WeiDU v 24900 Log D:\Games\Baldur's Gate EET\setup-dw_talents.exe [.\chitin.key] loaded, 881668 bytes [.\chitin.key] 191 BIFFs, 62570 resources [./goglog.ini] loaded, 102 bytes [./unins000.ini] loaded, 41 bytes [.\engine.lua] loaded, 104 bytes WARNING: parsing log [WeiDU.log]: Sys_error("WeiDU.log: No such file or directory") Using Language [English] [English] has 1 top-level TRA files [dw_talents/lang/english/setup.tra] has 185 translation strings Please choose the language in which you wish to play the game. If you later wish to play the game in a different language you will need to edit the file weidu.conf and reinstall your mods. 0 [German] 1 [English] 2 [Spanish] 3 [French] 4 [Italian] 5 [Korean] 6 [Polish] 7 [Russian] 8 [Simplified Chinese] [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] loaded, 11653630 bytes [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] 103584 string entries Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o [dw_talents/dw_talents.ini] loaded, 8451 bytes Would you like to display the components from [Spell system revisions and new spells]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Races and subraces]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Class and kit revisions]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [New classes and kits]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Multiclassed/dual-classed kits]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Revised and new high-level and lower-level abilities]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [Rule-system changes]? [Y]es, [N]o? Would you like to display the components from [User interface tweaks]? [Y]es, [N]o? Install Component [Install in batch mode (ask about all components before starting installation). DO NOT USE WITH PROJECT INFINITY.]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Install in batch mode (ask about all components before starting installation). DO NOT USE WITH PROJECT INFINITY.] Install Component [Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PATCH2.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PATCH2.BIF] [.\DATA\PATCH2.BIF] 39745172 bytes, 1005 files, 0 tilesets Copying 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\ITEMS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\ITEMS.BIF] [.\DATA\ITEMS.BIF] 801984 bytes, 2070 files, 0 tilesets Copied [misc01.itm] to [weidu_external/workspace/dw_this_run_tra.mrk] Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/3E_AC.TRA] loaded, 969 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/3E_AC.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/3E_AC.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/3E_SAVE.TRA] loaded, 5020 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/3E_SAVE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/3E_SAVE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/ABILITY.TRA] loaded, 4873 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/ABILITY.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/ABILITY.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BARBARIAN.TRA] loaded, 1326 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BARBARIAN.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/BARBARIAN.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BLACKGUARD.TRA] loaded, 8288 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BLACKGUARD.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/BLACKGUARD.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BLOODLINES.TRA] loaded, 6130 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BLOODLINES.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/BLOODLINES.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BLOODRAGER.TRA] loaded, 1618 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/BLOODRAGER.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/BLOODRAGER.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLASS_RACE.TRA] loaded, 19801 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLASS_RACE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/CLASS_RACE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERICS_BG1.TRA] loaded, 7788 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERICS_BG1.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/CLERICS_BG1.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERICS_BG2.TRA] loaded, 5574 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERICS_BG2.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/CLERICS_BG2.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERICS_IWD.TRA] loaded, 2035 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERICS_IWD.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/CLERICS_IWD.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERIC_RANGERS_USE_BOWS.TRA] loaded, 228 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERIC_RANGERS_USE_BOWS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/CLERIC_RANGERS_USE_BOWS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERIC_STRONGHOLDS.TRA] loaded, 28450 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/CLERIC_STRONGHOLDS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/CLERIC_STRONGHOLDS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DRAGON_DISCIPLE.TRA] loaded, 10330 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DRAGON_DISCIPLE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/DRAGON_DISCIPLE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DRUID_MULTICLASS.TRA] loaded, 725 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DRUID_MULTICLASS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/DRUID_MULTICLASS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_ARCANE.TRA] loaded, 4206 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_ARCANE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_ARCANE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_BARD.TRA] loaded, 1134 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_BARD.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_BARD.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_DIVINE.TRA] loaded, 2107 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_DIVINE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/DW_IWDSPELLS_DIVINE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/ELEMENTALIST.TRA] loaded, 9969 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/ELEMENTALIST.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/ELEMENTALIST.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/EVASION.TRA] loaded, 63 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/EVASION.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/EVASION.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/FIEND.TRA] loaded, 3045 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/FIEND.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/FIEND.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/FORCE_MAGE.TRA] loaded, 919 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/FORCE_MAGE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/FORCE_MAGE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/HLA_FEAT.TRA] loaded, 104762 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/HLA_FEAT.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/HLA_FEAT.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/KIT.TRA] loaded, 274887 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/KIT.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/KIT.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/KIT_REBALANCE.TRA] loaded, 23336 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/KIT_REBALANCE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/KIT_REBALANCE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/LEVELLER.TRA] loaded, 4559 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/LEVELLER.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/LEVELLER.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MAGESCHOOL.TRA] loaded, 6514 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MAGESCHOOL.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/MAGESCHOOL.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MILITANT_WIZARDS.TRA] loaded, 2 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MILITANT_WIZARDS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/MILITANT_WIZARDS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MONK_STAFF.TRA] loaded, 491 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MONK_STAFF.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/MONK_STAFF.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MULTICLASS_SPECIALISTS.TRA] loaded, 1775 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/MULTICLASS_SPECIALISTS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/MULTICLASS_SPECIALISTS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/POINTBUY.TRA] loaded, 17 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/POINTBUY.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/POINTBUY.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/PROF.TRA] loaded, 2557 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/PROF.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/PROF.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/PROFDOC.TRA] loaded, 11988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/PROFDOC.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/PROFDOC.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/RANGER_FAVORED_ENEMY.TRA] loaded, 8811 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/RANGER_FAVORED_ENEMY.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/RANGER_FAVORED_ENEMY.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SHAPESHIFT.TRA] loaded, 22345 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SHAPESHIFT.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/SHAPESHIFT.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SHARED.TRA] loaded, 189 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SHARED.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/SHARED.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SHIELD.TRA] loaded, 330 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SHIELD.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/SHIELD.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SPELLTWEAK.TRA] loaded, 14358 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SPELLTWEAK.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/SPELLTWEAK.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SPHERE.TRA] loaded, 1726 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SPHERE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/SPHERE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SUBRACE.TRA] loaded, 24900 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/SUBRACE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/SUBRACE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/VIRTUAL_CLASS.TRA] loaded, 532 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/VIRTUAL_CLASS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/VIRTUAL_CLASS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/ELEMENTAL_CRE.TRA] loaded, 6745 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/ELEMENTAL_CRE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/ELEMENTAL_CRE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/EXTRA_ARCANE_SPELLS.TRA] loaded, 6638 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/EXTRA_ARCANE_SPELLS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/EXTRA_ARCANE_SPELLS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/EXTRA_DIVINE_SPELLS.TRA] loaded, 3506 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/EXTRA_DIVINE_SPELLS.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/EXTRA_DIVINE_SPELLS.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/FAERIE_FIRE.TRA] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/FAERIE_FIRE.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/FAERIE_FIRE.TRA] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/SPELL.TRA] loaded, 59743 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lang_som/english/SPELL.TRA] to [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/SPELL.TRA] loading 1 tra file [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/shared.tra] has 4 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.ini] loaded, 8451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.ini] loaded, 8451 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-sfo-fix.mrk] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/dir.ids] to [override/dir.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF] [.\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF] 2850260 bytes, 507 files, 0 tilesets Appending to files ... Not appending [6 ONE_ROUND...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [ONE_ROUND] Appending to files ... Not appending [12 TWO_ROUNDS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [TWO_ROUNDS] Appending to files ... Not appending [18 THREE_ROUNDS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [THREE_ROUNDS] Appending to files ... Not appending [24 FOUR_ROUNDS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [FOUR_ROUNDS] Appending to files ... Not appending [30 FIVE_ROUNDS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [FIVE_ROUNDS] Appending to files ... Not appending [54 NINE_ROUNDS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [NINE_ROUNDS] Appending to files ... Not appending [60 TEN_ROUNDS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [TEN_ROUNDS] Appending to files ... Not appending [12 TWO_MINUTES...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [TWO_MINUTES] Appending to files ... Not appending [18 THREE_MINUTES...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [THREE_MINUTES] Appending to files ... Not appending [24 FOUR_MINUTES...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [FOUR_MINUTES] Appending to files ... Not appending [30 FIVE_MINUTES...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [FIVE_MINUTES] Appending to files ... Not appending [10 TWO_TURNS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [TWO_TURNS] Appending to files ... Not appending [45 NINE_MINUTES...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [NINE_MINUTES] Appending to files ... Not appending [100 TWENTY_MINUTES...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [TWENTY_MINUTES] Appending to files ... Not appending [300 ONE_HOUR...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [ONE_HOUR] Appending to files ... Not appending [600 TWO_HOURS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [TWO_HOURS] Appending to files ... Not appending [900 THREE_HOURS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [THREE_HOURS] Appending to files ... Not appending [1200 FOUR_HOURS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [FOUR_HOURS] Appending to files ... Not appending [1500 FIVE_HOURS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [FIVE_HOURS] Appending to files ... Not appending [1800 SIX_HOURS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [SIX_HOURS] Appending to files ... Not appending [2100 SEVEN_HOURS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [SEVEN_HOURS] Appending to files ... Not appending [2400 EIGHT_HOURS...] to [gtimes.ids] because it DOES contains [EIGHT_HOURS] Appending to files ... Not appending [105 FarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [105 FarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [106 SecondFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [106 SecondFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [107 ThirdFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [107 ThirdFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [108 FourthFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [108 FourthFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [109 FifthFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [109 FifthFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [110 SixthFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [110 SixthFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [111 SeventhFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [111 SeventhFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [112 EighthFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [112 EighthFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [113 NinthFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [113 NinthFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [114 TenthFarthestEnemyOf...] to [object.ids] because it DOES contains [114 TenthFarthestEnemyOf] Appending to files ... Not appending [0xEF10 WATER_WEIRD...] to [animate.ids] because it DOES contains [0xEF10] Appending to files ... Not appending [2302 WIZARD_REMOVE_MAGIC...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_REMOVE_MAGIC] Appending to files ... Not appending [2705 WIZARD_KHELBENS_WARDING_WHIP...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_KHELBENS_WARDING_WHIP] Appending to files ... Not appending [3122 AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM] Appending to files ... Not appending [3123 DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_FROM_BLACKBEAR...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_FROM_BLACKBEAR] Appending to files ... Not appending [3124 SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM] Appending to files ... Not appending [3150 SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM_1...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM_1] Appending to files ... Not appending [3151 SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM_2...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [SHAPESHIFT_NATURAL_FORM_2] Appending to files ... Not appending [4611 DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_BROWNBEAR...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_BROWNBEAR] Appending to files ... Not appending [4612 DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_WOLF...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_WOLF] Appending to files ... Not appending [4613 DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_BLACKBEAR...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_BLACKBEAR] Appending to files ... Not appending [4632 AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_SWORDSPIDER...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_SWORDSPIDER] Appending to files ... Not appending [4633 AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_BABYWYVERN...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_BABYWYVERN] Appending to files ... Not appending [4634 AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_FIRESALAMANDER...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [AVENGER_SHAPESHIFT_FIRESALAMANDER] Appending to files ... Not appending [4643 SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_WEREWOLF...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_WEREWOLF] Appending to files ... Not appending [4644 SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_GREATERWEREWOLF...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_GREATERWEREWOLF] Appending to files ... Not appending [2490 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_NATURAL_FORM...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_NATURAL_FORM] Appending to files ... Not appending [2493 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_FLIND...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_FLIND] Appending to files ... Not appending [2494 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_OGRE...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_OGRE] Appending to files ... Not appending [2495 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_SPIDER...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_SPIDER] Appending to files ... Not appending [2496 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_MUSTARD_JELLY...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_MUSTARD_JELLY] Appending to files ... Not appending [2497 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_BROWN_BEAR...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_BROWN_BEAR] Appending to files ... Not appending [2498 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_BLACK_BEAR...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_BLACK_BEAR] Appending to files ... Not appending [2499 WIZARD_POLYMORPH_WOLF...] to [spell.ids] because it DOES contains [WIZARD_POLYMORPH_WOLF] Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25DEFLT.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25DEFLT.BIF] [.\DATA\25DEFLT.BIF] 2927244 bytes, 163 files, 0 tilesets Copied [missile.ids] to [override/missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [xplevel.2da] to [override/xplevel.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 466400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\SPELLS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\SPELLS.BIF] [.\DATA\SPELLS.BIF] 1462368 bytes, 1058 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\EE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\EE.BIF] [.\DATA\EE.BIF] 24036180 bytes, 208 files, 1 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25SPELLS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25SPELLS.BIF] [.\DATA\25SPELLS.BIF] 267420 bytes, 349 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PATCH25.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PATCH25.BIF] [.\DATA\PATCH25.BIF] 17396564 bytes, 111 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-sonic-immunity.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR211.spl] to [override/SPPR211.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR988.spl] to [override/SPPR988.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI612.spl] to [override/SPWI612.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR102.spl] to [override/SPPR102.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR512.spl] to [override/SPPR512.spl] Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI913.spl] to [override/SPWI913.spl] Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN789.spl] to [override/SPIN789.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\BLACKPITS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\BLACKPITS.BIF] [.\DATA\BLACKPITS.BIF] 41557492 bytes, 2131 files, 8 tilesets Copied [ohbdemi2.spl] to [override/ohbdemi2.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-free_up_spellstates.mrk] Copying and patching 4515 files ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PATCH26.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PATCH26.BIF] [.\DATA\PATCH26.BIF] 12114640 bytes, 134 files, 0 tilesets BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25ITEMS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25ITEMS.BIF] [.\DATA\25ITEMS.BIF] 264340 bytes, 475 files, 0 tilesets [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2686 bytes BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PATCH13.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PATCH13.BIF] [.\DATA\PATCH13.BIF] 6118552 bytes, 190 files, 0 tilesets BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\CHARACTERS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\CHARACTERS.BIF] [.\DATA\CHARACTERS.BIF] 38084 bytes, 22 files, 0 tilesets [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\DORN.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\DORN.BIF] [.\DATA\DORN.BIF] 30681872 bytes, 1881 files, 11 tilesets BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\HEXXAT.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\HEXXAT.BIF] [.\DATA\HEXXAT.BIF] 26010172 bytes, 1828 files, 4 tilesets BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\NEERA.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\NEERA.BIF] [.\DATA\NEERA.BIF] 32423548 bytes, 1738 files, 11 tilesets BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\RASAAD.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\RASAAD.BIF] [.\DATA\RASAAD.BIF] 36972640 bytes, 2332 files, 11 tilesets [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR508.SPL] to [override/SPPR508.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BALSHLD.SPL] to [override/BALSHLD.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL237.SPL] to [override/SPCL237.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR730.SPL] to [override/SPPR730.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI418.SPL] to [override/SPWI418.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI403.SPL] to [override/SPWI403.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI590.SPL] to [override/SPWI590.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI591.SPL] to [override/SPWI591.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI592.SPL] to [override/SPWI592.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI593.SPL] to [override/SPWI593.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI594.SPL] to [override/SPWI594.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI595.SPL] to [override/SPWI595.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI596.SPL] to [override/SPWI596.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI597.SPL] to [override/SPWI597.SPL] Copying and patching 4358 files ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25SCRIPTS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25SCRIPTS.BIF] [.\DATA\25SCRIPTS.BIF] 4651428 bytes, 1020 files, 0 tilesets BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\SCRIPTS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\SCRIPTS.BIF] [.\DATA\SCRIPTS.BIF] 6775492 bytes, 2652 files, 0 tilesets [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes Copied [BDAERIEC.BCS] to [override/BDAERIEC.BCS] Copied [BDANOMEC.BCS] to [override/BDANOMEC.BCS] Copied [BDCERNDC.BCS] to [override/BDCERNDC.BCS] Copied [BDDEFAI.BCS] to [override/BDDEFAI.BCS] Copied [BDDORNC.BCS] to [override/BDDORNC.BCS] Copied [BDEDWINC.BCS] to [override/BDEDWINC.BCS] Copied [BDHAERC.BCS] to [override/BDHAERC.BCS] Copied [BDIMOENC.BCS] to [override/BDIMOENC.BCS] Copied [BDJAHEIC.BCS] to [override/BDJAHEIC.BCS] Copied [BDJANC.BCS] to [override/BDJANC.BCS] Copied [BDMINSCC.BCS] to [override/BDMINSCC.BCS] Copied [BDNALIAC.BCS] to [override/BDNALIAC.BCS] Copied [BDNEERAC.BCS] to [override/BDNEERAC.BCS] Copied [BDVALYGC.BCS] to [override/BDVALYGC.BCS] Copied [BDVICONC.BCS] to [override/BDVICONC.BCS] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\ORPHAN.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\ORPHAN.BIF] [.\DATA\ORPHAN.BIF] 2462140 bytes, 70 files, 0 tilesets Copied [OHBARC01.BCS] to [override/OHBARC01.BCS] Copied [OHBBALR.BCS] to [override/OHBBALR.BCS] Copied [OHBBCLT3.BCS] to [override/OHBBCLT3.BCS] Copied [OHBCORN.BCS] to [override/OHBCORN.BCS] Copied [OHBDEMI.BCS] to [override/OHBDEMI.BCS] Copied [OHBDEVAF.BCS] to [override/OHBDEVAF.BCS] Copied [OHBDORM2.BCS] to [override/OHBDORM2.BCS] Copied [OHBDRAG1.BCS] to [override/OHBDRAG1.BCS] Copied [OHBDRAG2.BCS] to [override/OHBDRAG2.BCS] Copied [OHBDULF2.BCS] to [override/OHBDULF2.BCS] Copied [OHBERIN.BCS] to [override/OHBERIN.BCS] Copied [OHBEWWEI.BCS] to [override/OHBEWWEI.BCS] Copied [OHBFIG01.BCS] to [override/OHBFIG01.BCS] Copied [OHBFIG02.BCS] to [override/OHBFIG02.BCS] Copied [OHBFIG03.BCS] to [override/OHBFIG03.BCS] Copied [OHBGELU.BCS] to [override/OHBGELU.BCS] Copied [OHBGERR2.BCS] to [override/OHBGERR2.BCS] Copied [OHBGEZZ2.BCS] to [override/OHBGEZZ2.BCS] Copied [OHBGLAB.BCS] to [override/OHBGLAB.BCS] Copied [OHBJOKE2.BCS] to [override/OHBJOKE2.BCS] Copied [OHBLEA2.BCS] to [override/OHBLEA2.BCS] Copied [OHBMAG01.BCS] to [override/OHBMAG01.BCS] Copied [OHBMAG02.BCS] to [override/OHBMAG02.BCS] Copied [OHBMAG03.BCS] to [override/OHBMAG03.BCS] Copied [OHBMAG04.BCS] to [override/OHBMAG04.BCS] Copied [OHBMARI.BCS] to [override/OHBMARI.BCS] Copied [OHBMERC2.BCS] to [override/OHBMERC2.BCS] Copied [OHBMFLAY.BCS] to [override/OHBMFLAY.BCS] Copied [OHBMONK.BCS] to [override/OHBMONK.BCS] Copied [OHBNAJI2.BCS] to [override/OHBNAJI2.BCS] Copied [OHBPAL01.BCS] to [override/OHBPAL01.BCS] Copied [OHBPAR02.BCS] to [override/OHBPAR02.BCS] Copied [OHBPITF.BCS] to [override/OHBPITF.BCS] Copied [OHBPOL.BCS] to [override/OHBPOL.BCS] Copied [OHBPRI01.BCS] to [override/OHBPRI01.BCS] Copied [OHBPRI03.BCS] to [override/OHBPRI03.BCS] Copied [OHBPRI04.BCS] to [override/OHBPRI04.BCS] Copied [OHBSUCC.BCS] to [override/OHBSUCC.BCS] Copied [OHBTHASS.BCS] to [override/OHBTHASS.BCS] Copied [OHBTHIE2.BCS] to [override/OHBTHIE2.BCS] Copied [OHBTIMM2.BCS] to [override/OHBTIMM2.BCS] Copied [OHBVAMP.BCS] to [override/OHBVAMP.BCS] Copied [OHBVOGH2.BCS] to [override/OHBVOGH2.BCS] Copied [OHBWING.BCS] to [override/OHBWING.BCS] Copied [OHDDDOLR.BCS] to [override/OHDDDOLR.BCS] Copied [OHDDIXTH.BCS] to [override/OHDDIXTH.BCS] Copied [OHNLANNE.BCS] to [override/OHNLANNE.BCS] Copied [OHNSZASS.BCS] to [override/OHNSZASS.BCS] Copied [OHNVBALR.BCS] to [override/OHNVBALR.BCS] Copied [OHNVICR2.BCS] to [override/OHNVICR2.BCS] Copied [OHNVRW1.BCS] to [override/OHNVRW1.BCS] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PATCH24.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PATCH24.BIF] [.\DATA\PATCH24.BIF] 575992440 bytes, 3390 files, 0 tilesets Copied [OHRJASSA.BCS] to [override/OHRJASSA.BCS] Copied [OHRSEPHO.BCS] to [override/OHRSEPHO.BCS] Copied [OHRSHANI.BCS] to [override/OHRSHANI.BCS] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdaeriec.bcs] loaded, 263215 bytes Copied [bdaeriec.bcs] to [override/bdaeriec.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdanomec.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdcerndc.bcs] loaded, 68079 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bddefai.bcs] loaded, 477020 bytes Copied [bddefai.bcs] to [override/bddefai.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bddornc.bcs] loaded, 21725 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdedwinc.bcs] loaded, 134481 bytes Copied [bdedwinc.bcs] to [override/bdedwinc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdhaerc.bcs] loaded, 156186 bytes Copied [bdhaerc.bcs] to [override/bdhaerc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdimoenc.bcs] loaded, 185056 bytes Copied [bdimoenc.bcs] to [override/bdimoenc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjaheic.bcs] loaded, 84226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjanc.bcs] loaded, 133430 bytes Copied [bdjanc.bcs] to [override/bdjanc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdminscc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdnaliac.bcs] loaded, 133430 bytes Copied [bdnaliac.bcs] to [override/bdnaliac.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdneerac.bcs] loaded, 136002 bytes Copied [bdneerac.bcs] to [override/bdneerac.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdvalygc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdviconc.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbarc01.bcs] loaded, 147913 bytes Copied [ohbarc01.bcs] to [override/ohbarc01.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbbalr.bcs] loaded, 132073 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbbclt3.bcs] loaded, 62422 bytes Copied [ohbbclt3.bcs] to [override/ohbbclt3.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbcorn.bcs] loaded, 49946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdemi.bcs] loaded, 25357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdevaf.bcs] loaded, 145773 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdorm2.bcs] loaded, 37672 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdrag1.bcs] loaded, 161710 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdrag2.bcs] loaded, 42374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdulf2.bcs] loaded, 300581 bytes Copied [ohbdulf2.bcs] to [override/ohbdulf2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohberin.bcs] loaded, 94384 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig01.bcs] loaded, 109626 bytes Copied [ohbfig01.bcs] to [override/ohbfig01.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig02.bcs] loaded, 165885 bytes Copied [ohbfig02.bcs] to [override/ohbfig02.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgelu.bcs] loaded, 46088 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgerr2.bcs] loaded, 292865 bytes Copied [ohbgerr2.bcs] to [override/ohbgerr2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgezz2.bcs] loaded, 358884 bytes Copied [ohbgezz2.bcs] to [override/ohbgezz2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbglab.bcs] loaded, 121347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbjoke2.bcs] loaded, 156403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohblea2.bcs] loaded, 133934 bytes Copied [ohblea2.bcs] to [override/ohblea2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag01.bcs] loaded, 328530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag02.bcs] loaded, 237520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag03.bcs] loaded, 122593 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag04.bcs] loaded, 236109 bytes Copied [ohbmag04.bcs] to [override/ohbmag04.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmari.bcs] loaded, 70604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmflay.bcs] loaded, 63201 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmonk.bcs] loaded, 96797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbnaji2.bcs] loaded, 54526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpal01.bcs] loaded, 148438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpar02.bcs] loaded, 7162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpitf.bcs] loaded, 65179 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpol.bcs] loaded, 102966 bytes Copied [ohbpol.bcs] to [override/ohbpol.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri01.bcs] loaded, 141617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri03.bcs] loaded, 142602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri04.bcs] loaded, 169632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbsucc.bcs] loaded, 92598 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbthass.bcs] loaded, 183444 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbtimm2.bcs] loaded, 147753 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvamp.bcs] loaded, 36325 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvogh2.bcs] loaded, 226625 bytes Copied [ohbvogh2.bcs] to [override/ohbvogh2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbwing.bcs] loaded, 180400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohdddolr.bcs] loaded, 36244 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohddixth.bcs] loaded, 35982 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnlanne.bcs] loaded, 88518 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnszass.bcs] loaded, 254008 bytes Copied [ohnszass.bcs] to [override/ohnszass.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvbalr.bcs] loaded, 127563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ohnvg01.bcs] to [override/ohnvg01.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvicr2.bcs] loaded, 168004 bytes Copied [ohnvicr2.bcs] to [override/ohnvicr2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvrw1.bcs] loaded, 69877 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrjassa.bcs] loaded, 62272 bytes Copied [ohrjassa.bcs] to [override/ohrjassa.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrsepho.bcs] loaded, 185419 bytes Copied [ohrsepho.bcs] to [override/ohrsepho.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrshani.bcs] loaded, 193029 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Loading indirect-reference variables... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/2DA.2DA] loaded, 700 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/CREATURES.2DA] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/DIALOGS.2DA] loaded, 243 bytes copying to override/dw-prfme.dlg Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-prfme.dlg] copying to override/dw-prflq.dlg Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] copying to override/dw-prfhq.dlg Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] copying to override/dw-prftq.dlg Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] copying to override/dw-prfll.dlg Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-prfll.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/EFFECTS.2DA] loaded, 2361 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/ITEMS.2DA] loaded, 2484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/PROJECTILES.2DA] loaded, 469 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/SCRIPTS.2DA] loaded, 561 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/SPELLS.2DA] loaded, 23596 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/LIB/RESOURCE_ID/TOF/VARIABLES.2DA] loaded, 1176 bytes ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/3p/CDMISC.INI] loaded, 86 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/3p/EXTRA_TEST.INI] loaded, 44 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/3p/ORIGINAL_GAME.INI] loaded, 258 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_made_all_scrolls.mrk] Including and running function(s) iwdspells_arcane Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/iwdspells_arcane.tpa] loaded, 2989 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/iwdspells_arcane.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/iwdspells_arcane.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_iwdspells_arcane_installed.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\GUIICON.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\GUIICON.BIF] [.\DATA\GUIICON.BIF] 151247308 bytes, 6038 files, 0 tilesets Copied [SPWI622a.bam] to [override/SPWI622a.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI622c.bam] to [override/SPWI622c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI622b.bam] to [override/SPWI622b.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI621a.bam] to [override/SPWI621a.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI621c.bam] to [override/SPWI621c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI621b.bam] to [override/SPWI621b.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI620a.bam] to [override/SPWI620a.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI620c.bam] to [override/SPWI620c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI620b.bam] to [override/SPWI620b.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25GUIBAM.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25GUIBAM.BIF] [.\DATA\25GUIBAM.BIF] 927932 bytes, 245 files, 0 tilesets Copied [SPWI923a.bam] to [override/SPWI923a.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI923c.bam] to [override/SPWI923c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI923b.bam] to [override/SPWI923b.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI924a.bam] to [override/SPWI924a.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI924c.bam] to [override/SPWI924c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI924b.bam] to [override/SPWI924b.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/overwrite.2da] loaded, 342 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/arcane_resrefs.txt] loaded, 1656 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/resource_overwrite_bg2.2da] loaded, 152 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/anim_maps.2da] loaded, 226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/animate.ids] loaded, 10319 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/missile.ids] loaded, 10442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/arcane_proj.txt] loaded, 417 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7730 bytes Appending [347 Snilloc's_Snowball_Swarm...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [347[ ]+Snilloc's_Snowball_Swarm] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3799 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3799 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7760 bytes Appending [348 Icelance...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [348[ ]+Icelance] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3813 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3813 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3813 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7774 bytes Appending [349 Lance_Of_Disruption...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [349[ ]+Lance_Of_Disruption] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3827 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3827 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7799 bytes Appending [350 Lance_Of_Disruption_Ray...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [350[ ]+Lance_Of_Disruption_Ray] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3839 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3839 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3839 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7828 bytes Appending [351 Emotion_Courage_Hope...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [351[ ]+Emotion_Courage_Hope] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3853 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3853 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3853 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7854 bytes Appending [352 Emotion_Fear_Hopelessness...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [352[ ]+Emotion_Fear_Hopelessness] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3867 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3867 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3867 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7885 bytes Appending [353 Force_Missiles_1...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [353[ ]+Force_Missiles_1] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3879 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3879 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7907 bytes Appending [354 Force_Missiles_2...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [354[ ]+Force_Missiles_2] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3896 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3896 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3896 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7929 bytes Appending [355 Force_Missiles_3...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [355[ ]+Force_Missiles_3] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3913 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3913 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3913 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7951 bytes Appending [356 Force_Missiles_4...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [356[ ]+Force_Missiles_4] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3930 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3930 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7973 bytes Appending [357 Force_Missiles_5...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [357[ ]+Force_Missiles_5] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3947 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3947 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3947 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 7995 bytes Appending [358 Force_Missiles_6...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [358[ ]+Force_Missiles_6] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3964 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3964 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3964 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8017 bytes Appending [359 Force_Missiles_7...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [359[ ]+Force_Missiles_7] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3981 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3981 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3981 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8039 bytes Appending [360 Force_Missiles_8...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [360[ ]+Force_Missiles_8] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 3998 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3998 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8061 bytes Appending [361 Force_Missiles_9...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [361[ ]+Force_Missiles_9] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4015 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4015 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8083 bytes Appending [362 Force_Missiles_10...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [362[ ]+Force_Missiles_10] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4032 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4032 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4032 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8106 bytes Appending [363 Force_Missiles_11...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [363[ ]+Force_Missiles_11] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4049 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4049 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4049 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8129 bytes Appending [364 Force_Missiles_Area...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [364[ ]+Force_Missiles_Area] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4062 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4062 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4062 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8154 bytes Appending [ 365 Shout...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [365[ ]+Shout] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4076 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4076 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4076 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8165 bytes Appending [366 Vitriolic_Sphere...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [366[ ]+Vitriolic_Sphere] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4090 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4090 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8187 bytes Appending [367 Vitriolic_Sphere_Area...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [367[ ]+Vitriolic_Sphere_Area] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4103 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4103 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8214 bytes Appending [368 Shroud_Of_Flames...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [368[ ]+Shroud_Of_Flames] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4117 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4117 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4117 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8236 bytes Appending [369 Otiluke's_Freezing_Sphere...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [369[ ]+Otiluke's_Freezing_Sphere] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4131 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4131 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4131 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8267 bytes Appending [370 Soul_Eater...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [370[ ]+Soul_Eater] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4145 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4145 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8283 bytes Appending [371 Acid_Storm...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [371[ ]+Acid_Storm] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4159 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4159 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4159 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8299 bytes Appending [372 Suffocate...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [372[ ]+Suffocate] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4173 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4173 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4173 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8314 bytes Appending [373 Great_Shout...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [373[ ]+Great_Shout] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4187 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4187 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4187 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8331 bytes Appending [374 Malavon's_Rage...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [374[ ]+Malavon's_Rage] Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4201 bytes Copied [projectl.ids] to [override/projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/arcane_smtables.txt] loaded, 174 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/strref_lookup.txt] loaded, 3699 bytes [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/tra/en_us/spells_copied.tra] has 359 translation strings Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/strref_map.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/strref_map.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/strref_map.txt] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/strref_map.txt] Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/iwd_arcane.2da] loaded, 4281 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/#SSSWARM.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/#SSSWARM.VVC] to [override/#SSSWARM.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/IDPRO217.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/IDPRO217.PRO] to [override/IDPRO217.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204.SPL] to [override/SPWI225.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204A.BAM] to [override/SPWI225A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204B.BAM] to [override/SPWI225B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204B.SPL] to [override/SPWI225B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204C.BAM] to [override/SPWI225C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SPWI204C.SPL] to [override/SPWI225C.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SSSWARR.BAM] loaded, 7357 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SSSWARR.BAM] to [override/SSSWARR.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SSSWART.BAM] loaded, 74945 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SSSWART.BAM] to [override/SSSWART.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SSSWARX.BAM] loaded, 56366 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/SSSWARX.BAM] to [override/SSSWARX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/TRA_18.WAV] loaded, 28196 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SNILLOCS_SNOWBALL_SWARM/TRA_18.WAV] to [override/TRA_18.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI225.spl] to [override/SPWI225.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA225.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26322 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 34 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_DECASTAVE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26322 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26322 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/#EFF_E02.WAV] loaded, 22694 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/#EFF_E02.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E02.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/#EFF_M06.WAV] loaded, 23435 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/#EFF_M06.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M06.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/DECASTA.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/DECASTA.BAM] to [override/DECASTA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/DECASTA.ITM] to [override/DECASTA.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/GBLUN01.BAM] loaded, 474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/GBLUN01.BAM] loaded, 474 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/GBLUN01.BAM] to [override/GBLUN01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/GSACK01.BAM] loaded, 304 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/GSACK01.BAM] loaded, 304 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/GSACK01.BAM] to [override/GSACK01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/INVOCH.BAM] loaded, 33988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/INVOCH.BAM] to [override/INVOCH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/INVOCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/INVOCH.VVC] to [override/INVOCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216.SPL] loaded, 7954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216.SPL] to [override/SPWI226.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216A.BAM] to [override/SPWI226A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216B.BAM] to [override/SPWI226B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DECASTAVE/SPWI216C.BAM] to [override/SPWI226C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI226.spl] loaded, 5154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI226.spl] to [override/SPWI226.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI226.spl] loaded, 4290 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA226.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26345 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 52 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_CATS_GRACE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26345 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26345 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/#EFF_M08.WAV] loaded, 22707 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/#EFF_M08.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M08.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/ALTERH.BAM] loaded, 42789 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/ALTERH.BAM] to [override/ALTERH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/ALTERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/ALTERH.VVC] to [override/ALTERH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/CLSSPLAB.2DA] loaded, 995 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/CLSSPLAB.2DA] to [override/CLSSPLAB.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 11986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225.SPL] to [override/SPWI227.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225A.BAM] to [override/SPWI227A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225B.BAM] to [override/SPWI227B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CATS_GRACE/SPWI225C.BAM] to [override/SPWI227C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI227.spl] loaded, 7746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 27 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI227.spl] to [override/SPWI227.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI227.spl] loaded, 6882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA227.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26369 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 71 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_ICELANCE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26369 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26369 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/#TRA_19.WAV] loaded, 40078 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/#TRA_19.WAV] to [override/#TRA_19.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/ICELANT.BAM] loaded, 50754 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/ICELANT.BAM] to [override/ICELANT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/IDPRO251.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/IDPRO251.PRO] to [override/IDPRO251.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327.SPL] to [override/SPWI323.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327A.BAM] to [override/SPWI323A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327B.BAM] to [override/SPWI323B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ICELANCE/SPWI327C.BAM] to [override/SPWI323C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI323.spl] to [override/SPWI323.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA323.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26391 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 88 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26391 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26391 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/#EFF_M06.WAV] loaded, 23435 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/#EFF_M06.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M06.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/#TRA_59.WAV] loaded, 70940 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/#TRA_59.WAV] to [override/#TRA_59.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/IDPRO313.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/IDPRO313.PRO] to [override/IDPRO313.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/INVOCH.BAM] loaded, 33988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/INVOCH.BAM] to [override/INVOCH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/INVOCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/INVOCH.VVC] to [override/INVOCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/LODISR.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/LODISR.PRO] to [override/LODISR.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/LODISRT.BAM] loaded, 413319 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/LODISRT.BAM] to [override/LODISRT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328.SPL] loaded, 3722 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328.SPL] to [override/SPWI327.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328A.BAM] to [override/SPWI327A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328B.BAM] to [override/SPWI327B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION/SPWI328C.BAM] to [override/SPWI327C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI327.spl] loaded, 3194 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 52 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI327.spl] to [override/SPWI327.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI327.spl] loaded, 2666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA327.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26424 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 116 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26424 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26424 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/#BELTYN.SPL] to [override/#BELTYN.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/#EFF_M07.WAV] loaded, 15030 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/#EFF_M07.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M07.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 5626 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422.SPL] to [override/SPWI422.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422A.BAM] to [override/SPWI422A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422B.BAM] to [override/SPWI422B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_BELTYNS_BURNING_BLOOD/SPWI422C.BAM] to [override/SPWI422C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 77 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI422.spl] to [override/SPWI422.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA422.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26459 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 146 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26459 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26459 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#ARE_M21.WAV] loaded, 40161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#ARE_M21.WAV] to [override/#ARE_M21.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#EFF_E03.WAV] loaded, 19028 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#EFF_E03.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E03.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#EFF_M05.WAV] loaded, 21663 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#EFF_M05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#GENENCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/#GENENCH.VVC] to [override/#GENENCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/ENCHAH.BAM] loaded, 36535 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/ENCHAH.BAM] to [override/ENCHAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/ENCHAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/ENCHAH.VVC] to [override/ENCHAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/ENCHANX.BAM] loaded, 236071 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/ENCHANX.BAM] to [override/ENCHANX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/IDPRO407.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/IDPRO407.PRO] to [override/IDPRO407.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427.SPL] to [override/SPWI426.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427A.BAM] to [override/SPWI426A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427B.BAM] to [override/SPWI426B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_COURAGE/SPWI427C.BAM] to [override/SPWI426C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 102 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA426.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26488 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 170 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26488 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26488 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#ARE_M21.WAV] loaded, 40161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#ARE_M21.WAV] to [override/#ARE_M21.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#EFF_E03.WAV] loaded, 19028 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#EFF_E03.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E03.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#EFF_M05.WAV] loaded, 21663 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#EFF_M05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#GENENCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/#GENENCH.VVC] to [override/#GENENCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/ENCHAH.BAM] loaded, 36535 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/ENCHAH.BAM] to [override/ENCHAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/ENCHAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/ENCHAH.VVC] to [override/ENCHAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/ENCHANX.BAM] loaded, 236071 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/ENCHANX.BAM] to [override/ENCHANX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/IDPRO407.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/IDPRO407.PRO] to [override/IDPRO407.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429.SPL] to [override/SPWI427.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429A.BAM] to [override/SPWI427A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429B.BAM] to [override/SPWI427B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPE/SPWI429C.BAM] to [override/SPWI427C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 128 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA427.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26514 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 191 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26514 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26514 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#ARE_M21.WAV] loaded, 40161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#ARE_M21.WAV] to [override/#ARE_M21.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#EFF_E05.WAV] loaded, 21754 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#EFF_E05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#EFF_M05.WAV] loaded, 21663 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#EFF_M05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#GENENCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/#GENENCH.VVC] to [override/#GENENCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/ENCHAH.BAM] loaded, 36535 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/ENCHAH.BAM] to [override/ENCHAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/ENCHAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/ENCHAH.VVC] to [override/ENCHAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/ENCHANX.BAM] loaded, 236071 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/ENCHANX.BAM] to [override/ENCHANX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/IDPRO255.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/IDPRO255.PRO] to [override/IDPRO255.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428.SPL] to [override/SPWI428.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428A.BAM] to [override/SPWI428A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428B.BAM] to [override/SPWI428B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_FEAR/SPWI428C.BAM] to [override/SPWI428C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 154 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI428.spl] to [override/SPWI428.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA428.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26540 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 212 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26540 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#ARE_M21.WAV] loaded, 40161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#ARE_M21.WAV] to [override/#ARE_M21.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_E05.WAV] loaded, 21754 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_E05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_M05.WAV] loaded, 21663 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_M05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#GENENCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/#GENENCH.VVC] to [override/#GENENCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/ENCHANX.BAM] loaded, 236071 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/ENCHANX.BAM] to [override/ENCHANX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/IDPRO255.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/IDPRO255.PRO] to [override/IDPRO255.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.BAM] loaded, 19598 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.BAM] to [override/PARALH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.VVC] to [override/PARALH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411.SPL] to [override/SPWI411.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411A.BAM] to [override/SPWI411A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411B.BAM] loaded, 1936 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411B.BAM] to [override/SPWI411B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411C.BAM] loaded, 1506 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS/SPWI411C.BAM] to [override/SPWI411C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/scrl5h.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 241 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26540 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26540 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/#FF_M103.WAV] loaded, 19228 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/#FF_M103.WAV] to [override/#FF_M103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISS.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISS.PRO] to [override/MFMISS.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISS2.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISS2.PRO] to [override/MFMISS2.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISSA.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISSA.PRO] to [override/MFMISSA.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISST.BAM] loaded, 37083 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISST.BAM] to [override/MFMISST.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISSX.BAM] loaded, 70272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISSX.BAM] to [override/MFMISSX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISSX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/MFMISSX.VVC] to [override/MFMISSX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 5682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430.SPL] to [override/SPWI429.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430A.BAM] to [override/SPWI429A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430B.BAM] to [override/SPWI429B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430B.SPL] loaded, 2226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430B.SPL] to [override/SPWI429B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/SPWI430C.BAM] to [override/SPWI429C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/TRA_55.WAV] loaded, 48752 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_FORCE_MISSILES/TRA_55.WAV] to [override/TRA_55.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI429.spl] to [override/SPWI429.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA429.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26582 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 278 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SHOUT Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26582 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26582 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/#FF_M100.WAV] loaded, 25647 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/#FF_M100.WAV] to [override/#FF_M100.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/#TRA_08.WAV] loaded, 57753 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/#TRA_08.WAV] to [override/#TRA_08.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/IDPRO315.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/IDPRO315.PRO] to [override/IDPRO315.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SHOUTT.BAM] loaded, 80213 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SHOUTT.BAM] to [override/SHOUTT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431.SPL] to [override/SPWI430.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431A.BAM] to [override/SPWI430A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431B.BAM] to [override/SPWI430B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHOUT/SPWI431C.BAM] to [override/SPWI430C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI430.spl] to [override/SPWI430.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA430.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26601 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 292 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26601 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26601 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/#EFF_M34.WAV] loaded, 18982 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/#EFF_M34.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M34.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/#TRA_60.WAV] loaded, 76096 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/#TRA_60.WAV] to [override/#TRA_60.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/IDPRO316.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/IDPRO316.PRO] to [override/IDPRO316.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432.SPL] to [override/SPWI431.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432A.BAM] to [override/SPWI431A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432B.BAM] to [override/SPWI431B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432C.BAM] to [override/SPWI431C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432Y.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432Y.SPL] to [override/SPWI431Y.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/SPWI432Z.SPL] to [override/SPWI431Z.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERT.BAM] loaded, 26674 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERT.BAM] to [override/VSPHERT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERX.BAM] loaded, 156835 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERX.BAM] to [override/VSPHERX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERX.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERX.PRO] to [override/VSPHERX.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_VITRIOLIC_SPHERE/VSPHERX.VVC] to [override/VSPHERX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI431.spl] to [override/SPWI431.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA431.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26631 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 317 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26631 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26631 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/#SOFLAMC.SPL] to [override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/IDSHROUD.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/IDSHROUD.PRO] to [override/IDSHROUD.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SOFLAMC.BAM] loaded, 32241 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SOFLAMC.BAM] to [override/SOFLAMC.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SOFLAMC.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SOFLAMC.VVC] to [override/SOFLAMC.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 10674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524.SPL] to [override/SPWI524.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524A.BAM] to [override/SPWI524A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524B.BAM] to [override/SPWI524B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524B.SPL] to [override/SPWI524B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524C.BAM] to [override/SPWI524C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHROUD_OF_FLAME/SPWI524C.SPL] to [override/SPWI524C.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI524.spl] to [override/SPWI524.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA524.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26660 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 341 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26660 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26660 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/EFF_M107.WAV] loaded, 36829 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/EFF_M107.WAV] to [override/EFF_M107.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/IDPRO269.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/IDPRO269.PRO] to [override/IDPRO269.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/OFSPHEH.BAM] loaded, 151366 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/OFSPHEH.BAM] to [override/OFSPHEH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/OFSPHEH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/OFSPHEH.VVC] to [override/OFSPHEH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/OFSPHET.BAM] loaded, 81074 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/OFSPHET.BAM] to [override/OFSPHET.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 3610 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628.SPL] to [override/SPWI626.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628A.BAM] to [override/SPWI626A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628B.BAM] to [override/SPWI626B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_OTILUKES_FREEZING_SPHERE/SPWI628C.BAM] to [override/SPWI626C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 1770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI626.spl] to [override/SPWI626.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 1770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA626.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26698 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 374 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26698 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26698 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/#EFF_M07.WAV] loaded, 15030 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/#EFF_M07.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M07.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/DART.BAM] loaded, 1322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\OBJANIM.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\OBJANIM.BIF] [.\DATA\OBJANIM.BIF] 28634788 bytes, 2250 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/DART.BAM] loaded, 1322 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/DART.BAM] to [override/DART.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/DOBONE.ITM] to [override/DOBONE.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/GDART01.BAM] loaded, 188 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/GDART01.BAM] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/GDART01.BAM] to [override/GDART01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/GSACK01.BAM] loaded, 304 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/GSACK01.BAM] to [override/GSACK01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/IDOBONE.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/IDOBONE.BAM] to [override/IDOBONE.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI627.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630A.BAM] to [override/SPWI627A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630B.BAM] to [override/SPWI627B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DARTS_OF_BONE/SPWI630C.BAM] to [override/SPWI627C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI627.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 180 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI627.spl] to [override/SPWI627.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI627.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA627.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26725 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 396 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SOUL_EATER Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26725 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26725 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/#FF_M104.WAV] loaded, 24581 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/#FF_M104.WAV] to [override/#FF_M104.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/AD3SKLM.CRE] to [override/AD3SKLM.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/GRING01.BAM] loaded, 331 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/GRING01.BAM] loaded, 331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/GRING01.BAM] to [override/GRING01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/IDPRO299.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/IDPRO299.PRO] to [override/IDPRO299.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/RNDTRE40.ITM] to [override/RNDTRE40.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERA.BAM] loaded, 151757 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERA.BAM] to [override/SEATERA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERA.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERA.VVC] to [override/SEATERA.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERH.BAM] loaded, 89513 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERH.BAM] to [override/SEATERH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SEATERH.VVC] to [override/SEATERH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631.SPL] to [override/SPWI628.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631A.BAM] to [override/SPWI628A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631B.BAM] to [override/SPWI628B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631B.SPL] to [override/SPWI628B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SOUL_EATER/SPWI631C.BAM] to [override/SPWI628C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI628.spl] to [override/SPWI628.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA628.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26749 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 415 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26749 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26749 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26781 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/#EFF_M07.WAV] loaded, 15030 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/#EFF_M07.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M07.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/#TROLLIS.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/#TROLLIS.EFF] to [override/#TROLLIS.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632.SPL] to [override/SPWI629.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632A.BAM] to [override/SPWI629A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632B.BAM] to [override/SPWI629B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_TROLLISH_FORTITUDE/SPWI632C.BAM] to [override/SPWI629C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI629.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 205 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI629.spl] to [override/SPWI629.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI629.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA629.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26781 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 442 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_ACID_STORM Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26781 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26781 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26781 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26781 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26781 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26781 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26781 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26781 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/ASTORMA.BAM] loaded, 353214 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/ASTORMA.BAM] to [override/ASTORMA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/ASTORMX.BAM] loaded, 71552 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/ASTORMX.BAM] to [override/ASTORMX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/IDPRO211.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/IDPRO211.PRO] to [override/IDPRO211.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 19562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724.SPL] to [override/SPWI706.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724A.BAM] to [override/SPWI706A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724B.BAM] to [override/SPWI706B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ACID_STORM/SPWI724C.BAM] to [override/SPWI706C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI706.spl] loaded, 6106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI706.spl] to [override/SPWI706.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI706.spl] loaded, 6106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA706.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26805 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 461 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SUFFOCATE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26805 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26805 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26828 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/AFT_M18.WAV] loaded, 95236 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/AFT_M18.WAV] to [override/AFT_M18.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/IDPRO317.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/IDPRO317.PRO] to [override/IDPRO317.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726.SPL] to [override/SPWI724.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726A.BAM] to [override/SPWI724A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726B.BAM] to [override/SPWI724B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SPWI726C.BAM] to [override/SPWI724C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SUFFOCA.BAM] loaded, 164168 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SUFFOCA.BAM] to [override/SUFFOCA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SUFFOCA.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUFFOCATE/SUFFOCA.VVC] to [override/SUFFOCA.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA724.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26828 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 479 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MIND_BLANK Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26828 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26828 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26828 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26828 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26828 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26828 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26828 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26828 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/#EFF_M02.WAV] loaded, 23046 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/#EFF_M02.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M02.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/ABJURH.BAM] loaded, 37106 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/ABJURH.BAM] to [override/ABJURH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/ABJURH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/ABJURH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/ABJURH.VVC] to [override/ABJURH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/EFF_E02.WAV] loaded, 17603 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\SFXSOUND.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\SFXSOUND.BIF] [.\DATA\SFXSOUND.BIF] 18680908 bytes, 821 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802.SPL] to [override/SPWI806.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802A.BAM] to [override/SPWI806A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802B.BAM] to [override/SPWI806B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MIND_BLANK/SPWI802C.BAM] to [override/SPWI806C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 230 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA806.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26852 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 498 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26852 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26852 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/#FF_M101.WAV] loaded, 27409 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/#FF_M101.WAV] to [override/#FF_M101.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/#TRA_08.WAV] loaded, 57753 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/#TRA_08.WAV] to [override/#TRA_08.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/GSHOUTT.BAM] loaded, 90613 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/GSHOUTT.BAM] to [override/GSHOUTT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/IDPRO319.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/IDPRO319.PRO] to [override/IDPRO319.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806.SPL] to [override/SPWI819.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806A.BAM] to [override/SPWI819A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806B.BAM] to [override/SPWI819B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_GREAT_SHOUT/SPWI806C.BAM] to [override/SPWI819C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI819.spl] to [override/SPWI819.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA819.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26877 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 518 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_IRON_BODY Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26877 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26877 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/#FF_M102.WAV] loaded, 29066 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/#FF_M102.WAV] to [override/#FF_M102.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/ALTERH.BAM] loaded, 42789 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/ALTERH.BAM] to [override/ALTERH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/ALTERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/ALTERH.VVC] to [override/ALTERH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/IBODY.ITM] to [override/IBODY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/IIBODY.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/IIBODY.BAM] to [override/IIBODY.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814.SPL] to [override/SPWI820.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814A.BAM] to [override/SPWI820A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814B.BAM] to [override/SPWI820B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_IRON_BODY/SPWI814C.BAM] to [override/SPWI820C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA820.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26900 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 536 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26900 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26900 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26927 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/GRING01.BAM] loaded, 331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/GRING01.BAM] to [override/GRING01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SHADOW1.ITM] to [override/SHADOW1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SHADOW1.SPL] to [override/SHADOW1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 2050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526.SPL] to [override/SPWI525.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526A.BAM] to [override/SPWI525A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526B.BAM] to [override/SPWI525B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SPWI526C.BAM] to [override/SPWI525C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SSHADOW.2DA] loaded, 79 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SSHADOW.2DA] to [override/SSHADOW.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/SUMSHAD.CRE] to [override/SUMSHAD.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SUMMON_SHADOW/TRANS60.ITM] to [override/TRANS60.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI525.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI525.spl] to [override/SPWI525.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI525.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA525.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26927 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 558 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4 Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26927 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_E05.WAV] loaded, 21754 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_E05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_E07.WAV] loaded, 12748 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_E07.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E07.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_P11.WAV] loaded, 32447 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_P11.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P11.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_P17.WAV] loaded, 22678 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#EFF_P17.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P17.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/GHAST1.SPL] to [override/GHAST1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/GRING01.BAM] loaded, 331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/GRING01.BAM] to [override/GRING01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMMO4.2DA] loaded, 145 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/MSUMMO4.2DA] to [override/MSUMMO4.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/PARALH.BAM] loaded, 19598 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/PARALH.BAM] to [override/PARALH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/PARALH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/PARALH.VVC] to [override/PARALH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627.SPL] to [override/SPWI610.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627A.BAM] to [override/SPWI610A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627B.BAM] to [override/SPWI610B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4/SPWI627C.BAM] to [override/SPWI610C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI610.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI610.spl] to [override/SPWI610.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI610.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA610.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 586 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7 Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26927 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26927 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26927 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/GRING01.BAM] loaded, 331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/GRING01.BAM] to [override/GRING01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 6396 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MS7BGRD.CRE] to [override/MS7BGRD.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MS7UMBH.CRE] to [override/MS7UMBH.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMMO7.2DA] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/MSUMMO7.2DA] to [override/MSUMMO7.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901.SPL] to [override/SPWI901.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901A.BAM] to [override/SPWI901A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901B.BAM] to [override/SPWI901B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/SPWI901C.BAM] to [override/SPWI901C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_7/UMBERHLK.ITM] to [override/UMBERHLK.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI901.spl] to [override/SPWI901.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA901.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26960 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 614 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6 Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26960 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26960 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#EFF_E05.WAV] loaded, 21754 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#EFF_E05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#EFF_P11.WAV] loaded, 32447 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#EFF_P11.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P11.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#FIREAU.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#FIREAU.VVC] to [override/#FIREAU.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#FROSTAU.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#FROSTAU.VVC] to [override/#FROSTAU.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#TEMP.BAM] loaded, 546 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/#TEMP.BAM] to [override/#TEMP.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/CSALRING.ITM] to [override/CSALRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/FIAURAC.BAM] loaded, 276010 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/FIAURAC.BAM] to [override/FIAURAC.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/FRAURAC.BAM] loaded, 48061 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/FRAURAC.BAM] to [override/FRAURAC.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/FSALRING.ITM] to [override/FSALRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 6396 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MS6SALC.CRE] to [override/MS6SALC.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 6396 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MS6SALF.CRE] to [override/MS6SALF.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 176 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/MSUMMO6.2DA] to [override/MSUMMO6.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SALFIRE.ITM] to [override/SALFIRE.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SALFROS.ITM] to [override/SALFROS.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801.SPL] loaded, 1434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801.SPL] to [override/SPWI821.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801A.BAM] to [override/SPWI821A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801B.BAM] to [override/SPWI821B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_6/SPWI801C.BAM] to [override/SPWI821C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI821.spl] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI821.spl] to [override/SPWI821.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI821.spl] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA821.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26993 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 642 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5 Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 26993 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 26993 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/GRING01.BAM] loaded, 331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/GRING01.BAM] to [override/GRING01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MS5MINO.CRE] to [override/MS5MINO.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMMO5.2DA] loaded, 146 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/MSUMMO5.2DA] to [override/MSUMMO5.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/S1-8M1.ITM] to [override/S1-8M1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 1610 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706.SPL] to [override/SPWI725.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706A.BAM] to [override/SPWI725A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706B.BAM] to [override/SPWI725B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_5/SPWI706C.BAM] to [override/SPWI725C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI725.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI725.spl] to [override/SPWI725.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI725.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA725.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1 Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/ARARROW.BAM] loaded, 1283 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/ARARROW.BAM] loaded, 1283 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/ARARROW.BAM] to [override/ARARROW.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GAROW01.BAM] loaded, 279 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GAROW01.BAM] loaded, 279 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GAROW01.BAM] to [override/GAROW01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GBOW01.BAM] loaded, 663 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GBOW01.BAM] loaded, 663 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GBOW01.BAM] to [override/GBOW01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GNSUMMB.BAF] loaded, 429 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GNSUMMB.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMB.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MS1GOBA.CRE] to [override/MS1GOBA.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MS1GOBM.CRE] to [override/MS1GOBM.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMMO1.2DA] loaded, 136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/MSUMMO1.2DA] to [override/MSUMMO1.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 2402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309.SPL] to [override/SPWI309.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309A.BAM] to [override/SPWI309A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309B.BAM] to [override/SPWI309B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_1/SPWI309C.BAM] to [override/SPWI309C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI309.spl] loaded, 1522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI309.spl] to [override/SPWI309.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI309.spl] loaded, 1522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/scrl1l.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 698 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2 Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/#S1-12.ITM] to [override/#S1-12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/ARARROW.BAM] loaded, 1283 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/ARARROW.BAM] to [override/ARARROW.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GAROW01.BAM] loaded, 279 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GAROW01.BAM] to [override/GAROW01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GBOW01.BAM] loaded, 663 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GBOW01.BAM] to [override/GBOW01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GNSUMMB.BAF] loaded, 429 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GNSUMMB.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMB.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MS2LIZM.CRE] to [override/MS2LIZM.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 176 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/MSUMMO2.2DA] to [override/MSUMMO2.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/PPAW.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/PPAW.BAM] to [override/PPAW.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 2226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407.SPL] to [override/SPWI407.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407A.BAM] to [override/SPWI407A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407B.BAM] to [override/SPWI407B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_2/SPWI407C.BAM] to [override/SPWI407C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI407.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI407.spl] to [override/SPWI407.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI407.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/scrl2a.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 726 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3 Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#EFF_E05.WAV] loaded, 21754 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#EFF_E05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#EFF_P11.WAV] loaded, 32447 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#EFF_P11.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P11.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/GRING01.BAM] loaded, 331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/GRING01.BAM] to [override/GRING01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMMO3.2DA] loaded, 205 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/MSUMMO3.2DA] to [override/MSUMMO3.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/PINCERS.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/PINCERS.BAM] to [override/PINCERS.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/S5-20.ITM] to [override/S5-20.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 2226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504.SPL] to [override/SPWI504.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504A.BAM] to [override/SPWI504A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504B.BAM] to [override/SPWI504B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_3/SPWI504C.BAM] to [override/SPWI504C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI504.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI504.spl] to [override/SPWI504.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI504.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/scrl2g.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 754 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/CEELEMW.2DA] loaded, 86 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/CEELEMW.2DA] to [override/CEELEMW.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/CEELEMX.BAM] loaded, 170402 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/CEELEMX.BAM] to [override/CEELEMX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/CEELEMX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/CEELEMX.VVC] to [override/CEELEMX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/EELEM.ITM] to [override/EELEM.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/ES8ERTH.CRE] to [override/ES8ERTH.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/IEARTH.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/IEARTH.BAM] to [override/IEARTH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532.SPL] loaded, 2050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532.SPL] to [override/SPWI521.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532A.BAM] to [override/SPWI521A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532B.BAM] to [override/SPWI521B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_EARTH_ELEMENTAL/SPWI532C.BAM] to [override/SPWI521C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI521.spl] to [override/SPWI521.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/scrl7c.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 793 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/CFELEMW.2DA] loaded, 86 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/CFELEMW.2DA] to [override/CFELEMW.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/CFELEMX.BAM] loaded, 150633 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/CFELEMX.BAM] to [override/CFELEMX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/CFELEMX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/CFELEMX.VVC] to [override/CFELEMX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/ES8FIRE.CRE] to [override/ES8FIRE.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/FELE1-8.ITM] to [override/FELE1-8.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531.SPL] loaded, 2050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531.SPL] to [override/SPWI516.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531A.BAM] to [override/SPWI516A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531B.BAM] to [override/SPWI516B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL/SPWI531C.BAM] to [override/SPWI516C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI516.spl] to [override/SPWI516.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/scrl6x.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 831 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/AELEM.ITM] to [override/AELEM.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/CAELEMW.2DA] loaded, 121 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/CAELEMW.2DA] to [override/CAELEMW.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/CAELEMX.BAM] loaded, 140643 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/CAELEMX.BAM] to [override/CAELEMX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/CAELEMX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/CAELEMX.VVC] to [override/CAELEMX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/ES8AIR.CRE] to [override/ES8AIR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534.SPL] loaded, 2050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534.SPL] to [override/SPWI520.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534A.BAM] to [override/SPWI520A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534B.BAM] to [override/SPWI520B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/SPWI534C.BAM] to [override/SPWI520C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_AIR_ELEMENTAL/TRANS4.ITM] to [override/TRANS4.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI520.spl] to [override/SPWI520.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/scrl7b.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 868 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27026 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27026 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/CWELEMW.2DA] loaded, 86 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/CWELEMW.2DA] to [override/CWELEMW.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/CWELEMX.BAM] loaded, 140696 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/CWELEMX.BAM] to [override/CWELEMX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/CWELEMX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/CWELEMX.VVC] to [override/CWELEMX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/ES8WATR.CRE] to [override/ES8WATR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/GNELEWTF.BAF] loaded, 1008 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/GNELEWTF.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNELEWTF.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/IWATERE.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/IWATERE.BAM] to [override/IWATERE.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533.SPL] loaded, 2050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533.SPL] to [override/SPWI526.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533A.BAM] to [override/SPWI526A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533B.BAM] to [override/SPWI526B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/SPWI533C.BAM] to [override/SPWI526C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/TRANS4.ITM] to [override/TRANS4.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_WATER_ELEMENTAL/WELEM.ITM] to [override/WELEM.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI526.spl] to [override/SPWI526.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA526.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27070 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 907 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27070 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27070 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/#EFF_E01.WAV] loaded, 18041 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/#EFF_E01.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E01.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/#EFF_M06.WAV] loaded, 23435 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/#EFF_M06.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M06.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/#EFF_M45.WAV] loaded, 23662 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/#EFF_M45.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M45.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/GSW1H01.BAM] loaded, 560 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/GSW1H01.BAM] loaded, 560 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/GSW1H01.BAM] to [override/GSW1H01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/IMSWORD.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/IMSWORD.BAM] to [override/IMSWORD.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/INVOCH.BAM] loaded, 33988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/INVOCH.BAM] to [override/INVOCH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/INVOCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/INVOCH.VVC] to [override/INVOCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/MSWORD.ITM] to [override/MSWORD.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/MSWORDH.BAM] loaded, 54183 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/MSWORDH.BAM] to [override/MSWORDH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/MSWORDH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/MSWORDH.VVC] to [override/MSWORDH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716.SPL] loaded, 5690 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716.SPL] to [override/SPWI726.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716A.BAM] to [override/SPWI726A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716B.BAM] to [override/SPWI726B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MORDENKAINENS_SWORD_IWD/SPWI716C.BAM] to [override/SPWI726C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 255 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI726.spl] to [override/SPWI726.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA726.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27107 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 939 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27107 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27107 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/#EFF_M08.WAV] loaded, 22707 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/#EFF_M08.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M08.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/ALTERH.BAM] loaded, 42789 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/ALTERH.BAM] to [override/ALTERH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/ALTERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/ALTERH.VVC] to [override/ALTERH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/EFF_E01.WAV] loaded, 13654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126.SPL] to [override/SPWI126.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126A.BAM] to [override/SPWI126A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126B.BAM] to [override/SPWI126B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_EXPEDITIOUS_RETREAT/SPWI126C.BAM] to [override/SPWI126C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 280 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI126.spl] to [override/SPWI126.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA126.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27140 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 967 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27140 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27140 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#S1-12.ITM] to [override/#S1-12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/M1D7SLSH.ITM] to [override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/PPAW.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/PPAW.BAM] to [override/PPAW.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SMONSTE.2DA] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SMONSTE.2DA] to [override/SMONSTE.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 2226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426.SPL] to [override/SPWI432.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426A.BAM] to [override/SPWI432A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426B.BAM] to [override/SPWI432B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI426C.BAM] to [override/SPWI432C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1GOB1.CRE] to [override/SS1GOB1.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1GOB2.CRE] to [override/SS1GOB2.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1GOB3.CRE] to [override/SS1GOB3.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1LIZ3.CRE] to [override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1LIZ4.CRE] to [override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1TRL6.CRE] to [override/SS1TRL6.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1TRL7.CRE] to [override/SS1TRL7.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS1TRL8.CRE] to [override/SS1TRL8.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SUMRING.ITM] to [override/SUMRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADOW_MONSTERS/TRANS20.ITM] to [override/TRANS20.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI432.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI432.spl] to [override/SPWI432.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI432.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA432.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27169 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 991 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27169 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27169 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/DSMONST.2DA] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/DSMONST.2DA] to [override/DSMONST.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 2050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525.SPL] to [override/SPWI527.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525A.BAM] to [override/SPWI527A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525B.BAM] to [override/SPWI527B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SPWI525C.BAM] to [override/SPWI527C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2GOB1.CRE] to [override/SS2GOB1.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2GOB2.CRE] to [override/SS2GOB2.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2GOB3.CRE] to [override/SS2GOB3.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2LIZ5.CRE] to [override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2LIZ6.CRE] to [override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SS2LIZ7.CRE] to [override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/SUMRING.ITM] to [override/SUMRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_DEMI_SHADOW_MONSTERS/TRANS40.ITM] to [override/TRANS40.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI527.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI527.spl] to [override/SPWI527.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI527.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA527.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27203 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1020 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27203 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27203 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/#ANTISHL.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/#ANTISHL.VVC] to [override/#ANTISHL.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/#EFF_E01.WAV] loaded, 18041 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/#EFF_E01.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E01.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/AFT_M04.WAV] loaded, 27783 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/AFT_M04.WAV] to [override/AFT_M04.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/AMSHELC.BAM] loaded, 93918 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/AMSHELC.BAM] to [override/AMSHELC.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/DESTSELF.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\EFFECTS.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\EFFECTS.BIF] [.\DATA\EFFECTS.BIF] 189832 bytes, 534 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/DESTSELF.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/DESTSELF.EFF] to [override/DESTSELF.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 72010 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610A.BAM] to [override/SPWI630A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610B.BAM] loaded, 1822 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610B.BAM] to [override/SPWI630B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_ANTIMAGIC_SHELL/SPWI610C.BAM] to [override/SPWI630C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 34170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 34170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA630.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27232 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1044 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27232 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27232 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/#EFF_E04.WAV] loaded, 20373 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/#EFF_E04.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E04.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/#EFF_M07.WAV] loaded, 15030 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/#EFF_M07.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M07.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/ILTOUCH.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/ILTOUCH.BAM] to [override/ILTOUCH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/LTOUCH.ITM] to [override/LTOUCH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/LTOUCH.SPL] to [override/LTOUCH.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626.SPL] to [override/SPWI631.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626A.BAM] to [override/SPWI631A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626B.BAM] to [override/SPWI631B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_LICH_TOUCH/SPWI626C.BAM] to [override/SPWI631C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI631.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 305 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPWI631.spl] to [override/SPWI631.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI631.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA631.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27256 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1063 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SHADES Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27256 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27256 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/CDIWDTR1.SPL] to [override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/EFTROLG.BAF] loaded, 0 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/EFTROLG.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/EFTROLG.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/M1D7SLSH.ITM] to [override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 157525 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1X.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/MSUMM1X.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/REG1HP2.ITM] to [override/REG1HP2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SHADES.2DA] loaded, 386 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SHADES.2DA] to [override/SHADES.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629.SPL] to [override/SPWI632.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629A.BAM] to [override/SPWI632A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629B.BAM] to [override/SPWI632B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SPWI629C.BAM] to [override/SPWI632C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2GOB2.CRE] to [override/SS2GOB2.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2GOB3.CRE] to [override/SS2GOB3.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2LIZ5.CRE] to [override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2LIZ6.CRE] to [override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS2LIZ7.CRE] to [override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3TRL7.CRE] to [override/SS3TRL7.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3TRL8.CRE] to [override/SS3TRL8.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3UMB8.CRE] to [override/SS3UMB8.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SS3UMB9.CRE] to [override/SS3UMB9.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SUMAMU.ITM] to [override/SUMAMU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/SUMRING.ITM] to [override/SUMRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/TRANS40.ITM] to [override/TRANS40.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/TRANS60.ITM] to [override/TRANS60.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SHADES/UMBERHLK.ITM] to [override/UMBERHLK.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI632.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI632.spl] to [override/SPWI632.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI632.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA632.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27276 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1078 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27276 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27276 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/#MALRAGE.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/#MALRAGE.VVC] to [override/#MALRAGE.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/IDPRO209.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/IDPRO209.PRO] to [override/IDPRO209.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/MRAGEH.BAM] loaded, 60581 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/MRAGEH.BAM] to [override/MRAGEH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/MRAGEH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/MRAGEH.VVC] to [override/MRAGEH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/MRAGEX.BAM] loaded, 95606 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/MRAGEX.BAM] to [override/MRAGEX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709.SPL] to [override/SPWI727.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709A.BAM] to [override/SPWI727A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709B.BAM] to [override/SPWI727B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_MALAVONS_RAGE/SPWI709C.BAM] to [override/SPWI727C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI727.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI727.spl] to [override/SPWI727.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI727.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA727.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27303 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1100 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27303 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27303 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1A.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1A.VVC] to [override/#7EYES1A.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1B.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1B.VVC] to [override/#7EYES1B.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1C.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1C.VVC] to [override/#7EYES1C.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1D.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1D.VVC] to [override/#7EYES1D.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1E.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1E.VVC] to [override/#7EYES1E.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1F.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1F.VVC] to [override/#7EYES1F.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1G.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES1G.VVC] to [override/#7EYES1G.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2A.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2A.VVC] to [override/#7EYES2A.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2B.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2B.VVC] to [override/#7EYES2B.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2C.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2C.VVC] to [override/#7EYES2C.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2D.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2D.VVC] to [override/#7EYES2D.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2E.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2E.VVC] to [override/#7EYES2E.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2F.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2F.VVC] to [override/#7EYES2F.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2G.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/#7EYES2G.VVC] to [override/#7EYES2G.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1186 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/7EYES.2DA] to [override/7EYES.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/AFT_M15.WAV] loaded, 111363 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/AFT_M15.WAV] to [override/AFT_M15.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/AFT_M16.WAV] loaded, 110218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/AFT_M16.WAV] to [override/AFT_M16.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/AFT_M17.WAV] loaded, 109005 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/AFT_M17.WAV] to [override/AFT_M17.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SEYESC1.BAM] loaded, 20343 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SEYESC1.BAM] to [override/SEYESC1.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SEYESC2.BAM] loaded, 16600 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SEYESC2.BAM] to [override/SEYESC2.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725.SPL] to [override/SPWI728.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725A.BAM] to [override/SPWI728A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725B.BAM] to [override/SPWI728B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/WIZARD_SEVEN_EYES/SPWI725C.BAM] to [override/SPWI728C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copied [SPWI728.spl] to [override/SPWI728.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA728.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27327 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1119 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for SEVEN_EYES_MIND Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27327 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27327 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MIND/SPIN107.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MIND/SPIN107.SPL] to [override/SPIN128.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MIND/SPIN107B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MIND/SPIN107B.BAM] to [override/SPIN128B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN128.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27349 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1136 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for SEVEN_EYES_MAGE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27349 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27349 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MAGE/SPIN109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MAGE/SPIN109.SPL] to [override/SPIN129.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MAGE/SPIN109B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_MAGE/SPIN109B.BAM] to [override/SPIN129B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN129.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27371 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1153 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for SEVEN_EYES_SWORD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27371 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27371 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SWORD/SPIN108.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SWORD/SPIN108.SPL] to [override/SPIN130.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SWORD/SPIN108B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SWORD/SPIN108B.BAM] to [override/SPIN130B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN130.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27394 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1171 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for SEVEN_EYES_VENOM Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27394 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27394 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_VENOM/SPIN110.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_VENOM/SPIN110.SPL] to [override/SPIN131.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_VENOM/SPIN110B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_VENOM/SPIN110B.BAM] to [override/SPIN131B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN131.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27417 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1189 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for SEVEN_EYES_FORTITUDE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27417 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27417 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_FORTITUDE/SPIN112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_FORTITUDE/SPIN112.SPL] to [override/SPIN132.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_FORTITUDE/SPIN112B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_FORTITUDE/SPIN112B.BAM] to [override/SPIN132B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27444 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1211 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for SEVEN_EYES_SPIRIT Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27444 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27444 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SPIRIT/SPIN111.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SPIRIT/SPIN111.SPL] to [override/SPIN133.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SPIRIT/SPIN111B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_SPIRIT/SPIN111B.BAM] to [override/SPIN133B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN133.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27468 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1230 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for SEVEN_EYES_STONE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27468 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27468 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_STONE/SPIN113.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_STONE/SPIN113.SPL] to [override/SPIN134.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_STONE/SPIN113B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/SEVEN_EYES_STONE/SPIN113B.BAM] to [override/SPIN134B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN134.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/arcane_icons.2da] loaded, 1863 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_cats_grace.bam] loaded, 1015 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_cats_grace.bam] to [override/SPWI227D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI227.spl] loaded, 6882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI227.spl] to [override/SPWI227.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6126 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPWI422D.bam] loaded, 977 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPWI422D.bam] to [override/SPWI422D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI422.spl] to [override/SPWI422.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6159 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_courage.bam] loaded, 974 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_courage.bam] to [override/SPWI426D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6192 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_hope.bam] loaded, 963 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_hope.bam] to [override/SPWI427D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6225 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPWI524D.bam] loaded, 1034 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPWI524D.bam] to [override/SPWI524D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI524.spl] to [override/SPWI524.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6258 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524b.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI524b.spl] to [override/SPWI524b.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6291 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6324 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_mindblank.bam] loaded, 974 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_mindblank.bam] to [override/SPWI806D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6357 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_iron_body.bam] loaded, 946 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_iron_body.bam] to [override/dwicon1.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6389 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI126.spl] to [override/SPWI126.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6422 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPWI610D.bam] loaded, 1038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPWI610D.bam] to [override/SPWI630D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 34170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying and patching 172 files ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25STORE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25STORE.BIF] [.\DATA\25STORE.BIF] 51820 bytes, 35 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [25SPELL.STO] to [override/25SPELL.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [25SPELL2.STO] to [override/25SPELL2.STO] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\STORES.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\STORES.BIF] [.\DATA\STORES.BIF] 162212 bytes, 115 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BAG19.STO] to [override/BAG19.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BAG19A.STO] to [override/BAG19A.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BAG19B.STO] to [override/BAG19B.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BAG19C.STO] to [override/BAG19C.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BAG19D.STO] to [override/BAG19D.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BAG19E.STO] to [override/BAG19E.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BERNARD.STO] to [override/BERNARD.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BERNARD2.STO] to [override/BERNARD2.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BERNARD3.STO] to [override/BERNARD3.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BERNARD4.STO] to [override/BERNARD4.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BERNARD5.STO] to [override/BERNARD5.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BERNARD6.STO] to [override/BERNARD6.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BMTHIEF.STO] to [override/BMTHIEF.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BSHOP01.STO] to [override/BSHOP01.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [CDAEMERC.STO] to [override/CDAEMERC.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [GARLENA.STO] to [override/GARLENA.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [GORCH.STO] to [override/GORCH.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [HGKAR01.STO] to [override/HGKAR01.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [JAYES.STO] to [override/JAYES.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHBMHSM.STO] to [override/OHBMHSM.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHNMHSM.STO] to [override/OHNMHSM.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHNSCRME.STO] to [override/OHNSCRME.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [PPSTOR01.STO] to [override/PPSTOR01.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [RIBALD.STO] to [override/RIBALD.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [RIBALD2.STO] to [override/RIBALD2.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [RIBALD3.STO] to [override/RIBALD3.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SAHPR1.STO] to [override/SAHPR1.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SCROLLS.STO] to [override/SCROLLS.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SHOP08.STO] to [override/SHOP08.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SHTHSTOR.STO] to [override/SHTHSTOR.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SUELF10.STO] to [override/SUELF10.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TRCAR04.STO] to [override/TRCAR04.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TRMER04.STO] to [override/TRMER04.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TRMER04A.STO] to [override/TRMER04A.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TRTHF02.STO] to [override/TRTHF02.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TYPE1.STO] to [override/TYPE1.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TYPE2.STO] to [override/TYPE2.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TYPE3.STO] to [override/TYPE3.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [UDDROW22.STO] to [override/UDDROW22.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [UDDROW23.STO] to [override/UDDROW23.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [UDDROW25.STO] to [override/UDDROW25.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [UDDUER01.STO] to [override/UDDUER01.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [UDDUER02.STO] to [override/UDDUER02.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [UDSVIR04.STO] to [override/UDSVIR04.STO] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [UDSVIR05.STO] to [override/UDSVIR05.STO] Compiling 1 script ... Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Compiling 1 script ... Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Compiling 1 script ... Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Compiling 1 script ... Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Including and running function(s) iwd_arcane_spells_postproduction [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lang/english/dw_iwdspells.tra] has 61 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/iwd_arcane_spells_postproduction.tpa] loaded, 4150 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/iwd_arcane_spells_postproduction.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/iwd_arcane_spells_postproduction.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1248 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes Copying and patching 2931 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI406.spl] to [override/SPWI406.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI602.spl] to [override/SPWI602.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM126.spl] to [override/SPWM126.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [JWGLOBE.spl] to [override/JWGLOBE.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [lich.itm] to [override/lich.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [rakring.itm] to [override/rakring.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demilich.itm] to [override/demilich.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msummo1.2da] loaded, 136 bytes Copied [msummo1.2da] to [override/msummo1.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msummo2.2da] loaded, 176 bytes Copied [msummo2.2da] to [override/msummo2.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msummo3.2da] loaded, 205 bytes Copied [msummo3.2da] to [override/msummo3.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msummo4.2da] loaded, 145 bytes Copied [msummo4.2da] to [override/msummo4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msummo5.2da] loaded, 146 bytes Copied [msummo5.2da] to [override/msummo5.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msummo6.2da] loaded, 176 bytes Copied [msummo6.2da] to [override/msummo6.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msummo7.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [msummo7.2da] to [override/msummo7.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sshadow.2da] loaded, 79 bytes Copied [sshadow.2da] to [override/sshadow.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/caelemw.2da] loaded, 121 bytes Copied [caelemw.2da] to [override/caelemw.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cfelemw.2da] loaded, 86 bytes Copied [cfelemw.2da] to [override/cfelemw.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ceelemw.2da] loaded, 86 bytes Copied [ceelemw.2da] to [override/ceelemw.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cwelemw.2da] loaded, 86 bytes Copied [cwelemw.2da] to [override/cwelemw.2da] Including and running function(s) summoned_monsters_arcane Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/summoned_monsters_arcane.tpa] loaded, 12450 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/summoned_monsters_arcane.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/summoned_monsters_arcane.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms7umbh.cre] loaded, 6376 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ms7umbh.cre] to [override/ms7umbh.cre] Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/dw#umber.baf] loaded, 1011 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27491 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/pettin.cre] loaded, 1888 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/pettin.cre] to [override/dw#ms7et.cre] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo7.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO7.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo7.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO7.2DA] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [msummo7.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms6salc.cre] loaded, 6396 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ms6salc.cre] to [override/ms6salc.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms6salf.cre] loaded, 6396 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ms6salf.cre] to [override/ms6salf.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/trolgi01.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/trolgi01.cre] to [override/dw#ms6gt.cre] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo6.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo6.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [msummo6.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 102 bytes Appended text to [msummo6.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/troll01.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/troll01.cre] to [override/dw#ms5tr.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms5mino.cre] loaded, 6376 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ms5mino.cre] to [override/ms5mino.cre] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo5.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO5.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo5.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO5.2DA] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [msummo5.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/ogremasu.cre] loaded, 1352 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/ogremasu.cre] to [override/ogremasu.cre] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Not appending [0x00400010 STATE_NOT_TARGETABLE...] to [state.ids] because it DOES contains [STATE_NOT_TARGETABLE] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Not appending [0x00000029 STATE_IMMOBILE...] to [state.ids] because it DOES contains [STATE_IMMOBILE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/ogremasu.baf] loaded, 10808 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27491 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/ogremasu.baf] to [override/ogremasu.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/icyuan01.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/icyuan01.cre] to [override/dw#ms4yu.cre] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO4.