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Deep Graph Clustering

Survey Paper Conference
An Overview of Advanced Deep Graph Node Clustering TCSS 2023
A Survey of Deep Graph Clustering: Taxonomy, Challenge, and Application arXiv 2022
A Comprehensive Survey on Community Detection with Deep Learning TNNLS 2022
Deep Learning for Community Detection: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities IJCAI 2020
Pre-print Paper Method Conference Code
SCGC : Self-Supervised Contrastive Graph Clustering SCGC arXiv 2022 Pytorch
Unsupervised Constrained Community Detection via Self-Expressive Graph Neural Network SEComm arXiv 2021 Pytorch
Graph Clustering with Dynamic Embedding GRACE arXiv 2017 Tensorflow
Paper Method Conference Code
Deep Temporal Graph Clustering TGC ICLR 2024 Pytorch
Local Graph Clustering with Noisy Labels - ICLR 2024 -
LSEnet: Lorentz Structural Entropy Neural Network for Deep Graph Clustering LSEnet ICML 2024 Pytorch
Attribute-Missing Graph Clustering Network AMGC AAAI 2024 Pytorch
Homophily-Related: Adaptive Hybrid Graph Filter for Multi-View Graph Clustering AHGFC AAAI 2024 -
DGCLUSTER: A Neural Framework for Attributed Graph Clustering via Modularity Maximization DGCLUSTER AAAI 2024 Pytorch
Every Node Is Different: Dynamically Fusing Self-Supervised Tasks for Attributed Graph Clustering DyFSS AAAI 2024 Pytorch
DGCLUSTER: A Neural Framework for Attributed Graph Clustering via Modularity Maximization DGCLUSTER AAAI 2024 Pytorch
Homophily-Related: Adaptive Hybrid Graph Filter for Multi-View Graph Clustering AHGFC AAAI 2024 -
Contrastive Deep Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection CDNMF ICASSP 2024 Pytorch
Deep asymmetric nonnegative matrix factorization for graph clustering DAsNMF PR 2024 Readme
A novel nonnegative matrix factorization-based model for attributed graph clustering by incorporating complementary information - PR 2024 -
Multi-level Graph Contrastive Prototypical Clustering MLG-CPC IJCAI 2023 -
CONGREGATE: Contrastive Graph Clustering in Curvature Spaces CONGREGATE IJCAI 2023 Pytorch
Dink-Net: Neural Clustering on Large Graphs Dink-Net ICML 2023 Pytorch
Cluster-Guided Contrastive Graph Clustering Network CCGC AAAI 2023 Pytorch
Hard Sample Aware Network for Contrastive Deep Graph Clustering HSAN AAAI 2023 Pytorch
Scalable Attributed-Graph Subspace Clustering SAGSC AAAI 2023 TensorFlow
GLCC: A General Framework for Graph-Level Clustering GLCC AAAI 2023 -
Graph Clustering with Graph Neural Networks DMoN JMLR 2023 Tensorflow
Simple Contrastive Graph Clustering SCGC TNNLS 2023 -
Graph clustering network with structure embedding enhanced GC-SEE PR 2023 Pytorch
Hard Sample Aware Network for Contrastive Deep Graph Clustering HSAN AAAI 2023 Pytorch
Reinforcement Graph Clustering with Unknown Cluster Number RGC MM 2023 Pytorch
DCOM-GNN: A Deep Clustering Optimization Method for Graph Neural Networks DCOM-GNN Knowl Based Syst 2023 -
EGRC-Net: Embedding-Induced Graph Refinement Clustering Network EGRC-Net TIP 2023 Pytorch
Beyond The Evidence Lower Bound: Dual Variational Graph Auto-Encoders For Node Clustering BELBO-VGAE SDM 2023 Pytorch
Beyond Homophily: Reconstructing Structure for Graph-agnostic Clustering DGCN ICML 2023 Pytorch
A Contrastive Variational Graph Auto-Encoder for Node Clustering CVGAE PR 2023 Pytorch
Dual Contrastive Learning Network for Graph Clustering DCLN TNNLS 2023 Pytorch
Contrastive Learning with Cluster-Preserving Augmentation for Attributed Graph Clustering CCA-AGC ECML-PKDD 2023 Pytorch
Graph Contrastive Representation Learning with Input-Aware and Cluster-Aware Regularization - ECML-PKDD 2023 -
Self-Contrastive Graph Diffusion Network SCGDN MM 2023 Pytorch
CONVERT: Contrastive Graph Clustering with Reliable Augmentation CONVERT MM 2023 Pytorch
