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test_v1, test_v2, test_v3 folders in zip format contains the HTML and PHP files connecting to the MySQL database.

test_v1: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- created on 25/04/2024 Explained the functionalities of one Block containing 8 toggle Switchs, storing values in MySQL DB.

test_v2: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- created on 26/04/2024 Explained the functionalities of 25 Blocks containing 200 Toggle-Switchs with Status value 0 or 1 and stores in MySQL DB. test_v2 is the extension of test_v1.

Note: edit the 'name' and 'password' of the database, in the PHP files, as per your configurations.

DataBase Name: smarttrafficms Table Name: sensordatatoggle;

in my program.

traffic_v2.html # remove _v2 from the file name for working properly, origianl file name is traffic.html only. update_status_v2.php # remove _v2 from the file name for working properly, origianl file name is update_status.php only.

test_v3: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- created on 27/04/2024 Values from DB is fetched and processed to display in a webpage. One Intersection having 8 sensors, if the number of sensors in one intersection is in the below mentioned range, color change occurs in the intersection, providing how dense the intersection is. 0, 1, 2 - Green // if only 0 or 1 or 2 sensor is active in an intersection, the intersection is shown as Green. 3, 4, 5 - Yellow // if 3 or 4 or 5 sensor is active in an intersection, the intersection is shown as Yellow. 6, 7, 8 - Red // if 6 or 7 or 8 sensor is active in an intersection, the intersection is shown as Red.

This displays in a web-page, mentioned as RTTM (Real Time Traffic Map) RTTM_traffic.php

DataBase Name: smarttrafficms Table Names: sensordatatoggle, intersections


Intelligent traffic Light Control with other features






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