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO4.2DA] loaded, 76 bytes Appended text to [msummo4.2da] [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\CREATURE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\CREATURE.BIF] [.\DATA\CREATURE.BIF] 4510860 bytes, 3205 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ogregrsu.cre] to [override/ogregrsu.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/dw#msogr.baf] loaded, 269 bytes [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2686 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/dw#msogr.baf] to [override/dw#msogr.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [hobgobsu.cre] to [override/hobgobsu.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ettercsu.cre] to [override/ettercsu.cre] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO3.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO3.2DA] loaded, 76 bytes Appended text to [msummo3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO3.2DA] loaded, 104 bytes Appended text to [msummo3.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [gnollsu.cre] to [override/gnollsu.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ogrelesu.cre] to [override/ogrelesu.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms2lizm.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ms2lizm.cre] to [override/ms2lizm.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#S1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copied [#S1-12.itm] to [override/#S1-12.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ogresu.cre] to [override/ogresu.cre] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [msummo2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 103 bytes Appended text to [msummo2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 130 bytes Appended text to [msummo2.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms1goba.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ms1goba.cre] to [override/ms1goba.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms1gobm.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ms1gobm.cre] to [override/ms1gobm.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/hobwar01.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/hobwar01.cre] to [override/dw#ms1hw.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/hobarc01.cre] loaded, 1236 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/hobarc01.cre] to [override/dw#ms1ha.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/orc01.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/orc01.cre] to [override/dw#ms1ow.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/orc02.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/orc02.cre] to [override/dw#ms1oa.cre] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO1.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO1.2DA] loaded, 76 bytes Appended text to [msummo1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO1.2DA] loaded, 104 bytes Appended text to [msummo1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO1.2DA] loaded, 132 bytes Appended text to [msummo1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO1.2DA] loaded, 160 bytes Appended text to [msummo1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO1.2DA] loaded, 187 bytes Appended text to [msummo1.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ss3umb8.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ss3umb8.cre] to [override/ss3umb8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ss3umb9.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ss3umb9.cre] to [override/ss3umb9.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ss2liz5.cre] loaded, 1400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ss2liz5.cre] to [override/ss2liz5.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ss2liz6.cre] loaded, 1400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ss2liz6.cre] to [override/ss2liz6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ss2liz7.cre] loaded, 1400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ss2liz7.cre] to [override/ss2liz7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ss1liz3.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ss1liz4.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ES8WATR.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ES8WATR.cre] to [override/ES8WATR.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ES8FIRE.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ES8FIRE.cre] to [override/ES8FIRE.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ES8ERTH.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ES8ERTH.cre] to [override/ES8ERTH.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ES8AIR.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ES8AIR.cre] to [override/ES8AIR.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SUMSHAD.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SUMSHAD.cre] to [override/SUMSHAD.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1GOB1.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1GOB1.cre] to [override/SS1GOB1.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1GOB2.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1GOB2.cre] to [override/SS1GOB2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1GOB3.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1GOB3.cre] to [override/SS1GOB3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1LIZ3.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1LIZ3.cre] to [override/SS1LIZ3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1LIZ4.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1LIZ4.cre] to [override/SS1LIZ4.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1TRL6.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1TRL6.cre] to [override/SS1TRL6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1TRL7.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1TRL7.cre] to [override/SS1TRL7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS1TRL8.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS1TRL8.cre] to [override/SS1TRL8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS2GOB1.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS2GOB1.cre] to [override/SS2GOB1.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS2GOB2.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS2GOB2.cre] to [override/SS2GOB2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS2GOB3.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS2GOB3.cre] to [override/SS2GOB3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS2LIZ5.cre] loaded, 1400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS2LIZ5.cre] to [override/SS2LIZ5.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS2LIZ6.cre] loaded, 1400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS2LIZ6.cre] to [override/SS2LIZ6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS2LIZ7.cre] loaded, 1400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS2LIZ7.cre] to [override/SS2LIZ7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS3TRL7.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS3TRL7.cre] to [override/SS3TRL7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SS3TRL8.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SS3TRL8.cre] to [override/SS3TRL8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AD3SKLM.cre] loaded, 5076 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [AD3SKLM.cre] to [override/AD3SKLM.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8fire.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8erth.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8air.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Including and running function(s) elemental_summoning Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/elemental_summoning.tpa] loaded, 7722 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/elemental_summoning.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/elemental_summoning.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#elemental_summoning.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8watr.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elairsu2.cre] to [override/elairsu2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elairsu3.cre] to [override/elairsu3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elairsu4.cre] to [override/elairsu4.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elearsu1.cre] to [override/elearsu1.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elearsu2.cre] to [override/elearsu2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elearsu3.cre] to [override/elearsu3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elearsu4.cre] to [override/elearsu4.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elfirsu1.cre] to [override/elfirsu1.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elfirsu2.cre] to [override/elfirsu2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elfirsu3.cre] to [override/elfirsu3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elfirsu4.cre] to [override/elfirsu4.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [speart1.eff] to [override/speart1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [speart2.eff] to [override/speart2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [speart3.eff] to [override/speart3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [splesear.eff] to [override/splesear.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spfir1.eff] to [override/spfir1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spfir2.eff] to [override/spfir2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spfir3.eff] to [override/spfir3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [splesfir.eff] to [override/splesfir.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spair1.eff] to [override/spair1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spair2.eff] to [override/spair2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spair3.eff] to [override/spair3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [splesair.eff] to [override/splesair.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [SPWI622.spl] to [override/SPWI622.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl7z.itm] to [override/scrl7z.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI620.spl] to [override/SPWI620.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl7x.itm] to [override/scrl7x.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI621.spl] to [override/SPWI621.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl7y.itm] to [override/scrl7y.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI521.spl] to [override/SPWI521.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7c.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [scrl7c.itm] to [override/scrl7c.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7c.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [scrl7c.itm] to [override/scrl7c.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI521.spl] to [override/SPWI521.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI520.spl] to [override/SPWI520.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7b.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [scrl7b.itm] to [override/scrl7b.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7b.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [scrl7b.itm] to [override/scrl7b.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI520.spl] to [override/SPWI520.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI516.spl] to [override/SPWI516.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl6x.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [scrl6x.itm] to [override/scrl6x.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl6x.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [scrl6x.itm] to [override/scrl6x.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI516.spl] to [override/SPWI516.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI526.spl] to [override/SPWI526.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [cdia526.itm] to [override/cdia526.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [cdia526.itm] to [override/cdia526.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI526.spl] to [override/SPWI526.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI526A.bam] to [weidu_external/workspace/water_iconA.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI526B.bam] to [weidu_external/workspace/water_iconB.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI526C.bam] to [weidu_external/workspace/water_iconC.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copied [SPWI621.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27491 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27491 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI633.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/water_icona.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/water_icona.bam] to [override/SPWI633a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/water_iconb.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/water_iconb.bam] to [override/SPWI633b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/water_iconc.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/water_iconc.bam] to [override/SPWI633c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI633.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA633.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI633.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copied [SPWI633.spl] to [override/SPWI633.spl] Copying and patching 172 files ... [./override/25SPELL.STO] loaded, 7652 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [25SPELL.STO] to [override/25SPELL.STO] [./override/25SPELL2.STO] loaded, 7708 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [25SPELL2.STO] to [override/25SPELL2.STO] [./override/BAG19.STO] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/BAG19A.STO] loaded, 708 bytes [./override/BAG19B.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19C.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19D.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19E.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BERNARD.STO] loaded, 2736 bytes [./override/BERNARD2.STO] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/BERNARD3.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD4.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD5.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BERNARD6.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BMTHIEF.STO] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/BSHOP01.STO] loaded, 1628 bytes [./override/CDAEMERC.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/GARLENA.STO] loaded, 3540 bytes [./override/GORCH.STO] loaded, 1936 bytes [./override/HGKAR01.STO] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/JAYES.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [JAYES.STO] to [override/JAYES.STO] [./override/OHBMHSM.STO] loaded, 6408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHBMHSM.STO] to [override/OHBMHSM.STO] [./override/OHNMHSM.STO] loaded, 6408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHNMHSM.STO] to [override/OHNMHSM.STO] [./override/OHNSCRME.STO] loaded, 1028 bytes [./override/PPSTOR01.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/RIBALD.STO] loaded, 4352 bytes [./override/RIBALD2.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/RIBALD3.STO] loaded, 2132 bytes [./override/SAHPR1.STO] loaded, 3400 bytes [./override/SCROLLS.STO] loaded, 2204 bytes [./override/SHOP08.STO] loaded, 2972 bytes [./override/SHTHSTOR.STO] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/SUELF10.STO] loaded, 3400 bytes [./override/TRCAR04.STO] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/TRMER04.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/TRMER04A.STO] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/TRTHF02.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/TYPE1.STO] loaded, 4092 bytes [./override/TYPE2.STO] loaded, 3512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TYPE2.STO] to [override/TYPE2.STO] [./override/TYPE3.STO] loaded, 3296 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.STO] loaded, 1720 bytes [./override/UDDUER01.STO] loaded, 1308 bytes [./override/UDDUER02.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR04.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR05.STO] loaded, 2120 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [SPAIR1.EFF] to [override/DW#WAT1.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [SPAIR2.EFF] to [override/DW#WAT2.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [SPAIR3.EFF] to [override/DW#WAT3.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8watr.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copied [es8watr.cre] to [override/es8watr.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ELAIRSU2.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copied [ELAIRSU2.cre] to [override/DW#WATE2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ELAIRSU3.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copied [ELAIRSU3.cre] to [override/DW#WATE3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ELAIRSU4.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copied [ELAIRSU4.cre] to [override/DW#WATE4.cre] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI516A.BAM] loaded, 1600 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI516A.BAM] to [override/SPWI516A.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI516B.BAM] loaded, 972 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI516B.BAM] to [override/SPWI516B.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI516C.BAM] loaded, 1213 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI516C.BAM] to [override/SPWI516C.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI520A.BAM] loaded, 1787 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI520A.BAM] to [override/SPWI520A.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI520B.BAM] loaded, 997 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI520B.BAM] to [override/SPWI520B.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI520C.BAM] loaded, 1005 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI520C.BAM] to [override/SPWI520C.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI521A.BAM] loaded, 1719 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI521A.BAM] to [override/SPWI521A.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI521B.BAM] loaded, 1155 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI521B.BAM] to [override/SPWI521B.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI521C.BAM] loaded, 896 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/RESOURCE/ELEM_ICONS/SPWI521C.BAM] to [override/SPWI521C.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/elem_icons/clwaterA.bam] loaded, 1631 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/elem_icons/clwaterA.bam] to [override/SPWI526A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/elem_icons/clwaterB.bam] loaded, 1556 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/elem_icons/clwaterB.bam] to [override/SPWI526B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/elem_icons/clwaterC.bam] loaded, 984 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/elem_icons/clwaterC.bam] to [override/SPWI526C.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copied [SPWI126.spl] to [override/SPWI126.spl] Including and running function(s) force_blade Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/force_blade.tpa] loaded, 1764 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/force_blade.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/force_blade.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes Copied [SPWI726.spl] to [override/SPWI726.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [cdia726.itm] to [override/cdia726.itm] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI726a.bam] to [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726a.bam] Copying 1 file ... Copied [SPWI716a.bam] to [override/SPWI726a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726a.bam] to [override/SPWI716a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI726b.bam] to [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726b.bam] Copying 1 file ... Copied [SPWI716b.bam] to [override/SPWI726b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726b.bam] to [override/SPWI716b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI726c.bam] to [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726c.bam] Copying 1 file ... Copied [SPWI716c.bam] to [override/SPWI726c.bam] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/SPWI726c.bam] to [override/SPWI716c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copied [SPWI126.spl] to [override/SPWI126.spl] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Not appending [181 ReallyForceSpellRES(S:RES*,O:Target)...] to [action.ids] because it DOES contains [181 ReallyForceSpellRES(S:RES\*,O:Target)] Copying 2 files ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/0105.ini] loaded, 853 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/0105.ini] to [override/0105.ini] [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/lodisru.bam] loaded, 12324 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/lodisru.bam] to [override/lodisru.bam] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Appending [0x0105 LANCE_OF_DISRUPTION...] to [animate.ids] because it does NOT contain [^0x0105] Appended text to [animate.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/idpro313.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [idpro313.pro] to [override/idpro313.pro] Copying and patching 2 files ... Copied [spwi114.spl] to [override/spwi114.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI407.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [wand10.itm] to [override/wand10.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 34170 bytes Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying and patching 2 files ... [./override/ss3trl7.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes Copied [ss3trl7.cre] to [override/ss3trl7.cre] [./override/ss3trl8.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes Copied [ss3trl8.cre] to [override/ss3trl8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes Copied [SPWI726.spl] to [override/SPWI726.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN132.spl] to [override/SPIN132.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/7eyes.2da] loaded, 1199 bytes Copied [7eyes.2da] to [override/7eyes.2da] Appending to files column-wise ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1186 bytes Appended text to [7eyes.2da] column-wise Appending to files column-wise ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1221 bytes Appended text to [7eyes.2da] column-wise Appending to files column-wise ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1246 bytes Appended text to [7eyes.2da] column-wise Appending to files column-wise ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1271 bytes Appended text to [7eyes.2da] column-wise Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ad3sklm.cre] loaded, 5076 bytes Copied [ad3sklm.cre] to [override/ad3sklm.cre] Compiling 1 script ... Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI226.spl] loaded, 4290 bytes Copied [SPWI226.spl] to [override/SPWI226.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/decasta.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [decasta.itm] to [override/decasta.itm] Copying and patching 2 files ... [./override/idpro255.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [idpro255.pro] to [override/idpro255.pro] [./override/idpro407.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [idpro407.pro] to [override/idpro407.pro] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [dobone.itm] to [override/dobone.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ltouch.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [ltouch.spl] to [override/ltouch.spl] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi226.spl] loaded, 3426 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi227.spl] loaded, 6882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi327.spl] loaded, 2666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi429.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi430.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi626.spl] loaded, 1770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi627.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi629.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi706.spl] loaded, 6106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi724.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi525.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi610.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi821.spl] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi725.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi309.spl] loaded, 1522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi407.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi504.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi726.spl] loaded, 1738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi432.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi527.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi631.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi632.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi727.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [./inline/generic.tpa] to [weidu_external/iwdspells/generic_arcane.tpa] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [./inline/cc_array.tpa] to [weidu_external/iwdspells/compat_for_castercraft_arcane.tpa] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [./inline/atweaks.tpa] to [weidu_external/iwdspells/compat_for_atweaks.tpa] Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/spells_used.txt] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI426.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI428.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI428.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI411.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431z.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI431z.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI431z.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [ring95.itm] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ring95.itm] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [SPWI806.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [ibody.itm] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copied [SPWI126.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI126.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/7eyes.2da] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [7eyes.2da] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] to [override/7eyes.2da] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN132.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPIN132.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI428.spl] to [override/SPWI428.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431z.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [7EYES.2DA] to [override/7EYES.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN132.spl] to [override/SPIN132.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spells_used.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/bam_copy_arcane.2da] loaded, 339 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI619A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI619B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_WYVERN_CALL_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI619C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CARRION_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CARRION_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI623A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CARRION_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CARRION_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI623B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CARRION_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CARRION_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI623C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI501A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 1741 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI501B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 1549 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI501C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_EFREET_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_EFREET_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI717A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_EFREET_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_EFREET_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI717B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_EFREET_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_EFREET_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI717C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_DJINNI_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_DJINNI_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI718A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_DJINNI_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_DJINNI_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI718B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_DJINNI_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_DJINNI_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI718C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_FIEND_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_FIEND_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI807A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_FIEND_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_FIEND_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI807B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_FIEND_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_FIEND_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI807C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CACOFIEND_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CACOFIEND_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI707A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CACOFIEND_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CACOFIEND_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI707B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CACOFIEND_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CACOFIEND_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI707C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_GATE_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_GATE_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI905A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_GATE_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_GATE_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI905B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_GATE_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_GATE_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI905C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SPIDER_SPAWN_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SPIDER_SPAWN_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI423A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SPIDER_SPAWN_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SPIDER_SPAWN_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI423B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SPIDER_SPAWN_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SPIDER_SPAWN_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI423C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI622A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI622B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI622C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_AIR_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_AIR_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI621A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_AIR_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_AIR_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI621B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_AIR_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_AIR_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI621C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI620A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI620B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI620C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_NISHRUU_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_NISHRUU_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI624A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_NISHRUU_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_NISHRUU_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI624B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_NISHRUU_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_NISHRUU_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI624C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_HAKEASHAR_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_HAKEASHAR_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI719A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_HAKEASHAR_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_HAKEASHAR_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI719B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_HAKEASHAR_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_SUMMON_HAKEASHAR_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI719C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_INVISIBLE_STALKER_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_INVISIBLE_STALKER_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPWI601A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_INVISIBLE_STALKER_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_INVISIBLE_STALKER_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPWI601B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_INVISIBLE_STALKER_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/WIZARD_INVISIBLE_STALKER_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPWI601C.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [bgee.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/bgee.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [bgee.lua] to [override/bgee.lua] Copying and patching 13 files ... [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 15 files ... [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes Copying and patching 19 files ... Copying and patching 18 files ... Copying and patching 19 files ... [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21202 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes Copying and patching 17 files ... Copying and patching 32 files ... [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 3434 bytes Copying and patching 23 files ... [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 27 files ... [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes Copying and patching 28 files ... [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes Copying and patching 48 files ... [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 35 files ... [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes Copying and patching 33 files ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 38922 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 27 files ... [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 6106 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 24 files ... [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 2986 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 84 files ... [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bgee.lua] loaded, 150901 bytes Copied [bgee.lua] to [override/bgee.lua] Install Component [Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Including and running function(s) iwdspells_divine Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/iwdspells_divine.tpa] loaded, 3210 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/iwdspells_divine.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/iwdspells_divine.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_iwdspells_divine_installed.mrk] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD01.WAV] loaded, 9331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD01.WAV] to [override/BF_MD01.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD02.WAV] loaded, 8171 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD02.WAV] to [override/BF_MD02.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD03.WAV] loaded, 10182 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD03.WAV] to [override/BF_MD03.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD04.WAV] loaded, 9073 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD04.WAV] to [override/BF_MD04.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD05.WAV] loaded, 8246 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD05.WAV] to [override/BF_MD05.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD06.WAV] loaded, 9726 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BF_MD06.WAV] to [override/BF_MD06.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BLANK.WAV] loaded, 3774 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BLANK.WAV] to [override/BLANK.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA01.WAV] loaded, 26122 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA01.WAV] to [override/BOMBA01.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA02.WAV] loaded, 24119 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA02.WAV] to [override/BOMBA02.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA03A.WAV] loaded, 15483 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA03A.WAV] to [override/BOMBA03A.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA03B.WAV] loaded, 15368 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA03B.WAV] to [override/BOMBA03B.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA07.WAV] loaded, 13749 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA07.WAV] to [override/BOMBA07.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA08.WAV] loaded, 12967 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA08.WAV] to [override/BOMBA08.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA09A.WAV] loaded, 26348 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA09A.WAV] to [override/BOMBA09A.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA09B.WAV] loaded, 24500 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA09B.WAV] to [override/BOMBA09B.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA11.WAV] loaded, 74441 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/BOMBA11.WAV] to [override/BOMBA11.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA1.BAM] loaded, 57530 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA1.BAM] to [override/MBBMA1.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA1E.BAM] loaded, 36119 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA1E.BAM] to [override/MBBMA1E.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA4.BAM] loaded, 61025 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA4.BAM] to [override/MBBMA4.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA4E.BAM] loaded, 37142 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMA4E.BAM] to [override/MBBMA4E.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMCA.BAM] loaded, 61025 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMCA.BAM] to [override/MBBMCA.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMCAE.BAM] loaded, 37142 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMCAE.BAM] to [override/MBBMCAE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMDE.BAM] loaded, 50629 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMDE.BAM] to [override/MBBMDE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMDEE.BAM] loaded, 31303 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMDEE.BAM] to [override/MBBMDEE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGH.BAM] loaded, 31222 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGH.BAM] to [override/MBBMGH.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGHE.BAM] loaded, 18777 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGHE.BAM] to [override/MBBMGHE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGU.BAM] loaded, 47422 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGU.BAM] to [override/MBBMGU.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGUE.BAM] loaded, 29185 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMGUE.BAM] to [override/MBBMGUE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSC.BAM] loaded, 37524 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSC.BAM] to [override/MBBMSC.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSCE.BAM] loaded, 23813 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSCE.BAM] to [override/MBBMSCE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSD.BAM] loaded, 37330 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSD.BAM] to [override/MBBMSD.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSDE.BAM] loaded, 23577 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSDE.BAM] to [override/MBBMSDE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSL.BAM] loaded, 47409 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSL.BAM] to [override/MBBMSL.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSLE.BAM] loaded, 29175 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSLE.BAM] to [override/MBBMSLE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSP.BAM] loaded, 37524 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSP.BAM] to [override/MBBMSP.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSPE.BAM] loaded, 23813 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMSPE.BAM] to [override/MBBMSPE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMTW.BAM] loaded, 5676 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMTW.BAM] to [override/MBBMTW.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMTWE.BAM] loaded, 3816 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMTWE.BAM] to [override/MBBMTWE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMWK.BAM] loaded, 41199 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMWK.BAM] to [override/MBBMWK.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMWKE.BAM] loaded, 25055 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/ANIM/BEETLE_BLACK/MBBMWKE.BAM] to [override/MBBMWKE.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 2932 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/scrl7x.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7y.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7z.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sumamu.itm] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sumring.itm] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans20.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans4.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/overwrite.2da] loaded, 342 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/divine_resrefs.txt] loaded, 1605 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/resource_overwrite_bg2.2da] loaded, 152 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/anim_maps.2da] loaded, 226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/animate.ids] loaded, 10319 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/missile.ids] loaded, 10442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/divine_proj.txt] loaded, 383 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4161 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4161 bytes override/projectl.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/projectl.ids, 4161 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8351 bytes Appending [ 375 Curse...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [375[ ]+Curse] override/missile.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/missile.ids, 8351 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4175 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4175 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4175 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8362 bytes Appending [376 Sunscorch...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [376[ ]+Sunscorch] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4188 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4188 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4188 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8377 bytes Appending [377 Alicorn_Lance...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [377[ ]+Alicorn_Lance] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4202 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8396 bytes Appending [337 Visual_Range_Party_Only...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [337[ ]+Visual_Range_Party_Only] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4202 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8425 bytes Appending [338 Visual_Range_No_Party...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [338[ ]+Visual_Range_No_Party] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4202 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8452 bytes Not appending [216 Small_Area_Ignore_Center...] to [missile.ids] because it DOES contains [216[ ]+Small_Area_Ignore_Center] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4202 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4202 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8452 bytes Appending [378 Spike_Growth...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [378[ ]+Spike_Growth] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4216 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4216 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8470 bytes Appending [379 Cloudburst...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [379[ ]+Cloudburst] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4230 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4230 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4230 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8486 bytes Appending [380 Mold_Touch...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [380[ ]+Mold_Touch] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4242 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4242 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4242 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8502 bytes Appending [381 Travel_Necromancy...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [381[ ]+Travel_Necromancy] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4256 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4256 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4256 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8525 bytes Appending [382 Produce_Fire...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [382[ ]+Produce_Fire] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4270 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4270 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8543 bytes Appending [383 Static_Charge...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [383[ ]+Static_Charge] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4284 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4284 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4284 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8562 bytes Appending [384 Cloud_Of_Pestilence...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [384[ ]+Cloud_Of_Pestilence] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4298 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4298 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8587 bytes Appending [385 Smashing_Wave...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [385[ ]+Smashing_Wave] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4312 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4312 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4312 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8606 bytes Appending [386 Smashing_Wave_Ray...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [386[ ]+Smashing_Wave_Ray] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4323 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4323 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4323 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8629 bytes Appending [387 Thorn_Spray...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [387[ ]+Thorn_Spray] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4337 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4337 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8646 bytes Appending [388 Moon_Wall...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [388[ ]+Moon_Wall] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4349 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4349 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4349 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8661 bytes Appending [389 Righteous_Wrath_Of_The_Faithful...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [389[ ]+Righteous_Wrath_Of_The_Faithful] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4363 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4363 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4363 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8698 bytes Appending [390 Spike_Stones...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [390[ ]+Spike_Stones] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4377 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4377 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8716 bytes Appending [391 Undead_Ward...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [391[ ]+Undead_Ward] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4388 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4388 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4388 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8733 bytes Appending [392 Horror...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [392[ ]+Horror] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4402 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4402 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8745 bytes Appending [393 Whirlwind...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [393[ ]+Whirlwind] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4414 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4414 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4414 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8760 bytes Appending [394 Spiritual_Wrath...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [394[ ]+Spiritual_Wrath] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4428 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4428 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4428 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8781 bytes Appending [395 Spiritual_Wrath_Ray...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [395[ ]+Spiritual_Wrath_Ray] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4440 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8806 bytes Not appending [225 Icewind_Glyph...] to [missile.ids] because it DOES contains [225[ ]+Icewind_Glyph] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4440 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8806 bytes Not appending [231 Icewind_Glyph_Hit...] to [missile.ids] because it DOES contains [231[ ]+Icewind_Glyph_Hit] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4440 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4440 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4440 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8806 bytes Appending [396 Symbol_Hopelessness...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [396[ ]+Symbol_Hopelessness] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4454 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4454 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8831 bytes Appending [397 Mist_Of_Eldath...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [397[ ]+Mist_Of_Eldath] Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4468 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4468 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4468 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8851 bytes Appending [398 Bombardier_Beetle_Cloud...] to [missile.ids] because it does NOT contain [398[ ]+Bombardier_Beetle_Cloud] Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4482 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/divine_smtables.txt] loaded, 25 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 636 bytes override/smtables.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/smtables.2da, 636 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/strref_map.txt] loaded, 4747 bytes Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/iwd_divine.2da] loaded, 1685 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27528 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1248 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/iwd_spells_installed.txt, 1248 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CURSE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27528 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27528 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/spell.ids, 27528 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#BLESS.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#BLESS.VVC] to [override/#BLESS.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#EFF_E04.WAV] loaded, 20373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#eff_e04.wav] loaded, 20373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#EFF_E04.WAV] loaded, 20373 bytes override/#EFF_E04.WAV copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/#EFF_E04.WAV, 20373 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#EFF_E04.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E04.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#EFF_P32.WAV] loaded, 19720 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#EFF_P32.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P32.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#EFF_P99.WAV] loaded, 19104 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/#EFF_P99.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P99.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/AREA1X.BAM] loaded, 106534 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/AREA1X.BAM] to [override/AREA1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/AREA1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/AREA1X.VVC] to [override/AREA1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/CURSEH.BAM] loaded, 26512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/CURSEH.BAM] loaded, 26512 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/CURSEH.BAM] to [override/CURSEH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/CURSEH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/CURSEH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/CURSEH.VVC] to [override/CURSEH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/EFF_P32.WAV] loaded, 19720 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/IDPRO237.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/IDPRO237.PRO] to [override/IDPRO237.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112.SPL] to [override/SPPR116.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112A.BAM] to [override/SPPR116A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112B.BAM] to [override/SPPR116B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURSE/SPPR112C.BAM] to [override/SPPR116C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID116.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27547 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1262 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27547 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27547 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] loaded, 17931 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] to [override/#FF_P103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.BAM] loaded, 122384 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.BAM] to [override/CLDAMAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.VVC] to [override/CLDAMAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114.SPL] to [override/SPPR117.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114A.BAM] to [override/SPPR117A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114B.BAM] to [override/SPPR117B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR114C.BAM] to [override/SPPR117C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR117.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR117.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID117.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27579 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1289 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SUNSCORCH Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27579 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27579 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/#EFF_P39.WAV] loaded, 21995 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/#EFF_P39.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P39.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115.SPL] loaded, 9954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115.SPL] to [override/SPPR118.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115A.BAM] to [override/SPPR118A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115B.BAM] to [override/SPPR118B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115C.BAM] to [override/SPPR118C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115C.SPL] loaded, 2754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115C.SPL] to [override/SPPR118C.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115D.SPL] loaded, 2754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SPPR115D.SPL] to [override/SPPR118D.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SUNSCOH.BAM] loaded, 235068 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SUNSCOH.BAM] to [override/SUNSCOH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SUNSCOH.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SUNSCOH.PRO] to [override/SUNSCOH.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SUNSCOH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SUNSCORCH/SUNSCOH.VVC] to [override/SUNSCOH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID118.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27602 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1307 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27602 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27602 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/#EFF_P26.WAV] loaded, 22906 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/#EFF_P26.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P26.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMWOUNH.BAM] loaded, 253916 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMWOUNH.BAM] to [override/CMWOUNH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMWOUNH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMWOUNH.VVC] to [override/CMWOUNH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217.SPL] to [override/SPPR216.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217A.BAM] to [override/SPPR216A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217B.BAM] to [override/SPPR216B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR217C.BAM] to [override/SPPR216C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID216.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27636 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1336 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27636 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27636 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/#EFF_E08.WAV] loaded, 14263 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/#EFF_E08.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E08.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/#TRA_57.WAV] loaded, 95944 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/#TRA_57.WAV] to [override/#TRA_57.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/ALANCET.BAM] loaded, 413331 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/ALANCET.BAM] to [override/ALANCET.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/IDPRO298.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/IDPRO298.PRO] to [override/IDPRO298.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218.SPL] to [override/SPPR217.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218A.BAM] to [override/SPPR217A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218B.BAM] to [override/SPPR217B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE/SPPR218C.BAM] to [override/SPPR217C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR217.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR217.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID217.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27663 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1358 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27663 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27663 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/#EFF_P07.WAV] loaded, 27768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/#EFF_P07.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P07.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/ALTERH.BAM] loaded, 42789 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alterh.bam] loaded, 42789 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/ALTERH.BAM] loaded, 42789 bytes override/ALTERH.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/ALTERH.BAM, 42789 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/ALTERH.BAM] to [override/ALTERH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/ALTERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alterh.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/ALTERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes override/ALTERH.VVC copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/ALTERH.VVC, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/ALTERH.VVC] to [override/ALTERH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/BCLAW.ITM] to [override/BCLAW.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/IBCLAW.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/IBCLAW.BAM] to [override/IBCLAW.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219.SPL] to [override/SPPR218.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219A.BAM] to [override/SPPR218A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219B.BAM] to [override/SPPR218B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW/SPPR219C.BAM] to [override/SPPR218C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR218.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 330 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/altered_spell_styles.txt, 330 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR218.spl] to [override/SPPR218.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR218.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID218.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27687 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1377 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27687 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27687 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] loaded, 17931 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] to [override/#FF_P103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMDAMAH.BAM] loaded, 224933 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMDAMAH.BAM] to [override/CMDAMAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMDAMAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/CMDAMAH.VVC] to [override/CMDAMAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220.SPL] to [override/SPPR219.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220A.BAM] to [override/SPPR219A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220B.BAM] to [override/SPPR219B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS/SPPR220C.BAM] to [override/SPPR219C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID219.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27722 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1407 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_PRAYER Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27722 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27722 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/#EFF_P31.WAV] loaded, 24545 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/#EFF_P31.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P31.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 13634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/#PRAYERB.SPL] to [override/#PRAYERB.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 13634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/#PRAYERG.SPL] to [override/#PRAYERG.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/EFF_E03.WAV] loaded, 13710 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/OHVRNP.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/OHVRNP.PRO] to [override/OHVRNP.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/OHVRPO.PRO] to [override/OHVRPO.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/PRAYERB.BAM] loaded, 55762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/PRAYERB.BAM] loaded, 55762 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/PRAYERB.BAM] to [override/PRAYERB.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/PRAYERG.BAM] loaded, 55761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/PRAYERG.BAM] loaded, 55761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/PRAYERG.BAM] to [override/PRAYERG.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316.SPL] to [override/SPPR320.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316A.BAM] to [override/SPPR320A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316B.BAM] to [override/SPPR320B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRAYER/SPPR316C.BAM] to [override/SPPR320C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID320.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27742 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1422 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27742 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27742 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/#FF_P108.WAV] loaded, 21484 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/#FF_P108.WAV] to [override/#FF_P108.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/CDISEAH.BAM] loaded, 78858 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/CDISEAH.BAM] to [override/CDISEAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/CDISEAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/CDISEAH.VVC] to [override/CDISEAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320.SPL] to [override/SPPR321.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320A.BAM] to [override/SPPR321A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320B.BAM] to [override/SPPR321B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE/SPPR320C.BAM] to [override/SPPR321C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR321.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR321.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID321.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27769 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1444 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_EXALTATION Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27769 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27769 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/#FF_P106.WAV] loaded, 32772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/#FF_P106.WAV] to [override/#FF_P106.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/EXALTAH.BAM] loaded, 83622 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/EXALTAH.BAM] loaded, 83622 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/EXALTAH.BAM] to [override/EXALTAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/EXALTAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... SFO warning: Not copying resource EXALTAH.VVC of spell CLERIC_EXALTATION: namespace conflict Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321.SPL] to [override/SPPR322.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321A.BAM] to [override/SPPR322A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321B.BAM] to [override/SPPR322B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_EXALTATION/SPPR321C.BAM] to [override/SPPR322C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID322.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27793 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1463 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_MOONBLADE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27793 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27793 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/#EFF_M06.WAV] loaded, 23435 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#eff_m06.wav] loaded, 23435 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/#EFF_M06.WAV] loaded, 23435 bytes override/#EFF_M06.WAV copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/#EFF_M06.WAV, 23435 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/#EFF_M06.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M06.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/#EFF_P05.WAV] loaded, 16797 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/#EFF_P05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/GSW1H01.BAM] loaded, 560 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gsw1h01.bam] loaded, 560 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/GSW1H01.BAM] loaded, 560 bytes override/GSW1H01.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/GSW1H01.BAM, 560 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/GSW1H01.BAM] to [override/GSW1H01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/INVOCH.BAM] loaded, 33988 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/invoch.bam] loaded, 33988 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/INVOCH.BAM] loaded, 33988 bytes override/INVOCH.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/INVOCH.BAM, 33988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/INVOCH.BAM] to [override/INVOCH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/INVOCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/invoch.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/INVOCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes override/INVOCH.VVC copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/INVOCH.VVC, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/INVOCH.VVC] to [override/INVOCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/MOONBLA.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/MOONBLA.BAM] to [override/MOONBLA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/MOONBLA.ITM] to [override/MOONBLA.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322.SPL] to [override/SPPR323.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322A.BAM] to [override/SPPR323A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322B.BAM] to [override/SPPR323B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOONBLADE/SPPR322C.BAM] to [override/SPPR323C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 357 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR323.spl] to [override/SPPR323.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID323.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27816 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1481 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27816 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27816 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/#AFT_P22.WAV] loaded, 28086 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/#AFT_P22.WAV] to [override/#AFT_P22.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/#ARE_P21.WAV] loaded, 23949 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/#ARE_P21.WAV] to [override/#ARE_P21.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH1.BAM] loaded, 63722 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH1.BAM] to [override/COBONH1.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH1.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH1.VVC] to [override/COBONH1.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH2.BAM] loaded, 37990 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH2.BAM] to [override/COBONH2.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH2.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/COBONH2.VVC] to [override/COBONH2.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/EFF_P101.WAV] loaded, 74145 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/EFF_P101.WAV] to [override/EFF_P101.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SMLLARNC.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PROJECT.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PROJECT.BIF] [.\DATA\PROJECT.BIF] 135864 bytes, 200 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SMLLARNC.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SMLLARNC.PRO] to [override/SMLLARNC.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323.SPL] to [override/SPPR324.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323A.BAM] to [override/SPPR324A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323B.BAM] to [override/SPPR324B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323C.BAM] to [override/SPPR324C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323D.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323D.EFF] to [override/SPPR324D.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CIRCLE_OF_BONES/SPPR323D.SPL] to [override/SPPR324D.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR324.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR324.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID324.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27845 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1505 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27845 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27845 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/IDPRO300.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/IDPRO300.PRO] to [override/IDPRO300.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SGROWTA.BAM] loaded, 41543 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SGROWTA.BAM] to [override/SGROWTA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SGROWTX.BAM] loaded, 116496 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SGROWTX.BAM] to [override/SGROWTX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324.SPL] to [override/SPPR325.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324A.BAM] to [override/SPPR325A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324B.BAM] to [override/SPPR325B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_GROWTH/SPPR324C.BAM] to [override/SPPR325C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR325.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR325.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID325.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27871 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1526 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CLOUDBURST Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27871 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27871 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/ARE_P24.WAV] loaded, 88399 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/ARE_P24.WAV] to [override/ARE_P24.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/CLOUDBA.BAM] loaded, 3929248 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/CLOUDBA.BAM] to [override/CLOUDBA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/CLOUDBH.BAM] loaded, 61461 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/CLOUDBH.BAM] to [override/CLOUDBH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/CLOUDBH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/CLOUDBH.VVC] to [override/CLOUDBH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/IDPRO301.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/IDPRO301.PRO] to [override/IDPRO301.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325.SPL] to [override/SPPR326.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325A.BAM] to [override/SPPR326A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325B.BAM] to [override/SPPR326B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUDBURST/SPPR325C.BAM] to [override/SPPR326C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID326.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27895 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1545 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27895 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27895 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/#FF_P107.WAV] loaded, 24450 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/#FF_P107.WAV] to [override/#FF_P107.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/EFF_P107.WAV] loaded, 24450 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/EFF_P107.WAV] to [override/EFF_P107.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/IDMOLD.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/IDMOLD.PRO] to [override/IDMOLD.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/MTOUCHH.BAM] loaded, 78602 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/MTOUCHH.BAM] to [override/MTOUCHH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/MTOUCHH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/MTOUCHH.VVC] to [override/MTOUCHH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326.SPL] to [override/SPPR327.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326A.BAM] to [override/SPPR327A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326A.SPL] to [override/SPPR327A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326B.BAM] to [override/SPPR327B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326B.SPL] to [override/SPPR327B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MOLD_TOUCH/SPPR326C.BAM] to [override/SPPR327C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR327.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR327.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID327.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27919 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1564 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_STORM_SHELL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27919 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27919 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/#STORM.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/#STORM.VVC] to [override/#STORM.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/AFT_P25.WAV] loaded, 86830 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/AFT_P25.WAV] to [override/AFT_P25.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327.SPL] to [override/SPPR328.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327A.BAM] to [override/SPPR328A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327B.BAM] to [override/SPPR328B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SPPR327C.BAM] to [override/SPPR328C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SSHELLC.BAM] loaded, 138372 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STORM_SHELL/SSHELLC.BAM] to [override/SSHELLC.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR328.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR328.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID328.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27944 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1584 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27944 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27944 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] loaded, 17931 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] to [override/#FF_P103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/CIDAMAH.BAM] loaded, 156768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/CIDAMAH.BAM] to [override/CIDAMAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/CIDAMAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/CIDAMAH.VVC] to [override/CIDAMAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330.SPL] to [override/SPPR329.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330A.BAM] to [override/SPPR329A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330B.BAM] loaded, 1994 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330B.BAM] to [override/SPPR329B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS/SPPR330C.BAM] to [override/SPPR329C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR329.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR329.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID329.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27977 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1612 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 27977 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27977 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/#EFF_P34.WAV] loaded, 26200 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/#EFF_P34.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P34.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/#TRA_02.WAV] loaded, 36537 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/#TRA_02.WAV] to [override/#TRA_02.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIDAMAH.BAM] loaded, 156768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIDAMAH.BAM] to [override/CIDAMAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIDAMAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIDAMAH.VVC] to [override/CIDAMAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIWOUNH.BAM] loaded, 190940 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIWOUNH.BAM] to [override/CIWOUNH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIWOUNH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/CIWOUNH.VVC] to [override/CIWOUNH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/IDPRO230.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/IDPRO230.PRO] to [override/IDPRO230.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/NECROT.BAM] loaded, 8363 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/NECROT.BAM] to [override/NECROT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331.SPL] to [override/SPPR330.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331A.BAM] to [override/SPPR330A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331A.SPL] to [override/SPPR330A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331B.BAM] to [override/SPPR330B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_FAVOR_OF_ILMATER/SPPR331C.BAM] to [override/SPPR330C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID330.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28007 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1637 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28007 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28007 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/#EFF_P45.WAV] loaded, 26488 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/#EFF_P45.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P45.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/IDPRO215.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/IDPRO215.PRO] to [override/IDPRO215.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/PFIREA.BAM] loaded, 276010 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/PFIREA.BAM] to [override/PFIREA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/PFIREX.BAM] loaded, 151017 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/PFIREX.BAM] to [override/PFIREX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 4530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419.SPL] to [override/SPPR418.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419A.BAM] to [override/SPPR418A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419B.BAM] to [override/SPPR418B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_PRODUCE_FIRE/SPPR419C.BAM] to [override/SPPR418C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR418.spl] loaded, 2018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR418.spl] loaded, 2018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID418.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28033 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1658 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28033 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28033 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/EFF_P42.WAV] loaded, 23236 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/EFF_P42.WAV] to [override/EFF_P42.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/IDSTATIC.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/IDSTATIC.PRO] to [override/IDSTATIC.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SCHARGH.BAM] loaded, 66088 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SCHARGH.BAM] to [override/SCHARGH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SCHARGH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SCHARGH.VVC] to [override/SCHARGH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 5682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420.SPL] to [override/SPPR419.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420A.BAM] to [override/SPPR419A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420B.BAM] to [override/SPPR419B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420B.SPL] to [override/SPPR419B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STATIC_CHARGE/SPPR420C.BAM] to [override/SPPR419C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID419.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28060 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1680 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_RECITATION Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28060 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28060 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/#EFF_P44.WAV] loaded, 26266 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/#EFF_P44.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P44.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 11442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/#RECITEB.SPL] to [override/#RECITEB.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 11442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/#RECITEG.SPL] to [override/#RECITEG.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/EFF_E03.WAV] loaded, 13710 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/OHVRNP.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/OHVRNP.PRO] to [override/OHVRNP.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/OHVRPO.PRO] to [override/OHVRPO.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAB.BAM] loaded, 98935 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAB.BAM] to [override/RECITAB.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAB.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAB.VVC] to [override/RECITAB.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAG.BAM] loaded, 98943 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAG.BAM] to [override/RECITAG.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAG.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/RECITAG.VVC] to [override/RECITAG.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421.SPL] to [override/SPPR420.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421A.BAM] to [override/SPPR420A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421B.BAM] to [override/SPPR420B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RECITATION/SPPR421C.BAM] to [override/SPPR420C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID420.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28084 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1699 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28084 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28084 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/#EFF_P07.WAV] loaded, 27768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/#EFF_P07.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P07.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/ALTERH.BAM] loaded, 42789 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/ALTERH.BAM] to [override/ALTERH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/ALTERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/ALTERH.VVC] to [override/ALTERH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422.SPL] to [override/SPPR421.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422A.BAM] to [override/SPPR421A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422B.BAM] to [override/SPPR421B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE/SPPR422C.BAM] to [override/SPPR421C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 384 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID421.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28108 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1718 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28108 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28108 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/ARE_P25.WAV] loaded, 83824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/ARE_P25.WAV] loaded, 83824 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/ARE_P25.WAV] to [override/ARE_P25.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/COPESTA.BAM] loaded, 142762 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/COPESTA.BAM] to [override/COPESTA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/IDPRO309.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/IDPRO309.PRO] to [override/IDPRO309.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423.SPL] to [override/SPPR422.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423A.BAM] to [override/SPPR422A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423B.BAM] to [override/SPPR422B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CLOUD_OF_PESTILENCE/SPPR423C.BAM] to [override/SPPR422C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID422.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28141 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1746 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28141 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28141 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/#FF_P112.WAV] loaded, 16952 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/#FF_P112.WAV] to [override/#FF_P112.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/necroh.bam] loaded, 38772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes override/NECROH.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/NECROH.BAM, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/necroh.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes override/NECROH.VVC copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/NECROH.VVC, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424.SPL] to [override/SPPR423.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424A.BAM] to [override/SPPR423A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424B.BAM] to [override/SPPR423B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNFAILING_ENDURANCE/SPPR424C.BAM] to [override/SPPR423C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR423.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR423.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID423.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28174 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1774 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28174 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28174 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/#EFF_P02.WAV] loaded, 16203 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/#EFF_P02.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P02.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/CONJUH.BAM] loaded, 36899 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/CONJUH.BAM] to [override/CONJUH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/CONJUH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/CONJUH.VVC] to [override/CONJUH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/GBLUN01.BAM] loaded, 474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gblun01.bam] loaded, 474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/GBLUN01.BAM] loaded, 474 bytes override/GBLUN01.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/GBLUN01.BAM, 474 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/GBLUN01.BAM] to [override/GBLUN01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/GSACK01.BAM] loaded, 304 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gsack01.bam] loaded, 304 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/GSACK01.BAM] loaded, 304 bytes override/GSACK01.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/GSACK01.BAM, 304 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/GSACK01.BAM] to [override/GSACK01.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/ISMCUDGE.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/ISMCUDGE.BAM] to [override/ISMCUDGE.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SMCUDGE.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SMCUDGE.EFF] to [override/SMCUDGE.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SMCUDGE.ITM] to [override/SMCUDGE.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425.SPL] to [override/SPPR424.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425A.BAM] to [override/SPPR424A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425B.BAM] to [override/SPPR424B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STAR_METAL_CUDGEL/SPPR425C.BAM] to [override/SPPR424C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR424.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 411 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR424.spl] to [override/SPPR424.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR424.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID424.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28205 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1800 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28205 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28205 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/#FF_P110.WAV] loaded, 25887 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/#FF_P110.WAV] to [override/#FF_P110.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/IDPRO302.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/IDPRO302.PRO] to [override/IDPRO302.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426.SPL] to [override/SPPR425.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426A.BAM] to [override/SPPR425A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426B.BAM] to [override/SPPR425B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SPPR426C.BAM] to [override/SPPR425C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVE.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVE.PRO] to [override/SWAVE.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVEH.BAM] loaded, 118520 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVEH.BAM] to [override/SWAVEH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVEH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVEH.VVC] to [override/SWAVEH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVEX.BAM] loaded, 527083 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/SWAVEX.BAM] to [override/SWAVEX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/TRA_56.WAV] loaded, 21313 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SMASHING_WAVE/TRA_56.WAV] to [override/TRA_56.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID425.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28232 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1822 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28232 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28232 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/#TRA_61.WAV] loaded, 11852 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/#TRA_61.WAV] to [override/#TRA_61.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/IDPRO303.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/IDPRO303.PRO] to [override/IDPRO303.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427.SPL] to [override/SPPR426.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427A.BAM] to [override/SPPR426A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427B.BAM] to [override/SPPR426B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/SPPR427C.BAM] to [override/SPPR426C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/TSPRAYT.BAM] loaded, 132621 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_THORN_SPRAY/TSPRAYT.BAM] to [override/TSPRAYT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID426.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28257 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1842 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28257 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28257 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/AFT_P21.WAV] loaded, 103054 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/AFT_P21.WAV] to [override/AFT_P21.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/ARE_P22.WAV] loaded, 22855 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/ARE_P22.WAV] to [override/ARE_P22.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428.SPL] to [override/SPPR427.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428A.BAM] to [override/SPPR427A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428A.SPL] to [override/SPPR427A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428B.BAM] to [override/SPPR427B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428B.SPL] to [override/SPPR427B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/SPPR428C.BAM] to [override/SPPR427C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/WOMOON.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/WOMOON.PRO] to [override/WOMOON.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/WOMOONX.BAM] loaded, 1256971 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/WOMOONX.BAM] to [override/WOMOONX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/WOMOONX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT/WOMOONX.VVC] to [override/WOMOONX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR427.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR427.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID427.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28288 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1868 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28288 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28288 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#ARE_M20.WAV] loaded, 34994 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#ARE_M20.WAV] to [override/#ARE_M20.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#EFF_E01.WAV] loaded, 18041 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#eff_e01.wav] loaded, 18041 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#EFF_E01.WAV] loaded, 18041 bytes override/#EFF_E01.WAV copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/#EFF_E01.WAV, 18041 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#EFF_E01.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E01.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#EFF_P36.WAV] loaded, 41698 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#EFF_P36.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P36.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#GENABJU.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/#GENABJU.VVC] to [override/#GENABJU.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/ABJURAX.BAM] loaded, 222952 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/ABJURAX.BAM] to [override/ABJURAX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/IDPRO266.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/IDPRO266.PRO] to [override/IDPRO266.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/RWOTFAG.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/RWOTFAG.VVC] to [override/RWOTFAG.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/RWOTFAH.BAM] loaded, 109858 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/RWOTFAH.BAM] to [override/RWOTFAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/RWOTFAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/RWOTFAH.VVC] to [override/RWOTFAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518.SPL] to [override/SPPR518.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518A.BAM] to [override/SPPR518A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 42178 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518A.SPL] to [override/SPPR518A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518B.BAM] to [override/SPPR518B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 11554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518B.SPL] to [override/SPPR518B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_RIGHTEOUS_WRATH_OF_THE_FAITHFUL/SPPR518C.BAM] to [override/SPPR518C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID518.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28333 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1908 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28333 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28333 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/#CRE_P03.WAV] loaded, 25727 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/#CRE_P03.WAV] to [override/#CRE_P03.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/ARE_P04.WAV] loaded, 30547 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/ARE_P04.WAV] to [override/ARE_P04.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/EFF_P48.WAV] loaded, 31267 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/EFF_P48.WAV] to [override/EFF_P48.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/IDPRO213.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/IDPRO213.PRO] to [override/IDPRO213.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519.SPL] to [override/SPPR519.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519A.BAM] to [override/SPPR519A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519B.BAM] to [override/SPPR519B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SPPR519C.BAM] to [override/SPPR519C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SSTONEA.BAM] loaded, 5094 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SSTONEA.BAM] to [override/SSTONEA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SSTONEA.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIKE_STONES/SSTONEA.VVC] to [override/SSTONEA.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID519.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28359 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1929 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28359 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28359 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHL1.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHL1.VVC] to [override/#LATSHL1.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHL2.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHL2.VVC] to [override/#LATSHL2.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/AFT_P20.WAV] loaded, 92487 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/AFT_P20.WAV] to [override/AFT_P20.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SOLATC1.BAM] loaded, 39441 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SOLATC1.BAM] to [override/SOLATC1.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SOLATC2.BAM] loaded, 33393 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SOLATC2.BAM] to [override/SOLATC2.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520.SPL] to [override/SPPR520.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520A.BAM] to [override/SPPR520A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520B.BAM] to [override/SPPR520B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR520C.BAM] to [override/SPPR520C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID520.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28392 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1957 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28392 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28392 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/#AFT_P27.WAV] loaded, 90325 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/#AFT_P27.WAV] to [override/#AFT_P27.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/#ARE_P28.WAV] loaded, 31089 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/#ARE_P28.WAV] to [override/#ARE_P28.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521.SPL] to [override/SPPR521.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521A.BAM] to [override/SPPR521A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521B.BAM] to [override/SPPR521B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/SPPR521C.BAM] to [override/SPPR521C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/UWARD.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/UWARD.PRO] to [override/UWARD.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/UWARDX.BAM] loaded, 305944 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/UWARDX.BAM] to [override/UWARDX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/UWARDX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_UNDEAD_WARD/UWARDX.VVC] to [override/UWARDX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR521.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR521.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID521.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28417 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1977 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28417 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28417 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/#EFF_P04.WAV] loaded, 16182 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/#EFF_P04.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P04.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/ENCHAH.BAM] loaded, 36535 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/enchah.bam] loaded, 36535 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/ENCHAH.BAM] loaded, 36535 bytes override/ENCHAH.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/ENCHAH.BAM, 36535 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/ENCHAH.BAM] to [override/ENCHAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/ENCHAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/enchah.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/ENCHAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes override/ENCHAH.VVC copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/ENCHAH.VVC, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/ENCHAH.VVC] to [override/ENCHAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522.SPL] to [override/SPPR522.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522A.BAM] to [override/SPPR522A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522B.BAM] to [override/SPPR522B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522B.SPL] to [override/SPPR522B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE/SPPR522C.BAM] to [override/SPPR522C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR522.spl] to [override/SPPR522.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID522.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28442 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 1997 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28442 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28442 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#EFF_M99.WAV] loaded, 20921 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#EFF_M99.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M99.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] loaded, 17931 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#FF_P103.WAV] to [override/#FF_P103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#GRNRING.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/#GRNRING.VVC] to [override/#GRNRING.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/AREA4X.BAM] loaded, 107055 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/AREA4X.BAM] to [override/AREA4X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/AREA4X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/AREA4X.VVC] to [override/AREA4X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.BAM] loaded, 122384 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.BAM] to [override/CLDAMAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/CLDAMAH.VVC] to [override/CLDAMAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/IDPRO241.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/IDPRO241.PRO] to [override/IDPRO241.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 16834 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523.SPL] to [override/SPPR523.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523A.BAM] to [override/SPPR523A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523B.BAM] to [override/SPPR523B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MASS_CAUSE_LIGHT_WOUNDS/SPPR523C.BAM] to [override/SPPR523C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID523.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28479 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2029 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28479 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28479 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/#ENTROPY.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/#ENTROPY.VVC] to [override/#ENTROPY.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/ABJURH.BAM] loaded, 37106 bytes override/ABJURH.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/ABJURH.BAM, 37106 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/ABJURH.BAM] to [override/ABJURH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/ABJURH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abjurh.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/ABJURH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes override/ABJURH.VVC copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/ABJURH.VVC, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/ABJURH.VVC] to [override/ABJURH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/AFT_P03.WAV] loaded, 19626 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/AFT_P03.WAV] to [override/AFT_P03.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/ESHIELC.BAM] loaded, 72570 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/ESHIELC.BAM] to [override/ESHIELC.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 96914 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615.SPL] to [override/SPPR615.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615A.BAM] to [override/SPPR615A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615B.BAM] to [override/SPPR615B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENTROPY_SHIELD/SPPR615C.BAM] to [override/SPPR615C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID615.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28507 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2052 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_WHIRLWIND Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28507 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28507 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/EFF_P105.WAV] loaded, 79491 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/EFF_P105.WAV] to [override/EFF_P105.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617.SPL] to [override/SPPR616.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617A.BAM] to [override/SPPR616A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617B.BAM] to [override/SPPR616B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/SPPR617C.BAM] to [override/SPPR616C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/WHIRLW.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/WHIRLW.PRO] to [override/WHIRLW.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/WHIRLWX.BAM] loaded, 215825 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WHIRLWIND/WHIRLWX.BAM] to [override/WHIRLWX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID616.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28530 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2070 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28530 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28530 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/#EFF_P05.WAV] loaded, 16797 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/#EFF_P05.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P05.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/IDPRO312.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/IDPRO312.PRO] to [override/IDPRO312.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/INVOCH.BAM] loaded, 33988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/INVOCH.BAM] to [override/INVOCH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/INVOCH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/INVOCH.VVC] to [override/INVOCH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618.SPL] to [override/SPPR617.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618A.BAM] to [override/SPPR617A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618B.BAM] to [override/SPPR617B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SPPR618C.BAM] to [override/SPPR617C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SWRATH.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SWRATH.PRO] to [override/SWRATH.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SWRATHT.BAM] loaded, 36923 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/SWRATHT.BAM] to [override/SWRATHT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/TRA_59.WAV] loaded, 70940 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SPIRITUAL_WRATH/TRA_59.WAV] to [override/TRA_59.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 467 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR617.spl] to [override/SPPR617.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID617.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28559 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2094 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28559 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28559 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/#EFF_E04.WAV] loaded, 20373 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/#EFF_E04.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E04.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/#EFF_P02.WAV] loaded, 16203 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/#EFF_P02.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P02.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/CONJUH.BAM] loaded, 36899 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/CONJUH.BAM] to [override/CONJUH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/CONJUH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/CONJUH.VVC] to [override/CONJUH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/EFF_P22A.WAV] loaded, 17831 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/EFF_P22B.WAV] loaded, 22203 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/EFF_P49.WAV] loaded, 24169 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714.SPL] to [override/SPPR733.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714A.BAM] to [override/SPPR733A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714B.BAM] to [override/SPPR733B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPPR714C.BAM] to [override/SPPR733C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPSPAINI.BAM] loaded, 155016 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\SPELANIM.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\SPELANIM.BIF] [.\DATA\SPELANIM.BIF] 18630960 bytes, 286 files, 0 tilesets Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPSPAINI.BAM] loaded, 155016 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN/SPSPAINI.BAM] to [override/SPSPAINI.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 494 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR733.spl] to [override/SPPR733.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID733.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28584 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2114 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28584 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28584 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_E04.WAV] loaded, 20373 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_E04.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E04.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_P02.WAV] loaded, 16203 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/#EFF_P02.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P02.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/EFF_P22A.WAV] loaded, 17831 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/EFF_P22B.WAV] loaded, 22203 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/EFF_P50.WAV] loaded, 24900 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/EFF_P50.WAV] to [override/EFF_P50.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/IDPRO277.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/IDPRO277.PRO] to [override/IDPRO277.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.BAM] loaded, 19598 bytes override/PARALH.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/PARALH.BAM, 19598 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.BAM] to [override/PARALH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/paralh.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes override/PARALH.VVC copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/PARALH.VVC, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/PARALH.VVC] to [override/PARALH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SOHOPEX.BAM] loaded, 156927 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SOHOPEX.BAM] to [override/SOHOPEX.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SOHOPEX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SOHOPEX.VVC] to [override/SOHOPEX.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716.SPL] to [override/SPPR734.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716A.BAM] to [override/SPPR734A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716B.BAM] to [override/SPPR734B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPPR716C.BAM] to [override/SPPR734C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPSPAINI.BAM] loaded, 155016 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS/SPSPAINI.BAM] to [override/SPSPAINI.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID734.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28617 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2142 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28617 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28617 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/#EFF_E03.WAV] loaded, 19028 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#eff_e03.wav] loaded, 19028 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/#EFF_E03.WAV] loaded, 19028 bytes override/#EFF_E03.WAV copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/#EFF_E03.WAV, 19028 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/#EFF_E03.WAV] to [override/#EFF_E03.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/#EFF_P01.WAV] loaded, 14907 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/#EFF_P01.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P01.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/ABJURH.BAM] loaded, 37106 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/ABJURH.BAM] to [override/ABJURH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/ABJURH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/ABJURH.VVC] to [override/ABJURH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 56282 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733.SPL] to [override/SPPR735.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733A.BAM] to [override/SPPR735A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733B.BAM] to [override/SPPR735B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_IMPERVIOUS_SANCTITY_OF_MIND/SPPR733C.BAM] to [override/SPPR735C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 23242 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 522 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID735.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28658 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2178 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_DESTRUCTION Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28658 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28658 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/#FF_P113.WAV] loaded, 59524 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/#FF_P113.WAV] to [override/#FF_P113.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/DESTRUH.BAM] loaded, 300880 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/DESTRUH.BAM] to [override/DESTRUH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/DESTRUH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/DESTRUH.VVC] to [override/DESTRUH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734.SPL] to [override/SPPR736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734A.BAM] to [override/SPPR736A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734B.BAM] to [override/SPPR736B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_DESTRUCTION/SPPR734C.BAM] to [override/SPPR736C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID736.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28683 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2198 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28683 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28683 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHG1.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHG1.VVC] to [override/#LATSHG1.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHG2.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/#LATSHG2.VVC] to [override/#LATSHG2.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/AFT_P26.WAV] loaded, 81579 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/AFT_P26.WAV] to [override/AFT_P26.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/GSOLAC1.BAM] loaded, 103181 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/GSOLAC1.BAM] to [override/GSOLAC1.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/GSOLAC2.BAM] loaded, 106162 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/GSOLAC2.BAM] to [override/GSOLAC2.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735.SPL] to [override/SPPR737.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735A.BAM] to [override/SPPR737A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735B.BAM] to [override/SPPR737B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GREATER_SHIELD_OF_LATHANDER/SPPR735C.BAM] to [override/SPPR737C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID737.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28724 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2234 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28724 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28724 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/EFF_P104.WAV] loaded, 29447 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/EFF_P104.WAV] to [override/EFF_P104.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/IDPRO307.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/IDPRO307.PRO] to [override/IDPRO307.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/MOELDAA.BAM] loaded, 83124 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/MOELDAA.BAM] to [override/MOELDAA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736.SPL] to [override/SPPR738.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736A.BAM] to [override/SPPR738A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736B.BAM] to [override/SPPR738B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_MIST_OF_ELDATH/SPPR736C.BAM] to [override/SPPR738C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID738.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28752 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2257 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_STALKER Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28752 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28752 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#eff_m13.wav] loaded, 67761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes override/#EFF_M13.WAV copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/#EFF_M13.WAV, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#isc_01c.wav] loaded, 28276 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes override/#ISC_01C.WAV copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/#ISC_01C.WAV, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/ASUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 176536 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/ASUMM1X.BAM] to [override/ASUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/ASUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/ASUMM1X.VVC] to [override/ASUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msumm1h.bam] loaded, 97038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes override/MSUMM1H.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/MSUMM1H.BAM, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes override/MSUMM1H.VVC copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/MSUMM1H.VVC, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SHMBLR.ITM] to [override/SHMBLR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737.SPL] to [override/SPPR739.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737A.BAM] to [override/SPPR739A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737B.BAM] to [override/SPPR739B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SPPR737C.BAM] to [override/SPPR739C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SSHAMB.2DA] loaded, 151 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SSHAMB.2DA] to [override/SSHAMB.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_STALKER/SSHAMB.CRE] to [override/SSHAMB.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID739.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28773 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2273 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28773 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/#EFF_P06.WAV] loaded, 25257 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/#EFF_P06.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P06.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/NECROH.BAM] loaded, 38772 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/NECROH.BAM] to [override/NECROH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/NECROH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/NECROH.VVC] to [override/NECROH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739.SPL] to [override/SPPR714.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739A.BAM] loaded, 1413 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739A.BAM] to [override/SPPR714A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739B.BAM] loaded, 1304 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739B.BAM] to [override/SPPR714B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739C.BAM] loaded, 681 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_ENERGY_DRAIN/SPPR739C.BAM] to [override/SPPR714C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR714.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] loaded, 549 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/altered_spell_styles.txt] Copied [SPPR714.spl] to [override/SPPR714.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR714.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID714.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2294 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28773 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28773 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/#FF_P103.WAV] loaded, 17931 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/#FF_P103.WAV] to [override/#FF_P103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/CSDAMAH.BAM] loaded, 144626 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/CSDAMAH.BAM] to [override/CSDAMAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/CSDAMAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/CSDAMAH.VVC] to [override/CSDAMAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414.SPL] to [override/SPPR428.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414A.BAM] loaded, 1524 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414A.BAM] to [override/SPPR428A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414B.BAM] loaded, 921 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414B.BAM] to [override/SPPR428B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414C.BAM] loaded, 281 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR414C.BAM] to [override/SPPR428C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR428.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR428.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID428.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28811 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2327 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28811 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28811 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/#FF_P103.WAV] loaded, 17931 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/#FF_P103.WAV] to [override/#FF_P103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/CCDAMAH.BAM] loaded, 172742 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/CCDAMAH.BAM] to [override/CCDAMAH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/CCDAMAH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/CCDAMAH.VVC] to [override/CCDAMAH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510.SPL] to [override/SPPR524.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510A.BAM] loaded, 1395 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510A.BAM] to [override/SPPR524A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510B.BAM] loaded, 1062 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510B.BAM] to [override/SPPR524B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510C.BAM] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CAUSE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS_IWD/SPPR510C.BAM] to [override/SPPR524C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR524.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR524.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID524.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28850 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2361 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28850 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28850 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/#EFF_M13.WAV] loaded, 67761 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/#EFF_M13.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M13.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/#ISC_01C.WAV] loaded, 28276 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/#ISC_01C.WAV] to [override/#ISC_01C.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/#S1-12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/#S1-12.ITM, 170 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/#S1-12.ITM] to [override/#S1-12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/ASUMM1X.BAM] loaded, 176536 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/ASUMM1X.BAM] to [override/ASUMM1X.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/ASUMM1X.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/ASUMM1X.VVC] to [override/ASUMM1X.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/BBCLOUD.BAF] loaded, 493 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/BBCLOUD.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/BBCLOUD.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/FARTRNG.ITM] to [override/FARTRNG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GINSECT.2DA] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GINSECT.2DA] to [override/GINSECT.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GISBOMB.CRE] to [override/GISBOMB.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GISBORB.CRE] to [override/GISBORB.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GNSUMMM.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/GNSUMMM.BAF, 218 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/GNSUMMM.BAF] to [weidu_external/workspace/baf_loc/GNSUMMM.BAF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/MSUMM1H.BAM] loaded, 97038 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/MSUMM1H.BAM] to [override/MSUMM1H.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/MSUMM1H.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/MSUMM1H.VVC] to [override/MSUMM1H.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/PINCERS.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/pincers.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/PINCERS.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes override/PINCERS.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/PINCERS.BAM, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/PINCERS.BAM] to [override/PINCERS.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/PPAW.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ppaw.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/PPAW.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes override/PPAW.BAM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/PPAW.BAM, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/PPAW.BAM] to [override/PPAW.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/s5-20.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/S5-20.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/S5-20.ITM, 170 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/S5-20.ITM] to [override/S5-20.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418.SPL] to [override/SPPR429.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418A.BAM] to [override/SPPR429A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418B.BAM] to [override/SPPR429B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_GIANT_INSECT/SPPR418C.BAM] to [override/SPPR429C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR429.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR429.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID429.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28876 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2382 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_CHANT Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/#EFF_P31.WAV] loaded, 24545 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/#EFF_P31.WAV] to [override/#EFF_P31.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/BLESSH.BAM] loaded, 18690 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/BLESSH.BAM] to [override/BLESSH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/BLESSH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/BLESSH.VVC] to [override/BLESSH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/CURSEH.BAM] loaded, 26512 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/CURSEH.BAM] to [override/CURSEH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/CURSEH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/CURSEH.VVC] to [override/CURSEH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/EFF_E03.WAV] loaded, 13710 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/EFF_P32.WAV] loaded, 19720 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/OHVRNP.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/OHVRNP.PRO] to [override/OHVRNP.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/OHVRPO.PRO] to [override/OHVRPO.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203.SPL] to [override/SPPR203.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203A.BAM] to [override/SPPR203A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203B.BAM] loaded, 1906 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203B.BAM] to [override/SPPR203B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203C.BAM] loaded, 1906 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203C.BAM] to [override/SPPR203C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203D.SPL] to [override/SPPR203D.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_CHANT/SPPR203E.SPL] to [override/SPPR203E.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR203.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR203.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID203.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2396 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for CLERIC_WITHER Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28876 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28876 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/#FF_P103.WAV] loaded, 17931 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/#FF_P103.WAV] to [override/#FF_P103.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/#FF_P113.WAV] loaded, 59524 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/#FF_P113.WAV] to [override/#FF_P113.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/HARMH.BAM] loaded, 195829 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/HARMH.BAM] to [override/HARMH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/HARMH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/HARMH.VVC] to [override/HARMH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740.EFF] to [override/SPPR740.EFF] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 12114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740.SPL] to [override/SPPR740.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740A.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740A.BAM] to [override/SPPR740A.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740B.BAM] to [override/SPPR740B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740C.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/SPPR740C.BAM] to [override/SPPR740C.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/WITHERH.BAM] loaded, 185944 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/WITHERH.BAM] to [override/WITHERH.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/WITHERH.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/CLERIC_WITHER/WITHERH.VVC] to [override/WITHERH.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID740.itm] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28896 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2411 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28896 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28896 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28933 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/#EFF_M47.WAV] loaded, 23971 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/#EFF_M47.WAV] to [override/#EFF_M47.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/IDPRO282.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/IDPRO282.PRO] to [override/IDPRO282.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/SCLOUDA.BAM] loaded, 167155 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/SCLOUDA.BAM] to [override/SCLOUDA.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/SCLOUDR.BAM] loaded, 73835 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/SCLOUDR.BAM] to [override/SCLOUDR.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/SPIN191.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/INNATE_BOMBARDIER_BEETLE_CLOUD/SPIN191.SPL] to [override/SPIN135.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN135.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28933 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/divine_icons.2da] loaded, 3084 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6455 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] loaded, 982 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] to [override/dwicon2.bam] override/statdesc.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/statdesc.2da, 6455 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#prayerg.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [#prayerg.spl] to [override/#prayerg.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6487 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_exaltation.bam] loaded, 976 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_exaltation.bam] to [override/SPPR322D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR322.spl] to [override/SPPR322.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6520 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR323D.bam] loaded, 956 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR323D.bam] to [override/SPPR324D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR324.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR324.spl] to [override/SPPR324.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6553 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR420D.bam] loaded, 927 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR420D.bam] to [override/SPPR419D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR419.spl] to [override/SPPR419.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6586 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] loaded, 982 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] to [override/dwicon3.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#reciteg.spl] loaded, 6722 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [#reciteg.spl] to [override/#reciteg.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6618 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_blood_rage.bam] loaded, 984 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_blood_rage.bam] to [override/SPPR421D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6651 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] loaded, 982 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] to [override/SPPR518D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518a.spl] loaded, 23058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR518a.spl] to [override/SPPR518a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6684 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] loaded, 982 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_prayer.bam] to [override/SPPR518D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518b.spl] loaded, 6354 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR518b.spl] to [override/SPPR518b.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6717 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR520D.bam] loaded, 1006 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR520D.bam] to [override/SPPR520D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR520.spl] to [override/SPPR520.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6750 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_animal_rage.bam] loaded, 962 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_animal_rage.bam] to [override/SPPR522D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR522.spl] to [override/SPPR522.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6783 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR615D.bam] loaded, 974 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/SPPR615D.bam] to [override/SPPR615D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6816 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_pain.bam] loaded, 970 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_pain.bam] to [override/SPPR733D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR733.spl] to [override/SPPR733.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6849 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_isom.bam] loaded, 956 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_isom.bam] to [override/SPPR735D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6882 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR737.spl] to [override/SPPR737.spl] Copying and patching 172 files ... [./override/25SPELL.STO] loaded, 7680 bytes [./override/25SPELL2.STO] loaded, 7736 bytes [./override/BAG19.STO] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/BAG19A.STO] loaded, 708 bytes [./override/BAG19B.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19C.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19D.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19E.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BERNARD.STO] loaded, 2736 bytes [./override/BERNARD2.STO] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/BERNARD3.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD4.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD5.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BERNARD6.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BMTHIEF.STO] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/BSHOP01.STO] loaded, 1628 bytes [./override/CDAEMERC.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/GARLENA.STO] loaded, 3540 bytes [./override/GORCH.STO] loaded, 1936 bytes [./override/HGKAR01.STO] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/JAYES.STO] loaded, 2168 bytes [./override/OHBMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes [./override/OHNMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes [./override/OHNSCRME.STO] loaded, 1028 bytes [./override/PPSTOR01.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/RIBALD.STO] loaded, 4352 bytes [./override/RIBALD2.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/RIBALD3.STO] loaded, 2132 bytes [./override/SAHPR1.STO] loaded, 3400 bytes [./override/SCROLLS.STO] loaded, 2204 bytes [./override/SHOP08.STO] loaded, 2972 bytes [./override/SHTHSTOR.STO] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/SUELF10.STO] loaded, 3400 bytes [./override/TRCAR04.STO] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/TRMER04.