CARL-G: Clustering-Accelerated Representation Learning on Graphs CARL-G SIGKDD 2023 pytorch
Dink-Net: Neural Clustering on Large Graphs Dink-Net ICML 2023 Pytorch
CONGREGATE: Contrastive Graph Clustering in Curvature Spaces CONGREGATE IJCAI 2023 Pytorch
Multi-level Graph Contrastive Prototypical Clustering MLG-CPC IJCAI 2023
Robust Graph Clustering via Meta Weighting for Noisy Graphs MetaGC CIKM 2023 Pytorch
Redundancy-Free Self-Supervised Relational Learning for Graph Clustering R2FGC TNNLS 2023 Pytorch
A Re-evaluation of Deep Learning Methods for Attributed Graph Clustering Re-evaluation CIKM 2023 Pytorch
Homophily-enhanced Structure Learning for Graph Clustering HoLe CIKM 2023 Pytorch
GC-Flow: A Graph-Based Flow Network for Effective Clustering GC-Flow ICML 2023 Pytorch
Community detection based on community perspective and graph convolutional network CPGC Expert Syst. Appl. 2023 -
CataBEEM: Integrating latent interaction categories in node-wise community detection models for network data CataBEEM ICML 2023 Numpy
Nonnegative matrix factorization based on node centrality for community detection NCNMF TKDD 2023 Numpy
Dual label-guided graph refinement for multi-view graph clustering DuaLGR AAAI 2023 Pytorch
Contrastive graph clustering with adaptive filter CGC Expert Syst. Appl. 2023 Numpy
GLCC: A General Framework for Graph-Level Clustering GLCC AAAI 2023 -
Neighborhood contrastive representation learning for attributed graph clustering NCAGC Neurocomputing 2023 Pytorch
Graph structure learning layer and its graph convolution clustering application SSGNN NN 2023 Pytorch
Mutual Boost Network for attributed graph clustering MBN Expert Syst. Appl. 2023 Pytorch
Graph Joint Representation Clustering via Penalized Graph Contrastive Learning PGCL-GC TNNLS 2023 -
Adaptive Graph Convolution Methods for Attributed Graph Clustering IAGC TKDE 2023 Pytorch
Scalable and Effective Conductance-Based Graph Clustering PCon AAAI 2023 -
Scalable Attributed-Graph Subspace Clustering SAGSC AAAI 2023 Tensorflow
Hard Sample Aware Network for Contrastive Deep Graph Clustering HSAN AAAI 2023 Pytorch
Cluster-guided Contrastive Graph Clustering Network CCGC AAAI 2023 Pytorch
Deep Graph Clustering with Multi-Level Subspace Fusion DGCSF PR 2023 -
GRACE: A General Graph Convolution Framework for Attributed Graph Clustering GRACE TKDD 2023 Pytorch
Self-supervised Heterogeneous Graph Pre-training Based on Structural Clustering SHGP NeurIPS 2022 Pytorch
EMGC$^2$F: Effcient Multi-view Graph Clustering with Comprehensive Fusion EMGC$^2$F IJCAI 2022 -
Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction DCRN AAAI 2022 Pytorch
Multi-view Contrastive Graph Clustering MCGC NeurIPS 2021 Python
Graph Contrastive Clustering GCC ICCV 2021 Pytorch
Interpretable Clustering on Dynamic Graphs with Recurrent Graph Neural Networks RNNGCN AAAI 2021 Pytorch
Spectral Clustering with Graph Neural Networks for Graph Pooling - ICML 2020 TensorFlow
Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction DCRN AAAI 2022 Pytorch
Efficient graph convolution for joint node representation learning and clustering GCC WSDM 2022 Tensorflow
CGC: Contrastive Graph Clustering for Community Detection and Tracking CGC WWW 2022 -
Attributed Graph Clustering with Dual Redundancy Reduction AGC-DRR IJCAI 2022 Pytorch
Escaping Feature Twist: A Variational Graph Auto-Encoder for Node Clustering FT-VGAE IJCAI 2022 Pytorch
S3GC: Scalable Self-Supervised Graph Clustering S3GC NeurIPS 2022 Pytorch
Collaborative Decision-Reinforced Self-Supervision for Attributed Graph Clustering CDRS TNNLS 2022 Pytorch
Deep Attention-guided Graph Clustering with Dual Self-supervision DAGC TCSVT 2022 Pytorch
Rethinking Graph Auto-Encoder Models for Attributed Graph Clustering R-GAE TKDE 2022 Pytorch
