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Lightning-fast and Zero Allocation Tween Library for Unity.




LitMotion is a high-performance tween library for Unity. LitMotion includes a rich set of features for animating components such as Transform, Material, TextMeshPro, and any field/property, making it easy to create animations.

LitMotion is my second tween library I created after Magic Tween. LitMotion was designed based on experience implementing Magic Tween to achieve rich functionality and extremely high performance. In all situations such as creating and updating tweens, it exhibits overwhelming performance that is 2 to 20 times faster than other tween libraries. Of course, there is no allocation at all when creating a tween.


The full version of documentation can be found here.


  • Animate anything in one line of code.
  • Achieves zero allocations due to its struct-based design.
  • Highly optimized using DOTS (Data-Oriented Technology Stack).
  • Works in both runtime and editor.
  • Provides a rich set of schedulers, allowing you to specify the PlayerLoop to execute.
  • Apply complex settings like easing and looping.
  • Wait for completion via callbacks/coroutines.
  • Zero allocation string animation with FixedString and TextMeshPro
  • Character animation for TextMeshPro text.
  • Motion Tracker Window for monitoring motions in progress.
  • Convert to Observables using UniRx.
  • Convert to Observables using R3.
  • Supports async/await via UniTask.
  • Extend types using IMotionOptions and IMotionAdapter.



  • Unity 2021.3 or later
  • Burst 1.6.0 or later
  • Collection 1.5.1 or later
  • Mathematics 1.0.0 or later


  1. Open Package Manager from Window > Package Manager.
  2. Click the "+" button > Add package from git URL.
  3. Enter the following URL:

Alternatively, open Packages/manifest.json and add the following to the dependencies block:

    "dependencies": {
        "com.annulusgames.lit-motion": ""

Getting Started

Using LitMotion allows easy animation of values such as Transform and Material. To create motion, use LMotion.Create().

Here's a sample code. Refer to the documentation for more details.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
using UniRx; // UniRx
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks; // UniTask
using LitMotion;
using LitMotion.Extensions;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] Transform target1;
    [SerializeField] Transform target2;
    [SerializeField] TMP_Text tmpText;

    void Start()
        LMotion.Create(,, 2f) // Animate values from (0f, 0f, 0f) to (1f, 1f, 1f) over 2 seconds
            .BindToPosition(target1); // Bind to target1.position

        LMotion.Create(0f, 10f, 2f) // Animate from 0f to 10f over 2 seconds
            .WithEase(Ease.OutQuad) // Specify easing function
            .WithLoops(2, LoopType.Yoyo) // Specify loop count and type
            .WithDelay(0.2f) // Set delay
            .BindToUnityLogger(); // Bind to Debug.unityLogger and display values in Console on update

        var value = 0f;
        LMotion.Create(0f, 10f, 2f) // Animate from 0f to 10f over 2 seconds
            .WithScheduler(MotionScheduler.FixedUpdate) // Specify execution timing with Scheduler
            .WithOnComplete(() => Debug.Log("Complete!")) // Set a callback
            .WithCancelOnError() // Cancel motion if an exception occurs within Bind
            .Bind(x => value = x) // Bind to any variable, field, or property
            .AddTo(gameObject); // Cancel motion when the GameObject is destroyed
        LMotion.String.Create128Bytes("", "<color=red>Zero</color> Allocation <i>Text</i> Tween! <b>Foooooo!!</b>", 5f)
            .WithRichText() // Enable RichText tags
            .WithScrambleChars(ScrambleMode.All) // Fill unseen parts with random characters
            .BindToText(tmpText); // Bind to TMP_Text (update text with zero allocation without generating strings)

        LMotion.Punch.Create(0f, 5f, 2f) // Create a Punch motion (regular damping oscillation)
            .WithFrequency(20) // Specify oscillation count
            .WithDampingRatio(0f) // Specify damping ratio
            .BindToPositionX(target2); // Bind to transform.position.x

        // Control created motions via the `MotionHandle` struct
        var handle = LMotion.Create(0f, 1f, 2f).RunWithoutBinding();

        if (handle.IsActive()) // Returns true if the motion is playing
            handle.Cancel(); // Cancel the motion
            handle.Complete(); // Complete the motion
    // Animate TMP_Text characters
    void TMPCharMotionExample()
        // Get the number of characters from TMP_Text.textInfo.characterCount
        for (int i = 0; i < text.textInfo.characterCount; i++)
            LMotion.Create(Color.white,, 1f)
                .WithDelay(i * 0.1f)
                .BindToTMPCharColor(text, i); // Bind to the i-th character

            LMotion.Punch.Create(, Vector3.up * 30f, 1f)
                .WithDelay(i * 0.1f)
                .BindToTMPCharPosition(text, i);

    // Coroutine support
    IEnumerator CoroutineExample()
        var handle = LMotion.Create(0f, 1f, 2f).BindToUnityLogger();
        yield return handle.ToYieldInteraction(); // Wait for completion in a coroutine

    // async/await using UniTask
    async UniTask AsyncAwaitExample(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var handle = LMotion.Create(0f, 1f, 2f).BindToUnityLogger();
        await handle; // Await MotionHandle directly
        await handle.ToUniTask(cancellationToken); // Await with passing CancellationToken

    // Convert to IObservable<T> using UniRx
    void RxExample()
        LMotion.Create(0f, 1f, 2f)
            .ToObservable() // Create motion as IObservable<T>
            .Where(x => x > 0.5f) // Utilize UniRx operators
            .Select(x => x.ToString())
            .Subscribe(x =>
                tmpText.text = x;

Motion Tracker

You can track all active motions using the Motion Tracker Window.

For more details, please refer to Motion Tracker.


Here are the benchmark results. The benchmark source code can be found in this repository.

Tween 64,000 float properties



Tween 50,000 transform.position



GC Allocation (per position tween creation)


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MIT License