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/TRMER04A.STO] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/TRTHF02.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/TYPE1.STO] loaded, 4092 bytes [./override/TYPE2.STO] loaded, 3540 bytes [./override/TYPE3.STO] loaded, 3296 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.STO] loaded, 1720 bytes [./override/UDDUER01.STO] loaded, 1308 bytes [./override/UDDUER02.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR04.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR05.STO] loaded, 2120 bytes Compiling 1 script ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28933 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Compiling 1 script ... override/GNSUMMM.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/GNSUMMM.bcs, 416 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Including and running function(s) iwd_divine_spells_postproduction [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lang/english/dw_iwdspells.tra] has 61 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/iwd_divine_spells_postproduction.tpa] loaded, 10940 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/iwd_divine_spells_postproduction.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/iwd_divine_spells_postproduction.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2443 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28933 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Appending to files ... Appended text to [hidespl.2da] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/sfo_temp_spl.spl, 1954 bytes Copied [SPPR613.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28928 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28928 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28957 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPPR525.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID525.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28957 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [sppr503.spl] to [override/sppr503d.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [sppr503.spl] to [override/sppr503.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [sppr985.spl] to [override/sppr985d.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [sppr985.spl] to [override/sppr985.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spin799.spl] to [override/spin799d.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spin799.spl] to [override/spin799.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ohbeflam.spl] to [override/dw#ohbef.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ohbeflam.spl] to [override/ohbeflam.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spimix01.spl] to [override/dw#spimi.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spimix01.spl] to [override/spimix01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ginsect.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [ginsect.2da] to [override/ginsect.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sshamb.2da] loaded, 151 bytes Copied [sshamb.2da] to [override/sshamb.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR203.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR203.spl] to [override/SPPR203.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/strref_map.txt] loaded, 4747 bytes Appending to files ... Appended text to [speldesc.2da] Copying and patching 172 files ... [./override/25SPELL.STO] loaded, 7680 bytes [./override/25SPELL2.STO] loaded, 7736 bytes [./override/BAG19.STO] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/BAG19A.STO] loaded, 708 bytes [./override/BAG19B.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19C.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19D.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19E.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BERNARD.STO] loaded, 2736 bytes [./override/BERNARD2.STO] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/BERNARD3.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD4.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD5.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BERNARD6.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BMTHIEF.STO] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/BSHOP01.STO] loaded, 1628 bytes [./override/CDAEMERC.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/GARLENA.STO] loaded, 3540 bytes [./override/GORCH.STO] loaded, 1936 bytes [./override/HGKAR01.STO] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/JAYES.STO] loaded, 2168 bytes [./override/OHBMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes [./override/OHNMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes [./override/OHNSCRME.STO] loaded, 1028 bytes [./override/PPSTOR01.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/RIBALD.STO] loaded, 4352 bytes [./override/RIBALD2.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/RIBALD3.STO] loaded, 2132 bytes [./override/SAHPR1.STO] loaded, 3400 bytes [./override/SCROLLS.STO] loaded, 2204 bytes [./override/SHOP08.STO] loaded, 2972 bytes [./override/SHTHSTOR.STO] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/SUELF10.STO] loaded, 3400 bytes [./override/TRCAR04.STO] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/TRMER04.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/TRMER04A.STO] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/TRTHF02.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/TYPE1.STO] loaded, 4092 bytes [./override/TYPE2.STO] loaded, 3540 bytes [./override/TYPE3.STO] loaded, 3296 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.STO] loaded, 1720 bytes [./override/UDDUER01.STO] loaded, 1308 bytes [./override/UDDUER02.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR04.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR05.STO] loaded, 2120 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [AMCLER02.sto] to [override/AMCLER02.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BHELM.sto] to [override/BHELM.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DAWNMAS.sto] to [override/DAWNMAS.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DOGHMA.sto] to [override/DOGHMA.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GARLENA.sto] loaded, 3540 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/GARLENA.sto copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/GARLENA.sto, 3540 bytes Copied [GARLENA.sto] to [override/GARLENA.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [GOVWAU01.sto] to [override/GOVWAU01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [HELMPR.sto] to [override/HELMPR.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [KPCHAP01.sto] to [override/KPCHAP01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHDHSEN.sto] to [override/OHDHSEN.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [PPUMB01.sto] to [override/PPUMB01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SAHPR1.sto] loaded, 3400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SAHPR1.sto copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SAHPR1.sto, 3400 bytes Copied [SAHPR1.sto] to [override/SAHPR1.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SARTEM01.sto] to [override/SARTEM01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SLILMAT.sto] to [override/SLILMAT.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SUELF10.sto] loaded, 3400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SUELF10.sto copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SUELF10.sto, 3400 bytes Copied [SUELF10.sto] to [override/SUELF10.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TALMISS.sto] to [override/TALMISS.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEM2304.sto] to [override/TEM2304.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEM4802.sto] to [override/TEM4802.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMHELM.sto] to [override/TEMHELM.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMLATH.sto] to [override/TEMLATH.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMPLE.sto] to [override/TEMPLE.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMSUP.sto] to [override/TEMSUP.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMTALOS.sto] to [override/TEMTALOS.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [WILMAT.sto] to [override/WILMAT.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AMCLER02.sto] loaded, 920 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [AMCLER02.sto] to [override/AMCLER02.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BHELM.sto] loaded, 864 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BHELM.sto] to [override/BHELM.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [BSHOP02.sto] to [override/BSHOP02.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DAWNMAS.sto] loaded, 920 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DAWNMAS.sto] to [override/DAWNMAS.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOGHMA.sto] loaded, 808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DOGHMA.sto] to [override/DOGHMA.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GARLENA.sto] loaded, 3552 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [GARLENA.sto] to [override/GARLENA.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GOVWAU01.sto] loaded, 796 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [GOVWAU01.sto] to [override/GOVWAU01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HELMPR.sto] loaded, 880 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [HELMPR.sto] to [override/HELMPR.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KPCHAP01.sto] loaded, 1032 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [KPCHAP01.sto] to [override/KPCHAP01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHBMOLZA.sto] to [override/OHBMOLZA.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHDHSEN.sto] loaded, 1076 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHDHSEN.sto] to [override/OHDHSEN.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHNPRIE1.sto] to [override/OHNPRIE1.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PPUMB01.sto] loaded, 1048 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [PPUMB01.sto] to [override/PPUMB01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SAHPR1.sto] loaded, 3412 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SAHPR1.sto] to [override/SAHPR1.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SARTEM01.sto] loaded, 808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SARTEM01.sto] to [override/SARTEM01.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SLILMAT.sto] loaded, 836 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SLILMAT.sto] to [override/SLILMAT.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SUELF10.sto] loaded, 3412 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SUELF10.sto] to [override/SUELF10.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TALMISS.sto] loaded, 892 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TALMISS.sto] to [override/TALMISS.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TEM2304.sto] loaded, 620 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEM2304.sto] to [override/TEM2304.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TEM4802.sto] loaded, 524 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEM4802.sto] to [override/TEM4802.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TEMHELM.sto] loaded, 1132 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMHELM.sto] to [override/TEMHELM.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TEMLATH.sto] loaded, 992 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMLATH.sto] to [override/TEMLATH.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TEMPLE.sto] loaded, 640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMPLE.sto] to [override/TEMPLE.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TEMSUP.sto] loaded, 808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMSUP.sto] to [override/TEMSUP.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TEMTALOS.sto] loaded, 1088 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [TEMTALOS.sto] to [override/TEMTALOS.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [WALLACE.sto] to [override/WALLACE.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [WALLACE2.sto] to [override/WALLACE2.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WILMAT.sto] loaded, 864 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [WILMAT.sto] to [override/WILMAT.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR315.spl] to [override/SPPR216.spl] Appending to files ... [./override/HIDESPL.2DA] loaded, 4036 bytes Appended text to [hidespl.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/HIDESPL.2DA] loaded, 4052 bytes Appended text to [hidespl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 4067 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR714.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR524.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR521.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR512.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 21202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR429.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR428.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR427.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR424.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR423.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR418.spl] loaded, 2018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR329.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR328.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR327.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR325.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR324.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR321.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR218.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR217.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR211.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR203.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR117.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR102.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 4781 files ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25CREATURES.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25CREATURES.BIF] [.\DATA\25CREATURES.BIF] 1785120 bytes, 810 files, 0 tilesets [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes Copied [AERBOD01.CRE] to [override/AERBOD01.CRE] Copied [AERIE.CRE] to [override/AERIE.CRE] Copied [AERIE10.CRE] to [override/AERIE10.CRE] Copied [AERIE11.CRE] to [override/AERIE11.CRE] Copied [AERIE12.CRE] to [override/AERIE12.CRE] Copied [AERIE6.CRE] to [override/AERIE6.CRE] Copied [AERIE7.CRE] to [override/AERIE7.CRE] Copied [AERIE9.CRE] to [override/AERIE9.CRE] Copied [ANOMEN10.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN10.CRE] Copied [ANOMEN12.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN12.CRE] Copied [ANOMEN6.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN6.CRE] Copied [ANOMEN7.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN7.CRE] Copied [ANOMEN8.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN8.CRE] Copied [ANOMEN9.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN9.CRE] Copied [CERND10.CRE] to [override/CERND10.CRE] Copied [CERND12.CRE] to [override/CERND12.CRE] Copied [CERND13.CRE] to [override/CERND13.CRE] Copied [CERND13B.CRE] to [override/CERND13B.CRE] Copied [CERND14.CRE] to [override/CERND14.CRE] Copied [DORN10.CRE] to [override/DORN10.CRE] Copied [DORN12.CRE] to [override/DORN12.CRE] Copied [DORN14.CRE] to [override/DORN14.CRE] Copied [DORN9.CRE] to [override/DORN9.CRE] [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes Copied [IDIOT01.CRE] to [override/IDIOT01.CRE] Copied [JAHEI12B.CRE] to [override/JAHEI12B.CRE] Copied [JAHEI14.CRE] to [override/JAHEI14.CRE] Copied [JAHEIR11.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR11.CRE] Copied [JAHEIR12.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR12.CRE] Copied [JAHEIR7.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR7.CRE] Copied [JAHEIR8.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR8.CRE] Copied [KELDOR10.CRE] to [override/KELDOR10.CRE] Copied [KELDOR12.CRE] to [override/KELDOR12.CRE] Copied [KELDOR14.CRE] to [override/KELDOR14.CRE] Copied [KELDOR9.CRE] to [override/KELDOR9.CRE] Copied [MINSC10.CRE] to [override/MINSC10.CRE] Copied [MINSC12.CRE] to [override/MINSC12.CRE] Copied [MINSC14.CRE] to [override/MINSC14.CRE] Copied [MINSC8.CRE] to [override/MINSC8.CRE] Copied [MINSC9.CRE] to [override/MINSC9.CRE] [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 6396 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copied [TTBRAN.CRE] to [override/TTBRAN.CRE] Copied [TTJAHIER.CRE] to [override/TTJAHIER.CRE] Copied [VALYG11.CRE] to [override/VALYG11.CRE] Copied [VALYG12.CRE] to [override/VALYG12.CRE] Copied [VALYG14.CRE] to [override/VALYG14.CRE] Copied [VALYG8.CRE] to [override/VALYG8.CRE] Copied [VALYG9.CRE] to [override/VALYG9.CRE] Copied [VICONI11.CRE] to [override/VICONI11.CRE] Copied [VICONI13.CRE] to [override/VICONI13.CRE] Copied [VICONI16.CRE] to [override/VICONI16.CRE] Copied [VICONI6.CRE] to [override/VICONI6.CRE] Copied [VICONI8.CRE] to [override/VICONI8.CRE] Copied [VICONI9.CRE] to [override/VICONI9.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Appending to files ... Appended text to [clearair.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clearair.2da] loaded, 508 bytes Copied [clearair.2da] to [override/clearair.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518a.spl] loaded, 23058 bytes Copied [SPPR518a.spl] to [override/SPPR518a.spl] Including and running function(s) summoned_monsters_divine Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/summoned_monsters_divine.tpa] loaded, 843 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/summoned_monsters_divine.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/summoned_monsters_divine.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sshamb.cre] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [sshamb.cre] to [override/sshamb.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gisbomb.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [gisbomb.cre] to [override/gisbomb.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gisborb.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [gisborb.cre] to [override/gisborb.cre] Including and running function(s) dealign_cleric_spells Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/dealign_cleric_spells.tpa] loaded, 3252 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/dealign_cleric_spells.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/dealign_cleric_spells.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28957 bytes Copying and patching 183 files ... [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID117.itm] to [override/CDID117.itm] Copied [SPPR117.SPL] to [override/SPPR117.SPL] [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID219.itm] to [override/CDID219.itm] Copied [SPPR219.SPL] to [override/SPPR219.SPL] [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID321.itm] to [override/CDID321.itm] Copied [SPPR321.SPL] to [override/SPPR321.SPL] [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID324.itm] to [override/CDID324.itm] Copied [SPPR324.SPL] to [override/SPPR324.SPL] [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID329.itm] to [override/CDID329.itm] Copied [SPPR329.SPL] to [override/SPPR329.SPL] [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID422.itm] to [override/CDID422.itm] Copied [SPPR422.SPL] to [override/SPPR422.SPL] [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID428.itm] to [override/CDID428.itm] Copied [SPPR428.SPL] to [override/SPPR428.SPL] [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21202 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID523.itm] to [override/CDID523.itm] Copied [SPPR523.SPL] to [override/SPPR523.SPL] [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID524.itm] to [override/CDID524.itm] Copied [SPPR524.SPL] to [override/SPPR524.SPL] [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 48034 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID714.itm] to [override/CDID714.itm] Copied [SPPR714.SPL] to [override/SPPR714.SPL] [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 22570 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID736.itm] to [override/CDID736.itm] Copied [SPPR736.SPL] to [override/SPPR736.SPL] [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [CDID740.itm] to [override/CDID740.itm] Copied [SPPR740.SPL] to [override/SPPR740.SPL] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Not appending [181 ReallyForceSpellRES(S:RES*,O:Target)...] to [action.ids] because it DOES contains [181 ReallyForceSpellRES(S:RES\*,O:Target)] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR733.spl] to [override/SPPR733.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/asumm1x.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [asumm1x.vvc] to [override/asumm1x.vvc] Copying 2 files ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/0103.ini] loaded, 849 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/0103.ini] to [override/0103.ini] [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/swrathu.bam] loaded, 21631 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/swrathu.bam] to [override/swrathu.bam] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11197 bytes Appending [0x0103 SPIRITUAL_WRATH...] to [animate.ids] because it does NOT contain [^0x0103] override/animate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/animate.ids, 11197 bytes Appended text to [animate.ids] Copying 2 files ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/0104.ini] loaded, 846 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/0104.ini] to [override/0104.ini] [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/swavet.bam] loaded, 52478 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/swavet.bam] to [override/swavet.bam] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11221 bytes Appending [0x0104 SMASHING_WAVE...] to [animate.ids] because it does NOT contain [^0x0104] Appended text to [animate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/idpro302.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [idpro302.pro] to [override/idpro302.pro] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bclaw.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [bclaw.itm] to [override/bclaw.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPPR116.spl] to [override/SPPR116.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/cdmoon.bam] loaded, 36813 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/resource/cdmoon.bam] to [override/cdmoon.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR323.spl] to [override/SPPR323.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/moonbla.itm] loaded, 938 bytes Copied [moonbla.itm] to [override/moonbla.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR423.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR423.spl] to [override/SPPR423.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smcudge.itm] loaded, 1130 bytes Copied [smcudge.itm] to [override/smcudge.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copied [SPPR523.spl] to [override/SPPR523.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes Copied [SPPR740.spl] to [override/SPPR740.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR617.spl] to [override/SPPR617.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [harm.itm] to [override/harm.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR733.spl] to [override/SPPR733.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN135.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/idpro282.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [idpro282.pro] to [override/idpro282.pro] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28957 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr117.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr216.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr217.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr218.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr219.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr321.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr324.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr325.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr327.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr328.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr329.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr418.spl] loaded, 2018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr422.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr423.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr424.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr425.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr426.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr427.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr518.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr520.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr521.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr617.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr733.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr737.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr714.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr428.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr524.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr429.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr203.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [./inline/generic.tpa] to [weidu_external/iwdspells/generic_divine.tpa] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [./inline/cc_array.tpa] to [weidu_external/iwdspells/compat_for_castercraft_divine.tpa] Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28957 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spells_used.txt] loaded, 10538 bytes Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI426.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI426.spl, 874 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPWI427.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI427.spl, 682 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPWI428.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI428.spl, 586 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI428.spl] to [override/SPWI428.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPWI411.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI411.spl, 538 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI431z.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI431z.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI431z.spl, 298 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI431z.spl] to [override/SPWI431z.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ring95.itm] loaded, 2946 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ring95.itm] to [override/ring95.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes override/SPWI806.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI806.spl, 2986 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes override/ibody.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/ibody.itm, 1898 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes override/SPWI126.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI126.spl, 1930 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI126.spl] to [override/SPWI126.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes override/SPWI630.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPWI630.spl, 38922 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] loaded, 1296 bytes override/7eyes.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/7eyes.2da, 1594 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] to [override/7eyes.2da] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] to [override/7eyes.2da] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPIN132.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/SPIN132.spl, 250 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPIN132.spl] to [override/SPIN132.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copied [SPPR322.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR322.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPPR326.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPPR421.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR615.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR734.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR734.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copied [SPPR735.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR735.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/fartrng.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copied [fartrng.itm] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/fartrng.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI428.spl] to [override/SPWI428.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431z.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ring95.itm] loaded, 2946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [7EYES.2DA] to [override/7EYES.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN132.spl] to [override/SPIN132.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copied [SPPR322.spl] to [override/SPPR322.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR734.spl] to [override/SPPR734.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copied [SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fartrng.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copied [fartrng.itm] to [override/fartrng.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spells_used.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/spells_used.txt, 10538 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spells_used.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/bam_copy_divine.2da] loaded, 422 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR301A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 1741 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR301B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 1549 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMATE_DEAD_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR301C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_INSECTS_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_INSECTS_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR319A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_INSECTS_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_INSECTS_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR319B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_INSECTS_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_INSECTS_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR319C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_1_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_1_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR402A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_1_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 1936 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_1_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR402B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_1_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_1_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR402C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CALL_WOODLAND_BEINGS_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CALL_WOODLAND_BEINGS_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR410A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CALL_WOODLAND_BEINGS_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CALL_WOODLAND_BEINGS_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR410B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CALL_WOODLAND_BEINGS_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CALL_WOODLAND_BEINGS_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR410C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_2_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_2_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR501A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_2_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 1878 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_2_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR501B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_2_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_2_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR501C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_INSECT_PLAGUE_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_INSECT_PLAGUE_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR517A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_INSECT_PLAGUE_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_INSECT_PLAGUE_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR517B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_INSECT_PLAGUE_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_INSECT_PLAGUE_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR517C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_AERIAL_SERVANT_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_AERIAL_SERVANT_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR601A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_AERIAL_SERVANT_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_AERIAL_SERVANT_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR601B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_AERIAL_SERVANT_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_AERIAL_SERVANT_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR601C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_3_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_3_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR602A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_3_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_3_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR602B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_3_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_3_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR602C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_ANIMALS_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_ANIMALS_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR604A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_ANIMALS_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_ANIMALS_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR604B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_ANIMALS_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_ANIMALS_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR604C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR605A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR605B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR605C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR702A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR702B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CONJURE_EARTH_ELEMENTAL_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR702C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GATE_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GATE_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR703A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GATE_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GATE_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR703B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GATE_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GATE_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR703C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CREEPING_DOOM_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CREEPING_DOOM_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR717A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CREEPING_DOOM_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CREEPING_DOOM_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR717B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CREEPING_DOOM_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_CREEPING_DOOM_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR717C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR723A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR723B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR723C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GREATER_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GREATER_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR724A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GREATER_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GREATER_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR724B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GREATER_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_GREATER_ELEMENTAL_SWARM_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR724C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_DEVA_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_DEVA_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR726A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_DEVA_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_DEVA_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR726B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_DEVA_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_DEVA_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR726C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_FALLEN_DEVA_ANIMATION_A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_FALLEN_DEVA_ANIMATION_A.bam] to [override/SPPR727A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_FALLEN_DEVA_ANIMATION_B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_FALLEN_DEVA_ANIMATION_B.bam] to [override/SPPR727B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_FALLEN_DEVA_ANIMATION_C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bam/CLERIC_SUMMON_FALLEN_DEVA_ANIMATION_C.bam] to [override/SPPR727C.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 4067 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bgee.lua] loaded, 167021 bytes weidu_external/workspace/bgee.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/bgee.lua, 159469 bytes Copied [bgee.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/bgee.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bgee.lua] loaded, 167021 bytes override/bgee.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1510/override.bgee.lua, 167021 bytes Copied [bgee.lua] to [override/bgee.lua] Copying and patching 16 files ... [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 19 files ... [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 30 files ... [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 30 files ... [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 27 files ... [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21202 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes Copying and patching 20 files ... [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 48034 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 41 files ... [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 22570 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 23 files ... [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 27 files ... [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes Copying and patching 28 files ... [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes Copying and patching 48 files ... [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 35 files ... [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes Copying and patching 33 files ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 27 files ... [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 6106 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 24 files ... [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 84 files ... [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bgee.lua] loaded, 150901 bytes Copied [bgee.lua] to [override/bgee.lua] Install Component [Include bard songs from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Include bard songs from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28957 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Including and running function(s) iwdspells_bard Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/iwdspells_bard.tpa] loaded, 2113 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/iwdspells_bard.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/iwdspells_bard.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_iwdspells_bard_installed.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 2988 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ring95.itm] loaded, 2946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/rndtre40.itm] loaded, 114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7b.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl7c.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/trans20.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans4.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/overwrite.2da] loaded, 342 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bard_resrefs.txt] loaded, 156 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/resource_overwrite_bg2.2da] loaded, 152 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/anim_maps.2da] loaded, 226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/animate.ids] loaded, 10319 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/missile.ids] loaded, 10442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bard_proj.txt] loaded, 26 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8880 bytes Not appending [337 Visual_Range_Party_Only...] to [missile.ids] because it DOES contains [337[ ]+Visual_Range_Party_Only] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8880 bytes Not appending [338 Visual_Range_No_Party...] to [missile.ids] because it DOES contains [338[ ]+Visual_Range_No_Party] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4482 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bard_smtables.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 699 bytes override/smtables.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/smtables.2da, 699 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/strref_map.txt] loaded, 4747 bytes Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/data/iwd_bard.2da] loaded, 117 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28957 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2443 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/iwd_spells_installed.txt, 2443 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for BARD_SONG_BALLAD Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28957 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28957 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28957 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/spell.ids, 28957 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/#BARD1.SPL] to [override/#BARD1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/BARD1.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/BARD1.BAM] to [override/BARD1.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/BARD1B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/BARD1B.BAM] to [override/BARD1B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohvrpo.pro] loaded, 768 bytes SFO warning: Not copying resource OHVRPO.PRO of spell BARD_SONG_BALLAD: namespace conflict [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 110 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 110 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/sfo_warnings.txt, 110 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/SPCL120.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_BALLAD/SPCL120.SPL] to [override/SPCL101.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL101.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28980 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2461 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for BARD_SONG_CURRAN Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28980 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 28980 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 28980 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/#BARD2.SPL] to [override/#BARD2.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/BARD2.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/BARD2.BAM] to [override/BARD2.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/BARD2B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/BARD2B.BAM] to [override/BARD2B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohvrpo.pro] loaded, 768 bytes SFO warning: Not copying resource OHVRPO.PRO of spell BARD_SONG_CURRAN: namespace conflict [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 216 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 216 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/SPCL115.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_CURRAN/SPCL115.SPL] to [override/SPCL107.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL107.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29003 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2479 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for BARD_SONG_TYMORA Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29003 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29003 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/#BARD3.SPL] to [override/#BARD3.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/BARD3.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/BARD3.BAM] to [override/BARD3.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/BARD3B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/BARD3B.BAM] to [override/BARD3B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohvrpo.pro] loaded, 768 bytes SFO warning: Not copying resource OHVRPO.PRO of spell BARD_SONG_TYMORA: namespace conflict [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 322 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 322 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/SPCL116.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_TYMORA/SPCL116.SPL] to [override/SPCL108.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL108.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29026 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2497 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for BARD_SONG_KAUDIES Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29026 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29026 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/#BARD4.SPL] to [override/#BARD4.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/BARD4.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/BARD4.BAM] to [override/BARD4.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/BARD4B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/BARD4B.BAM] to [override/BARD4B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohvrpo.pro] loaded, 768 bytes SFO warning: Not copying resource OHVRPO.PRO of spell BARD_SONG_KAUDIES: namespace conflict [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 428 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 428 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/SPCL117.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_KAUDIES/SPCL117.SPL] to [override/SPCL109.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29050 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2516 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for BARD_SONG_SIREN Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29050 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29050 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/#BARD5.SPL] to [override/#BARD5.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/#CUREENT.SPL] to [override/#CUREENT.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/AFT_P13.WAV] loaded, 17010 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/BARD5.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/BARD5.BAM] to [override/BARD5.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/BARD5B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/BARD5B.BAM] to [override/BARD5B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/EFF_M15.WAV] loaded, 12335 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/OHVRNP.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes override/OHVRNP.PRO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/OHVRNP.PRO, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/OHVRNP.PRO] to [override/OHVRNP.PRO] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPCL118.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPCL118.SPL] to [override/SPCL110.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPMINDAT.BAM] loaded, 23653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPMINDAT.BAM] loaded, 23653 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPMINDAT.BAM] to [override/SPMINDAT.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPMINDAT.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPMINDAT.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SIREN/SPMINDAT.VVC] to [override/SPMINDAT.VVC] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL110.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29072 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] loaded, 2533 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/iwd_spells_installed.txt] Copying resources for BARD_SONG_SITH Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29072 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29072 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/#BARD6.SPL] to [override/#BARD6.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/BARD6.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/BARD6.BAM] to [override/BARD6.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/BARD6B.BAM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/BARD6B.BAM] to [override/BARD6B.BAM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/OHVRPO.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohvrpo.pro] loaded, 768 bytes SFO warning: Not copying resource OHVRPO.PRO of spell BARD_SONG_SITH: namespace conflict [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 535 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 535 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/SPCL119.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/IWDSPELLS/COPYOVER/BARD_SONG_SITH/SPCL119.SPL] to [override/SPCL111.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL111.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_iwd.2da] loaded, 2092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/bard_icons.2da] loaded, 693 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6915 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] loaded, 933 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] to [override/SPCL101D.bam] override/statdesc.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/statdesc.2da, 6915 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL101.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL101.spl] to [override/SPCL101.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6948 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] loaded, 933 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] to [override/SPCL107D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL107.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL107.spl] to [override/SPCL107.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 6981 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] loaded, 933 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] to [override/SPCL108D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL108.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL108.spl] to [override/SPCL108.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 7014 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] loaded, 933 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] to [override/SPCL109D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 7047 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] loaded, 933 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] to [override/SPCL110D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL110.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL110.spl] to [override/SPCL110.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 7080 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] loaded, 933 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/icons/pi_bard.bam] to [override/SPCL111D.bam] Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL111.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL111.spl] to [override/SPCL111.spl] Copying and patching 172 files ... [./override/25SPELL.STO] loaded, 7680 bytes [./override/25SPELL2.STO] loaded, 7736 bytes [./override/AMCLER02.STO] loaded, 932 bytes [./override/BAG19.STO] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/BAG19A.STO] loaded, 708 bytes [./override/BAG19B.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19C.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19D.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19E.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BERNARD.STO] loaded, 2736 bytes [./override/BERNARD2.STO] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/BERNARD3.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD4.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD5.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BERNARD6.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BHELM.STO] loaded, 876 bytes [./override/BMTHIEF.STO] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/BSHOP01.STO] loaded, 1628 bytes [./override/BSHOP02.STO] loaded, 1348 bytes [./override/CDAEMERC.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/DAWNMAS.STO] loaded, 932 bytes [./override/DOGHMA.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/GARLENA.STO] loaded, 3564 bytes [./override/GORCH.STO] loaded, 1936 bytes [./override/GOVWAU01.STO] loaded, 808 bytes [./override/HELMPR.STO] loaded, 892 bytes [./override/HGKAR01.STO] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/JAYES.STO] loaded, 2168 bytes [./override/KPCHAP01.STO] loaded, 1044 bytes [./override/OHBMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes [./override/OHBMOLZA.STO] loaded, 864 bytes [./override/OHDHSEN.STO] loaded, 1088 bytes [./override/OHNMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes [./override/OHNPRIE1.STO] loaded, 864 bytes [./override/OHNSCRME.STO] loaded, 1028 bytes [./override/PPSTOR01.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/PPUMB01.STO] loaded, 1060 bytes [./override/RIBALD.STO] loaded, 4352 bytes [./override/RIBALD2.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/RIBALD3.STO] loaded, 2132 bytes [./override/SAHPR1.STO] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/SARTEM01.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/SCROLLS.STO] loaded, 2204 bytes [./override/SHOP08.STO] loaded, 2972 bytes [./override/SHTHSTOR.STO] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/SLILMAT.STO] loaded, 848 bytes [./override/SUELF10.STO] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/TALMISS.STO] loaded, 904 bytes [./override/TEM2304.STO] loaded, 632 bytes [./override/TEM4802.STO] loaded, 536 bytes [./override/TEMHELM.STO] loaded, 1144 bytes [./override/TEMLATH.STO] loaded, 1004 bytes [./override/TEMPLE.STO] loaded, 652 bytes [./override/TEMSUP.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/TEMTALOS.STO] loaded, 1100 bytes [./override/TRCAR04.STO] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/TRMER04.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/TRMER04A.STO] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/TRTHF02.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/TYPE1.STO] loaded, 4092 bytes [./override/TYPE2.STO] loaded, 3540 bytes [./override/TYPE3.STO] loaded, 3296 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.STO] loaded, 1720 bytes [./override/UDDUER01.STO] loaded, 1308 bytes [./override/UDDUER02.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR04.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR05.STO] loaded, 2120 bytes [./override/WALLACE.STO] loaded, 900 bytes [./override/WALLACE2.STO] loaded, 872 bytes [./override/WILMAT.STO] loaded, 876 bytes Including and running function(s) iwd_bardsong_postproduction [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lang/english/dw_iwdspells.tra] has 61 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/iwd_bardsong_postproduction.tpa] loaded, 10489 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/iwd_bardsong_postproduction.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/iwd_bardsong_postproduction.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29093 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl101.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl107.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl108.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl110.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl111.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [./inline/generic.tpa] to [weidu_external/iwdspells/generic_bardic.tpa] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [fjbard.spl] to [override/fjbard.spl] Editing class bard... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#uniqueclab.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA05.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA09.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA10.2da] Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/clab_template.2da] to [override/CLABMA01.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABBA01.2da] to [override/CLABBA01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1812 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit BLADE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1812 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#baseline_lua.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1812 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa4.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa5.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa6.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa7.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMa0.2da] to [override/luMa8.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luFi0.2da] to [override/luFi1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luFi0.2da] to [override/luFi2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luFi0.2da] to [override/luFi3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luPa0.2da] to [override/luPa1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luPa0.2da] to [override/luPa2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luPa0.2da] to [override/luPa3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luRa0.2da] to [override/luRa1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luRa0.2da] to [override/luRa2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luRa0.2da] to [override/luRa3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luTh0.2da] to [override/luTh2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luTh0.2da] to [override/luTh3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luBa0.2da] to [override/luBa1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luBa0.2da] to [override/luBa2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luBa0.2da] to [override/luBa3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luDr0.2da] to [override/luDr1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luDr0.2da] to [override/luDr2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luDr0.2da] to [override/luDr3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCl0.2da] to [override/luCl1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCl0.2da] to [override/luCl2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCl0.2da] to [override/luCl3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luFI0.2da] to [override/luFI5.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luMA0.2da] to [override/luMA9.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL4.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL5.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL6.2da] Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit JESTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit SKALD... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spcl920a.spl] to [override/spcl920a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fjbard.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [fjbard.spl] to [override/fjbard.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fjbard.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [fjbard.spl] to [override/#bard7a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#bard7a.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [#bard7a.spl] to [override/#bard7b.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#bard1.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [#bard1.spl] to [override/#bard7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spcl920.spl] to [override/spcl920.spl] Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spells_used.txt] loaded, 10538 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [#BARD1.SPL] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/#BARD1.SPL] Copying 1 file ... [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [#BARD2.SPL] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/#BARD2.SPL] Copying 1 file ... [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [#BARD3.SPL] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/#BARD3.SPL] Copying 1 file ... [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [#BARD4.SPL] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/#BARD4.SPL] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [SPCL109.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [#BARD5.SPL] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/#BARD5.SPL] Copying 1 file ... [./override/#cureent.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [#cureent.spl] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/#cureent.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [#BARD6.SPL] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/#BARD6.SPL] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI426.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI426.spl, 874 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPWI427.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI427.spl, 730 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPWI428.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI428.spl, 586 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI428.spl] to [override/SPWI428.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPWI411.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI411.spl, 538 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI431z.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI431z.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI431z.spl, 298 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI431z.spl] to [override/SPWI431z.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ring95.itm] loaded, 2946 bytes override/ring95.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/ring95.itm, 2946 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ring95.itm] to [override/ring95.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes override/SPWI806.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI806.spl, 3082 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes override/ibody.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/ibody.itm, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes override/SPWI126.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI126.spl, 1930 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI126.spl] to [override/SPWI126.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes override/SPWI630.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPWI630.spl, 43674 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] loaded, 1296 bytes override/7eyes.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/7eyes.2da, 1594 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] to [override/7eyes.2da] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/7eyes.2da] to [override/7eyes.2da] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPIN132.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPIN132.spl, 250 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPIN132.spl] to [override/SPIN132.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes override/SPPR322.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPPR322.spl, 2410 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR322.spl] to [override/SPPR322.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes override/SPPR326.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPPR326.spl, 970 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes override/SPPR421.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPPR421.spl, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes override/SPPR615.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPPR615.spl, 48034 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPPR734.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPPR734.spl, 586 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR734.spl] to [override/SPPR734.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes override/SPPR735.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/SPPR735.spl, 22570 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/fartrng.itm] loaded, 162 bytes override/fartrng.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/fartrng.itm, 162 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spell_stash/fartrng.itm] to [override/fartrng.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL109.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [SPCL109.spl] to [override/SPCL109.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#cureent.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI428.spl] to [override/SPWI428.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431z.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ring95.itm] loaded, 2946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [SPWI806.spl] to [override/SPWI806.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 1930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/7EYES.2DA] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [7EYES.2DA] to [override/7EYES.2DA] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN132.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN132.spl] to [override/SPIN132.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copied [SPPR322.spl] to [override/SPPR322.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPPR326.spl] to [override/SPPR326.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPPR421.spl] to [override/SPPR421.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR734.spl] to [override/SPPR734.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copied [SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fartrng.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copied [fartrng.itm] to [override/fartrng.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spells_used.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/1520/spells_used.txt, 10538 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/spells_used.txt] SKIPPING: [Use Baldur's Gate-style Insect Plague and Creeping Doom instead of Icewind Dale versions] This component requires Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition SKIPPING: [Use Baldur's Gate-style Mordenkainen's Sword in addition to Icewind Dale version] This component requires Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Install Component [Install all spell tweaks (if you don't select this, you will be given a chance to choose by category)]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Install all spell tweaks (if you don't select this, you will be given a chance to choose by category)] Install Component [Core Stratagems spell-system changes (assumed by Sword Coast Stratagems mod)]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Core Stratagems spell-system changes (assumed by Sword Coast Stratagems mod)] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk] Including and running function(s) install_spell_resources [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/spell.tra] has 222 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] loaded, 3424 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/install_spell_resources.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2988 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bclaw.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand10.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/data/spelltweaks.2da] loaded, 3408 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_antimagic_penetrates_ii.mrk] Including and running function(s) antimagic_penetrates_ii Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/antimagic_penetrates_ii.tpa] loaded, 475 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/antimagic_penetrates_ii.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/antimagic_penetrates_ii.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 11 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 11 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 20 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 20 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 29 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 29 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 38 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 38 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 47 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 47 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 56 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 56 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_fiend_summoning.mrk] Including and running function(s) fiend_summoning Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/fiend_summoning.tpa] loaded, 7172 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/fiend_summoning.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/fiend_summoning.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#fiend_summoning_tof.mrk] Including and running function(s) fiend_spells_basic Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/fiend_spells_basic.tpa] loaded, 4094 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/fiend_spells_basic.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/fiend_spells_basic.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#fiend_spells_made.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN999.spl] to [override/SPIN999.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN997.spl] to [override/SPIN997.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN996.spl] to [override/SPIN996.spl] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29093 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29093 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/spell.ids, 29093 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN701.spl] to [override/SPIN136.spl] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29121 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29121 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI405.spl] to [override/SPIN137.spl] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29162 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29162 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI609.spl] to [override/SPIN138.spl] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29192 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29192 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI506.spl] to [override/SPIN139.spl] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29222 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29222 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI221.spl] to [override/SPIN140.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN996.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPIN996.spl] to [override/SPIN996.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI931.spl] to [override/dw#fitel.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copied [gorbat5.cre] to [override/dw#bfsum.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [gorbat3.cre] to [override/dw#cosum.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dembal01.cre] to [override/dw#basum.cre] Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw#llbnf.baf] loaded, 1465 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw#llcor.baf] loaded, 1574 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw#llbal.baf] loaded, 1443 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spcaco.eff] to [override/dw#hlbf.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spgate.eff] to [override/dw#hlba.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spfiend.eff] to [override/dw#hlco.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/process_table_include.tpc] to [weidu_external/workspace/process_table_include.tpc] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 65 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 65 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2686 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2686 bytes override/splstate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/splstate.ids, 2686 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI707.spl] to [override/SPWI707.spl] SPWI707 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI707.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI707.spl] to [override/SPWI707.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 83 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 83 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI807.spl] to [override/SPWI807.spl] SPWI807 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI807.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI807.spl] to [override/SPWI807.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 104 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 104 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI905.spl] to [override/SPWI905.spl] SPWI905 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI905.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI905.spl] to [override/SPWI905.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 117 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 117 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR703.spl] to [override/SPPR703.spl] SPPR703 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR703.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR703.spl] to [override/SPPR703.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl9b.itm] to [override/scrl9b.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl8i.itm] to [override/scrl8i.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl9n.itm] to [override/scrl9n.itm] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_mantle.mrk] Including and running function(s) mantle Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/mantle.tpa] loaded, 567 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/mantle.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/mantle.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI708.spl] to [override/SPWI708.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI808.spl] to [override/SPWI808.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI907.spl] to [override/SPWI907.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_modify_breach.mrk] Including and running function(s) modify_breach Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/modify_breach.tpa] loaded, 3780 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/modify_breach.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/modify_breach.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... Appended text to [MSECTYPE.2DA] Added MSECTYPE.2DA Breach Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msectype.2da] loaded, 386 bytes Copied [msectype.2da] to [override/msectype.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI513.spl] to [override/SPWI513.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI519.spl] to [override/SPWI519.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI608.spl] to [override/dw#wndss.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [wand18.itm] to [override/wand18.itm] Copying and patching 62 files ... [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21202 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/lich.itm] loaded, 1746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/lich.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/lich.itm, 1746 bytes Copied [lich.itm] to [override/lich.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/rakring.itm] loaded, 1362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/rakring.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/rakring.itm, 1362 bytes Copied [rakring.itm] to [override/rakring.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demilich.itm] loaded, 2946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/demilich.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/demilich.itm, 2946 bytes Copied [demilich.itm] to [override/demilich.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_pro_normal_missiles.mrk] Including and running function(s) pro_normal_missiles Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/pro_normal_missiles.tpa] loaded, 1852 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/pro_normal_missiles.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/pro_normal_missiles.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4482 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4482 bytes override/projectl.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/projectl.ids, 4482 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4495 bytes Copied [arrowflm.pro] to [override/dw#flam.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8880 bytes override/missile.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/missile.ids, 8880 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4495 bytes Copied [arow08.itm] to [override/arow08.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [arowkc.itm] to [override/arowkc.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes override/SPPR525.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/SPPR525.spl, 3658 bytes Copied [SPPR525.spl] to [override/SPPR525.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48034 bytes override/SPPR615.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/SPPR615.spl, 48034 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 130 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 130 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arow08.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI311.spl] to [override/SPWI311.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spra303.spl] to [override/spra303.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [ohwi311.spl] to [override/ohwi311.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_spellstrike_vs_pm_scroll.mrk] Including and running function(s) spellstrike_vs_pm_scroll Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/spellstrike_vs_pm_scroll.tpa] loaded, 1786 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/spellstrike_vs_pm_scroll.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/spellstrike_vs_pm_scroll.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 170 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 170 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Creating file dw#pmscr.spl; 114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw#pmscr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw#pmscr.spl] loaded, 114 bytes Copied [dw#pmscr.spl] to [override/dw#pmscr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw#pmscr.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes Copied [dw#pmscr.spl] to [override/dw#pmscr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw#pmscr.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes Copied [dw#pmscr.spl] to [override/dw#pmscr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [scrl07.itm] to [override/scrl07.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 43674 bytes override/SPWI630.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2010/SPWI630.spl, 43674 bytes Copied [SPWI630.spl] to [override/SPWI630.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spwi903.spl] to [override/spwi903.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spin550.spl] to [override/spin550.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI903.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl07.itm] loaded, 266 bytes SKIPPING: [Baldur's Gate-inspired tweaks to Icewind Dale spells] This component requires Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Install Component [Changes to Restoration]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Changes to Restoration] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 2988 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arow08.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arowkc.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/cdia225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia227.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/ltouch.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m1d7slsh.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand18.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/data/spelltweaks.2da] loaded, 3408 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_restoration_ability_drain.mrk] Including and running function(s) restoration_ability_drain Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/restoration_ability_drain.tpa] loaded, 3911 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/restoration_ability_drain.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/restoration_ability_drain.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/opcode_associations_bg2.2da] loaded, 1081 bytes Copying and patching 569 files ... [./override/#TROLLIS.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25EFFECT.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25EFFECT.BIF] [.\DATA\25EFFECT.BIF] 44732 bytes, 129 files, 0 tilesets [./override/DESTSELF.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#HLBA.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#HLBF.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#HLCO.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#WAT1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#WAT2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#WAT3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPAIR1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPAIR2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPAIR3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPEART1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPEART2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPEART3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPFIR1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPFIR2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPFIR3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPLESAIR.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPLESEAR.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPLESFIR.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR740.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msectype.2da] loaded, 380 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 380 bytes override/msectype.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2030/msectype.2da, 380 bytes Appended text to [msectype.2da] Copying and patching 4791 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4002 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 7394 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 8610 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21202 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3706 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 48514 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 22570 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 6106 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDVOID.SPL] to [override/BDVOIDA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDVOIDA.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [BDVOIDA.spl] to [override/BDVOIDA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDVOID.SPL] to [override/BDVOID.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file BONEDAG.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BONEDAG.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [BONEDAG.spl] to [override/BONEDAG.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BONEDAG.ITM] to [override/BONEDAG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file BONEFD.spl; 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BONEFD.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEFD.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [BONEFD.spl] to [override/BONEFD.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BONEFD.ITM] to [override/BONEFD.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file CDMINDFL.spl; 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/CDMINDFL.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDMINDFL.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [CDMINDFL.spl] to [override/CDMINDFL.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CDMINDFL.ITM] to [override/CDMINDFL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CH3DRAIN.SPL] to [override/CH3DRAIA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3DRAIA.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [CH3DRAIA.spl] to [override/CH3DRAIA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CH3DRAIN.SPL] to [override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file DEMSUC01.spl; 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DEMSUC01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMSUC01.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [DEMSUC01.spl] to [override/DEMSUC01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DEMSUC01.ITM] to [override/DEMSUC01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Creating file DOBONE.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DOBONE.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [DOBONE.spl] to [override/DOBONE.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes override/DOBONE.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2030/DOBONE.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [DOBONE.ITM] to [override/DOBONE.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file DWWHIP.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWWHIP.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [DWWHIP.spl] to [override/DWWHIP.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DWWHIP.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file DWWHIP01.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWWHIP01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP01.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [DWWHIP01.spl] to [override/DWWHIP01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DWWHIP01.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file GORCAMB.spl; 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/GORCAMB.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCAMB.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [GORCAMB.spl] to [override/GORCAMB.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORCAMB.ITM] to [override/GORCAMB.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file GORWOM1A.spl; 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/GORWOM1A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM1A.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [GORWOM1A.spl] to [override/GORWOM1A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORWOM1.ITM] to [override/GORWOM1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file HAUNT1.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/HAUNT1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HAUNT1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [HAUNT1.spl] to [override/HAUNT1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [HAUNT1.ITM] to [override/HAUNT1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file HGBER01.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/HGBER01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGBER01.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [HGBER01.spl] to [override/HGBER01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [HGBER01.ITM] to [override/HGBER01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file HGWRA01.spl; 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/HGWRA01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGWRA01.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [HGWRA01.spl] to [override/HGWRA01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [HGWRA01.ITM] to [override/HGWRA01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file ICETRL.spl; 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/ICETRL.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ICETRL.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [ICETRL.spl] to [override/ICETRL.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ICETRL.ITM] to [override/ICETRL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file KIEL1.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/KIEL1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KIEL1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [KIEL1.spl] to [override/KIEL1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [KIEL1.ITM] to [override/KIEL1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file MAGICONF.spl; 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/MAGICONF.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGICONF.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [MAGICONF.spl] to [override/MAGICONF.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MAGICONF.ITM] to [override/MAGICONF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file MAGISPWR.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/MAGISPWR.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGISPWR.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [MAGISPWR.spl] to [override/MAGISPWR.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MAGISPWR.ITM] to [override/MAGISPWR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MELIS01.SPL] to [override/MELIS01A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELIS01A.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [MELIS01A.spl] to [override/MELIS01A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MELIS01.SPL] to [override/MELIS01.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file MINDFLAY.spl; 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/MINDFLAY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MINDFLAY.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [MINDFLAY.spl] to [override/MINDFLAY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MINDFLAY.ITM] to [override/MINDFLAY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file NPSW06.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/NPSW06.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/NPSW06.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [NPSW06.spl] to [override/NPSW06.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [NPSW06.ITM] to [override/NPSW06.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBDRAG1.SPL] to [override/OHBDRAGA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDRAGA.spl] loaded, 1010 bytes Copied [OHBDRAGA.spl] to [override/OHBDRAGA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBDRAG1.SPL] to [override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHDEVIL.SPL] to [override/OHDEVILA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHDEVILA.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [OHDEVILA.spl] to [override/OHDEVILA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHDEVIL.SPL] to [override/OHDEVIL.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHDRAI2.SPL] to [override/OHHDRAIA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHHDRAIA.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [OHHDRAIA.spl] to [override/OHHDRAIA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHDRAI2.SPL] to [override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file OHNPOTN1.spl; 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/OHNPOTN1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHNPOTN1.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [OHNPOTN1.spl] to [override/OHNPOTN1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHNPOTN1.ITM] to [override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file OHRCLCK3.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/OHRCLCK3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHRCLCK3.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [OHRCLCK3.spl] to [override/OHRCLCK3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHRCLCK3.ITM] to [override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file POTN15.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/POTN15.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN15.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [POTN15.spl] to [override/POTN15.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN15.ITM] to [override/POTN15.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file POTN16.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/POTN16.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN16.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [POTN16.spl] to [override/POTN16.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN16.ITM] to [override/POTN16.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file POTN46.spl; 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/POTN46.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN46.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [POTN46.spl] to [override/POTN46.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN46.ITM] to [override/POTN46.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file POTN48.spl; 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/POTN48.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN48.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [POTN48.spl] to [override/POTN48.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN48.ITM] to [override/POTN48.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file QUASCLAW.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/QUASCLAW.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/QUASCLAW.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [QUASCLAW.spl] to [override/QUASCLAW.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [QUASCLAW.ITM] to [override/QUASCLAW.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file RODS05.spl; 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/RODS05.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RODS05.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [RODS05.spl] to [override/RODS05.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RODS05.ITM] to [override/RODS05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SCHLUM1.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SCHLUM1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCHLUM1.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SCHLUM1.spl] to [override/SCHLUM1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCHLUM1.ITM] to [override/SCHLUM1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SCRL10.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SCRL10.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL10.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SCRL10.spl] to [override/SCRL10.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL10.ITM] to [override/SCRL10.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SCRL12.spl; 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SCRL12.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL12.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SCRL12.spl] to [override/SCRL12.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL12.ITM] to [override/SCRL12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SCRL13.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SCRL13.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL13.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SCRL13.spl] to [override/SCRL13.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL13.ITM] to [override/SCRL13.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SCRL18.spl; 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SCRL18.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL18.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SCRL18.spl] to [override/SCRL18.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL18.ITM] to [override/SCRL18.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SENDAI.spl; 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SENDAI.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SENDAI.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SENDAI.spl] to [override/SENDAI.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SENDAI.ITM] to [override/SENDAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SHADOWWP.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SHADOWWP.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHADOWWP.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SHADOWWP.spl] to [override/SHADOWWP.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SHADOWWP.ITM] to [override/SHADOWWP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SHARSWD.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SHARSWD.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWD.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SHARSWD.spl] to [override/SHARSWD.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SHARSWD.ITM] to [override/SHARSWD.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SIRINE.spl; 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SIRINE.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SIRINE.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SIRINE.spl] to [override/SIRINE.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SIRINE.ITM] to [override/SIRINE.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SIRINE1.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SIRINE1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SIRINE1.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SIRINE1.spl] to [override/SIRINE1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SIRINE1.ITM] to [override/SIRINE1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SPDR101A.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPDR101A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101A.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPDR101A.spl] to [override/SPDR101A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPDR101.SPL] to [override/SPDR101.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SPIDWR.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPIDWR.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIDWR.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIDWR.spl] to [override/SPIDWR.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIDWR.ITM] to [override/SPIDWR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SPIDWR1.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPIDWR1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIDWR1.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIDWR1.spl] to [override/SPIDWR1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIDWR1.ITM] to [override/SPIDWR1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 8610 bytes Copied [SPIN140.SPL] to [override/SPIN140A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN140A.spl] loaded, 8610 bytes Copied [SPIN140A.spl] to [override/SPIN140A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 8610 bytes override/SPIN140.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2030/SPIN140.SPL, 8610 bytes Copied [SPIN140.SPL] to [override/SPIN140.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN560.SPL] to [override/SPIN560A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN560A.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPIN560A.spl] to [override/SPIN560A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN560.SPL] to [override/SPIN560.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN588.SPL] to [override/SPIN588A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN588A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN588A.spl] to [override/SPIN588A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN588.SPL] to [override/SPIN588.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN589.SPL] to [override/SPIN589A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN589A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN589A.spl] to [override/SPIN589A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN589.SPL] to [override/SPIN589.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN766.SPL] to [override/SPIN766A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN766A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN766A.spl] to [override/SPIN766A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN766.SPL] to [override/SPIN766.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN808.SPL] to [override/SPIN808A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN808A.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPIN808A.spl] to [override/SPIN808A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN808.SPL] to [override/SPIN808.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN817.SPL] to [override/SPIN817A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN817A.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPIN817A.spl] to [override/SPIN817A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN817.SPL] to [override/SPIN817.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN818.SPL] to [override/SPIN818A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN818A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN818A.spl] to [override/SPIN818A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN818.SPL] to [override/SPIN818.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN858.SPL] to [override/SPIN858A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN858A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN858A.spl] to [override/SPIN858A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN858.SPL] to [override/SPIN858.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN859.SPL] to [override/SPIN859A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN859A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN859A.spl] to [override/SPIN859A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN859.SPL] to [override/SPIN859.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN860.SPL] to [override/SPIN860A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN860A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN860A.spl] to [override/SPIN860A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN860.SPL] to [override/SPIN860.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN861.SPL] to [override/SPIN861A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN861A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN861A.spl] to [override/SPIN861A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN861.SPL] to [override/SPIN861.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN901.SPL] to [override/SPIN901A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN901A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN901A.spl] to [override/SPIN901A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN901.SPL] to [override/SPIN901.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN919.SPL] to [override/SPIN919A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN919A.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [SPIN919A.spl] to [override/SPIN919A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN919.SPL] to [override/SPIN919.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPPR421.SPL] to [override/SPPR421A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421A.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPPR421A.spl] to [override/SPPR421A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes override/SPPR421.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2030/SPPR421.SPL, 3802 bytes Copied [SPPR421.SPL] to [override/SPPR421.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR422.SPL] to [override/SPPR422A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422A.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR422A.spl] to [override/SPPR422A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes override/SPPR422.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2030/SPPR422.SPL, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR422.SPL] to [override/SPPR422.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR733.SPL] to [override/SPPR733A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733A.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR733A.spl] to [override/SPPR733A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes override/SPPR733.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2030/SPPR733.SPL, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR733.SPL] to [override/SPPR733.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR751.SPL] to [override/SPPR751A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR751A.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPPR751A.spl] to [override/SPPR751A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR751.SPL] to [override/SPPR751.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file SPWI118A.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPWI118A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI118A.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI118A.spl] to [override/SPWI118A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI118.SPL] to [override/SPWI118.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI221.SPL] to [override/SPWI221A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI221A.spl] loaded, 6882 bytes Copied [SPWI221A.spl] to [override/SPWI221A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI221.SPL] to [override/SPWI221.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWI724.SPL] to [override/SPWI724A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724A.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWI724A.spl] to [override/SPWI724A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes override/SPWI724.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2030/SPWI724.SPL, 634 bytes Copied [SPWI724.SPL] to [override/SPWI724.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI928.SPL] to [override/SPWI928A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI928A.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPWI928A.spl] to [override/SPWI928A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI928.SPL] to [override/SPWI928.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI955.SPL] to [override/SPWI955A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI955A.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI955A.spl] to [override/SPWI955A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI955.SPL] to [override/SPWI955.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH41.SPL] to [override/SPWISH4A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH4A.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPWISH4A.spl] to [override/SPWISH4A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH41.SPL] to [override/SPWISH41.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH42.SPL] to [override/SPWISH4B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH4B.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPWISH4B.spl] to [override/SPWISH4B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH42.SPL] to [override/SPWISH42.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH43.SPL] to [override/SPWISH4C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH4C.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPWISH4C.spl] to [override/SPWISH4C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH43.SPL] to [override/SPWISH43.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH44.SPL] to [override/SPWISH4D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH4D.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPWISH4D.spl] to [override/SPWISH4D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH44.SPL] to [override/SPWISH44.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH45.SPL] to [override/SPWISH4E.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH4E.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPWISH4E.spl] to [override/SPWISH4E.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH45.SPL] to [override/SPWISH45.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM118.SPL] to [override/SPWM118A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM118A.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPWM118A.spl] to [override/SPWM118A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM118.SPL] to [override/SPWM118.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file TROLLSPI.spl; 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/TROLLSPI.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSPI.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [TROLLSPI.spl] to [override/TROLLSPI.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [TROLLSPI.ITM] to [override/TROLLSPI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file TROLLTOR.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/TROLLTOR.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOR.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [TROLLTOR.spl] to [override/TROLLTOR.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [TROLLTOR.ITM] to [override/TROLLTOR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file WAWAK.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/WAWAK.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAWAK.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [WAWAK.spl] to [override/WAWAK.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [WAWAK.ITM] to [override/WAWAK.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CDPR417.SPL] to [override/CDPR417.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GLOBBLU2.ITM] to [override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBRESTO.SPL] to [override/OHBRESTO.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHSMODE1.SPL] to [override/OHSMODE1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHSMODE4.SPL] to [override/OHSMODE4.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN581.SPL] to [override/SPIN581.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR417.SPL] to [override/SPPR417.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR713.SPL] to [override/SPPR713.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH07.SPL] to [override/SPWISH07.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH46.SPL] to [override/SPWISH46.SPL] Install Component [Changes to shapeshift spells]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Changes to shapeshift spells] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk, 0 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk] Including and running function(s) install_spell_resources [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/spell.tra] has 222 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] loaded, 3424 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/install_spell_resources.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2988 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arow08.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arowkc.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/bonedag.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bonefd.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia126.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia227.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/demsuc01.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trolltor.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wawak.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 11 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 20 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 20 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 29 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 29 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 38 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 38 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 47 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 47 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 56 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 56 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 56 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 56 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 65 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 65 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 74 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 74 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 83 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 83 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 92 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 92 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 101 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 101 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 111 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 111 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 120 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 120 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 129 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 129 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copied [SPIN122.spl] to [override/SPIN122.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copied [SPIN123.spl] to [override/SPIN123.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copied [SPIN124.spl] to [override/SPIN124.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copied [SPIN150.spl] to [override/SPIN150.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copied [spinhum.spl] to [override/spinhum.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copied [SPWI490.spl] to [override/SPWI490.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin123.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin124.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin150.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spinhum.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi490.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dw-ssra.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spin151.spl] to [override/spin151.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spwi489.spl] to [override/spwi489.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spwi491.spl] to [override/spwi491.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/e293/e293.ini] loaded, 947 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/e293/e293.ini] to [override/e293.ini] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG01.WAV] loaded, 10107 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG01.WAV] to [override/BF_LG01.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG02.WAV] loaded, 6509 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG02.WAV] to [override/BF_LG02.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG03.WAV] loaded, 6087 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG03.WAV] to [override/BF_LG03.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG04.WAV] loaded, 12298 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG04.WAV] to [override/BF_LG04.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG05.WAV] loaded, 10148 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG05.WAV] to [override/BF_LG05.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG06.WAV] loaded, 7913 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/BF_LG06.WAV] to [override/BF_LG06.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA1.BAM] loaded, 271019 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA1.BAM] to [override/MGVEA1.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA1E.BAM] loaded, 157140 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA1E.BAM] to [override/MGVEA1E.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA2.BAM] loaded, 247686 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA2.BAM] to [override/MGVEA2.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA2E.BAM] loaded, 151693 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEA2E.BAM] to [override/MGVEA2E.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVECA.BAM] loaded, 271019 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVECA.BAM] to [override/MGVECA.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVECAE.BAM] loaded, 157140 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVECAE.BAM] to [override/MGVECAE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEDE.BAM] loaded, 272055 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEDE.BAM] to [override/MGVEDE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEDEE.BAM] loaded, 160136 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEDEE.BAM] to [override/MGVEDEE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGH.BAM] loaded, 221789 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGH.BAM] to [override/MGVEGH.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGHE.BAM] loaded, 137975 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGHE.BAM] to [override/MGVEGHE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGU.BAM] loaded, 371552 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGU.BAM] to [override/MGVEGU.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGUE.BAM] loaded, 239971 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEGUE.BAM] to [override/MGVEGUE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESC.BAM] loaded, 210923 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESC.BAM] to [override/MGVESC.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESCE.BAM] loaded, 138119 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESCE.BAM] to [override/MGVESCE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESD.BAM] loaded, 450586 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESD.BAM] to [override/MGVESD.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESDE.BAM] loaded, 280642 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESDE.BAM] to [override/MGVESDE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESL.BAM] loaded, 308098 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESL.BAM] to [override/MGVESL.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESLE.BAM] loaded, 186009 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESLE.BAM] to [override/MGVESLE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESP.BAM] loaded, 210923 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESP.BAM] to [override/MGVESP.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESPE.BAM] loaded, 138119 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVESPE.BAM] to [override/MGVESPE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVETW.BAM] loaded, 19655 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVETW.BAM] to [override/MGVETW.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVETWE.BAM] loaded, 13453 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVETWE.BAM] to [override/MGVETWE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEWK.BAM] loaded, 331480 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEWK.BAM] to [override/MGVEWK.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEWKE.BAM] loaded, 197398 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/MGVEWKE.BAM] to [override/MGVEWKE.BAM] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE01.WAV] loaded, 24398 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE01.WAV] to [override/VERBEE01.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE02.WAV] loaded, 20660 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE02.WAV] to [override/VERBEE02.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE03.WAV] loaded, 16994 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE03.WAV] to [override/VERBEE03.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE04.WAV] loaded, 14894 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE04.WAV] to [override/VERBEE04.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE07.WAV] loaded, 12699 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE07.WAV] to [override/VERBEE07.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE08.WAV] loaded, 13880 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE08.WAV] to [override/VERBEE08.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE09.WAV] loaded, 23493 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE09.WAV] to [override/VERBEE09.WAV] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE11.WAV] loaded, 21048 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/SPELL/RESOURCE/E293/VERBEE11.WAV] to [override/VERBEE11.WAV] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI494.spl] to [override/dw-pshg.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [sper01.itm] to [override/dw-pshgi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst1.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshg.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs1.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 138 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs1.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs1.spl] to [override/dwssgs1.spl] Copied [dw-pshg.spl] to [override/dw-pshg.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshgi.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-pshgi.itm] to [override/dw-pshgi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL152.spl] to [override/dw-sshr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI494.spl] to [override/dw-psom.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [sw1h04.itm] to [override/dw-psomi.itm] [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psom.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs2.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssom.bam] loaded, 1936 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssom.bam] to [override/dw-ssom.bam] Copied [dw-psom.spl] to [override/dw-psom.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psomi.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copied [dw-psomi.itm] to [override/dw-psomi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... copying to override/dwssgs3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs3.spl] Copied [SPWI496.spl] to [override/SPWI496.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [plyjelly.itm] to [override/plyjelly.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... copying to override/dwssgs4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs4.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 147 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 147 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs4.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs4.spl] to [override/dwssgs4.spl] Copied [SPWI495.spl] to [override/SPWI495.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [plyspid.itm] to [override/plyspid.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/SPIN683.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/SPIN683.spl] to [override/dw-sssp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI499.spl] to [override/dw-pshh.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [wolfm.itm] to [override/dw-pshhi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshh.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs5.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 156 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 156 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs5.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs5.spl] to [override/dwssgs5.spl] Copied [dw-pshh.spl] to [override/dw-pshh.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copied [dw-pshhi.itm] to [override/dw-pshhi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-pshhi.itm] to [override/dw-pshhi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI103.spl] to [override/dw-sshb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshb.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [dw-sshb.spl] to [override/dw-sshb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI499.spl] to [override/dw-psrt.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [wolfm.itm] to [override/dw-psrti.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst4.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrt.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs6.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 165 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 165 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs6.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs6.spl] to [override/dwssgs6.spl] Copied [dw-psrt.spl] to [override/dw-psrt.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrti.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copied [dw-psrti.itm] to [override/dw-psrti.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI206.spl] to [override/dw-ssrh.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssrh.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [dw-ssrh.spl] to [override/dw-ssrh.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI416.spl] to [override/SPWI416.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI416.spl] loaded, 16130 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb0.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI416.spl] to [override/SPWI416.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 174 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin123.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin124.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin150.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin151.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spinhum.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi489.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi490.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi491.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshr.spl] loaded, 3898 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sssp.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshb.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssrh.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 11 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssrh.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dw-ssra.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_revise_shapechange.mrk] Including and running function(s) revise_shapechange Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/revise_shapechange.tpa] loaded, 8916 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/revise_shapechange.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/revise_shapechange.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/lib_shapeshift.tph] loaded, 29547 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/lib_shapeshift.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/lib_shapeshift.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#detectablespells.mrk] Copying 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/spell.ids, 29261 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] [override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [stats.ids] to [override/stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4472 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4472 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4496 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4496 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4540 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4540 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4567 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4567 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4593 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4593 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4639 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4639 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4661 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4661 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] [override/stats.ids] loaded, 4706 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4706 bytes Appended text to [stats.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4743 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../ds-inline/blank] to [override/stats.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR111.spl] to [override/SPPR111.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 21202 bytes override/SPPR508.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPPR508.spl, 21202 bytes Copied [SPPR508.spl] to [override/SPPR508.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL152.spl] to [override/SPCL152.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL321.spl] to [override/SPCL321.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN117.spl] to [override/SPIN117.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL423.spl] to [override/SPCL423.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL144.spl] to [override/SPCL144.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPDWD02.spl] to [override/SPDWD02.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL121.spl] to [override/SPCL121.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI222.spl] to [override/SPWI222.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI723.spl] to [override/SPWI723.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL542A.spl] to [override/SPCL542A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL751A.spl] to [override/SPCL751A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN21.itm] to [override/POTN21.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN33.itm] to [override/POTN33.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL07.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL09.itm] to [override/SCRL09.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI108.spl] to [override/SPWI108.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN38.itm] to [override/POTN38.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL222.spl] to [override/SPCL222.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR108.spl] to [override/SPPR108.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI210.spl] to [override/SPWI210.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRA303.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes override/SPRA303.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPRA303.spl, 1162 bytes Copied [SPRA303.spl] to [override/SPRA303.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI311.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes override/SPWI311.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI311.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [SPWI311.spl] to [override/SPWI311.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI511.spl] to [override/SPWI511.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI603.spl] to [override/SPWI603.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL237.spl] loaded, 7394 bytes override/SPCL237.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPCL237.spl, 7394 bytes Copied [SPCL237.spl] to [override/SPCL237.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL721.spl] to [override/SPCL721.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR113.spl] to [override/SPPR113.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR202.spl] to [override/SPPR202.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR310.spl] to [override/SPPR310.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR409.spl] to [override/SPPR409.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR409.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copied [SPPR409.spl] to [override/SPPR409.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR412.spl] to [override/SPPR412.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI224.spl] to [override/SPWI224.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 8066 bytes override/SPWI403.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI403.spl, 8066 bytes Copied [SPWI403.spl] to [override/SPWI403.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPWI411.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI411.spl, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI412.spl] to [override/SPWI412.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI413A.spl] to [override/SPWI413A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 8066 bytes override/SPWI418.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI418.spl, 8066 bytes Copied [SPWI418.spl] to [override/SPWI418.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI702.spl] to [override/SPWI702.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL907.spl] to [override/SPCL907.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI606.spl] to [override/SPWI606.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI590.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI590.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI590.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI590.spl] to [override/SPWI590.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI591.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI591.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI591.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI591.spl] to [override/SPWI591.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI592.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI592.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI592.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI592.spl] to [override/SPWI592.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI593.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI593.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI593.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI593.spl] to [override/SPWI593.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI594.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI594.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI594.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI594.spl] to [override/SPWI594.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI595.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI595.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI595.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI595.spl] to [override/SPWI595.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI596.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI596.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI596.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI596.spl] to [override/SPWI596.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI597.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPWI597.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI597.spl, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI597.spl] to [override/SPWI597.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR403.spl] to [override/SPPR403.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN45.itm] to [override/POTN45.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR406.spl] to [override/SPPR406.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR408.spl] to [override/SPPR408.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR107.spl] to [override/SPPR107.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI113.spl] to [override/SPWI113.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL213.spl] to [override/SPCL213.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL233.spl] to [override/SPCL233.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR711.spl] to [override/SPPR711.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BHAAL1B.spl] to [override/BHAAL1B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR505.spl] to [override/SPPR505.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI609.spl] to [override/SPWI609.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN684.spl] to [override/SPIN684.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL232.spl] to [override/SPCL232.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL732.spl] to [override/SPCL732.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL741.spl] to [override/SPCL741.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI803.spl] to [override/SPWI803.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI921.spl] to [override/SPWI921.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH17.spl] to [override/SPWISH17.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI224.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI224.spl] to [override/SPWI224.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI114.spl] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI114.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI114.spl, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI114.spl] to [override/SPWI114.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2705 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2705 bytes override/splstate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/splstate.ids, 2705 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHTYR1.spl] to [override/OHTYR1.spl] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48514 bytes override/SPPR615.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPPR615.spl, 48514 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.spl] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPWI708.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI708.spl, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI708.spl] to [override/SPWI708.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI808.spl] loaded, 826 bytes override/SPWI808.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI808.spl, 826 bytes Copied [SPWI808.spl] to [override/SPWI808.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI907.spl] loaded, 922 bytes override/SPWI907.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI907.spl, 922 bytes Copied [SPWI907.spl] to [override/SPWI907.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI611.spl] to [override/SPWI611.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN686.spl] to [override/SPIN686.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI603.spl] loaded, 8250 bytes Copied [SPWI603.spl] to [override/SPWI603.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR507.spl] to [override/SPPR507.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL152.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPCL152.spl] to [override/SPCL152.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL321.spl] loaded, 4282 bytes Copied [SPCL321.spl] to [override/SPCL321.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN117.spl] loaded, 3850 bytes Copied [SPIN117.spl] to [override/SPIN117.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL741.spl] loaded, 25874 bytes Copied [SPCL741.spl] to [override/SPCL741.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL811.spl] to [override/SPCL811.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL902.spl] to [override/SPCL902.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL906.spl] to [override/SPCL906.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL521.spl] to [override/SPCL521.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL522.spl] to [override/SPCL522.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL144.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPCL144.spl] to [override/SPCL144.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN676.spl] to [override/SPIN676.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL903.spl] to [override/SPCL903.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL905.spl] to [override/SPCL905.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL916.spl] to [override/SPCL916.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL423.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPCL423.spl] to [override/SPCL423.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL900.spl] to [override/SPCL900.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL901.spl] to [override/SPCL901.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL909.spl] to [override/SPCL909.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL820.spl] to [override/SPCL820.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI603.spl] loaded, 8250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI214.spl] to [override/SPWI214.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR312.spl] to [override/SPPR312.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR412.spl] loaded, 9410 bytes Copied [SPPR412.spl] to [override/SPPR412.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR507.spl] loaded, 7506 bytes Copied [SPPR507.spl] to [override/SPPR507.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR214.spl] to [override/SPPR214.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN103.spl] to [override/SPIN103.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR513.spl] to [override/SPPR513.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BHAAL2A.spl] to [override/BHAAL2A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DGRIGHT.spl] to [override/DGRIGHT.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR202.spl] loaded, 13794 bytes Copied [SPPR202.spl] to [override/SPPR202.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI102.spl] to [override/SPWI102.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI114.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI114.spl] to [override/SPWI114.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI317.spl] to [override/SPWI317.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI414.spl] to [override/SPWI414.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR725.spl] to [override/SPPR725.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR698.spl] to [override/SPPR698.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR603.spl] to [override/SPPR603.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MELIS02.spl] to [override/MELIS02.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALSHLD.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/BALSHLD.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/BALSHLD.spl, 250 bytes Copied [BALSHLD.spl] to [override/BALSHLD.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR319.spl] to [override/SPPR319.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR517.spl] to [override/SPPR517.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR717.spl] to [override/SPPR717.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI318.spl] to [override/SPWI318.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRA302.spl] to [override/SPRA302.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN710.spl] to [override/SPIN710.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI618.spl] to [override/SPWI618.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR701.spl] to [override/SPPR701.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DGARCHON.spl] to [override/DGARCHON.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI701.spl] to [override/SPWI701.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN920.spl] to [override/SPIN920.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI522.spl] to [override/SPWI522.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI902.spl] to [override/SPWI902.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI519.spl] loaded, 4834 bytes override/SPWI519.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI519.spl, 4834 bytes Copied [SPWI519.spl] to [override/SPWI519.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3706 bytes override/SPPR525.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPPR525.spl, 3706 bytes Copied [SPPR525.spl] to [override/SPPR525.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI607.spl] to [override/SPWI607.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI703.spl] to [override/SPWI703.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI804.spl] to [override/SPWI804.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR701.spl] loaded, 6106 bytes Copied [SPPR701.spl] to [override/SPPR701.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRA302.spl] loaded, 11506 bytes Copied [SPRA302.spl] to [override/SPRA302.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI318.spl] loaded, 10786 bytes Copied [SPWI318.spl] to [override/SPWI318.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI618.spl] loaded, 7818 bytes Copied [SPWI618.spl] to [override/SPWI618.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI519.spl] loaded, 4834 bytes Copied [SPWI519.spl] to [override/SPWI519.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI522.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes Copied [SPWI522.spl] to [override/SPWI522.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI701.spl] loaded, 6106 bytes Copied [SPWI701.spl] to [override/SPWI701.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI902.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI902.spl] to [override/SPWI902.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI522.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes Copied [SPWI522.spl] to [override/SPWI522.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI701.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copied [SPWI701.spl] to [override/SPWI701.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI902.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI902.spl] to [override/SPWI902.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.itm] loaded, 1706 bytes Copied [POTN33.itm] to [override/POTN33.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3610 bytes Copied [SPPR525.spl] to [override/SPPR525.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2721 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2721 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI705.spl] to [override/SPWI705.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL232.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPCL232.spl] to [override/SPCL232.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL232D.spl] to [override/SPCL232D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [SPPR505.spl] to [override/SPPR505.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR505D.spl] to [override/SPPR505D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR950.spl] to [override/SPPR950.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI609.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPWI609.spl] to [override/SPWI609.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI609D.spl] to [override/SPWI609D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 21202 bytes Copied [SPPR508.spl] to [override/SPPR508.