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To integrate TMaps into your Android Studio project, add it to your project:

  1. Create folder named tmapswww
  2. Download and Unzip map package inside tmapswww (Request map package from Tagipedia Team)
  3. Read our sample for examples

How it works

it works using dispatch actions between your APP and TMaps. So your APP dispatch actions to TMaps and TMaps dispatch actions to your APP.


IMPORTANT: You should inject this script into webview because it is called from TMap when TMap need to reload webview. if you don't inject it webview will not reloaded.

mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new JavascriptInterface(){
      public void reload() {
          runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.reload(); } });
String tbString = "window.__reload__ = function(){__tmaps_bridge__.reload();};";

TMaps actions dispatched to Your APP

dispatched when TMaps ready to receive dispatches from Your APP. So you should not dispatch any action before TMaps get ready.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
   put("type", "READY");

dispatched when map loaded and visible to user.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
   put("type", "MAP_LOADED");

Features tapped

dispatched when features in map tapped.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
   put("type", "FEATURES_TAPPED");
   put("features", features);

    Required List with Map, each Map with id, properties keys

Associated feature tapped

dispatched when features in map tapped with the top feature visible to user.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
   put("feature_id", feature_id);
   put("feature", feature);

    Required String with valid feature id

    Required Map with id, properties keys

Category marked

dispatched when select category in map

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
   put("type", "CATEGORY_MARKED");
   put("category", category);

    Required valid String category


dispatched when error happened in TMaps

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
   put("type", "ERROR");
   put("error", error);

    Required Map with stack key and String value

Feature marked

dispatched after MARK_FEATURE ended

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "FEATURE_MARKED");
  put("feature_id", feature_id);

    Required String with valid feature id

dispatched after HIGHLIGHT_FEATURE ended

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "FEATURE_HIGHLIGHTED");
  put("feature_id", feature_id);

    Required String with valid feature id

dispatched after SET_ZOOM ended

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "ZOOM_ENDED");

dispatched after SET_CENTER ended

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "CENTER_ENDED");

dispatched after any event happened in TMaps. Your app can send analytics after receive this action.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Maps");
  put("event_action", "Loaded");
  put("event_label", map_name);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Features");
  put("event_action", "Tapped");
  put("event_label", feature_display_name);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("feature_id", feature_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Features");
  put("event_action", "Highlighted");
  put("event_label", feature_display_name);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("feature_id", feature_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Features");
  put("event_action", "Searched");
  put("event_label", feature_display_name);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("feature_id", feature_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Categories");
  put("event_action", "Highlighted");
  put("event_label", category);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Categories");
  put("event_action", "Searched");
  put("event_label", category);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Routes");
  put("event_action", "Routed");
  put("event_label", source_display_name => target_display_name);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("source_feature_id", source_feature_id);
      put("target_feature_id", target_feature_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Buildings");
  put("event_action", "Tapped");
  put("event_label", building_name);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("building_id", building_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Buildings");
  put("event_action", "Opened");
  put("event_label", building_name);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("building_id", building_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "Floors");
  put("event_action", "Opened");
  put("event_label", floor_label);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("layer_id", layer_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "RenderModes");
  put("event_action", "Changed");
  put("event_label", render_mode);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "LocationUpdated");
  put("event_action", "Gps");
  put("event_label", latitude/longitude);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("lat", latitude);
      put("lng", longitude);
new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "EVENT_LOGGED");
  put("event_category", "LocationUpdated");
  put("event_action", "Beacon");
  put("event_label", latitude/longitude);
  put("fields_object", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
      put("map_id", map_id);
      put("lat", latitude);
      put("lng", longitude);

dispatched after Tapped GPS Button in TMaps. You Should turn on Location Service and then dispatch Start to begin updating location

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "CHECK_GPS_AVAILABILITY");

dispatched after Tapped Beacon Location Button in TMaps. You Should turn on Bluetooth Service and then dispatch Start to begin updating location

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{

dispatched after starting updating beacon location in TMaps. You Should start or stop beacon manager according to beacon manager state. if beacon manager state is true you shoud start beacon manager then dispatch the new position to TMaps to update user location

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{

    Required boolean beacon manager state

dispatch it to set tenants of map.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "SET_TENANT_DATA");
  put("payload", tenants_json);

    Required List with Map, each Map with id, feature_id, name, booth_id, icon, CUSTOM_KEYS_YOU_NEED keys

dispatch it to change default feature popup template.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("template", template);
  put("template_custom_data", templateCustomData);

    Required valid String angular template with PopupScope

    Optional Map with CUSTOM_KEYS_YOU_NEED keys and String, Number, List, Map values
template custom data of keys that you want to use from customData in PopupScope

