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a Geant4 framework for simulating the JLab sFF experiment

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sFFG4MC: a Geant4 framework for simulating the JLab sFF experiment
(developed and tested with Geant4.10.4 and root6.22 on centos7)

Scattering chamber, exit beamline and target modified from original NPS simulation:

Default geometry:
Target is 10cm LH2
No scattering chamber or exit beamline
(when included. scattering chamber window thickness is 0.05 cm)
Earm is an array of 2 x 2 x 20 cm3 PbW04 blocks in a ring (1200 total)
Earm is at 15.5 degrees and a distance of 291 cm (to front face)
Harm has a 1 cm thick lead shield
Harm is an array of 15 x 15 x 101.2 cm3 scint-Fe blocks (288 total)
Harm blocks are 44 pairs of plastic scintillator (10mm) and iron (13mm)
Harm is at 42.5 degrees and a distance of 376 cm (to front face)
Hodoscope is an plastic scintillator array of 3 x 3 x 10 cm3 detectors (7200 total)
Harm has a 5 cm thick lead shield

Default units: MeV, cm, ns


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ (or cmake3 ../ on some systems)
make -jX (X specifies number of cores to use)

Running the simulation in visualisation mode

then in the gui: 
/control/execute macros/vis_beam.mac 
or /control/execute macros/vis_root.mac 

Running the simulation in batch mode

./sFFG4MC macros/batch_beam.mac 
./sFFG4MC macros/batch_root.mac 

DetectorConstruction options (always call update following any changes)

Set an integer flag for whether to include scattering chamber and beamline (0 or 1)

Update the detector geometry with changed values
Must be run before beamOn if detector has been changed  

PhysicsList options (always call in macro before /run/initialize)

Add physics list (standard_opt3, QGSP_BIC_EMY, QGSP_BIS_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP, FTFP_BERT_HP)

Generator options

Set the mode of the generator (0 for BEAM or 1 for ROOT)

BEAM mode using geant4 gps to generate a 6.6 GeV electron beam with a 2x2mm raster.
ROOT mode requires a root file with a tree called TGen, which contains branches:

	Nparticles	-- number of primary particles in this event
	weight		-- event weight (for consistency this should be per uA beam current)
	flag		-- an integer to represent generator (reaction) type, ie elastic=1
	vx[Nparticles]	-- vertex position vector (cm)
	px[Nparticles]	-- momentum 3-vector (MeV/c)
	E[Nparticles]	-- energy in MeV
	pdg[Nparticles]	-- pdg code

Set the number of primary events to be generated

Set the full name and path of the file with the input ROOT ntuple (in ROOT mode)  

OutputManager options

Set the full name and path of the output file

The output tree is called TOut and has the following branches:
	Event_weight	-- event weight (for consistency this should be per uA beam current)
	Event_flag	-- an integer to represent generator (reaction) type, ie elastic=1
	Primary_Nhits	-- number of primary particles in this event
	Primary_*[]	-- arrays of primary variables, including pdg, energy, position, direction
	Virtual_Nhits	-- number of virtual detector hits in this event
	Virtual_*[]	-- arrays of virtual hit variables, including pdg, energy, position, direction,
			   particle vertex, time, track id, mother track id and detector id variables:
				Virtual_det[] -- which detector (0 for Earm, 1 for harm, 2 for hodoscope)
				Virtual_row[] -- which row (0-239 Earm, 0-95 harm, 0-479 hodoscope)
				Virtual_col[] -- which col (0-5 Earm, 0-3 harm, 0-15 hodoscope)
	Real_Nhits	-- number of real detector hits in this event
	Real_*[]	-- arrays of real hit variables, including energy deposit, position, time,
			   and detector id variables:
				Real_det[] -- which detector (0 for Earm, 1 for harm, 2 for hodoscope)
				Real_row[] -- which row (0-239 Earm, 0-95 harm, 0-479 hodoscope)
				Real_col[] -- which col (0-5 Earm, 0-3 harm, 0-15 hodoscope)


a Geant4 framework for simulating the JLab sFF experiment






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