Graph embedding clustering: Graph attention auto-encoder with cluster-specificity distribution GEC-CSD NN 2022 -
Cluster-Aware Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding VaCA-HINE WSDM 2022 -
Exploring temporal community structure via network embedding VGRGMM TCYB 2022 -
Graph Clustering via Variational Graph Embedding GC-VAE PR 2022 -
Deep neighbor-aware embedding for node clustering in attributed graphs DNENC PR 2022 -
Embedding Graph Auto-Encoder for Graph Clustering EGAE TNNLS 2022 Pytorch
Self-consistent Contrastive Attributed Graph Clustering with Pseudo-label Prompt SCAGC TMM 2022 Pytorch
Deep linear graph attention model for attributed graph clustering DLGAMC Knowl Based Syst 2022 -
Scalable Deep Graph Clustering with Random-walk based Self-supervised Learning RwSL ASONAM 2022 -
Fine-grained Attributed Graph Clustering FGC SDM 2022 Pytorch
Multi-view graph embedding clustering network: Joint self-supervision and block diagonal representation MVGC NN 2022 Tensorflow
Stationary diffusion state neural estimation for multi-view clustering SDSNE AAAI 2022 Pytorch
Deep Fusion Clustering Network DFCN AAAI 2021 Pytorch
Attention-driven Graph Clustering Network AGCN MM 2021 Pytorch
Graph Debiased Contrastive Learning with Joint Representation Clustering GDCL IJCAI 2021 Pytorch
CaEGCN: Cross-Attention Fusion based Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network for Clustering CaEGCN TKDE 2021 Pytorch
Graph community infomax GCI TKDD 2021 -
Self-Supervised Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-View Clustering SGCMC TMM 2021 Tensorflow
Adaptive Hypergraph Auto-Encoder for Relational Data Clustering AHGAE TKDE 2021 -
Multi-view Contrastive Graph Clustering MCGC NeurIPS 2021 Pytorch
Adaptive Graph Auto-Encoder for General Data Clustering AdaGAE TPAMI 2021 Pytorch
Smoothness Sensor: Adaptive Smoothness Transition Graph Convolutions for Attributed Graph Clustering NAS-GC TCYB 2021 Tensorflow
Multi-view Attributed Graph Clustering MAGC TKDE 2021 Pytorch
Graph InfoClust: Maximizing Coarse-Grain Mutual Information in Graphs GIC PAKDD 2021 Pytorch
Graph Filter-based Multi-view Attributed Graph Clustering MvAGC IJCAI 2021 Pytorch
Spectral embedding network for attributed graph clustering SENet NN 2021 -
Structural Deep Clustering Network SDCN WWW 2020 Pytorch
Towards Clustering-friendly Representations: Subspace Clustering via Graph Filtering FLSR-FTRR MM 2020 -
Community-Centric Graph Convolutional Network for Unsupervised Community Detection GUCD IJCAI 2020 Tensorflow
Deep multi-graph clustering via attentive cross-graph association DMGC WSDM 2020 Tensorflow
Multi-view attribute graph convolution networks for clustering MAGCN IJCAI 2020 Pytorch
One2Multi Graph Autoencoder for Multi-view Graph Clustering O2MAC WWW 2020 Tensorflow
CommDGI: Community Detection Oriented Deep Graph Infomax CommDGI CIKM 2020 Pytorch
CommunityGAN: Community Detection with Generative Adversarial Nets CommunityGAN WWW 2019 Tensorflow
Attributed Graph Clustering via Adaptive Graph Convolution AGC IJCAI 2019 Tensorflow
Attributed Graph Clustering: A Deep Attentional Embedding Approach DAEGC IJCAI 2019 Pytorch
Adversarial Graph Embedding for Ensemble Clustering AGAE IJCAI 2019 -
Multi-view Consensus Graph Clustering MCGC TIP 2019 Matlab
Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection DANMF CIKM 2018 networkx
Learning Community Structure with Variational Autoencoder VGAECD ICDM 2018 -
Community Preserving Network Embedding M-NMF AAAI 2017 Matlab
Learning Community Embedding with Community Detection and Node Embedding on Graphs ComE CIKM 2017 Cython
Combining structured node content and topology information for networked graph clustering - TKDD 2017 -
MGAE: Marginalized Graph Autoencoder for Graph Clustering MGAE CIKM 2017 Matlab