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Babylon.js Guide Generator of An Unofficial documentation website

Welcome on the repository of the unofficial documentation of Babylon.js.

This is use to generate the files for the actual guide site.


Before beginning, please be sure to have these packages installed:

Fork and Clone Repository

First Step

  • npm install to install all dependencies
  • npm install -g grunt-cli

Edit a File

  1. Head to content folder. All markdown files are located in this folder.
  2. Edit markdown according to your need

New file

  1. Add pages in content in correct directy
  2. Update statics.jjson in data directory

statics.json structure

The arrays are mandatory, when displayed, object's order is kept.

Here is how the object is structured:

    "Directory Name": [                    // Mandatory
        {                                  // This object represents a folder inside the tutorials folder 
          "title": "title displayed",      // The title displayed in the list of folders 
          "name": "foldername",            // The folder name with no spaces, no special chars except underscores
          "desc": "my great tutos serie",  // This is the description of the folder, don't make it too long :)
          "files": [                       // This is the list of files inside your folder
                "title":'tuto title',      // The title displayed in the list of tutorials 
                "filename":'tuto title',   // The file name with no spaces, no special chars except underscores, and no extension

Generate files for website

grunt build to rebuild html from markdown.

Transfer files

Fork and clone

In Generator directory find the Public directory and then the HTML directory copy the files from HTML directory into the Babylon Guide Directory push to your repository and send PR


Will Generate the HTML pages for the Guide






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