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 8066 bytes Copied [SPWI418.spl] to [override/SPWI418.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 8066 bytes Copied [SPWI403.spl] to [override/SPWI403.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR730.spl] loaded, 3434 bytes override/SPPR730.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPPR730.spl, 3434 bytes Copied [SPPR730.spl] to [override/SPPR730.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL237.spl] loaded, 7394 bytes Copied [SPCL237.spl] to [override/SPCL237.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI590.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI590.spl] to [override/SPWI590.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI591.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI591.spl] to [override/SPWI591.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI592.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI592.spl] to [override/SPWI592.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI593.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI593.spl] to [override/SPWI593.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI594.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI594.spl] to [override/SPWI594.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI595.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI595.spl] to [override/SPWI595.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI596.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI596.spl] to [override/SPWI596.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI597.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPWI597.spl] to [override/SPWI597.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALSHLD.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [BALSHLD.spl] to [override/BALSHLD.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRA303.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPRA303.spl] to [override/SPRA303.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI311.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [SPWI311.spl] to [override/SPWI311.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI511.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI511.spl] to [override/SPWI511.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI611.spl] to [override/SPWI611.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI708.spl] to [override/SPWI708.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI808.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [SPWI808.spl] to [override/SPWI808.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI907.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [SPWI907.spl] to [override/SPWI907.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL237.spl] loaded, 8066 bytes Copied [SPCL237.spl] to [override/SPCL237.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL721.spl] loaded, 22994 bytes Copied [SPCL721.spl] to [override/SPCL721.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR730.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Copied [SPPR730.spl] to [override/SPPR730.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR210.spl] to [override/SPPR210.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR306.spl] to [override/SPPR306.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR407.spl] to [override/SPPR407.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI319.spl] to [override/SPWI319.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI320.spl] to [override/SPWI320.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copied [SPWI403.spl] to [override/SPWI403.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copied [SPWI418.spl] to [override/SPWI418.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI512.spl] to [override/SPWI512.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI517.spl] to [override/SPWI517.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI606.spl] loaded, 3930 bytes Copied [SPWI606.spl] to [override/SPWI606.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes Copied [SPWI702.spl] to [override/SPWI702.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Copied [SPWI803.spl] to [override/SPWI803.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN02.itm] to [override/POTN02.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN18.itm] to [override/POTN18.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN22.itm] to [override/POTN22.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN31.itm] to [override/POTN31.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN35.itm] to [override/POTN35.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI590.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI590.spl] to [override/SPWI590.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI591.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI591.spl] to [override/SPWI591.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI592.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI592.spl] to [override/SPWI592.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI593.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI593.spl] to [override/SPWI593.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI594.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI594.spl] to [override/SPWI594.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI595.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI595.spl] to [override/SPWI595.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI596.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI596.spl] to [override/SPWI596.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI597.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI597.spl] to [override/SPWI597.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.spl] loaded, 9978 bytes override/SPWI602.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI602.spl, 9978 bytes Copied [SPWI602.spl] to [override/SPWI602.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.spl] loaded, 14114 bytes override/SPWI406.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/SPWI406.spl, 14114 bytes Copied [SPWI406.spl] to [override/SPWI406.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR108.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copied [SPPR108.spl] to [override/SPPR108.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR403.spl] loaded, 37634 bytes Copied [SPPR403.spl] to [override/SPPR403.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR409.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copied [SPPR409.spl] to [override/SPPR409.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 21682 bytes Copied [SPPR508.spl] to [override/SPPR508.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI210.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copied [SPWI210.spl] to [override/SPWI210.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN21.itm] loaded, 2042 bytes Copied [POTN21.itm] to [override/POTN21.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN45.itm] loaded, 3002 bytes Copied [POTN45.itm] to [override/POTN45.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BHAAL2A.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copied [BHAAL2A.spl] to [override/BHAAL2A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR214.spl] loaded, 2658 bytes Copied [SPPR214.spl] to [override/SPPR214.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR312.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR312.spl] to [override/SPPR312.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR412.spl] loaded, 9410 bytes Copied [SPPR412.spl] to [override/SPPR412.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR507.spl] loaded, 7506 bytes Copied [SPPR507.spl] to [override/SPPR507.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 21682 bytes Copied [SPPR508.spl] to [override/SPPR508.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR513.spl] loaded, 6930 bytes Copied [SPPR513.spl] to [override/SPPR513.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR603.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR603.spl] to [override/SPPR603.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR698.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR698.spl] to [override/SPPR698.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR730.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Copied [SPPR730.spl] to [override/SPPR730.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI214.spl] loaded, 9474 bytes Copied [SPWI214.spl] to [override/SPWI214.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copied [SPWI403.spl] to [override/SPWI403.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copied [SPWI418.spl] to [override/SPWI418.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI603.spl] loaded, 8250 bytes Copied [SPWI603.spl] to [override/SPWI603.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN03.itm] to [override/POTN03.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN04.itm] to [override/POTN04.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN05.itm] to [override/POTN05.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN06.itm] to [override/POTN06.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN07.itm] to [override/POTN07.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN09.itm] to [override/POTN09.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN12.itm] to [override/POTN12.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN41.itm] to [override/POTN41.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL152.spl] loaded, 3706 bytes Copied [SPCL152.spl] to [override/SPCL152.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL321.spl] loaded, 4186 bytes Copied [SPCL321.spl] to [override/SPCL321.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN117.spl] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPIN117.spl] to [override/SPIN117.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHRRAGE.spl] to [override/OHRRAGE.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi705.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... copying to override/dwssgs7.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs7.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 174 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 174 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs7.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs7.spl] to [override/dwssgs7.spl] Copied [SPIN152.spl] to [override/SPIN152.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 314 bytes override/cdmindfl.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2040/cdmindfl.itm, 314 bytes Copied [cdmindfl.itm] to [override/cdmindfl.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN974.spl] to [override/dw-sspb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... copying to override/dwssgs8.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs8.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 183 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 183 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs8.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs8.spl] to [override/dwssgs8.spl] Copied [SPIN153.spl] to [override/SPIN153.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [cdgoliro.itm] to [override/cdgoliro.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdgoliro.itm] loaded, 1274 bytes Copied [cdgoliro.itm] to [override/cdgoliro.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN979.spl] to [override/dw-ssgc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssgc.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4495 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-ssgc.spl] to [override/dw-ssgc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN979.spl] to [override/SPIN979.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copied [golcloud.pro] to [override/golcloud.pro] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN979.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN979.spl] to [override/dw-ssgcb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copied [goliro.itm] to [override/goliro.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... copying to override/dwssgs9.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs9.spl] Copied [SPIN154.spl] to [override/SPIN154.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [trollall.itm] to [override/trollall.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copied [trollall.itm] to [override/trollall.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN154.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPIN154.spl] to [override/dw-scma.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [marili.itm] to [override/dw-ssmai.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst5.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-scma.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs10.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs10.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 192 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 192 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs10.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs10.spl] to [override/dwssgs10.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssma.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssma.bam] to [override/dw-ssma.bam] Copied [dw-scma.spl] to [override/dw-scma.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 986 bytes Copied [dw-ssmai.itm] to [override/dw-ssmai.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 1514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2746 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2746 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2766 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2766 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-ssmai.itm] to [override/dw-ssmai.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/spwi931.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4495 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/spwi931.spl] to [override/dw-ssmt.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmt.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [dw-ssmt.spl] to [override/dw-ssmt.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN154.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPIN154.spl] to [override/dw-scba.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [plywyvrn.itm] to [override/dw-ssbai.itm] [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-scba.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs11.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs11.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 201 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 201 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs11.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs11.spl] to [override/dwssgs11.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssbs.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssbs.bam] to [override/dw-ssbs.bam] Copied [dw-scba.spl] to [override/dw-scba.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2282 bytes Copied [dw-ssbai.itm] to [override/dw-ssbai.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI604.spl] to [override/dw-ssbg.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbg.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-ssbg.spl] to [override/dw-ssbg.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes Copied [dw-ssbai.itm] to [override/dw-ssbai.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spcl611.spl] to [override/dw-scis.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [stalkesu.itm] to [override/dw-ssini.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-scis.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs12.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs12.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssst.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw-ssst.bam] to [override/dw-ssst.bam] Copied [dw-scis.spl] to [override/dw-scis.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssini.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copied [dw-ssini.itm] to [override/dw-ssini.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI405.spl] to [override/dw-sssi.spl] copying to override/dw-sssw.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-sssw.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-scis.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-scis.spl] to [override/dw-scis.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 11 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 20 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI916.spl] to [override/SPWI916.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI916.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb1.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI916.spl] to [override/SPWI916.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin123.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin124.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin150.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin151.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spinhum.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi489.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi490.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi491.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshr.spl] loaded, 3898 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sssp.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshb.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssrh.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sspb.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssgc.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmt.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbg.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 29 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssrh.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sssi.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sssw.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dw-ssra.spl] Install Component [Icewind Dale-inspired tweaks to Baldur's Gate/Baldur's Gate II spells]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Icewind Dale-inspired tweaks to Baldur's Gate/Baldur's Gate II spells] Install Component [Rebalancings of slightly-too-powerful spells]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Rebalancings of slightly-too-powerful spells] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk, 0 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk] Including and running function(s) install_spell_resources [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/spell.tra] has 222 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] loaded, 3424 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/install_spell_resources.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2995 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/cdia225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia227.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/csalring.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fartrng.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fele1-8.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/magiconf.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magispwr.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn02.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn03.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn04.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn05.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn06.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn07.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn09.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/scrl10.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl12.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl13.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scrl18.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/shadow1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/shadowwp.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sharswd.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spidwr.itm] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spidwr1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans20.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans4.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand10.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand18.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wawak.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/data/spelltweaks.2da] loaded, 3408 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_acid_storm_tonedown.mrk] Including and running function(s) acid_storm_tonedown Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/acid_storm_tonedown.tpa] loaded, 1327 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/acid_storm_tonedown.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/acid_storm_tonedown.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI706.spl] loaded, 6106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI706.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI706.spl, 6106 bytes Copied [SPWI706.spl] to [override/SPWI706.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 2242 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/SPWI431Z.spl] to [override/SPWI706Z.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_rebalance_force_missiles.mrk] Including and running function(s) rebalance_force_missiles Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/rebalance_force_missiles.tpa] loaded, 393 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/rebalance_force_missiles.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/rebalance_force_missiles.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 21 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 21 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI429.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI429.spl, 3362 bytes Copied [SPWI429.spl] to [override/SPWI429.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_harm.mrk] Including and running function(s) harm Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/harm.tpa] loaded, 1193 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/harm.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/harm.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 191 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 191 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/scs_modified_spells.2da, 191 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/harm.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/harm.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/harm.itm, 842 bytes Copied [harm.itm] to [override/harm.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_insect_plague.mrk] Including and running function(s) insect_plague Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/insect_plague.tpa] loaded, 12375 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/insect_plague.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/insect_plague.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 404 bytes [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 404 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 404 bytes override/MSECTYPE.2DA copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/MSECTYPE.2DA, 404 bytes Appended text to [MSECTYPE.2DA] Added MSECTYPE.2DA InsectPlague1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msectype.2da] loaded, 426 bytes Copied [msectype.2da] to [override/msectype.2da] [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 420 bytes [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 420 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 420 bytes Appended text to [MSECTYPE.2DA] Added MSECTYPE.2DA InsectPlague2 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msectype.2da] loaded, 444 bytes Copied [msectype.2da] to [override/msectype.2da] [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 438 bytes [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 438 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 438 bytes Appended text to [MSECTYPE.2DA] Added MSECTYPE.2DA InsectPlague3 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msectype.2da] loaded, 462 bytes Copied [msectype.2da] to [override/msectype.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... weidu_external/workspace/process_table_include.tpc copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/process_table_include.tpc, 85 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/process_table_include.tpc] to [weidu_external/workspace/process_table_include.tpc] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR319.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR319.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPPR319.spl, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR319.spl] to [override/SPPR319.spl] copying to override/SPPR319a.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR319a.spl] Creating file SPPR319b.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPPR319b.eff] copying to override/SPPR319b.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR319b.spl] Creating file SPPR319c.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPPR319c.eff] copying to override/SPPR319c.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR319c.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 227 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 227 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR717.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR717.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPPR717.spl, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR717.spl] to [override/SPPR717.spl] copying to override/SPPR717a.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR717a.spl] Creating file SPPR717b.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPPR717b.eff] copying to override/SPPR717b.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 20801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR717b.spl] Creating file SPPR717c.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPPR717c.eff] copying to override/SPPR717c.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR717c.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 249 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 249 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR517.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR517.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPPR517.spl, 490 bytes Copied [SPPR517.spl] to [override/SPPR517.spl] copying to override/SPPR517a.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR517a.spl] Creating file SPPR517b.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPPR517b.eff] copying to override/SPPR517b.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 20801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR517b.spl] Creating file SPPR517c.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPPR517c.eff] copying to override/SPPR517c.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPPR517c.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR717.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR717.spl] to [override/SPIN689.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 4920 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BOOT11.ITM] to [override/BOOT11.ITM] [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1514 bytes override/CDGOLIRO.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/CDGOLIRO.ITM, 1514 bytes Copied [CDGOLIRO.ITM] to [override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CDRNGCHR.ITM] to [override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CHAN19.ITM] to [override/CHAN19.ITM] [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CSIREN.ITM] to [override/CSIREN.ITM] [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4002 bytes override/DEMILICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/DEMILICH.ITM, 4002 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DRUEAR.ITM] to [override/DRUEAR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DRUFIR.ITM] to [override/DRUFIR.ITM] [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3898 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [EARTHRN.ITM] to [override/EARTHRN.ITM] [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ELEMPRIN.ITM] to [override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [FIRERN.ITM] to [override/FIRERN.ITM] [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [IMMUNE1.ITM] to [override/IMMUNE1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [IMMUNE10.ITM] to [override/IMMUNE10.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [IMMUNE2.ITM] to [override/IMMUNE2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [IMMUNE3.ITM] to [override/IMMUNE3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [IMMUNE4.ITM] to [override/IMMUNE4.ITM] [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes override/LICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/LICH.ITM, 2802 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBBANNO.SPL] to [override/OHBBANNO.SPL] [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 770 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBDTRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBINVUL.SPL] to [override/OHBINVUL.SPL] [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3034 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7018 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes override/PLYJELLY.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/PLYJELLY.ITM, 3242 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RINGDEMN.ITM] to [override/RINGDEMN.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RINGLOUP.ITM] to [override/RINGLOUP.ITM] [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3610 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3402 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1482 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL821.SPL] to [override/SPCL821.SPL] [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes override/SPCL920A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPCL920A.SPL, 2218 bytes Copied [SPCL920A.SPL] to [override/SPCL920A.SPL] [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPEC01.ITM] to [override/SPEC01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPEC02.ITM] to [override/SPEC02.ITM] [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN608.SPL] to [override/SPIN608.SPL] [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes override/SPIN686.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPIN686.SPL, 682 bytes Copied [SPIN686.SPL] to [override/SPIN686.SPL] [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN754.SPL] to [override/SPIN754.SPL] [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21682 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 48994 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes override/SPPR730.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPPR730.SPL, 3674 bytes Copied [SPPR730.SPL] to [override/SPPR730.SPL] [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 22570 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI315.SPL] to [override/SPWI315.SPL] [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4234 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4234 bytes override/SPWI413A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI413A.SPL, 4234 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 18194 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI511.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI511.SPL, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI511.SPL] to [override/SPWI511.SPL] [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPWI611.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI611.SPL, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI611.SPL] to [override/SPWI611.SPL] [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPWI708.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI708.SPL, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI708.SPL] to [override/SPWI708.SPL] [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes override/SPWI808.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI808.SPL, 826 bytes Copied [SPWI808.SPL] to [override/SPWI808.SPL] [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes override/SPWI907.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI907.SPL, 922 bytes Copied [SPWI907.SPL] to [override/SPWI907.SPL] [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [TROLLSP.ITM] to [override/TROLLSP.ITM] [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes override/TROLLSPI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/TROLLSPI.ITM, 410 bytes Copied [TROLLSPI.ITM] to [override/TROLLSPI.ITM] [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes override/TROLLTOR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/TROLLTOR.ITM, 362 bytes Copied [TROLLTOR.ITM] to [override/TROLLTOR.ITM] [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [WOLFGR.ITM] to [override/WOLFGR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI403.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI403.spl, 8738 bytes Copied [SPWI403.spl] to [override/SPWI403.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI418.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI418.spl, 8738 bytes Copied [SPWI418.spl] to [override/SPWI418.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR730.spl] loaded, 4874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR730.spl] to [override/SPPR730.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI605.spl] to [override/dw#605a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spwi605.spl] to [override/spwi605.spl] Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4495 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4495 bytes override/projectl.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/projectl.ids, 4495 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4509 bytes Copied [SPARICNP.pro] to [override/dw#dsspw.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8893 bytes override/missile.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/missile.ids, 8893 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw#605a.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4509 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw#605a.spl] to [override/dw#605b.spl] [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 20801 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw#605b.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw#605b.spl] to [override/dw#605b.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_meteors.mrk] Including and running function(s) meteors Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/meteors.tpa] loaded, 110 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/meteors.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/meteors.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [melfmet.itm] to [override/melfmet.itm] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_nature_beauty_blindness.mrk] Including and running function(s) nature_beauty_blindness Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/nature_beauty_blindness.tpa] loaded, 593 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/nature_beauty_blindness.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/nature_beauty_blindness.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR704.spl] to [override/dw#nbsub.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR704.spl] to [override/SPPR704.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_power_word_blind.mrk] Including and running function(s) power_word_blind Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/power_word_blind.tpa] loaded, 293 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/power_word_blind.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/power_word_blind.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 271 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 271 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI815.spl] to [override/SPWI815.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_truesight_blindness.mrk] Including and running function(s) truesight_blindness Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/truesight_blindness.tpa] loaded, 749 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/truesight_blindness.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/truesight_blindness.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 296 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 296 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 315 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 315 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI609.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI609.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPWI609.spl, 1162 bytes Copied [SPWI609.spl] to [override/SPWI609.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL232.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPCL232.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPCL232.spl, 1162 bytes Copied [SPCL232.spl] to [override/SPCL232.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL732.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPCL732.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPCL732.spl, 1114 bytes Copied [SPCL732.spl] to [override/SPCL732.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN633.spl] to [override/SPIN633.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN684.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPIN684.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPIN684.spl, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN684.spl] to [override/SPIN684.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR505.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPPR505.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [SPPR505.spl] to [override/SPPR505.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/sppr950.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/sppr950.spl, 394 bytes Copied [sppr950.spl] to [override/sppr950.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_web_and_the_large.mrk] Including and running function(s) web_and_the_large Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/web_and_the_large.tpa] loaded, 6942 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/web_and_the_large.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/web_and_the_large.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI215.spl] to [override/SPWI215.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR105.spl] to [override/SPPR105.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI101.spl] to [override/SPWI101.spl] Copying and patching 4923 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3898 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 770 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3034 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7018 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3610 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4138 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4426 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3402 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1482 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21682 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 48994 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 22570 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 4754 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 18194 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2786 bytes override/DW-SSSP.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/DW-SSSP.SPL, 346 bytes Copied [DW-SSSP.SPL] to [override/DW-SSSP.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [HGNYA01.ITM] to [override/HGNYA01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [KUOBOLT3.ITM] to [override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MAGIWEB.ITM] to [override/MAGIWEB.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MOUND.ITM] to [override/MOUND.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes override/SHMBLR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SHMBLR.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [SHMBLR.ITM] to [override/SHMBLR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPDR201.SPL] to [override/SPDR201.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN566.SPL] to [override/SPIN566.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN683.SPL] to [override/SPIN683.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN688.SPL] to [override/SPIN688.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR105.SPL] to [override/SPPR105.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPWI215.SPL] to [override/SPWI215.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM111.SPL] to [override/SPWM111.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SW1H58.ITM] to [override/SW1H58.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SW1H59.ITM] to [override/SW1H59.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [WAND14.ITM] to [override/WAND14.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [KUOSPER.ITM] to [override/KUOSPER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN914.SPL] to [override/SPIN914.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 4754 bytes Copied [SPWI101.SPL] to [override/SPWI101.SPL] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_skull_trap.mrk] Including and running function(s) skull_trap Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/skull_trap.tpa] loaded, 429 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/skull_trap.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/skull_trap.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 334 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 334 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI313.spl] to [override/SPWI313.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_clone_slots.mrk] Including and running function(s) clone_slots Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/clone_slots.tpa] loaded, 213 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/clone_slots.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/clone_slots.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [projimag.spl] to [override/projimag.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [simulacr.spl] to [override/simulacr.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_nerf_beetles.mrk] Including and running function(s) nerf_beetles Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/nerf_beetles.tpa] loaded, 557 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/nerf_beetles.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/nerf_beetles.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN135.spl] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPIN135.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPIN135.spl, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN135.spl] to [override/SPIN135.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_restrict_abi_dalzim.mrk] Including and running function(s) restrict_abi_dalzim Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/restrict_abi_dalzim.tpa] loaded, 838 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/restrict_abi_dalzim.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/restrict_abi_dalzim.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI812.spl] to [override/SPWI812.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_lightning_bolt_damage.mrk] Including and running function(s) lightning_bolt_damage Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/lightning_bolt_damage.tpa] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/lightning_bolt_damage.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/lightning_bolt_damage.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 4923 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copied [CDSTAF12.SPL] to [override/CDSTAF12.SPL] [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3898 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [MISC7N.ITM] to [override/MISC7N.ITM] [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 770 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes Copied [OHBWI308.SPL] to [override/OHBWI308.SPL] [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3034 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7018 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3610 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4138 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4426 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3402 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes Copied [SPCL722.SPL] to [override/SPCL722.SPL] [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1482 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPDR301.SPL] to [override/SPDR301.SPL] [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [SPIN714.SPL] to [override/SPIN714.SPL] [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21682 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 48994 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 22570 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPWI002.SPL] to [override/SPWI002.SPL] [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 10514 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes Copied [SPWI308.SPL] to [override/SPWI308.SPL] [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI313.SPL] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 18194 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI997.SPL] to [override/SPWI997.SPL] [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copied [WAND07.ITM] to [override/WAND07.ITM] [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_remove_antimagic_shell.mrk] Including and running function(s) remove_antimagic_shell Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/remove_antimagic_shell.tpa] loaded, 125 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/remove_antimagic_shell.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/remove_antimagic_shell.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 4067 bytes override/hidespl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/hidespl.2da, 4067 bytes Copied [hidespl.2da] to [override/hidespl.2da] Copying and patching 2995 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdgoliro.itm] loaded, 1658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia126.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia227.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdrngchr.itm] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/chan19.itm] loaded, 882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/csalring.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/csiren.itm] loaded, 1074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demsuc01.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druear.itm] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/drufir.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshgi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psomi.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrti.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssini.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip01.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/earthrn.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elemprin.itm] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/sumring.itm] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollsp.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trolltor.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3912 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3936 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3600 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4292 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3716 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3992 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4184 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3240 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3732 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3908 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2696 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2888 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 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loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3192 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2652 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3044 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3084 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2372 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2648 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3980 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4160 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3404 bytes Copying and patching 172 files ... [./override/25SPELL.STO] loaded, 7680 bytes override/25SPELL.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/25SPELL.STO, 7680 bytes Copied [25SPELL.STO] to [override/25SPELL.STO] [./override/25SPELL2.STO] loaded, 7736 bytes override/25SPELL2.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/25SPELL2.STO, 7736 bytes Copied [25SPELL2.STO] to [override/25SPELL2.STO] [./override/AMCLER02.STO] loaded, 932 bytes [./override/BAG19.STO] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/BAG19A.STO] loaded, 708 bytes [./override/BAG19B.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19C.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19D.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19E.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BERNARD.STO] loaded, 2736 bytes [./override/BERNARD2.STO] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/BERNARD3.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD4.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes [./override/BERNARD5.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BERNARD6.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BHELM.STO] loaded, 876 bytes [./override/BMTHIEF.STO] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/BSHOP01.STO] loaded, 1628 bytes [./override/BSHOP02.STO] loaded, 1348 bytes [./override/CDAEMERC.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/DAWNMAS.STO] loaded, 932 bytes [./override/DOGHMA.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/GARLENA.STO] loaded, 3564 bytes [./override/GORCH.STO] loaded, 1936 bytes [./override/GOVWAU01.STO] loaded, 808 bytes [./override/HELMPR.STO] loaded, 892 bytes [./override/HGKAR01.STO] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/JAYES.STO] loaded, 2168 bytes override/JAYES.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/JAYES.STO, 2168 bytes Copied [JAYES.STO] to [override/JAYES.STO] [./override/KPCHAP01.STO] loaded, 1044 bytes [./override/OHBMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes override/OHBMHSM.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/OHBMHSM.STO, 6436 bytes Copied [OHBMHSM.STO] to [override/OHBMHSM.STO] [./override/OHBMOLZA.STO] loaded, 864 bytes [./override/OHDHSEN.STO] loaded, 1088 bytes [./override/OHNMHSM.STO] loaded, 6436 bytes override/OHNMHSM.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/OHNMHSM.STO, 6436 bytes Copied [OHNMHSM.STO] to [override/OHNMHSM.STO] [./override/OHNPRIE1.STO] loaded, 864 bytes [./override/OHNSCRME.STO] loaded, 1028 bytes [./override/PPSTOR01.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/PPUMB01.STO] loaded, 1060 bytes [./override/RIBALD.STO] loaded, 4352 bytes [./override/RIBALD2.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/RIBALD3.STO] loaded, 2132 bytes [./override/SAHPR1.STO] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/SARTEM01.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/SCROLLS.STO] loaded, 2204 bytes [./override/SHOP08.STO] loaded, 2972 bytes [./override/SHTHSTOR.STO] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/SLILMAT.STO] loaded, 848 bytes [./override/SUELF10.STO] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/TALMISS.STO] loaded, 904 bytes [./override/TEM2304.STO] loaded, 632 bytes [./override/TEM4802.STO] loaded, 536 bytes [./override/TEMHELM.STO] loaded, 1144 bytes [./override/TEMLATH.STO] loaded, 1004 bytes [./override/TEMPLE.STO] loaded, 652 bytes [./override/TEMSUP.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/TEMTALOS.STO] loaded, 1100 bytes [./override/TRCAR04.STO] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/TRMER04.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/TRMER04A.STO] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/TRTHF02.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes [./override/TYPE1.STO] loaded, 4092 bytes [./override/TYPE2.STO] loaded, 3540 bytes override/TYPE2.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/TYPE2.STO, 3540 bytes Copied [TYPE2.STO] to [override/TYPE2.STO] [./override/TYPE3.STO] loaded, 3296 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.STO] loaded, 1720 bytes override/UDDROW25.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/UDDROW25.STO, 1720 bytes Copied [UDDROW25.STO] to [override/UDDROW25.STO] [./override/UDDUER01.STO] loaded, 1308 bytes [./override/UDDUER02.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR04.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR05.STO] loaded, 2120 bytes [./override/WALLACE.STO] loaded, 900 bytes [./override/WALLACE2.STO] loaded, 872 bytes [./override/WILMAT.STO] loaded, 876 bytes Copying 1 file ... override/cdia630.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/cdia630.itm, 322 bytes Copied [misc34.itm] to [override/cdia630.itm] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_haste_cancels_slow.mrk] Including and running function(s) haste_cancels_slow Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/haste_cancels_slow.tpa] loaded, 8259 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/haste_cancels_slow.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/haste_cancels_slow.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/opcode_associations_bg2.2da] loaded, 1081 bytes Copying and patching 575 files ... [./override/#TROLLIS.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DESTSELF.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#HLBA.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#HLBF.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#HLCO.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#WAT1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#WAT2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/DW#WAT3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPAIR1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPAIR2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPAIR3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPEART1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPEART2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPEART3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPFIR1.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPFIR2.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPFIR3.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPLESAIR.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPLESEAR.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPLESFIR.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes [./override/SPPR740.EFF] loaded, 272 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [misc01.itm] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-slow_fixes.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ACIDOOZ3.ITM] to [override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BALTH07.SPL] to [override/BALTH07.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDSHA06B.SPL] to [override/BDSHA06B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDSW2H01.SPL] to [override/BDSW2H01.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BHAAL2B.SPL] to [override/BHAAL2B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BLUN14.ITM] to [override/BLUN14.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BLUN30.ITM] to [override/BLUN30.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BLUN30C.ITM] to [override/BLUN30C.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BLUN30D.ITM] to [override/BLUN30D.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes override/BONEDAG.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/BONEDAG.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [BONEDAG.ITM] to [override/BONEDAG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DOGWAWP.ITM] to [override/DOGWAWP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes override/DWWHIP.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/DWWHIP.ITM, 362 bytes Copied [DWWHIP.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes override/DWWHIP01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/DWWHIP01.ITM, 362 bytes Copied [DWWHIP01.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORWOM4.ITM] to [override/GORWOM4.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes override/HGBER01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/HGBER01.ITM, 2042 bytes Copied [HGBER01.ITM] to [override/HGBER01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [JELLMU1.ITM] to [override/JELLMU1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [JELLMU2.ITM] to [override/JELLMU2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copied [KUOSPER.ITM] to [override/KUOSPER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBDGELU.ITM] to [override/OHBDGELU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBEWWSL.SPL] to [override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHPHREY.ITM] to [override/OHHPHREY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes override/OHNPOTN1.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/OHNPOTN1.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [OHNPOTN1.ITM] to [override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes override/MELIS01.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/MELIS01.SPL, 634 bytes Copied [MELIS01.SPL] to [override/MELIS01.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [PLYJELLO.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLO.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN32.ITM] to [override/POTN32.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes override/SENDAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SENDAI.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [SENDAI.ITM] to [override/SENDAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes override/SHARSWD.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SHARSWD.ITM, 794 bytes Copied [SHARSWD.ITM] to [override/SHARSWD.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL415.SPL] to [override/SPCL415.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1482 bytes override/SPCL751A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPCL751A.SPL, 1482 bytes Copied [SPCL751A.SPL] to [override/SPCL751A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPERMEL.ITM] to [override/SPERMEL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR250.SPL] to [override/SPPR250.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM112.SPL] to [override/SPWM112.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [TROLLTOR.ITM] to [override/TROLLTOR.ITM] Creating file DW-SLOW.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DW-SLOW.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [slow.eff] to [override/slow.eff] Creating file dw_neg16.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw_neg16.spl] Creating file dw_neg40.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw_neg40.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2786 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2786 bytes override/splstate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/splstate.ids, 2786 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 456 bytes [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 456 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 456 bytes Appended text to [MSECTYPE.2DA] Added MSECTYPE.2DA dw_persistent_16 [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 483 bytes [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 483 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 483 bytes Appended text to [MSECTYPE.2DA] Added MSECTYPE.2DA dw_persistent_40 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msectype.2da] loaded, 508 bytes Copied [msectype.2da] to [override/msectype.2da] Copying and patching 4926 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4658 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2082 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3898 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 770 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1314 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3034 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7018 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3610 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4138 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4426 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3402 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1578 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21682 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 48994 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 22570 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI002.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 10514 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI313.SPL] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 18194 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI997.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BRAC16.ITM] to [override/BRAC16.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Creating file BRAC16.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BRAC16.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BRAC16.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [BRAC16.spl] to [override/BRAC16.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copied [BRAC16.ITM] to [override/BRAC16.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BRAC16.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [BRAC16.spl] to [override/BRAC16.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MISCBC.ITM] to [override/MISCBC.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes Creating file MISCBC.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/MISCBC.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISCBC.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [MISCBC.spl] to [override/MISCBC.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes Copied [MISCBC.ITM] to [override/MISCBC.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISCBC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [MISCBC.spl] to [override/MISCBC.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN14.ITM] to [override/POTN14.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Creating file POTN14.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/POTN14.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN14.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [POTN14.spl] to [override/POTN14.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copied [POTN14.ITM] to [override/POTN14.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN14.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [POTN14.spl] to [override/POTN14.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RING39.ITM] to [override/RING39.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes Creating file RING39.spl; 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/RING39.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING39.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [RING39.spl] to [override/RING39.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes Copied [RING39.ITM] to [override/RING39.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING39.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [RING39.spl] to [override/RING39.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RUNRUN.SPL] to [override/RUNRUN.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [RUNRUN.SPL] to [override/RUNRUNA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RUNRUNA.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [RUNRUNA.spl] to [override/RUNRUNA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [RUNRUN.SPL] to [override/RUNRUN.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RUNRUNA.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [RUNRUNA.spl] to [override/RUNRUNA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN572.SPL] to [override/SPIN572.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN572.SPL] to [override/SPIN572A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN572A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN572A.spl] to [override/SPIN572A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN572.SPL] to [override/SPIN572.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN572A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN572A.spl] to [override/SPIN572A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN584.SPL] to [override/SPIN584.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN584.SPL] to [override/SPIN584A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN584A.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN584A.spl] to [override/SPIN584A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN584.SPL] to [override/SPIN584.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN584A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN584A.spl] to [override/SPIN584A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN655.SPL] to [override/SPIN655.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPIN655.SPL] to [override/SPIN655A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN655A.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPIN655A.spl] to [override/SPIN655A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPIN655.SPL] to [override/SPIN655.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN655A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN655A.spl] to [override/SPIN655A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN828.SPL] to [override/SPIN828.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPIN828.SPL] to [override/SPIN828A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN828A.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPIN828A.spl] to [override/SPIN828A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPIN828.SPL] to [override/SPIN828.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN828A.spl] loaded, 5362 bytes Copied [SPIN828A.spl] to [override/SPIN828A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN978.SPL] to [override/SPIN978.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 3410 bytes Copied [SPIN978.SPL] to [override/SPIN978A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN978A.spl] loaded, 3410 bytes Copied [SPIN978A.spl] to [override/SPIN978A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 3410 bytes Copied [SPIN978.SPL] to [override/SPIN978.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN978A.spl] loaded, 2258 bytes Copied [SPIN978A.spl] to [override/SPIN978A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRA301.SPL] to [override/SPRA301.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPRA301.SPL] to [override/SPRA301A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRA301A.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPRA301A.spl] to [override/SPRA301A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPRA301.SPL] to [override/SPRA301.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRA301A.spl] loaded, 5362 bytes Copied [SPRA301A.spl] to [override/SPRA301A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI305.SPL] to [override/SPWI305.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPWI305.SPL] to [override/SPWI305A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPWI305A.spl] to [override/SPWI305A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes Copied [SPWI305.SPL] to [override/SPWI305.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 5362 bytes Copied [SPWI305A.spl] to [override/SPWI305A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI613.SPL] to [override/SPWI613.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613.SPL] loaded, 4794 bytes Copied [SPWI613.SPL] to [override/SPWI613A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4794 bytes Copied [SPWI613A.spl] to [override/SPWI613A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613.SPL] loaded, 4794 bytes Copied [SPWI613.SPL] to [override/SPWI613.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 2202 bytes Copied [SPWI613A.spl] to [override/SPWI613A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI711.SPL] to [override/SPWI711.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes Copied [SPWI711.SPL] to [override/SPWI711A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI711A.spl] loaded, 1594 bytes Copied [SPWI711A.spl] to [override/SPWI711A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes Copied [SPWI711.SPL] to [override/SPWI711.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI711A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI711A.spl] to [override/SPWI711A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH36.SPL] to [override/SPWISH36.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH36.SPL] to [override/SPWISH3A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH3A.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH3A.spl] to [override/SPWISH3A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH36.SPL] to [override/SPWISH36.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH3A.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPWISH3A.spl] to [override/SPWISH3A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH37.SPL] to [override/SPWISH37.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH37.SPL] to [override/SPWISH3B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH3B.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH3B.spl] to [override/SPWISH3B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH37.SPL] to [override/SPWISH37.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH3B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPWISH3B.spl] to [override/SPWISH3B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH40.SPL] to [override/SPWISH40.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH40.SPL] to [override/SPWISH4F.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH4F.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH4F.spl] to [override/SPWISH4F.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPWISH40.SPL] to [override/SPWISH40.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH4F.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPWISH4F.spl] to [override/SPWISH4F.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM115.SPL] to [override/SPWM115.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPWM115.SPL] to [override/SPWM115A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM115A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPWM115A.spl] to [override/SPWM115A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPWM115.SPL] to [override/SPWM115.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM115A.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPWM115A.spl] to [override/SPWM115A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SW1H27.ITM] to [override/SW1H27.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 1186 bytes Creating file SW1H27.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SW1H27.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW1H27.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SW1H27.spl] to [override/SW1H27.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 1186 bytes Copied [SW1H27.ITM] to [override/SW1H27.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW1H27.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SW1H27.spl] to [override/SW1H27.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [WAND12.ITM] to [override/WAND12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Creating file WAND12.spl; 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/WAND12.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND12.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copied [WAND12.spl] to [override/WAND12.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copied [WAND12.ITM] to [override/WAND12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND12.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [WAND12.spl] to [override/WAND12.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [ACIDOOZ3.ITM] to [override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Creating file ACIDOOZ3.spl; 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/ACIDOOZ3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [ACIDOOZ3.spl] to [override/ACIDOOZ3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [ACIDOOZ3.ITM] to [override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [ACIDOOZ3.spl] to [override/ACIDOOZ3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes Creating file AURSTAF.spl; 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/AURSTAF.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.spl] to [override/AURSTAF.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.spl] to [override/AURSTAF.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [BALTH07.SPL] to [override/BALTH07.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [BALTH07.SPL] to [override/BALTH07A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALTH07A.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [BALTH07A.spl] to [override/BALTH07A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [BALTH07.SPL] to [override/BALTH07.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALTH07A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [BALTH07A.spl] to [override/BALTH07A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [BDSHA06B.SPL] to [override/BDSHA06B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [BDSHA06B.SPL] to [override/BDSHA06D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSHA06D.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [BDSHA06D.spl] to [override/BDSHA06D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [BDSHA06B.SPL] to [override/BDSHA06B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSHA06D.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [BDSHA06D.spl] to [override/BDSHA06D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [BDSW2H01.SPL] to [override/BDSW2H01.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [BDSW2H01.SPL] to [override/BDSW2H0A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSW2H0A.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [BDSW2H0A.spl] to [override/BDSW2H0A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [BDSW2H01.SPL] to [override/BDSW2H01.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDSW2H0A.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [BDSW2H0A.spl] to [override/BDSW2H0A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4658 bytes Copied [BHAAL2B.SPL] to [override/BHAAL2B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 5042 bytes Copied [BHAAL2B.SPL] to [override/BHAAL2BA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BHAAL2BA.spl] loaded, 5042 bytes Copied [BHAAL2BA.spl] to [override/BHAAL2BA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 5042 bytes Copied [BHAAL2B.SPL] to [override/BHAAL2B.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BHAAL2BA.spl] loaded, 1586 bytes Copied [BHAAL2BA.spl] to [override/BHAAL2BA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copied [BLUN14.ITM] to [override/BLUN14.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Creating file BLUN14.spl; 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BLUN14.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [BLUN14.spl] to [override/BLUN14.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [BLUN14.ITM] to [override/BLUN14.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [BLUN14.spl] to [override/BLUN14.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BLUN20.ITM] to [override/BLUN20.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Creating file BLUN20.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BLUN20.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN20.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [BLUN20.spl] to [override/BLUN20.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [BLUN20.ITM] to [override/BLUN20.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN20.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [BLUN20.spl] to [override/BLUN20.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes Copied [BLUN30.ITM] to [override/BLUN30.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes Creating file BLUN30.spl; 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BLUN30.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [BLUN30.spl] to [override/BLUN30.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes Copied [BLUN30.ITM] to [override/BLUN30.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [BLUN30.spl] to [override/BLUN30.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copied [BLUN30C.ITM] to [override/BLUN30C.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Creating file BLUN30C.spl; 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BLUN30C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [BLUN30C.spl] to [override/BLUN30C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copied [BLUN30C.ITM] to [override/BLUN30C.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [BLUN30C.spl] to [override/BLUN30C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [BLUN30D.ITM] to [override/BLUN30D.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Creating file BLUN30D.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BLUN30D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30D.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [BLUN30D.spl] to [override/BLUN30D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [BLUN30D.ITM] to [override/BLUN30D.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30D.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [BLUN30D.spl] to [override/BLUN30D.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copied [BONEDAG.ITM] to [override/BONEDAG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Creating file BONEDAGA.spl; 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/BONEDAGA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAGA.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [BONEDAGA.spl] to [override/BONEDAGA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [BONEDAG.ITM] to [override/BONEDAG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAGA.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [BONEDAGA.spl] to [override/BONEDAGA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes override/CH3DRAIN.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/CH3DRAIN.SPL, 538 bytes Copied [CH3DRAIN.SPL] to [override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [CH3DRAIN.SPL] to [override/CH3DRAIB.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3DRAIB.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [CH3DRAIB.spl] to [override/CH3DRAIB.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [CH3DRAIN.SPL] to [override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3DRAIB.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [CH3DRAIB.spl] to [override/CH3DRAIB.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CH3FLASH.SPL] to [override/CH3FLASH.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [CH3FLASH.SPL] to [override/CH3FLASA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3FLASA.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [CH3FLASA.spl] to [override/CH3FLASA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [CH3FLASH.SPL] to [override/CH3FLASH.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3FLASA.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [CH3FLASA.spl] to [override/CH3FLASA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CH3WEAK.SPL] to [override/CH3WEAK.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [CH3WEAK.SPL] to [override/CH3WEAKA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3WEAKA.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [CH3WEAKA.spl] to [override/CH3WEAKA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [CH3WEAK.SPL] to [override/CH3WEAK.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CH3WEAKA.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [CH3WEAKA.spl] to [override/CH3WEAKA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copied [DOGWAWP.ITM] to [override/DOGWAWP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Creating file DOGWAWP.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DOGWAWP.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOGWAWP.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [DOGWAWP.spl] to [override/DOGWAWP.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [DOGWAWP.ITM] to [override/DOGWAWP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOGWAWP.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [DOGWAWP.spl] to [override/DOGWAWP.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [DW-SLOW.SPL] to [override/DW-SLOW.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [DW-SLOW.SPL] to [override/DW-SLOWA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SLOWA.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [DW-SLOWA.spl] to [override/DW-SLOWA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [DW-SLOW.SPL] to [override/DW-SLOW.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SLOWA.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [DW-SLOWA.spl] to [override/DW-SLOWA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copied [DWWHIP.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Creating file DWWHIPA.spl; 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWWHIPA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIPA.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [DWWHIPA.spl] to [override/DWWHIPA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copied [DWWHIP.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIPA.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [DWWHIPA.spl] to [override/DWWHIPA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copied [DWWHIP01.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Creating file DWWHIP0A.spl; 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWWHIP0A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP0A.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [DWWHIP0A.spl] to [override/DWWHIP0A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copied [DWWHIP01.ITM] to [override/DWWHIP01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP0A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [DWWHIP0A.spl] to [override/DWWHIP0A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copied [GORWOM4.ITM] to [override/GORWOM4.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Creating file GORWOM4.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/GORWOM4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM4.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [GORWOM4.spl] to [override/GORWOM4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [GORWOM4.ITM] to [override/GORWOM4.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM4.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [GORWOM4.spl] to [override/GORWOM4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [HGBER01.ITM] to [override/HGBER01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2138 bytes Creating file HGBER01A.spl; 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/HGBER01A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGBER01A.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [HGBER01A.spl] to [override/HGBER01A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2138 bytes Copied [HGBER01.ITM] to [override/HGBER01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGBER01A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [HGBER01A.spl] to [override/HGBER01A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [JELLMU1.ITM] to [override/JELLMU1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Creating file JELLMU1.spl; 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/JELLMU1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU1.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [JELLMU1.spl] to [override/JELLMU1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [JELLMU1.ITM] to [override/JELLMU1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU1.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [JELLMU1.spl] to [override/JELLMU1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [JELLMU2.ITM] to [override/JELLMU2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Creating file JELLMU2.spl; 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/JELLMU2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU2.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [JELLMU2.spl] to [override/JELLMU2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [JELLMU2.ITM] to [override/JELLMU2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU2.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [JELLMU2.spl] to [override/JELLMU2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [KUOSPER.ITM] to [override/KUOSPER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Creating file KUOSPER.spl; 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/KUOSPER.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [KUOSPER.spl] to [override/KUOSPER.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [KUOSPER.ITM] to [override/KUOSPER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [KUOSPER.spl] to [override/KUOSPER.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [MELIS01.SPL] to [override/MELIS01.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [MELIS01.SPL] to [override/MELIS01B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELIS01B.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [MELIS01B.spl] to [override/MELIS01B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [MELIS01.SPL] to [override/MELIS01.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELIS01B.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [MELIS01B.spl] to [override/MELIS01B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copied [OHBDGELU.ITM] to [override/OHBDGELU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Creating file OHBDGELU.spl; 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/OHBDGELU.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDGELU.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [OHBDGELU.spl] to [override/OHBDGELU.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [OHBDGELU.ITM] to [override/OHBDGELU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDGELU.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [OHBDGELU.spl] to [override/OHBDGELU.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [OHBEWWSL.SPL] to [override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [OHBEWWSL.SPL] to [override/OHBEWWSA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBEWWSA.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [OHBEWWSA.spl] to [override/OHBEWWSA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [OHBEWWSL.SPL] to [override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBEWWSA.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [OHBEWWSA.spl] to [override/OHBEWWSA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [OHHPHREY.ITM] to [override/OHHPHREY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Creating file OHHPHREY.spl; 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/OHHPHREY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHHPHREY.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [OHHPHREY.spl] to [override/OHHPHREY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [OHHPHREY.ITM] to [override/OHHPHREY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHHPHREY.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [OHHPHREY.spl] to [override/OHHPHREY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [OHNPOTN1.ITM] to [override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Creating file OHNPOTNA.spl; 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/OHNPOTNA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHNPOTNA.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [OHNPOTNA.spl] to [override/OHNPOTNA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copied [OHNPOTN1.ITM] to [override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHNPOTNA.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [OHNPOTNA.spl] to [override/OHNPOTNA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [PLYJELLO.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLO.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Creating file PLYJELLO.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/PLYJELLO.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLO.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [PLYJELLO.spl] to [override/PLYJELLO.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [PLYJELLO.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLO.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLO.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [PLYJELLO.spl] to [override/PLYJELLO.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes Creating file PLYJELLY.spl; 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/PLYJELLY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.spl] to [override/PLYJELLY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.spl] to [override/PLYJELLY.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copied [POTN32.ITM] to [override/POTN32.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Creating file POTN32.spl; 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/POTN32.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN32.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [POTN32.spl] to [override/POTN32.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [POTN32.ITM] to [override/POTN32.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN32.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [POTN32.spl] to [override/POTN32.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [SENDAI.ITM] to [override/SENDAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Creating file SENDAIA.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SENDAIA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SENDAIA.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SENDAIA.spl] to [override/SENDAIA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copied [SENDAI.ITM] to [override/SENDAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SENDAIA.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SENDAIA.spl] to [override/SENDAIA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copied [SHARSWD.ITM] to [override/SHARSWD.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Creating file SHARSWDA.spl; 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SHARSWDA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWDA.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SHARSWDA.spl] to [override/SHARSWDA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copied [SHARSWD.ITM] to [override/SHARSWD.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWDA.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SHARSWDA.spl] to [override/SHARSWDA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL123.SPL] to [override/SPCL123.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 898 bytes Creating file SPCL123A.spl; 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPCL123A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123A.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPCL123A.spl] to [override/SPCL123A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 898 bytes Copied [SPCL123.SPL] to [override/SPCL123.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPCL123A.spl] to [override/SPCL123A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes Copied [SPCL123.SPL] to [override/SPCL123.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 898 bytes Creating file SPCL123B.spl; 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPCL123B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123B.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SPCL123B.spl] to [override/SPCL123B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 898 bytes Copied [SPCL123.SPL] to [override/SPCL123.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL123B.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPCL123B.spl] to [override/SPCL123B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes Copied [SPCL415.SPL] to [override/SPCL415.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1042 bytes Creating file SPCL415B.spl; 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPCL415B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415B.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL415B.spl] to [override/SPCL415B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1042 bytes Copied [SPCL415.SPL] to [override/SPCL415.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415B.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPCL415B.spl] to [override/SPCL415B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL422.SPL] to [override/SPCL422.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes Creating file SPCL422A.spl; 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPCL422A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL422A.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPCL422A.spl] to [override/SPCL422A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes Copied [SPCL422.SPL] to [override/SPCL422.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL422A.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPCL422A.spl] to [override/SPCL422A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1578 bytes Copied [SPCL751A.SPL] to [override/SPCL751A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1674 bytes Creating file SPCL751B.spl; 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPCL751B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751B.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SPCL751B.spl] to [override/SPCL751B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1674 bytes Copied [SPCL751A.SPL] to [override/SPCL751A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751B.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPCL751B.spl] to [override/SPCL751B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1578 bytes Copied [SPCL751A.SPL] to [override/SPCL751A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1626 bytes Creating file SPCL751C.spl; 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPCL751C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751C.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPCL751C.spl] to [override/SPCL751C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1626 bytes Copied [SPCL751A.SPL] to [override/SPCL751A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL751C.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPCL751C.spl] to [override/SPCL751C.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes Copied [SPERMEL.ITM] to [override/SPERMEL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Creating file SPERMEL.spl; 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/SPERMEL.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPERMEL.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [SPERMEL.spl] to [override/SPERMEL.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copied [SPERMEL.ITM] to [override/SPERMEL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPERMEL.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPERMEL.spl] to [override/SPERMEL.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN575.SPL] to [override/SPIN575.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN575.SPL] to [override/SPIN575A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN575A.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN575A.spl] to [override/SPIN575A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN575.SPL] to [override/SPIN575.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN575A.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN575A.spl] to [override/SPIN575A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN628.SPL] to [override/SPIN628.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SPIN628.SPL] to [override/SPIN628A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN628A.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SPIN628A.spl] to [override/SPIN628A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SPIN628.SPL] to [override/SPIN628.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN628A.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN628A.spl] to [override/SPIN628A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPIN817.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPIN817.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN817.SPL] to [override/SPIN817.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPIN817.SPL] to [override/SPIN817B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN817B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPIN817B.spl] to [override/SPIN817B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPIN817.SPL] to [override/SPIN817.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN817B.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPIN817B.spl] to [override/SPIN817B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPIN818.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2060/SPIN818.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [SPIN818.SPL] to [override/SPIN818.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN818.SPL] to [override/SPIN818B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN818B.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN818B.spl] to [override/SPIN818B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPIN818.SPL] to [override/SPIN818.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN818B.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPIN818B.spl] to [override/SPIN818B.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN977.SPL] to [override/SPIN977.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN977.SPL] to [override/SPIN977A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN977A.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN977A.spl] to [override/SPIN977A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPIN977.SPL] to [override/SPIN977.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN977A.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN977A.spl] to [override/SPIN977A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN983.SPL] to [override/SPIN983.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPIN983.SPL] to [override/SPIN983A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN983A.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPIN983A.spl] to [override/SPIN983A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPIN983.SPL] to [override/SPIN983.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN983A.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPIN983A.spl] to [override/SPIN983A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SPPR250.SPL] to [override/SPPR250.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR250.SPL] to [override/SPPR250A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR250A.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR250A.spl] to [override/SPPR250A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR250.SPL] to [override/SPPR250.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR250A.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR250A.spl] to [override/SPPR250A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR610.SPL] to [override/SPPR610.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPPR610.SPL] to [override/SPPR610A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR610A.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPPR610A.spl] to [override/SPPR610A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPPR610.SPL] to [override/SPPR610.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR610A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR610A.spl] to [override/SPPR610A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR710.SPL] to [override/SPPR710.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR710.SPL] to [override/SPPR710A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710A.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR710A.spl] to [override/SPPR710A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR710.SPL] to [override/SPPR710.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710A.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR710A.spl] to [override/SPPR710A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR715.SPL] to [override/SPPR715.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPPR715.SPL] to [override/SPPR715A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715A.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPPR715A.spl] to [override/SPPR715A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Copied [SPPR715.SPL] to [override/SPPR715.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR715A.spl] to [override/SPPR715A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI312.SPL] to [override/SPWI312.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SPWI312.SPL] to [override/SPWI312A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312A.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SPWI312A.spl] to [override/SPWI312A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SPWI312.SPL] to [override/SPWI312.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312A.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI312A.spl] to [override/SPWI312A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH25.SPL] to [override/SPWISH25.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWISH25.SPL] to [override/SPWISH2A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH2A.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWISH2A.spl] to [override/SPWISH2A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWISH25.SPL] to [override/SPWISH25.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH2A.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SPWISH2A.spl] to [override/SPWISH2A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPWM112.SPL] to [override/SPWM112.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPWM112.SPL] to [override/SPWM112A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM112A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPWM112A.spl] to [override/SPWM112A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [SPWM112.SPL] to [override/SPWM112.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM112A.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copied [SPWM112A.spl] to [override/SPWM112A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM164.SPL] to [override/SPWM164.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWM164.SPL] to [override/SPWM164A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM164A.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWM164A.spl] to [override/SPWM164A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [SPWM164.SPL] to [override/SPWM164.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM164A.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SPWM164A.spl] to [override/SPWM164A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copied [TROLLTOR.ITM] to [override/TROLLTOR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Creating file TROLLTOA.spl; 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/TROLLTOA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOA.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [TROLLTOA.spl] to [override/TROLLTOA.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [TROLLTOR.ITM] to [override/TROLLTOR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLTOA.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [TROLLTOA.spl] to [override/TROLLTOA.spl] Install Component [Spell school changes]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Spell school changes] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2070/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk, 0 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk] Including and running function(s) install_spell_resources [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/spell.tra] has 222 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] loaded, 3424 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/install_spell_resources.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2995 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/acidooz3.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdrngchr.itm] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demsuc01.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dogwawp.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druear.itm] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/drufir.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshgi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psomi.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrti.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssini.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip01.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/earthrn.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elemprin.itm] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/fele1-8.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firern.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fsalring.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorcamb.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorwom1.itm] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorwom4.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/immune10.itm] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/immune2.itm] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/immune3.itm] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/immune4.itm] loaded, 546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jellmu1.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jellmu2.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magispwr.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magiweb.itm] loaded, 986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/melfmet.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/sw1h27.itm] loaded, 994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans20.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans4.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollsp.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trolltor.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand07.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand10.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand12.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand14.itm] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand18.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wawak.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wolfgr.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[DW_TALENTS/spell/universal_trigger.tpa] loaded, 530 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/universal_trigger.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/universal_trigger.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI617.spl] to [override/SPWI617.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI908.spl] to [override/SPWI908.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI420.spl] to [override/SPWI420.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI710.spl] to [override/SPWI710.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI809.spl] to [override/SPWI809.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_symbols_are_enchantment.mrk] Including and running function(s) symbols_are_enchantment Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/symbols_are_enchantment.tpa] loaded, 267 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/symbols_are_enchantment.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/symbols_are_enchantment.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/tools/swap_schools.tph] loaded, 2265 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/tools/swap_schools.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/swap_schools.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2995 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/acidooz3.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/arowkc.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aurstaf.itm] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun14.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun20.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30c.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30d.itm] loaded, 698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bonedag.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bonefd.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/boot11.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/brac16.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdgoliro.itm] loaded, 1658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia126.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia227.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdrngchr.itm] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/decasta.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demilich.itm] loaded, 4146 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demsuc01.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dogwawp.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druear.itm] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/drufir.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshgi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psomi.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrti.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssini.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/gorwom4.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/harm.itm] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haunt1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kuobolt3.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kuosper.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/miscbc.itm] loaded, 1802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/sharswd.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/spec02.itm] loaded, 786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spermel.itm] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spidwr.itm] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spidwr1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans20.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans4.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollsp.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trolltor.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand07.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand10.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand12.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand14.itm] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand18.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wawak.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wolfgr.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes swapping school for CLERIC_SYMBOL_FEAR Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copied [SPPR706.spl] to [override/SPPR706.spl] swapping school for CLERIC_SYMBOL_STUN Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copied [SPPR718.spl] to [override/SPPR718.spl] swapping school for CLERIC_SYMBOL_DEATH Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copied [SPPR719.spl] to [override/SPPR719.spl] swapping school for CLERIC_SYMBOL_PAIN Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes override/SPPR733.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2070/SPPR733.spl, 634 bytes Copied [SPPR733.spl] to [override/SPPR733.spl] swapping school for CLERIC_SYMBOL_HOPELESSNESS Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/SPPR734.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2070/SPPR734.spl, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR734.spl] to [override/SPPR734.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_SYMBOL_FEAR Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl9f.itm] to [override/scrl9f.itm] Copied [SPWI811.spl] to [override/SPWI811.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_SYMBOL_STUN Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrlap.itm] to [override/scrlap.itm] Copied [SPWI816.spl] to [override/SPWI816.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_SYMBOL_DEATH Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrlao.itm] to [override/scrlao.itm] Copied [SPWI817.spl] to [override/SPWI817.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_NPC_SYMBOL_DEATH Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copied [SPWI897.spl] to [override/SPWI897.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_NPC_SYMBOL_STUN Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copied [SPWI898.spl] to [override/SPWI898.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_NPC_SYMBOL_FEAR Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copied [SPWI899.spl] to [override/SPWI899.spl] Copied [spell.ids] to [weidu_external/workspace/spell.ids] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_power_words_are_enchantment.mrk] Including and running function(s) power_words_are_enchantment Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/power_words_are_enchantment.tpa] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/power_words_are_enchantment.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/power_words_are_enchantment.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/tools/swap_schools.tph] loaded, 2265 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/tools/swap_schools.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/swap_schools.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2995 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/acidooz3.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/arowkc.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aurstaf.itm] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30c.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30d.itm] loaded, 698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bonedag.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bonefd.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdrngchr.itm] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/decasta.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demilich.itm] loaded, 4146 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demsuc01.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dogwawp.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druear.itm] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/drufir.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshgi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psomi.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrti.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssini.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/harm.itm] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haunt1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kuobolt3.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kuosper.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/miscbc.itm] loaded, 1802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn09.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn12.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn14.itm] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn15.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn16.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn18.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn38.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn41.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn45.itm] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn46.itm] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/potn48.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/sw1h59.itm] loaded, 1178 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans20.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans4.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollsp.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trolltor.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/wand14.itm] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand18.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wawak.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wolfgr.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes swapping school for WIZARD_POWER_WORD_SILENCE_VISUALS_ONLY Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... swapping school for WIZARD_POWER_WORD_SLEEP Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copied [scrl6e.itm] to [override/scrl6e.itm] Copied [SPWI220.spl] to [override/SPWI220.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_POWER_WORD_SILENCE Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl7p.itm] to [override/scrl7p.itm] override/SPWI612.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2070/SPWI612.spl, 490 bytes Copied [SPWI612.spl] to [override/SPWI612.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_POWER_WORD_STUN Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl8q.itm] to [override/scrl8q.itm] Copied [SPWI715.spl] to [override/SPWI715.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_POWER_WORD_BLIND Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI815.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl9j.itm] to [override/scrl9j.itm] override/SPWI815.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2070/SPWI815.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI815.spl] to [override/SPWI815.spl] swapping school for WIZARD_POWER_WORD_KILL Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [scrl9u.itm] to [override/scrl9u.itm] Copied [SPWI912.spl] to [override/SPWI912.spl] Copied [spell.ids] to [weidu_external/workspace/spell.ids] Install Component [Spells increased in power]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Spells increased in power] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk, 0 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-install_spell_resources.mrk] Including and running function(s) install_spell_resources [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/spell.tra] has 222 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] loaded, 3424 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/install_spell_resources.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/install_spell_resources.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2995 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/acidooz3.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arow08.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arowkc.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aurstaf.itm] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bclaw.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun14.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/brac16.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/cdia225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia227.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdrngchr.itm] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/csalring.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/csiren.itm] loaded, 1074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/decasta.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demilich.itm] loaded, 4146 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demsuc01.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dogwawp.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druear.itm] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/drufir.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshgi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psomi.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrti.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssini.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip01.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/earthrn.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elemprin.itm] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/fele1-8.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firern.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fsalring.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorcamb.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorwom1.itm] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorwom4.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/immune10.itm] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/immune2.itm] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/immune3.itm] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/immune4.itm] loaded, 546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jellmu1.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jellmu2.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magispwr.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magiweb.itm] loaded, 986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/melfmet.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/moonbla.itm] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mound.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/msword.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollsp.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trolltor.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/wand12.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand14.itm] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand18.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wawak.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wolfgr.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/data/spelltweaks.2da] loaded, 3408 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_enhance_cure_cause.mrk] Including and running function(s) enhance_cure_cause Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/enhance_cure_cause.tpa] loaded, 9619 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/enhance_cure_cause.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/enhance_cure_cause.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... weidu_external/workspace/process_table_include.tpc copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/process_table_include.tpc, 201 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/process_table_include.tpc] to [weidu_external/workspace/process_table_include.tpc] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4509 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR103.spl] to [override/SPPR103.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR103.spl] loaded, 1514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR216.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR216.spl, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR216.spl] to [override/SPPR216.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR315.spl] to [override/SPPR315.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR315.spl] loaded, 3194 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR401.spl] to [override/SPPR401.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR401.spl] loaded, 4034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR502.spl] to [override/SPPR502.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR502.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN958.spl] to [override/SPIN958.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN101.spl] to [override/SPIN101.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/process_table_include.tpc] to [weidu_external/workspace/process_table_include.tpc] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR117.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR117.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR117.spl, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR117.spl] to [override/SPPR117.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR117.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR219.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR219.spl, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR219.spl] to [override/SPPR219.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 5810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR329.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR329.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR329.spl, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR329.spl] to [override/SPPR329.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR329.spl] loaded, 7946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR428.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR428.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR428.spl, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR428.spl] to [override/SPPR428.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR428.spl] loaded, 10082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR524.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR524.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR524.spl, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR524.spl] to [override/SPPR524.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR524.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [OHBDCSW.spl] to [override/OHBDCSW.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/process_table_include.tpc] to [weidu_external/workspace/process_table_include.tpc] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SERIOUS.itm] to [override/SERIOUS.itm] copying to override/DWCAUSS.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/DWCAUSS.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [CRITICAL.itm] to [override/CRITICAL.itm] copying to override/DWCAUSC.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/DWCAUSC.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_blade_barrier.mrk] Including and running function(s) blade_barrier Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/blade_barrier.tpa] loaded, 509 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/blade_barrier.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/blade_barrier.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4509 bytes Adding projectile file DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw#blade.pro ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISSILE.ids] loaded, 8907 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PROJECTL.ids] loaded, 4509 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4509 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4509 bytes override/PROJECTL.IDS copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/PROJECTL.IDS, 4509 bytes Appended text to [PROJECTL.IDS] [./override/missile.ids] loaded, 8907 bytes [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8907 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8907 bytes override/MISSILE.IDS copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/MISSILE.IDS, 8907 bytes Appended text to [MISSILE.IDS] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw#blade.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw#blade.pro] to [override/dw#blade.pro] Added projectile file DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/dw#blade.pro Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4523 bytes Copied [sppr603d.spl] to [override/sppr603d.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [sppr725d.spl] to [override/sppr725d.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spyancd.spl] to [override/spyancd.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [melis02b.spl] to [override/melis02b.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/sppr603d.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [sppr603d.spl] to [override/sppr698d.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 353 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 353 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/scs_modified_spells.2da, 353 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 375 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] loaded, 375 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_npc_symbols.mrk] Including and running function(s) npc_symbols Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/npc_symbols.tpa] loaded, 923 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/npc_symbols.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/npc_symbols.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI897.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI816.spl] loaded, 1242 bytes override/SPWI816.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI816.spl, 1242 bytes Copied [SPWI816.spl] to [override/SPWI816.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR718.spl] loaded, 1618 bytes override/SPPR718.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR718.spl, 1618 bytes Copied [SPPR718.spl] to [override/SPPR718.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI811.spl] loaded, 1098 bytes override/SPWI811.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI811.spl, 1098 bytes Copied [SPWI811.spl] to [override/SPWI811.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR706.spl] loaded, 1426 bytes override/SPPR706.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR706.spl, 1426 bytes Copied [SPPR706.spl] to [override/SPPR706.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI817.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI817.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI817.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI817.spl] to [override/SPWI817.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR719.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPPR719.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR719.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR719.spl] to [override/SPPR719.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_sanctity_of_mind.mrk] Including and running function(s) sanctity_of_mind Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/sanctity_of_mind.tpa] loaded, 1262 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/sanctity_of_mind.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/sanctity_of_mind.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 58 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 58 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da, 58 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI519.spl] loaded, 4834 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI519.spl] to [override/dw#isss.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI519B.spl] to [override/dw#isssb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 22570 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR735.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR735.spl, 22570 bytes Copied [SPPR735.spl] to [override/SPPR735.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_enhance_thorn_spray.mrk] Including and running function(s) enhance_thorn_spray Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/enhance_thorn_spray.tpa] loaded, 714 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/enhance_thorn_spray.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/enhance_thorn_spray.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 94 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 94 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR426.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR426.spl, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR426.spl] to [override/SPPR426.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 522 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_rebalance_lathander.mrk] Including and running function(s) rebalance_lathander Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/rebalance_lathander.tpa] loaded, 1064 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/rebalance_lathander.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/rebalance_lathander.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 114 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 114 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 142 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 142 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR520.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR520.spl, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR520.spl] to [override/SPPR520.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR737.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR737.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR737.spl] to [override/SPPR737.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_circle_of_bones_duration.mrk] Including and running function(s) circle_of_bones_duration Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/circle_of_bones_duration.tpa] loaded, 496 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/circle_of_bones_duration.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/circle_of_bones_duration.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR324.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR324.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR324.spl, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR324.spl] to [override/SPPR324.spl] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 178 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 178 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_entropy_shield_abjuration.mrk] Including and running function(s) entropy_shield_abjuration Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/entropy_shield_abjuration.tpa] loaded, 835 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/entropy_shield_abjuration.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/entropy_shield_abjuration.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] loaded, 202 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scs_modified_spells_iwd.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 48994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR615.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR615.spl, 48994 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2806 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 49954 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2806 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 50434 bytes Copied [SPPR615.spl] to [override/SPPR615.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_eldath_rename.mrk] Including and running function(s) eldath_rename Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/eldath_rename.tpa] loaded, 244 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/eldath_rename.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/eldath_rename.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_ilmater_rename.mrk] Including and running function(s) ilmater_rename Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/ilmater_rename.tpa] loaded, 247 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/ilmater_rename.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/ilmater_rename.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_larloch.mrk] Including and running function(s) larloch Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/larloch.tpa] loaded, 1745 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/larloch.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/larloch.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI119.spl] to [override/SPWI119.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN104.spl] to [override/SPIN104.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI119A.spl] to [override/SPWI119A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN104A.spl] to [override/SPIN104A.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN104A.spl] loaded, 1514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN104A.spl] to [override/dw-lafb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [sw1h63.itm] to [override/sw1h63.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [comps63.itm] to [override/comps63.itm] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_energy_drain.mrk] Including and running function(s) energy_drain Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/energy_drain.tpa] loaded, 473 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/energy_drain.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/energy_drain.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR714.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR714.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR714.spl, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR714.spl] to [override/SPPR714.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI914.spl] to [override/SPWI914.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_iron_body.mrk] Including and running function(s) iron_body Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/iron_body.tpa] loaded, 1537 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/iron_body.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/iron_body.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ibody.itm] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/ibody.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/ibody.itm, 2090 bytes Copied [ibody.itm] to [override/ibody.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI415.spl] to [override/SPWI415.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI416.spl] loaded, 18194 bytes override/SPWI416.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI416.spl, 18194 bytes Copied [SPWI416.spl] to [override/SPWI416.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI493.spl] to [override/SPWI493.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI494.spl] to [override/SPWI494.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI495.spl] loaded, 490 bytes override/SPWI495.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI495.spl, 490 bytes Copied [SPWI495.spl] to [override/SPWI495.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI496.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI496.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI496.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI496.spl] to [override/SPWI496.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI497.spl] to [override/SPWI497.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI498.spl] to [override/SPWI498.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI499.spl] to [override/SPWI499.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN123.spl] loaded, 490 bytes override/SPIN123.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPIN123.spl, 490 bytes Copied [SPIN123.spl] to [override/SPIN123.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL611.spl] to [override/SPCL611.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/SPCL612.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/SPCL613.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL632.spl] to [override/SPCL632.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL633.spl] to [override/SPCL633.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL634.spl] to [override/SPCL634.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL643.spl] to [override/SPCL643.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL644.spl] to [override/SPCL644.spl] weidu_external/workspace/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/spell.ids, 29108 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [weidu_external/workspace/spell.ids] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_symbol_pain_no_save.mrk] Including and running function(s) symbol_pain_no_save Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/symbol_pain_no_save.tpa] loaded, 307 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/symbol_pain_no_save.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/symbol_pain_no_save.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPPR733.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPPR733.spl, 634 bytes Copied [SPPR733.spl] to [override/SPPR733.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_adjust_monster_summoning.mrk] Including and running function(s) adjust_monster_summoning Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/adjust_monster_summoning.tpa] loaded, 3108 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/adjust_monster_summoning.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/adjust_monster_summoning.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI407.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI407.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI407.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI407.spl, 1346 bytes Copied [SPWI407.spl] to [override/SPWI407.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI504.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI504.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI504.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI504.spl, 1346 bytes Copied [SPWI504.spl] to [override/SPWI504.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI610.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI610.spl] loaded, 906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI610.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI610.spl, 906 bytes Copied [SPWI610.spl] to [override/SPWI610.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI725.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI725.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI725.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI725.spl, 730 bytes Copied [SPWI725.spl] to [override/SPWI725.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI821.spl] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI821.spl] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI821.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI821.spl, 554 bytes Copied [SPWI821.spl] to [override/SPWI821.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI901.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI901.spl, 378 bytes Copied [SPWI901.spl] to [override/SPWI901.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#MS7ET.cre] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes override/DW#MS7ET.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/DW#MS7ET.cre, 1888 bytes Copied [DW#MS7ET.cre] to [override/DW#MS7ET.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MS7UMBH.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes override/MS7UMBH.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/MS7UMBH.cre, 1116 bytes Copied [MS7UMBH.cre] to [override/MS7UMBH.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms6salc.cre] loaded, 1420 bytes override/ms6salc.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/ms6salc.cre, 1420 bytes Copied [ms6salc.cre] to [override/ms6salc.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ms6salf.cre] loaded, 1420 bytes override/ms6salf.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/ms6salf.cre, 1420 bytes Copied [ms6salf.cre] to [override/ms6salf.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw#ms6gt.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes override/dw#ms6gt.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/dw#ms6gt.cre, 1156 bytes Copied [dw#ms6gt.cre] to [override/dw#ms6gt.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/icyuan04.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/icyuan04.cre] to [override/dw#ms6yt.cre] Copying 1 file ... override/msummo6.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/msummo6.2da, 130 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo6.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo6.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [msummo6.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 102 bytes Appended text to [msummo6.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO6.2DA] loaded, 130 bytes Appended text to [msummo6.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MS5MINO.cre] loaded, 1624 bytes override/MS5MINO.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/MS5MINO.cre, 1624 bytes Copied [MS5MINO.cre] to [override/MS5MINO.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/icyuan02.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/resource/icyuan02.cre] to [override/dw#ms5yt.cre] Copying 1 file ... override/msummo5.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/msummo5.2da, 103 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo5.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO5.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo5.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO5.2DA] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [msummo5.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO5.2DA] loaded, 103 bytes Appended text to [msummo5.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw#ms4yu.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes override/dw#ms4yu.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/dw#ms4yu.cre, 1096 bytes Copied [dw#ms4yu.cre] to [override/dw#ms4yu.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ogregrsu.cre] loaded, 1384 bytes override/ogregrsu.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/ogregrsu.cre, 1384 bytes Copied [ogregrsu.cre] to [override/ogregrsu.cre] Copying 1 file ... override/msummo4.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/msummo4.2da, 104 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO4.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO4.2DA] loaded, 76 bytes Appended text to [msummo4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO4.2DA] loaded, 104 bytes Appended text to [msummo4.2da] Copying 1 file ... override/msummo3.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/msummo3.2da, 132 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO3.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO3.2DA] loaded, 74 bytes Appended text to [msummo3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO3.2DA] loaded, 102 bytes Appended text to [msummo3.2da] Copying 1 file ... override/msummo2.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/msummo2.2da, 156 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/summon_template.2da] to [override/msummo2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 45 bytes Appended text to [msummo2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [msummo2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/MSUMMO2.2DA] loaded, 103 bytes Appended text to [msummo2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_mordenkainens_force_blade_thac0.mrk] Including and running function(s) mordenkainens_force_blade_thac0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/mordenkainens_force_blade_thac0.tpa] loaded, 624 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/mordenkainens_force_blade_thac0.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/mordenkainens_force_blade_thac0.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726.spl] loaded, 1738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI726.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI726.spl, 1738 bytes Copied [SPWI726.spl] to [override/SPWI726.