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Parameter Setting

Ben edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 1 revision

open the document 📄 config.js in the folder 📁 .vuepress with the VS Code editor to configure the page parameters (according to the // comment)

const { path } = require('@vuepress/utils')

module.exports = {
  open: true,
  lang: 'zh-CN',
  // the value of the attribute base is "/repo/", which is the name of the Github repository that you want to deploy your blog
  // For example, if I deploy my website to the repository, the url means my Github username is Benbinbin, and the repository name is Collection, so the value of the attribute base should be "/Collection/"
  // if deploy to the special Github repository: (where username is your Github username), the value of the attribute base should be "/" (or ignore this attribute, as the default value is "/")
  base: "/repo/", 
  // the attribute title is the title of the site and shows at the browser tab
  title: "Blog",
  // The attribute description is used to be recognized by search engines
  description: 'A blog shows some of the notes I took while learning skills.',
  head: [
    // The following setting is used to set the site icon, which shows to the left of the browser tab
    // The "repo" in the value of attribute href, should be set to the name of the repository hold this blog, for example if I deploy the blog to the repository, the value of the attribute href should be '/Collection/images/favicon.ico'
   	// If deploy the site to the special Github repository, the value of the attribute href should be '/images/favicon.ico'
    // The template already has a built-in icon file, if you need to change it please place the new icon file favicon.ico in the static resources folder public, to overwrite the original icon file
    ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/repo/images/favicon.ico' }],
    ['link', { rel: 'stylesheet', href: '' }],
  bundler: '@vuepress/vite',
  bundlerConfig: {
    viteOptions: {
      css: {
        postcss: {
            plugins: [
  plugins: [
      // the attribute cards is used to set the home page theme card
      // the value is an array, each element corresponds to a theme, which are the next level of subfolders contained in the folder docs
      // each element has two attributes, name and image, which indicate the name of the card theme (which is the same as the folder name) and the card background image file respectively
      // for example, in the template there are folders folder1 and folder2, and the card background images are folder1-cover.svg and folder2-cover.svg respectively
      // remember to place the card background image files in images/home, a subfolder of the static resource folder public
      cards: [
          name: "Folder1",
          image: "folder1-cover.svg"
          name: "Folder2",
          image: "folder2-cover.svg"
      // the attribute postClassification refers to the theme of the blog posts, used in the blog posts navigation page
      // the value is an array, where each element corresponds to a theme, which are the next level of subfolders contained in the folder docs
      // for example, in the template there are two folders, folder1 and folder2, which contain many markdown files created by the user
      postClassifications: ['folder1', 'folder2']
      // the attribute postFolders refers to the theme of the notes, it is similar to the attribute postClassification, generally the two attributes have the same value, because they share the same markdown files system (two dishes one fish)
      // its value is an array, where each element corresponds to a theme, which are the next level of subfolders contained in the folder docs
      // for example, the template contains two folders, folder1 and folder2, which are the folders containing the markdown files
      postFolders: ['folder1', 'folder2']
  theme: path.resolve(__dirname, './theme/index.js'),
  themeConfig: {
    navbar: false,
    sidebar: false,
    contributors: false,
    lastUpdatedText: '更新时间',
    themePlugins: {
      backToTop: false,
      nprogress: false,
  markdown: {
    links: {
      externalIcon: false
  extendsMarkdown: (md) => {
    md.use(require('@neilsustc/markdown-it-katex'), {output: 'html'})
  // there are a number of attributes in define, which are related to the previous settings, these are global variables set for development purposes, please change them accordingly
  define: {
    // The attribute __BASE__ is the same as the previous attribute base, set to "/" if deploying to the special Github repository (it can't be omitted)
    __BASE__: "/repo/",
    // the value of the attribute __HOME_PAGE_TITLE__ refers to the title of the home page
    __HOME_PAGE_TITLE__: "Blog",
    // the value of the attribute __HOME_PAGE_ICON__ refers to the header of the home page and the icon file in the split line below it, remember to place the icon file in images/home, a subfolder of the static resource folder public
    __HOME_PAGE_ICON__: "home_icon.svg",
    // the value of the attribute __HOME_DESCRIPTION__ refers to the description below the title of the home page, which supports both plain text and HTML
    __HOME_DESCRIPTION__: "我是 Ben,这是我的部落格和知识管理系统。",
    // the value of the attribute __HOME_PAGE_COLOR__ refers to the colour of the home page
    __HOME_PAGE_COLOR__: '#9CA3AF',
    // the value of the attribute __AVATAR__ is the name of the image file for the header image displayed in the navbar and the page footer, please remember to place this image file in the static resource folder public
    __AVATAR__: 'avatar.png',
    // the attribute __CLASSIFICATIONS__ is used to generate the navbar items of the blog posts navigation page
    // the value is an array, similar to the previous attribute postClassifications, but with the addition of an element 'All', so that a navigation page can be added to show all blog posts
    __CLASSIFICATIONS__: ['All', 'Folder1', 'Folder2'],
    // the property __FOLDERS__ is used to generate the navbar items of the notes navigation page
    // the value is an array, similar to the previous attribute postFolders
    __FOLDERS__: ['Folder1', 'Folder2'],
    // the value of the attribute __FOOTER_AVATAR_LINK__ is the link to be opened when the page footer image be clicked, you can set as your portfolio page url
    // the value of the attribute __AUTHOR__ refers to the owner of the license rights to the website articles, it will show on the page footer
    __AUTHOR__: 'Benbinbin',
    // the value of the attribute __FOOTER_LICENSE__ refers to the license of the website articles, it will show on the page footer, by default CC-BY-SA-4.0
    __FOOTER_LICENSE__: 'CC-BY-SA-4.0',
    // the value of the attribute __FOOTER_LICENSE_LINK__ refers to the link of the license
    // the attribute __SOCIAL_MEDIA__ is used to generate the social media icon at the end of the page
    // the value is an array, each of which contains some information about a social media account, you can add or remove some of them
    // each element contains 3 attributes
    // the attribute name is the name of the social media, which should be unique string in the array
    // the attribute logo is the image file of the icon displayed at the page footer, please remember to place this icon file in the subfolder images/icons of the static resources folder public, there are 6 social media icons by default
    // the url attribute is the link to the social media to be accessed by clicking on the icon
    // if the social media is an email account, the url is prefixed with mailto: and followed by the email address
    __SOCIAL_MEDIA__: [
        name: 'email',
        logo: 'email.svg',
        url: 'mailto:[example]'
        name: 'github',
        logo: 'github.svg',
        url: '[username]'
        name: 'juejin',
        logo: 'juejin.svg',
        url: '[userid]/posts'
        name: 'dribbble',
        logo: 'dribbble.svg',
        url: '[username]'
        name: 'twitter',
        logo: 'twitter.svg',
        url: '[username]'
        name: 'weibo',
        logo: 'weibo.svg',
        url: '[username]'