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Paul Rey edited this page Jan 23, 2024 · 6 revisions

The image module displays an image from a path.


Addressed by image

option typeof default description
path string The absolute path to the image
exec string The path to the script, which should return image path file. It will only execute if the path is not set
size integer The width/height to render the image
interval integer The interval (in seconds) in which the information gets polled
signal integer The signal number used to update the module. The number is valid between 1 and N, where SIGRTMIN+N = SIGRTMAX.
on-click string Command to execute when clicked on the module.
on-click-middle string Command to execute when you middle clicked on the module using mousewheel.
on-click-right string Command to execute when you right clicked on the module.
on-update string Command to execute when the module is updated.
on-scroll-up string Command to execute when scrolling up on the module.
on-scroll-down string Command to execute when scrolling down on the module.
smooth-scrolling-threshold double Threshold to be used when scrolling.
tooltip bool true Option to enable tooltip on hover.

Script Output

Similar to the custom module, output values of the script is newline separated. The following is the output format:



"image#album-art": {
	"path": "/tmp/mpd_art",
	"size": 32,
	"interval": 5,
	"on-click": "mpc toggle"

Example with exec

"image/album-art": {
     "size": 32,
     "interval": 30,  


album_art=$(playerctl -p spotify metadata mpris:artUrl)
if [[ -z $album_art ]] 
   # spotify is dead, we should die too.
curl -s  "${album_art}" --output "/tmp/cover.jpeg"
echo "/tmp/cover.jpeg"


  • #image
  • #image.empty
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