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_otiluke_save_for_half.mrk] Including and running function(s) otiluke_save_for_half Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/spell/otiluke_save_for_half.tpa] loaded, 439 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/spell/otiluke_save_for_half.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/otiluke_save_for_half.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 1770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPWI626.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2080/SPWI626.spl, 1770 bytes Copied [SPWI626.spl] to [override/SPWI626.spl] Install Component [Add 9 new arcane spells]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Add 9 new arcane spells] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-extra_arcane_spells.mrk] Including and running function(s) extra_arcane_spells [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/extra_arcane_spells.tra] has 27 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/extra_arcane_spells.tpa] loaded, 20172 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/extra_arcane_spells.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/extra_arcane_spells.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_tof_arcane_spells.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 2995 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#s1-12.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/acidooz3.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arow08.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arowkc.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aurstaf.itm] loaded, 1754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bclaw.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun14.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun20.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30c.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/blun30d.itm] loaded, 698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bonedag.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bonefd.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/boot11.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/brac16.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/cdia225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia227.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia428.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia432.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia525.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia527.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia630.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia632.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia728.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia806.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdia901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid116.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid203.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid320.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid322.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid420.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid423.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid520.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid525.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid615.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid735.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid737.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdid740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdmindfl.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdrngchr.itm] loaded, 1410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/chan19.itm] loaded, 882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/critical.itm] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/csalring.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/csiren.itm] loaded, 1074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/demilich.itm] loaded, 4146 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/demsuc01.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dobone.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dogwawp.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druear.itm] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/drufir.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshgi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-pshhi.itm] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psomi.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-psrti.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbai.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssini.itm] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmai.itm] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwwhip01.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/earthrn.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elemprin.itm] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/fartrng.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fele1-8.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firern.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fsalring.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/globblu2.itm] loaded, 2186 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/goliro.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magiconf.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magispwr.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/magiweb.itm] loaded, 986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/melfmet.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrclck3.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/shadow1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/shadowwp.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sharswd.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/shmblr.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sirine.itm] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sirine1.itm] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spec01.itm] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spec02.itm] loaded, 786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spermel.itm] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spidwr.itm] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spidwr1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sumamu.itm] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sumring.itm] loaded, 450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sw1h27.itm] loaded, 994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sw1h58.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sw1h59.itm] loaded, 1178 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sw1h63.itm] loaded, 842 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans20.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans4.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans40.itm] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trans60.itm] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollall.itm] loaded, 1226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollsp.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trollspi.itm] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trolltor.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/umberhlk.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand07.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand10.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand12.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand14.itm] loaded, 850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wand18.itm] loaded, 322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wawak.itm] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wolfgr.itm] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [axe.pro] to [weidu_external/workspace/dw#inst.pro] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4523 bytes Adding projectile file weidu_external/workspace/dw#inst.pro ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISSILE.ids] loaded, 8921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PROJECTL.ids] loaded, 4523 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4523 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4523 bytes override/PROJECTL.IDS copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/PROJECTL.IDS, 4523 bytes Appended text to [PROJECTL.IDS] [./override/missile.ids] loaded, 8921 bytes [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8921 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8921 bytes override/MISSILE.IDS copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/MISSILE.IDS, 8921 bytes Appended text to [MISSILE.IDS] Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/dw#inst.pro] loaded, 512 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/dw#inst.pro] to [override/dw#inst.pro] Added projectile file weidu_external/workspace/dw#inst.pro [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8934 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/spell_styles_bg.2da] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4536 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4536 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4536 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/pro_minor_lightning_bolt.pro] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4550 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/pro_minor_lightning_bolt.pro] to [override/dw-ltblt.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8961 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4550 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4550 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4550 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4563 bytes Copied [bullet.pro] to [override/dw-bldr.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8998 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/dw-bldr.bam] loaded, 2995 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/dw-bldr.bam] to [override/dw-bldr.bam] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4563 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4563 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/scorcher.pro] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/scorcher.pro] to [override/dw-polar.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9020 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/dw-polar.bam] loaded, 30027 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/dw-polar.bam] to [override/dw-polar.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/balortk1.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/sfo_temp_spl.spl, 3658 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/balortk1.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29261 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29261 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/spell.ids, 29261 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29286 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI528.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinesis_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinesis_a.bam] to [override/SPWI528a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinesis_b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinesis_b.bam] to [override/SPWI528b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinesis_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinesis_c.bam] to [override/SPWI528c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI528.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA528.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI528.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI528.spl] to [override/SPWI528.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29286 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29286 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29286 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29286 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29286 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29286 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI904.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stormbolts_a.bam] loaded, 2122 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stormbolts_a.bam] to [override/SPWI904a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stormbolts_b.bam] loaded, 1907 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stormbolts_b.bam] to [override/SPWI904b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stormbolts_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stormbolts_c.bam] to [override/SPWI904c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA904.itm] copying to override/SPWI904B.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPWI904B.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 18 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 642 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29310 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29310 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI228.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_a.bam] to [override/SPWI228a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_b.bam] loaded, 1936 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_b.bam] to [override/SPWI228b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_c.bam] loaded, 1550 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_c.bam] to [override/SPWI228c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA228.itm] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 34 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/dwstnfi1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/dwstnfi1.itm] to [override/dwstnfi1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwstnfi1.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwstnfi1.itm] to [override/dwstnfi3.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwstnfi1.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwstnfi1.itm] to [override/dwstnfi4.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwstnfi1.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwstnfi1.itm] to [override/dwstnfi5.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwstnfi1.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwstnfi1.itm] to [override/dwstnfi6.itm] copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2834 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29344 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29344 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2834 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI127.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stonefist_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stonefist_a.bam] to [override/SPWI127a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stonefist_b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stonefist_b.bam] to [override/SPWI127b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stonefist_c.bam] loaded, 1550 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/stonefist_c.bam] to [override/SPWI127c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 2834 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA127.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 2834 bytes Copied [SPWI127.spl] to [override/SPWI127.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 50 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/melfmet.itm] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [melfmet.itm] to [override/dwpebb5.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb6.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb7.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb8.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb9.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb10.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb11.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb12.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb13.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb14.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb15.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb16.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb17.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb18.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb19.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwpebb5.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dwpebb5.itm] to [override/dwpebb20.itm] copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2290 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29367 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29367 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29403 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2290 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI328.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/pebble_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/pebble_a.bam] to [override/SPWI328a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/pebble_b.bam] loaded, 1966 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/pebble_b.bam] to [override/SPWI328b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/pebble_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/pebble_c.bam] to [override/SPWI328c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 2290 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA328.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 2290 bytes Copied [SPWI328.spl] to [override/SPWI328.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 20941 bytes copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 666 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29403 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29403 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29403 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29403 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29403 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29403 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29403 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29403 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI906.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceray_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceray_a.bam] to [override/SPWI906a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceray_b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceray_b.bam] to [override/SPWI906b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceray_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceray_c.bam] to [override/SPWI906c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA906.itm] copying to override/SPWI906B.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPWI906B.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 82 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 2020 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2082 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3898 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 770 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1314 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3034 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7018 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3610 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4138 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4426 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3402 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1530 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR250A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 6898 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 7946 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR401.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 522 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 10082 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR502.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 21682 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR698D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR710A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR715A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPRA301A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI002.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 10514 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI119.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI119A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI127.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI220.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI228.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI312A.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI313.SPL] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/SPWI328.SPL] loaded, 3058 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI415.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 19154 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI493.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI494.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI497.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI498.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI499.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI528.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI613.SPL] loaded, 3498 bytes [./override/SPWI613A.SPL] loaded, 4362 bytes [./override/SPWI617.SPL] loaded, 522 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI710.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPWI711A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI809.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI816.SPL] loaded, 1242 bytes [./override/SPWI817.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI897.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI898.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI899.SPL] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI904.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI904B.SPL] loaded, 810 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI906.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/SPWI906B.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI908.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI912.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI914.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI997.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH2A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH3A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH3B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4F.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM112A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM115A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWM164A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPYANCD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SW1H27.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshr.spl] loaded, 3898 bytes override/dw-sshr.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/dw-sshr.spl, 3898 bytes Copied [dw-sshr.spl] to [override/dw-sshr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrrage.spl] loaded, 3034 bytes override/ohrrage.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/ohrrage.spl, 3034 bytes Copied [ohrrage.spl] to [override/ohrrage.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohsmode1.spl] loaded, 7066 bytes override/ohsmode1.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/ohsmode1.spl, 7066 bytes Copied [ohsmode1.spl] to [override/ohsmode1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohsmode4.spl] loaded, 7018 bytes override/ohsmode4.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/ohsmode4.spl, 7018 bytes Copied [ohsmode4.spl] to [override/ohsmode4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl152.spl] loaded, 3610 bytes override/spcl152.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/spcl152.spl, 3610 bytes Copied [spcl152.spl] to [override/spcl152.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl321.spl] loaded, 4138 bytes override/spcl321.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/spcl321.spl, 4138 bytes Copied [spcl321.spl] to [override/spcl321.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl542a.spl] loaded, 3402 bytes override/spcl542a.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/spcl542a.spl, 3402 bytes Copied [spcl542a.spl] to [override/spcl542a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl920a.spl] loaded, 2218 bytes override/spcl920a.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/spcl920a.spl, 2218 bytes Copied [spcl920a.spl] to [override/spcl920a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin117.spl] loaded, 3754 bytes override/spin117.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/spin117.spl, 3754 bytes Copied [spin117.spl] to [override/spin117.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spin872.spl] to [override/spin872.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spin906.spl] to [override/spin906.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr421.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes override/sppr421.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/sppr421.spl, 3658 bytes Copied [sppr421.spl] to [override/sppr421.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr508.spl] loaded, 21682 bytes override/sppr508.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/sppr508.spl, 21682 bytes Copied [sppr508.spl] to [override/sppr508.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 3022 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [amul17.itm] to [override/amul17.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [chalcy3.itm] to [override/chalcy3.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ipsion.itm] to [override/ipsion.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4577 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4577 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/idpro303.pro] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4591 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/idpro303.pro] to [override/dw-telst.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9038 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4591 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29433 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29433 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4591 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI822.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinetic_storm_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinetic_storm_a.bam] to [override/SPWI822a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinetic_storm_b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinetic_storm_b.bam] to [override/SPWI822b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinetic_storm_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/telekinetic_storm_c.bam] to [override/SPWI822c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI822.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA822.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/area2x.bam] loaded, 109453 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/area2x.bam] to [override/area2x.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/area2x.vvc] loaded, 492 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/area2x.vvc] to [override/area2x.vvc] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/invoct.bam] loaded, 11426 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/invoct.bam] to [override/invoct.bam] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 98 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_c.bam] to [weidu_external/workspace/dw-combu.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 7113 bytes Copying 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/dw-combu.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/dw-combu.bam] to [override/dw-combu.bam] override/statdesc.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/statdesc.2da, 7113 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29464 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29464 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4591 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI229.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_a.bam] to [override/SPWI229a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_b.bam] to [override/SPWI229b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/combust_c.bam] to [override/SPWI229c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA229.itm] copying to override/SPWI229B.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPWI229B.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 114 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#createboneguard.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copied [SPWI901.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29485 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29485 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ood.lua] to [override/m_dw_ood.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_oof.lua] to [override/m_dw_oof.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 466442 bytes override/ui.menu copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/ui.menu, 466442 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 466546 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 19 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 480 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 583 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 637 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 694 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 957 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 1551 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 2186 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 2401 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 2725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 2787 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 2840 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 2917 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 2996 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 3053 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 3145 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 3306 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 4946 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 5110 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 5280 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_OOD.LUA] loaded, 5381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ood.lua] Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osf.lua] to [override/m_dw_osf.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 463010 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#detect_class_kit_ui_edits.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/detect_chargen_status.lua] to [override/m_dw_shr.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 463475 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkf.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkf.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 4792 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3912 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3936 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3600 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4292 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3716 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3992 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4184 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3240 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3732 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3908 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2696 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2888 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3028 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2684 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3464 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3668 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3224 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2932 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2296 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 6396 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3192 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2652 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3044 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3084 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2372 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2648 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3980 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4160 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3404 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#great_druid_title_change_disabled.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spin722.spl] to [override/spin722.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470445 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470445 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_sxd.lua] to [override/m_dw_sxd.lua] Creating file DWGCALL.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCALL.spl] Creating file DWGCL_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCL_G.spl] Creating file DWGCL_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCL_N.spl] Creating file DWGCL_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCL_E.spl] Creating file DWGCN_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCN_G.spl] Creating file DWGCN_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCN_N.spl] Creating file DWGCN_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCN_E.spl] Creating file DWGCC_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCC_G.spl] Creating file DWGCC_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCC_N.spl] Creating file DWGCC_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGCC_E.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 20941 bytes override/splprot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/splprot.2da, 20941 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWGCALL.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [DWGCALL.SPL] to [override/DWGCALL.SPL] Creating file DWGDALL.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDALL.spl] Creating file DWGDL_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDL_G.spl] Creating file DWGDL_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDL_N.spl] Creating file DWGDL_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDL_E.spl] Creating file DWGDN_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDN_G.spl] Creating file DWGDN_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDN_N.spl] Creating file DWGDN_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDN_E.spl] Creating file DWGDC_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDC_G.spl] Creating file DWGDC_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDC_N.spl] Creating file DWGDC_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGDC_E.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21081 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWGDALL.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [DWGDALL.SPL] to [override/DWGDALL.SPL] Creating file DWGPALL.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPALL.spl] Creating file DWGPL_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPL_G.spl] Creating file DWGPL_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPL_N.spl] Creating file DWGPL_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPL_E.spl] Creating file DWGPN_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPN_G.spl] Creating file DWGPN_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPN_N.spl] Creating file DWGPN_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPN_E.spl] Creating file DWGPC_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPC_G.spl] Creating file DWGPC_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPC_N.spl] Creating file DWGPC_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGPC_E.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21081 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWGPALL.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [DWGPALL.SPL] to [override/DWGPALL.SPL] Creating file DWGRALL.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRALL.spl] Creating file DWGRL_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRL_G.spl] Creating file DWGRL_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRL_N.spl] Creating file DWGRL_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRL_E.spl] Creating file DWGRN_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRN_G.spl] Creating file DWGRN_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRN_N.spl] Creating file DWGRN_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRN_E.spl] Creating file DWGRC_G.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRC_G.spl] Creating file DWGRC_N.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRC_N.spl] Creating file DWGRC_E.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/DWGRC_E.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21081 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWGRALL.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [DWGRALL.SPL] to [override/DWGRALL.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABDR01.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPR01.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPA01.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABRN01.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPA02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPA03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPA04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABRN02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABRN03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABRN04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABDR02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABDR03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABDR04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPR02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPR03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPR04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [CLABPA06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR04.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/CLABPR04.2DA] loaded, 3640 bytes Appended text to [CLABPR04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [OHTYR.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... Appended text to [OHTEMPUS.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_sxf.lua] to [override/m_dw_sxf.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470445 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4591 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SXD.LUA] loaded, 523 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_sxd.lua] Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI966.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/boneguard_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/boneguard_a.bam] to [override/SPWI966a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/boneguard_b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/boneguard_b.bam] to [override/SPWI966b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/boneguard_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/boneguard_c.bam] to [override/SPWI966c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI966.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA966.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI966.spl] loaded, 378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI966.spl] to [override/SPWI966.spl] copying to override/dw#spbgd.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw#spbgd.eff] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 130 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/wizard_monster_summoning_7/ms7bgrd.cre] loaded, 6396 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/ms7bgrd.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/ms7bgrd.cre, 6396 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/copyover/wizard_monster_summoning_7/ms7bgrd.cre] to [override/ms7bgrd.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4591 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4591 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4605 bytes Copied [dagger.pro] to [override/dw-icknf.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9064 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4605 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4605 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4605 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/idpro25.pro] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/idpro25.pro] to [override/dw-ickns.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9082 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] copying to weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_bg.2da] loaded, 200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29515 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29515 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29538 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPWI128.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceknife_a.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceknife_a.bam] to [override/SPWI128a.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceknife_b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceknife_b.bam] to [override/SPWI128b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceknife_c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/iceknife_c.bam] to [override/SPWI128c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDIA128.itm] copying to override/SPWI128B.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/SPWI128B.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 146 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/arcane_spell_maps.2da] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 172 files ... [./override/25SPELL.STO] loaded, 7652 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/25SPELL.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/25SPELL.STO, 7652 bytes Copied [25SPELL.STO] to [override/25SPELL.STO] [./override/25SPELL2.STO] loaded, 7708 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/25SPELL2.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/25SPELL2.STO, 7708 bytes Copied [25SPELL2.STO] to [override/25SPELL2.STO] [./override/AMCLER02.STO] loaded, 932 bytes [./override/BAG19.STO] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/BAG19A.STO] loaded, 708 bytes [./override/BAG19B.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19C.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19D.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BAG19E.STO] loaded, 1352 bytes [./override/BERNARD.STO] loaded, 2736 bytes [./override/BERNARD2.STO] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/BERNARD3.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/BERNARD3.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/BERNARD3.STO, 2176 bytes Copied [BERNARD3.STO] to [override/BERNARD3.STO] [./override/BERNARD4.STO] loaded, 2176 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/BERNARD4.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/BERNARD4.STO, 2176 bytes Copied [BERNARD4.STO] to [override/BERNARD4.STO] [./override/BERNARD5.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BERNARD6.STO] loaded, 2428 bytes [./override/BHELM.STO] loaded, 876 bytes [./override/BMTHIEF.STO] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/BSHOP01.STO] loaded, 1628 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/BSHOP01.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/BSHOP01.STO, 1628 bytes Copied [BSHOP01.STO] to [override/BSHOP01.STO] [./override/BSHOP02.STO] loaded, 1348 bytes [./override/CDAEMERC.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/CDAEMERC.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/CDAEMERC.STO, 2252 bytes Copied [CDAEMERC.STO] to [override/CDAEMERC.STO] [./override/DAWNMAS.STO] loaded, 932 bytes [./override/DOGHMA.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/GARLENA.STO] loaded, 3564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/GARLENA.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/GARLENA.STO, 3564 bytes Copied [GARLENA.STO] to [override/GARLENA.STO] [./override/GORCH.STO] loaded, 1936 bytes [./override/GOVWAU01.STO] loaded, 808 bytes [./override/HELMPR.STO] loaded, 892 bytes [./override/HGKAR01.STO] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/JAYES.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes [./override/KPCHAP01.STO] loaded, 1044 bytes [./override/OHBMHSM.STO] loaded, 6408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/OHBMHSM.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/OHBMHSM.STO, 6408 bytes Copied [OHBMHSM.STO] to [override/OHBMHSM.STO] [./override/OHBMOLZA.STO] loaded, 864 bytes [./override/OHDHSEN.STO] loaded, 1088 bytes [./override/OHNMHSM.STO] loaded, 6408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/OHNMHSM.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/OHNMHSM.STO, 6408 bytes Copied [OHNMHSM.STO] to [override/OHNMHSM.STO] [./override/OHNPRIE1.STO] loaded, 864 bytes [./override/OHNSCRME.STO] loaded, 1028 bytes [./override/PPSTOR01.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/PPSTOR01.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/PPSTOR01.STO, 2252 bytes Copied [PPSTOR01.STO] to [override/PPSTOR01.STO] [./override/PPUMB01.STO] loaded, 1060 bytes [./override/RIBALD.STO] loaded, 4352 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/RIBALD.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/RIBALD.STO, 4352 bytes Copied [RIBALD.STO] to [override/RIBALD.STO] [./override/RIBALD2.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/RIBALD3.STO] loaded, 2132 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/RIBALD3.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/RIBALD3.STO, 2132 bytes Copied [RIBALD3.STO] to [override/RIBALD3.STO] [./override/SAHPR1.STO] loaded, 3424 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SAHPR1.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/SAHPR1.STO, 3424 bytes Copied [SAHPR1.STO] to [override/SAHPR1.STO] [./override/SARTEM01.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/SCROLLS.STO] loaded, 2204 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SCROLLS.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/SCROLLS.STO, 2204 bytes Copied [SCROLLS.STO] to [override/SCROLLS.STO] [./override/SHOP08.STO] loaded, 2972 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SHOP08.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/SHOP08.STO, 2972 bytes Copied [SHOP08.STO] to [override/SHOP08.STO] [./override/SHTHSTOR.STO] loaded, 1888 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SHTHSTOR.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/SHTHSTOR.STO, 1888 bytes Copied [SHTHSTOR.STO] to [override/SHTHSTOR.STO] [./override/SLILMAT.STO] loaded, 848 bytes [./override/SUELF10.STO] loaded, 3424 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SUELF10.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/SUELF10.STO, 3424 bytes Copied [SUELF10.STO] to [override/SUELF10.STO] [./override/TALMISS.STO] loaded, 904 bytes [./override/TEM2304.STO] loaded, 632 bytes [./override/TEM4802.STO] loaded, 536 bytes [./override/TEMHELM.STO] loaded, 1144 bytes [./override/TEMLATH.STO] loaded, 1004 bytes [./override/TEMPLE.STO] loaded, 652 bytes [./override/TEMSUP.STO] loaded, 820 bytes [./override/TEMTALOS.STO] loaded, 1100 bytes [./override/TRCAR04.STO] loaded, 1684 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/TRCAR04.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/TRCAR04.STO, 1684 bytes Copied [TRCAR04.STO] to [override/TRCAR04.STO] [./override/TRMER04.STO] loaded, 1944 bytes [./override/TRMER04A.STO] loaded, 2532 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/TRMER04A.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/TRMER04A.STO, 2532 bytes Copied [TRMER04A.STO] to [override/TRMER04A.STO] [./override/TRTHF02.STO] loaded, 2252 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/TRTHF02.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/TRTHF02.STO, 2252 bytes Copied [TRTHF02.STO] to [override/TRTHF02.STO] [./override/TYPE1.STO] loaded, 4092 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/TYPE1.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/TYPE1.STO, 4092 bytes Copied [TYPE1.STO] to [override/TYPE1.STO] [./override/TYPE2.STO] loaded, 3512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/TYPE2.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/TYPE2.STO, 3512 bytes Copied [TYPE2.STO] to [override/TYPE2.STO] [./override/TYPE3.STO] loaded, 3296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/TYPE3.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/TYPE3.STO, 3296 bytes Copied [TYPE3.STO] to [override/TYPE3.STO] [./override/UDDROW22.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.STO] loaded, 2140 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.STO] loaded, 1692 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/UDDROW25.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/UDDROW25.STO, 1692 bytes Copied [UDDROW25.STO] to [override/UDDROW25.STO] [./override/UDDUER01.STO] loaded, 1308 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/UDDUER01.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/UDDUER01.STO, 1308 bytes Copied [UDDUER01.STO] to [override/UDDUER01.STO] [./override/UDDUER02.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/UDDUER02.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/UDDUER02.STO, 2568 bytes Copied [UDDUER02.STO] to [override/UDDUER02.STO] [./override/UDSVIR04.STO] loaded, 2568 bytes [./override/UDSVIR05.STO] loaded, 2120 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/UDSVIR05.STO copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2500/UDSVIR05.STO, 2120 bytes Copied [UDSVIR05.STO] to [override/UDSVIR05.STO] [./override/WALLACE.STO] loaded, 900 bytes [./override/WALLACE2.STO] loaded, 872 bytes [./override/WILMAT.STO] loaded, 876 bytes Install Component [Add 6 new divine spells (some borrowed from Divine Remix)]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Add 6 new divine spells (some borrowed from Divine Remix)] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-extra_divine_spells.mrk] Including and running function(s) extra_divine_spells [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/extra_divine_spells.tra] has 21 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/extra_divine_spells.tpa] loaded, 6819 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/extra_divine_spells.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/extra_divine_spells.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_tof_divine_spells.mrk] Including and running function(s) faerie_fire Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/faerie_fire.tpa] loaded, 5547 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/faerie_fire.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#faerie_fire.mrk] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/faerie_fire.tra] has 3 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/faerie_fire.tra] has 3 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 7146 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaeico.bam] loaded, 1235 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaeico.bam] to [override/dwfaeico.bam] override/statdesc.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2510/statdesc.2da, 7146 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21081 bytes override/splprot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2510/splprot.2da, 21081 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21222 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/resource/sppr116.spl] loaded, 30914 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/resource/sppr116.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire.spl] to [override/dw-faer.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire_priest.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire_priest.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29538 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29538 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29538 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29538 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29538 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2510/spell.ids, 29538 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire_priest.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/faerie_fire_priest.spl] to [override/SPPR119.spl] Appending to files ... [./override/HIDESPL.2DA] loaded, 5445 bytes override/hidespl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2510/hidespl.2da, 5445 bytes Appended text to [hidespl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR119.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID119.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR119.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copied [SPPR119.spl] to [override/SPPR119.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaec.bam] loaded, 3132 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaec.bam] to [override/dwfaec.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaeb.bam] loaded, 3132 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaeb.bam] to [override/dwfaeb.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaeico.bam] loaded, 1235 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/icon/dwfaeico.bam] to [override/dwfaeico.bam] Creating file dw-faerb.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-faerb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-faer.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copied [dw-faer.spl] to [override/dw-faer.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR119.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copied [SPPR119.spl] to [override/SPPR119.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5615 bytes Copied [hidespl.2da] to [override/hidespl.2da] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5615 bytes Copied [hidespl.2da] to [override/hidespl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29563 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR107.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copied [SPPR107.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29563 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29563 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29563 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29563 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29563 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good.spl] to [override/SPPR120.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR120.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID120.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgoob.bam] loaded, 1372 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgoob.bam] to [override/cdprgoob.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgooc.bam] loaded, 664 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgooc.bam] to [override/cdprgooc.bam] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR408.spl] loaded, 6722 bytes Copied [SPPR408.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good_10_foot.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good_10_foot.spl] loaded, 6050 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29594 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29594 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good_10_foot.spl] loaded, 6050 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/protect_from_good_10_foot.spl] to [override/SPPR430.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR430.spl] loaded, 6050 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID430.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgd1b.bam] loaded, 1445 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgd1b.bam] to [override/cdprgd1b.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgd1c.bam] loaded, 1011 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/cdprgd1c.bam] to [override/cdprgd1c.bam] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29636 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmstrstn.spl] loaded, 10514 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmstrstn.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/nmstrstn.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/nmstrstn.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29636 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29636 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29636 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/nmstrstn.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/nmstrstn.spl] to [override/SPPR121.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR121.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID121.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmstrstb.bam] loaded, 1586 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmstrstb.bam] to [override/nmstrstb.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmstrstc.bam] loaded, 852 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmstrstc.bam] to [override/nmstrstc.bam] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29667 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmresacd.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmresacd.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/nmresacd.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/nmresacd.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29667 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29667 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29667 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/nmresacd.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/nmresacd.spl] to [override/SPPR220.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR220.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID220.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmresacb.bam] loaded, 1641 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmresacb.bam] to [override/nmresacb.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmresacc.bam] loaded, 727 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/dr/nmresacc.bam] to [override/nmresacc.bam] [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29706 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR701.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copied [SPPR701.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/unholy_ward.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/unholy_ward.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29706 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29706 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29706 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/unholy_ward.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/unholy_ward.spl] to [override/SPPR741.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR741.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID741.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR701.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes override/SPPR701.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2510/SPPR701.spl, 5434 bytes Copied [SPPR701.spl] to [override/SPPR701.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR701B.spl] to [override/SPPR741B.spl] Install Component [Revised Elementals]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Revised Elementals] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-elemental_cre.mrk] Including and running function(s) elemental_cre [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/elemental_cre.tra] has 30 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/elemental_cre.tpa] loaded, 33005 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/elemental_cre.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/elemental_cre.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-elemental_cre.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/move_spell_resources.tph] loaded, 46514 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/iwdspells/lib/move_spell_resources.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/move_spell_resources.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/elemental_cre_shared.tph] loaded, 24452 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/elemental_cre_shared.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/elemental_cre_shared.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elairsu3.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elearpr2.cre] to [override/elearpr2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elearsu3.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes override/elearsu3.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/elearsu3.cre, 1116 bytes Copied [elearsu3.cre] to [override/elearsu3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elfirpr2.cre] to [override/elfirpr2.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elfirsu3.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes override/elfirsu3.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/elfirsu3.cre, 1116 bytes Copied [elfirsu3.cre] to [override/elfirsu3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elairsu4.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elearpr3.cre] to [override/elearpr3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elearsu4.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes override/elearsu4.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/elearsu4.cre, 1116 bytes Copied [elearsu4.cre] to [override/elearsu4.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elfirpr3.cre] to [override/elfirpr3.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elfirsu4.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes override/elfirsu4.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/elfirsu4.cre, 1116 bytes Copied [elfirsu4.cre] to [override/elfirsu4.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8air.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes override/es8air.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/es8air.cre, 1116 bytes Copied [es8air.cre] to [override/es8air.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8erth.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes override/es8erth.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/es8erth.cre, 1096 bytes Copied [es8erth.cre] to [override/es8erth.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8fire.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes override/es8fire.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/es8fire.cre, 1096 bytes Copied [es8fire.cre] to [override/es8fire.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR605.spl] to [override/SPPR605.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR605.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/sfo_temp_spl.spl, 794 bytes Copied [SPPR605.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29736 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29736 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29736 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/spell.ids, 29736 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPPR618.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR618.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID618.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR618.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copied [SPPR618.spl] to [override/SPPR618.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526A.bam] loaded, 1631 bytes Copied [SPWI526A.bam] to [override/SPPR618A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526B.bam] loaded, 1556 bytes Copied [SPWI526B.bam] to [override/SPPR618B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526C.bam] loaded, 984 bytes Copied [SPWI526C.bam] to [override/SPPR618C.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR702.spl] to [override/SPPR702.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR702.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR702.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29773 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29773 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29773 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPPR742.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR742.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/scroll_prices.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/CDID742.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR742.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR742.spl] to [override/SPPR742.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621A.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI621A.bam] to [override/SPPR742A.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621B.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI621B.bam] to [override/SPPR742B.bam] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621C.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [SPWI621C.bam] to [override/SPPR742C.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR723.spl] to [override/SPPR723.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_water_elemental.baf] loaded, 533 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_water_elemental.baf] to [override/dw-wtrel.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_air_elemental.baf] loaded, 959 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_air_elemental.baf] to [override/dw-airel.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_earth_elemental.baf] loaded, 336 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_earth_elemental.baf] to [override/dw-earel.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_fire_elemental.baf] loaded, 945 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/baf_fire_elemental.baf] to [override/dw-firel.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29808 bytes Copied [airele01.bcs] to [override/airele01.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ohbnonin.bcs] to [override/ohbnonin.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [misc01.itm] to [override/dw-epntx.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elemimix.cre] to [override/elemimix.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elemogre.cre] to [override/elemogre.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elemyanc.cre] to [override/elemyanc.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [elemhydr.cre] to [override/elemhydr.cre] Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/elemzaam.baf] loaded, 4918 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Copying 1 file ... [./override/elemzaam.bcs] loaded, 10602 bytes Copied [elemzaam.bcs] to [override/elemimix.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 5112 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2082 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3946 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWGCALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGCC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGDC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGPC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGRC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 770 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1314 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4186 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4426 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3450 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1530 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR119.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/SPPR120.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR121.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes [./override/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR250A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 6898 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 7946 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR401.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3706 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 522 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 10082 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR430.SPL] loaded, 6050 bytes [./override/SPPR502.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 22162 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR698D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR710A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR715A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR741.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR741B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR742.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPRA301A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI002.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 10514 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI119.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI119A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI127.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPWI128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI128B.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI220.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI228.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/SPWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI312A.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI313.SPL] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/SPWI328.SPL] loaded, 3058 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI415.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 19154 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI493.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI494.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI497.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI498.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI499.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI528.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI613.SPL] loaded, 3498 bytes [./override/SPWI613A.SPL] loaded, 4362 bytes [./override/SPWI617.SPL] loaded, 522 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI710.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPWI711A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI809.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI816.SPL] loaded, 1242 bytes [./override/SPWI817.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI822.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI897.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI898.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI899.SPL] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI904.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI904B.SPL] loaded, 810 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI906.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/SPWI906B.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI908.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI912.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI914.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI966.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/SPWI997.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH2A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH3A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH3B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4F.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM112A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM115A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWM164A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPYANCD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H27.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI615.spl] to [override/DWWI615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 43337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes override/AURSTAF.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/AURSTAF.ITM, 1754 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLCK26.ITM] to [override/CLCK26.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes override/DEMILICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/DEMILICH.ITM, 4146 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes override/DW#PMSCR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/DW#PMSCR.SPL, 2746 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 8682 bytes override/JWGLOBE.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/JWGLOBE.SPL, 8682 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes override/LICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/LICH.ITM, 2946 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MAGEAMUL.ITM] to [override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes override/POTN33.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/POTN33.ITM, 1706 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2418 bytes override/RAKRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/RAKRING.ITM, 2418 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4426 bytes override/SPCL415A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/SPCL415A.SPL, 4426 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN736.SPL] to [override/SPIN736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes override/SPWI406.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/SPWI406.SPL, 14114 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes override/SPWI413A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/SPWI413A.SPL, 4474 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes override/SPWI602.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/SPWI602.SPL, 9978 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 43674 bytes override/SPWI630.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/SPWI630.SPL, 43674 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI954.SPL] to [override/SPWI954.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes override/SPWM126.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/SPWM126.SPL, 1018 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copied [SPPR302.spl] to [override/DWPI302.spl] Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/elemchan.baf] loaded, 2817 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Copying 1 file ... [./override/elemchan.bcs] loaded, 5712 bytes Copied [elemchan.bcs] to [override/elemyanc.bcs] Extending game scripts ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/yanc_top.baf] loaded, 700 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.BCS] loaded, 5712 bytes Extended script [elemyanc.bcs] with [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/yanc_top.baf] Extending game scripts ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/chan_top.baf] loaded, 566 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.BCS] loaded, 5712 bytes Extended script [elemchan.bcs] with [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/chan_top.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 43337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI408.spl] to [override/DWWI408.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 43337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBETRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBETRAI.ITM] Copied [SPWI604.spl] to [override/DWWI604.spl] Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/elemsunn.baf] loaded, 3422 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Copying 1 file ... [./override/elemsunn.bcs] loaded, 7323 bytes Copied [elemsunn.bcs] to [override/elemogre.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 43337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI431Z.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/SPWI431Z.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI431Z.SPL] to [override/SPWI431Z.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 44106 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 43337 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI431.spl] to [override/DWWI431.spl] Compiling 1 script ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/script/elemhydr.baf] loaded, 1689 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR519.spl] to [override/dw-eesp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI524.spl] to [override/dw-feshr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR616.spl] to [override/dw-aeww.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR425.spl] to [override/dw-wesm.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spyanc01.spl] to [override/spyanc01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spogre01.spl] to [override/spogre01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spimix01.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/spimix01.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/spimix01.spl, 298 bytes Copied [spimix01.spl] to [override/spimix01.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI304.spl] to [override/dw-imfir.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI404.spl] to [override/dw-olhis.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#elemental_cre_effects.mrk] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/elemental_cre.tra] has 30 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/elemental_cre.tra] has 30 translation strings [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes Adding projectile file DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/resource/dw-aura.pro ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISSILE.ids] loaded, 9105 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PROJECTL.ids] loaded, 4619 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4619 bytes override/PROJECTL.IDS copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/PROJECTL.IDS, 4619 bytes Appended text to [PROJECTL.IDS] [./override/missile.ids] loaded, 9105 bytes [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9105 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9105 bytes override/MISSILE.IDS copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/MISSILE.IDS, 9105 bytes Appended text to [MISSILE.IDS] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/resource/dw-aura.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/resource/dw-aura.pro] to [override/dw-aura.pro] Added projectile file DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/resource/dw-aura.pro Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aura.pro] loaded, 768 bytes Copied [dw-aura.pro] to [override/dw-aura.pro] copying to override/dw-eekb1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-eekb1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eekb1.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-eekb1.spl] to [override/dw-eekb2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eekb1.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-eekb1.spl] to [override/dw-eekb3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [eelem.itm] to [override/dw-eewp1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [eelem.itm] to [override/dw-eewp2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/eelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [eelem.itm] to [override/dw-eewp3.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [elemogre.itm] to [override/elemogre.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21363 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21363 bytes override/splprot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/splprot.2da, 21363 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21503 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [fireelem.itm] to [override/dw-fewp1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-fewp1.itm] to [override/dw-fewp2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-fewp1.itm] to [override/dw-fewp3.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [elemimix.itm] to [override/elemimix.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spimixd.spl] to [override/spimixd.spl] copying to override/dw-feap1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-feap1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-feap1.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-feap1.spl] to [override/dw-feap2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-feap1.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-feap1.spl] to [override/dw-feap3.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [empty] to [override/get_unique_filename_eff.ids] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 8 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 8 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-feau1.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-feau1.spl] Creating file __0000.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0000.eff] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 14 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 14 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-feau2.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-feau2.spl] Creating file __0001.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0001.eff] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 18 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 18 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-feau3.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-feau3.spl] Creating file __0002.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0002.eff] copying to override/dw-febn1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-febn1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-febn1.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-febn1.spl] to [override/dw-febn2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-febn1.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-febn1.spl] to [override/dw-febn3.spl] copying to override/dw-aeap1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-aeap1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aeap1.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-aeap1.spl] to [override/dw-aeap2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aeap1.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-aeap1.spl] to [override/dw-aeap3.spl] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 22 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 22 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-aeau1.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-aeau1.spl] Creating file __0003.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0003.eff] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 26 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 26 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-aeau2.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-aeau2.spl] Creating file __0004.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0004.eff] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 30 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 30 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-aeau3.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-aeau3.spl] Creating file __0005.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0005.eff] copying to override/dw-aexda.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-aexda.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/aelem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [aelem.itm] to [override/dw-aewp1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-aewp1.itm] to [override/dw-aewp2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-aewp1.itm] to [override/dw-aewp3.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [elemyanc.itm] to [override/elemyanc.itm] copying to override/dw-wequ.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-wequ.spl] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 34 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 34 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-weau.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-weau.spl] Creating file __0006.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0006.eff] copying to override/dw-wedr.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-wedr.spl] Creating file dw-wedr.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-wedr.eff] copying to override/dw-wexda.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-wexda.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/welem.itm] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [welem.itm] to [override/dw-wewp1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp1.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-wewp1.itm] to [override/dw-wewp2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp1.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-wewp1.itm] to [override/dw-wewp3.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [elemhydr.itm] to [override/elemhydr.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR519.spl] to [override/dw-eesp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI524.spl] to [override/dw-feshr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR616.spl] to [override/dw-aeww.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR425.spl] to [override/dw-wesm.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spyanc01.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spogre01.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spimix01.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI304.spl] to [override/dw-imfir.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI404.spl] to [override/dw-olhis.spl] Copying and patching 4792 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3912 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3936 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3600 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4292 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3716 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3992 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4184 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [C6DROWGO.CRE] to [override/C6DROWGO.CRE] [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3240 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3732 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3908 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [DDGUARD7.CRE] to [override/DDGUARD7.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [DECKFELE.CRE] to [override/DECKFELE.CRE] [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2696 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2888 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3028 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2684 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp2.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/DW#WATE2.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/DW#WATE2.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [DW#WATE2.CRE] to [override/DW#WATE2.CRE] [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp2.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-WESM.spl] loaded, 634 bytes override/DW#WATE3.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/DW#WATE3.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [DW#WATE3.CRE] to [override/DW#WATE3.CRE] [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp3.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-WESM.spl] loaded, 634 bytes override/DW#WATE4.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/DW#WATE4.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [DW#WATE4.CRE] to [override/DW#WATE4.CRE] [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELAIR01.CRE] to [override/ELAIR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [ELAIRG01.CRE] to [override/ELAIRG01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELAIRL01.CRE] to [override/ELAIRL01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELAIRSU1.CRE] to [override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes override/ELAIRSU2.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ELAIRSU2.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ELAIRSU2.CRE] to [override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes override/ELAIRSU3.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ELAIRSU3.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ELAIRSU3.CRE] to [override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes override/ELAIRSU4.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ELAIRSU4.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ELAIRSU4.CRE] to [override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELAIRSUW.CRE] to [override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELARIL01.CRE] to [override/ELARIL01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [ELEAR01.CRE] to [override/ELEAR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [ELEARG01.CRE] to [override/ELEARG01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [ELEARL01.CRE] to [override/ELEARL01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [ELEARPR.CRE] to [override/ELEARPR.CRE] [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [ELEARPR2.CRE] to [override/ELEARPR2.CRE] [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp3.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [ELEARPR3.CRE] to [override/ELEARPR3.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [ELEARSU.CRE] to [override/ELEARSU.CRE] [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/ELEARSU1.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ELEARSU1.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ELEARSU1.CRE] to [override/ELEARSU1.CRE] [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/ELEARSU2.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ELEARSU2.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ELEARSU2.CRE] to [override/ELEARSU2.CRE] [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [ELEARSU3.CRE] to [override/ELEARSU3.CRE] [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp3.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [ELEARSU4.CRE] to [override/ELEARSU4.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [ELEARSUW.CRE] to [override/ELEARSUW.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [ELEEEL01.CRE] to [override/ELEEEL01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELEFEL01.CRE] to [override/ELEFEL01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI615.spl] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPI302.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [ELEMCHAN.CRE] to [override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7228 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-OLHIS.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-WESM.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [ELEMHYDR.CRE] to [override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIMIX01.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-IMFIR.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELEMIMIX.CRE] to [override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPOGRE01.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI604.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI408.spl] loaded, 1970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [ELEMOGRE.CRE] to [override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPOGRE01.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI604.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI408.spl] loaded, 1970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [ELEMSUNN.CRE] to [override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI615.spl] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPI302.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [ELEMYANC.CRE] to [override/ELEMYANC.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIMIX01.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-IMFIR.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELEMZAAM.CRE] to [override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELFIR.CRE] to [override/ELFIR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELFIR01.CRE] to [override/ELFIR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELFIRG01.CRE] to [override/ELFIRG01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELFIRL01.CRE] to [override/ELFIRL01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELFIRPR.CRE] to [override/ELFIRPR.CRE] [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELFIRPR2.CRE] to [override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELFIRPR3.CRE] to [override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELFIRSU.CRE] to [override/ELFIRSU.CRE] [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes override/ELFIRSU1.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ELFIRSU1.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ELFIRSU1.CRE] to [override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes override/ELFIRSU2.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ELFIRSU2.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ELFIRSU2.CRE] to [override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELFIRSU3.CRE] to [override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [ELFIRSU4.CRE] to [override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ELFIRSUW.CRE] to [override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ES8AIR.CRE] to [override/ES8AIR.CRE] [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [ES8ERTH.CRE] to [override/ES8ERTH.CRE] [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [ES8FIRE.CRE] to [override/ES8FIRE.CRE] [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp1.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/ES8WATR.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/2520/ES8WATR.CRE, 1116 bytes Copied [ES8WATR.CRE] to [override/ES8WATR.CRE] [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [GORAIR01.CRE] to [override/GORAIR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [GORAIR02.CRE] to [override/GORAIR02.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [GORFIR01.CRE] to [override/GORFIR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [GORFIR02.CRE] to [override/GORFIR02.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [GORFIR03.CRE] to [override/GORFIR03.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [GORFIR04.CRE] to [override/GORFIR04.CRE] [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3464 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3668 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3224 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [KEARTH.CRE] to [override/KEARTH.CRE] [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [MDAIR.CRE] to [override/MDAIR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [MDAIR2.CRE] to [override/MDAIR2.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [MDAIRG.CRE] to [override/MDAIRG.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [MDAIRG2.CRE] to [override/MDAIRG2.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp3.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [MDEARTH.CRE] to [override/MDEARTH.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp3.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [MDEARTH2.CRE] to [override/MDEARTH2.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [MDHSSS.CRE] to [override/MDHSSS.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [MEKEAR01.CRE] to [override/MEKEAR01.CRE] [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2932 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2296 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [OBSFIR06.CRE] to [override/OBSFIR06.CRE] [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [OHBEAI01.CRE] to [override/OHBEAI01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp3.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [OHBEEA01.CRE] to [override/OHBEEA01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [OHBEFI01.CRE] to [override/OHBEFI01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [PAIREL01.CRE] to [override/PAIREL01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [SHEARTH.CRE] to [override/SHEARTH.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SHFIRE.CRE] to [override/SHFIRE.CRE] [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SUAIR.CRE] to [override/SUAIR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [SUEARTH.CRE] to [override/SUEARTH.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SUELEW1.CRE] to [override/SUELEW1.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SUFIRE.CRE] to [override/SUFIRE.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SUMELAIR.CRE] to [override/SUMELAIR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [SUMELEAR.CRE] to [override/SUMELEAR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SUMELFIR.CRE] to [override/SUMELFIR.CRE] [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SWAAIR01.CRE] to [override/SWAAIR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-AEWW.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copied [SWAAIR02.CRE] to [override/SWAAIR02.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SWAEAR01.CRE] to [override/SWAEAR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp3.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [SWAEAR02.CRE] to [override/SWAEAR02.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [SWAFIR01.CRE] to [override/SWAFIR01.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [SWAFIR02.CRE] to [override/SWAFIR02.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [TELELFIR.CRE] to [override/TELELFIR.CRE] [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3192 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2652 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [UDAIR.CRE] to [override/UDAIR.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [UDEARTH.CRE] to [override/UDEARTH.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [UDELDA.CRE] to [override/UDELDA.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [UDELDE.CRE] to [override/UDELDE.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [UDELDF.CRE] to [override/UDELDF.CRE] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [UDFIRE.CRE] to [override/UDFIRE.CRE] [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3044 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3084 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2372 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2648 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3980 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4160 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3404 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-FESHR.spl] loaded, 5530 bytes Copied [YSCARA04.CRE] to [override/YSCARA04.CRE] Install Component [Introduce new races and subraces]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Introduce new races and subraces] Install Component [Eliminate class/race restrictions and most class/ability score restrictions]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Eliminate class/race restrictions and most class/ability score restrictions] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40000/splconv.txt, 43359 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-3e_class.mrk] Including and running function(s) 3e_class [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/3e_class.tpa] loaded, 12193 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/3e_class.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/3e_class.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) setup_menus Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/setup_menus.tpa] loaded, 2205 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/setup_menus.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/setup_menus.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470569 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40000/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470569 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40000/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4792 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3912 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3936 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3600 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4292 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3716 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3992 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4184 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3240 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3732 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3908 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2696 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2888 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3028 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2684 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3464 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3668 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3224 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2932 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2296 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3192 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2652 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3044 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3084 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2372 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2648 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3980 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4160 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3404 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40000/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/virtual_class.tra] has 9 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/virtual_class.tra] has 9 translation strings Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#setup_kit_menus.mrk] [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/virtual_class.tra] has 9 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/virtual_class.tra] has 9 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470569 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470569 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4792 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3912 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3936 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3600 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4292 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3716 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3992 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4184 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3240 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3732 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3908 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2696 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2888 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3028 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2684 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3464 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3668 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3224 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2932 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2296 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3192 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2652 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3044 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3084 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2372 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2648 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3980 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4160 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3404 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/virtual_class_functions.lua] to [override/m_dw_vcf.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/virtual_class_data.lua] to [override/m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 470569 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/UI.MENU] loaded, 470569 bytes override/ui.menu copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40000/ui.menu, 470569 bytes Appended text to [ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 472119 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/UI.MENU] loaded, 472119 bytes Appended text to [ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_shr.lua] loaded, 487 bytes override/m_dw_shr.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40000/m_dw_shr.lua, 487 bytes Copied [m_dw_shr.lua] to [override/m_dw_shr.lua] [override/m_dw_shr.lua] loaded, 487 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_or_general_help.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/kit_or_general_help.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 473480 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/kit_or_general_help.lua] loaded, 367 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/dual_class_functions.lua] to [override/m_dw_duf.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 474158 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 276 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 37 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 37 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 72 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 72 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 107 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 178 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 178 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 213 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 213 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 248 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 248 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 284 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 284 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 319 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 319 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 354 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 354 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 389 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 389 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 425 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 425 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 460 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 460 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 495 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 495 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 530 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 530 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 566 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 566 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 602 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 638 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 638 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 674 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 710 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 710 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 746 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 746 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 782 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 818 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 854 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 854 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 890 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 890 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 926 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 926 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 962 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 962 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 998 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 998 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1034 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1034 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1070 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1070 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1107 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1179 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1215 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1215 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1252 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1252 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1288 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1288 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1324 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1324 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1360 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1360 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1397 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1397 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1433 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1433 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1469 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1469 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1505 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1505 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1541 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1541 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1577 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1577 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1613 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1649 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1649 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1685 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1685 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1721 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1721 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1757 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1757 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1793 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1829 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1829 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1865 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1865 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1901 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1937 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1937 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1973 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1973 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2009 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2009 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2045 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2045 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2081 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2117 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2117 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2153 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2153 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2189 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2189 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2225 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2225 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2261 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2261 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2297 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2297 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2333 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2333 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2369 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2369 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2405 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2405 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2441 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2441 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2477 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2514 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2514 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2550 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2550 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2586 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2586 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2622 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2622 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2658 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2694 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2694 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2730 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2730 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2767 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2767 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2803 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2803 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2839 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2839 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2875 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2875 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2912 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2912 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2948 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2948 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2984 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2984 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3020 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3020 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3057 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3057 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3093 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3093 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3129 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3129 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3165 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3165 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3202 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3202 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3238 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3274 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3274 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3310 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3310 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dud.lua] to [override/m_dw_dud.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_DUD.LUA] loaded, 15 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_dud.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 276 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 276 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 387 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/blackguard.tra] has 8 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/blackguard.tra] has 8 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 429 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 2 files ... Copied [6204.ini] to [override/6203.ini] Copied [6214.ini] to [override/6213.ini] Copying and patching 8 files ... Copied [6001.ini] to [override/6501.ini] Copied [6011.ini] to [override/6511.ini] Copied [6002.ini] to [override/6502.ini] Copied [6012.ini] to [override/6512.ini] Copied [6003.ini] to [override/6503.ini] Copied [6013.ini] to [override/6513.ini] Copied [6004.ini] to [override/6504.ini] Copied [6014.ini] to [override/6514.ini] Copying and patching 2 files ... Copied [6500.ini] to [override/6505.ini] Copied [6510.ini] to [override/6515.ini] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 760 bytes Copied [m_dw_vcd.lua] to [override/m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [mgsrcreq.2da] to [override/mgsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_M_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_M_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_M_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_M_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_M_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_M_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_M_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_F_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_F_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_F_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_F_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_F_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_F_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_F_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_T_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_T_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_T_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_T_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_T_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_T_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_T_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_B_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_B_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_B_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_B_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_B_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_B_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_B_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_P_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_P_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_P_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_P_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_P_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_P_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_P_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_D_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_D_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_D_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_D_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_D_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_D_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_D_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_R_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_R_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_R_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_R_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_R_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_R_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_R_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_MN_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/kit_list_template.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Including and running function(s) remove_gnome_note Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/remove_gnome_note.tpa] loaded, 702 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/remove_gnome_note.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/remove_gnome_note.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#remove_gnome_note.mrk] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/multiclass_specialists.tra] has 17 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/multiclass_specialists.tra] has 17 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 37 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 37 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 72 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 72 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 107 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 178 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 178 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 213 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 213 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 248 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 248 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 284 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 284 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 319 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 319 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 354 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 354 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 389 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 389 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 425 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 425 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 460 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 460 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 495 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 495 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 530 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 530 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 566 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 566 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 602 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 638 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 638 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 674 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 710 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 710 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 746 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 746 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 782 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 818 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 854 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 854 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 890 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 890 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 926 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 926 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 962 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 962 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 998 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 998 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1034 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1034 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1070 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1070 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1107 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1179 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1215 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1215 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1252 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1252 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1288 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1288 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1324 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1324 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1360 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1360 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1397 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1397 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1433 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1433 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1469 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1469 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1505 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1505 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1541 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1541 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1577 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1577 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1613 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1649 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1649 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1685 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1685 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1721 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1721 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1757 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1757 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1793 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1829 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1829 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1865 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1865 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1901 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1937 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1937 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1973 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1973 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2009 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2009 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2045 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2045 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2081 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2117 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2117 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2153 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2153 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2189 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2189 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2225 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2225 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2261 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2261 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2297 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2297 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2333 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2333 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2369 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2369 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2405 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2405 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2441 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2441 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2477 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2514 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2514 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2550 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2550 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2586 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2586 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2622 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2622 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2658 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2694 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2694 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2730 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2730 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2767 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2767 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2803 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2803 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2839 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2839 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2875 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2875 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2912 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2912 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2948 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2948 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2984 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2984 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3020 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3020 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3057 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3057 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3093 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3093 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3129 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3129 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3165 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3165 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3202 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3202 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3238 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3274 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3274 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3310 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3310 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dud.lua] to [override/m_dw_dud.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_DUD.LUA] loaded, 15 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_dud.lua] Install Component [Revised class alignment rules]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Revised class alignment rules] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-3e_align.mrk] Including and running function(s) 3e_align [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/3e_align.tpa] loaded, 5270 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/3e_align.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/3e_align.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jahei12b.cre] loaded, 3464 bytes override/jahei12b.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40100/jahei12b.cre, 3464 bytes Copied [jahei12b.cre] to [override/jahei12b.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jahei14.cre] loaded, 3800 bytes override/jahei14.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40100/jahei14.cre, 3800 bytes Copied [jahei14.cre] to [override/jahei14.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jaheir11.cre] loaded, 3620 bytes override/jaheir11.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40100/jaheir11.cre, 3620 bytes Copied [jaheir11.cre] to [override/jaheir11.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jaheir12.cre] loaded, 3668 bytes override/jaheir12.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40100/jaheir12.cre, 3668 bytes Copied [jaheir12.cre] to [override/jaheir12.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jaheir7.cre] loaded, 3212 bytes override/jaheir7.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40100/jaheir7.cre, 3212 bytes Copied [jaheir7.cre] to [override/jaheir7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/jaheir8.cre] loaded, 3224 bytes override/jaheir8.cre copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40100/jaheir8.cre, 3224 bytes Copied [jaheir8.cre] to [override/jaheir8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [cefald01.cre] to [override/cefald01.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [cefald02.cre] to [override/cefald02.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [cefald04.cre] to [override/cefald04.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [cefaldor.cre] to [override/cefaldor.cre] Appending to files ... Appended text to [fallen.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/FALLEN.2DA] loaded, 71 bytes Appended text to [fallen.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/FALLEN.2DA] loaded, 82 bytes Appended text to [fallen.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/FALLEN.2DA] loaded, 93 bytes Appended text to [fallen.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [fallen.2da] to [override/fallen.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\DIALOG.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\DIALOG.BIF] [.\DATA\DIALOG.BIF] 4228172 bytes, 2235 files, 0 tilesets [uhmay01.dlg.DLG] loaded [uhmay01.dlg] created from [UHMAY01.DLG] Adding UHMAY01 to internal list of available DLGs [UHMAY01.DLG] saved 151 states, 263 trans, 31 strig, 102 ttrig, 46 actions Copied [uhmay01.dlg] to [override/uhmay01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar2901.bcs] to [override/ar2901.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar2902.bcs] to [override/ar2902.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar2903.bcs] to [override/ar2903.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar2904.bcs] to [override/ar2904.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar2905.bcs] to [override/ar2905.bcs] Install Component [Make Barbarian Into a Class]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Make Barbarian Into a Class] Install Component [Make Wizard Slayer Kit Available to Barbarians]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Make Wizard Slayer Kit Available to Barbarians] Install Component [Revised Paladins and Blackguards]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Revised Paladins and Blackguards] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-revised_paladins_blackguards.mrk] Including and running function(s) revised_paladins_blackguards [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/revised_paladins_blackguards.tpa] loaded, 616 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/revised_paladins_blackguards.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/revised_paladins_blackguards.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) setup_menus Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/setup_menus.tpa] loaded, 2205 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/setup_menus.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/setup_menus.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) paladin Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/paladin.tpa] loaded, 2300 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/paladin.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/paladin.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL213.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPCL213.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/SPCL213.spl, 586 bytes Copied [SPCL213.spl] to [override/SPCL213.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL212.spl] to [override/SPCL212.spl] copying to override/#paldise.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/#paldise.spl] copying to override/#palfear.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2806 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/#palfear.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/sfo_temp_spl.spl, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR317.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2026 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29808 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29808 bytes override/spell.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/spell.ids, 29808 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2026 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPIN141.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spcl122.spl] loaded, 2138 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spcl122.spl] to [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2138 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29835 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29835 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29835 bytes Appended text to [spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copied [spell.ids] to [override/spell.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] loaded, 2138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4632 bytes Copied [weidu_external/workspace/sfo_temp_spl.spl] to [override/SPIN142.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spcl122b.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spcl122b.bam] to [override/SPIN142b.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spcl122c.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spcl122c.bam] to [override/SPIN142c.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/#eff_p15.wav] loaded, 26266 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/#eff_p15.wav] to [override/#eff_p15.wav] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit CAVALIER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4622 bytes override/CLABPA02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/CLABPA02.2da, 4622 bytes Copied [CLABPA02.2da] to [override/CLABPA02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit INQUISITOR... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5597 bytes override/CLABPA03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/CLABPA03.2da, 5597 bytes Copied [CLABPA03.2da] to [override/CLABPA03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit UNDEAD_HUNTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4130 bytes override/CLABPA04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/CLABPA04.2da, 4130 bytes Copied [CLABPA04.2da] to [override/CLABPA04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing class PALADIN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA01.2da] loaded, 3644 bytes override/CLABPA01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/CLABPA01.2da, 3644 bytes Copied [CLABPA01.2da] to [override/CLABPA01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/mxsplpal.2da] loaded, 855 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/mxsplpal.2da] to [override/mxsplpal.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Including and running function(s) paladin_smite_evil Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/paladin_smite_evil.tpa] loaded, 10178 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/paladin_smite_evil.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/paladin_smite_evil.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/statdesc.2da] loaded, 7179 bytes override/statdesc.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/statdesc.2da, 7179 bytes Copied [statdesc.2da] to [override/statdesc.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2806 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2806 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2806 bytes override/splstate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/splstate.ids, 2806 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] copying to override/dw-smpl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smpl.spl] copying to override/dw-smcs.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smcs.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex9.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex11.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex13.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex15.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex17.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex19.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex21.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex23.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex25.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex27.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dwsmex29.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dw-smgp.spl] copying to override/dw-smgc.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smgc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smgp.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smgp.spl] to [override/dw-smop.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smgp.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smgp.spl] to [override/dw-spcp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dw-smup.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dw-smcp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) copying to override/dw-smh1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sgh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-soh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sch1.eff] copying to override/dw-smh1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sgh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-soh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sch1.spl] copying to override/dw-smh2.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sgh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-soh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sch2.eff] copying to override/dw-smh2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sgh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-soh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sch2.spl] copying to override/dw-smh3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sgh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-soh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sch3.eff] copying to override/dw-smh3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sgh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-soh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sch3.spl] copying to override/dw-smh4.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sgh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-soh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sch4.eff] copying to override/dw-smh4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sgh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-soh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sch4.spl] copying to override/dw-smh5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sgh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-soh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sch5.eff] copying to override/dw-smh5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sgh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-soh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sch5.spl] copying to override/dw-smh6.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sgh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-soh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sch6.eff] copying to override/dw-smh6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sgh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-soh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sch6.spl] copying to override/dw-smh7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sgh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-soh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sch7.eff] copying to override/dw-smh7.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sgh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-soh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sch7.spl] copying to override/dw-smrm.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smrm.spl] copying to override/dwsmt1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt1.eff] copying to override/dwsmt3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt3.eff] copying to override/dwsmt5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt5.eff] copying to override/dwsmt7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt7.eff] copying to override/dwsmt9.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt9.eff] copying to override/dwsmt11.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt11.eff] copying to override/dwsmt13.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt13.eff] copying to override/dwsmt15.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt15.eff] copying to override/dwsmt17.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt17.eff] copying to override/dwsmt19.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt19.eff] copying to override/dwsmt21.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt21.eff] copying to override/dwsmt23.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt23.eff] copying to override/dwsmt25.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt25.eff] copying to override/dwsmt27.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt27.eff] copying to override/dwsmt29.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmt29.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smpl.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smpl.spl] to [override/dw-smpl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN142.spl] loaded, 2138 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN142.spl] to [override/SPIN142.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21645 bytes override/splprot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/splprot.2da, 21645 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN142.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copied [SPIN142.spl] to [override/SPIN142.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smrm.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [dw-smrm.spl] to [override/dw-smrm.spl] copying to override/dw-smh1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sgh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-soh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sch1.eff] copying to override/dw-smh1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sgh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-soh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sch1.spl] copying to override/dw-smh2.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sgh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-soh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sch2.eff] copying to override/dw-smh2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sgh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-soh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sch2.spl] copying to override/dw-smh3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sgh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-soh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sch3.eff] copying to override/dw-smh3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sgh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-soh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sch3.spl] copying to override/dw-smh4.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sgh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-soh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sch4.eff] copying to override/dw-smh4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sgh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-soh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sch4.spl] copying to override/dw-smh5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sgh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-soh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sch5.eff] copying to override/dw-smh5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sgh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-soh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sch5.spl] copying to override/dw-smh6.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sgh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-soh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sch6.eff] copying to override/dw-smh6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sgh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-soh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sch6.spl] copying to override/dw-smh7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sgh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-soh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sch7.eff] copying to override/dw-smh7.