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DeClone is a software for the prediction of ancestral adjacencies in reconciled gene trees.


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DeClone is a software for the prediction of ancestral adjacencies in reconciled gene trees.

1. Installation/requirements

DeClone requires the following pieces of software to be installed prior to its compilation:

a. Python 2.7 (may function with any version <3 but not tested);

b. GNU gcc/g++ 4.8 and more recent

c. GNU make

Once these requirements are met, DeClone can be compiled from its sources by running make in the installation directory.

Rem.: If your gcc version is prior to 4.8 and does not offer extensive support for C++ 11, you may still compile DeClone with a restricted set of features (i.e. no polytope propagation functionalities, used in the parametric analysis) by instead running

make DeClone

2. Running DeClone

DeClone typically takes two reconciled gene trees, and an extant adjacency list, as input. It offers a variety of output types, as described below.

2.1 Usage and options

Usage: DeClone [-t1|--tree1] v1 [-t2|--tree2] v2 [-a|--adjacencies] adj [opts]

   v1  - (Path to) Gene Tree 1 (Newick format)
   v2  - (Path to) Gene Tree 2 (Newick format)
   adj - Path to a list of adjacent extant genes
   Modes (default: -p):
     -b,--backtrack k   - Stochastic sampling of k adjacency trees
     -c,--count-coopts  - Count the number of co-optimal adjacency trees
     -h,--help          - Displays help and exits
     -i,--in-out        - Inside-outside mode
     -l,--adjpolytope   - Runs polytope propagation with gain cost, break cost
                          and 2 genes as parameters
                          Requires file with pairs of genes specified by node 
                          id in Newick file
     -n,--count         - Count the number of valid adjacency trees
     -p,--parsimony     - Maximum parsimony mode, returns the minimum cost for 
                          an adjacency forest (default)
     -s,--show-coopts   - Show all co-optimal adjacency trees
     -x,--all           - Exhaustive enumeration of adjacency trees
     -y,--polytope      - Runs polytope propagation with gain cost and break 
                          cost as parameters
     -z,--part-fun      - Computes partition function for instance

     -d,--draw f        - Draws output to file f (mode-dependent)
     -kT val            - Sets Boltzmann 'constant' (i.e. temperature) to a 
                          given value (def.=1.0)
     -m,--matrix        - Outputs a matrix for the adjacency tree (only for -s 
                          and -b modes)
     -r,--rescale val   - Sets rescaling factor (def.=1.0)
     -sc,--score g b    - Sets costs for adjacency gains (g) and breaks (b) 
     -v,--verbose       - Verbose mode, provides more (possibly unnecessary) 

2.2 Input formats

2.2.a (Extended) Newick gene trees

The input gene trees must be binary trees specified in Extended Newick (NHX) format. The branch lengths may default to 1.0. Each leaf node must have one of the following as its node name.

  • If it is an extant gene, UNIQUE_NAME|SPECIES_NAME.
  • If it is a gene loss, LOSS|SPECIES_ID.

Every node must have the following information encoded in the NHX list.

  • An event Ev (equals one of GDup, Spec, GLos).
  • An integer species id.



Note 1: The tree file consists of a single line. Note 2: The numeric gene IDs follow a depth-first pattern, accompanied by some offset.

2.2.b Extant adjacency list

The extant adjacency list must contain pairs of extant genes, referred to by their unique name at the leaves of the tree. The genes in each pair must be separated by a single space. The pairs themselves must be
separated by a newline.


           ENSMODP00000016865 ENSMODP00000008552
           ENSMODP00000008552 ENSMODP00000008623
           ENSMODP00000008623 ENSMODP00000015313

2.2.c Ancestral adjacency list (Polytope propagation, i.e. '-l' option)

The ancestral adjacency list consists of pairs of ancestral gene ids on each line. The ids of genes from the first gene tree are listed in the first column, and those from the second gene tree are list in the second column. In a line, the ids are separated by a space.

It is important to note that the order in which the gene trees and ancestral adjacencies are ordered matters. This is because there is no unique id for an ancestral gene, and two such genes on different gene trees may have the same id as assigned by the DFS.


 100 0
 101 2
 103 4

2.3 Output types

2.3.a Adjacency forests

   Modes: -k, -s, -x

Adjacency forests are specified as a set of NHX trees, with each internal node representing an ancestral adjacency, the event at that node, the species that the adjacency would be in, and a node id assigned through DFS (post-order).



2.3.b Matrices

   Modes: -k,-s,-x (with -m option), -i by default

The matrix output first lists the set of extant leaf adjacencies, in the same format as the input leaf adjacencies. This is followed by a matrix, with the rows annotated by DFS ids of nodes from the first gene tree, and the columns annotated by the DFS ids of nodes from the second gene tree.

The entry (i,j), i and j being annotations (not row and column numbers), in the matrix can carry the following information.

