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Installations ScriptCase - v7 v8 v9 Chrome WebStore Firefox

ScriptCase Tools

A browser extension to make working with ScriptCase simpler and even more productive.

ScriptCase Tools


Google Chrome

Quick Installation

Go to Chrome Web Store to install the release version.

Manual Installation (latest/development version)

  1. Download the source code at
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Navigate to chrome://extensions
  4. Ensure the checkbox labeled Developer mode is enabled
  5. Click "Load unpacked extension..." and select the "source" folder inside the (unzipped) folder


Review, signing, and distributing policies are different at Firefox's "webstore" (AMO). All extensions are manually reviewed by employers (or some volunteers), thus making the publishing process extremely slow: everytime an extension is submitted, whether the very first or a new version, it goes to the end of the reviewing queue.

It took 19 days to receive a response for the first publishing attempt:
Does this add-on only work with paid software?
In this case, we need to ask you to switch your add-on to 'unlisted' (=selfhosted) as the add-on requires a payment for it to be useful.
For more information, see: - Require payment to use core add-on features (upfront or after trial)

That means an extension can't be published (listed) in Firefox's "webstore" if it works together with a paid software, and although the add-on is digitally signed by Firefox's webstore, the file must be hosted by the owner/author. And because ScriptCase Tools is an extension intented to be used with ScriptCase, which is a paid software, it was not accepted as a listed add-on.

That is why there's not an official link in Firefox's webstore for ScriptCase Tools and it must be manually downloaded, which is very simple:

  1. Download the compiled and signed file at
  2. Drag it into Firefox window
  3. Wait for the confirmation popup and then click on the "Install" button

ScriptCase Support

  • ScriptCase v7
  • ScriptCase v8
  • ScriptCase v9

Other ScriptCase versions might work correctly, but were not tested.

Any problem with ScriptCase Tools in the above Scriptcases environment should be reported as a bug in our issue tracker or as a message to

Why was ScriptCase Tools built?

If you often use ScriptCase to develop your applications, you've probably noticed that its development environment lacks some basic functionalities (e.g., no shortcut keys, not restoring last cursor position), while others could be improved (e.g., code editor, main menu sensitivity).

Even though some users have pointed out some of the problems on ScriptCase official forum, those improvements haven't been made yet.

This browser extension was created to fulfill these gaps.

How does it work?

Because ScriptCase doesn't provide a public API, hacking into its JavaScript/HTML/CSS code was the (only) way to go. And because of that, this extension heavily depends on ScriptCase's code and structure (e.g., specifics JavaScript functions, the DOM structure, some elements with specific ID/class name).



If you are working on a new feature, please create an issue for the feature you’re working on so that we can all avoid duplicating effort. When your new feature (or fix) is ready, submit a pull request and/or attach a patch to your issue.

Legal and License

This project is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Netmake Soluções em Informática.

Licensed under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE for more information.



  • Adjust when checking ScriptCase's version


  • Extension is disabled for ScriptCase >= v9


  • Extension is disabled for ScriptCase >= v9.0.43


  • Improve the algorithm to identify the event which is being edited
  • Adjust the width of the extension's popup
  • Extension is disabled for ScriptCase > v9.0.43


  • New option "Tab shortcuts" to switch between open tabs in ScriptCase, i.e., applications being edited (left ALT + number)
  • Fix an issue which sometimes caused the new editor not to load properly


  • Fix an issue which prevented the option "Parameters(Fields)" to be shown when editing an ajax event (thank you Enrico!)
  • New option "App Selection" which allows you to quickly select specific applications (e.g. all outdated applications), and also save/restore a selection


  • Add full compatibility with ScriptCase 9


  • New features for the (new) code editor:
  • New option to change settings for the new editor ("Preferences")
  • Fix an issue which sometimes caused macro documentation not to get the selected text
  • Fix an issue with the Save command for buttons of type "Run"


  • Fix an issue which caused a warning message (string.split) to show on developer console


  • Performance improvement for the new editor to work with large content
  • Fix an issue with Firefox which caused an warning message to show on developer console


  • Change how the Install Id is synchronized with Firebase


  • Fix a problem that caused the field to select the event 'OnRecord/OnFinish' to be hidden when editing a 'Run' button
  • Change alert messages to use the modal module


  • Fix: users reported that the editor was not visible in some versions of Firefox. The error was caused by the code NodeList.forEach because this function doesn't exist in some releases of Firefox


  • Install Id and Uninstall survey


  • Add email field in feedback form


  • Release for Firefox


  • Fix a problem that caused the new editor in "Templates HTML" page (app_template.php) not restore sublime marks/fold/cursor when navigating through the left menu (templates)


  • New option to prevent ScriptCase session from timing out
  • Now you can select a text (macro) on editor and press the shortcut key to open its documentation (default shortcut key is F1);
  • New feedback form in the popup/settings box


  • 'Internal libraries' and 'Templates HTML' also restore last cursor and scroll position
  • New option to always restore last settings used to deploy
  • New option to switch ScriptCase's default code editor to a newer and more complete version of CodeMirror:
    • Sublime Text-based shortcut keys (e.g., jump to line, selext next/all occurrences, duplicate line, etc)
    • New special theme 'Sublime Text (Detailed)', which shows invisible characters (tab and white spaces);
    • Highlight on editor and scrollbar all occurrences of the selected word/text
    • Possibility to add bookmarks/breakpoints in your code (Ctrl+F1/Alt+F1)
    • Possibility to fold/unfold code blocks (Ctrl+Q)
    • Autocomplete for PHP functions
    • Autocomplete for any word found within the editor
    • Highlight the starting and ending brackets (), {} and [] when cursor touches it


  • Fix: When code editor was not found within a page, a JS exception was thrown, caused by how the verification was made


  • New option to disable word/line wrapping in code editor (in SC v8, line wrapping was always on)


  • Option to change ScriptCase's main menu default behavior from "open when hover" to "open when click"
  • Option to make code editor's fullscreen mode collapse both left and right columns (not possible before SC v8)
  • Option to set cursor and scroll back to its last known position on code editor after saving/generating/running an application and when navigating through ScriptCase's pages (e.g., events, applications settings)
  • Option so set cursor and scroll back to its last known position on code editor when an application tab is clicked (application tab = 'Home' or your application)
  • New shortcuts keys:
    • F1 => Show documentation (macros)
    • F2 => Save current application (same as the save button in the toolbar)
    • F7 => Give focus to code editor
    • F8 => Generate source code for current application (same as the generate source code button in the toolbar)
    • F9 => Run current application (same as the run button in the toolbar, i.e. save, generate, and then run)
    • F11 => Toggle code editor's fullscreen mode