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sgh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-soh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sch7.spl] copying to override/dw-smrc.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smrc.spl] copying to override/dwsmc1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc1.eff] copying to override/dwsmc3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc3.eff] copying to override/dwsmc5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc5.eff] copying to override/dwsmc7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc7.eff] copying to override/dwsmc9.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc9.eff] copying to override/dwsmc11.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc11.eff] copying to override/dwsmc13.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc13.eff] copying to override/dwsmc15.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc15.eff] copying to override/dwsmc17.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc17.eff] copying to override/dwsmc19.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc19.eff] copying to override/dwsmc21.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc21.eff] copying to override/dwsmc23.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc23.eff] copying to override/dwsmc25.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc25.eff] copying to override/dwsmc27.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc27.eff] copying to override/dwsmc29.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmc29.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smcp.spl] loaded, 10074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smcp.spl] to [override/dw-smcp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN142.spl] loaded, 13674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN142.spl] to [override/dw-smca.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21785 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smca.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copied [dw-smca.spl] to [override/dw-smca.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smrc.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [dw-smrc.spl] to [override/dw-smrc.spl] copying to override/dw-smh1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sgh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-soh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sch1.eff] copying to override/dw-smh1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sgh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-soh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sch1.spl] copying to override/dw-smh2.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sgh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-soh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sch2.eff] copying to override/dw-smh2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sgh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-soh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sch2.spl] copying to override/dw-smh3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sgh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-soh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sch3.eff] copying to override/dw-smh3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sgh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-soh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sch3.spl] copying to override/dw-smh4.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sgh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-soh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sch4.eff] copying to override/dw-smh4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sgh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-soh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sch4.spl] copying to override/dw-smh5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sgh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-soh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sch5.eff] copying to override/dw-smh5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sgh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-soh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sch5.spl] copying to override/dw-smh6.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sgh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-soh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sch6.eff] copying to override/dw-smh6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sgh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-soh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sch6.spl] copying to override/dw-smh7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sgh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-soh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sch7.eff] copying to override/dw-smh7.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sgh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-soh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sch7.spl] copying to override/dw-smru.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smru.spl] copying to override/dwsmu1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu1.eff] copying to override/dwsmu3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu3.eff] copying to override/dwsmu5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu5.eff] copying to override/dwsmu7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu7.eff] copying to override/dwsmu9.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu9.eff] copying to override/dwsmu11.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu11.eff] copying to override/dwsmu13.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu13.eff] copying to override/dwsmu15.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu15.eff] copying to override/dwsmu17.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu17.eff] copying to override/dwsmu19.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu19.eff] copying to override/dwsmu21.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu21.eff] copying to override/dwsmu23.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu23.eff] copying to override/dwsmu25.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu25.eff] copying to override/dwsmu27.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu27.eff] copying to override/dwsmu29.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmu29.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smup.spl] loaded, 4314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smup.spl] to [override/dw-smup.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN142.spl] loaded, 13674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN142.spl] to [override/dw-smuh.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21785 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smuh.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copied [dw-smuh.spl] to [override/dw-smuh.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smru.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [dw-smru.spl] to [override/dw-smru.spl] copying to override/dw-smh1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sgh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-soh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sch1.eff] copying to override/dw-smh1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sgh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-soh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sch1.spl] copying to override/dw-smh2.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sgh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-soh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sch2.eff] copying to override/dw-smh2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sgh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-soh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sch2.spl] copying to override/dw-smh3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sgh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-soh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sch3.eff] copying to override/dw-smh3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sgh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-soh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sch3.spl] copying to override/dw-smh4.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sgh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-soh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sch4.eff] copying to override/dw-smh4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sgh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-soh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sch4.spl] copying to override/dw-smh5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sgh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-soh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sch5.eff] copying to override/dw-smh5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sgh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-soh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sch5.spl] copying to override/dw-smh6.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sgh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-soh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sch6.eff] copying to override/dw-smh6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sgh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-soh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sch6.spl] copying to override/dw-smh7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sgh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-soh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sch7.eff] copying to override/dw-smh7.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sgh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-soh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sch7.spl] copying to override/dw-smrb.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smrb.spl] copying to override/dwsmg1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg1.eff] copying to override/dwsmg3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg3.eff] copying to override/dwsmg5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg5.eff] copying to override/dwsmg7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg7.eff] copying to override/dwsmg9.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg9.eff] copying to override/dwsmg11.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg11.eff] copying to override/dwsmg13.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg13.eff] copying to override/dwsmg15.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg15.eff] copying to override/dwsmg17.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg17.eff] copying to override/dwsmg19.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg19.eff] copying to override/dwsmg21.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg21.eff] copying to override/dwsmg23.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg23.eff] copying to override/dwsmg25.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg25.eff] copying to override/dwsmg27.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg27.eff] copying to override/dwsmg29.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmg29.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smgp.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smgp.spl] to [override/dw-smgp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN142.spl] loaded, 13674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN142.spl] to [override/dw-smbg.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21785 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smbg.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copied [dw-smbg.spl] to [override/dw-smbg.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smrb.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [dw-smrb.spl] to [override/dw-smrb.spl] copying to override/dw-smh1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sgh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-soh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sch1.eff] copying to override/dw-smh1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sgh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-soh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sch1.spl] copying to override/dw-smh2.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sgh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-soh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sch2.eff] copying to override/dw-smh2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sgh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-soh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sch2.spl] copying to override/dw-smh3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sgh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-soh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sch3.eff] copying to override/dw-smh3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sgh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-soh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sch3.spl] copying to override/dw-smh4.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sgh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-soh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sch4.eff] copying to override/dw-smh4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sgh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-soh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sch4.spl] copying to override/dw-smh5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sgh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-soh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sch5.eff] copying to override/dw-smh5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sgh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-soh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sch5.spl] copying to override/dw-smh6.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sgh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-soh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sch6.eff] copying to override/dw-smh6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sgh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-soh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sch6.spl] copying to override/dw-smh7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sgh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-soh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sch7.eff] copying to override/dw-smh7.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sgh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-soh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sch7.spl] copying to override/dw-sorb.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-sorb.spl] copying to override/dwsmo1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo1.eff] copying to override/dwsmo3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo3.eff] copying to override/dwsmo5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo5.eff] copying to override/dwsmo7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo7.eff] copying to override/dwsmo9.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo9.eff] copying to override/dwsmo11.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo11.eff] copying to override/dwsmo13.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo13.eff] copying to override/dwsmo15.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo15.eff] copying to override/dwsmo17.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo17.eff] copying to override/dwsmo19.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo19.eff] copying to override/dwsmo21.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo21.eff] copying to override/dwsmo23.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo23.eff] copying to override/dwsmo25.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo25.eff] copying to override/dwsmo27.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo27.eff] copying to override/dwsmo29.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmo29.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smop.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smop.spl] to [override/dw-smop.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN142.spl] loaded, 13674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN142.spl] to [override/dw-smbo.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21785 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smbo.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copied [dw-smbo.spl] to [override/dw-smbo.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sorb.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [dw-sorb.spl] to [override/dw-sorb.spl] copying to override/dw-smh1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sgh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-soh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh1.eff] to [override/dw-sch1.eff] copying to override/dw-smh1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sgh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-soh1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh1.spl] to [override/dw-sch1.spl] copying to override/dw-smh2.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sgh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-soh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh2.eff] to [override/dw-sch2.eff] copying to override/dw-smh2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sgh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-soh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh2.spl] to [override/dw-sch2.spl] copying to override/dw-smh3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sgh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-soh3.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh3.eff] to [override/dw-sch3.eff] copying to override/dw-smh3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sgh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-soh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh3.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh3.spl] to [override/dw-sch3.spl] copying to override/dw-smh4.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sgh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-soh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh4.eff] to [override/dw-sch4.eff] copying to override/dw-smh4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sgh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-soh4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh4.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh4.spl] to [override/dw-sch4.spl] copying to override/dw-smh5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sgh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-soh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh5.eff] to [override/dw-sch5.eff] copying to override/dw-smh5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sgh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-soh5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh5.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh5.spl] to [override/dw-sch5.spl] copying to override/dw-smh6.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sgh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-soh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh6.eff] to [override/dw-sch6.eff] copying to override/dw-smh6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sgh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-soh6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh6.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh6.spl] to [override/dw-sch6.spl] copying to override/dw-smh7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sgh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-soh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copied [dw-smh7.eff] to [override/dw-sch7.eff] copying to override/dw-smh7.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-smh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sgh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-soh7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smh7.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-smh7.spl] to [override/dw-sch7.spl] copying to override/dw-scrb.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-scrb.spl] copying to override/dwsmx1.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx1.eff] copying to override/dwsmx3.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx3.eff] copying to override/dwsmx5.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx5.eff] copying to override/dwsmx7.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx7.eff] copying to override/dwsmx9.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx9.eff] copying to override/dwsmx11.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx11.eff] copying to override/dwsmx13.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx13.eff] copying to override/dwsmx15.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx15.eff] copying to override/dwsmx17.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx17.eff] copying to override/dwsmx19.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx19.eff] copying to override/dwsmx21.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx21.eff] copying to override/dwsmx23.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx23.eff] copying to override/dwsmx25.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx25.eff] copying to override/dwsmx27.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx27.eff] copying to override/dwsmx29.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsmx29.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-spcp.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-spcp.spl] to [override/dw-spcp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN142.spl] loaded, 13674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPIN142.spl] to [override/dw-smbc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21785 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-smbc.spl] loaded, 3594 bytes Copied [dw-smbc.spl] to [override/dw-smbc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-scrb.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [dw-scrb.spl] to [override/dw-scrb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit CAVALIER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes Copied [CLABPA02.2da] to [override/CLABPA02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit UNDEAD_HUNTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes Copied [CLABPA04.2da] to [override/CLABPA04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit BLACKGUARD... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4185 bytes override/CLABPA06.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40190/CLABPA06.2da, 4185 bytes Copied [CLABPA06.2da] to [override/CLABPA06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Including and running function(s) paladin_extra_uses Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/paladin_extra_uses.tpa] loaded, 3190 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/paladin_extra_uses.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/paladin_extra_uses.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing class PALADIN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA01.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPA01.2da] to [override/CLABPA01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit CAVALIER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes Copied [CLABPA02.2da] to [override/CLABPA02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit INQUISITOR... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5832 bytes [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5832 bytes [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5832 bytes [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5832 bytes [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5832 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5832 bytes Copied [CLABPA03.2da] to [override/CLABPA03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit UNDEAD_HUNTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes Copied [CLABPA04.2da] to [override/CLABPA04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit BLACKGUARD... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes Copied [CLABPA06.2da] to [override/CLABPA06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes SKIPPING: [Icewind Dale-style paladins and blackguards] Skipping this component as its contents have already been installed via another component SKIPPING: [Revised Smite Evil] This component requires either Icewind Dale, or for the 'Icewind Dale-style paladins' component to be installed SKIPPING: [Higher-level paladins get additional uses of Lay on Hands and Smite Evil] Skipping this component as its contents have already been installed via another component Install Component [Rangers use Icewind Dale-style spell memorisation]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Rangers use Icewind Dale-style spell memorisation] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-ranger_spells.mrk] Including and running function(s) ranger_spells [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/ranger_spells.tpa] loaded, 155 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/ranger_spells.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/ranger_spells.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/mxsplpal.2da] loaded, 855 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/mxsplpal.2da] to [override/mxsplran.2da] Install Component [Thieves gain the Evasion ability (on a successful save for half damage against abilities that require you to dodge, take no damage)]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Thieves gain the Evasion ability (on a successful save for half damage against abilities that require you to dodge, take no damage)] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-implement_evasion.mrk] Including and running function(s) implement_evasion [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/shared.tra] has 4 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/implement_evasion.tpa] loaded, 2752 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/implement_evasion.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/implement_evasion.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/evasion_shared.tph] loaded, 4778 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/evasion_shared.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/evasion_shared.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/3e_save/3e_save.tpa] loaded, 39835 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/3e_save/3e_save.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/3e_save.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings copying to override/#evasion.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/#evasion.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit ASSASIN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABTH02.2da] to [override/CLABTH02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit BOUNTY_HUNTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABTH03.2da] to [override/CLABTH03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit SWASHBUCKLER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABTH04.2da] to [override/CLABTH04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit SHADOWDANCER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABTH05.2da] to [override/CLABTH05.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing class THIEF... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABTH01.2da] to [override/CLABTH01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/3e_save/data/hardcoded_saves.2da] loaded, 452 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#evasion_setup.mrk] Copying and patching 2176 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#EVASION.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/#PALDISE.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/#PALFEAR.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva0.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva0.spl] Copied [BALTH01.SPL] to [override/BALTH01.SPL] [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2082 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 31 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva1.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva1.spl] override/CDSTAF12.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/CDSTAF12.SPL, 2082 bytes Copied [CDSTAF12.SPL] to [override/CDSTAF12.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 62 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva2.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva2.spl] Copied [CH3AWAY.SPL] to [override/CH3AWAY.SPL] [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 97 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva3.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva3.spl] Copied [DRGRBRHT.SPL] to [override/DRGRBRHT.SPL] [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 133 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva4.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva4.spl] override/DW#OHBEF.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW#OHBEF.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [DW#OHBEF.SPL] to [override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2794 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 169 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva5.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva5.spl] override/DW#SPIMI.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW#SPIMI.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [DW#SPIMI.SPL] to [override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 205 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva6.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva6.spl] override/DW-AEAP1.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-AEAP1.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [DW-AEAP1.SPL] to [override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] [./override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 222 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva7.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva7.spl] override/DW-AEAP2.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-AEAP2.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [DW-AEAP2.SPL] to [override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] [./override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 239 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva8.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva8.spl] override/DW-AEAP3.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-AEAP3.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [DW-AEAP3.SPL] to [override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] [./override/DW-AEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEWW.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 256 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva9.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva9.spl] override/DW-FEAP1.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-FEAP1.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [DW-FEAP1.SPL] to [override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] [./override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 273 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva10.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva10.spl] override/DW-FEAP2.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-FEAP2.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [DW-FEAP2.SPL] to [override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] [./override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 290 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva11.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva11.spl] override/DW-FEAP3.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-FEAP3.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [DW-FEAP3.SPL] to [override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] [./override/DW-FEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FESHR.SPL] loaded, 5530 bytes [./override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 307 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva12.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva12.spl] override/DW-IMFIR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-IMFIR.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [DW-IMFIR.SPL] to [override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-OLHIS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SGH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SMBC.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBG.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBO.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCA.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCP.SPL] loaded, 10794 bytes [./override/DW-SMCS.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGC.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMOP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMPL.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRC.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRM.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRU.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMUH.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMUP.SPL] loaded, 5034 bytes [./override/DW-SOH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SORB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SPCP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 332 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva13.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva13.spl] override/DW-SSHB.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-SSHB.SPL, 346 bytes Copied [DW-SSHB.SPL] to [override/DW-SSHB.SPL] [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3946 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-WEAU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WEDR.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/DW-WEQU.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-WESM.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 371 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva14.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva14.spl] override/DW-WESM.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DW-WESM.SPL, 634 bytes Copied [DW-WESM.SPL] to [override/DW-WESM.SPL] [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWGCALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGCC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGCN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGDC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGPC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGRC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWPI302.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 400 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva15.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva15.spl] override/DWPI302.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DWPI302.SPL, 1346 bytes Copied [DWPI302.SPL] to [override/DWPI302.SPL] [./override/DWSMEX1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX11.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX13.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX15.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX17.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX19.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX21.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX23.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX25.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX27.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX29.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX9.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWI408.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/DWWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/DWWI604.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI615.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 430 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva16.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva16.spl] override/DWWI615.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/DWWI615.SPL, 554 bytes Copied [DWWI615.SPL] to [override/DWWI615.SPL] [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 14 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 9114 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 461 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva17.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva17.spl] override/MELIS02B.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/MELIS02B.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [MELIS02B.SPL] to [override/MELIS02B.SPL] [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 491 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva18.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva18.spl] Copied [OHBCALLL.SPL] to [override/OHBCALLL.SPL] [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 770 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 522 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva19.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva19.spl] override/OHBDRAG1.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/OHBDRAG1.SPL, 770 bytes Copied [OHBDRAG1.SPL] to [override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 558 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva20.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva20.spl] Copied [OHBQUAKE.SPL] to [override/OHBQUAKE.SPL] [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 585 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva21.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva21.spl] Copied [OHBWI304.SPL] to [override/OHBWI304.SPL] [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1314 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 610 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva22.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva22.spl] override/OHBWI308.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/OHBWI308.SPL, 1314 bytes Copied [OHBWI308.SPL] to [override/OHBWI308.SPL] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 14 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 14 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 28 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 28 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 28 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 641 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva23.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva23.spl] Copied [OHDMASK.SPL] to [override/OHDMASK.SPL] [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 669 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva24.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva24.spl] Copied [OHJWSP01.SPL] to [override/OHJWSP01.SPL] [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 41 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 41 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 705 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva25.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva25.spl] Copied [OHRGROG.SPL] to [override/OHRGROG.SPL] [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 740 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva26.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva26.spl] Copied [SPBLUN29.SPL] to [override/SPBLUN29.SPL] [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPCL212.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 772 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva27.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva27.spl] Copied [SPCL239A.SPL] to [override/SPCL239A.SPL] [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4186 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3450 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 808 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva28.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva28.spl] override/SPCL722.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPCL722.SPL, 1954 bytes Copied [SPCL722.SPL] to [override/SPCL722.SPL] [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1530 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 838 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva29.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva29.spl] Copied [SPCL911B.SPL] to [override/SPCL911B.SPL] [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 874 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva30.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva30.spl] Copied [SPCRYO01.SPL] to [override/SPCRYO01.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 903 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva31.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva31.spl] Copied [SPCTMD01.SPL] to [override/SPCTMD01.SPL] [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 928 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva32.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva32.spl] override/SPDR301.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPDR301.SPL, 1218 bytes Copied [SPDR301.SPL] to [override/SPDR301.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 958 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva33.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva33.spl] Copied [SPDR601.SPL] to [override/SPDR601.SPL] [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIMIXD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 989 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva34.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva34.spl] override/SPIN136.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPIN136.SPL, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN136.SPL] to [override/SPIN136.SPL] [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes [./override/SPIN142.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 54 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 54 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 67 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1013 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva35.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva35.spl] Copied [SPIN539.SPL] to [override/SPIN539.SPL] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 67 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 67 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1039 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva36.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva36.spl] Copied [SPIN547.SPL] to [override/SPIN547.SPL] [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1068 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva37.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva37.spl] Copied [SPIN579.SPL] to [override/SPIN579.SPL] [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1098 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva38.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva38.spl] Copied [SPIN595.SPL] to [override/SPIN595.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1142 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva39.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva39.spl] Copied [SPIN596.SPL] to [override/SPIN596.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1182 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva40.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva40.spl] Copied [SPIN597.SPL] to [override/SPIN597.SPL] [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1226 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva41.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva41.spl] Copied [SPIN691.SPL] to [override/SPIN691.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1261 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva42.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva42.spl] Copied [SPIN693.SPL] to [override/SPIN693.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1296 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva43.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva43.spl] Copied [SPIN701.SPL] to [override/SPIN701.SPL] [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1320 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva44.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva44.spl] override/SPIN714.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPIN714.SPL, 1218 bytes Copied [SPIN714.SPL] to [override/SPIN714.SPL] [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1350 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva45.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva45.spl] Copied [SPIN819.SPL] to [override/SPIN819.SPL] [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1376 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva46.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva46.spl] Copied [SPIN833.SPL] to [override/SPIN833.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1418 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva47.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva47.spl] Copied [SPIN834.SPL] to [override/SPIN834.SPL] [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1447 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva48.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva48.spl] Copied [SPIN885.SPL] to [override/SPIN885.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1481 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva49.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva49.spl] Copied [SPIN897.SPL] to [override/SPIN897.SPL] [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1506 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva50.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva50.spl] Copied [SPIN936.SPL] to [override/SPIN936.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1531 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva51.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva51.spl] Copied [SPIN939.SPL] to [override/SPIN939.SPL] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 80 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 80 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1556 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva52.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva52.spl] Copied [SPIN956.SPL] to [override/SPIN956.SPL] [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1595 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva53.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva53.spl] Copied [SPIN989.SPL] to [override/SPIN989.SPL] [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPOGRE01.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1625 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva54.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva54.spl] override/SPOGRE01.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPOGRE01.SPL, 634 bytes Copied [SPOGRE01.SPL] to [override/SPOGRE01.SPL] [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1652 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva55.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva55.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes override/SPPR118C.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR118C.SPL, 1874 bytes Copied [SPPR118C.SPL] to [override/SPPR118C.SPL] [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1688 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva56.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva56.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes override/SPPR118D.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR118D.SPL, 1874 bytes Copied [SPPR118D.SPL] to [override/SPPR118D.SPL] [./override/SPPR119.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/SPPR120.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR121.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1724 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva57.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva57.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR217.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPPR217.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR217.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR217.SPL] to [override/SPPR217.SPL] [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes [./override/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR250A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1753 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva58.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva58.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR302.SPL] to [override/SPPR302.SPL] [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 6898 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1783 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva59.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva59.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 970 bytes override/SPPR326.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR326.SPL, 970 bytes Copied [SPPR326.SPL] to [override/SPPR326.SPL] [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 7946 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR401.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1809 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva60.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva60.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes override/SPPR419B.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR419B.SPL, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR419B.SPL] to [override/SPPR419B.SPL] [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3706 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1845 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva61.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva61.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPPR425.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR425.SPL, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR425.SPL] to [override/SPPR425.SPL] [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 522 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1874 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva62.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva62.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 522 bytes override/SPPR426.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR426.SPL, 522 bytes Copied [SPPR426.SPL] to [override/SPPR426.SPL] [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 10082 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR430.SPL] loaded, 6050 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1901 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva63.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva63.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR450.SPL] to [override/SPPR450.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1928 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva64.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva64.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR450.spl] loaded, 2578 bytes Copied [SPPR450B.SPL] to [override/SPPR450B.SPL] [./override/SPPR502.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 1964 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva65.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva65.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes override/SPPR503D.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR503D.SPL, 1170 bytes Copied [SPPR503D.SPL] to [override/SPPR503D.SPL] [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 22162 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 93 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 107 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 107 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2000 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva66.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva66.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPPR617.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR617.SPL, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR617.SPL] to [override/SPPR617.SPL] [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR698D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR710A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR715A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 107 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 107 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 121 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 121 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2031 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva67.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva67.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR720.SPL] to [override/SPPR720.SPL] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 121 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 121 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 134 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR741.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR741B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR742.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2057 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva68.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva68.spl] override/SPPR985D.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPPR985D.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR985D.SPL] to [override/SPPR985D.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2093 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva69.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva69.spl] Copied [SPPR987.SPL] to [override/SPPR987.SPL] [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPRA301A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2123 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva70.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva70.spl] Copied [SPWI001.SPL] to [override/SPWI001.SPL] [./override/SPWI002.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2147 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva71.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva71.spl] override/SPWI002.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI002.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI002.SPL] to [override/SPWI002.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2177 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva72.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva72.spl] Copied [SPWI009.SPL] to [override/SPWI009.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2212 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva73.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva73.spl] Copied [SPWI015.SPL] to [override/SPWI015.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2233 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva74.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva74.spl] Copied [SPWI017.SPL] to [override/SPWI017.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2269 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva75.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva75.spl] Copied [SPWI018.SPL] to [override/SPWI018.SPL] [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 10514 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2290 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva76.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva76.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI103.SPL] to [override/SPWI103.SPL] [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI119.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI119A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes [./override/SPWI127.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPWI128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI128B.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2319 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva77.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva77.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes override/SPWI128B.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI128B.SPL, 554 bytes Copied [SPWI128B.SPL] to [override/SPWI128B.SPL] [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI220.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2336 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva78.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva78.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes override/SPWI225B.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI225B.SPL, 642 bytes Copied [SPWI225B.SPL] to [override/SPWI225B.SPL] [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2372 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva79.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva79.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes override/SPWI225C.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI225C.SPL, 642 bytes Copied [SPWI225C.SPL] to [override/SPWI225C.SPL] [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI228.SPL] loaded, 642 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2408 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva80.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva80.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 642 bytes override/SPWI228.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI228.SPL, 642 bytes Copied [SPWI228.SPL] to [override/SPWI228.SPL] [./override/SPWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2444 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva81.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva81.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI303.SPL] to [override/SPWI303.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2471 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva82.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva82.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI304.SPL] to [override/SPWI304.SPL] [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2495 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva83.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva83.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes override/SPWI308.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI308.SPL, 1218 bytes Copied [SPWI308.SPL] to [override/SPWI308.SPL] [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI312A.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI313.SPL] loaded, 1586 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2525 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva84.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva84.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI313.spl] loaded, 1586 bytes override/SPWI313.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI313.SPL, 1586 bytes Copied [SPWI313.SPL] to [override/SPWI313.SPL] [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 2666 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2551 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva85.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva85.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI327.spl] loaded, 2666 bytes override/SPWI327.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI327.SPL, 2666 bytes Copied [SPWI327.SPL] to [override/SPWI327.SPL] [./override/SPWI328.SPL] loaded, 3058 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2586 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva86.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva86.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI399.SPL] to [override/SPWI399.SPL] [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14786 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4522 bytes [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI415.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 19154 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2616 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva87.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva87.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI430.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI430.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI430.SPL] to [override/SPWI430.SPL] [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI493.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI494.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI497.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI498.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI499.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2637 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva88.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva88.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI503.SPL] to [override/SPWI503.SPL] [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2665 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva89.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva89.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI523D.SPL] to [override/SPWI523D.SPL] [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI528.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 10410 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI613.SPL] loaded, 3498 bytes [./override/SPWI613A.SPL] loaded, 4362 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2701 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva90.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva90.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI615.SPL] to [override/SPWI615.SPL] [./override/SPWI617.SPL] loaded, 522 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 1770 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2732 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva91.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva91.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 1770 bytes override/SPWI626.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI626.SPL, 1770 bytes Copied [SPWI626.SPL] to [override/SPWI626.SPL] [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 44538 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI710.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPWI711A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2773 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva92.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva92.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI712.SPL] to [override/SPWI712.SPL] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 134 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 134 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 147 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 147 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 147 bytes [./override/SPWI715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2811 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva93.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva93.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI727.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI727.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI727.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI727.SPL] to [override/SPWI727.SPL] [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI809.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2841 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva94.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva94.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI810.SPL] to [override/SPWI810.SPL] [./override/SPWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI816.SPL] loaded, 1242 bytes [./override/SPWI817.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI822.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI897.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI898.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI899.SPL] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI904.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI904B.SPL] loaded, 810 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2873 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva95.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva95.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI904B.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI904B.SPL, 810 bytes Copied [SPWI904B.SPL] to [override/SPWI904B.SPL] [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI906.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2890 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva96.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva96.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 666 bytes override/SPWI906.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI906.SPL, 666 bytes Copied [SPWI906.SPL] to [override/SPWI906.SPL] [./override/SPWI906B.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI908.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI912.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI914.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2923 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva97.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva97.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI922.SPL] to [override/SPWI922.SPL] [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2954 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva98.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva98.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI953.SPL] to [override/SPWI953.SPL] [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 2985 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva99.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva99.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI957.SPL] to [override/SPWI957.SPL] [./override/SPWI966.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3009 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva100.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva100.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI979.SPL] to [override/SPWI979.SPL] [./override/SPWI997.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3037 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva101.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva101.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI997.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI997.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/SPWI997.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI997.SPL] to [override/SPWI997.SPL] [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH2A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH3A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH3B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4F.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM112A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM115A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWM164A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 147 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 147 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 160 bytes [./override/SPYANC01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPYANCD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SW1H27.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 3047 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 160 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 160 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 174 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3067 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva102.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva102.spl] Copied [AMUL01.ITM] to [override/AMUL01.ITM] [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3099 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva103.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva103.spl] Copied [ANGAROW.ITM] to [override/ANGAROW.ITM] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3128 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva104.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva104.spl] Copied [AROW06.ITM] to [override/AROW06.ITM] [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5586 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 978 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 174 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 174 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 188 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 188 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 188 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3162 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva105.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva105.spl] Copied [FIRESEED.ITM] to [override/FIRESEED.ITM] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3188 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva106.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva106.spl] Copied [FLAM01.ITM] to [override/FLAM01.ITM] [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 188 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 188 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 200 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 200 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 200 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 200 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3215 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva107.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva107.spl] Copied [GLOBBLU1.ITM] to [override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3242 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva108.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva108.spl] Copied [GLOBRED1.ITM] to [override/GLOBRED1.ITM] [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 200 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 200 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 213 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 213 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3268 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva109.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva109.spl] override/ICETRL.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/ICETRL.ITM, 410 bytes Copied [ICETRL.ITM] to [override/ICETRL.ITM] [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 213 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 213 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 226 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 226 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 226 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 239 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 239 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 239 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 251 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 251 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 251 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3289 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva110.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva110.spl] Copied [KALDW1.ITM] to [override/KALDW1.ITM] [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3323 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva111.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva111.spl] Copied [MAGICOLD.ITM] to [override/MAGICOLD.ITM] [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3359 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva112.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva112.spl] Copied [MDK2MTOV.ITM] to [override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3392 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva113.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva113.spl] Copied [MISC3H.ITM] to [override/MISC3H.ITM] [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3423 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva114.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva114.spl] Copied [OHBSHLD1.ITM] to [override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 251 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 251 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 265 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 265 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 265 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 265 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 279 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3458 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva115.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva115.spl] Copied [POTN13.ITM] to [override/POTN13.ITM] [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3493 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva116.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva116.spl] Copied [POTN26.ITM] to [override/POTN26.ITM] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3528 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva117.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva117.spl] Copied [POTN27.ITM] to [override/POTN27.ITM] [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2466 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 279 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 279 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3564 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva118.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva118.spl] Copied [SECRET04.ITM] to [override/SECRET04.ITM] [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 292 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 292 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3600 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva119.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva119.spl] Copied [SW1H67.ITM] to [override/SW1H67.ITM] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 304 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 304 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 317 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 317 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3631 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva120.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva120.spl] Copied [TTWAND.ITM] to [override/TTWAND.ITM] [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3665 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva121.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva121.spl] Copied [WAND05.ITM] to [override/WAND05.ITM] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3692 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva122.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva122.spl] Copied [WAND06.ITM] to [override/WAND06.ITM] [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3720 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva123.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva123.spl] override/WAND07.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/WAND07.ITM, 314 bytes Copied [WAND07.ITM] to [override/WAND07.ITM] [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3752 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva124.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva124.spl] Copied [WAND11.ITM] to [override/WAND11.ITM] [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 317 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] loaded, 317 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/save_mismatch.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3786 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva125.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva125.spl] override/WAND14.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40450/WAND14.ITM, 850 bytes Copied [WAND14.ITM] to [override/WAND14.ITM] [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] loaded, 3809 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion.txt] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/evasion.tra] has 2 translation strings Creating file dweva126.spl; 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dweva126.spl] Copied [WOLFWI1.ITM] to [override/WOLFWI1.ITM] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 26 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 50 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 75 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 101 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 122 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 145 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 178 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 204 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 225 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 244 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 266 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 289 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 309 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 336 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 366 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 391 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 416 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 447 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 483 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 509 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 525 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 546 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 570 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 605 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 627 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 653 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 677 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 698 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 716 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 736 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] loaded, 758 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/evasion_documentation.txt] SKIPPING: [Modified thief Evasion] This component is only available for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Install Component [Rebalanced thief and bounty hunter traps at low levels]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Rebalanced thief and bounty hunter traps at low levels] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-rebalance_traps.mrk] Including and running function(s) rebalance_traps [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/kit_rebalance.tra] has 71 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/rebalance_traps.tpa] loaded, 2172 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/rebalance_traps.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/rebalance_traps.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl411.spl] to [override/spcl411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Editing class THIEF... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl415.spl] loaded, 994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/spcl415.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40470/spcl415.spl, 994 bytes Copied [spcl415.spl] to [override/spcl415.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit BOUNTY_HUNTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Install Component [Revised favored enemy for rangers: new enemy groups, and rangers reselect their favored enemy at 4th level and every third level thereafter]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Revised favored enemy for rangers: new enemy groups, and rangers reselect their favored enemy at 4th level and every third level thereafter] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-ranger_favored_enemy.mrk] Including and running function(s) ranger_favored_enemy [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/ranger_favored_enemy.tra] has 35 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/ranger_favored_enemy.tpa] loaded, 1561 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/ranger_favored_enemy.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/ranger_favored_enemy.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/data/ranger_favored_enemies.ini] loaded, 1195 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 474158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 474158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4792 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3912 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3936 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3600 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4292 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3716 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3992 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4184 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3240 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3732 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3908 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2696 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2888 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3028 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2684 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3464 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3668 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3212 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3224 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2932 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2296 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3192 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2652 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3044 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3084 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2372 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2648 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3980 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4160 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3404 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 474158 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/UI.MENU] loaded, 474158 bytes override/ui.menu copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/ui.menu, 474158 bytes Appended text to [ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 111 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_fed.lua] to [override/m_dw_fed.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_fee.lua] to [override/m_dw_fee.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_fef.lua] to [override/m_dw_fef.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit FERALAN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABRN02.2da] loaded, 3642 bytes override/CLABRN02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/CLABRN02.2da, 3642 bytes Copied [CLABRN02.2da] to [override/CLABRN02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit STALKER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABRN03.2da] loaded, 3590 bytes override/CLABRN03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/CLABRN03.2da, 3590 bytes Copied [CLABRN03.2da] to [override/CLABRN03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit BEASTMASTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABRN04.2da] loaded, 3597 bytes override/CLABRN04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/CLABRN04.2da, 3597 bytes Copied [CLABRN04.2da] to [override/CLABRN04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing class RANGER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABRN01.2da] loaded, 3597 bytes override/CLABRN01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/CLABRN01.2da, 3597 bytes Copied [CLABRN01.2da] to [override/CLABRN01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 111 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 111 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa108.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa108.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah148.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad148.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah125.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad125.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah126.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad126.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa108.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa108.spl] to [override/dwhaa108.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 208 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa115.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa115.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah150.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad150.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah155.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad155.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa115.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa115.spl] to [override/dwhaa115.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 269 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 269 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa175.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa175.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah133.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad133.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah134.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad134.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah136.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad136.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah132.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad132.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa175.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa175.spl] to [override/dwhaa175.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 330 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 330 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa144.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa144.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah149.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad149.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa144.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa144.spl] to [override/dwhaa144.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 391 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 391 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa123.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa123.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah124.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad124.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah130.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad130.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah167.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad167.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah172.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad172.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa123.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa123.spl] to [override/dwhaa123.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 452 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 452 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa154.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa154.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah162.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad162.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah131.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad131.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah135.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad135.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa154.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa154.spl] to [override/dwhaa154.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 513 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 513 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa146.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa146.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah118.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad118.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah102.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad102.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah178.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad178.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah177.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad177.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa146.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa146.spl] to [override/dwhaa146.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 574 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa116.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa116.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah104.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad104.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah160.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad160.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah107.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad107.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah119.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad119.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah127.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad127.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa116.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa116.spl] to [override/dwhaa116.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 635 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 635 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa145.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa145.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah139.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad139.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah147.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad147.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa145.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa145.spl] to [override/dwhaa145.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 696 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 696 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa121.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa121.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah153.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad153.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah185.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad185.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah156.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad156.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah157.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad157.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah128.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad128.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah141.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad141.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah158.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad158.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah159.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad159.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah153.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad153.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa121.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa121.spl] to [override/dwhaa121.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 757 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 757 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa113.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa113.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah129.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad129.eff] SFO warning: failed to resolve favored enemy type SNOW_TROLL: not in race.ids [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 639 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] loaded, 639 bytes weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/sfo_warnings.txt, 639 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sfo_warnings.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah142.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad142.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah199.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad199.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa113.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa113.spl] to [override/dwhaa113.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 818 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 818 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa161.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa161.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah111.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad111.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demhit3.eff] to [override/dwhah143.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [demdam3.eff] to [override/dwhad143.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa161.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa161.spl] to [override/dwhaa161.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 879 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa110.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa110.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa110.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa110.spl] to [override/dwhaa110.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 940 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 940 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Creating file dwhaa112.spl; 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa112.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwhaa112.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwhaa112.spl] to [override/dwhaa112.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 1001 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 1001 bytes Copied [haterace.2da] to [override/haterace.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 1001 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_fed.lua] to [override/m_dw_fed.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21785 bytes override/splprot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40500/splprot.2da, 21785 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haterace.2da] loaded, 1001 bytes Creating file dw-rine.spl; 1594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-rine.spl] Creating file dwhaa143.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwhaa143.spl] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_FEE.LUA] loaded, 22 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_fee.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Install Component [Revised shapeshift powers for druids and avengers]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Revised shapeshift powers for druids and avengers] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-druid_shapeshift.mrk] Including and running function(s) druid_shapeshift [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/shapeshift.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/druid_shapeshift.tpa] loaded, 21564 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/druid_shapeshift.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/druid_shapeshift.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/lib_shapeshift.tph] loaded, 29547 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/lib_shapeshift.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/lib_shapeshift.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/elemental_cre_shared.tph] loaded, 24452 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/elemental_cre/elemental_cre_shared.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/elemental_cre_shared.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes copying to override/dw-sshe.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-sshe.spl] copying to override/dwssgs13.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs13.spl] override/SPCL612.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/SPCL612.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/SPCL612.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [wolfm.itm] to [override/wolfm.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes copying to override/dwssgs14.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs14.spl] override/SPCL613.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/SPCL613.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/SPCL613.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [brblp.itm] to [override/brblp.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl611.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [spcl611.spl] to [override/dw-dswi.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/wolfm.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [wolfm.itm] to [override/dw-ssdwi.itm] [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dswi.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs15.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs15.spl] Copied [dw-dswi.spl] to [override/dw-dswi.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssdwi.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [dw-ssdwi.itm] to [override/dw-ssdwi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl611.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [spcl611.spl] to [override/dw-dsbi.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/brblp.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [brblp.itm] to [override/plypbear.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsbi.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/plypbear.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsbi.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs16.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs16.spl] Copied [dw-dsbi.spl] to [override/dw-dsbi.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/plypbear.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [plypbear.itm] to [override/plypbear.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-dsbt.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/brblp.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [brblp.itm] to [override/plybeetl.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsbt.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs17.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs17.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-btl1.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-btl1.bam] to [override/dw-btl1.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-btl2.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-btl2.bam] to [override/dw-btl2.bam] Copied [dw-dsbt.spl] to [override/dw-dsbt.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/plybeetl.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [plybeetl.itm] to [override/plybeetl.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-ssf1.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-fewp1.itm] to [override/dw-ssfe1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst9.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssf1.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs18.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs18.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 29 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 29 bytes weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt, 29 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-sfel.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-sfel.bam] to [override/dw-sfel.bam] Copied [dw-ssf1.spl] to [override/dw-ssf1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssfe1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/ifire.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/ifire.bam] to [override/ifire.bam] Copied [dw-ssfe1.itm] to [override/dw-ssfe1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-ssf2.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-fewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-fewp2.itm] to [override/dw-ssfe2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst10.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssf2.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs19.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs19.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 39 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 39 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copied [dw-ssf2.spl] to [override/dw-ssf2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssfe2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-ssfe2.itm] to [override/dw-ssfe2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-ssa1.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-aewp1.itm] to [override/dw-ssae1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst11.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssa1.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs20.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs20.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 49 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 49 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copied [dw-ssa1.spl] to [override/dw-ssa1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssae1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-ssae1.itm] to [override/dw-ssae1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-ssa2.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-aewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-aewp2.itm] to [override/dw-ssae2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst12.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssa2.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs21.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs21.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 59 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 59 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copied [dw-ssa2.spl] to [override/dw-ssa2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssae2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-ssae2.itm] to [override/dw-ssae2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-sse1.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [dw-eewp1.itm] to [override/dw-ssee1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst13.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sse1.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs22.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs22.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-seel.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-seel.bam] to [override/dw-seel.bam] Copied [dw-sse1.spl] to [override/dw-sse1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssee1.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [dw-ssee1.itm] to [override/dw-ssee1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-sse2.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-eewp2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [dw-eewp2.itm] to [override/dw-ssee2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst14.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sse2.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs23.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs23.spl] Copied [dw-sse2.spl] to [override/dw-sse2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssee2.itm] loaded, 218 bytes Copied [dw-ssee2.itm] to [override/dw-ssee2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-ssw1.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp1.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [dw-wewp1.itm] to [override/dw-sswe1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst15.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssw1.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs24.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs24.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 69 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 69 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-swel.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-swel.bam] to [override/dw-swel.bam] Copied [dw-ssw1.spl] to [override/dw-ssw1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswe1.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [dw-sswe1.itm] to [override/dw-sswe1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-ssw2.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dw-wewp2.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [dw-wewp2.itm] to [override/dw-sswe2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst16.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssw2.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs25.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs25.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 78 bytes Copied [dw-ssw2.spl] to [override/dw-ssw2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswe2.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [dw-sswe2.itm] to [override/dw-sswe2.itm] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/dw-dsba.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsba.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [dw-dsba.spl] to [override/dw-dsba.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsba.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb2.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb3.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb5.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb6.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-dsba.spl] to [override/dw-dsba.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/dw-dsb1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb1.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [dw-dsb1.spl] to [override/dw-dsb1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb1.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb7.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb8.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb9.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb10.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb11.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-dsb1.spl] to [override/dw-dsb1.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/dw-dsb2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb2.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [dw-dsb2.spl] to [override/dw-dsb2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb2.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb12.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb13.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb14.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb15.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb16.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-dsb2.spl] to [override/dw-dsb2.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/dw-dsb3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb3.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [dw-dsb3.spl] to [override/dw-dsb3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs8.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb3.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb17.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb18.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb19.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb20.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb21.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-dsb3.spl] to [override/dw-dsb3.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/dw-dsb4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb4.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [dw-dsb4.spl] to [override/dw-dsb4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs9.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-dsb4.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb22.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb23.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb24.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb25.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb26.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-dsb4.spl] to [override/dw-dsb4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-sahs.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/plyspid.itm] loaded, 1130 bytes Copied [plyspid.itm] to [override/dw-sshsp.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst17.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sahs.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs26.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs26.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-assp.bam] loaded, 2002 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-assp.bam] to [override/dw-assp.bam] Copied [dw-sahs.spl] to [override/dw-sahs.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshsp.itm] loaded, 1130 bytes Copied [dw-sshsp.itm] to [override/dw-sshsp.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshsp.itm] loaded, 1082 bytes Copied [dw-sshsp.itm] to [override/dw-sshsp.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL632.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL632.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL632.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes copying to override/dwssgs27.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs27.spl] override/SPCL632.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/SPCL632.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [SPCL632.spl] to [override/SPCL632.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [plyspid2.itm] to [override/plyspid2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL613.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL613.spl] to [override/dw-sawy.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [plywyvrn.itm] to [override/dw-sswyv.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst18.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sawy.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs28.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs28.spl] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-aswy.bam] loaded, 1787 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/dw-aswy.bam] to [override/dw-aswy.bam] Copied [dw-sawy.spl] to [override/dw-sawy.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswyv.itm] loaded, 2282 bytes Copied [dw-sswyv.itm] to [override/dw-sswyv.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswyv.itm] loaded, 2666 bytes Copied [dw-sswyv.itm] to [override/dw-sswyv.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL633.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL633.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL633.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes copying to override/dwssgs29.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs29.spl] override/SPCL633.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/SPCL633.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [SPCL633.spl] to [override/SPCL633.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [plywyvrn.itm] to [override/plywyvrn.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYWYVRN.itm] loaded, 2714 bytes Copied [PLYWYVRN.itm] to [override/PLYWYVRN.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/dw-asww.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/wolfm.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [wolfm.itm] to [override/dw-sswwi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [charbase.cre] to [override/dwsst19.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-asww.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs30.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs30.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 210 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 210 bytes weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt, 210 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs30.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs30.spl] to [override/dwssgs30.spl] Copied [dw-asww.spl] to [override/dw-asww.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswwi.itm] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [dw-sswwi.itm] to [override/dw-sswwi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswwi.itm] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-sswwi.itm] to [override/dw-sswwi.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4632 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4632 bytes override/projectl.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/projectl.ids, 4632 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/winterwolf.pro] loaded, 768 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4646 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/winterwolf.pro] to [override/dw-sswwb.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9118 bytes override/missile.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/missile.ids, 9118 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/cocoldt.bam] loaded, 51018 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/cocoldt.bam] to [override/cocoldt.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spin169.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4646 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/spin169.spl] to [override/dw-sswb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswb.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [dw-sswb.spl] to [override/dw-sswb.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/SPCL612.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [SPCL612.spl] to [override/dw-asba.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-asba.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copied [dw-asba.spl] to [override/dw-asba.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dwssrs10.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-asba.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb27.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb28.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb29.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb30.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb31.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb32.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb33.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb34.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwsstb35.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-asba.spl] to [override/dw-asba.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [./override/CLABDR02.2da] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/CLABDR02.2da] loaded, 3618 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [./override/CLABDR03.2da] loaded, 3625 bytes [./override/CLABDR03.2da] loaded, 3625 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing class DRUID... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABDR01.2da] loaded, 3605 bytes override/CLABDR01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/CLABDR01.2da, 3605 bytes Copied [CLABDR01.2da] to [override/CLABDR01.2da] ...done Editing class DRUID... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit BEAST_FRIEND... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABDR04.2da] loaded, 4079 bytes override/CLABDR04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/CLABDR04.2da, 4079 bytes Copied [CLABDR04.2da] to [override/CLABDR04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 219 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin123.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin124.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin150.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin151.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spinhum.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi489.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi490.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spwi491.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshr.spl] loaded, 3946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sssp.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sshb.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssrh.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sspb.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssgc.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssmt.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssbg.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sswb.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_applied_powers.txt] loaded, 78 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ssrh.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sssi.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-sssw.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-feau1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-feau2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aeau1.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aeau2.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-weau.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spin122.spl] loaded, 490 bytes override/dw-ssra.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40600/dw-ssra.spl, 3130 bytes Copied [spin122.spl] to [override/dw-ssra.spl] Install Component [Druids use cleric XP and spell tables]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Druids use cleric XP and spell tables] Install Component [Revised speciality priests of Lathander/Helm/Talos/Tempus/Tyr]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Revised speciality priests of Lathander/Helm/Talos/Tempus/Tyr] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-adjust_vanilla_priests.mrk] Including and running function(s) adjust_vanilla_priests [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/kit.tra] has 556 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/adjust_vanilla_priests.tpa] loaded, 833 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/adjust_vanilla_priests.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/adjust_vanilla_priests.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] loaded, 6988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/symbol_stronghold.tph] loaded, 3757 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/symbol_stronghold.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/symbol_stronghold.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [misc01.itm] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#spheres_installed.mrk] [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/sphere.tra] has 34 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/lang/english/sphere.tra] has 34 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/sphere_list.2da] loaded, 473 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] processing air sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/air.txt] loaded, 95 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 4805 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes override/AERBOD01.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERBOD01.CRE, 1960 bytes Copied [AERBOD01.CRE] to [override/AERBOD01.CRE] [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3912 bytes override/AERIE10.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERIE10.CRE, 3912 bytes Copied [AERIE10.CRE] to [override/AERIE10.CRE] [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3936 bytes override/AERIE11.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERIE11.CRE, 3936 bytes Copied [AERIE11.CRE] to [override/AERIE11.CRE] [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes override/AERIE12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERIE12.CRE, 4176 bytes Copied [AERIE12.CRE] to [override/AERIE12.CRE] [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes override/AERIE6.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERIE6.CRE, 3024 bytes Copied [AERIE6.CRE] to [override/AERIE6.CRE] [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes override/AERIE7.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERIE7.CRE, 3276 bytes Copied [AERIE7.CRE] to [override/AERIE7.CRE] [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3600 bytes override/AERIE9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERIE9.CRE, 3600 bytes Copied [AERIE9.CRE] to [override/AERIE9.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes override/ANOMEN10.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/ANOMEN10.CRE, 4232 bytes Copied [ANOMEN10.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN10.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4292 bytes override/ANOMEN12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/ANOMEN12.CRE, 4292 bytes Copied [ANOMEN12.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN12.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3716 bytes override/ANOMEN6.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/ANOMEN6.CRE, 3716 bytes Copied [ANOMEN6.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN6.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes override/ANOMEN7.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/ANOMEN7.CRE, 3968 bytes Copied [ANOMEN7.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN7.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3992 bytes override/ANOMEN8.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/ANOMEN8.CRE, 3992 bytes Copied [ANOMEN8.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN8.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4184 bytes override/ANOMEN9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/ANOMEN9.CRE, 4184 bytes Copied [ANOMEN9.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN9.CRE] [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [CEBEAR01.CRE] to [override/CEBEAR01.CRE] [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3240 bytes override/CERND10.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CERND10.CRE, 3240 bytes Copied [CERND10.CRE] to [override/CERND10.CRE] [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3732 bytes override/CERND12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CERND12.CRE, 3732 bytes Copied [CERND12.CRE] to [override/CERND12.CRE] [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes override/CERND13.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CERND13.CRE, 3768 bytes Copied [CERND13.CRE] to [override/CERND13.CRE] [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3768 bytes override/CERND13B.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CERND13B.CRE, 3768 bytes Copied [CERND13B.CRE] to [override/CERND13B.CRE] [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3908 bytes override/CERND14.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CERND14.CRE, 3908 bytes Copied [CERND14.CRE] to [override/CERND14.CRE] [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2696 bytes override/DORN10.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DORN10.CRE, 2696 bytes Copied [DORN10.CRE] to [override/DORN10.CRE] [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2888 bytes override/DORN12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DORN12.CRE, 2888 bytes Copied [DORN12.CRE] to [override/DORN12.CRE] [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3028 bytes override/DORN14.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DORN14.CRE, 3028 bytes Copied [DORN14.CRE] to [override/DORN14.CRE] [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2684 bytes override/DORN9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DORN9.CRE, 2684 bytes Copied [DORN9.CRE] to [override/DORN9.CRE] [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes Copied [EDWIN11.CRE] to [override/EDWIN11.CRE] Copied [EDWIN12.CRE] to [override/EDWIN12.CRE] Copied [EDWIN13.CRE] to [override/EDWIN13.CRE] Copied [EDWIN15.CRE] to [override/EDWIN15.CRE] Copied [EDWIN7.CRE] to [override/EDWIN7.CRE] Copied [EDWIN9.CRE] to [override/EDWIN9.CRE] [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copied [HAER10.CRE] to [override/HAER10.CRE] Copied [HAER11.CRE] to [override/HAER11.CRE] Copied [HAER13.CRE] to [override/HAER13.CRE] Copied [HAER15.CRE] to [override/HAER15.CRE] Copied [HAER19.CRE] to [override/HAER19.CRE] [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes override/IDIOT01.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/IDIOT01.CRE, 1856 bytes Copied [IDIOT01.CRE] to [override/IDIOT01.CRE] Copied [IMOEN10.CRE] to [override/IMOEN10.CRE] Copied [IMOEN15.CRE] to [override/IMOEN15.CRE] Copied [IMOEN211.CRE] to [override/IMOEN211.CRE] Copied [IMOEN213.CRE] to [override/IMOEN213.CRE] [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3464 bytes override/JAHEI12B.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/JAHEI12B.CRE, 3464 bytes Copied [JAHEI12B.CRE] to [override/JAHEI12B.CRE] [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes override/JAHEI14.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/JAHEI14.CRE, 3800 bytes Copied [JAHEI14.CRE] to [override/JAHEI14.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes override/JAHEIR11.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/JAHEIR11.CRE, 3620 bytes Copied [JAHEIR11.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR11.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3668 bytes override/JAHEIR12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/JAHEIR12.CRE, 3668 bytes Copied [JAHEIR12.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR12.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3212 bytes override/JAHEIR7.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/JAHEIR7.CRE, 3212 bytes Copied [JAHEIR7.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR7.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3224 bytes override/JAHEIR8.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/JAHEIR8.CRE, 3224 bytes Copied [JAHEIR8.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR8.CRE] Copied [JAN10.CRE] to [override/JAN10.CRE] Copied [JAN11.CRE] to [override/JAN11.CRE] Copied [JAN12.CRE] to [override/JAN12.CRE] Copied [JAN15.CRE] to [override/JAN15.CRE] Copied [JAN8.CRE] to [override/JAN8.CRE] [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes Copied [KELDOR8.CRE] to [override/KELDOR8.CRE] [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes Copied [KORGAN11.CRE] to [override/KORGAN11.CRE] Copied [KORGAN12.CRE] to [override/KORGAN12.CRE] Copied [KORGAN15.CRE] to [override/KORGAN15.CRE] Copied [KORGAN8.CRE] to [override/KORGAN8.CRE] Copied [KORGAN9.CRE] to [override/KORGAN9.CRE] Copied [MAZZY11.CRE] to [override/MAZZY11.CRE] Copied [MAZZY12.CRE] to [override/MAZZY12.CRE] Copied [MAZZY15.CRE] to [override/MAZZY15.CRE] Copied [MAZZY8.CRE] to [override/MAZZY8.CRE] Copied [MAZZY9.CRE] to [override/MAZZY9.CRE] [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes override/MINSC10.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/MINSC10.CRE, 2716 bytes Copied [MINSC10.CRE] to [override/MINSC10.CRE] [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2932 bytes override/MINSC12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/MINSC12.CRE, 2932 bytes Copied [MINSC12.CRE] to [override/MINSC12.CRE] [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes override/MINSC14.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/MINSC14.CRE, 3092 bytes Copied [MINSC14.CRE] to [override/MINSC14.CRE] [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2296 bytes override/MINSC8.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/MINSC8.CRE, 2296 bytes Copied [MINSC8.CRE] to [override/MINSC8.CRE] [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes override/MINSC9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/MINSC9.CRE, 2572 bytes Copied [MINSC9.CRE] to [override/MINSC9.CRE] [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes Copied [NALDEAD.CRE] to [override/NALDEAD.CRE] Copied [NALIA10.CRE] to [override/NALIA10.CRE] Copied [NALIA11.CRE] to [override/NALIA11.CRE] Copied [NALIA13.CRE] to [override/NALIA13.CRE] Copied [NALIA15.CRE] to [override/NALIA15.CRE] Copied [NALIA18.CRE] to [override/NALIA18.CRE] Copied [NALIA8.CRE] to [override/NALIA8.CRE] Copied [NEERA10.CRE] to [override/NEERA10.CRE] Copied [NEERA11.CRE] to [override/NEERA11.CRE] Copied [NEERA12.CRE] to [override/NEERA12.CRE] Copied [NEERA13.CRE] to [override/NEERA13.CRE] Copied [NEERA15.CRE] to [override/NEERA15.CRE] Copied [NEERA8.CRE] to [override/NEERA8.CRE] [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes Copied [OHHFAK10.CRE] to [override/OHHFAK10.CRE] Copied [OHHFAK11.CRE] to [override/OHHFAK11.CRE] Copied [OHHFAK13.CRE] to [override/OHHFAK13.CRE] Copied [OHHFAK15.CRE] to [override/OHHFAK15.CRE] Copied [OHHFAK8.CRE] to [override/OHHFAK8.CRE] Copied [OHHFAK9.CRE] to [override/OHHFAK9.CRE] [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [SAREVOK.CRE] to [override/SAREVOK.CRE] [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3192 bytes override/TTBRAN.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/TTBRAN.CRE, 3192 bytes Copied [TTBRAN.CRE] to [override/TTBRAN.CRE] [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2652 bytes override/TTJAHIER.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/TTJAHIER.CRE, 2652 bytes Copied [TTJAHIER.CRE] to [override/TTJAHIER.CRE] Copied [TTXAN.CRE] to [override/TTXAN.CRE] [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes override/VALYG11.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VALYG11.CRE, 2792 bytes Copied [VALYG11.CRE] to [override/VALYG11.CRE] [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3044 bytes override/VALYG12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VALYG12.CRE, 3044 bytes Copied [VALYG12.CRE] to [override/VALYG12.CRE] [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3084 bytes override/VALYG14.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VALYG14.CRE, 3084 bytes Copied [VALYG14.CRE] to [override/VALYG14.CRE] [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2372 bytes override/VALYG8.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VALYG8.CRE, 2372 bytes Copied [VALYG8.CRE] to [override/VALYG8.CRE] [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2648 bytes override/VALYG9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VALYG9.CRE, 2648 bytes Copied [VALYG9.CRE] to [override/VALYG9.CRE] [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3620 bytes override/VICONI11.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VICONI11.CRE, 3620 bytes Copied [VICONI11.CRE] to [override/VICONI11.CRE] [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3980 bytes override/VICONI13.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VICONI13.CRE, 3980 bytes Copied [VICONI13.CRE] to [override/VICONI13.CRE] [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4160 bytes override/VICONI16.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VICONI16.CRE, 4160 bytes Copied [VICONI16.CRE] to [override/VICONI16.CRE] [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes override/VICONI6.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VICONI6.CRE, 3152 bytes Copied [VICONI6.CRE] to [override/VICONI6.CRE] [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3152 bytes override/VICONI8.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VICONI8.CRE, 3152 bytes Copied [VICONI8.CRE] to [override/VICONI8.CRE] [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3404 bytes override/VICONI9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/VICONI9.CRE, 3404 bytes Copied [VICONI9.CRE] to [override/VICONI9.CRE] Copied [YOSHI10.CRE] to [override/YOSHI10.CRE] Copied [YOSHI12.CRE] to [override/YOSHI12.CRE] Copied [YOSHI7.CRE] to [override/YOSHI7.CRE] Copied [YOSHI8.CRE] to [override/YOSHI8.CRE] [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 475638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 475638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 475638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 475638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4805 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1768 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3480 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3480 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 3720 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 2784 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3000 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3264 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 3956 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4016 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3584 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 3956 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 2988 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3524 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2672 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2840 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 2980 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2672 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1736 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3356 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3512 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3380 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3380 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3080 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3080 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2008 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2680 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2872 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3032 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2284 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2548 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3108 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2616 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2756 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2360 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2624 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3332 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3596 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 3776 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 2948 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 2948 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3176 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/spell_system_functions.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssf.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/spell_system_data.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 3061 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5586 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 978 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2466 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 377 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 475638 bytes override/ui.menu copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/ui.menu, 475638 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 6505 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 6505 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing all sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/all.txt] loaded, 42 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 13 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 6661 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 6661 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing animal sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/animal.txt] loaded, 185 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 24 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 6783 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 6783 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing charm sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/charm.txt] loaded, 104 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 41 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 7039 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 7039 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing combat sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/combat.txt] loaded, 221 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 56 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 7229 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 7229 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing divination_cleric sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/divination_cleric.txt] loaded, 69 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 73 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 7501 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 7501 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing divine sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/divine.txt] loaded, 316 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 105 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 7667 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 7667 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing earth sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/earth.txt] loaded, 97 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 122 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 8067 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 8067 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing evil sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/evil.txt] loaded, 143 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 137 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 8225 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 8225 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing fey sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/fey.txt] loaded, 47 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 150 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 8429 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 8429 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing fire sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/fire.txt] loaded, 87 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 161 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 8535 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 8535 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing good sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/good.txt] loaded, 99 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 174 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 8691 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 8691 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing healing sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/healing.txt] loaded, 179 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 187 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 8847 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 8847 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing moon sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/moon.txt] loaded, 41 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 206 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 9089 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 9089 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing nature sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/nature.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 219 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 9197 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 9197 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing necromantic sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/necromantic.txt] loaded, 307 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 236 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 9261 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 9261 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing plant sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/plant.txt] loaded, 92 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 263 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 9607 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 9607 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing protection sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/protection.txt] loaded, 286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sphere_spells_missing.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sphere_spells_missing.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sphere_spells_missing.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 278 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 9797 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 9797 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing summoning sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/summoning.txt] loaded, 31 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 303 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10077 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 10077 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing sun sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/sun.txt] loaded, 59 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 326 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10179 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 10179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing wards sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/wards.txt] loaded, 195 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sphere_spells_missing.txt] loaded, 38 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sphere_spells_missing.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sphere_spells_missing.txt] loaded, 68 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/sphere_spells_missing.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 337 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10317 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 10317 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] processing water sphere Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sphere/water.txt] loaded, 66 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 352 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10539 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 10539 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 191 files ... [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR119.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/SPPR120.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR121.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes [./override/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 6898 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 7946 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR401.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3706 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 810 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 10082 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR430.SPL] loaded, 6050 bytes [./override/SPPR450.SPL] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/SPPR502.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 22162 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR741.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR742.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR742.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR302.spl] loaded, 2690 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR328.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR217.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR218.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR319.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR429.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR517.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR717.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR113.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR102.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR512.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR310.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR214.spl] loaded, 2658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR412.spl] loaded, 9410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3706 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR507.spl] loaded, 7506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR603.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR513.spl] loaded, 6930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR312.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR111.spl] loaded, 16274 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR203.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR417.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR713.spl] loaded, 2266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR423.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR403.spl] loaded, 37634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR406.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 22162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR121.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR424.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR702.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR720.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR120.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR430.spl] loaded, 6050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR703.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR741.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR704.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR418.spl] loaded, 2018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR605.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710.spl] loaded, 1258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR701.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR103.spl] loaded, 1514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR315.spl] loaded, 3194 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR401.spl] loaded, 4034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR502.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR711.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR119.spl] loaded, 13394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR427.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR117.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 5810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR329.spl] loaded, 7946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR524.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR428.spl] loaded, 10082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR324.spl] loaded, 6898 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR321.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR714.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR610.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR105.