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Build Testing

A software package for large-scale linear multilabel classification. DiSMEC++ is a new implementation of the DiSMEC [2] algorithm that is better adapted many-core CPUs found in modern cluster environments by taking into account the NUMA setup of these systems, and provides a variety of additional features over the original implementation. Some highlights are:

  • New weight initialization algorithms for faster training [3]
  • Ability to read data from and store models as npy files
  • Ability to handle dense input features
  • Additional loss functions and regularizers


To train a model, the train program can be used, new predictions can be made using the predict executable. Calling these programs with --help as argument will display the list of command-line arguments with a short description.


Suppose you want to train a model for the Eurlex-4k [1] dataset. You can download the data from the extreme classification repository. The two files eurlex_train.txt and eurlex_test.txt are assumed to be in the same directory as the executables, otherwise you need to adjust the paths. You can also use the files included in the test directory in this repository.

A typical training call would look like this:

./train train_eurlex.txt eurlex.model --augment-for-bias --normalize-instances --save-sparse-txt --weight-culling=0.01

The first positional argument specifies the source for the training data, train_eurlex.txt and the second argument the destination for the result, eurlex.model. Note that models are distributed over several files, with eurlex.model serving as an index file, and the actual weights saved in files that match eurlex.models.weights*.

The next two arguments specify the preprocessing to be applied to the data: --augment-for-bias adds a feature column of ones that serve as a bias term, and --normalize-instances normalizes the features of each instance to have Euclidean norm of 1, which usually improves the results.

The last two arguments specify the saving of the model. The --save-sparse-txt indicates that model weights are saved as human-readable text files of sparse matrices in a index:value format. To ensure model sparsity, --weight-culling=0.01 removes all weights with a magnitude of less than 0.01 from the saved model.

To test the model, you can run

./predict test_eurlex.txt eurlex.model eurlex_pred.txt --augment-for-bias --normalize-instances --topk=5

Note that the same preprocessing arguments as for the training run need to be specified. This call will determine the top-5 labels for all instances in the test set and write them to the eurlex_pred.txt file. It will also print out a multitude of metrics that can be calculated from these predictions. If you want to further process these metrics, it might be helpful to have them in a format that is easier for scripting. This can be achieved using the argument --save-metrics=eurlex-metrics.json, which will write the metrics to the given json file that can be imported, e.g., into a python script.


The code can be build with cmake:

mkdir build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_DEVEL_DOCS=Off -S . -B ./build
cmake --build build --parallel

The resulting executables and python library will be placed in ./build/bin and ./build/lib respectively.

Attention Note that dependencies of the code are included in the deps directory as git submodules. Please ensure that these are properly initialized before building, e.g., by cloneing the repository with the --recurive argument.

Building requires at least GCC8, and we expect Boost to be available on the system.


If you have doxygen installed, then you can build the documentation using cmake --build build --target doxygen and will find the documentation in build/docs/html. You can also browse the documentation online. If you want the documentation to include internals, you can configure cmake with -DBUILD_DEVEL_DOCS=On.

Unit Tests

The unit tests can be built using the unittest cmake target:

cmake --build build --target unittest

Run the resulting executable bin/unittest to execute the tests and get a report. In addition to unit tests, the github CI also runs the training program on eurlex [1] data and compares the resulting model with reference weights. As there is no unique, true solution for the learning problem, a failure of this test does not necessarily mean that a code change is breaking things -- but it indicates that the change should be given close attention and additional testing with other datasets, to ensure that there are no regressions. To run these tests manually, use the test/ script provided in this repository.

The github CI tests ensure that, with selective warning suppression, the code can be compiled on gcc versions 8 to 12 and clang 10 to 14 with -Wall -Wextra -Werror. Building is tested on Ubuntu versions 18.04, 20.04 and 22.04, in both Debug and Release configuration. The current status of the builds (including unit tests) is Build.



Contains the C++ code for the DiSMEC solver and the python bindings.


Contains sources/headers for libraries that we use as part of the implementation, as git submodules. Currently, these are


[1] E. L. Mencia and J. Furnkranz, Efficient pairwise multilabel classification for large-scale problems in the legal domain in ECML/PKDD, 2008.

I. Chalkidis, E. Fergadiotis, P. Malakasiotis, N. Aletras and I. Androutsopoulos, "Extreme Multi-Label Legal Text Classification: A Case Study in EU Legislation", in Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019.

[2] Rohit Babbar and Bernhard Schölkopf. "Dismec: Distributed sparse machines for extreme multi-label classification." Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on web search and data mining. 2017.

[3] Erik Schultheis and Rohit Babbar. "Speeding-up One-vs-All Training for Extreme Classification via Smart Initialization." arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13122 (2021).