetroPie) to point to the directory containing the controller mappings.

  • RetroArch configuration file (retroarch.cfg): Only useful if you are using RetroArch (e.g. in RetroPie). Amiberry can pick-up the configuration file from the path mentioned here, and load it automatically, applying any mapping specified there. You can ignore this path if you're not using RetroArch.

  • WHDBoot files: The path to Amiberry's WHDBooter files. This is used when utilizing this feature, to boot WHDLoad packages directly.

  • WHDLoad Archives (LHA): The default path to look for WHDLoad archives (.lha). The file requester will open up here by default, but you can of course navigate anywhere else you'd like.

  • Floppies path: The default path to look for floppy image files (e.g. .adf and other formats supported). The file requester will open up here by default, but you can of course navigate anywhere else you'd like.

  • CD-ROMs path: The default path to look for CD image files. The file requester will open up here by default, but you can of course navigate anywhere else you'd like.

  • Hard drives path: The default path to look for Hard drive images or directories. The file requester will open up here by default, but you can of course navigate anywhere else you'd like.

  • Logging: Amiberry has an option to enable logging output to a file, which can be enabled here. When enabled, the path to the file can also be specified below. The default is to save a file named amiberry.log in the directory Amiberry started from. A logfile is useful if you are trying to troubleshoot something, but otherwise this option should be turned off, as it will produce some extra overhead. Please keep in mind that the emulator will need to have permissions to write to the directory you set this to, otherwise no file will be produced.

  • Log to console: You can optionally choose to output the log directly to the console, instead of a file. This can be useful in some situations. This option can also be enabled from the command line (using --log), but cannot be saved as part of a config file. It has to be manually enabled if you require it.

Also in this panel, there are a few buttons available:

  • Rescan Paths: this will rescan the paths specified above and refresh the local cache. This should be done if you added kickstart ROMs for example, in order for Amiberry to pick them up. This button will also regenerate the amiberry.conf file, if it's missing. If the file was not there, it will be populated with the default values.

  • Update WHDLoad XML: this button will attempt to download the latest XML used for the WHDLoad-booter functionality of Amiberry. It requires an internet connection to work, obviously. The file will be stored in the default location (whdboot/game-data/whdload_db.xml. Once the file is downloaded, you will also get a dialog box informing you about the details.

  • Update Controllers DB: this button will attempt to download the latest version of the bundled gamecontrollerdb.txt file, which is stored in the Configuration files path. The file contains the "official" mappings for recognized controllers by SDL2 itself. Please note that this is separate from the user-configurable gamecontrollerdb_user.txt file, which is contained in the Controllers path. That file is never overwritten, and it will be loaded after the official one, so any entries contained there will take higher priority.

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