Set theme

dispatch it to change theme of map.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("primary", primary_color);
  put("accent", accent_color);

    Optional valid String color

    Optional valid String color

Load map

dispatch it to load map.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "LOAD_MAP");
  put("map_id", map_id);
  put("theme", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
     put("primary", primary_color);
     put("accent", accent_color);
  put("center", Arrays.asList(lng, lat));
  put("zoom", zoom);

    Required String

    Optional Map with primary, accent keys and valid String color values theme used for colors such as buttons and loading

    Optional List of Numbers Default map center in longitude and latitude

    Optional Number Default zoom level

Change render mode

dispatch it to change render mode.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "CHANGE_RENDER_MODE");
  put("modeToRender", modeToRender);

    modeToRender     Required String with 2D, 3D

Set zoom

dispatch it to change zoom of map.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "SET_ZOOM");
  put("zoom", zoom);
  put("zoom_type", zoom_type);

    zoom     Required Number

    zoom_type     Optional String with FLY_TO

Set center

dispatch it to change center of map.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "SET_CENTER");
  put("center", Arrays.asList(lng, lat));

    center     Required List of Numbers Default map center in longitude and latitude

dispatch it to highlight feature.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "HIGHLIGHT_FEATURE");
  put("feature_id", feature_id);

    feature_id     Required String with valid feature id

Mark feature

dispatch it to mark feature.

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "MARK_FEATURE");
  put("feature_id", feature_id);

    feature_id     Required String with valid feature id

Show GPS Button

dispatch it after Map Loaded to show GPS button

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "ENABLE_GPS_BUTTON");

Don't forget to add permissions to AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_GPS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_ASSISTED_GPS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

** Follow our samples **

dispatch it after check location service to start updating user location and showing nearest places to user

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("is_gps_activated", is_gps_activated);

    is_gps_activated     Required boolean

Show Beacon Location Button

dispatch it after Map Loaded to show Beacon Location button

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{

dispatch it after check beacon location service to start updating user location and showing nearest places to user

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("is_beacon_location_activated", is_beacon_location_activated);

    is_beacon_location_activated     Required boolean

dispatch it after beacon location service started to update user location and showing nearest places to user

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "SET_USER_BEACON_LOCATION");
  put("x", x);
  put("y", y);
  put("origin_lat", origin_lat);
  put("origin_lng", origin_lng);

    x     Required Number
    y     Required Number
    origin_lat     Required Number
    origin_lng     Required Number

dispatch it to set device id and device type

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("type", "SET_DEVICE_DATA");
  put("device_id", device_id);
  put("device_type", "ANDROID");

    device_id     Required String

    device_type     Required String with ANDROID

dispatch it to set client id and client secret

new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
  put("client_id", client_id);
  put("client_secret", client_secret);

    client_id     Required String

    client_secret     Required String



current feature


    poi     Required poi


Boolean to check if routing is enabled



method to show routing dialog.

showRoutingDialog($event, data)

    $event     Required $event

    data     Optional Object with from, to keys and poi value


method to call Angular $apply


    callback     Required Function

custom data object that have all keys of template_custom_data


    key     Required with valid key from template_custom_data


method to dispatch action from your APP to TMaps.


    action     Required Object with valid action

method to dispatch action from TMaps to your APP.


    action     Required Object with type, CUSTOM_KEYS_YOU_NEED keys.
type is String value.
CUSTOM_KEYS_YOU_NEED is any of String, Number, List, Map values.


method to close feature popup



id of feature


category of feature



tags of feature



tenant of feature you set in SET_TENANT_DATA


tenant name of feature you set in SET_TENANT_DATA


tenant icon of feature you set in SET_TENANT_DATA


tenant booth_id of feature you set in SET_TENANT_DATA



getTenantName or feature name



check if tenant or feature have name.



check if feature is building.



getTenantIcon or feature icon



getTenantBoothId or feature booth id


Advanced Scenrios (Look at sample for implementation of scenrios)

Highlight initial feature

if you dispatch SET_ZOOM/SET_CENTER

you should dispatch HIGHLIGHT_FEATURE for initial feature after ZOOM_ENDED/CENTER_ENDED

if you don't dispatch SET_ZOOM/SET_CENTER

you should dispatch HIGHLIGHT_FEATURE for initial feature after MAP_LOADED

Add custom buttons inside feature popup template

you should dispatch SET_DEFAULT_FEATURE_POPUP_TEMPLATE for your customized template and add your custom buttons and use dispatchToContainer when button clicked to handle the click action in your APP.


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