  • The entry is 1 if the adjacency is present, and 0 otherwise.
  • For the -i option, the entry represents the probability that the adjacency is present in an adjacency forest sampled randomly from a Boltzmann distribution.


            > ENSMMUP00000024875 ENSMMUP00000014141 105 7
            > ENSPTRP00000044415 ENSPTRP00000022397 99 1
            > ENSPPYP00000014896 ENSPPYP00000014898 98 5
                7 5 3 1 0 2 4 6 8 
            105 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
            102 0 0 0.6084277365 0 0 0 0 0 0 
            100 0 0 0 0 0.6292753968 0 0 0 0 
            99  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 
            101 0 0 0 0 0 0.7797459363 0 0 0 
            103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7346325706 0 0 
            98  0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
            104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8364157524 0 
            106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8185046745 

2.3.c Polytopes

   Modes: -y, -l

There are two types of polytopes that can be calculated. The option -y computes a 2D polytope and the normals of its facets.


            Polygon: {{0,0},{0,2},{2,3},{4,3},{5,0},{5,2}}
            Normals (+Signatures): 
              {-1,-0} -> {{5,0},{5,2}},
              {-0.7071067812,-0.7071067812} -> {{5,2},{4,3}},
              {0.4472135955,-0.894427191} -> {{2,3},{0,2}},
              {0,1} -> {{0,0},{5,0}},
              {1,0} -> {{0,2},{0,0}},
              {-0,-1} -> {{4,3},{2,3}}

Here, the first line lists the vertices of the polytope. The subsequent lines list the normals, with each normal assigned to the set of vertices which define the facet the normal belongs to.

The option -l calculates, for a given set of possible ancestral adjacencies, a set of 3D polytopes, one assigned to each adjacency. The format for describing the polytope remains the same.


           Adjacency: 104,6
           Polygon: {{0,0,1},{0,2,1},{2,0,1},{2,1,0},{2,3,0},{3,0,0},{4,2,1},{4,3,0},{5,0,0},{5,1,1},{5,2,0}}
           Normals (+Signatures): 
             {0,0,1} -> {{5,2,0},{3,0,0},{2,3,0}},
             {0,0,1} -> {{5,0,0},{3,0,0},{5,2,0}},
             {0,0,1} -> {{5,2,0},{2,3,0},{4,3,0}},
             {0.4472135955,-0,0.894427191} -> {{0,2,1},{2,3,0},{0,0,1}},
             {-0.5773502692,-0.5773502692,-0.5773502692} -> {{4,2,1},{5,1,1},{4,3,0}},
             {-0,-0,-1} -> {{4,2,1},{0,0,1},{5,1,1}},
             {0,-0.7071067812,-0.7071067812} -> {{4,2,1},{2,3,0},{0,2,1}},
             {-0,-0,-1} -> {{4,2,1},{0,2,1},{0,0,1}},
             {0,0,1} -> {{3,0,0},{2,1,0},{2,3,0}},
             {-0,-0,-1} -> {{5,1,1},{0,0,1},{2,0,1}},
             {-1,-0,-0} -> {{5,1,1},{5,0,0},{5,2,0}},
             {0,1,0} -> {{5,0,0},{0,0,1},{3,0,0}},
             {-0,-0.7071067812,-0.7071067812} -> {{4,3,0},{2,3,0},{4,2,1}},
             {-0.5773502692,-0.5773502692,-0.5773502692} -> {{4,3,0},{5,1,1},{5,2,0}},
             {-0.2294157339,0.6882472016,-0.6882472016} -> {{5,1,1},{2,0,1},{5,0,0}},
             {0,1,0} -> {{2,0,1},{0,0,1},{5,0,0}},
             {0.4472135955,0,0.894427191} -> {{2,1,0},{0,0,1},{2,3,0}},
             {0.3015113446,0.3015113446,0.9045340337} -> {{3,0,0},{0,0,1},{2,1,0}}
           Adjacency: 106,8

2.4 Advanced options

... add discussion about Rescaling and kT ...

3. References

Bérard, Sèverine, Coralie Gallien, Bastien Boussau, Gergely J. Szöllősi, Vincent Daubin, and Eric Tannier. "Evolution of gene neighborhoods within reconciled phylogenies." Bioinformatics 28, no. 18 (2012): i382-i388.

Barber, C. Bradford, David P. Dobkin, and Hannu Huhdanpaa. "The quickhull algorithm for convex hulls." ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 22, no. 4 (1996): 469-483.

Rajaraman, Ashok, Chauve, Cedric and Ponty, Yann. "Assessing the Robustness of Parsimonious Predictions for Gene Neighborhoods from Reconciled Phylogenies." Bioinformatics Research and Applications (2015): 260-271.

Zanetti, João Paulo Pereira, Yann Ponty, and Cedric Chauve. "Evolution of genes neighborhood within reconciled phylogenies: an ensemble approach." In BSB-Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics-2014. 2014.


DeClone is a software for the prediction of ancestral adjacencies in reconciled gene trees.







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