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR202.spl] loaded, 13794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR325.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR327.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR108.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR210.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR220.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR306.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR407.spl] loaded, 4050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR107.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR408.spl] loaded, 6722 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR409.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 50914 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 3466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR521.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR211.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR706.spl] loaded, 1426 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR718.spl] loaded, 1618 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR719.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR618.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 201 files ... [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes override/SPPR102.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR102.SPL, 634 bytes Copied [SPPR102.SPL] to [override/SPPR102.SPL] [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes override/SPPR105.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR105.SPL, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR105.SPL] to [override/SPPR105.SPL] Copied [SPPR106.SPL] to [override/SPPR106.SPL] [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes override/SPPR107.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR107.SPL, 9554 bytes Copied [SPPR107.SPL] to [override/SPPR107.SPL] [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes override/SPPR108.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR108.SPL, 1114 bytes Copied [SPPR108.SPL] to [override/SPPR108.SPL] Copied [SPPR109.SPL] to [override/SPPR109.SPL] [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes override/SPPR117.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR117.SPL, 3674 bytes Copied [SPPR117.SPL] to [override/SPPR117.SPL] [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes override/SPPR118.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR118.SPL, 6674 bytes Copied [SPPR118.SPL] to [override/SPPR118.SPL] [./override/SPPR119.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/SPPR120.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes override/SPPR120.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR120.SPL, 8594 bytes Copied [SPPR120.SPL] to [override/SPPR120.SPL] [./override/SPPR121.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes Copied [SPPR201.SPL] to [override/SPPR201.SPL] [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPPR203.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR203.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPPR203.SPL] to [override/SPPR203.SPL] Copied [SPPR204.SPL] to [override/SPPR204.SPL] Copied [SPPR207.SPL] to [override/SPPR207.SPL] Copied [SPPR208.SPL] to [override/SPPR208.SPL] [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes override/SPPR211.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR211.SPL, 8594 bytes Copied [SPPR211.SPL] to [override/SPPR211.SPL] Copied [SPPR213.SPL] to [override/SPPR213.SPL] [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes override/SPPR214.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR214.SPL, 2658 bytes Copied [SPPR214.SPL] to [override/SPPR214.SPL] [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPPR217.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR217.SPL, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR217.SPL] to [override/SPPR217.SPL] [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPPR218.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR218.SPL, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR218.SPL] to [override/SPPR218.SPL] [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes override/SPPR219.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR219.SPL, 5810 bytes Copied [SPPR219.SPL] to [override/SPPR219.SPL] [./override/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR301.SPL] to [override/SPPR301.SPL] [./override/SPPR302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes override/SPPR302.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR302.SPL, 2690 bytes Copied [SPPR302.SPL] to [override/SPPR302.SPL] Copied [SPPR304.SPL] to [override/SPPR304.SPL] Copied [SPPR305.SPL] to [override/SPPR305.SPL] [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes Copied [SPPR307.SPL] to [override/SPPR307.SPL] Copied [SPPR308.SPL] to [override/SPPR308.SPL] [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR313.SPL] to [override/SPPR313.SPL] Copied [SPPR314.SPL] to [override/SPPR314.SPL] [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes Copied [SPPR318.SPL] to [override/SPPR318.SPL] [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes override/SPPR319.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR319.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR319.SPL] to [override/SPPR319.SPL] [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPPR320.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR320.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR320.SPL] to [override/SPPR320.SPL] [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes override/SPPR321.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR321.SPL, 1546 bytes Copied [SPPR321.SPL] to [override/SPPR321.SPL] [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes override/SPPR322.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR322.SPL, 2410 bytes Copied [SPPR322.SPL] to [override/SPPR322.SPL] [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPPR323.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR323.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPPR323.SPL] to [override/SPPR323.SPL] [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 6898 bytes override/SPPR324.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR324.SPL, 6898 bytes Copied [SPPR324.SPL] to [override/SPPR324.SPL] [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPPR325.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR325.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR325.SPL] to [override/SPPR325.SPL] [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes override/SPPR326.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR326.SPL, 1066 bytes Copied [SPPR326.SPL] to [override/SPPR326.SPL] [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes override/SPPR327.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR327.SPL, 682 bytes Copied [SPPR327.SPL] to [override/SPPR327.SPL] [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPPR328.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR328.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR328.SPL] to [override/SPPR328.SPL] [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 7946 bytes override/SPPR329.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR329.SPL, 7946 bytes Copied [SPPR329.SPL] to [override/SPPR329.SPL] [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPPR330.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR330.SPL, 778 bytes Copied [SPPR330.SPL] to [override/SPPR330.SPL] [./override/SPPR401.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes override/SPPR403.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR403.SPL, 37634 bytes Copied [SPPR403.SPL] to [override/SPPR403.SPL] Copied [SPPR405.SPL] to [override/SPPR405.SPL] [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes override/SPPR408.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR408.SPL, 6722 bytes Copied [SPPR408.SPL] to [override/SPPR408.SPL] [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes Copied [SPPR410.SPL] to [override/SPPR410.SPL] [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes override/SPPR412.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR412.SPL, 9410 bytes Copied [SPPR412.SPL] to [override/SPPR412.SPL] [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPPR417.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR417.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR417.SPL] to [override/SPPR417.SPL] [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes override/SPPR418.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR418.SPL, 2018 bytes Copied [SPPR418.SPL] to [override/SPPR418.SPL] [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes override/SPPR419.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR419.SPL, 3362 bytes Copied [SPPR419.SPL] to [override/SPPR419.SPL] [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPPR420.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR420.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR420.SPL] to [override/SPPR420.SPL] [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3706 bytes override/SPPR421.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR421.SPL, 3706 bytes Copied [SPPR421.SPL] to [override/SPPR421.SPL] [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes override/SPPR422.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR422.SPL, 682 bytes Copied [SPPR422.SPL] to [override/SPPR422.SPL] [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPPR423.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR423.SPL, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR423.SPL] to [override/SPPR423.SPL] [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPPR424.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR424.SPL, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR424.SPL] to [override/SPPR424.SPL] [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes override/SPPR425.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR425.SPL, 634 bytes Copied [SPPR425.SPL] to [override/SPPR425.SPL] [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 810 bytes override/SPPR426.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR426.SPL, 810 bytes Copied [SPPR426.SPL] to [override/SPPR426.SPL] [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPPR427.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR427.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPPR427.SPL] to [override/SPPR427.SPL] [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 10082 bytes override/SPPR428.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR428.SPL, 10082 bytes Copied [SPPR428.SPL] to [override/SPPR428.SPL] [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes override/SPPR429.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR429.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR429.SPL] to [override/SPPR429.SPL] [./override/SPPR430.SPL] loaded, 6050 bytes override/SPPR430.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR430.SPL, 6050 bytes Copied [SPPR430.SPL] to [override/SPPR430.SPL] [./override/SPPR450.SPL] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/SPPR502.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes override/SPPR503.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR503.SPL, 2322 bytes Copied [SPPR503.SPL] to [override/SPPR503.SPL] Copied [SPPR504.SPL] to [override/SPPR504.SPL] [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes Copied [SPPR506.SPL] to [override/SPPR506.SPL] [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes override/SPPR507.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR507.SPL, 7506 bytes Copied [SPPR507.SPL] to [override/SPPR507.SPL] [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 22162 bytes Copied [SPPR511.SPL] to [override/SPPR511.SPL] [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes override/SPPR512.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR512.SPL, 5202 bytes Copied [SPPR512.SPL] to [override/SPPR512.SPL] [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes override/SPPR513.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR513.SPL, 6930 bytes Copied [SPPR513.SPL] to [override/SPPR513.SPL] Copied [SPPR515.SPL] to [override/SPPR515.SPL] Copied [SPPR516.SPL] to [override/SPPR516.SPL] [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes override/SPPR517.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR517.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR517.SPL] to [override/SPPR517.SPL] [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPPR518.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR518.SPL, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR518.SPL] to [override/SPPR518.SPL] [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPPR519.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR519.SPL, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR519.SPL] to [override/SPPR519.SPL] [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes override/SPPR520.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR520.SPL, 490 bytes Copied [SPPR520.SPL] to [override/SPPR520.SPL] [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPPR521.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR521.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPPR521.SPL] to [override/SPPR521.SPL] [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes override/SPPR522.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR522.SPL, 1018 bytes Copied [SPPR522.SPL] to [override/SPPR522.SPL] [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes override/SPPR523.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR523.SPL, 8658 bytes Copied [SPPR523.SPL] to [override/SPPR523.SPL] [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes override/SPPR524.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR524.SPL, 8658 bytes Copied [SPPR524.SPL] to [override/SPPR524.SPL] [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes Copied [SPPR601.SPL] to [override/SPPR601.SPL] [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPPR603.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR603.SPL, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR603.SPL] to [override/SPPR603.SPL] [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes override/SPPR605.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR605.SPL, 1954 bytes Copied [SPPR605.SPL] to [override/SPPR605.SPL] Copied [SPPR606.SPL] to [override/SPPR606.SPL] Copied [SPPR609.SPL] to [override/SPPR609.SPL] [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes override/SPPR610.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR610.SPL, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR610.SPL] to [override/SPPR610.SPL] Copied [SPPR612.SPL] to [override/SPPR612.SPL] Copied [SPPR614.SPL] to [override/SPPR614.SPL] [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPPR616.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR616.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR616.SPL] to [override/SPPR616.SPL] [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes override/SPPR617.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR617.SPL, 490 bytes Copied [SPPR617.SPL] to [override/SPPR617.SPL] [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes override/SPPR618.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR618.SPL, 1954 bytes Copied [SPPR618.SPL] to [override/SPPR618.SPL] [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes override/SPPR701.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR701.SPL, 5434 bytes Copied [SPPR701.SPL] to [override/SPPR701.SPL] [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes override/SPPR702.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR702.SPL, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR702.SPL] to [override/SPPR702.SPL] [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPPR703.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR703.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [SPPR703.SPL] to [override/SPPR703.SPL] [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPPR704.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR704.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [SPPR704.SPL] to [override/SPPR704.SPL] [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes override/SPPR706.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR706.SPL, 1426 bytes Copied [SPPR706.SPL] to [override/SPPR706.SPL] Copied [SPPR707.SPL] to [override/SPPR707.SPL] Copied [SPPR708.SPL] to [override/SPPR708.SPL] [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes override/SPPR710.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR710.SPL, 1258 bytes Copied [SPPR710.SPL] to [override/SPPR710.SPL] [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes Copied [SPPR712.SPL] to [override/SPPR712.SPL] [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes override/SPPR713.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR713.SPL, 2266 bytes Copied [SPPR713.SPL] to [override/SPPR713.SPL] [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes override/SPPR714.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR714.SPL, 826 bytes Copied [SPPR714.SPL] to [override/SPPR714.SPL] [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes override/SPPR715.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR715.SPL, 730 bytes Copied [SPPR715.SPL] to [override/SPPR715.SPL] [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes override/SPPR717.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR717.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR717.SPL] to [override/SPPR717.SPL] [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes override/SPPR718.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR718.SPL, 1618 bytes Copied [SPPR718.SPL] to [override/SPPR718.SPL] [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPPR719.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR719.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR719.SPL] to [override/SPPR719.SPL] [./override/SPPR720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [SPPR724.SPL] to [override/SPPR724.SPL] [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [SPPR729.SPL] to [override/SPPR729.SPL] [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes Copied [SPPR731.SPL] to [override/SPPR731.SPL] Copied [SPPR732.SPL] to [override/SPPR732.SPL] [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes override/SPPR733.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR733.SPL, 634 bytes Copied [SPPR733.SPL] to [override/SPPR733.SPL] [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPPR734.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR734.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR734.SPL] to [override/SPPR734.SPL] [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPPR736.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR736.SPL, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR736.SPL] to [override/SPPR736.SPL] [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPPR737.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR737.SPL, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR737.SPL] to [override/SPPR737.SPL] [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPPR738.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR738.SPL, 394 bytes Copied [SPPR738.SPL] to [override/SPPR738.SPL] [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes override/SPPR739.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR739.SPL, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR739.SPL] to [override/SPPR739.SPL] [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes override/SPPR740.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR740.SPL, 7114 bytes Copied [SPPR740.SPL] to [override/SPPR740.SPL] [./override/SPPR741.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes override/SPPR741.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR741.SPL, 5434 bytes Copied [SPPR741.SPL] to [override/SPPR741.SPL] [./override/SPPR742.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes override/SPPR742.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR742.SPL, 1402 bytes Copied [SPPR742.SPL] to [override/SPPR742.SPL] [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR987.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [SPPR999.SPL] to [override/SPPR999.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR742.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR741.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR737.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 3466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR733.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR720.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR719.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR718.spl] loaded, 1618 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR717.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR714.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR713.spl] loaded, 2266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR712.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR711.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710.spl] loaded, 1258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR708.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR707.spl] loaded, 3418 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR706.spl] loaded, 1426 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR704.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR703.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR702.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR701.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR618.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR616.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.spl] loaded, 50914 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR614.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR612.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR610.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR609.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR606.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR605.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR603.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR601.spl] loaded, 994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR524.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR521.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR517.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR516.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR515.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR513.spl] loaded, 6930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR512.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR511.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 22162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR507.spl] loaded, 7506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR506.spl] loaded, 1970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR504.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR502.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR430.spl] loaded, 6050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR429.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR428.spl] loaded, 10082 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR427.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR426.spl] loaded, 810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR424.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR423.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3706 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR419.spl] loaded, 3362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR418.spl] loaded, 2018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR417.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR412.spl] loaded, 9410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR410.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR409.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR408.spl] loaded, 6722 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR407.spl] loaded, 4050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR406.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR405.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR403.spl] loaded, 37634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR401.spl] loaded, 4034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR329.spl] loaded, 7946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR328.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR327.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR325.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR324.spl] loaded, 6898 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR321.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR319.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR318.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR315.spl] loaded, 3194 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR314.spl] loaded, 7914 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR313.spl] loaded, 6130 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR312.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR310.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR308.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR307.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR306.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR305.spl] loaded, 4594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR304.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR302.spl] loaded, 2690 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR301.spl] loaded, 466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR220.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 5810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR218.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR217.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR216.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR214.spl] loaded, 2658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR213.spl] loaded, 2562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR211.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR210.spl] loaded, 12434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR208.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR207.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR204.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR203.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR202.spl] loaded, 13794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR201.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR121.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR120.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR119.spl] loaded, 13394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR117.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR113.spl] loaded, 874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR111.spl] loaded, 16274 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR109.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR108.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR107.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR106.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR105.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR103.spl] loaded, 1514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR102.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 4805 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 1768 bytes Copied [AERBOD01.CRE] to [override/AERBOD01.CRE] [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 1988 bytes override/AERIE.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AERIE.CRE, 1988 bytes Copied [AERIE.CRE] to [override/AERIE.CRE] [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3480 bytes Copied [AERIE10.CRE] to [override/AERIE10.CRE] [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3480 bytes Copied [AERIE11.CRE] to [override/AERIE11.CRE] [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 3720 bytes Copied [AERIE12.CRE] to [override/AERIE12.CRE] [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 2784 bytes Copied [AERIE6.CRE] to [override/AERIE6.CRE] [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3000 bytes Copied [AERIE7.CRE] to [override/AERIE7.CRE] [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3264 bytes Copied [AERIE9.CRE] to [override/AERIE9.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 3956 bytes Copied [ANOMEN10.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN10.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4016 bytes Copied [ANOMEN12.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN12.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3584 bytes Copied [ANOMEN6.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN6.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes Copied [ANOMEN7.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN7.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 3800 bytes Copied [ANOMEN8.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN8.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 3956 bytes Copied [ANOMEN9.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN9.CRE] [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 2988 bytes Copied [CERND10.CRE] to [override/CERND10.CRE] [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes Copied [CERND12.CRE] to [override/CERND12.CRE] [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes Copied [CERND13.CRE] to [override/CERND13.CRE] [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes Copied [CERND13B.CRE] to [override/CERND13B.CRE] [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 3524 bytes Copied [CERND14.CRE] to [override/CERND14.CRE] [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2672 bytes Copied [DORN10.CRE] to [override/DORN10.CRE] [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 2840 bytes Copied [DORN12.CRE] to [override/DORN12.CRE] [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 2980 bytes Copied [DORN14.CRE] to [override/DORN14.CRE] Copied [DORN8.CRE] to [override/DORN8.CRE] [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2672 bytes Copied [DORN9.CRE] to [override/DORN9.CRE] [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 1736 bytes Copied [IDIOT01.CRE] to [override/IDIOT01.CRE] [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 3356 bytes Copied [JAHEI12B.CRE] to [override/JAHEI12B.CRE] [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 3512 bytes Copied [JAHEI14.CRE] to [override/JAHEI14.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 3380 bytes Copied [JAHEIR11.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR11.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 3380 bytes Copied [JAHEIR12.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR12.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3080 bytes Copied [JAHEIR7.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR7.CRE] [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3080 bytes Copied [JAHEIR8.CRE] to [override/JAHEIR8.CRE] [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes override/KELDOR10.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/KELDOR10.CRE, 2416 bytes Copied [KELDOR10.CRE] to [override/KELDOR10.CRE] [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 2572 bytes override/KELDOR12.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/KELDOR12.CRE, 2572 bytes Copied [KELDOR12.CRE] to [override/KELDOR12.CRE] [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 2612 bytes override/KELDOR14.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/KELDOR14.CRE, 2612 bytes Copied [KELDOR14.CRE] to [override/KELDOR14.CRE] [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2008 bytes Copied [KELDOR8.CRE] to [override/KELDOR8.CRE] [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2416 bytes override/KELDOR9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/KELDOR9.CRE, 2416 bytes Copied [KELDOR9.CRE] to [override/KELDOR9.CRE] [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2680 bytes Copied [MINSC10.CRE] to [override/MINSC10.CRE] [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 2872 bytes Copied [MINSC12.CRE] to [override/MINSC12.CRE] [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3032 bytes Copied [MINSC14.CRE] to [override/MINSC14.CRE] Copied [MINSC7.CRE] to [override/MINSC7.CRE] [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2284 bytes Copied [MINSC8.CRE] to [override/MINSC8.CRE] [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2548 bytes Copied [MINSC9.CRE] to [override/MINSC9.CRE] [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3108 bytes Copied [TTBRAN.CRE] to [override/TTBRAN.CRE] [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2616 bytes Copied [TTJAHIER.CRE] to [override/TTJAHIER.CRE] Copied [TTMINSC.CRE] to [override/TTMINSC.CRE] [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2756 bytes Copied [VALYG11.CRE] to [override/VALYG11.CRE] [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes Copied [VALYG12.CRE] to [override/VALYG12.CRE] [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes Copied [VALYG14.CRE] to [override/VALYG14.CRE] [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2360 bytes Copied [VALYG8.CRE] to [override/VALYG8.CRE] [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2624 bytes Copied [VALYG9.CRE] to [override/VALYG9.CRE] [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3332 bytes Copied [VICONI11.CRE] to [override/VICONI11.CRE] [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 3596 bytes Copied [VICONI13.CRE] to [override/VICONI13.CRE] [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 3776 bytes Copied [VICONI16.CRE] to [override/VICONI16.CRE] [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 2948 bytes Copied [VICONI6.CRE] to [override/VICONI6.CRE] [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 2948 bytes Copied [VICONI8.CRE] to [override/VICONI8.CRE] [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3176 bytes Copied [VICONI9.CRE] to [override/VICONI9.CRE] [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10665 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10665 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10665 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10862 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10862 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 10862 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11059 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11059 bytes Copying and patching 3061 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5586 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 978 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2466 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID118.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID118.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID118.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID118.itm] to [override/CDID118.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID119.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID119.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID119.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID119.itm] to [override/CDID119.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID121.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID121.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID121.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID121.itm] to [override/CDID121.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID216.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID216.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID216.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID216.itm] to [override/CDID216.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID217.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID217.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID217.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID217.itm] to [override/CDID217.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID218.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID218.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID218.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID218.itm] to [override/CDID218.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID323.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID323.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID323.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID323.itm] to [override/CDID323.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID325.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID325.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID325.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID325.itm] to [override/CDID325.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID326.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID326.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID326.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID326.itm] to [override/CDID326.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID327.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID327.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID327.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID327.itm] to [override/CDID327.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID328.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID328.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID328.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID328.itm] to [override/CDID328.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID330.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID330.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID330.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID330.itm] to [override/CDID330.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID418.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID418.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID418.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID418.itm] to [override/CDID418.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID419.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID419.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID419.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID419.itm] to [override/CDID419.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID424.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID424.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID424.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID424.itm] to [override/CDID424.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID425.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID425.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID425.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID425.itm] to [override/CDID425.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID426.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID426.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID426.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID426.itm] to [override/CDID426.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID427.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID427.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID427.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID427.itm] to [override/CDID427.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID429.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID429.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID429.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID429.itm] to [override/CDID429.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID519.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID519.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID519.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID519.itm] to [override/CDID519.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID521.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID521.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID521.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID521.itm] to [override/CDID521.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID522.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID522.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID522.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID522.itm] to [override/CDID522.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID616.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID616.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID616.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID616.itm] to [override/CDID616.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID618.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID618.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID618.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID618.itm] to [override/CDID618.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID733.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID733.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID733.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID733.itm] to [override/CDID733.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID734.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID734.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID734.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID734.itm] to [override/CDID734.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID738.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID738.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID738.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID738.itm] to [override/CDID738.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID739.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID739.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID739.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID739.itm] to [override/CDID739.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID742.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID742.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID742.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID742.itm] to [override/CDID742.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL56.itm] to [override/SCRL56.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL59.itm] to [override/SCRL59.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL5A.itm] to [override/SCRL5A.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL61.itm] to [override/SCRL61.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11059 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11248 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11248 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11248 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11520 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11793 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11793 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 11793 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12063 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12063 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12063 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12333 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12333 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12333 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12599 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12599 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12599 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12865 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12865 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 12865 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13135 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13135 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13135 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13405 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tempus.tph] loaded, 5322 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tempus.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/tempus.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 0 bytes Appending [TEMPUS axe...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [TEMPUS axe] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#tempus_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 5426 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#EVASION.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/#PALDISE.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/#PALFEAR.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH01.SPL] loaded, 1106 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5586 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/CH3AWAY.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 978 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DRGRBRHT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2794 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWW.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-ASBA.SPL] loaded, 3626 bytes [./override/DW-ASWW.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-DSB1.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB2.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB3.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB4.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBA.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSBT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSWI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FESHR.SPL] loaded, 5530 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-OLHIS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-RINE.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/DW-SAHS.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SAWY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SGH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SMBC.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBG.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBO.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCA.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCP.SPL] loaded, 10794 bytes [./override/DW-SMCS.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGC.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMOP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMPL.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRC.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRM.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRU.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMUH.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMUP.SPL] loaded, 5034 bytes [./override/DW-SOH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SORB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SPCP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SSA1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSA2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSE1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSE2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSF1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSF2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSHE.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3946 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3562 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SSW1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSW2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSWB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WEAU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WEDR.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/DW-WEQU.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-WESM.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWEVA0.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA100.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA101.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA102.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA103.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA104.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA105.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA106.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA107.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA108.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA110.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA111.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA112.SPL] loaded, 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[./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS6.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS7.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS8.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS9.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWI408.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/DWWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/DWWI604.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 9114 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBCALLL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 962 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBQUAKE.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBWI304.SPL] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHDMASK.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHJWSP01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHRGROG.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2466 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPBLUN29.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPCL212.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL239A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4186 bytes [./override/SPCL411.SPL] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3450 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 2914 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1530 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL911B.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPCRYO01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCTMD01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPDR601.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIMIXD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes [./override/SPIN142.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN539.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN547.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN579.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN595.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN596.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN597.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN691.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN693.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN701.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN819.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPIN833.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN834.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN885.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN897.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN936.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN939.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN956.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN989.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPOGRE01.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR106.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 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loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI220.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI228.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI303.SPL] loaded, 2194 bytes [./override/SPWI304.SPL] loaded, 1554 bytes [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes 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162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3706 bytes Copied [SPPR421.SPL] to [override/SPPR421.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPWI428.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI428.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI428.SPL] to [override/SPWI428.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 44988 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [override/DWWI426.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 367 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13675 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 13675 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes Copied [ar0900.bcs] to [override/ar0900.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit OHTEMPUS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTEMPUS.2da] loaded, 4530 bytes override/OHTEMPUS.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/OHTEMPUS.2da, 4530 bytes Copied [OHTEMPUS.2da] to [override/OHTEMPUS.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82018 bytes override/weapprof.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/weapprof.2da, 82018 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Including and running function(s) amalgamate_class_checks Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] loaded, 6201 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-amalgamate_class_checks.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BEAR.bcs] to [override/BEAR.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BEAR.bcs] loaded, 1537 bytes Copied [BEAR.bcs] to [override/BEAR.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 17305 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes Copied [ar0900.bcs] to [override/ar0900.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 17008 bytes Copied [ar0900.bcs] to [override/ar0900.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0901.bcs] to [override/ar0901.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.bcs] loaded, 9083 bytes Copied [ar0901.bcs] to [override/ar0901.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0902.bcs] to [override/ar0902.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0904.bcs] to [override/ar0904.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [arval.bcs] to [override/arval.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [oisig.bcs] to [override/oisig.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/oisig.bcs] loaded, 1036 bytes Copied [oisig.bcs] to [override/oisig.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [nallabir.bcs] to [override/nallabir.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 76 states, 130 trans, 11 strig, 42 ttrig, 17 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 61 states, 105 trans, 8 strig, 33 ttrig, 18 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 79 states, 144 trans, 17 strig, 54 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [scsain.dlg.DLG] loaded [scsain.dlg] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] Adding SCSAIN to internal list of available DLGs [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 57 states, 87 trans, 14 strig, 16 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [scsain.dlg] to [override/scsain.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [travin.dlg.DLG] loaded [travin.dlg] created from [TRAVIN.DLG] Adding TRAVIN to internal list of available DLGs [TRAVIN.DLG] saved 12 states, 23 trans, 1 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions Copied [travin.dlg] to [override/travin.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scsain.dlg] loaded, 9887 bytes [scsain.dlg.DLG] loaded [scsain.dlg] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] Adding SCSAIN to internal list of available DLGs [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 57 states, 87 trans, 14 strig, 16 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [scsain.dlg] to [override/scsain.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 14440 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 79 states, 144 trans, 17 strig, 54 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [gaelan.dlg.DLG] loaded [gaelan.dlg] created from [GAELAN.DLG] Adding GAELAN to internal list of available DLGs [GAELAN.DLG] saved 90 states, 192 trans, 10 strig, 47 ttrig, 32 actions Copied [gaelan.dlg] to [override/gaelan.dlg] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#cleric_dialog_adjusts.mrk] Including and running function(s) cleric_strongholds Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/stronghold/cleric_strongholds.tpa] loaded, 5081 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/stronghold/cleric_strongholds.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/cleric_strongholds.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#cleric_strongholds_initialised.mrk] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/cleric_strongholds.tra] has 179 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/cleric_strongholds.tra] has 179 translation strings Compiling 1 dialogue file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/stronghold/cleric_strongholds.d] loaded, 60629 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... Adding DW-PRFME to internal list of available DLGs Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs Adding DW-PRFLL to internal list of available DLGs Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [./override/BHARVAL.DLG] loaded, 12231 bytes [BHARVAL.DLG] loaded [./override/BHOISIG.DLG] loaded, 14536 bytes [BHOISIG.DLG] loaded [./override/BHNALLA.DLG] loaded, 9948 bytes [BHNALLA.DLG] loaded [./override/SCSAIN.DLG] loaded, 9427 bytes [SCSAIN.DLG] loaded [SCTELWYN.DLG] loaded [SCYARRYL.DLG] loaded [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions override/DW-PRFHQ.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DW-PRFHQ.dlg, 52 bytes [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions override/DW-PRFLQ.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DW-PRFLQ.dlg, 52 bytes [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions [SCTELWYN.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 19 strig, 33 ttrig, 42 actions [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions [DW-PRFLL.DLG] saved 4 states, 8 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions override/DW-PRFLL.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DW-PRFLL.dlg, 52 bytes [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions override/DW-PRFTQ.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DW-PRFTQ.dlg, 52 bytes [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 59 states, 91 trans, 14 strig, 18 ttrig, 20 actions [DW-PRFME.DLG] saved 6 states, 12 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 12 actions override/DW-PRFME.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DW-PRFME.dlg, 52 bytes [SCYARRYL.DLG] saved 54 states, 78 trans, 12 strig, 8 ttrig, 15 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes Copied [bharval.cre] to [override/dw-pflq.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [bhoisig.cre] to [override/dw-pfhq.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [bhnalla.cre] to [override/dw-pftq.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0902.are] to [override/ar0902.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0902.BCS] loaded, 7709 bytes Extended script [AR0902.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp1a.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0901.are] to [override/ar0901.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0901.BCS] loaded, 8728 bytes Extended script [ar0901.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp1b.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0904.are] to [override/ar0904.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0904.BCS] loaded, 7787 bytes Extended script [AR0904.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp1c.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/baf_messenger_self_destruct.baf] to [override/dw-msgsd.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [naliames.cre] to [override/dw-pfms.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0300.are] to [override/ar0300.are] Extending game scripts ... Extended script [AR0300.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp2.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0400.are] to [override/ar0400.are] Extending game scripts ... Extended script [AR0400.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp2.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0500.are] to [override/ar0500.are] Extending game scripts ... Extended script [AR0500.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp2.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0700.are] to [override/ar0700.are] Extending game scripts ... Extended script [AR0700.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp2.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0800.are] to [override/ar0800.are] Extending game scripts ... Extended script [AR0800.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp2.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0900.are] to [override/ar0900.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 15588 bytes Extended script [AR0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp2.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [latlara.cre] to [override/dw-pflar.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.are] loaded, 25888 bytes Copied [ar0900.are] to [override/ar0900.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 17926 bytes Extended script [AR0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/spawn_lara.baf] [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/clerics_bg2.tra] has 34 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/clerics_bg2.tra] has 34 translation strings Compiling 1 dialogue file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dialog/clerics_bg2.d] loaded, 11900 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... [BARL.DLG] loaded [BAERIE.DLG] loaded [BVICONI.DLG] loaded BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25DIALOG.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25DIALOG.BIF] [.\DATA\25DIALOG.BIF] 1825876 bytes, 377 files, 0 tilesets [FINSOL01.DLG] loaded [CHALCY01.DLG] loaded [SLILMAT.DLG] loaded [WILMAT.DLG] loaded [DOGHMA.DLG] loaded [KPCHAP01.DLG] loaded [KPDOMO01.DLG] loaded [KPCHAP01.DLG] saved 19 states, 27 trans, 2 strig, 3 ttrig, 5 actions [BVICONI.DLG] saved 612 states, 885 trans, 60 strig, 17 ttrig, 68 actions [KPDOMO01.DLG] saved 121 states, 202 trans, 17 strig, 59 ttrig, 46 actions [BARL.DLG] saved 9 states, 10 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions [WILMAT.DLG] saved 9 states, 17 trans, 1 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions [FINSOL01.DLG] saved 36 states, 129 trans, 2 strig, 100 ttrig, 33 actions [BAERIE.DLG] saved 482 states, 638 trans, 42 strig, 42 ttrig, 93 actions [CHALCY01.DLG] saved 37 states, 51 trans, 3 strig, 9 ttrig, 5 actions [DOGHMA.DLG] saved 19 states, 42 trans, 2 strig, 18 ttrig, 2 actions [SLILMAT.DLG] saved 18 states, 32 trans, 3 strig, 7 ttrig, 8 actions Including and running function(s) clerics_bg2_scripting Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/script/clerics_bg2_scripting.tpa] loaded, 2560 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/script/clerics_bg2_scripting.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/clerics_bg2_scripting.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0902.are] loaded, 7076 bytes Copied [ar0902.are] to [override/ar0902.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0902.BCS] loaded, 8553 bytes Extended script [AR0902.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.are] loaded, 5992 bytes Copied [ar0901.are] to [override/ar0901.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0901.BCS] loaded, 9571 bytes Extended script [ar0901.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0904.are] loaded, 5168 bytes Copied [ar0904.are] to [override/ar0904.are] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0904.BCS] loaded, 8634 bytes Extended script [AR0904.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0319.are] to [override/ar0319.are] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/ar0319.bcs] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0319.BCS] loaded, 6 bytes Extended script [ar0319.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0703.are] to [override/ar0703.are] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/ar0703.bcs] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0703.BCS] loaded, 6 bytes Extended script [ar0703.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ar0408.are] to [override/ar0408.are] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/AR0408.bcs] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0408.BCS] loaded, 6 bytes Extended script [AR0408.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/temp.baf] Copying and patching 7266 files ... [25SPELL.DLG.DLG] loaded [25SPELL.DLG] created from [25SPELL.DLG] [AAAA.DLG.DLG] loaded [AAAA.DLG] created from [AAAA.DLG] [AAAAA.DLG.DLG] loaded [AAAAA.DLG] created from [AAAAA.DLG] [AATAQAH.DLG.DLG] loaded [AATAQAH.DLG] created from [AATAQAH.DLG] [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes [ABAZIGAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [ABAZIGAL.DLG] created from [ABAZIGAL.DLG] [ABYDEM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ABYDEM01.DLG] created from [ABYDEM01.DLG] [ACHEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [ACHEN.DLG] created from [ACHEN.DLG] [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2830 bytes [ACOLYTE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [ACOLYTE1.DLG] created from [ACOLYTE1.DLG] [ACOLYTE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [ACOLYTE2.DLG] created from [ACOLYTE2.DLG] [ACOLYTE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [ACOLYTE3.DLG] created from [ACOLYTE3.DLG] [AEEXTORT.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEEXTORT.DLG] created from [AEEXTORT.DLG] [AELOTUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [AELOTUS.DLG] created from [AELOTUS.DLG] [AEMERCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEMERCH.DLG] created from [AEMERCH.DLG] [AEMESS.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEMESS.DLG] created from [AEMESS.DLG] [AERIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [AERIE.DLG] created from [AERIE.DLG] [AERIE25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [AERIE25A.DLG] created from [AERIE25A.DLG] [AERIE25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [AERIE25J.DLG] created from [AERIE25J.DLG] [AERIE25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [AERIE25P.DLG] created from [AERIE25P.DLG] [AERIEJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [AERIEJ.DLG] created from [AERIEJ.DLG] [AERIEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [AERIEP.DLG] created from [AERIEP.DLG] [AERIEX.DLG.DLG] loaded [AERIEX.DLG] created from [AERIEX.DLG] [AESOLD.DLG.DLG] loaded [AESOLD.DLG] created from [AESOLD.DLG] [AEWERE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWERE1.DLG] created from [AEWERE1.DLG] [AEWERE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWERE2.DLG] created from [AEWERE2.DLG] [AEWERE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWERE3.DLG] created from [AEWERE3.DLG] [AEWERE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWERE4.DLG] created from [AEWERE4.DLG] [AEWERE5.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWERE5.DLG] created from [AEWERE5.DLG] [AEWERE6.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWERE6.DLG] created from [AEWERE6.DLG] [AEWIMER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWIMER1.DLG] created from [AEWIMER1.DLG] [AEWIMER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWIMER2.DLG] created from [AEWIMER2.DLG] [AEWIMER3.DLG.DLG] loaded [AEWIMER3.DLG] created from [AEWIMER3.DLG] [AGNASI.DLG.DLG] loaded [AGNASI.DLG] created from [AGNASI.DLG] [AHAMMED.DLG.DLG] loaded [AHAMMED.DLG] created from [AHAMMED.DLG] [./override/AIRELE01.BCS] loaded, 1396 bytes [AJANTD.DLG.DLG] loaded [AJANTD.DLG] created from [AJANTD.DLG] [AJANTI.DLG.DLG] loaded [AJANTI.DLG] created from [AJANTI.DLG] [AJANTJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [AJANTJ.DLG] created from [AJANTJ.DLG] [AJANTP.DLG.DLG] loaded [AJANTP.DLG] created from [AJANTP.DLG] [AKAE.DLG.DLG] loaded [AKAE.DLG] created from [AKAE.DLG] [ALANBL.DLG.DLG] loaded [ALANBL.DLG] created from [ALANBL.DLG] [ALGERN.DLG.DLG] loaded [ALGERN.DLG] created from [ALGERN.DLG] [ALORAJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [ALORAJ.DLG] created from [ALORAJ.DLG] [ALORAP.DLG.DLG] loaded [ALORAP.DLG] created from [ALORAP.DLG] [ALVAHE.DLG.DLG] loaded [ALVAHE.DLG] created from [ALVAHE.DLG] [ALYNAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [ALYNAR.DLG] created from [ALYNAR.DLG] [AMARAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMARAN.DLG] created from [AMARAN.DLG] [AMARCH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMARCH01.DLG] created from [AMARCH01.DLG] [AMARCH02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMARCH02.DLG] created from [AMARCH02.DLG] [AMASANA.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMASANA.DLG] created from [AMASANA.DLG] [AMBAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMBAR01.DLG] created from [AMBAR01.DLG] [AMBOY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMBOY01.DLG] created from [AMBOY01.DLG] [AMCAPT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCAPT01.DLG] created from [AMCAPT01.DLG] [AMCARRAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCARRAS.DLG] created from [AMCARRAS.DLG] [AMCLER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCLER01.DLG] created from [AMCLER01.DLG] [AMCLER02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCLER02.DLG] created from [AMCLER02.DLG] [AMCST01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCST01.DLG] created from [AMCST01.DLG] [AMCST02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCST02.DLG] created from [AMCST02.DLG] [AMCST03.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCST03.DLG] created from [AMCST03.DLG] [AMCST04.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCST04.DLG] created from [AMCST04.DLG] [AMCUST01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMCUST01.DLG] created from [AMCUST01.DLG] [AMELM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMELM01.DLG] created from [AMELM01.DLG] [AMFAHEED.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMFAHEED.DLG] created from [AMFAHEED.DLG] [AMFEM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMFEM01.DLG] created from [AMFEM01.DLG] [AMFEM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMFEM02.DLG] created from [AMFEM02.DLG] [AMGIRL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMGIRL01.DLG] created from [AMGIRL01.DLG] [AMGRAV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMGRAV01.DLG] created from [AMGRAV01.DLG] [AMIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMIA.DLG] created from [AMIA.DLG] [AMINTB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMINTB01.DLG] created from [AMINTB01.DLG] [AMINTM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMINTM01.DLG] created from [AMINTM01.DLG] [AMLICH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMLICH01.DLG] created from [AMLICH01.DLG] [AMMAG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMAG01.DLG] created from [AMMAG01.DLG] [AMMAJIRA.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMAJIRA.DLG] created from [AMMAJIRA.DLG] [AMMAN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMAN01.DLG] created from [AMMAN01.DLG] [AMMAN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMAN02.DLG] created from [AMMAN02.DLG] [AMMAYOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMAYOR.DLG] created from [AMMAYOR.DLG] [AMMERC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMERC01.DLG] created from [AMMERC01.DLG] [AMMERC02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMERC02.DLG] created from [AMMERC02.DLG] [AMMERC03.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMERC03.DLG] created from [AMMERC03.DLG] [AMMERC04.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMERC04.DLG] created from [AMMERC04.DLG] [AMMERC07.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMERC07.DLG] created from [AMMERC07.DLG] [AMMGRD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMGRD01.DLG] created from [AMMGRD01.DLG] [AMMGRD02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMGRD02.DLG] created from [AMMGRD02.DLG] [AMMGRD05.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMGRD05.DLG] created from [AMMGRD05.DLG] [AMMONK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMONK01.DLG] created from [AMMONK01.DLG] [AMMONK02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMONK02.DLG] created from [AMMONK02.DLG] [AMMONK03.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMMONK03.DLG] created from [AMMONK03.DLG] [AMNCEN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNCEN1.DLG] created from [AMNCEN1.DLG] [AMNG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNG1.DLG] created from [AMNG1.DLG] [AMNG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNG2.DLG] created from [AMNG2.DLG] [AMNIS2.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNIS2.DLG] created from [AMNIS2.DLG] [AMNISE.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNISE.DLG] created from [AMNISE.DLG] [AMNISH.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNISH.DLG] created from [AMNISH.DLG] [AMNLEGS.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNLEGS.DLG] created from [AMNLEGS.DLG] [AMNVIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMNVIC.DLG] created from [AMNVIC.DLG] [AMSAEMON.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMSAEMON.DLG] created from [AMSAEMON.DLG] [AMSI.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMSI.DLG] created from [AMSI.DLG] [AMSLEEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMSLEEP.DLG] created from [AMSLEEP.DLG] [AMSMITH.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMSMITH.DLG] created from [AMSMITH.DLG] [AMSMUG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMSMUG01.DLG] created from [AMSMUG01.DLG] [AMSMUG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMSMUG02.DLG] created from [AMSMUG02.DLG] [AMTGEN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMTGEN01.DLG] created from [AMTGEN01.DLG] [AMWAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMWAR01.DLG] created from [AMWAR01.DLG] [AMWAR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMWAR02.DLG] created from [AMWAR02.DLG] [AMWAR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMWAR03.DLG] created from [AMWAR03.DLG] [AMWENC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [AMWENC01.DLG] created from [AMWENC01.DLG] [ANCAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANCAN.DLG] created from [ANCAN.DLG] [ANDARS.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANDARS.DLG] created from [ANDARS.DLG] [ANDOUT.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANDOUT.DLG] created from [ANDOUT.DLG] [ANDRIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANDRIS.DLG] created from [ANDRIS.DLG] [ANGELI.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANGELI.DLG] created from [ANGELI.DLG] [ANNO1.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANNO1.DLG] created from [ANNO1.DLG] [ANOME25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANOME25A.DLG] created from [ANOME25A.DLG] [ANOME25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANOME25J.DLG] created from [ANOME25J.DLG] [ANOME25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANOME25P.DLG] created from [ANOME25P.DLG] [ANOMEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANOMEN.DLG] created from [ANOMEN.DLG] [ANOMENJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANOMENJ.DLG] created from [ANOMENJ.DLG] [ANOMENP.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANOMENP.DLG] created from [ANOMENP.DLG] [ANTENOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [ANTENOS.DLG] created from [ANTENOS.DLG] [AOLN.DLG.DLG] loaded [AOLN.DLG] created from [AOLN.DLG] [APPAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [APPAR.DLG] created from [APPAR.DLG] [./override/AR0300.BCS] loaded, 22797 bytes [./override/AR0319.BCS] loaded, 598 bytes [./override/AR0400.BCS] loaded, 15048 bytes [./override/AR0408.BCS] loaded, 605 bytes [./override/AR0500.BCS] loaded, 13277 bytes [./override/AR0700.BCS] loaded, 17375 bytes [./override/AR0703.BCS] loaded, 606 bytes [./override/AR0800.BCS] loaded, 15968 bytes [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 18770 bytes [./override/AR0901.BCS] loaded, 10161 bytes [./override/AR0902.BCS] loaded, 9158 bytes [./override/AR0904.BCS] loaded, 9228 bytes [./override/AR2901.BCS] loaded, 3165 bytes [./override/AR2902.BCS] loaded, 1993 bytes [./override/AR2903.BCS] loaded, 2321 bytes [./override/AR2904.BCS] loaded, 11043 bytes [./override/AR2905.BCS] loaded, 1568 bytes [ARAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARAN.DLG] created from [ARAN.DLG] [ARAN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARAN02.DLG] created from [ARAN02.DLG] [ARDROU.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARDROU.DLG] created from [ARDROU.DLG] [ARENTHIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARENTHIS.DLG] created from [ARENTHIS.DLG] [ARGH.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARGH.DLG] created from [ARGH.DLG] [ARGRIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARGRIM.DLG] created from [ARGRIM.DLG] [ARKUSH.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARKUSH.DLG] created from [ARKUSH.DLG] [ARLED.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARLED.DLG] created from [ARLED.DLG] [ARNBOY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNBOY01.DLG] created from [ARNBOY01.DLG] [ARNFGT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNFGT03.DLG] created from [ARNFGT03.DLG] [ARNFGT04.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNFGT04.DLG] created from [ARNFGT04.DLG] [ARNFGT06.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNFGT06.DLG] created from [ARNFGT06.DLG] [ARNGRL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNGRL01.DLG] created from [ARNGRL01.DLG] [ARNMAN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN01.DLG] created from [ARNMAN01.DLG] [ARNMAN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN02.DLG] created from [ARNMAN02.DLG] [ARNMAN03.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN03.DLG] created from [ARNMAN03.DLG] [ARNMAN04.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN04.DLG] created from [ARNMAN04.DLG] [ARNMAN05.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN05.DLG] created from [ARNMAN05.DLG] [ARNMAN06.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN06.DLG] created from [ARNMAN06.DLG] [ARNMAN07.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN07.DLG] created from [ARNMAN07.DLG] [ARNMAN08.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN08.DLG] created from [ARNMAN08.DLG] [ARNMAN09.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN09.DLG] created from [ARNMAN09.DLG] [ARNMAN10.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN10.DLG] created from [ARNMAN10.DLG] [ARNMAN11.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNMAN11.DLG] created from [ARNMAN11.DLG] [ARNTRA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNTRA01.DLG] created from [ARNTRA01.DLG] [ARNTRA02.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNTRA02.DLG] created from [ARNTRA02.DLG] [ARNTRA04.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNTRA04.DLG] created from [ARNTRA04.DLG] [ARNTRA05.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNTRA05.DLG] created from [ARNTRA05.DLG] [ARNWAR06.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNWAR06.DLG] created from [ARNWAR06.DLG] [ARNWAR07.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNWAR07.DLG] created from [ARNWAR07.DLG] [ARNWAR08.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARNWAR08.DLG] created from [ARNWAR08.DLG] [ARTOLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [ARTOLA.DLG] created from [ARTOLA.DLG] [./override/ARVAL.BCS] loaded, 403 bytes [ASHEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [ASHEN.DLG] created from [ASHEN.DLG] [AVERY.DLG.DLG] loaded [AVERY.DLG] created from [AVERY.DLG] [./override/BAERIE.DLG] loaded, 43377 bytes [BAERIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAERIE.DLG] created from [BAERIE.DLG] [BAERIE25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAERIE25.DLG] created from [BAERIE25.DLG] [BALTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [BALTH.DLG] created from [BALTH.DLG] [BAMNG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAMNG01.DLG] created from [BAMNG01.DLG] [BAMNG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAMNG02.DLG] created from [BAMNG02.DLG] [BANDIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [BANDIC.DLG] created from [BANDIC.DLG] [BANDITCY.DLG.DLG] loaded [BANDITCY.DLG] created from [BANDITCY.DLG] [BANMER.DLG.DLG] loaded [BANMER.DLG] created from [BANMER.DLG] [BANOME25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BANOME25.DLG] created from [BANOME25.DLG] [BANOMEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BANOMEN.DLG] created from [BANOMEN.DLG] [BARDOL.DLG.DLG] loaded [BARDOL.DLG] created from [BARDOL.DLG] [BARESH.DLG.DLG] loaded [BARESH.DLG] created from [BARESH.DLG] [BARG.DLG.DLG] loaded [BARG.DLG] created from [BARG.DLG] [./override/BARL.DLG] loaded, 827 bytes [BARL.DLG.DLG] loaded [BARL.DLG] created from [BARL.DLG] [BARONP.DLG.DLG] loaded [BARONP.DLG] created from [BARONP.DLG] [BARSAIL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BARSAIL1.DLG] created from [BARSAIL1.DLG] [BARSAIL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BARSAIL2.DLG] created from [BARSAIL2.DLG] [BAZDRA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAZDRA01.DLG] created from [BAZDRA01.DLG] [BAZDRA03.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAZDRA03.DLG] created from [BAZDRA03.DLG] [BAZEYE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAZEYE01.DLG] created from [BAZEYE01.DLG] [BAZMONK.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAZMONK.DLG] created from [BAZMONK.DLG] [BAZPAT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAZPAT01.DLG] created from [BAZPAT01.DLG] [BAZPAT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAZPAT02.DLG] created from [BAZPAT02.DLG] [BAZPAT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [BAZPAT03.DLG] created from [BAZPAT03.DLG] [./override/BBCLOUD.BCS] loaded, 1142 bytes [BBEGG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BBEGG1.DLG] created from [BBEGG1.DLG] [BBEGG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BBEGG2.DLG] created from [BBEGG2.DLG] [BCERND.DLG.DLG] loaded [BCERND.DLG] created from [BCERND.DLG] [BCERND25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BCERND25.DLG] created from [BCERND25.DLG] [BDACT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDACT01.DLG] created from [BDACT01.DLG] [BDACT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDACT02.DLG] created from [BDACT02.DLG] [BDACT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDACT03.DLG] created from [BDACT03.DLG] [BDACT04.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDACT04.DLG] created from [BDACT04.DLG] [BDACT05.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDACT05.DLG] created from [BDACT05.DLG] [BDACT06.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDACT06.DLG] created from [BDACT06.DLG] [BDACT08.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDACT08.DLG] created from [BDACT08.DLG] [./override/BDAERIEC.BCS] loaded, 272035 bytes [./override/BDANOMEC.BCS] loaded, 185508 bytes [BDAUD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDAUD01.DLG] created from [BDAUD01.DLG] [BDAUD02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDAUD02.DLG] created from [BDAUD02.DLG] [BDAUD03.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDAUD03.DLG] created from [BDAUD03.DLG] [BDBART01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDBART01.DLG] created from [BDBART01.DLG] [./override/BDCERNDC.BCS] loaded, 68079 bytes [BDCOUN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDCOUN01.DLG] created from [BDCOUN01.DLG] [BDCOUN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDCOUN02.DLG] created from [BDCOUN02.DLG] [./override/BDDEFAI.BCS] loaded, 485840 bytes [./override/BDDORNC.BCS] loaded, 21725 bytes [./override/BDEDWINC.BCS] loaded, 143301 bytes [BDGOPH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDGOPH01.DLG] created from [BDGOPH01.DLG] [BDGOPH02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDGOPH02.DLG] created from [BDGOPH02.DLG] [./override/BDHAERC.BCS] loaded, 165006 bytes [BDHIGG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDHIGG01.DLG] created from [BDHIGG01.DLG] [./override/BDIMOENC.BCS] loaded, 193876 bytes [./override/BDJAHEIC.BCS] loaded, 84226 bytes [./override/BDJANC.BCS] loaded, 142250 bytes [./override/BDMINSCC.BCS] loaded, 21035 bytes [./override/BDNALIAC.BCS] loaded, 142250 bytes [./override/BDNEERAC.BCS] loaded, 144822 bytes [BDOCK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDOCK1.DLG] created from [BDOCK1.DLG] [BDOCK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDOCK2.DLG] created from [BDOCK2.DLG] [BDORN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDORN.DLG] created from [BDORN.DLG] [BDORN25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDORN25.DLG] created from [BDORN25.DLG] [BDPRST01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDPRST01.DLG] created from [BDPRST01.DLG] [BDTURM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BDTURM01.DLG] created from [BDTURM01.DLG] [./override/BDVALYGC.BCS] loaded, 21035 bytes [./override/BDVICONC.BCS] loaded, 185508 bytes [./override/BEAR.BCS] loaded, 1421 bytes [BEAST.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEAST.DLG] created from [BEAST.DLG] [BECKY.DLG.DLG] loaded [BECKY.DLG] created from [BECKY.DLG] [BEDWIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEDWIN.DLG] created from [BEDWIN.DLG] [BEDWIN25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEDWIN25.DLG] created from [BEDWIN25.DLG] [BEELOO.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEELOO.DLG] created from [BEELOO.DLG] [BEGGAR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEGGAR1.DLG] created from [BEGGAR1.DLG] [BEGGAR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEGGAR2.DLG] created from [BEGGAR2.DLG] [BEGGAR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEGGAR3.DLG] created from [BEGGAR3.DLG] [BEGGBA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BEGGBA.DLG] created from [BEGGBA.DLG] [BELAND.DLG.DLG] loaded [BELAND.DLG] created from [BELAND.DLG] [BELLAM.DLG.DLG] loaded [BELLAM.DLG] created from [BELLAM.DLG] [BELMIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BELMIN.DLG] created from [BELMIN.DLG] [BENTAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BENTAN.DLG] created from [BENTAN.DLG] [BENTHA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BENTHA.DLG] created from [BENTHA.DLG] [BERINVAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [BERINVAR.DLG] created from [BERINVAR.DLG] [BERNARD.DLG.DLG] loaded [BERNARD.DLG] created from [BERNARD.DLG] [BERRUN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BERRUN.DLG] created from [BERRUN.DLG] [BERTRAND.DLG.DLG] loaded [BERTRAND.DLG] created from [BERTRAND.DLG] [BFALDO.DLG.DLG] loaded [BFALDO.DLG] created from [BFALDO.DLG] [BFISHER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BFISHER1.DLG] created from [BFISHER1.DLG] [BFISHW1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BFISHW1.DLG] created from [BFISHW1.DLG] [BFTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BFTOWN1.DLG] created from [BFTOWN1.DLG] [BFTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BFTOWN2.DLG] created from [BFTOWN2.DLG] [BFTOWN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BFTOWN3.DLG] created from [BFTOWN3.DLG] [BGUARD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BGUARD1.DLG] created from [BGUARD1.DLG] [BHAAL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHAAL01.DLG] created from [BHAAL01.DLG] [BHAERD25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHAERD25.DLG] created from [BHAERD25.DLG] [BHAERDA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHAERDA.DLG] created from [BHAERDA.DLG] [BHALF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHALF1.DLG] created from [BHALF1.DLG] [./override/BHARVAL.DLG] loaded, 14972 bytes [BHARVAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHARVAL.DLG] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] [BHCRYPT.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHCRYPT.DLG] created from [BHCRYPT.DLG] [BHELM.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHELM.DLG] created from [BHELM.DLG] [BHEREN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHEREN.DLG] created from [BHEREN.DLG] [BHEXXA25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHEXXA25.DLG] created from [BHEXXA25.DLG] [BHEXXAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHEXXAT.DLG] created from [BHEXXAT.DLG] [BHEYE.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHEYE.DLG] created from [BHEYE.DLG] [BHGAAL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHGAAL01.DLG] created from [BHGAAL01.DLG] [BHGHOUL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHGHOUL1.DLG] created from [BHGHOUL1.DLG] [BHGHOUL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHGHOUL2.DLG] created from [BHGHOUL2.DLG] [BHGHOUL3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHGHOUL3.DLG] created from [BHGHOUL3.DLG] [BHGHOUL4.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHGHOUL4.DLG] created from [BHGHOUL4.DLG] [BHGUARD.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHGUARD.DLG] created from [BHGUARD.DLG] [./override/BHNALLA.DLG] loaded, 12284 bytes [BHNALLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHNALLA.DLG] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] [./override/BHOISIG.DLG] loaded, 16652 bytes [BHOISIG.DLG.DLG] loaded [BHOISIG.DLG] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] [BILL.DLG.DLG] loaded [BILL.DLG] created from [BILL.DLG] [BILLIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BILLIA.DLG] created from [BILLIA.DLG] [BIMOEN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BIMOEN2.DLG] created from [BIMOEN2.DLG] [BIMOEN25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BIMOEN25.DLG] created from [BIMOEN25.DLG] [BINKOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [BINKOS.DLG] created from [BINKOS.DLG] [BINKY.DLG.DLG] loaded [BINKY.DLG] created from [BINKY.DLG] [BINNKEEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [BINNKEEP.DLG] created from [BINNKEEP.DLG] [BIP.DLG.DLG] loaded [BIP.DLG] created from [BIP.DLG] [BJAHEI25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BJAHEI25.DLG] created from [BJAHEI25.DLG] [BJAHEIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [BJAHEIR.DLG] created from [BJAHEIR.DLG] [BJAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BJAN.DLG] created from [BJAN.DLG] [BJAN25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BJAN25.DLG] created from [BJAN25.DLG] [BKELDO25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BKELDO25.DLG] created from [BKELDO25.DLG] [BKELDOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [BKELDOR.DLG] created from [BKELDOR.DLG] [BKORGA25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BKORGA25.DLG] created from [BKORGA25.DLG] [BKORGAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BKORGAN.DLG] created from [BKORGAN.DLG] [BLANE.DLG.DLG] loaded [BLANE.DLG] created from [BLANE.DLG] [BLUSHC.DLG.DLG] loaded [BLUSHC.DLG] created from [BLUSHC.DLG] [BMAZZY.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMAZZY.DLG] created from [BMAZZY.DLG] [BMAZZY25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMAZZY25.DLG] created from [BMAZZY25.DLG] [BMERCH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMERCH1.DLG] created from [BMERCH1.DLG] [BMINSC.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMINSC.DLG] created from [BMINSC.DLG] [BMINSC25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMINSC25.DLG] created from [BMINSC25.DLG] [BMTHIEF.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMTHIEF.DLG] created from [BMTHIEF.DLG] [BMTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMTOWN1.DLG] created from [BMTOWN1.DLG] [BMTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMTOWN2.DLG] created from [BMTOWN2.DLG] [BMTOWN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMTOWN3.DLG] created from [BMTOWN3.DLG] [BMTOWN4.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMTOWN4.DLG] created from [BMTOWN4.DLG] [BMUGG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BMUGG1.DLG] created from [BMUGG1.DLG] [BNALIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BNALIA.DLG] created from [BNALIA.DLG] [BNALIA25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BNALIA25.DLG] created from [BNALIA25.DLG] [BNEERA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BNEERA.DLG] created from [BNEERA.DLG] [BNEERA25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BNEERA25.DLG] created from [BNEERA25.DLG] [BNOBLE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BNOBLE1.DLG] created from [BNOBLE1.DLG] [BNOBLE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BNOBLE2.DLG] created from [BNOBLE2.DLG] [BOANASTE.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOANASTE.DLG] created from [BOANASTE.DLG] [BOB.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOB.DLG] created from [BOB.DLG] [BODFGT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODFGT03.DLG] created from [BODFGT03.DLG] [BODHI.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODHI.DLG] created from [BODHI.DLG] [BODHI2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODHI2.DLG] created from [BODHI2.DLG] [BODHIAMB.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODHIAMB.DLG] created from [BODHIAMB.DLG] [BODVAM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODVAM01.DLG] created from [BODVAM01.DLG] [BODVAM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODVAM02.DLG] created from [BODVAM02.DLG] [BODYG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODYG1.DLG] created from [BODYG1.DLG] [BODYG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BODYG2.DLG] created from [BODYG2.DLG] [BOGRE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOGRE1.DLG] created from [BOGRE1.DLG] [BOOTER.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOOTER.DLG] created from [BOOTER.DLG] [BOOTER02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOOTER02.DLG] created from [BOOTER02.DLG] [BORDA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BORDA.DLG] created from [BORDA.DLG] [BORIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BORIN.DLG] created from [BORIN.DLG] [BORINALL.DLG.DLG] loaded [BORINALL.DLG] created from [BORINALL.DLG] [BOTSMITH.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOTSMITH.DLG] created from [BOTSMITH.DLG] [BOUNHA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOUNHA.DLG] created from [BOUNHA.DLG] [BOUNTY.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOUNTY.DLG] created from [BOUNTY.DLG] [BOY1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOY1.DLG] created from [BOY1.DLG] [BOY3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOY3.DLG] created from [BOY3.DLG] [BOYBA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOYBA1.DLG] created from [BOYBA1.DLG] [BOYBA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOYBA2.DLG] created from [BOYBA2.DLG] [BOYBA3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOYBA3.DLG] created from [BOYBA3.DLG] [BOYBE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOYBE1.DLG] created from [BOYBE1.DLG] [BOYBE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BOYBE2.DLG] created from [BOYBE2.DLG] [BPROST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BPROST1.DLG] created from [BPROST1.DLG] [BPROST2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BPROST2.DLG] created from [BPROST2.DLG] [BRAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRAN.DLG] created from [BRAN.DLG] [BRANWJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRANWJ.DLG] created from [BRANWJ.DLG] [BRANWP.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRANWP.DLG] created from [BRANWP.DLG] [BRASAA25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRASAA25.DLG] created from [BRASAA25.DLG] [BRASAAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRASAAD.DLG] created from [BRASAAD.DLG] [BRAT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRAT1.DLG] created from [BRAT1.DLG] [BRAT2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRAT2.DLG] created from [BRAT2.DLG] [BRAT3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRAT3.DLG] created from [BRAT3.DLG] [BREG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BREG01.DLG] created from [BREG01.DLG] [BREGG.DLG.DLG] loaded [BREGG.DLG] created from [BREGG.DLG] [BRELM.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRELM.DLG] created from [BRELM.DLG] [BRUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRUS.DLG] created from [BRUS.DLG] [BRUS2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRUS2.DLG] created from [BRUS2.DLG] [BRUS3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BRUS3.DLG] created from [BRUS3.DLG] [BSAILOR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BSAILOR1.DLG] created from [BSAILOR1.DLG] [BSAILOR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BSAILOR2.DLG] created from [BSAILOR2.DLG] [BSAILOR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [BSAILOR3.DLG] created from [BSAILOR3.DLG] [BSAREV25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BSAREV25.DLG] created from [BSAREV25.DLG] [BSHOP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [BSHOP01.DLG] created from [BSHOP01.DLG] [BSHOP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [BSHOP02.DLG] created from [BSHOP02.DLG] [BUB.DLG.DLG] loaded [BUB.DLG] created from [BUB.DLG] [BUBBLES.DLG.DLG] loaded [BUBBLES.DLG] created from [BUBBLES.DLG] [BULLRUSH.DLG.DLG] loaded [BULLRUSH.DLG] created from [BULLRUSH.DLG] [BUNKIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [BUNKIN.DLG] created from [BUNKIN.DLG] [BURCH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BURCH1.DLG] created from [BURCH1.DLG] [BURCH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BURCH2.DLG] created from [BURCH2.DLG] [BVALYG25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BVALYG25.DLG] created from [BVALYG25.DLG] [BVALYGA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BVALYGA.DLG] created from [BVALYGA.DLG] [BVICON25.DLG.DLG] loaded [BVICON25.DLG] created from [BVICON25.DLG] [./override/BVICONI.DLG] loaded, 51067 bytes [BVICONI.DLG.DLG] loaded [BVICONI.DLG] created from [BVICONI.DLG] [BWENCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [BWENCH.DLG] created from [BWENCH.DLG] [BYLANNA.DLG.DLG] loaded [BYLANNA.DLG] created from [BYLANNA.DLG] [BYOSHIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [BYOSHIM.DLG] created from [BYOSHIM.DLG] [BYSTAND1.DLG.DLG] loaded [BYSTAND1.DLG] created from [BYSTAND1.DLG] [BYSTAND2.DLG.DLG] loaded [BYSTAND2.DLG] created from [BYSTAND2.DLG] [C6ARKAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ARKAN.DLG] created from [C6ARKAN.DLG] [C6BGUARD.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6BGUARD.DLG] created from [C6BGUARD.DLG] [C6BODHI.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6BODHI.DLG] created from [C6BODHI.DLG] [C6BRUEN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6BRUEN1.DLG] created from [C6BRUEN1.DLG] [C6BRUEN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6BRUEN2.DLG] created from [C6BRUEN2.DLG] [C6CATTI1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6CATTI1.DLG] created from [C6CATTI1.DLG] [C6CATTI2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6CATTI2.DLG] created from [C6CATTI2.DLG] [C6CLER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6CLER1.DLG] created from [C6CLER1.DLG] [C6CLER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6CLER2.DLG] created from [C6CLER2.DLG] [C6CLER3.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6CLER3.DLG] created from [C6CLER3.DLG] [C6CORAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6CORAN.DLG] created from [C6CORAN.DLG] [C6DRIZZ1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6DRIZZ1.DLG] created from [C6DRIZZ1.DLG] [C6DRIZZ2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6DRIZZ2.DLG] created from [C6DRIZZ2.DLG] [C6ELF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ELF1.DLG] created from [C6ELF1.DLG] [C6ELFGEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ELFGEN.DLG] created from [C6ELFGEN.DLG] [C6ELHAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ELHAN.DLG] created from [C6ELHAN.DLG] [C6ELHAN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ELHAN1.DLG] created from [C6ELHAN1.DLG] [C6ELHAN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ELHAN2.DLG] created from [C6ELHAN2.DLG] [C6ELVENW.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ELVENW.DLG] created from [C6ELVENW.DLG] [C6ERIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6ERIC.DLG] created from [C6ERIC.DLG] [C6FAKE.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6FAKE.DLG] created from [C6FAKE.DLG] [C6GEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6GEN.DLG] created from [C6GEN.DLG] [C6GENER.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6GENER.DLG] created from [C6GENER.DLG] [C6HARP.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6HARP.DLG] created from [C6HARP.DLG] [C6LANF.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6LANF.DLG] created from [C6LANF.DLG] [C6MESS.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6MESS.DLG] created from [C6MESS.DLG] [C6REGIS1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6REGIS1.DLG] created from [C6REGIS1.DLG] [C6REGIS2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6REGIS2.DLG] created from [C6REGIS2.DLG] [C6SAFA.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6SAFA.DLG] created from [C6SAFA.DLG] [C6SQUIRE.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6SQUIRE.DLG] created from [C6SQUIRE.DLG] [C6WARSA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6WARSA1.DLG] created from [C6WARSA1.DLG] [C6WARSA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6WARSA2.DLG] created from [C6WARSA2.DLG] [C6WILL.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6WILL.DLG] created from [C6WILL.DLG] [C6WULF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6WULF1.DLG] created from [C6WULF1.DLG] [C6WULF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [C6WULF2.DLG] created from [C6WULF2.DLG] [CAEDMO.DLG.DLG] loaded [CAEDMO.DLG] created from [CAEDMO.DLG] [CAEHAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CAEHAN.DLG] created from [CAEHAN.DLG] [CAILAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CAILAN.DLG] created from [CAILAN.DLG] [CALAHA.DLG.DLG] loaded [CALAHA.DLG] created from [CALAHA.DLG] [CALDO.DLG.DLG] loaded [CALDO.DLG] created from [CALDO.DLG] [CAMITIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [CAMITIS.DLG] created from [CAMITIS.DLG] [CANTIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [CANTIC.DLG] created from [CANTIC.DLG] [CARBOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [CARBOS.DLG] created from [CARBOS.DLG] [CATTAC.DLG.DLG] loaded [CATTAC.DLG] created from [CATTAC.DLG] [CAUTER.DLG.DLG] loaded [CAUTER.DLG] created from [CAUTER.DLG] [./override/CD3SKLM.BCS] loaded, 5390 bytes [CEBEGGAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEBEGGAR.DLG] created from [CEBEGGAR.DLG] [CECHALLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [CECHALLE.DLG] created from [CECHALLE.DLG] [CEDELICH.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEDELICH.DLG] created from [CEDELICH.DLG] [CEDERIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEDERIL.DLG] created from [CEDERIL.DLG] [CEDRUID1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEDRUID1.DLG] created from [CEDRUID1.DLG] [CEDRUID2.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEDRUID2.DLG] created from [CEDRUID2.DLG] [CEFALD04.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEFALD04.DLG] created from [CEFALD04.DLG] [CEFALDOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEFALDOR.DLG] created from [CEFALDOR.DLG] [CEFGT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEFGT03.DLG] created from [CEFGT03.DLG] [CEFGT04.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEFGT04.DLG] created from [CEFGT04.DLG] [CEFGT05.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEFGT05.DLG] created from [CEFGT05.DLG] [CEGLUT.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEGLUT.DLG] created from [CEGLUT.DLG] [CEIGAROL.DLG.DLG] loaded [CEIGAROL.DLG] created from [CEIGAROL.DLG] [CELICH.DLG.DLG] loaded [CELICH.DLG] created from [CELICH.DLG] [CELOGAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CELOGAN.DLG] created from [CELOGAN.DLG] [CELVAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CELVAN.DLG] created from [CELVAN.DLG] [CENANNY.DLG.DLG] loaded [CENANNY.DLG] created from [CENANNY.DLG] [CERND.DLG.DLG] loaded [CERND.DLG] created from [CERND.DLG] [CERND25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [CERND25A.DLG] created from [CERND25A.DLG] [CERND25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [CERND25J.DLG] created from [CERND25J.DLG] [CERND25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [CERND25P.DLG] created from [CERND25P.DLG] [CERNDJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [CERNDJ.DLG] created from [CERNDJ.DLG] [CERNDP.DLG.DLG] loaded [CERNDP.DLG] created from [CERNDP.DLG] [CGUARD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CGUARD1.DLG] created from [CGUARD1.DLG] [CHAIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHAIN.DLG] created from [CHAIN.DLG] [./override/CHALCY01.DLG] loaded, 3428 bytes [CHALCY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHALCY01.DLG] created from [CHALCY01.DLG] [CHALDT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHALDT01.DLG] created from [CHALDT01.DLG] [CHALIN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHALIN01.DLG] created from [CHALIN01.DLG] [CHALPC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHALPC01.DLG] created from [CHALPC01.DLG] [CHALRV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHALRV01.DLG] created from [CHALRV01.DLG] [CHALSP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHALSP01.DLG] created from [CHALSP01.DLG] [CHANTE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHANTE2.DLG] created from [CHANTE2.DLG] [CHARMC.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHARMC.DLG] created from [CHARMC.DLG] [CHASE.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHASE.DLG] created from [CHASE.DLG] [CHELAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHELAN.DLG] created from [CHELAN.DLG] [CHESS.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHESS.DLG] created from [CHESS.DLG] [CHHELP.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHHELP.DLG] created from [CHHELP.DLG] [CHILDULG.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHILDULG.DLG] created from [CHILDULG.DLG] [CHIMP5.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHIMP5.DLG] created from [CHIMP5.DLG] [CHLOE.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHLOE.DLG] created from [CHLOE.DLG] [CHOLGA.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHOLGA.DLG] created from [CHOLGA.DLG] [CHORE.DLG.DLG] loaded [CHORE.DLG] created from [CHORE.DLG] [CIRCG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CIRCG1.DLG] created from [CIRCG1.DLG] [CIVAMNG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CIVAMNG1.DLG] created from [CIVAMNG1.DLG] [CIVFRUS1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CIVFRUS1.DLG] created from [CIVFRUS1.DLG] [CIVIL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CIVIL01.DLG] created from [CIVIL01.DLG] [CIVIL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [CIVIL02.DLG] created from [CIVIL02.DLG] [CIVIL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [CIVIL03.DLG] created from [CIVIL03.DLG] [CLARDI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLARDI01.DLG] created from [CLARDI01.DLG] [CLCOTI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLCOTI01.DLG] created from [CLCOTI01.DLG] [CLDAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLDAD.DLG] created from [CLDAD.DLG] [CLELUN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLELUN01.DLG] created from [CLELUN01.DLG] [CLERK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLERK01.DLG] created from [CLERK01.DLG] [CLGLIN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLGLIN01.DLG] created from [CLGLIN01.DLG] [CLKID.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLKID.DLG] created from [CLKID.DLG] [CLMOM.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLMOM.DLG] created from [CLMOM.DLG] [CLONE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLONE1.DLG] created from [CLONE1.DLG] [CLRANI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLRANI01.DLG] created from [CLRANI01.DLG] [CLTCUT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLTCUT01.DLG] created from [CLTCUT01.DLG] [CLTCUT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLTCUT02.DLG] created from [CLTCUT02.DLG] [CLTCUT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLTCUT03.DLG] created from [CLTCUT03.DLG] [CLTIVA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CLTIVA01.DLG] created from [CLTIVA01.DLG] [COHNTA.DLG.DLG] loaded [COHNTA.DLG] created from [COHNTA.DLG] [COHRVALE.DLG.DLG] loaded [COHRVALE.DLG] created from [COHRVALE.DLG] [COKSMTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [COKSMTH.DLG] created from [COKSMTH.DLG] [CONNOL.DLG.DLG] loaded [CONNOL.DLG] created from [CONNOL.DLG] [CONPANEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [CONPANEL.DLG] created from [CONPANEL.DLG] [COPAMB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [COPAMB01.DLG] created from [COPAMB01.DLG] [COPCUST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [COPCUST1.DLG] created from [COPCUST1.DLG] [COPCUST2.DLG.DLG] loaded [COPCUST2.DLG] created from [COPCUST2.DLG] [COPCUST3.DLG.DLG] loaded [COPCUST3.DLG] created from [COPCUST3.DLG] [COPGREET.DLG.DLG] loaded [COPGREET.DLG] created from [COPGREET.DLG] [COR.DLG.DLG] loaded [COR.DLG] created from [COR.DLG] [CORANP.DLG.DLG] loaded [CORANP.DLG] created from [CORANP.DLG] [CORGEIG.DLG.DLG] loaded [CORGEIG.DLG] created from [CORGEIG.DLG] [CORNEIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [CORNEIL.DLG] created from [CORNEIL.DLG] [CORSON.DLG.DLG] loaded [CORSON.DLG] created from [CORSON.DLG] [COUNSEC.DLG.DLG] loaded [COUNSEC.DLG] created from [COUNSEC.DLG] [COWENF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [COWENF2.DLG] created from [COWENF2.DLG] [COWLDIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [COWLDIE.DLG] created from [COWLDIE.DLG] [CREDUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [CREDUS.DLG] created from [CREDUS.DLG] [CREW.DLG.DLG] loaded [CREW.DLG] created from [CREW.DLG] [CROBAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CROBAR01.DLG] created from [CROBAR01.DLG] [CRODRU01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CRODRU01.DLG] created from [CRODRU01.DLG] [CROGAM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CROGAM01.DLG] created from [CROGAM01.DLG] [CROGAM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [CROGAM02.DLG] created from [CROGAM02.DLG] [CROLUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [CROLUS.DLG] created from [CROLUS.DLG] [CROTHF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CROTHF01.DLG] created from [CROTHF01.DLG] [CROTHF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [CROTHF02.DLG] created from [CROTHF02.DLG] [CROWEN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [CROWEN01.DLG] created from [CROWEN01.DLG] [CRTHF03.DLG.DLG] loaded [CRTHF03.DLG] created from [CRTHF03.DLG] [CSCLERIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSCLERIC.DLG] created from [CSCLERIC.DLG] [CSCOWL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSCOWL1.DLG] created from [CSCOWL1.DLG] [CSGAAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSGAAL.DLG] created from [CSGAAL.DLG] [CSGAYL.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSGAYL.DLG] created from [CSGAYL.DLG] [CSHECK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSHECK1.DLG] created from [CSHECK1.DLG] [CSHECK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSHECK2.DLG] created from [CSHECK2.DLG] [CSHECK3.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSHECK3.DLG] created from [CSHECK3.DLG] [CSIMOEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSIMOEN.DLG] created from [CSIMOEN.DLG] [CSIREN.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSIREN.DLG] created from [CSIREN.DLG] [CSSUPP1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSSUPP1.DLG] created from [CSSUPP1.DLG] [CSSUPP2.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSSUPP2.DLG] created from [CSSUPP2.DLG] [CSSUPP3.DLG.DLG] loaded [CSSUPP3.DLG] created from [CSSUPP3.DLG] [CTRAITOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [CTRAITOR.DLG] created from [CTRAITOR.DLG] [CULT2.DLG.DLG] loaded [CULT2.DLG] created from [CULT2.DLG] [CULTIST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [CULTIST1.DLG] created from [CULTIST1.DLG] [CULTIST2.DLG.DLG] loaded [CULTIST2.DLG] created from [CULTIST2.DLG] [CUSTOM.DLG.DLG] loaded [CUSTOM.DLG] created from [CUSTOM.DLG] [CUTEKI.DLG.DLG] loaded [CUTEKI.DLG] created from [CUTEKI.DLG] [CUTGOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [CUTGOR.DLG] created from [CUTGOR.DLG] [CUTSAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [CUTSAR.DLG] created from [CUTSAR.DLG] [CYDERM.DLG.DLG] loaded [CYDERM.DLG] created from [CYDERM.DLG] [D1GORI.DLG.DLG] loaded [D1GORI.DLG] created from [D1GORI.DLG] [D1MOTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [D1MOTH.DLG] created from [D1MOTH.DLG] [D1SAREV.DLG.DLG] loaded [D1SAREV.DLG] created from [D1SAREV.DLG] [DAABOL.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAABOL.DLG] created from [DAABOL.DLG] [DADROW03.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW03.DLG] created from [DADROW03.DLG] [DADROW10.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW10.DLG] created from [DADROW10.DLG] [DADROW11.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW11.DLG] created from [DADROW11.DLG] [DADROW12.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW12.DLG] created from [DADROW12.DLG] [DADROW13.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW13.DLG] created from [DADROW13.DLG] [DADROW14.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW14.DLG] created from [DADROW14.DLG] [DADROW15.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW15.DLG] created from [DADROW15.DLG] [DADROW16.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW16.DLG] created from [DADROW16.DLG] [DADROW17.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW17.DLG] created from [DADROW17.DLG] [DADROW18.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW18.DLG] created from [DADROW18.DLG] [DADROW21.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW21.DLG] created from [DADROW21.DLG] [DADROW22.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW22.DLG] created from [DADROW22.DLG] [DADROW23.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW23.DLG] created from [DADROW23.DLG] [DADROW26.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW26.DLG] created from [DADROW26.DLG] [DADROW3.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW3.DLG] created from [DADROW3.DLG] [DADROW6.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW6.DLG] created from [DADROW6.DLG] [DADROW8.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW8.DLG] created from [DADROW8.DLG] [DADROW9.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADROW9.DLG] created from [DADROW9.DLG] [DADUER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DADUER1.DLG] created from [DADUER1.DLG] [DAERRAGH.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAERRAGH.DLG] created from [DAERRAGH.DLG] [DAGENIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAGENIE.DLG] created from [DAGENIE.DLG] [DAGITH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAGITH1.DLG] created from [DAGITH1.DLG] [DAGITH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAGITH2.DLG] created from [DAGITH2.DLG] [DAITEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAITEL.DLG] created from [DAITEL.DLG] [DALESON.DLG.DLG] loaded [DALESON.DLG] created from [DALESON.DLG] [DANDAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [DANDAL.DLG] created from [DANDAL.DLG] [DANNO1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DANNO1.DLG] created from [DANNO1.DLG] [DAQILUE.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAQILUE.DLG] created from [DAQILUE.DLG] [DARRYL.DLG.DLG] loaded [DARRYL.DLG] created from [DARRYL.DLG] [DASLAVE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DASLAVE1.DLG] created from [DASLAVE1.DLG] [DASLAVE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DASLAVE2.DLG] created from [DASLAVE2.DLG] [DASLAVE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [DASLAVE3.DLG] created from [DASLAVE3.DLG] [DASLAVE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [DASLAVE4.DLG] created from [DASLAVE4.DLG] [DASLAVE5.DLG.DLG] loaded [DASLAVE5.DLG] created from [DASLAVE5.DLG] [DASLAVE6.DLG.DLG] loaded [DASLAVE6.DLG] created from [DASLAVE6.DLG] [DASLAVE7.DLG.DLG] loaded [DASLAVE7.DLG] created from [DASLAVE7.DLG] [DAWNMAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [DAWNMAS.DLG] created from [DAWNMAS.DLG] [DBEGGAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [DBEGGAR.DLG] created from [DBEGGAR.DLG] [DBEGGAR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DBEGGAR2.DLG] created from [DBEGGAR2.DLG] [DCLERIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [DCLERIC.DLG] created from [DCLERIC.DLG] [DCOWL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DCOWL1.DLG] created from [DCOWL1.DLG] [DDGUARD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DDGUARD1.DLG] created from [DDGUARD1.DLG] [DDGUARD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DDGUARD2.DLG] created from [DDGUARD2.DLG] [DDGUARD3.DLG.DLG] loaded [DDGUARD3.DLG] created from [DDGUARD3.DLG] [DDGUARD4.DLG.DLG] loaded [DDGUARD4.DLG] created from [DDGUARD4.DLG] [DDGUARD5.DLG.DLG] loaded [DDGUARD5.DLG] created from [DDGUARD5.DLG] [DDGUARD6.DLG.DLG] loaded [DDGUARD6.DLG] created from [DDGUARD6.DLG] [DEAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEAN.DLG] created from [DEAN.DLG] [DEATH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEATH1.DLG] created from [DEATH1.DLG] [DEATH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEATH2.DLG] created from [DEATH2.DLG] [DEFAULT.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEFAULT.DLG] created from [DEFAULT.DLG] [DEGARD.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEGARD.DLG] created from [DEGARD.DLG] [DEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEL.DLG] created from [DEL.DLG] [DELAINY.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELAINY.DLG] created from [DELAINY.DLG] [DELCIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELCIA.DLG] created from [DELCIA.DLG] [DELNOB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELNOB01.DLG] created from [DELNOB01.DLG] [DELNOB02.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELNOB02.DLG] created from [DELNOB02.DLG] [DELON.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELON.DLG] created from [DELON.DLG] [DELRYNG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELRYNG1.DLG] created from [DELRYNG1.DLG] [DELTOW01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELTOW01.DLG] created from [DELTOW01.DLG] [DELTOW02.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELTOW02.DLG] created from [DELTOW02.DLG] [DELTOW03.DLG.DLG] loaded [DELTOW03.DLG] created from [DELTOW03.DLG] [DEMSON.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEMSON.DLG] created from [DEMSON.DLG] [DENKOD.DLG.DLG] loaded [DENKOD.DLG] created from [DENKOD.DLG] [DESSLO.DLG.DLG] loaded [DESSLO.DLG] created from [DESSLO.DLG] [DESTUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [DESTUS.DLG] created from [DESTUS.DLG] [DETRAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [DETRAN.DLG] created from [DETRAN.DLG] [DEZKIEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [DEZKIEL.DLG] created from [DEZKIEL.DLG] [DFISHER.DLG.DLG] loaded [DFISHER.DLG] created from [DFISHER.DLG] [DFTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DFTOWN1.DLG] created from [DFTOWN1.DLG] [DFTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DFTOWN2.DLG] created from [DFTOWN2.DLG] [DGDRU01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DGDRU01.DLG] created from [DGDRU01.DLG] [DGFIG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DGFIG01.DLG] created from [DGFIG01.DLG] [DGMAG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DGMAG01.DLG] created from [DGMAG01.DLG] [DHALF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DHALF1.DLG] created from [DHALF1.DLG] [DHANIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [DHANIA.DLG] created from [DHANIA.DLG] [DHARLOT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DHARLOT1.DLG] created from [DHARLOT1.DLG] [DHARLOT2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DHARLOT2.DLG] created from [DHARLOT2.DLG] [DIANE.DLG.DLG] loaded [DIANE.DLG] created from [DIANE.DLG] [DIATEST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DIATEST1.DLG] created from [DIATEST1.DLG] [DILAK.DLG.DLG] loaded [DILAK.DLG] created from [DILAK.DLG] [DILLAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [DILLAR.DLG] created from [DILLAR.DLG] [DINK.DLG.DLG] loaded [DINK.DLG] created from [DINK.DLG] [DIRLAI.DLG.DLG] loaded [DIRLAI.DLG] created from [DIRLAI.DLG] [DLOST.DLG.DLG] loaded [DLOST.DLG] created from [DLOST.DLG] [DMANNO.DLG.DLG] loaded [DMANNO.DLG] created from [DMANNO.DLG] [DMARK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DMARK1.DLG] created from [DMARK1.DLG] [DMREST.DLG.DLG] loaded [DMREST.DLG] created from [DMREST.DLG] [DMSTORE.DLG.DLG] loaded [DMSTORE.DLG] created from [DMSTORE.DLG] [DMTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DMTOWN1.DLG] created from [DMTOWN1.DLG] [DMTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DMTOWN2.DLG] created from [DMTOWN2.DLG] [DOCSOL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOCSOL01.DLG] created from [DOCSOL01.DLG] [DOCSOL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOCSOL02.DLG] created from [DOCSOL02.DLG] [DOCSOL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOCSOL03.DLG] created from [DOCSOL03.DLG] [./override/DOGHMA.DLG] loaded, 3117 bytes [DOGHMA.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOGHMA.DLG] created from [DOGHMA.DLG] [DOMT.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOMT.DLG] created from [DOMT.DLG] [DOOMSAY.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOOMSAY.DLG] created from [DOOMSAY.DLG] [DOPDUR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOPDUR1.DLG] created from [DOPDUR1.DLG] [DOPDUR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOPDUR2.DLG] created from [DOPDUR2.DLG] [DOPMER.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOPMER.DLG] created from [DOPMER.DLG] [DOPPSM.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOPPSM.DLG] created from [DOPPSM.DLG] [DORK.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORK.DLG] created from [DORK.DLG] [DORKUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORKUS.DLG] created from [DORKUS.DLG] [DORN.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORN.DLG] created from [DORN.DLG] [DORN25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORN25A.DLG] created from [DORN25A.DLG] [DORN25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORN25J.DLG] created from [DORN25J.DLG] [DORN25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORN25P.DLG] created from [DORN25P.DLG] [DORNJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORNJ.DLG] created from [DORNJ.DLG] [DORNP.DLG.DLG] loaded [DORNP.DLG] created from [DORNP.DLG] [DOUG.DLG.DLG] loaded [DOUG.DLG] created from [DOUG.DLG] [DPJON01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DPJON01.DLG] created from [DPJON01.DLG] [DPJON02.DLG.DLG] loaded [DPJON02.DLG] created from [DPJON02.DLG] [DPSTAT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DPSTAT01.DLG] created from [DPSTAT01.DLG] [DRADEE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRADEE2.DLG] created from [DRADEE2.DLG] [DRAGBLAC.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRAGBLAC.DLG] created from [DRAGBLAC.DLG] [DREAM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DREAM1.DLG] created from [DREAM1.DLG] [DREAM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DREAM2.DLG] created from [DREAM2.DLG] [DREAM3.DLG.DLG] loaded [DREAM3.DLG] created from [DREAM3.DLG] [DREAM4.DLG.DLG] loaded [DREAM4.DLG] created from [DREAM4.DLG] [DREAMPC.DLG.DLG] loaded [DREAMPC.DLG] created from [DREAMPC.DLG] [DRELIK.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRELIK.DLG] created from [DRELIK.DLG] [DRELLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRELLE.DLG] created from [DRELLE.DLG] [DRELLE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRELLE2.DLG] created from [DRELLE2.DLG] [DRENDEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRENDEN.DLG] created from [DRENDEN.DLG] [DREPPI2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DREPPI2.DLG] created from [DREPPI2.DLG] [DREPPI3.DLG.DLG] loaded [DREPPI3.DLG] created from [DREPPI3.DLG] [DROWWA.DLG.DLG] loaded [DROWWA.DLG] created from [DROWWA.DLG] [DRSHCH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSHCH01.DLG] created from [DRSHCH01.DLG] [DRSHLO01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSHLO01.DLG] created from [DRSHLO01.DLG] [DRSHNL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSHNL01.DLG] created from [DRSHNL01.DLG] [DRSHSP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSHSP01.DLG] created from [DRSHSP01.DLG] [DRSLAYER.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSLAYER.DLG] created from [DRSLAYER.DLG] [DRSTATU1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSTATU1.DLG] created from [DRSTATU1.DLG] [DRSTATU2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSTATU2.DLG] created from [DRSTATU2.DLG] [DRSTATU3.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRSTATU3.DLG] created from [DRSTATU3.DLG] [DRUFF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUFF1.DLG] created from [DRUFF1.DLG] [DRUFF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUFF2.DLG] created from [DRUFF2.DLG] [DRUID2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUID2.DLG] created from [DRUID2.DLG] [DRUIDAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUIDAD.DLG] created from [DRUIDAD.DLG] [DRUIDC.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUIDC.DLG] created from [DRUIDC.DLG] [DRUNK.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUNK.DLG] created from [DRUNK.DLG] [DRUNK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUNK1.DLG] created from [DRUNK1.DLG] [DRUNK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUNK2.DLG] created from [DRUNK2.DLG] [DRUSH.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRUSH.DLG] created from [DRUSH.DLG] [DRYAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [DRYAD.DLG] created from [DRYAD.DLG] [DSAILOR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DSAILOR1.DLG] created from [DSAILOR1.DLG] [DSAILOR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [DSAILOR2.DLG] created from [DSAILOR2.DLG] [DSHOP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [DSHOP01.DLG] created from [DSHOP01.DLG] [DSHOP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [DSHOP02.DLG] created from [DSHOP02.DLG] [DUERGAR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [DUERGAR1.DLG] created from [DUERGAR1.DLG] [DUERGAR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [DUERGAR3.DLG] created from [DUERGAR3.DLG] [DURLYLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [DURLYLE.DLG] created from [DURLYLE.DLG] [DUSHAI.DLG.DLG] loaded [DUSHAI.DLG] created from [DUSHAI.DLG] [./override/DW#LLBAL.BCS] loaded, 1147 bytes [./override/DW#LLBNF.BCS] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DW#LLCOR.BCS] loaded, 1542 bytes [./override/DW#MSOGR.BCS] loaded, 543 bytes [./override/DW#UMBER.BCS] loaded, 2113 bytes [./override/DW-AIREL.BCS] loaded, 2335 bytes [./override/DW-EAREL.BCS] loaded, 681 bytes [./override/DW-FIREL.BCS] loaded, 2336 bytes [./override/DW-MSGSD.BCS] loaded, 239 bytes [./override/DW-PRFHQ.DLG] loaded, 4442 bytes [DW-PRFHQ.DLG.DLG] loaded [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] [./override/DW-PRFLL.DLG] loaded, 550 bytes [DW-PRFLL.DLG.DLG] loaded [DW-PRFLL.DLG] created from [DW-PRFLL.DLG] [./override/DW-PRFLQ.DLG] loaded, 5379 bytes [DW-PRFLQ.DLG.DLG] loaded [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] [./override/DW-PRFME.DLG] loaded, 1324 bytes [DW-PRFME.DLG.DLG] loaded [DW-PRFME.DLG] created from [DW-PRFME.DLG] [./override/DW-PRFTQ.DLG] loaded, 4823 bytes [DW-PRFTQ.DLG.DLG] loaded [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] [./override/DW-WTREL.BCS] loaded, 1210 bytes [DYNAHP.DLG.DLG] loaded [DYNAHP.DLG] created from [DYNAHP.DLG] [EDWIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [EDWIN.DLG] created from [EDWIN.DLG] [EDWIN25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [EDWIN25A.DLG] created from [EDWIN25A.DLG] [EDWIN25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [EDWIN25J.DLG] created from [EDWIN25J.DLG] [EDWIN25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [EDWIN25P.DLG] created from [EDWIN25P.DLG] [EDWINJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [EDWINJ.DLG] created from [EDWINJ.DLG] [EDWINP.DLG.DLG] loaded [EDWINP.DLG] created from [EDWINP.DLG] [EDWINW.DLG.DLG] loaded [EDWINW.DLG] created from [EDWINW.DLG] [./override/EFTROLG.BCS] loaded, 6 bytes [ELDERS.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELDERS.DLG] created from [ELDERS.DLG] [ELDOTD.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELDOTD.DLG] created from [ELDOTD.DLG] [ELDOTP.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELDOTP.DLG] created from [ELDOTP.DLG] [ELEARB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB01.DLG] created from [ELEARB01.DLG] [ELEARB02.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB02.DLG] created from [ELEARB02.DLG] [ELEARB03.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB03.DLG] created from [ELEARB03.DLG] [ELEARB04.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB04.DLG] created from [ELEARB04.DLG] [ELEARB05.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB05.DLG] created from [ELEARB05.DLG] [ELEARB06.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB06.DLG] created from [ELEARB06.DLG] [ELEARB07.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB07.DLG] created from [ELEARB07.DLG] [ELEARB08.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB08.DLG] created from [ELEARB08.DLG] [ELEARB09.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB09.DLG] created from [ELEARB09.DLG] [ELEARB10.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB10.DLG] created from [ELEARB10.DLG] [ELEARB11.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEARB11.DLG] created from [ELEARB11.DLG] [ELELEV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELELEV01.DLG] created from [ELELEV01.DLG] [./override/ELEMCHAN.BCS] loaded, 7022 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.BCS] loaded, 3646 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.BCS] loaded, 10602 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.BCS] loaded, 7323 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.BCS] loaded, 7323 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.BCS] loaded, 7122 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.BCS] loaded, 10602 bytes [ELEPRV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEPRV01.DLG] created from [ELEPRV01.DLG] [ELEPUZ01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEPUZ01.DLG] created from [ELEPUZ01.DLG] [ELEPUZ02.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEPUZ02.DLG] created from [ELEPUZ02.DLG] [ELEPUZ03.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEPUZ03.DLG] created from [ELEPUZ03.DLG] [ELEPUZ04.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELEPUZ04.DLG] created from [ELEPUZ04.DLG] [ELFBOUNT.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELFBOUNT.DLG] created from [ELFBOUNT.DLG] [ELGEA.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELGEA.DLG] created from [ELGEA.DLG] [ELMIN5.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELMIN5.DLG] created from [ELMIN5.DLG] [ELMINS.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELMINS.DLG] created from [ELMINS.DLG] [ELOTTE.DLG.DLG] loaded [ELOTTE.DLG] created from [ELOTTE.DLG] [EMBARL.DLG.DLG] loaded [EMBARL.DLG] created from [EMBARL.DLG] [EMERS2.DLG.DLG] loaded [EMERS2.DLG] created from [EMERS2.DLG] [EMITAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [EMITAR.DLG] created from [EMITAR.DLG] [ENNA.DLG.DLG] loaded [ENNA.DLG] created from [ENNA.DLG] [ERIK.DLG.DLG] loaded [ERIK.DLG] created from [ERIK.DLG] [ERLIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [ERLIN.DLG] created from [ERLIN.DLG] [ESCORT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [ESCORT1.DLG] created from [ESCORT1.DLG] [ESCORT2.DLG.DLG] loaded [ESCORT2.DLG] created from [ESCORT2.DLG] [ESCORT3.DLG.DLG] loaded [ESCORT3.DLG] created from [ESCORT3.DLG] [ESCORT4.DLG.DLG] loaded [ESCORT4.DLG] created from [ESCORT4.DLG] [EURIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [EURIC.DLG] created from [EURIC.DLG] [EXAPP1.DLG.DLG] loaded [EXAPP1.DLG] created from [EXAPP1.DLG] [EXAPP2.DLG.DLG] loaded [EXAPP2.DLG] created from [EXAPP2.DLG] [EXCULT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [EXCULT1.DLG] created from [EXCULT1.DLG] [EXCULT2.DLG.DLG] loaded [EXCULT2.DLG] created from [EXCULT2.DLG] [FABER.DLG.DLG] loaded [FABER.DLG] created from [FABER.DLG] [FAFIGHT.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAFIGHT.DLG] created from [FAFIGHT.DLG] [FAHRIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAHRIN.DLG] created from [FAHRIN.DLG] [FAIZAH.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAIZAH.DLG] created from [FAIZAH.DLG] [FALDOJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [FALDOJ.DLG] created from [FALDOJ.DLG] [FALDOP.DLG.DLG] loaded [FALDOP.DLG] created from [FALDOP.DLG] [FAMIL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAMIL1.DLG] created from [FAMIL1.DLG] [FAMIL125.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAMIL125.DLG] created from [FAMIL125.DLG] [FAMIL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAMIL2.DLG] created from [FAMIL2.DLG] [FAMIL225.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAMIL225.DLG] created from [FAMIL225.DLG] [FAMIL3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAMIL3.DLG] created from [FAMIL3.DLG] [FAMIL325.DLG.DLG] loaded [FAMIL325.DLG] created from [FAMIL325.DLG] [FARM3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FARM3.DLG] created from [FARM3.DLG] [FARM4.DLG.DLG] loaded [FARM4.DLG] created from [FARM4.DLG] [FARM5.DLG.DLG] loaded [FARM5.DLG] created from [FARM5.DLG] [FARMWE.DLG.DLG] loaded [FARMWE.DLG] created from [FARMWE.DLG] [FARTHIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FARTHIN.DLG] created from [FARTHIN.DLG] [FATESP.DLG.DLG] loaded [FATESP.DLG] created from [FATESP.DLG] [FATMAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FATMAN.DLG] created from [FATMAN.DLG] [FATMBA.DLG.DLG] loaded [FATMBA.DLG] created from [FATMBA.DLG] [FATWBA.DLG.DLG] loaded [FATWBA.DLG] created from [FATWBA.DLG] [FCOOK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FCOOK2.DLG] created from [FCOOK2.DLG] [FCOOK3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FCOOK3.DLG] created from [FCOOK3.DLG] [FECOOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [FECOOK.DLG] created from [FECOOK.DLG] [FENTEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FENTEN.DLG] created from [FENTEN.DLG] [FERGUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [FERGUS.DLG] created from [FERGUS.DLG] [FETCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [FETCH.DLG] created from [FETCH.DLG] [FFACTOR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFACTOR1.DLG] created from [FFACTOR1.DLG] [FFACTOR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFACTOR2.DLG] created from [FFACTOR2.DLG] [FFACTOR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFACTOR3.DLG] created from [FFACTOR3.DLG] [FFBART.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFBART.DLG] created from [FFBART.DLG] [FFBIFF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFBIFF01.DLG] created from [FFBIFF01.DLG] [FFCOOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCOOK.DLG] created from [FFCOOK.DLG] [FFCROWD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCROWD1.DLG] created from [FFCROWD1.DLG] [FFCROWD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCROWD2.DLG] created from [FFCROWD2.DLG] [FFCROWD3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCROWD3.DLG] created from [FFCROWD3.DLG] [FFCROWD4.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCROWD4.DLG] created from [FFCROWD4.DLG] [FFCROWD5.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCROWD5.DLG] created from [FFCROWD5.DLG] [FFCUST01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST01.DLG] created from [FFCUST01.DLG] [FFCUST02.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST02.DLG] created from [FFCUST02.DLG] [FFCUST03.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST03.DLG] created from [FFCUST03.DLG] [FFCUST04.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST04.DLG] created from [FFCUST04.DLG] [FFCUST05.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST05.DLG] created from [FFCUST05.DLG] [FFCUST06.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST06.DLG] created from [FFCUST06.DLG] [FFCUST07.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST07.DLG] created from [FFCUST07.DLG] [FFCUST08.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST08.DLG] created from [FFCUST08.DLG] [FFCUST09.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFCUST09.DLG] created from [FFCUST09.DLG] [FFRECEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFRECEP.DLG] created from [FFRECEP.DLG] [FFSLEEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFSLEEP.DLG] created from [FFSLEEP.DLG] [FFUSHER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFUSHER1.DLG] created from [FFUSHER1.DLG] [FFUSHER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFUSHER2.DLG] created from [FFUSHER2.DLG] [FFWENCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [FFWENCH.DLG] created from [FFWENCH.DLG] [FINMEL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FINMEL01.DLG] created from [FINMEL01.DLG] [./override/FINSOL01.DLG] loaded, 14216 bytes [FINSOL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FINSOL01.DLG] created from [FINSOL01.DLG] [FIRAMB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRAMB01.DLG] created from [FIRAMB01.DLG] [FIRAMB02.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRAMB02.DLG] created from [FIRAMB02.DLG] [FIRAMB03.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRAMB03.DLG] created from [FIRAMB03.DLG] [FIRBAN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRBAN01.DLG] created from [FIRBAN01.DLG] [FIRBAN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRBAN02.DLG] created from [FIRBAN02.DLG] [FIRKRA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRKRA01.DLG] created from [FIRKRA01.DLG] [FIRKRA02.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRKRA02.DLG] created from [FIRKRA02.DLG] [FIRKRA03.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRKRA03.DLG] created from [FIRKRA03.DLG] [FIRMAG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRMAG01.DLG] created from [FIRMAG01.DLG] [FIRORC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRORC01.DLG] created from [FIRORC01.DLG] [FIRORC02.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRORC02.DLG] created from [FIRORC02.DLG] [FIRORC03.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRORC03.DLG] created from [FIRORC03.DLG] [FIRRAK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRRAK01.DLG] created from [FIRRAK01.DLG] [FIRTRL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRTRL01.DLG] created from [FIRTRL01.DLG] [FIRWLF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRWLF01.DLG] created from [FIRWLF01.DLG] [FIRWLF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [FIRWLF02.DLG] created from [FIRWLF02.DLG] [FLAM10.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM10.DLG] created from [FLAM10.DLG] [FLAM11.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM11.DLG] created from [FLAM11.DLG] [FLAM4.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM4.DLG] created from [FLAM4.DLG] [FLAM5.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM5.DLG] created from [FLAM5.DLG] [FLAM6.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM6.DLG] created from [FLAM6.DLG] [FLAM7.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM7.DLG] created from [FLAM7.DLG] [FLAM8.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM8.DLG] created from [FLAM8.DLG] [FLAM9.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAM9.DLG] created from [FLAM9.DLG] [FLAMBG.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAMBG.DLG] created from [FLAMBG.DLG] [FLAMBRID.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAMBRID.DLG] created from [FLAMBRID.DLG] [FLAMEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAMEN.DLG] created from [FLAMEN.DLG] [FLAMHUSB.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAMHUSB.DLG] created from [FLAMHUSB.DLG] [FLAMPUN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAMPUN.DLG] created from [FLAMPUN.DLG] [FLAMVAI.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLAMVAI.DLG] created from [FLAMVAI.DLG] [FLYFGT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [FLYFGT01.DLG] created from [FLYFGT01.DLG] [FOOD.DLG.DLG] loaded [FOOD.DLG] created from [FOOD.DLG] [FORESH.DLG.DLG] loaded [FORESH.DLG] created from [FORESH.DLG] [FORTHE.DLG.DLG] loaded [FORTHE.DLG] created from [FORTHE.DLG] [FRANCO.DLG.DLG] loaded [FRANCO.DLG] created from [FRANCO.DLG] [FRIEND.DLG.DLG] loaded [FRIEND.DLG] created from [FRIEND.DLG] [FRIWEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FRIWEN.DLG] created from [FRIWEN.DLG] [FSDRAGON.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSDRAGON.DLG] created from [FSDRAGON.DLG] [FSGLOBE.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSGLOBE.DLG] created from [FSGLOBE.DLG] [FSRIDD.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSRIDD.DLG] created from [FSRIDD.DLG] [FSSPIR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSSPIR2.DLG] created from [FSSPIR2.DLG] [FSSPIR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSSPIR3.DLG] created from [FSSPIR3.DLG] [FSSPIRA.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSSPIRA.DLG] created from [FSSPIRA.DLG] [FSSPIRB.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSSPIRB.DLG] created from [FSSPIRB.DLG] [FSSPIRC.DLG.DLG] loaded [FSSPIRC.DLG] created from [FSSPIRC.DLG] [FTOBE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOBE2.DLG] created from [FTOBE2.DLG] [FTOBE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOBE3.DLG] created from [FTOBE3.DLG] [FTOBE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOBE4.DLG] created from [FTOBE4.DLG] [FTOBE6.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOBE6.DLG] created from [FTOBE6.DLG] [FTOBE7.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOBE7.DLG] created from [FTOBE7.DLG] [FTOBE8.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOBE8.DLG] created from [FTOBE8.DLG] [FTOBE9.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOBE9.DLG] created from [FTOBE9.DLG] [FTOWB3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWB3.DLG] created from [FTOWB3.DLG] [FTOWB4.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWB4.DLG] created from [FTOWB4.DLG] [FTOWB5.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWB5.DLG] created from [FTOWB5.DLG] [FTOWB6.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWB6.DLG] created from [FTOWB6.DLG] [FTOWB7.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWB7.DLG] created from [FTOWB7.DLG] [FTOWBA.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWBA.DLG] created from [FTOWBA.DLG] [FTOWBAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWBAS.DLG] created from [FTOWBAS.DLG] [FTOWBE.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWBE.DLG] created from [FTOWBE.DLG] [FTOWBEZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWBEZ.DLG] created from [FTOWBEZ.DLG] [FTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWN1.DLG] created from [FTOWN1.DLG] [FTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWN2.DLG] created from [FTOWN2.DLG] [FTOWN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWN3.DLG] created from [FTOWN3.DLG] [FTOWN4.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWN4.DLG] created from [FTOWN4.DLG] [FTOWN5.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWN5.DLG] created from [FTOWN5.DLG] [FTOWN6.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWN6.DLG] created from [FTOWN6.DLG] [FTOWN7.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWN7.DLG] created from [FTOWN7.DLG] [FTOWNAZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWNAZ.DLG] created from [FTOWNAZ.DLG] [FTOWNUL.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWNUL.DLG] created from [FTOWNUL.DLG] [FTOWWI.DLG.DLG] loaded [FTOWWI.DLG] created from [FTOWWI.DLG] [FUAGNON.DLG.DLG] loaded [FUAGNON.DLG] created from [FUAGNON.DLG] [FUCKYU.DLG.DLG] loaded [FUCKYU.DLG] created from [FUCKYU.DLG] [FULADY.DLG.DLG] loaded [FULADY.DLG] created from [FULADY.DLG] [FULLER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [FULLER2.DLG] created from [FULLER2.DLG] [FULLER3.DLG.DLG] loaded [FULLER3.DLG] created from [FULLER3.DLG] [FULORD.DLG.DLG] loaded [FULORD.DLG] created from [FULORD.DLG] [FUMIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [FUMIN.DLG] created from [FUMIN.DLG] [GAAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAAL.DLG] created from [GAAL.DLG] [./override/GAELAN.DLG] loaded, 15187 bytes [GAELAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAELAN.DLG] created from [GAELAN.DLG] [GAELAN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAELAN2.DLG] created from [GAELAN2.DLG] [GALILE.DLG.DLG] loaded [GALILE.DLG] created from [GALILE.DLG] [GALLOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [GALLOR.DLG] created from [GALLOR.DLG] [GAMES.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAMES.DLG] created from [GAMES.DLG] [GAMES2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAMES2.DLG] created from [GAMES2.DLG] [GAMES3.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAMES3.DLG] created from [GAMES3.DLG] [GAMES4.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAMES4.DLG] created from [GAMES4.DLG] [GAMES5.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAMES5.DLG] created from [GAMES5.DLG] [GAMGUY.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAMGUY.DLG] created from [GAMGUY.DLG] [GARDEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARDEN.DLG] created from [GARDEN.DLG] [GARJUM.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARJUM.DLG] created from [GARJUM.DLG] [GARKID01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARKID01.DLG] created from [GARKID01.DLG] [GARKID02.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARKID02.DLG] created from [GARKID02.DLG] [GARKLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARKLA.DLG] created from [GARKLA.DLG] [GAROCK.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAROCK.DLG] created from [GAROCK.DLG] [GARREN.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARREN.DLG] created from [GARREN.DLG] [GARRICK.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARRICK.DLG] created from [GARRICK.DLG] [GARRIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARRIJ.DLG] created from [GARRIJ.DLG] [GARRIP.DLG.DLG] loaded [GARRIP.DLG] created from [GARRIP.DLG] [GAXIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAXIR.DLG] created from [GAXIR.DLG] [GAYLAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [GAYLAN.DLG] created from [GAYLAN.DLG] [GBEGG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GBEGG01.DLG] created from [GBEGG01.DLG] [GCHILD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GCHILD01.DLG] created from [GCHILD01.DLG] [GCHILD02.DLG.DLG] loaded [GCHILD02.DLG] created from [GCHILD02.DLG] [GELLAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [GELLAN.DLG] created from [GELLAN.DLG] [GEMFAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GEMFAR01.DLG] created from [GEMFAR01.DLG] [GEMFAR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [GEMFAR02.DLG] created from [GEMFAR02.DLG] [GEMJEB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GEMJEB01.DLG] created from [GEMJEB01.DLG] [GENIE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GENIE1.DLG] created from [GENIE1.DLG] [GENIE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GENIE2.DLG] created from [GENIE2.DLG] [GERALD.DLG.DLG] loaded [GERALD.DLG] created from [GERALD.DLG] [GERDE.DLG.DLG] loaded [GERDE.DLG] created from [GERDE.DLG] [GERETH.DLG.DLG] loaded [GERETH.DLG] created from [GERETH.DLG] [GERHAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [GERHAR.DLG] created from [GERHAR.DLG] [GFTOWN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GFTOWN01.DLG] created from [GFTOWN01.DLG] [GFTOWN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [GFTOWN02.DLG] created from [GFTOWN02.DLG] [GGUARD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GGUARD01.DLG] created from [GGUARD01.DLG] [GHAST3.DLG.DLG] loaded [GHAST3.DLG] created from [GHAST3.DLG] [GHELDE.DLG.DLG] loaded [GHELDE.DLG] created from [GHELDE.DLG] [GIRBA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GIRBA1.DLG] created from [GIRBA1.DLG] [GIRBA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GIRBA2.DLG] created from [GIRBA2.DLG] [GIRBA3.DLG.DLG] loaded [GIRBA3.DLG] created from [GIRBA3.DLG] [GIRL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GIRL1.DLG] created from [GIRL1.DLG] [GIRL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GIRL2.DLG] created from [GIRL2.DLG] [GIRLBE.DLG.DLG] loaded [GIRLBE.DLG] created from [GIRLBE.DLG] [GLAD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GLAD1.DLG] created from [GLAD1.DLG] [GLAD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GLAD2.DLG] created from [GLAD2.DLG] [GLART.DLG.DLG] loaded [GLART.DLG] created from [GLART.DLG] [GMTOWN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GMTOWN01.DLG] created from [GMTOWN01.DLG] [GMTOWN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [GMTOWN02.DLG] created from [GMTOWN02.DLG] [GNARL.DLG.DLG] loaded [GNARL.DLG] created from [GNARL.DLG] [./override/GNELEWTF.BCS] loaded, 1885 bytes [GNOBLEF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GNOBLEF1.DLG] created from [GNOBLEF1.DLG] [GNOBLEF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GNOBLEF2.DLG] created from [GNOBLEF2.DLG] [GNOBLEM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GNOBLEM1.DLG] created from [GNOBLEM1.DLG] [GNOBLEM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GNOBLEM2.DLG] created from [GNOBLEM2.DLG] [GNOLL5.DLG.DLG] loaded [GNOLL5.DLG] created from [GNOLL5.DLG] [./override/GNSUMMB.BCS] loaded, 982 bytes [./override/GNSUMMM.BCS] loaded, 416 bytes [GOLINV.DLG.DLG] loaded [GOLINV.DLG] created from [GOLINV.DLG] [GORALT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORALT1.DLG] created from [GORALT1.DLG] [GORAPP1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORAPP1.DLG] created from [GORAPP1.DLG] [GORAPR.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORAPR.DLG] created from [GORAPR.DLG] [GORARC1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORARC1.DLG] created from [GORARC1.DLG] [GORBAT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORBAT1.DLG] created from [GORBAT1.DLG] [GORBEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORBEL.DLG] created from [GORBEL.DLG] [GORCAMB.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORCAMB.DLG] created from [GORCAMB.DLG] [GORCAMB2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORCAMB2.DLG] created from [GORCAMB2.DLG] [GORCAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORCAR.DLG] created from [GORCAR.DLG] [GORCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORCH.DLG] created from [GORCH.DLG] [GORCHR.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORCHR.DLG] created from [GORCHR.DLG] [GORD.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORD.DLG] created from [GORD.DLG] [GORDEMO.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORDEMO.DLG] created from [GORDEMO.DLG] [GORF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORF1.DLG] created from [GORF1.DLG] [GORGAR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORGAR1.DLG] created from [GORGAR1.DLG] [GORGIT.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORGIT.DLG] created from [GORGIT.DLG] [GORIMP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORIMP01.DLG] created from [GORIMP01.DLG] [GORIOD.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORIOD.DLG] created from [GORIOD.DLG] [GORJE.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORJE.DLG] created from [GORJE.DLG] [GORLUM.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORLUM.DLG] created from [GORLUM.DLG] [GORLUM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORLUM2.DLG] created from [GORLUM2.DLG] [GORMAD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORMAD1.DLG] created from [GORMAD1.DLG] [GORODR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORODR1.DLG] created from [GORODR1.DLG] [GORPOL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORPOL1.DLG] created from [GORPOL1.DLG] [GORPRI1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORPRI1.DLG] created from [GORPRI1.DLG] [GORSAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORSAL.DLG] created from [GORSAL.DLG] [GORSUC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORSUC01.DLG] created from [GORSUC01.DLG] [GORTAN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORTAN1.DLG] created from [GORTAN1.DLG] [GORTOR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORTOR1.DLG] created from [GORTOR1.DLG] [GORTOR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORTOR2.DLG] created from [GORTOR2.DLG] [GORTOR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORTOR3.DLG] created from [GORTOR3.DLG] [GORTOR4.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORTOR4.DLG] created from [GORTOR4.DLG] [GORTOR5.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORTOR5.DLG] created from [GORTOR5.DLG] [GORTOR6.DLG.DLG] loaded [GORTOR6.DLG] created from [GORTOR6.DLG] [GOVWAU01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GOVWAU01.DLG] created from [GOVWAU01.DLG] [GPHIL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GPHIL01.DLG] created from [GPHIL01.DLG] [GPHIL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [GPHIL02.DLG] created from [GPHIL02.DLG] [GPHIL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [GPHIL03.DLG] created from [GPHIL03.DLG] [GRAE.DLG.DLG] loaded [GRAE.DLG] created from [GRAE.DLG] [GRAEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [GRAEL.DLG] created from [GRAEL.DLG] [GRETEK.DLG.DLG] loaded [GRETEK.DLG] created from [GRETEK.DLG] [GREYHAND.DLG.DLG] loaded [GREYHAND.DLG] created from [GREYHAND.DLG] [GROMG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GROMG01.DLG] created from [GROMG01.DLG] [GROMG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [GROMG02.DLG] created from [GROMG02.DLG] [GROMNIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [GROMNIR.DLG] created from [GROMNIR.DLG] [GRSKEL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GRSKEL1.DLG] created from [GRSKEL1.DLG] [GRVLCH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [GRVLCH01.DLG] created from [GRVLCH01.DLG] [GUARCA.DLG.DLG] loaded [GUARCA.DLG] created from [GUARCA.DLG] [GUARD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [GUARD1.DLG] created from [GUARD1.DLG] [GUARD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [GUARD2.DLG] created from [GUARD2.DLG] [GUARD3.DLG.DLG] loaded [GUARD3.DLG] created from [GUARD3.DLG] [GYLLIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [GYLLIA.DLG] created from [GYLLIA.DLG] [HABIB.DLG.DLG] loaded [HABIB.DLG] created from [HABIB.DLG] [HABREGA.DLG.DLG] loaded [HABREGA.DLG] created from [HABREGA.DLG] [HACK.DLG.DLG] loaded [HACK.DLG] created from [HACK.DLG] [HACTON.DLG.DLG] loaded [HACTON.DLG] created from [HACTON.DLG] [HACTONG.DLG.DLG] loaded [HACTONG.DLG] created from [HACTONG.DLG] [HAEGAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAEGAN.DLG] created from [HAEGAN.DLG] [HAERD25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAERD25A.DLG] created from [HAERD25A.DLG] [HAERD25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAERD25J.DLG] created from [HAERD25J.DLG] [HAERD25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAERD25P.DLG] created from [HAERD25P.DLG] [HAERDA.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAERDA.DLG] created from [HAERDA.DLG] [HAERDAJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAERDAJ.DLG] created from [HAERDAJ.DLG] [HAERDAP.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAERDAP.DLG] created from [HAERDAP.DLG] [HAFFG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAFFG2.DLG] created from [HAFFG2.DLG] [HAFIZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAFIZ.DLG] created from [HAFIZ.DLG] [HAIRTO.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAIRTO.DLG] created from [HAIRTO.DLG] [HAJANOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAJANOS.DLG] created from [HAJANOS.DLG] [HALFEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFEN.DLG] created from [HALFEN.DLG] [HALFFG.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFFG.DLG] created from [HALFFG.DLG] [HALFG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFG2.DLG] created from [HALFG2.DLG] [HALFG3.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFG3.DLG] created from [HALFG3.DLG] [HALFG4.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFG4.DLG] created from [HALFG4.DLG] [HALFG5.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFG5.DLG] created from [HALFG5.DLG] [HALFG6.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFG6.DLG] created from [HALFG6.DLG] [HALFTR.DLG.DLG] loaded [HALFTR.DLG] created from [HALFTR.DLG] [HAMEK.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAMEK.DLG] created from [HAMEK.DLG] [HAPIP.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAPIP.DLG] created from [HAPIP.DLG] [HAQUAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAQUAT.DLG] created from [HAQUAT.DLG] [HAQUATG.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAQUATG.DLG] created from [HAQUATG.DLG] [HAWKER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [HAWKER01.DLG] created from [HAWKER01.DLG] [HDRAGSIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [HDRAGSIL.DLG] created from [HDRAGSIL.DLG] [HEAD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEAD1.DLG] created from [HEAD1.DLG] [HEAD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEAD2.DLG] created from [HEAD2.DLG] [HEAD3.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEAD3.DLG] created from [HEAD3.DLG] [HEAD4.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEAD4.DLG] created from [HEAD4.DLG] [HEAD5.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEAD5.DLG] created from [HEAD5.DLG] [HEARTG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEARTG1.DLG] created from [HEARTG1.DLG] [HEARTG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEARTG2.DLG] created from [HEARTG2.DLG] [HEARTG3.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEARTG3.DLG] created from [HEARTG3.DLG] [HEARTG4.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEARTG4.DLG] created from [HEARTG4.DLG] [HEARTG5.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEARTG5.DLG] created from [HEARTG5.DLG] [HELLFEAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLFEAR.DLG] created from [HELLFEAR.DLG] [HELLGEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLGEN.DLG] created from [HELLGEN.DLG] [HELLGREE.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLGREE.DLG] created from [HELLGREE.DLG] [HELLJON.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLJON.DLG] created from [HELLJON.DLG] [HELLPRID.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLPRID.DLG] created from [HELLPRID.DLG] [HELLSARE.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLSARE.DLG] created from [HELLSARE.DLG] [HELLSELF.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLSELF.DLG] created from [HELLSELF.DLG] [HELLVICT.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELLVICT.DLG] created from [HELLVICT.DLG] [HELMBYR.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELMBYR.DLG] created from [HELMBYR.DLG] [HELMKNI1.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELMKNI1.DLG] created from [HELMKNI1.DLG] [HELMPR.DLG.DLG] loaded [HELMPR.DLG] created from [HELMPR.DLG] [HENDAK.DLG.DLG] loaded [HENDAK.DLG] created from [HENDAK.DLG] [HERVO.DLG.DLG] loaded [HERVO.DLG] created from [HERVO.DLG] [HEXXA25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEXXA25A.DLG] created from [HEXXA25A.DLG] [HEXXA25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEXXA25J.DLG] created from [HEXXA25J.DLG] [HEXXA25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEXXA25P.DLG] created from [HEXXA25P.DLG] [HEXXAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEXXAT.DLG] created from [HEXXAT.DLG] [HEXXATJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEXXATJ.DLG] created from [HEXXATJ.DLG] [HEXXATP.DLG.DLG] loaded [HEXXATP.DLG] created from [HEXXATP.DLG] [HGFLEE.DLG.DLG] loaded [HGFLEE.DLG] created from [HGFLEE.DLG] [HGKAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [HGKAR01.DLG] created from [HGKAR01.DLG] [HGNYA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [HGNYA01.DLG] created from [HGNYA01.DLG] [HGSKL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [HGSKL01.DLG] created from [HGSKL01.DLG] [HGWRA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [HGWRA01.DLG] created from [HGWRA01.DLG] [HIDDEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [HIDDEN.DLG] created from [HIDDEN.DLG] [HIST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [HIST1.DLG] created from [HIST1.DLG] [HLDEMI.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLDEMI.DLG] created from [HLDEMI.DLG] [HLKANG.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLKANG.DLG] created from [HLKANG.DLG] [HLKETTA.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLKETTA.DLG] created from [HLKETTA.DLG] [HLLICH.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLLICH.DLG] created from [HLLICH.DLG] [HLSHADE.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLSHADE.DLG] created from [HLSHADE.DLG] [HLSHANG.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLSHANG.DLG] created from [HLSHANG.DLG] [HLSION.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLSION.DLG] created from [HLSION.DLG] [HLSKULL.DLG.DLG] loaded [HLSKULL.DLG] created from [HLSKULL.DLG] [HMELVIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [HMELVIN.DLG] created from [HMELVIN.DLG] [HOBGO5.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOBGO5.DLG] created from [HOBGO5.DLG] [HOBGOD.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOBGOD.DLG] created from [HOBGOD.DLG] [HOMELESS.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOMELESS.DLG] created from [HOMELESS.DLG] [HOUSEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOUSEN.DLG] created from [HOUSEN.DLG] [HOUSG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOUSG1.DLG] created from [HOUSG1.DLG] [HOUSG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOUSG2.DLG] created from [HOUSG2.DLG] [HOUSG3.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOUSG3.DLG] created from [HOUSG3.DLG] [HOUSG4.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOUSG4.DLG] created from [HOUSG4.DLG] [HOUSG5.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOUSG5.DLG] created from [HOUSG5.DLG] [HOUSG6.DLG.DLG] loaded [HOUSG6.DLG] created from [HOUSG6.DLG] [HPRELATE.DLG.DLG] loaded [HPRELATE.DLG] created from [HPRELATE.DLG] [HUNTER.DLG.DLG] loaded [HUNTER.DLG] created from [HUNTER.DLG] [HURGISF.DLG.DLG] loaded [HURGISF.DLG] created from [HURGISF.DLG] [HURGISR.DLG.DLG] loaded [HURGISR.DLG] created from [HURGISR.DLG] [ICHARY.DLG.DLG] loaded [ICHARY.DLG] created from [ICHARY.DLG] [IDIOTP.DLG.DLG] loaded [IDIOTP.DLG] created from [IDIOTP.DLG] [IDJINNI.DLG.DLG] loaded [IDJINNI.DLG] created from [IDJINNI.DLG] [IDRYAD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [IDRYAD1.DLG] created from [IDRYAD1.DLG] [IDRYAD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [IDRYAD2.DLG] created from [IDRYAD2.DLG] [IDRYAD3.DLG.DLG] loaded [IDRYAD3.DLG] created from [IDRYAD3.DLG] [IDUR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [IDUR1.DLG] created from [IDUR1.DLG] [IGNATI.DLG.DLG] loaded [IGNATI.DLG] created from [IGNATI.DLG] [IGOLEM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [IGOLEM1.DLG] created from [IGOLEM1.DLG] [IGOLEM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [IGOLEM2.DLG] created from [IGOLEM2.DLG] [IGOLFLE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [IGOLFLE1.DLG] created from [IGOLFLE1.DLG] [IGOLFLE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [IGOLFLE2.DLG] created from [IGOLFLE2.DLG] [IGOLFLE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [IGOLFLE3.DLG] created from [IGOLFLE3.DLG] [IGOLFLE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [IGOLFLE4.DLG] created from [IGOLFLE4.DLG] [ILBEGG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ILBEGG01.DLG] created from [ILBEGG01.DLG] [ILLASERA.DLG.DLG] loaded [ILLASERA.DLG] created from [ILLASERA.DLG] [ILMAN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [ILMAN01.DLG] created from [ILMAN01.DLG] [ILYICH.DLG.DLG] loaded [ILYICH.DLG] created from [ILYICH.DLG] [IMNBOOK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMNBOOK1.DLG] created from [IMNBOOK1.DLG] [IMOEMJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEMJ.DLG] created from [IMOEMJ.DLG] [IMOEN10.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEN10.DLG] created from [IMOEN10.DLG] [IMOEN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEN2.DLG] created from [IMOEN2.DLG] [IMOEN25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEN25A.DLG] created from [IMOEN25A.DLG] [IMOEN25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEN25J.DLG] created from [IMOEN25J.DLG] [IMOEN25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEN25P.DLG] created from [IMOEN25P.DLG] [IMOEN2J.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEN2J.DLG] created from [IMOEN2J.DLG] [IMOEN2P.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOEN2P.DLG] created from [IMOEN2P.DLG] [IMOENJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOENJ.DLG] created from [IMOENJ.DLG] [IMOENP.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMOENP.DLG] created from [IMOENP.DLG] [IMRAE.DLG.DLG] loaded [IMRAE.DLG] created from [IMRAE.DLG] [INSPECT.DLG.DLG] loaded [INSPECT.DLG] created from [INSPECT.DLG] [IRETHF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRETHF01.DLG] created from [IRETHF01.DLG] [IRETHF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRETHF02.DLG] created from [IRETHF02.DLG] [IRETHF03.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRETHF03.DLG] created from [IRETHF03.DLG] [IRON11.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON11.DLG] created from [IRON11.DLG] [IRON12.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON12.DLG] created from [IRON12.DLG] [IRON13.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON13.DLG] created from [IRON13.DLG] [IRON14.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON14.DLG] created from [IRON14.DLG] [IRON3.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON3.DLG] created from [IRON3.DLG] [IRON4.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON4.DLG] created from [IRON4.DLG] [IRON5.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON5.DLG] created from [IRON5.DLG] [IRON6.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON6.DLG] created from [IRON6.DLG] [IRON7.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON7.DLG] created from [IRON7.DLG] [IRON8.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON8.DLG] created from [IRON8.DLG] [IRON9.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRON9.DLG] created from [IRON9.DLG] [IRONGU.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRONGU.DLG] created from [IRONGU.DLG] [IRONHO.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRONHO.DLG] created from [IRONHO.DLG] [IRONM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRONM2.DLG] created from [IRONM2.DLG] [IRONM3.DLG.DLG] loaded [IRONM3.DLG] created from [IRONM3.DLG] [ISAEA.DLG.DLG] loaded [ISAEA.DLG] created from [ISAEA.DLG] [ISHADMT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [ISHADMT1.DLG] created from [ISHADMT1.DLG] [ISLANNE.DLG.DLG] loaded [ISLANNE.DLG] created from [ISLANNE.DLG] [ITHTYL.DLG.DLG] loaded [ITHTYL.DLG] created from [ITHTYL.DLG] [IZEFIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [IZEFIA.DLG] created from [IZEFIA.DLG] [JADERMIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [JADERMIN.DLG] created from [JADERMIN.DLG] [JAEL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAEL01.DLG] created from [JAEL01.DLG] [JAEL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAEL02.DLG] created from [JAEL02.DLG] [JAEL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAEL03.DLG] created from [JAEL03.DLG] [JAELLA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAELLA2.DLG] created from [JAELLA2.DLG] [JAERTOF.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAERTOF.DLG] created from [JAERTOF.DLG] [JAGALVAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAGALVAR.DLG] created from [JAGALVAR.DLG] [JAHABOAM.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAHABOAM.DLG] created from [JAHABOAM.DLG] [JAHEI25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAHEI25A.DLG] created from [JAHEI25A.DLG] [JAHEI25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAHEI25J.DLG] created from [JAHEI25J.DLG] [JAHEI25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAHEI25P.DLG] created from [JAHEI25P.DLG] [JAHEIRA.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAHEIRA.DLG] created from [JAHEIRA.DLG] [JAHEIRAJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAHEIRAJ.DLG] created from [JAHEIRAJ.DLG] [JAHEIRAP.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAHEIRAP.DLG] created from [JAHEIRAP.DLG] [JAMERONA.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAMERONA.DLG] created from [JAMERONA.DLG] [JAMERONI.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAMERONI.DLG] created from [JAMERONI.DLG] [JAMIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAMIE.DLG] created from [JAMIE.DLG] [JAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAN.DLG] created from [JAN.DLG] [JAN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAN2.DLG] created from [JAN2.DLG] [JAN25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAN25A.DLG] created from [JAN25A.DLG] [JAN25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAN25J.DLG] created from [JAN25J.DLG] [JAN25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAN25P.DLG] created from [JAN25P.DLG] [JANGIT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [JANGIT01.DLG] created from [JANGIT01.DLG] [JANGIT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [JANGIT02.DLG] created from [JANGIT02.DLG] [JANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [JANJ.DLG] created from [JANJ.DLG] [JANP.DLG.DLG] loaded [JANP.DLG] created from [JANP.DLG] [JARDAK.DLG.DLG] loaded [JARDAK.DLG] created from [JARDAK.DLG] [JAREVIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAREVIA.DLG] created from [JAREVIA.DLG] [JARLAXLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [JARLAXLE.DLG] created from [JARLAXLE.DLG] [JARLICH.DLG.DLG] loaded [JARLICH.DLG] created from [JARLICH.DLG] [JASE.DLG.DLG] loaded [JASE.DLG] created from [JASE.DLG] [JATERMIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [JATERMIN.DLG] created from [JATERMIN.DLG] [JAYES.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAYES.DLG] created from [JAYES.DLG] [JAYLOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [JAYLOS.DLG] created from [JAYLOS.DLG] [JENKAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [JENKAL.DLG] created from [JENKAL.DLG] [JIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [JIM.DLG] created from [JIM.DLG] [JUGCOL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [JUGCOL01.DLG] created from [JUGCOL01.DLG] [JUGDAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [JUGDAR01.DLG] created from [JUGDAR01.DLG] [JUGJER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [JUGJER01.DLG] created from [JUGJER01.DLG] [JUGJUG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [JUGJUG01.DLG] created from [JUGJUG01.DLG] [KAELLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAELLA.DLG] created from [KAELLA.DLG] [KAGAIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAGAIJ.DLG] created from [KAGAIJ.DLG] [KAGAIP.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAGAIP.DLG] created from [KAGAIP.DLG] [KAHRK.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAHRK.DLG] created from [KAHRK.DLG] [KALAH.DLG.DLG] loaded [KALAH.DLG] created from [KALAH.DLG] [KALAH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [KALAH2.DLG] created from [KALAH2.DLG] [KALWRK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KALWRK01.DLG] created from [KALWRK01.DLG] [KAMIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAMIR.DLG] created from [KAMIR.DLG] [KARAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [KARAN.DLG] created from [KARAN.DLG] [KARAN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [KARAN1.DLG] created from [KARAN1.DLG] [KARAN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [KARAN3.DLG] created from [KARAN3.DLG] [KARLAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [KARLAT.DLG] created from [KARLAT.DLG] [KARP.DLG.DLG] loaded [KARP.DLG] created from [KARP.DLG] [KAYL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAYL1.DLG] created from [KAYL1.DLG] [KAYL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAYL2.DLG] created from [KAYL2.DLG] [KAYPAL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAYPAL01.DLG] created from [KAYPAL01.DLG] [KAYPAL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAYPAL02.DLG] created from [KAYPAL02.DLG] [KAYPAL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAYPAL03.DLG] created from [KAYPAL03.DLG] [KAYSMG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KAYSMG01.DLG] created from [KAYSMG01.DLG] [KEEPER.DLG.DLG] loaded [KEEPER.DLG] created from [KEEPER.DLG] [KELDO25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [KELDO25A.DLG] created from [KELDO25A.DLG] [KELDO25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [KELDO25J.DLG] created from [KELDO25J.DLG] [KELDO25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [KELDO25P.DLG] created from [KELDO25P.DLG] [KELDOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [KELDOR.DLG] created from [KELDOR.DLG] [KELDORJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [KELDORJ.DLG] created from [KELDORJ.DLG] [KELDORP.DLG.DLG] loaded [KELDORP.DLG] created from [KELDORP.DLG] [KELDORX.DLG.DLG] loaded [KELDORX.DLG] created from [KELDORX.DLG] [KENT.DLG.DLG] loaded [KENT.DLG] created from [KENT.DLG] [KERRAC.DLG.DLG] loaded [KERRAC.DLG] created from [KERRAC.DLG] [KESHEE.DLG.DLG] loaded [KESHEE.DLG] created from [KESHEE.DLG] [KEVIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [KEVIN.DLG] created from [KEVIN.DLG] [KFTOWN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KFTOWN01.DLG] created from [KFTOWN01.DLG] [KFTOWN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KFTOWN02.DLG] created from [KFTOWN02.DLG] [KGENIE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [KGENIE1.DLG] created from [KGENIE1.DLG] [KGENIE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [KGENIE2.DLG] created from [KGENIE2.DLG] [KHELLOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [KHELLOR.DLG] created from [KHELLOR.DLG] [KINDAI.DLG.DLG] loaded [KINDAI.DLG] created from [KINDAI.DLG] [KIVAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [KIVAN.DLG] created from [KIVAN.DLG] [KIVANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [KIVANJ.DLG] created from [KIVANJ.DLG] [KIVANP.DLG.DLG] loaded [KIVANP.DLG] created from [KIVANP.DLG] [KNIGHT.DLG.DLG] loaded [KNIGHT.DLG] created from [KNIGHT.DLG] [KNIGHTSK.DLG.DLG] loaded [KNIGHTSK.DLG] created from [KNIGHTSK.DLG] [KOBOLD.DLG.DLG] loaded [KOBOLD.DLG] created from [KOBOLD.DLG] [KORAX.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORAX.DLG] created from [KORAX.DLG] [KORCRAZY.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORCRAZY.DLG] created from [KORCRAZY.DLG] [KORGA25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORGA25A.DLG] created from [KORGA25A.DLG] [KORGA25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORGA25J.DLG] created from [KORGA25J.DLG] [KORGA25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORGA25P.DLG] created from [KORGA25P.DLG] [KORGANA.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORGANA.DLG] created from [KORGANA.DLG] [KORGANF.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORGANF.DLG] created from [KORGANF.DLG] [KORGANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORGANJ.DLG] created from [KORGANJ.DLG] [KORGANP.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORGANP.DLG] created from [KORGANP.DLG] [KORPIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORPIM.DLG] created from [KORPIM.DLG] [KORPIMG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORPIMG1.DLG] created from [KORPIMG1.DLG] [KORSCROO.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORSCROO.DLG] created from [KORSCROO.DLG] [KORSHAG.DLG.DLG] loaded [KORSHAG.DLG] created from [KORSHAG.DLG] [KPBUTL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPBUTL01.DLG] created from [KPBUTL01.DLG] [KPCAPT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPCAPT01.DLG] created from [KPCAPT01.DLG] [KPCAPT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPCAPT02.DLG] created from [KPCAPT02.DLG] [KPCAPT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPCAPT03.DLG] created from [KPCAPT03.DLG] [./override/KPCHAP01.DLG] loaded, 1660 bytes [KPCHAP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPCHAP01.DLG] created from [KPCHAP01.DLG] [KPCOOK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPCOOK01.DLG] created from [KPCOOK01.DLG] [./override/KPDOMO01.DLG] loaded, 16674 bytes [KPDOMO01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPDOMO01.DLG] created from [KPDOMO01.DLG] [KPFARM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPFARM01.DLG] created from [KPFARM01.DLG] [KPFARM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPFARM02.DLG] created from [KPFARM02.DLG] [KPFARM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPFARM03.DLG] created from [KPFARM03.DLG] [KPFARM04.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPFARM04.DLG] created from [KPFARM04.DLG] [KPGATE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPGATE01.DLG] created from [KPGATE01.DLG] [KPGATE02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPGATE02.DLG] created from [KPGATE02.DLG] [KPGLAI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPGLAI01.DLG] created from [KPGLAI01.DLG] [KPGRD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPGRD01.DLG] created from [KPGRD01.DLG] [KPLEND01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPLEND01.DLG] created from [KPLEND01.DLG] [KPLEND02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPLEND02.DLG] created from [KPLEND02.DLG] [KPMAID01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPMAID01.DLG] created from [KPMAID01.DLG] [KPMAID02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPMAID02.DLG] created from [KPMAID02.DLG] [KPMERC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPMERC01.DLG] created from [KPMERC01.DLG] [KPRANG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPRANG01.DLG] created from [KPRANG01.DLG] [KPRANG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPRANG02.DLG] created from [KPRANG02.DLG] [KPROEN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPROEN01.DLG] created from [KPROEN01.DLG] [KPROEN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPROEN02.DLG] created from [KPROEN02.DLG] [KPROEN03.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPROEN03.DLG] created from [KPROEN03.DLG] [KPROEN04.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPROEN04.DLG] created from [KPROEN04.DLG] [KPROEN05.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPROEN05.DLG] created from [KPROEN05.DLG] [KPRUNN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPRUNN01.DLG] created from [KPRUNN01.DLG] [KPSERV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSERV01.DLG] created from [KPSERV01.DLG] [KPSHAM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSHAM01.DLG] created from [KPSHAM01.DLG] [KPSOLD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSOLD01.DLG] created from [KPSOLD01.DLG] [KPSOLD02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSOLD02.DLG] created from [KPSOLD02.DLG] [KPSOLD03.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSOLD03.DLG] created from [KPSOLD03.DLG] [KPSOLD04.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSOLD04.DLG] created from [KPSOLD04.DLG] [KPSOLD08.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSOLD08.DLG] created from [KPSOLD08.DLG] [KPSOLD09.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSOLD09.DLG] created from [KPSOLD09.DLG] [KPSOLD10.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPSOLD10.DLG] created from [KPSOLD10.DLG] [KPTROL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KPTROL02.DLG] created from [KPTROL02.DLG] [KROTAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [KROTAN.DLG] created from [KROTAN.DLG] [KRUIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [KRUIN.DLG] created from [KRUIN.DLG] [KRUMM.DLG.DLG] loaded [KRUMM.DLG] created from [KRUMM.DLG] [KRYSTI.DLG.DLG] loaded [KRYSTI.DLG] created from [KRYSTI.DLG] [KSLAVE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [KSLAVE01.DLG] created from [KSLAVE01.DLG] [KSLAVE02.DLG.DLG] loaded [KSLAVE02.DLG] created from [KSLAVE02.DLG] [KYLIE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [KYLIE1.DLG] created from [KYLIE1.DLG] [LACHLU.DLG.DLG] loaded [LACHLU.DLG] created from [LACHLU.DLG] [LANDLORD.DLG.DLG] loaded [LANDLORD.DLG] created from [LANDLORD.DLG] [LANTAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [LANTAN.DLG] created from [LANTAN.DLG] [LAOLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [LAOLA.DLG] created from [LAOLA.DLG] [LARRIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [LARRIA.DLG] created from [LARRIA.DLG] [LARYSS.DLG.DLG] loaded [LARYSS.DLG] created from [LARYSS.DLG] [LARZE.DLG.DLG] loaded [LARZE.DLG] created from [LARZE.DLG] [LASKAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [LASKAL.DLG] created from [LASKAL.DLG] [LASSAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [LASSAL.DLG] created from [LASSAL.DLG] [LASSAL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [LASSAL02.DLG] created from [LASSAL02.DLG] [LATHAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [LATHAN.DLG] created from [LATHAN.DLG] [LATKNI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [LATKNI01.DLG] created from [LATKNI01.DLG] [LATLARA.DLG.DLG] loaded [LATLARA.DLG] created from [LATLARA.DLG] [LAUDEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [LAUDEN.DLG] created from [LAUDEN.DLG] [LAUNE.DLG.DLG] loaded [LAUNE.DLG] created from [LAUNE.DLG] [LAVOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [LAVOK.DLG] created from [LAVOK.DLG] [LEAGGU.DLG.DLG] loaded [LEAGGU.DLG] created from [LEAGGU.DLG] [LEHTIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [LEHTIN.DLG] created from [LEHTIN.DLG] [LENORE.DLG.DLG] loaded [LENORE.DLG] created from [LENORE.DLG] [LEONA.DLG.DLG] loaded [LEONA.DLG] created from [LEONA.DLG] [LESLEY.DLG.DLG] loaded [LESLEY.DLG] created from [LESLEY.DLG] [LESTER.DLG.DLG] loaded [LESTER.DLG] created from [LESTER.DLG] [LESTOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [LESTOR.DLG] created from [LESTOR.DLG] [LIFE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [LIFE1.DLG] created from [LIFE1.DLG] [LIFE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [LIFE2.DLG] created from [LIFE2.DLG] [LIFE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [LIFE3.DLG] created from [LIFE3.DLG] [LIFE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [LIFE4.DLG] created from [LIFE4.DLG] [LIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [LIN.DLG] created from [LIN.DLG] [LISSA.DLG.DLG] loaded [LISSA.DLG] created from [LISSA.DLG] [LLARSH.DLG.DLG] loaded [LLARSH.DLG] created from [LLARSH.DLG] [LLINDE.DLG.DLG] loaded [LLINDE.DLG] created from [LLINDE.DLG] [LLYNIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [LLYNIS.DLG] created from [LLYNIS.DLG] [LOBAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOBAR.DLG] created from [LOBAR.DLG] [LOUT.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOUT.DLG] created from [LOUT.DLG] [LOUTCAPT.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOUTCAPT.DLG] created from [LOUTCAPT.DLG] [LOUTM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOUTM01.DLG] created from [LOUTM01.DLG] [LOUTM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOUTM02.DLG] created from [LOUTM02.DLG] [LOUTM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOUTM03.DLG] created from [LOUTM03.DLG] [LOVEONE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOVEONE1.DLG] created from [LOVEONE1.DLG] [LOVEONE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOVEONE2.DLG] created from [LOVEONE2.DLG] [LOVEONE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOVEONE3.DLG] created from [LOVEONE3.DLG] [LOVEONE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOVEONE4.DLG] created from [LOVEONE4.DLG] [LOVEONE5.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOVEONE5.DLG] created from [LOVEONE5.DLG] [LOWLGU.DLG.DLG] loaded [LOWLGU.DLG] created from [LOWLGU.DLG] [LTALOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [LTALOS.DLG] created from [LTALOS.DLG] [LUCY.DLG.DLG] loaded [LUCY.DLG] created from [LUCY.DLG] [LUSETTE.DLG.DLG] loaded [LUSETTE.DLG] created from [LUSETTE.DLG] [LUSSEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [LUSSEL.DLG] created from [LUSSEL.DLG] [LYROS.DLG.DLG] loaded [LYROS.DLG] created from [LYROS.DLG] [MADAM.DLG.DLG] loaded [MADAM.DLG] created from [MADAM.DLG] [MADEEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MADEEN.DLG] created from [MADEEN.DLG] [MAEGUY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAEGUY01.DLG] created from [MAEGUY01.DLG] [MAEGUY02.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAEGUY02.DLG] created from [MAEGUY02.DLG] [MAEVAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAEVAR.DLG] created from [MAEVAR.DLG] [MAGE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAGE1.DLG] created from [MAGE1.DLG] [MAGE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAGE2.DLG] created from [MAGE2.DLG] [MAGE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAGE3.DLG] created from [MAGE3.DLG] [MAGE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAGE4.DLG] created from [MAGE4.DLG] [MAIRYN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAIRYN.DLG] created from [MAIRYN.DLG] [MAJAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAJAN.DLG] created from [MAJAN.DLG] [MALKAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [MALKAL.DLG] created from [MALKAL.DLG] [MALLA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MALLA01.DLG] created from [MALLA01.DLG] [MARCUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [MARCUS.DLG] created from [MARCUS.DLG] [MARIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [MARIA.DLG] created from [MARIA.DLG] [MARLOWE.DLG.DLG] loaded [MARLOWE.DLG] created from [MARLOWE.DLG] [MARVIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MARVIN.DLG] created from [MARVIN.DLG] [MAZZY.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY.DLG] created from [MAZZY.DLG] [MAZZY1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY1.DLG] created from [MAZZY1.DLG] [MAZZY2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY2.DLG] created from [MAZZY2.DLG] [MAZZY25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY25A.DLG] created from [MAZZY25A.DLG] [MAZZY25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY25J.DLG] created from [MAZZY25J.DLG] [MAZZY25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY25P.DLG] created from [MAZZY25P.DLG] [MAZZY3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY3.DLG] created from [MAZZY3.DLG] [MAZZY4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY4.DLG] created from [MAZZY4.DLG] [MAZZY5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY5.DLG] created from [MAZZY5.DLG] [MAZZY6.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZY6.DLG] created from [MAZZY6.DLG] [MAZZYJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZYJ.DLG] created from [MAZZYJ.DLG] [MAZZYP.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZYP.DLG] created from [MAZZYP.DLG] [MAZZYP2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MAZZYP2.DLG] created from [MAZZYP2.DLG] [MCOOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [MCOOK.DLG] created from [MCOOK.DLG] [MCOOK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MCOOK2.DLG] created from [MCOOK2.DLG] [MCOOK3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MCOOK3.DLG] created from [MCOOK3.DLG] [MCOOK4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MCOOK4.DLG] created from [MCOOK4.DLG] [MCOOK5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MCOOK5.DLG] created from [MCOOK5.DLG] [MCOOK6.DLG.DLG] loaded [MCOOK6.DLG] created from [MCOOK6.DLG] [MDAIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDAIR.DLG] created from [MDAIR.DLG] [MDAIR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDAIR2.DLG] created from [MDAIR2.DLG] [MDDUST.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDDUST.DLG] created from [MDDUST.DLG] [MDEARTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDEARTH.DLG] created from [MDEARTH.DLG] [MDFORN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDFORN.DLG] created from [MDFORN.DLG] [MDHSSSS.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDHSSSS.DLG] created from [MDHSSSS.DLG] [MDRAK.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDRAK.DLG] created from [MDRAK.DLG] [MDRAK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDRAK2.DLG] created from [MDRAK2.DLG] [MDRAK3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDRAK3.DLG] created from [MDRAK3.DLG] [MDRAK4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDRAK4.DLG] created from [MDRAK4.DLG] [MDRAK5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MDRAK5.DLG] created from [MDRAK5.DLG] [MEIALA.DLG.DLG] loaded [MEIALA.DLG] created from [MEIALA.DLG] [MEILUM.DLG.DLG] loaded [MEILUM.DLG] created from [MEILUM.DLG] [MEKIMP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MEKIMP01.DLG] created from [MEKIMP01.DLG] [MEKRAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [MEKRAT.DLG] created from [MEKRAT.DLG] [MEKRATH.DLG.DLG] loaded [MEKRATH.DLG] created from [MEKRATH.DLG] [MELISS01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MELISS01.DLG] created from [MELISS01.DLG] [MEMNIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [MEMNIS.DLG] created from [MEMNIS.DLG] [MENDA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MENDA2.DLG] created from [MENDA2.DLG] [MENDA3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MENDA3.DLG] created from [MENDA3.DLG] [MERCHANT.DLG.DLG] loaded [MERCHANT.DLG] created from [MERCHANT.DLG] [MERCHG.DLG.DLG] loaded [MERCHG.DLG] created from [MERCHG.DLG] [MERONIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [MERONIA.DLG] created from [MERONIA.DLG] [MESSED.DLG.DLG] loaded [MESSED.DLG] created from [MESSED.DLG] [MESSEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MESSEN.DLG] created from [MESSEN.DLG] [MGAPPR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGAPPR01.DLG] created from [MGAPPR01.DLG] [MGAPPR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGAPPR02.DLG] created from [MGAPPR02.DLG] [MGAPPR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGAPPR03.DLG] created from [MGAPPR03.DLG] [MGASS01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGASS01.DLG] created from [MGASS01.DLG] [MGBILL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGBILL01.DLG] created from [MGBILL01.DLG] [MGKET01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGKET01.DLG] created from [MGKET01.DLG] [MGKETG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGKETG01.DLG] created from [MGKETG01.DLG] [MGKETG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGKETG02.DLG] created from [MGKETG02.DLG] [MGKHOL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGKHOL01.DLG] created from [MGKHOL01.DLG] [MGTEOS01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MGTEOS01.DLG] created from [MGTEOS01.DLG] [MICK.DLG.DLG] loaded [MICK.DLG] created from [MICK.DLG] [MINEC3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINEC3.DLG] created from [MINEC3.DLG] [MINEC4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINEC4.DLG] created from [MINEC4.DLG] [MINEC5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINEC5.DLG] created from [MINEC5.DLG] [MINERC.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINERC.DLG] created from [MINERC.DLG] [MINSC25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINSC25A.DLG] created from [MINSC25A.DLG] [MINSC25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINSC25J.DLG] created from [MINSC25J.DLG] [MINSC25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINSC25P.DLG] created from [MINSC25P.DLG] [MINSCA.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINSCA.DLG] created from [MINSCA.DLG] [MINSCJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINSCJ.DLG] created from [MINSCJ.DLG] [MINSCP.DLG.DLG] loaded [MINSCP.DLG] created from [MINSCP.DLG] [MIRIAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MIRIAN.DLG] created from [MIRIAN.DLG] [MIRROR.DLG.DLG] loaded [MIRROR.DLG] created from [MIRROR.DLG] [MONKD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKD2.DLG] created from [MONKD2.DLG] [MONKDE.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKDE.DLG] created from [MONKDE.DLG] [MONKEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKEN.DLG] created from [MONKEN.DLG] [MONKTU 8.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU 8.DLG] created from [MONKTU 8.DLG] [MONKTU1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU1.DLG] created from [MONKTU1.DLG] [MONKTU10.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU10.DLG] created from [MONKTU10.DLG] [MONKTU11.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU11.DLG] created from [MONKTU11.DLG] [MONKTU12.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU12.DLG] created from [MONKTU12.DLG] [MONKTU13.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU13.DLG] created from [MONKTU13.DLG] [MONKTU14.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU14.DLG] created from [MONKTU14.DLG] [MONKTU15.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU15.DLG] created from [MONKTU15.DLG] [MONKTU16.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU16.DLG] created from [MONKTU16.DLG] [MONKTU17.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU17.DLG] created from [MONKTU17.DLG] [MONKTU2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU2.DLG] created from [MONKTU2.DLG] [MONKTU3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU3.DLG] created from [MONKTU3.DLG] [MONKTU4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU4.DLG] created from [MONKTU4.DLG] [MONKTU5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU5.DLG] created from [MONKTU5.DLG] [MONKTU6.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU6.DLG] created from [MONKTU6.DLG] [MONKTU7.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU7.DLG] created from [MONKTU7.DLG] [MONKTU8.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU8.DLG] created from [MONKTU8.DLG] [MONKTU9.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONKTU9.DLG] created from [MONKTU9.DLG] [MONTAJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONTAJ.DLG] created from [MONTAJ.DLG] [MONTAP.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONTAP.DLG] created from [MONTAP.DLG] [MONTAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [MONTAR.DLG] created from [MONTAR.DLG] [MOOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOOK.DLG] created from [MOOK.DLG] [MOOK02.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOOK02.DLG] created from [MOOK02.DLG] [MOOKFT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOOKFT01.DLG] created from [MOOKFT01.DLG] [MOOKFT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOOKFT02.DLG] created from [MOOKFT02.DLG] [MOONDOG.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOONDOG.DLG] created from [MOONDOG.DLG] [MOORLOCK.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOORLOCK.DLG] created from [MOORLOCK.DLG] [MOURNER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER1.DLG] created from [MOURNER1.DLG] [MOURNER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER2.DLG] created from [MOURNER2.DLG] [MOURNER3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER3.DLG] created from [MOURNER3.DLG] [MOURNER4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER4.DLG] created from [MOURNER4.DLG] [MOURNER5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER5.DLG] created from [MOURNER5.DLG] [MOURNER6.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER6.DLG] created from [MOURNER6.DLG] [MOURNER7.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER7.DLG] created from [MOURNER7.DLG] [MOURNER8.DLG.DLG] loaded [MOURNER8.DLG] created from [MOURNER8.DLG] [MRSHADE.DLG.DLG] loaded [MRSHADE.DLG] created from [MRSHADE.DLG] [MTOB10.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB10.DLG] created from [MTOB10.DLG] [MTOB2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB2.DLG] created from [MTOB2.DLG] [MTOB3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB3.DLG] created from [MTOB3.DLG] [MTOB4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB4.DLG] created from [MTOB4.DLG] [MTOB5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB5.DLG] created from [MTOB5.DLG] [MTOB6.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB6.DLG] created from [MTOB6.DLG] [MTOB7.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB7.DLG] created from [MTOB7.DLG] [MTOB8.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB8.DLG] created from [MTOB8.DLG] [MTOB9.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOB9.DLG] created from [MTOB9.DLG] [MTOWBA.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWBA.DLG] created from [MTOWBA.DLG] [MTOWBAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWBAS.DLG] created from [MTOWBAS.DLG] [MTOWBEZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWBEZ.DLG] created from [MTOWBEZ.DLG] [MTOWF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWF2.DLG] created from [MTOWF2.DLG] [MTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWN1.DLG] created from [MTOWN1.DLG] [MTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWN2.DLG] created from [MTOWN2.DLG] [MTOWN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWN3.DLG] created from [MTOWN3.DLG] [MTOWN4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWN4.DLG] created from [MTOWN4.DLG] [MTOWN5.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWN5.DLG] created from [MTOWN5.DLG] [MTOWN6.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWN6.DLG] created from [MTOWN6.DLG] [MTOWNAZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWNAZ.DLG] created from [MTOWNAZ.DLG] [MTOWNUL.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWNUL.DLG] created from [MTOWNUL.DLG] [MTOWWI.DLG.DLG] loaded [MTOWWI.DLG] created from [MTOWWI.DLG] [MUGGER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MUGGER1.DLG] created from [MUGGER1.DLG] [MUGGER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [MUGGER2.DLG] created from [MUGGER2.DLG] [MUGGER3.DLG.DLG] loaded [MUGGER3.DLG] created from [MUGGER3.DLG] [MUGGER4.DLG.DLG] loaded [MUGGER4.DLG] created from [MUGGER4.DLG] [MULTIG.DLG.DLG] loaded [MULTIG.DLG] created from [MULTIG.DLG] [MULTIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [MULTIJ.DLG] created from [MULTIJ.DLG] [MUMFIG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [MUMFIG01.DLG] created from [MUMFIG01.DLG] [MUMMY.DLG.DLG] loaded [MUMMY.DLG] created from [MUMMY.DLG] [MURCRAG.DLG.DLG] loaded [MURCRAG.DLG] created from [MURCRAG.DLG] [MURDBEGG.DLG.DLG] loaded [MURDBEGG.DLG] created from [MURDBEGG.DLG] [MURDBOY1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MURDBOY1.DLG] created from [MURDBOY1.DLG] [MURDGIRL.DLG.DLG] loaded [MURDGIRL.DLG] created from [MURDGIRL.DLG] [MURTLEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [MURTLEN.DLG] created from [MURTLEN.DLG] [MVGUARD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [MVGUARD1.DLG] created from [MVGUARD1.DLG] [NADARI.DLG.DLG] loaded [NADARI.DLG] created from [NADARI.DLG] [NALBARG.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALBARG.DLG] created from [NALBARG.DLG] [NALDIRT.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALDIRT.DLG] created from [NALDIRT.DLG] [NALFAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALFAL.DLG] created from [NALFAL.DLG] [NALGUAR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALGUAR1.DLG] created from [NALGUAR1.DLG] [NALGUAR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALGUAR2.DLG] created from [NALGUAR2.DLG] [NALIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALIA.DLG] created from [NALIA.DLG] [NALIA25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALIA25A.DLG] created from [NALIA25A.DLG] [NALIA25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALIA25J.DLG] created from [NALIA25J.DLG] [NALIA25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALIA25P.DLG] created from [NALIA25P.DLG] [NALIAJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALIAJ.DLG] created from [NALIAJ.DLG] [NALIAMES.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALIAMES.DLG] created from [NALIAMES.DLG] [NALIAP.DLG.DLG] loaded [NALIAP.DLG] created from [NALIAP.DLG] [./override/NALLABIR.BCS] loaded, 403 bytes [NARCIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [NARCIL.DLG] created from [NARCIL.DLG] [NARRAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [NARRAT.DLG] created from [NARRAT.DLG] [NARRAT2.DLG.DLG] loaded [NARRAT2.DLG] created from [NARRAT2.DLG] [NASHA.DLG.DLG] loaded [NASHA.DLG] created from [NASHA.DLG] [NEB.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEB.DLG] created from [NEB.DLG] [NEEBER.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEEBER.DLG] created from [NEEBER.DLG] [NEERA.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEERA.DLG] created from [NEERA.DLG] [NEERA25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEERA25A.DLG] created from [NEERA25A.DLG] [NEERA25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEERA25J.DLG] created from [NEERA25J.DLG] [NEERA25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEERA25P.DLG] created from [NEERA25P.DLG] [NEERAJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEERAJ.DLG] created from [NEERAJ.DLG] [NEERAP.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEERAP.DLG] created from [NEERAP.DLG] [NEIRA.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEIRA.DLG] created from [NEIRA.DLG] [NESSIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [NESSIE.DLG] created from [NESSIE.DLG] [NEVAZIAH.DLG.DLG] loaded [NEVAZIAH.DLG] created from [NEVAZIAH.DLG] [NHUNTC.DLG.DLG] loaded [NHUNTC.DLG] created from [NHUNTC.DLG] [NIKLOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [NIKLOS.DLG] created from [NIKLOS.DLG] [NIKOLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [NIKOLA.DLG] created from [NIKOLA.DLG] [NILA.DLG.DLG] loaded [NILA.DLG] created from [NILA.DLG] [NOBL10.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL10.DLG] created from [NOBL10.DLG] [NOBL11.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL11.DLG] created from [NOBL11.DLG] [NOBL14.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL14.DLG] created from [NOBL14.DLG] [NOBL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL2.DLG] created from [NOBL2.DLG] [NOBL5.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL5.DLG] created from [NOBL5.DLG] [NOBL6.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL6.DLG] created from [NOBL6.DLG] [NOBL7.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL7.DLG] created from [NOBL7.DLG] [NOBL8.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL8.DLG] created from [NOBL8.DLG] [NOBL9.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBL9.DLG] created from [NOBL9.DLG] [NOBLAY.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLAY.DLG] created from [NOBLAY.DLG] [NOBLBAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLBAS.DLG] created from [NOBLBAS.DLG] [NOBLE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLE1.DLG] created from [NOBLE1.DLG] [NOBLE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLE2.DLG] created from [NOBLE2.DLG] [NOBLEM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLEM1.DLG] created from [NOBLEM1.DLG] [NOBLEM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLEM2.DLG] created from [NOBLEM2.DLG] [NOBLEM3.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLEM3.DLG] created from [NOBLEM3.DLG] [NOBLEW1.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLEW1.DLG] created from [NOBLEW1.DLG] [NOBLEW2.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLEW2.DLG] created from [NOBLEW2.DLG] [NOBLEW3.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBLEW3.DLG] created from [NOBLEW3.DLG] [NOBWBAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBWBAS.DLG] created from [NOBWBAS.DLG] [NOBWBAZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOBWBAZ.DLG] created from [NOBWBAZ.DLG] [NOOBER.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOOBER.DLG] created from [NOOBER.DLG] [NORTUA.DLG.DLG] loaded [NORTUA.DLG] created from [NORTUA.DLG] [NOSFER.DLG.DLG] loaded [NOSFER.DLG] created from [NOSFER.DLG] [OBSDEM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSDEM01.DLG] created from [OBSDEM01.DLG] [OBSDEM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSDEM03.DLG] created from [OBSDEM03.DLG] [OBSDEM05.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSDEM05.DLG] created from [OBSDEM05.DLG] [OBSGOL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSGOL01.DLG] created from [OBSGOL01.DLG] [OBSHAL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSHAL01.DLG] created from [OBSHAL01.DLG] [OBSHAL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSHAL03.DLG] created from [OBSHAL03.DLG] [OBSSOL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSSOL01.DLG] created from [OBSSOL01.DLG] [OBSSOL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSSOL02.DLG] created from [OBSSOL02.DLG] [OBSSOL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [OBSSOL03.DLG] created from [OBSSOL03.DLG] [OCELLI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OCELLI.DLG] created from [OCELLI.DLG] [OGHMONK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OGHMONK1.DLG] created from [OGHMONK1.DLG] [OGRECO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OGRECO.DLG] created from [OGRECO.DLG] [OGRED.DLG.DLG] loaded [OGRED.DLG] created from [OGRED.DLG] [OGRELEAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OGRELEAD.DLG] created from [OGRELEAD.DLG] [./override/OGREMASU.BCS] loaded, 19693 bytes [OGRMA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OGRMA2.DLG] created from [OGRMA2.DLG] [OGRMA3.DLG.DLG] loaded [OGRMA3.DLG] created from [OGRMA3.DLG] [OGRMBA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OGRMBA.DLG] created from [OGRMBA.DLG] [./override/OHBARC01.BCS] loaded, 151273 bytes [OHBARZOL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBARZOL.DLG] created from [OHBARZOL.DLG] [./override/OHBBALR.BCS] loaded, 132073 bytes [OHBBANNO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBBANNO.DLG] created from [OHBBANNO.DLG] [./override/OHBBCLT3.BCS] loaded, 65782 bytes [OHBBELLO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBBELLO.DLG] created from [OHBBELLO.DLG] [OHBBERYL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBBERYL.DLG] created from [OHBBERYL.DLG] [OHBBRANS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBBRANS.DLG] created from [OHBBRANS.DLG] [OHBBRODL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBBRODL.DLG] created from [OHBBRODL.DLG] [OHBCOGUA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBCOGUA.DLG] created from [OHBCOGUA.DLG] [OHBCONCO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBCONCO.DLG] created from [OHBCONCO.DLG] [OHBCOOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBCOOK.DLG] created from [OHBCOOK.DLG] [./override/OHBCORN.BCS] loaded, 49946 bytes [OHBCUREL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBCUREL.DLG] created from [OHBCUREL.DLG] [OHBDANCE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBDANCE.DLG] created from [OHBDANCE.DLG] [./override/OHBDEMI.BCS] loaded, 25357 bytes [OHBDENNA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBDENNA.DLG] created from [OHBDENNA.DLG] [./override/OHBDEVAF.BCS] loaded, 145773 bytes [./override/OHBDORM2.BCS] loaded, 37672 bytes [OHBDORMA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBDORMA.DLG] created from [OHBDORMA.DLG] [./override/OHBDRAG1.BCS] loaded, 161710 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG2.BCS] loaded, 42374 bytes [OHBDRGD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBDRGD.DLG] created from [OHBDRGD.DLG] [OHBDULF.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBDULF.DLG] created from [OHBDULF.DLG] [./override/OHBDULF2.BCS] loaded, 306461 bytes [OHBELGIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBELGIA.DLG] created from [OHBELGIA.DLG] [OHBELLRA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBELLRA.DLG] created from [OHBELLRA.DLG] [./override/OHBERIN.BCS] loaded, 94384 bytes [./override/OHBEWWEI.BCS] loaded, 33012 bytes [OHBFELDR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBFELDR.DLG] created from [OHBFELDR.DLG] [./override/OHBFIG01.BCS] loaded, 112986 bytes [./override/OHBFIG02.BCS] loaded, 171765 bytes [./override/OHBFIG03.BCS] loaded, 44039 bytes [OHBGC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBGC01.DLG] created from [OHBGC01.DLG] [./override/OHBGELU.BCS] loaded, 46088 bytes [./override/OHBGERR2.BCS] loaded, 298745 bytes [OHBGERRO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBGERRO.DLG] created from [OHBGERRO.DLG] [./override/OHBGEZZ2.BCS] loaded, 364764 bytes [OHBGEZZT.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBGEZZT.DLG] created from [OHBGEZZT.DLG] [./override/OHBGLAB.BCS] loaded, 121347 bytes [OHBGREST.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBGREST.DLG] created from [OHBGREST.DLG] [OHBGUA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBGUA.DLG] created from [OHBGUA.DLG] [OHBGUA11.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBGUA11.DLG] created from [OHBGUA11.DLG] [OHBHORT.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBHORT.DLG] created from [OHBHORT.DLG] [OHBHUEGR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBHUEGR.DLG] created from [OHBHUEGR.DLG] [OHBIMIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBIMIM.DLG] created from [OHBIMIM.DLG] [./override/OHBJOKE2.BCS] loaded, 156403 bytes [OHBJOKER.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBJOKER.DLG] created from [OHBJOKER.DLG] [OHBLAMP1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBLAMP1.DLG] created from [OHBLAMP1.DLG] [OHBLARIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBLARIS.DLG] created from [OHBLARIS.DLG] [OHBLEA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBLEA.DLG] created from [OHBLEA.DLG] [./override/OHBLEA2.BCS] loaded, 136454 bytes [OHBLEOKA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBLEOKA.DLG] created from [OHBLEOKA.DLG] [OHBLNGGD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBLNGGD.DLG] created from [OHBLNGGD.DLG] [OHBLNGNS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBLNGNS.DLG] created from [OHBLNGNS.DLG] [./override/OHBMAG01.BCS] loaded, 328530 bytes [./override/OHBMAG02.BCS] loaded, 237520 bytes [./override/OHBMAG03.BCS] loaded, 122593 bytes [./override/OHBMAG04.BCS] loaded, 241149 bytes [OHBMARDU.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBMARDU.DLG] created from [OHBMARDU.DLG] [./override/OHBMARI.BCS] loaded, 70604 bytes [OHBMC.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBMC.DLG] created from [OHBMC.DLG] [./override/OHBMERC2.BCS] loaded, 84803 bytes [OHBMERCY.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBMERCY.DLG] created from [OHBMERCY.DLG] [OHBMESSE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBMESSE.DLG] created from [OHBMESSE.DLG] [./override/OHBMFLAY.BCS] loaded, 63201 bytes [OHBMHSM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBMHSM.DLG] created from [OHBMHSM.DLG] [OHBMOLZA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBMOLZA.DLG] created from [OHBMOLZA.DLG] [./override/OHBMONK.BCS] loaded, 96797 bytes [OHBMORT.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBMORT.DLG] created from [OHBMORT.DLG] [./override/OHBNAJI2.BCS] loaded, 54526 bytes [OHBNAJIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBNAJIM.DLG] created from [OHBNAJIM.DLG] [./override/OHBNONIN.BCS] loaded, 9549 bytes [OHBNOOB.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBNOOB.DLG] created from [OHBNOOB.DLG] [OHBNOSHU.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBNOSHU.DLG] created from [OHBNOSHU.DLG] [OHBNPC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBNPC01.DLG] created from [OHBNPC01.DLG] [./override/OHBPAL01.BCS] loaded, 148438 bytes [./override/OHBPAR02.BCS] loaded, 7162 bytes [./override/OHBPITF.BCS] loaded, 65179 bytes [./override/OHBPOL.BCS] loaded, 108846 bytes [OHBPOL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBPOL.DLG] created from [OHBPOL.DLG] [./override/OHBPRI01.BCS] loaded, 141617 bytes [./override/OHBPRI03.BCS] loaded, 142602 bytes [./override/OHBPRI04.BCS] loaded, 169632 bytes [OHBSDWM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBSDWM.DLG] created from [OHBSDWM.DLG] [OHBSHORT.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBSHORT.DLG] created from [OHBSHORT.DLG] [OHBSTANN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBSTANN.DLG] created from [OHBSTANN.DLG] [OHBSTIRV.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBSTIRV.DLG] created from [OHBSTIRV.DLG] [./override/OHBSUCC.BCS] loaded, 92598 bytes [OHBSYMM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBSYMM.DLG] created from [OHBSYMM.DLG] [OHBSZASS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBSZASS.DLG] created from [OHBSZASS.DLG] [OHBTARTL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBTARTL.DLG] created from [OHBTARTL.DLG] [./override/OHBTHASS.BCS] loaded, 183444 bytes [OHBTHASS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBTHASS.DLG] created from [OHBTHASS.DLG] [./override/OHBTHIE2.BCS] loaded, 51155 bytes [./override/OHBTIMM2.BCS] loaded, 147753 bytes [OHBTIMMO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBTIMMO.DLG] created from [OHBTIMMO.DLG] [./override/OHBVAMP.BCS] loaded, 36325 bytes [./override/OHBVOGH2.BCS] loaded, 229145 bytes [OHBVOGHI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBVOGHI.DLG] created from [OHBVOGHI.DLG] [./override/OHBWING.BCS] loaded, 180400 bytes [OHBWING.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBWING.DLG] created from [OHBWING.DLG] [OHBWING2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHBWING2.DLG] created from [OHBWING2.DLG] [OHDAZOTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDAZOTH.DLG] created from [OHDAZOTH.DLG] [OHDBALD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDBALD.DLG] created from [OHDBALD.DLG] [OHDBBRO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDBBRO.DLG] created from [OHDBBRO.DLG] [OHDBFATH.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDBFATH.DLG] created from [OHDBFATH.DLG] [OHDBOLL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDBOLL.DLG] created from [OHDBOLL.DLG] [OHDBRIDE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDBRIDE.DLG] created from [OHDBRIDE.DLG] [OHDBY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDBY01.DLG] created from [OHDBY01.DLG] [OHDBY02.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDBY02.DLG] created from [OHDBY02.DLG] [OHDCOLIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDCOLIN.DLG] created from [OHDCOLIN.DLG] [OHDCRUSA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDCRUSA.DLG] created from [OHDCRUSA.DLG] [./override/OHDDDOLR.BCS] loaded, 36244 bytes [OHDDDOLR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDDDOLR.DLG] created from [OHDDDOLR.DLG] [./override/OHDDIXTH.BCS] loaded, 35982 bytes [OHDDIXTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDDIXTH.DLG] created from [OHDDIXTH.DLG] [OHDDOOR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDDOOR1.DLG] created from [OHDDOOR1.DLG] [OHDFIREJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDFIREJ.DLG] created from [OHDFIREJ.DLG] [OHDHAMMS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDHAMMS.DLG] created from [OHDHAMMS.DLG] [OHDHELMK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDHELMK.DLG] created from [OHDHELMK.DLG] [OHDHOKK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDHOKK.DLG] created from [OHDHOKK.DLG] [OHDHRT1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDHRT1.DLG] created from [OHDHRT1.DLG] [OHDHSEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDHSEN.DLG] created from [OHDHSEN.DLG] [OHDKRYLL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDKRYLL.DLG] created from [OHDKRYLL.DLG] [OHDNAIMA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDNAIMA.DLG] created from [OHDNAIMA.DLG] [OHDNOOB.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDNOOB.DLG] created from [OHDNOOB.DLG] [OHDPLANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDPLANJ.DLG] created from [OHDPLANJ.DLG] [OHDPLANL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDPLANL.DLG] created from [OHDPLANL.DLG] [OHDPPLAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDPPLAN.DLG] created from [OHDPPLAN.DLG] [OHDRDEF.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDRDEF.DLG] created from [OHDRDEF.DLG] [OHDRIKKO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDRIKKO.DLG] created from [OHDRIKKO.DLG] [OHDSCROL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDSCROL.DLG] created from [OHDSCROL.DLG] [OHDSOLAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDSOLAR.DLG] created from [OHDSOLAR.DLG] [OHDSPLAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDSPLAN.DLG] created from [OHDSPLAN.DLG] [OHDSUMM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDSUMM.DLG] created from [OHDSUMM.DLG] [OHDSWORD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDSWORD.DLG] created from [OHDSWORD.DLG] [OHDTERP.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDTERP.DLG] created from [OHDTERP.DLG] [OHDTMFIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDTMFIL.DLG] created from [OHDTMFIL.DLG] [OHDTRAGG.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDTRAGG.DLG] created from [OHDTRAGG.DLG] [OHDTREAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDTREAD.DLG] created from [OHDTREAD.DLG] [OHDUGOTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDUGOTH.DLG] created from [OHDUGOTH.DLG] [OHDVERN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDVERN.DLG] created from [OHDVERN.DLG] [OHDWNTRB.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDWNTRB.DLG] created from [OHDWNTRB.DLG] [OHDXACH.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDXACH.DLG] created from [OHDXACH.DLG] [OHDYARR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDYARR.DLG] created from [OHDYARR.DLG] [OHDZARA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHDZARA.DLG] created from [OHDZARA.DLG] [OHHAUNT.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHAUNT.DLG] created from [OHHAUNT.DLG] [OHHAYESH.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHAYESH.DLG] created from [OHHAYESH.DLG] [OHHBURIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHBURIC.DLG] created from [OHHBURIC.DLG] [OHHCAB25.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHCAB25.DLG] created from [OHHCAB25.DLG] [OHHCABRI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHCABRI.DLG] created from [OHHCABRI.DLG] [OHHCULAK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHCULAK.DLG] created from [OHHCULAK.DLG] [OHHDECOY.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHDECOY.DLG] created from [OHHDECOY.DLG] [OHHDRAGO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHDRAGO.DLG] created from [OHHDRAGO.DLG] [OHHFAK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHFAK.DLG] created from [OHHFAK.DLG] [OHHGG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHGG01.DLG] created from [OHHGG01.DLG] [OHHGHST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHGHST1.DLG] created from [OHHGHST1.DLG] [OHHGHST2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHGHST2.DLG] created from [OHHGHST2.DLG] [OHHGM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHGM01.DLG] created from [OHHGM01.DLG] [OHHGM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHGM02.DLG] created from [OHHGM02.DLG] [OHHGM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHGM03.DLG] created from [OHHGM03.DLG] [OHHHAFIZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHHAFIZ.DLG] created from [OHHHAFIZ.DLG] [OHHHAFSA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHHAFSA.DLG] created from [OHHHAFSA.DLG] [OHHIQBAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHIQBAL.DLG] created from [OHHIQBAL.DLG] [OHHKENO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHKENO.DLG] created from [OHHKENO.DLG] [OHHKICHI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHKICHI.DLG] created from [OHHKICHI.DLG] [OHHKORK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHKORK.DLG] created from [OHHKORK.DLG] [OHHKUNG.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHKUNG.DLG] created from [OHHKUNG.DLG] [OHHMIRRI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHMIRRI.DLG] created from [OHHMIRRI.DLG] [OHHPHREY.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHPHREY.DLG] created from [OHHPHREY.DLG] [OHHQAIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHQAIS.DLG] created from [OHHQAIS.DLG] [OHHRAFFI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHRAFFI.DLG] created from [OHHRAFFI.DLG] [OHHSARC.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHSARC.DLG] created from [OHHSARC.DLG] [OHHSPI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHSPI01.DLG] created from [OHHSPI01.DLG] [OHHSPI02.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHSPI02.DLG] created from [OHHSPI02.DLG] [OHHSTONE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHSTONE.DLG] created from [OHHSTONE.DLG] [OHHUMOL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHHUMOL.DLG] created from [OHHUMOL.DLG] [OHNAMANI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNAMANI.DLG] created from [OHNAMANI.DLG] [OHNAMNS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNAMNS.DLG] created from [OHNAMNS.DLG] [OHNAVRUM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNAVRUM.DLG] created from [OHNAVRUM.DLG] [OHNBARAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNBARAD.DLG] created from [OHNBARAD.DLG] [OHNBARKE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNBARKE.DLG] created from [OHNBARKE.DLG] [OHNBELLO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNBELLO.DLG] created from [OHNBELLO.DLG] [OHNDAXUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNDAXUS.DLG] created from [OHNDAXUS.DLG] [OHNDENNA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNDENNA.DLG] created from [OHNDENNA.DLG] [OHNDNOB1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNDNOB1.DLG] created from [OHNDNOB1.DLG] [OHNDNOB2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNDNOB2.DLG] created from [OHNDNOB2.DLG] [OHNDNOB3.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNDNOB3.DLG] created from [OHNDNOB3.DLG] [OHNETTIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNETTIN.DLG] created from [OHNETTIN.DLG] [OHNFADEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNFADEL.DLG] created from [OHNFADEL.DLG] [OHNFELDR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNFELDR.DLG] created from [OHNFELDR.DLG] [OHNFMER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNFMER1.DLG] created from [OHNFMER1.DLG] [OHNGDUKE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNGDUKE.DLG] created from [OHNGDUKE.DLG] [OHNGHALL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNGHALL.DLG] created from [OHNGHALL.DLG] [OHNGUAR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNGUAR1.DLG] created from [OHNGUAR1.DLG] [OHNHAYES.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNHAYES.DLG] created from [OHNHAYES.DLG] [OHNHUEGR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNHUEGR.DLG] created from [OHNHUEGR.DLG] [OHNIMIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNIMIM.DLG] created from [OHNIMIM.DLG] [OHNKING.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNKING.DLG] created from [OHNKING.DLG] [OHNKIRIK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNKIRIK.DLG] created from [OHNKIRIK.DLG] [OHNKNOCK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNKNOCK.DLG] created from [OHNKNOCK.DLG] [./override/OHNLANNE.BCS] loaded, 88518 bytes [OHNLANNE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNLANNE.DLG] created from [OHNLANNE.DLG] [OHNLEA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNLEA.DLG] created from [OHNLEA.DLG] [OHNMERC1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMERC1.DLG] created from [OHNMERC1.DLG] [OHNMERC2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMERC2.DLG] created from [OHNMERC2.DLG] [OHNMERC3.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMERC3.DLG] created from [OHNMERC3.DLG] [OHNMERCB.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMERCB.DLG] created from [OHNMERCB.DLG] [OHNMERET.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMERET.DLG] created from [OHNMERET.DLG] [OHNMHSM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMHSM.DLG] created from [OHNMHSM.DLG] [OHNMIRON.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMIRON.DLG] created from [OHNMIRON.DLG] [OHNMMER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMMER1.DLG] created from [OHNMMER1.DLG] [OHNMOLZA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNMOLZA.DLG] created from [OHNMOLZA.DLG] [OHNPOTME.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNPOTME.DLG] created from [OHNPOTME.DLG] [OHNQUAID.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNQUAID.DLG] created from [OHNQUAID.DLG] [OHNREDW.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREDW.DLG] created from [OHNREDW.DLG] [OHNREDW1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREDW1.DLG] created from [OHNREDW1.DLG] [OHNREDW2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREDW2.DLG] created from [OHNREDW2.DLG] [OHNREDW3.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREDW3.DLG] created from [OHNREDW3.DLG] [OHNREDW4.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREDW4.DLG] created from [OHNREDW4.DLG] [OHNREDW7.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREDW7.DLG] created from [OHNREDW7.DLG] [OHNREDW8.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREDW8.DLG] created from [OHNREDW8.DLG] [OHNREGI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNREGI.DLG] created from [OHNREGI.DLG] [OHNRWBOU.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNRWBOU.DLG] created from [OHNRWBOU.DLG] [OHNSCOLL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSCOLL.DLG] created from [OHNSCOLL.DLG] [OHNSCRME.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSCRME.DLG] created from [OHNSCRME.DLG] [OHNSDWM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSDWM.DLG] created from [OHNSDWM.DLG] [OHNSLAVE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSLAVE.DLG] created from [OHNSLAVE.DLG] [OHNSNAKE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSNAKE.DLG] created from [OHNSNAKE.DLG] [OHNSUB11.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB11.DLG] created from [OHNSUB11.DLG] [OHNSUB13.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB13.DLG] created from [OHNSUB13.DLG] [OHNSUB34.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB34.DLG] created from [OHNSUB34.DLG] [OHNSUB42.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB42.DLG] created from [OHNSUB42.DLG] [OHNSUB5.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB5.DLG] created from [OHNSUB5.DLG] [OHNSUB55.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB55.DLG] created from [OHNSUB55.DLG] [OHNSUB69.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB69.DLG] created from [OHNSUB69.DLG] [OHNSUB9.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSUB9.DLG] created from [OHNSUB9.DLG] [./override/OHNSZASS.BCS] loaded, 256528 bytes [OHNSZASS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNSZASS.DLG] created from [OHNSZASS.DLG] [OHNTELAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNTELAN.DLG] created from [OHNTELAN.DLG] [OHNTHALL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNTHALL.DLG] created from [OHNTHALL.DLG] [OHNTHKNI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNTHKNI.DLG] created from [OHNTHKNI.DLG] [OHNTOXIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNTOXIC.DLG] created from [OHNTOXIC.DLG] [./override/OHNVBALR.BCS] loaded, 127563 bytes [./override/OHNVG01.BCS] loaded, 55315 bytes [./override/OHNVICR2.BCS] loaded, 170524 bytes [OHNVICRO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNVICRO.DLG] created from [OHNVICRO.DLG] [OHNVOGHI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNVOGHI.DLG] created from [OHNVOGHI.DLG] [./override/OHNVRW1.BCS] loaded, 69877 bytes [OHNWANME.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNWANME.DLG] created from [OHNWANME.DLG] [OHNWMC13.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNWMC13.DLG] created from [OHNWMC13.DLG] [OHNZAVIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHNZAVIA.DLG] created from [OHNZAVIA.DLG] [OHRACOLY.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRACOLY.DLG] created from [OHRACOLY.DLG] [OHRAKUDA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRAKUDA.DLG] created from [OHRAKUDA.DLG] [OHRALDUN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRALDUN.DLG] created from [OHRALDUN.DLG] [OHRALOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRALOR.DLG] created from [OHRALOR.DLG] [OHRALOR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRALOR2.DLG] created from [OHRALOR2.DLG] [OHRAMPHI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRAMPHI.DLG] created from [OHRAMPHI.DLG] [OHRBLYNN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBLYNN.DLG] created from [OHRBLYNN.DLG] [OHRBMM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBMM.DLG] created from [OHRBMM.DLG] [OHRBRAIT.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBRAIT.DLG] created from [OHRBRAIT.DLG] [OHRBSM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBSM.DLG] created from [OHRBSM.DLG] [OHRBSSM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBSSM1.DLG] created from [OHRBSSM1.DLG] [OHRBSSM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBSSM2.DLG] created from [OHRBSSM2.DLG] [OHRBULL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBULL1.DLG] created from [OHRBULL1.DLG] [OHRBULL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRBULL2.DLG] created from [OHRBULL2.DLG] [OHRCLESS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRCLESS.DLG] created from [OHRCLESS.DLG] [OHRCLOAK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRCLOAK.DLG] created from [OHRCLOAK.DLG] [OHRCOLLU.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRCOLLU.DLG] created from [OHRCOLLU.DLG] [OHRCONF.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRCONF.DLG] created from [OHRCONF.DLG] [OHRCOREN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRCOREN.DLG] created from [OHRCOREN.DLG] [OHRCUDDY.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRCUDDY.DLG] created from [OHRCUDDY.DLG] [OHRDAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDAD.DLG] created from [OHRDAD.DLG] [OHRDALTN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDALTN.DLG] created from [OHRDALTN.DLG] [OHRDANYS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDANYS.DLG] created from [OHRDANYS.DLG] [OHRDMH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDMH1.DLG] created from [OHRDMH1.DLG] [OHRDMH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDMH2.DLG] created from [OHRDMH2.DLG] [OHRDWRF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDWRF1.DLG] created from [OHRDWRF1.DLG] [OHRDWRF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDWRF2.DLG] created from [OHRDWRF2.DLG] [OHRDWRF3.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDWRF3.DLG] created from [OHRDWRF3.DLG] [OHRDWS01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDWS01.DLG] created from [OHRDWS01.DLG] [OHRDWS02.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRDWS02.DLG] created from [OHRDWS02.DLG] [OHRFASSA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRFASSA.DLG] created from [OHRFASSA.DLG] [OHRFIDDI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRFIDDI.DLG] created from [OHRFIDDI.DLG] [OHRFILLI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRFILLI.DLG] created from [OHRFILLI.DLG] [OHRGELD.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRGELD.DLG] created from [OHRGELD.DLG] [OHRGHELL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRGHELL.DLG] created from [OHRGHELL.DLG] [OHRHALDO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHALDO.DLG] created from [OHRHALDO.DLG] [OHRHDEEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHDEEP.DLG] created from [OHRHDEEP.DLG] [OHRHERAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHERAT.DLG] created from [OHRHERAT.DLG] [OHRHERET.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHERET.DLG] created from [OHRHERET.DLG] [OHRHERM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHERM.DLG] created from [OHRHERM.DLG] [OHRHGUA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHGUA1.DLG] created from [OHRHGUA1.DLG] [OHRHGUA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHGUA2.DLG] created from [OHRHGUA2.DLG] [OHRHGUA3.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHGUA3.DLG] created from [OHRHGUA3.DLG] [OHRHHELM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHHELM.DLG] created from [OHRHHELM.DLG] [OHRHMFEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHMFEN.DLG] created from [OHRHMFEN.DLG] [OHRHMKEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHMKEL.DLG] created from [OHRHMKEL.DLG] [OHRHMON1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHMON1.DLG] created from [OHRHMON1.DLG] [OHRHMONK.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHMONK.DLG] created from [OHRHMONK.DLG] [OHRHOJAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHOJAR.DLG] created from [OHRHOJAR.DLG] [OHRHORVA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRHORVA.DLG] created from [OHRHORVA.DLG] [OHRJADEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRJADEN.DLG] created from [OHRJADEN.DLG] [./override/OHRJASSA.BCS] loaded, 65632 bytes [OHRJASSA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRJASSA.DLG] created from [OHRJASSA.DLG] [OHRJOLST.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRJOLST.DLG] created from [OHRJOLST.DLG] [OHRKILLI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRKILLI.DLG] created from [OHRKILLI.DLG] [OHRLEMP.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRLEMP.DLG] created from [OHRLEMP.DLG] [OHRLEMZE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRLEMZE.DLG] created from [OHRLEMZE.DLG] [OHRMASSA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRMASSA.DLG] created from [OHRMASSA.DLG] [OHRMEEMS.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRMEEMS.DLG] created from [OHRMEEMS.DLG] [OHRMEMB1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRMEMB1.DLG] created from [OHRMEMB1.DLG] [OHRMEMB2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRMEMB2.DLG] created from [OHRMEMB2.DLG] [OHRMEMB3.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRMEMB3.DLG] created from [OHRMEMB3.DLG] [OHRMOCOM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRMOCOM.DLG] created from [OHRMOCOM.DLG] [OHRMURUN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRMURUN.DLG] created from [OHRMURUN.DLG] [OHROAZMA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHROAZMA.DLG] created from [OHROAZMA.DLG] [OHROVIDI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHROVIDI.DLG] created from [OHROVIDI.DLG] [OHROVS2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHROVS2.DLG] created from [OHROVS2.DLG] [OHROVS9.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHROVS9.DLG] created from [OHROVS9.DLG] [OHRPHM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRPHM.DLG] created from [OHRPHM.DLG] [OHRPHYLL.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRPHYLL.DLG] created from [OHRPHYLL.DLG] [OHRRANHM.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRRANHM.DLG] created from [OHRRANHM.DLG] [OHRRAZVA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRRAZVA.DLG] created from [OHRRAZVA.DLG] [OHRROLF.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRROLF.DLG] created from [OHRROLF.DLG] [OHRROPM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRROPM1.DLG] created from [OHRROPM1.DLG] [OHRROPML.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRROPML.DLG] created from [OHRROPML.DLG] [OHRSAHAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSAHAN.DLG] created from [OHRSAHAN.DLG] [OHRSBG.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSBG.DLG] created from [OHRSBG.DLG] [OHRSDG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSDG1.DLG] created from [OHRSDG1.DLG] [OHRSDG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSDG2.DLG] created from [OHRSDG2.DLG] [./override/OHRSEPHO.BCS] loaded, 187939 bytes [OHRSEPHO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSEPHO.DLG] created from [OHRSEPHO.DLG] [OHRSGMA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSGMA1.DLG] created from [OHRSGMA1.DLG] [OHRSGMA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSGMA2.DLG] created from [OHRSGMA2.DLG] [OHRSGUA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSGUA1.DLG] created from [OHRSGUA1.DLG] [OHRSGUA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSGUA2.DLG] created from [OHRSGUA2.DLG] [OHRSHAD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSHAD2.DLG] created from [OHRSHAD2.DLG] [./override/OHRSHANI.BCS] loaded, 193029 bytes [OHRSHANI.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSHANI.DLG] created from [OHRSHANI.DLG] [OHRSHG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSHG01.DLG] created from [OHRSHG01.DLG] [OHRSHG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSHG02.DLG] created from [OHRSHG02.DLG] [OHRSHM9.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSHM9.DLG] created from [OHRSHM9.DLG] [OHRSHR21.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSHR21.DLG] created from [OHRSHR21.DLG] [OHRSLARA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSLARA.DLG] created from [OHRSLARA.DLG] [OHRSMERC.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSMERC.DLG] created from [OHRSMERC.DLG] [OHRSSCAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSSCAR.DLG] created from [OHRSSCAR.DLG] [OHRSSM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRSSM01.DLG] created from [OHRSSM01.DLG] [OHRTADDA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRTADDA.DLG] created from [OHRTADDA.DLG] [OHRTALLU.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRTALLU.DLG] created from [OHRTALLU.DLG] [OHRTHEYE.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRTHEYE.DLG] created from [OHRTHEYE.DLG] [OHRTORCA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRTORCA.DLG] created from [OHRTORCA.DLG] [OHRTREYA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRTREYA.DLG] created from [OHRTREYA.DLG] [OHRTRUTH.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRTRUTH.DLG] created from [OHRTRUTH.DLG] [OHRTWOFO.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRTWOFO.DLG] created from [OHRTWOFO.DLG] [OHRYXTRA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OHRYXTRA.DLG] created from [OHRYXTRA.DLG] [./override/OISIG.BCS] loaded, 741 bytes [OLIVIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [OLIVIA.DLG] created from [OLIVIA.DLG] [OOGIEW.DLG.DLG] loaded [OOGIEW.DLG] created from [OOGIEW.DLG] [ORIONA.DLG.DLG] loaded [ORIONA.DLG] created from [ORIONA.DLG] [ORPHAN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [ORPHAN1.DLG] created from [ORPHAN1.DLG] [ORPHAN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [ORPHAN2.DLG] created from [ORPHAN2.DLG] [PACE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PACE.DLG] created from [PACE.DLG] [PALA.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALA.DLG] created from [PALA.DLG] [PALERN.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALERN.DLG] created from [PALERN.DLG] [PALKNI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALKNI01.DLG] created from [PALKNI01.DLG] [PALKNI02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALKNI02.DLG] created from [PALKNI02.DLG] [PALKNI03.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALKNI03.DLG] created from [PALKNI03.DLG] [PALKNI04.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALKNI04.DLG] created from [PALKNI04.DLG] [PALKNI05.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALKNI05.DLG] created from [PALKNI05.DLG] [PALLON.DLG.DLG] loaded [PALLON.DLG] created from [PALLON.DLG] [PANGWA.DLG.DLG] loaded [PANGWA.DLG] created from [PANGWA.DLG] [PARDA.DLG.DLG] loaded [PARDA.DLG] created from [PARDA.DLG] [PARDA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PARDA1.DLG] created from [PARDA1.DLG] [PARDA3.DLG.DLG] loaded [PARDA3.DLG] created from [PARDA3.DLG] [PBHUNT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PBHUNT01.DLG] created from [PBHUNT01.DLG] [PBHUNT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PBHUNT02.DLG] created from [PBHUNT02.DLG] [PDWARF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PDWARF01.DLG] created from [PDWARF01.DLG] [PEHLLUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [PEHLLUS.DLG] created from [PEHLLUS.DLG] [PELANNA.DLG.DLG] loaded [PELANNA.DLG] created from [PELANNA.DLG] [PEONY.DLG.DLG] loaded [PEONY.DLG] created from [PEONY.DLG] [PFREE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PFREE.DLG] created from [PFREE.DLG] [PHAERS.DLG.DLG] loaded [PHAERS.DLG] created from [PHAERS.DLG] [PHLYDI2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PHLYDI2.DLG] created from [PHLYDI2.DLG] [PHLYDI3.DLG.DLG] loaded [PHLYDI3.DLG] created from [PHLYDI3.DLG] [PICK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PICK1.DLG] created from [PICK1.DLG] [PICK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PICK2.DLG] created from [PICK2.DLG] [PIQUE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIQUE.DLG] created from [PIQUE.DLG] [PIRBOB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRBOB01.DLG] created from [PIRBOB01.DLG] [PIRCOM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOM01.DLG] created from [PIRCOM01.DLG] [PIRCOM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOM02.DLG] created from [PIRCOM02.DLG] [PIRCOM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOM1.DLG] created from [PIRCOM1.DLG] [PIRCOR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOR01.DLG] created from [PIRCOR01.DLG] [PIRCOR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOR02.DLG] created from [PIRCOR02.DLG] [PIRCOR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOR03.DLG] created from [PIRCOR03.DLG] [PIRCOR04.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOR04.DLG] created from [PIRCOR04.DLG] [PIRCOR05.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOR05.DLG] created from [PIRCOR05.DLG] [PIRCOR06.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRCOR06.DLG] created from [PIRCOR06.DLG] [PIRDOC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRDOC01.DLG] created from [PIRDOC01.DLG] [PIREXE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIREXE01.DLG] created from [PIREXE01.DLG] [PIRFSH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRFSH01.DLG] created from [PIRFSH01.DLG] [PIRFSH02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRFSH02.DLG] created from [PIRFSH02.DLG] [PIRGRD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRGRD01.DLG] created from [PIRGRD01.DLG] [PIRKID01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRKID01.DLG] created from [PIRKID01.DLG] [PIRMUR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR01.DLG] created from [PIRMUR01.DLG] [PIRMUR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR02.DLG] created from [PIRMUR02.DLG] [PIRMUR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR03.DLG] created from [PIRMUR03.DLG] [PIRMUR04.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR04.DLG] created from [PIRMUR04.DLG] [PIRMUR05.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR05.DLG] created from [PIRMUR05.DLG] [PIRMUR07.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR07.DLG] created from [PIRMUR07.DLG] [PIRMUR08.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR08.DLG] created from [PIRMUR08.DLG] [PIRMUR09.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR09.DLG] created from [PIRMUR09.DLG] [PIRMUR10.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRMUR10.DLG] created from [PIRMUR10.DLG] [PIRPIR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR01.DLG] created from [PIRPIR01.DLG] [PIRPIR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR02.DLG] created from [PIRPIR02.DLG] [PIRPIR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR03.DLG] created from [PIRPIR03.DLG] [PIRPIR04.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR04.DLG] created from [PIRPIR04.DLG] [PIRPIR05.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR05.DLG] created from [PIRPIR05.DLG] [PIRPIR07.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR07.DLG] created from [PIRPIR07.DLG] [PIRPIR08.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR08.DLG] created from [PIRPIR08.DLG] [PIRPIR09.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR09.DLG] created from [PIRPIR09.DLG] [PIRPIR10.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR10.DLG] created from [PIRPIR10.DLG] [PIRPIR11.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR11.DLG] created from [PIRPIR11.DLG] [PIRPIR12.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPIR12.DLG] created from [PIRPIR12.DLG] [PIRPRV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRPRV01.DLG] created from [PIRPRV01.DLG] [PIRSAL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRSAL01.DLG] created from [PIRSAL01.DLG] [PIRSAL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRSAL02.DLG] created from [PIRSAL02.DLG] [PIRSEA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PIRSEA01.DLG] created from [PIRSEA01.DLG] [PLAYER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLAYER1.DLG] created from [PLAYER1.DLG] [PLFARM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLFARM01.DLG] created from [PLFARM01.DLG] [PLFARM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLFARM02.DLG] created from [PLFARM02.DLG] [PLFARM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLFARM03.DLG] created from [PLFARM03.DLG] [PLFARM04.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLFARM04.DLG] created from [PLFARM04.DLG] [PLFARM05.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLFARM05.DLG] created from [PLFARM05.DLG] [PLFARM06.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLFARM06.DLG] created from [PLFARM06.DLG] [PLGIRL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLGIRL01.DLG] created from [PLGIRL01.DLG] [PLMETG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLMETG01.DLG] created from [PLMETG01.DLG] [PLMETG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLMETG02.DLG] created from [PLMETG02.DLG] [PLMETR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLMETR01.DLG] created from [PLMETR01.DLG] [PLMETW01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLMETW01.DLG] created from [PLMETW01.DLG] [PLSHKN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLSHKN01.DLG] created from [PLSHKN01.DLG] [PLSHKN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLSHKN02.DLG] created from [PLSHKN02.DLG] [PLTAX01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PLTAX01.DLG] created from [PLTAX01.DLG] [PMASTER.DLG.DLG] loaded [PMASTER.DLG] created from [PMASTER.DLG] [PNASHK.DLG.DLG] loaded [PNASHK.DLG] created from [PNASHK.DLG] [POE.DLG.DLG] loaded [POE.DLG] created from [POE.DLG] [POGHM10.DLG.DLG] loaded [POGHM10.DLG] created from [POGHM10.DLG] [POGHM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [POGHM2.DLG] created from [POGHM2.DLG] [POGHM3.DLG.DLG] loaded [POGHM3.DLG] created from [POGHM3.DLG] [POGHM4.DLG.DLG] loaded [POGHM4.DLG] created from [POGHM4.DLG] [POGHM7.DLG.DLG] loaded [POGHM7.DLG] created from [POGHM7.DLG] [POGHM9.DLG.DLG] loaded [POGHM9.DLG] created from [POGHM9.DLG] [POISOD.DLG.DLG] loaded [POISOD.DLG] created from [POISOD.DLG] [PORTAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [PORTAL.DLG] created from [PORTAL.DLG] [POSTUL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [POSTUL1.DLG] created from [POSTUL1.DLG] [POSTUL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [POSTUL2.DLG] created from [POSTUL2.DLG] [POSTUL3.DLG.DLG] loaded [POSTUL3.DLG] created from [POSTUL3.DLG] [POSTUL4.DLG.DLG] loaded [POSTUL4.DLG] created from [POSTUL4.DLG] [POSTUL5.DLG.DLG] loaded [POSTUL5.DLG] created from [POSTUL5.DLG] [POSTUL6.DLG.DLG] loaded [POSTUL6.DLG] created from [POSTUL6.DLG] [PPALT.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPALT.DLG] created from [PPALT.DLG] [PPALTK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPALTK1.DLG] created from [PPALTK1.DLG] [PPALTK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPALTK2.DLG] created from [PPALTK2.DLG] [PPAPH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPAPH2.DLG] created from [PPAPH2.DLG] [PPAPHRIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPAPHRIL.DLG] created from [PPAPHRIL.DLG] [PPARAN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPARAN2.DLG] created from [PPARAN2.DLG] [PPBHAAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPBHAAL.DLG] created from [PPBHAAL.DLG] [PPBODHI3.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPBODHI3.DLG] created from [PPBODHI3.DLG] [PPBODHI4.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPBODHI4.DLG] created from [PPBODHI4.DLG] [PPCOWLED.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPCOWLED.DLG] created from [PPCOWLED.DLG] [PPDEMON.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDEMON.DLG] created from [PPDEMON.DLG] [PPDESH.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDESH.DLG] created from [PPDESH.DLG] [PPDESH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDESH2.DLG] created from [PPDESH2.DLG] [PPDILI.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDILI.DLG] created from [PPDILI.DLG] [PPDILI2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDILI2.DLG] created from [PPDILI2.DLG] [PPDJINN.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDJINN.DLG] created from [PPDJINN.DLG] [PPDOOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDOOR.DLG] created from [PPDOOR.DLG] [PPDRA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDRA2.DLG] created from [PPDRA2.DLG] [PPDRADEE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDRADEE.DLG] created from [PPDRADEE.DLG] [PPDRIMO.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDRIMO.DLG] created from [PPDRIMO.DLG] [PPDRIMOV.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDRIMOV.DLG] created from [PPDRIMOV.DLG] [PPDUEL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDUEL1.DLG] created from [PPDUEL1.DLG] [PPDUEL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDUEL2.DLG] created from [PPDUEL2.DLG] [PPDUELC.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPDUELC.DLG] created from [PPDUELC.DLG] [PPGENIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPGENIE.DLG] created from [PPGENIE.DLG] [PPGIRL.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPGIRL.DLG] created from [PPGIRL.DLG] [PPGITH.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPGITH.DLG] created from [PPGITH.DLG] [PPGUARD.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPGUARD.DLG] created from [PPGUARD.DLG] [PPGUY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPGUY01.DLG] created from [PPGUY01.DLG] [PPIMO.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPIMO.DLG] created from [PPIMO.DLG] [PPIMOEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPIMOEN.DLG] created from [PPIMOEN.DLG] [PPINN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPINN01.DLG] created from [PPINN01.DLG] [PPIRENI1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPIRENI1.DLG] created from [PPIRENI1.DLG] [PPIRENI2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPIRENI2.DLG] created from [PPIRENI2.DLG] [PPJOYE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPJOYE.DLG] created from [PPJOYE.DLG] [PPJOYE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPJOYE2.DLG] created from [PPJOYE2.DLG] [PPLDR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPLDR01.DLG] created from [PPLDR01.DLG] [PPLOVE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPLOVE.DLG] created from [PPLOVE.DLG] [PPNALJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPNALJ.DLG] created from [PPNALJ.DLG] [PPNALJ2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPNALJ2.DLG] created from [PPNALJ2.DLG] [PPRIDD.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPRIDD.DLG] created from [PPRIDD.DLG] [PPSAEM.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSAEM.DLG] created from [PPSAEM.DLG] [PPSAEM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSAEM2.DLG] created from [PPSAEM2.DLG] [PPSAEM3.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSAEM3.DLG] created from [PPSAEM3.DLG] [PPSAIL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSAIL02.DLG] created from [PPSAIL02.DLG] [PPSAILOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSAILOR.DLG] created from [PPSAILOR.DLG] [PPSANIK.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSANIK.DLG] created from [PPSANIK.DLG] [PPSIME.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSIME.DLG] created from [PPSIME.DLG] [PPSTAT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSTAT01.DLG] created from [PPSTAT01.DLG] [PPSTOR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPSTOR01.DLG] created from [PPSTOR01.DLG] [PPTIAX.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPTIAX.DLG] created from [PPTIAX.DLG] [PPTIAX2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPTIAX2.DLG] created from [PPTIAX2.DLG] [PPTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPTOWN1.DLG] created from [PPTOWN1.DLG] [PPTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPTOWN2.DLG] created from [PPTOWN2.DLG] [PPTOWN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPTOWN3.DLG] created from [PPTOWN3.DLG] [PPTOWN4.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPTOWN4.DLG] created from [PPTOWN4.DLG] [PPUMB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPUMB01.DLG] created from [PPUMB01.DLG] [PPWANEV.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPWANEV.DLG] created from [PPWANEV.DLG] [PPWANEV2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPWANEV2.DLG] created from [PPWANEV2.DLG] [PPWORKER.DLG.DLG] loaded [PPWORKER.DLG] created from [PPWORKER.DLG] [PRELATE.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRELATE.DLG] created from [PRELATE.DLG] [PRIILM.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRIILM.DLG] created from [PRIILM.DLG] [PRIOBG.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRIOBG.DLG] created from [PRIOBG.DLG] [PRIS01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRIS01.DLG] created from [PRIS01.DLG] [PRIS02.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRIS02.DLG] created from [PRIS02.DLG] [PRISONG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRISONG1.DLG] created from [PRISONG1.DLG] [PRISONG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRISONG2.DLG] created from [PRISONG2.DLG] [PRISONK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRISONK1.DLG] created from [PRISONK1.DLG] [PRISS.DLG.DLG] loaded [PRISS.DLG] created from [PRISS.DLG] [PROPHET1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROPHET1.DLG] created from [PROPHET1.DLG] [PROPHET2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROPHET2.DLG] created from [PROPHET2.DLG] [PROPHET3.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROPHET3.DLG] created from [PROPHET3.DLG] [PROPHET4.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROPHET4.DLG] created from [PROPHET4.DLG] [PROSLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROSLA.DLG] created from [PROSLA.DLG] [PROST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST1.DLG] created from [PROST1.DLG] [PROST2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST2.DLG] created from [PROST2.DLG] [PROST3.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST3.DLG] created from [PROST3.DLG] [PROST4.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST4.DLG] created from [PROST4.DLG] [PROST5.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST5.DLG] created from [PROST5.DLG] [PROST6.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST6.DLG] created from [PROST6.DLG] [PROST7.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST7.DLG] created from [PROST7.DLG] [PROST8.DLG.DLG] loaded [PROST8.DLG] created from [PROST8.DLG] [PTAGGET.DLG.DLG] loaded [PTAGGET.DLG] created from [PTAGGET.DLG] [PTHRAL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PTHRAL01.DLG] created from [PTHRAL01.DLG] [PTHRAL04.DLG.DLG] loaded [PTHRAL04.DLG] created from [PTHRAL04.DLG] [PTHRAL05.DLG.DLG] loaded [PTHRAL05.DLG] created from [PTHRAL05.DLG] [PUMBER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PUMBER2.DLG] created from [PUMBER2.DLG] [PWARDEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [PWARDEN.DLG] created from [PWARDEN.DLG] [PWAUK1.DLG.DLG] loaded [PWAUK1.DLG] created from [PWAUK1.DLG] [PWAUK2.DLG.DLG] loaded [PWAUK2.DLG] created from [PWAUK2.DLG] [PWYVV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [PWYVV01.DLG] created from [PWYVV01.DLG] [QCIRC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [QCIRC01.DLG] created from [QCIRC01.DLG] [QUAYLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [QUAYLE.DLG] created from [QUAYLE.DLG] [QUAYLEM.DLG.DLG] loaded [QUAYLEM.DLG] created from [QUAYLEM.DLG] [QUAYLJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [QUAYLJ.DLG] created from [QUAYLJ.DLG] [QUAYLP.DLG.DLG] loaded [QUAYLP.DLG] created from [QUAYLP.DLG] [QUINN.DLG.DLG] loaded [QUINN.DLG] created from [QUINN.DLG] [QUINT.DLG.DLG] loaded [QUINT.DLG] created from [QUINT.DLG] [QUONIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [QUONIN.DLG] created from [QUONIN.DLG] [R101.DLG.DLG] loaded [R101.DLG] created from [R101.DLG] [R158.DLG.DLG] loaded [R158.DLG] created from [R158.DLG] [R179.DLG.DLG] loaded [R179.DLG] created from [R179.DLG] [R2.DLG.DLG] loaded [R2.DLG] created from [R2.DLG] [R214.DLG.DLG] loaded [R214.DLG] created from [R214.DLG] [R274.DLG.DLG] loaded [R274.DLG] created from [R274.DLG] [R3.DLG.DLG] loaded [R3.DLG] created from [R3.DLG] [R86.DLG.DLG] loaded [R86.DLG] created from [R86.DLG] [RADEEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [RADEEL.DLG] created from [RADEEL.DLG] [RAELIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [RAELIS.DLG] created from [RAELIS.DLG] [RALEO.DLG.DLG] loaded [RALEO.DLG] created from [RALEO.DLG] [RANCE.DLG.DLG] loaded [RANCE.DLG] created from [RANCE.DLG] [RANGER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [RANGER1.DLG] created from [RANGER1.DLG] [RASAA25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASAA25A.DLG] created from [RASAA25A.DLG] [RASAA25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASAA25J.DLG] created from [RASAA25J.DLG] [RASAA25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASAA25P.DLG] created from [RASAA25P.DLG] [RASAAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASAAD.DLG] created from [RASAAD.DLG] [RASAADJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASAADJ.DLG] created from [RASAADJ.DLG] [RASAADP.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASAADP.DLG] created from [RASAADP.DLG] [RASHAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASHAD.DLG] created from [RASHAD.DLG] [RASSA25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [RASSA25J.DLG] created from [RASSA25J.DLG] [READ2.DLG.DLG] loaded [READ2.DLG] created from [READ2.DLG] [READ4.DLG.DLG] loaded [READ4.DLG] created from [READ4.DLG] [RECKON.DLG.DLG] loaded [RECKON.DLG] created from [RECKON.DLG] [REEDLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [REEDLE.DLG] created from [REEDLE.DLG] [REEVOR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [REEVOR2.DLG] created from [REEVOR2.DLG] [REEVOR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [REEVOR3.DLG] created from [REEVOR3.DLG] [REGINA.DLG.DLG] loaded [REGINA.DLG] created from [REGINA.DLG] [RENAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [RENAL.DLG] created from [RENAL.DLG] [RENFELD.DLG.DLG] loaded [RENFELD.DLG] created from [RENFELD.DLG] [REPMAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [REPMAN.DLG] created from [REPMAN.DLG] [REPTHF.DLG.DLG] loaded [REPTHF.DLG] created from [REPTHF.DLG] [REPTHF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [REPTHF1.DLG] created from [REPTHF1.DLG] [RERAK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RERAK01.DLG] created from [RERAK01.DLG] [RESUNA.DLG.DLG] loaded [RESUNA.DLG] created from [RESUNA.DLG] [RETHUG04.DLG.DLG] loaded [RETHUG04.DLG] created from [RETHUG04.DLG] [RETI.DLG.DLG] loaded [RETI.DLG] created from [RETI.DLG] [REVEN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [REVEN2.DLG] created from [REVEN2.DLG] [REVEN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [REVEN3.DLG] created from [REVEN3.DLG] [RGRSTA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RGRSTA01.DLG] created from [RGRSTA01.DLG] [RGRWLF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RGRWLF01.DLG] created from [RGRWLF01.DLG] [RIBALD.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIBALD.DLG] created from [RIBALD.DLG] [RIELEV.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIELEV.DLG] created from [RIELEV.DLG] [RIFT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFT01.DLG] created from [RIFT01.DLG] [RIFTC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTC01.DLG] created from [RIFTC01.DLG] [RIFTC02.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTC02.DLG] created from [RIFTC02.DLG] [RIFTCR04.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTCR04.DLG] created from [RIFTCR04.DLG] [RIFTG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTG01.DLG] created from [RIFTG01.DLG] [RIFTG02.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTG02.DLG] created from [RIFTG02.DLG] [RIFTG03.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTG03.DLG] created from [RIFTG03.DLG] [RIFTM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTM01.DLG] created from [RIFTM01.DLG] [RIFTM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTM02.DLG] created from [RIFTM02.DLG] [RIFTW01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIFTW01.DLG] created from [RIFTW01.DLG] [RIGEN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIGEN01.DLG] created from [RIGEN01.DLG] [RIGEN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIGEN02.DLG] created from [RIGEN02.DLG] [RIGEN03.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIGEN03.DLG] created from [RIGEN03.DLG] [RIGGILO.DLG.DLG] loaded [RIGGILO.DLG] created from [RIGGILO.DLG] [RILLPUZZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [RILLPUZZ.DLG] created from [RILLPUZZ.DLG] [RINNIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [RINNIE.DLG] created from [RINNIE.DLG] [RNGSHA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RNGSHA01.DLG] created from [RNGSHA01.DLG] [RNGSHA02.DLG.DLG] loaded [RNGSHA02.DLG] created from [RNGSHA02.DLG] [RNGSHA04.DLG.DLG] loaded [RNGSHA04.DLG] created from [RNGSHA04.DLG] [RNGWLF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RNGWLF01.DLG] created from [RNGWLF01.DLG] [RNGWLF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [RNGWLF02.DLG] created from [RNGWLF02.DLG] [RNGWLF03.DLG.DLG] loaded [RNGWLF03.DLG] created from [RNGWLF03.DLG] [ROCK.DLG.DLG] loaded [ROCK.DLG] created from [ROCK.DLG] [RODNIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [RODNIM.DLG] created from [RODNIM.DLG] [ROGER.DLG.DLG] loaded [ROGER.DLG] created from [ROGER.DLG] [RUFFIAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUFFIAN.DLG] created from [RUFFIAN.DLG] [RUFFIE.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUFFIE.DLG] created from [RUFFIE.DLG] [RUFPAL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUFPAL1.DLG] created from [RUFPAL1.DLG] [RUFPAL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUFPAL2.DLG] created from [RUFPAL2.DLG] [RUMAMK.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMAMK.DLG] created from [RUMAMK.DLG] [RUMAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMAR.DLG] created from [RUMAR.DLG] [RUMAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMAR01.DLG] created from [RUMAR01.DLG] [RUMORA.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMORA.DLG] created from [RUMORA.DLG] [RUMORI.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMORI.DLG] created from [RUMORI.DLG] [RUMORP.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMORP.DLG] created from [RUMORP.DLG] [RUMORT.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMORT.DLG] created from [RUMORT.DLG] [RUMORU.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMORU.DLG] created from [RUMORU.DLG] [RUMSAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [RUMSAR.DLG] created from [RUMSAR.DLG] [RYLOCK.DLG.DLG] loaded [RYLOCK.DLG] created from [RYLOCK.DLG] [SAERK.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAERK.DLG] created from [SAERK.DLG] [SAFANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAFANJ.DLG] created from [SAFANJ.DLG] [SAFANP.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAFANP.DLG] created from [SAFANP.DLG] [SAHBAR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHBAR03.DLG] created from [SAHBAR03.DLG] [SAHBEH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHBEH01.DLG] created from [SAHBEH01.DLG] [SAHCHF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHCHF02.DLG] created from [SAHCHF02.DLG] [SAHCPT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHCPT01.DLG] created from [SAHCPT01.DLG] [SAHCPT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHCPT02.DLG] created from [SAHCPT02.DLG] [SAHGRD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHGRD01.DLG] created from [SAHGRD01.DLG] [SAHGRD02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHGRD02.DLG] created from [SAHGRD02.DLG] [SAHGRD03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHGRD03.DLG] created from [SAHGRD03.DLG] [SAHIMP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHIMP01.DLG] created from [SAHIMP01.DLG] [SAHIMP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHIMP02.DLG] created from [SAHIMP02.DLG] [SAHIMP03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHIMP03.DLG] created from [SAHIMP03.DLG] [SAHIMP04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHIMP04.DLG] created from [SAHIMP04.DLG] [SAHIMP05.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHIMP05.DLG] created from [SAHIMP05.DLG] [SAHIMP06.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHIMP06.DLG] created from [SAHIMP06.DLG] [SAHIMP07.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHIMP07.DLG] created from [SAHIMP07.DLG] [SAHKNG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHKNG01.DLG] created from [SAHKNG01.DLG] [SAHPR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHPR1.DLG] created from [SAHPR1.DLG] [SAHPR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHPR2.DLG] created from [SAHPR2.DLG] [SAHPR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHPR3.DLG] created from [SAHPR3.DLG] [SAHPR4.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHPR4.DLG] created from [SAHPR4.DLG] [SAHPR5.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHPR5.DLG] created from [SAHPR5.DLG] [SAHRGR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHRGR01.DLG] created from [SAHRGR01.DLG] [SAHRGR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHRGR02.DLG] created from [SAHRGR02.DLG] [SAHRGR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHRGR03.DLG] created from [SAHRGR03.DLG] [SAHSPC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHSPC01.DLG] created from [SAHSPC01.DLG] [SAHZOM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAHZOM01.DLG] created from [SAHZOM01.DLG] [SAILAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAILAL.DLG] created from [SAILAL.DLG] [SAILDAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAILDAN.DLG] created from [SAILDAN.DLG] [SAILFIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAILFIN.DLG] created from [SAILFIN.DLG] [SAILJOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAILJOS.DLG] created from [SAILJOS.DLG] [SAILNED.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAILNED.DLG] created from [SAILNED.DLG] [SAILNEW.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAILNEW.DLG] created from [SAILNEW.DLG] [SALVANAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [SALVANAS.DLG] created from [SALVANAS.DLG] [SAMIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAMIA.DLG] created from [SAMIA.DLG] [SAMUEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAMUEL.DLG] created from [SAMUEL.DLG] [SANADAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SANADAL.DLG] created from [SANADAL.DLG] [SARALEGS.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARALEGS.DLG] created from [SARALEGS.DLG] [SARBAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBAR01.DLG] created from [SARBAR01.DLG] [SARBAR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBAR02.DLG] created from [SARBAR02.DLG] [SARBHA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBHA01.DLG] created from [SARBHA01.DLG] [SARBHA02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBHA02.DLG] created from [SARBHA02.DLG] [SARBHA03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBHA03.DLG] created from [SARBHA03.DLG] [SARBOY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBOY01.DLG] created from [SARBOY01.DLG] [SARBUL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBUL01.DLG] created from [SARBUL01.DLG] [SARBUL04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBUL04.DLG] created from [SARBUL04.DLG] [SARBUL05.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBUL05.DLG] created from [SARBUL05.DLG] [SARBUL06.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARBUL06.DLG] created from [SARBUL06.DLG] [SARCNT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARCNT01.DLG] created from [SARCNT01.DLG] [SARCPT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARCPT01.DLG] created from [SARCPT01.DLG] [SARCUL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARCUL01.DLG] created from [SARCUL01.DLG] [SARCUL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARCUL02.DLG] created from [SARCUL02.DLG] [SARCULT.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARCULT.DLG] created from [SARCULT.DLG] [SARDW01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARDW01.DLG] created from [SARDW01.DLG] [SARDW04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARDW04.DLG] created from [SARDW04.DLG] [SARDW05.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARDW05.DLG] created from [SARDW05.DLG] [SARELF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARELF01.DLG] created from [SARELF01.DLG] [SARELF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARELF02.DLG] created from [SARELF02.DLG] [SARELF03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARELF03.DLG] created from [SARELF03.DLG] [SARELF04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARELF04.DLG] created from [SARELF04.DLG] [SARELF05.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARELF05.DLG] created from [SARELF05.DLG] [SARELF06.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARELF06.DLG] created from [SARELF06.DLG] [SAREV25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAREV25A.DLG] created from [SAREV25A.DLG] [SAREV25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAREV25J.DLG] created from [SAREV25J.DLG] [SAREV25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [SAREV25P.DLG] created from [SAREV25P.DLG] [SARFEM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARFEM01.DLG] created from [SARFEM01.DLG] [SARFEM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARFEM02.DLG] created from [SARFEM02.DLG] [SARFEM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARFEM03.DLG] created from [SARFEM03.DLG] [SARFEM04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARFEM04.DLG] created from [SARFEM04.DLG] [SARGET.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARGET.DLG] created from [SARGET.DLG] [SARGRD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARGRD01.DLG] created from [SARGRD01.DLG] [SARGRD02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARGRD02.DLG] created from [SARGRD02.DLG] [SARGRL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARGRL01.DLG] created from [SARGRL01.DLG] [SARJAI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARJAI01.DLG] created from [SARJAI01.DLG] [SARKIS01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARKIS01.DLG] created from [SARKIS01.DLG] [SARKIS02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARKIS02.DLG] created from [SARKIS02.DLG] [SARMAG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMAG01.DLG] created from [SARMAG01.DLG] [SARMAN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMAN01.DLG] created from [SARMAN01.DLG] [SARMAN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMAN02.DLG] created from [SARMAN02.DLG] [SARMAN03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMAN03.DLG] created from [SARMAN03.DLG] [SARMAN04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMAN04.DLG] created from [SARMAN04.DLG] [SARMAT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMAT01.DLG] created from [SARMAT01.DLG] [SARMEL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMEL01.DLG] created from [SARMEL01.DLG] [SARMIST.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARMIST.DLG] created from [SARMIST.DLG] [SARPEL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARPEL01.DLG] created from [SARPEL01.DLG] [SARPRIS1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARPRIS1.DLG] created from [SARPRIS1.DLG] [SARPRIS2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARPRIS2.DLG] created from [SARPRIS2.DLG] [SARPRO01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARPRO01.DLG] created from [SARPRO01.DLG] [SARPROF.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARPROF.DLG] created from [SARPROF.DLG] [SARPROVF.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARPROVF.DLG] created from [SARPROVF.DLG] [SARPROVM.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARPROVM.DLG] created from [SARPROVM.DLG] [SARSON01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARSON01.DLG] created from [SARSON01.DLG] [SARSPIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARSPIR.DLG] created from [SARSPIR.DLG] [SARTEM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARTEM01.DLG] created from [SARTEM01.DLG] [SARTHF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARTHF1.DLG] created from [SARTHF1.DLG] [SARTHF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARTHF2.DLG] created from [SARTHF2.DLG] [SARTRO01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARTRO01.DLG] created from [SARTRO01.DLG] [SARTRO03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARTRO03.DLG] created from [SARTRO03.DLG] [SARVAM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARVAM01.DLG] created from [SARVAM01.DLG] [SARVIE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARVIE01.DLG] created from [SARVIE01.DLG] [SARVOLO.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARVOLO.DLG] created from [SARVOLO.DLG] [SARWAI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SARWAI01.DLG] created from [SARWAI01.DLG] [SASSAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SASSAR.DLG] created from [SASSAR.DLG] [SATOS.DLG.DLG] loaded [SATOS.DLG] created from [SATOS.DLG] [SBCUST01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SBCUST01.DLG] created from [SBCUST01.DLG] [SBCUST02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SBCUST02.DLG] created from [SBCUST02.DLG] [SBSLUM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SBSLUM01.DLG] created from [SBSLUM01.DLG] [SBSLUM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SBSLUM02.DLG] created from [SBSLUM02.DLG] [SBUTLER.DLG.DLG] loaded [SBUTLER.DLG] created from [SBUTLER.DLG] [SBWENCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [SBWENCH.DLG] created from [SBWENCH.DLG] [SCBUTLER.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCBUTLER.DLG] created from [SCBUTLER.DLG] [SCDUR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCDUR.DLG] created from [SCDUR.DLG] [SCJERLIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCJERLIA.DLG] created from [SCJERLIA.DLG] [SCLJYSS.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCLJYSS.DLG] created from [SCLJYSS.DLG] [SCOOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCOOK.DLG] created from [SCOOK.DLG] [SCOTTY.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCOTTY.DLG] created from [SCOTTY.DLG] [SCQAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCQAR.DLG] created from [SCQAR.DLG] [SCROLL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCROLL01.DLG] created from [SCROLL01.DLG] [./override/SCSAIN.DLG] loaded, 9757 bytes [SCSAIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCSAIN.DLG] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] [SCSARLES.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCSARLES.DLG] created from [SCSARLES.DLG] [./override/SCTELWYN.DLG] loaded, 14122 bytes [SCTELWYN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCTELWYN.DLG] created from [SCTELWYN.DLG] [./override/SCYARRYL.DLG] loaded, 7729 bytes [SCYARRYL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SCYARRYL.DLG] created from [SCYARRYL.DLG] [SDDF.DLG.DLG] loaded [SDDF.DLG] created from [SDDF.DLG] [SENBEH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENBEH01.DLG] created from [SENBEH01.DLG] [SENDAI.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENDAI.DLG] created from [SENDAI.DLG] [SENGUA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENGUA01.DLG] created from [SENGUA01.DLG] [SENGUA02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENGUA02.DLG] created from [SENGUA02.DLG] [SENGUA03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENGUA03.DLG] created from [SENGUA03.DLG] [SENGUA04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENGUA04.DLG] created from [SENGUA04.DLG] [SENKEN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENKEN01.DLG] created from [SENKEN01.DLG] [SENLICH.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENLICH.DLG] created from [SENLICH.DLG] [SENMONK.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENMONK.DLG] created from [SENMONK.DLG] [SENPRI.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENPRI.DLG] created from [SENPRI.DLG] [SENTINEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SENTINEL.DLG] created from [SENTINEL.DLG] [SERVA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SERVA2.DLG] created from [SERVA2.DLG] [SERVAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SERVAN.DLG] created from [SERVAN.DLG] [SERWEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SERWEN.DLG] created from [SERWEN.DLG] [SETHLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SETHLE.DLG] created from [SETHLE.DLG] [SEVBAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEVBAR01.DLG] created from [SEVBAR01.DLG] [SEVDRU01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEVDRU01.DLG] created from [SEVDRU01.DLG] [SEVPAT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEVPAT01.DLG] created from [SEVPAT01.DLG] [SEVPAT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEVPAT02.DLG] created from [SEVPAT02.DLG] [SEVPAT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEVPAT03.DLG] created from [SEVPAT03.DLG] [SEVPAT04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEVPAT04.DLG] created from [SEVPAT04.DLG] [SEVPAT05.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEVPAT05.DLG] created from [SEVPAT05.DLG] [SEWERC.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEWERC.DLG] created from [SEWERC.DLG] [SEWERF.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEWERF.DLG] created from [SEWERF.DLG] [SEWERM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEWERM1.DLG] created from [SEWERM1.DLG] [SEWRAK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEWRAK01.DLG] created from [SEWRAK01.DLG] [SEWSW.DLG.DLG] loaded [SEWSW.DLG] created from [SEWSW.DLG] [SGUARD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SGUARD1.DLG] created from [SGUARD1.DLG] [SGUARD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SGUARD2.DLG] created from [SGUARD2.DLG] [SGUARD3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SGUARD3.DLG] created from [SGUARD3.DLG] [SHAAVA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHAAVA01.DLG] created from [SHAAVA01.DLG] [SHADEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHADEL.DLG] created from [SHADEL.DLG] [SHADOW.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHADOW.DLG] created from [SHADOW.DLG] [SHADOW2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHADOW2.DLG] created from [SHADOW2.DLG] [SHADRA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHADRA01.DLG] created from [SHADRA01.DLG] [SHAGHO01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHAGHO01.DLG] created from [SHAGHO01.DLG] [SHAGHO02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHAGHO02.DLG] created from [SHAGHO02.DLG] [SHAGRL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHAGRL01.DLG] created from [SHAGRL01.DLG] [SHALAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHALAS.DLG] created from [SHALAS.DLG] [SHANDAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHANDAL.DLG] created from [SHANDAL.DLG] [SHANK.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHANK.DLG] created from [SHANK.DLG] [SHAPE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHAPE.DLG] created from [SHAPE.DLG] [SHARA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHARA1.DLG] created from [SHARA1.DLG] [SHARTD.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHARTD.DLG] created from [SHARTD.DLG] [SHARTP.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHARTP.DLG] created from [SHARTP.DLG] [SHELLI.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHELLI.DLG] created from [SHELLI.DLG] [SHELTO.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHELTO.DLG] created from [SHELTO.DLG] [SHEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHEP.DLG] created from [SHEP.DLG] [SHOP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP01.DLG] created from [SHOP01.DLG] [SHOP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP02.DLG] created from [SHOP02.DLG] [SHOP03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP03.DLG] created from [SHOP03.DLG] [SHOP04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP04.DLG] created from [SHOP04.DLG] [SHOP05.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP05.DLG] created from [SHOP05.DLG] [SHOP06.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP06.DLG] created from [SHOP06.DLG] [SHOP07.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP07.DLG] created from [SHOP07.DLG] [SHOP08.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP08.DLG] created from [SHOP08.DLG] [SHOP1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP1.DLG] created from [SHOP1.DLG] [SHOP2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP2.DLG] created from [SHOP2.DLG] [SHOP3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP3.DLG] created from [SHOP3.DLG] [SHOP4.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP4.DLG] created from [SHOP4.DLG] [SHOP5.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP5.DLG] created from [SHOP5.DLG] [SHOP6.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP6.DLG] created from [SHOP6.DLG] [SHOP8.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOP8.DLG] created from [SHOP8.DLG] [SHOPGE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOPGE.DLG] created from [SHOPGE.DLG] [SHOPNYMP.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHOPNYMP.DLG] created from [SHOPNYMP.DLG] [SHTH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTH01.DLG] created from [SHTH01.DLG] [SHTH02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTH02.DLG] created from [SHTH02.DLG] [SHTH03.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTH03.DLG] created from [SHTH03.DLG] [SHTH04.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTH04.DLG] created from [SHTH04.DLG] [SHTH05.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTH05.DLG] created from [SHTH05.DLG] [SHTH06.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTH06.DLG] created from [SHTH06.DLG] [SHTHASS1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHASS1.DLG] created from [SHTHASS1.DLG] [SHTHASS2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHASS2.DLG] created from [SHTHASS2.DLG] [SHTHASS3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHASS3.DLG] created from [SHTHASS3.DLG] [SHTHDR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHDR01.DLG] created from [SHTHDR01.DLG] [SHTHLT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHLT01.DLG] created from [SHTHLT01.DLG] [SHTHLT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHLT02.DLG] created from [SHTHLT02.DLG] [SHTHOFF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHOFF1.DLG] created from [SHTHOFF1.DLG] [SHTHSTOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHTHSTOR.DLG] created from [SHTHSTOR.DLG] [SHUGPR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHUGPR01.DLG] created from [SHUGPR01.DLG] [SHVERT.DLG.DLG] loaded [SHVERT.DLG] created from [SHVERT.DLG] [SIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SIL.DLG] created from [SIL.DLG] [SILVGU.DLG.DLG] loaded [SILVGU.DLG] created from [SILVGU.DLG] [SIRLOT.DLG.DLG] loaded [SIRLOT.DLG] created from [SIRLOT.DLG] [SKIEJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [SKIEJ.DLG] created from [SKIEJ.DLG] [SKIEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [SKIEP.DLG] created from [SKIEP.DLG] [SLAMNG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAMNG01.DLG] created from [SLAMNG01.DLG] [SLAVE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVE.DLG] created from [SLAVE.DLG] [SLAVE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVE2.DLG] created from [SLAVE2.DLG] [SLAVE3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVE3.DLG] created from [SLAVE3.DLG] [SLAVE4.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVE4.DLG] created from [SLAVE4.DLG] [SLAVE5.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVE5.DLG] created from [SLAVE5.DLG] [SLAVE6.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVE6.DLG] created from [SLAVE6.DLG] [SLAVER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVER1.DLG] created from [SLAVER1.DLG] [SLAVER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVER2.DLG] created from [SLAVER2.DLG] [SLAVER3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVER3.DLG] created from [SLAVER3.DLG] [SLAVER4.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVER4.DLG] created from [SLAVER4.DLG] [SLAVERM.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVERM.DLG] created from [SLAVERM.DLG] [SLAVFREE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVFREE.DLG] created from [SLAVFREE.DLG] [SLAVLEAD.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVLEAD.DLG] created from [SLAVLEAD.DLG] [SLAVTELL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLAVTELL.DLG] created from [SLAVTELL.DLG] [SLCENT.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLCENT.DLG] created from [SLCENT.DLG] [SLEEPDW.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLEEPDW.DLG] created from [SLEEPDW.DLG] [SLHALF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLHALF01.DLG] created from [SLHALF01.DLG] [SLHALF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLHALF02.DLG] created from [SLHALF02.DLG] [./override/SLILMAT.DLG] loaded, 2380 bytes [SLILMAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLILMAT.DLG] created from [SLILMAT.DLG] [SLSHOP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLSHOP01.DLG] created from [SLSHOP01.DLG] [SLSHOP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLSHOP02.DLG] created from [SLSHOP02.DLG] [SLSLAVE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLSLAVE.DLG] created from [SLSLAVE.DLG] [SLUMF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLUMF1.DLG] created from [SLUMF1.DLG] [SLUMF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLUMF2.DLG] created from [SLUMF2.DLG] [SLUMM1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLUMM1.DLG] created from [SLUMM1.DLG] [SLUMM2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLUMM2.DLG] created from [SLUMM2.DLG] [SLUMM3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLUMM3.DLG] created from [SLUMM3.DLG] [SLUMM4.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLUMM4.DLG] created from [SLUMM4.DLG] [SLVIC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLVIC01.DLG] created from [SLVIC01.DLG] [SLYTHE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SLYTHE.DLG] created from [SLYTHE.DLG] [SMITH.DLG.DLG] loaded [SMITH.DLG] created from [SMITH.DLG] [SOBELHAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SOBELHAN.DLG] created from [SOBELHAN.DLG] [SOLAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SOLAR.DLG] created from [SOLAR.DLG] [SORCED.DLG.DLG] loaded [SORCED.DLG] created from [SORCED.DLG] [SORREL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SORREL.DLG] created from [SORREL.DLG] [SPANKY.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPANKY.DLG] created from [SPANKY.DLG] [SPBENE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPBENE.DLG] created from [SPBENE.DLG] [SPECH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPECH1.DLG] created from [SPECH1.DLG] [SPECH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPECH2.DLG] created from [SPECH2.DLG] [SPECH3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPECH3.DLG] created from [SPECH3.DLG] [SPENGIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPENGIL.DLG] created from [SPENGIL.DLG] [SPHURG.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPHURG.DLG] created from [SPHURG.DLG] [SPJEAG.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPJEAG.DLG] created from [SPJEAG.DLG] [SPOILED1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPOILED1.DLG] created from [SPOILED1.DLG] [SPPAIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPPAIN.DLG] created from [SPPAIN.DLG] [SPPHIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPPHIL.DLG] created from [SPPHIL.DLG] [SPRAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPRAT.DLG] created from [SPRAT.DLG] [SPSAMAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPSAMAR.DLG] created from [SPSAMAR.DLG] [SPTREDD.DLG.DLG] loaded [SPTREDD.DLG] created from [SPTREDD.DLG] [SSSS.DLG.DLG] loaded [SSSS.DLG] created from [SSSS.DLG] [SSUNGU.DLG.DLG] loaded [SSUNGU.DLG] created from [SSUNGU.DLG] [STARCHER.DLG.DLG] loaded [STARCHER.DLG] created from [STARCHER.DLG] [STEIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [STEIN.DLG] created from [STEIN.DLG] [STEPHA.DLG.DLG] loaded [STEPHA.DLG] created from [STEPHA.DLG] [STGUARD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [STGUARD1.DLG] created from [STGUARD1.DLG] [STGUARD2.DLG.DLG] loaded [STGUARD2.DLG] created from [STGUARD2.DLG] [STGUARD3.DLG.DLG] loaded [STGUARD3.DLG] created from [STGUARD3.DLG] [STHIEF.DLG.DLG] loaded [STHIEF.DLG] created from [STHIEF.DLG] [STOLEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [STOLEN.DLG] created from [STOLEN.DLG] [STOLEN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [STOLEN2.DLG] created from [STOLEN2.DLG] [STONE.DLG.DLG] loaded [STONE.DLG] created from [STONE.DLG] [STONEC.DLG.DLG] loaded [STONEC.DLG] created from [STONEC.DLG] [STONED.DLG.DLG] loaded [STONED.DLG] created from [STONED.DLG] [STONEDL.DLG.DLG] loaded [STONEDL.DLG] created from [STONEDL.DLG] [STONEDW.DLG.DLG] loaded [STONEDW.DLG] created from [STONEDW.DLG] [SUAVATAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUAVATAR.DLG] created from [SUAVATAR.DLG] [SUDEMIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUDEMIN.DLG] created from [SUDEMIN.DLG] [SUDEMINX.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUDEMINX.DLG] created from [SUDEMINX.DLG] [SUELF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF1.DLG] created from [SUELF1.DLG] [SUELF10.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF10.DLG] created from [SUELF10.DLG] [SUELF11.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF11.DLG] created from [SUELF11.DLG] [SUELF12.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF12.DLG] created from [SUELF12.DLG] [SUELF13.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF13.DLG] created from [SUELF13.DLG] [SUELF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF2.DLG] created from [SUELF2.DLG] [SUELF3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF3.DLG] created from [SUELF3.DLG] [SUELF4.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF4.DLG] created from [SUELF4.DLG] [SUELF5.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF5.DLG] created from [SUELF5.DLG] [SUELF6.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF6.DLG] created from [SUELF6.DLG] [SUELF7.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF7.DLG] created from [SUELF7.DLG] [SUELF8.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF8.DLG] created from [SUELF8.DLG] [SUELF9.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELF9.DLG] created from [SUELF9.DLG] [SUELHAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELHAN.DLG] created from [SUELHAN.DLG] [SUELLE.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELLE.DLG] created from [SUELLE.DLG] [SUELLE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELLE2.DLG] created from [SUELLE2.DLG] [SUELLEAP.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELLEAP.DLG] created from [SUELLEAP.DLG] [SUELLES2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELLES2.DLG] created from [SUELLES2.DLG] [SUELLI.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELLI.DLG] created from [SUELLI.DLG] [SUELLI2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUELLI2.DLG] created from [SUELLI2.DLG] [SUJON.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUJON.DLG] created from [SUJON.DLG] [SUJON2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUJON2.DLG] created from [SUJON2.DLG] [SURAAM.DLG.DLG] loaded [SURAAM.DLG] created from [SURAAM.DLG] [SURAYAH.DLG.DLG] loaded [SURAYAH.DLG] created from [SURAYAH.DLG] [SURGEO.DLG.DLG] loaded [SURGEO.DLG] created from [SURGEO.DLG] [SURLY.DLG.DLG] loaded [SURLY.DLG] created from [SURLY.DLG] [SURREY.DLG.DLG] loaded [SURREY.DLG] created from [SURREY.DLG] [SUSUNEER.DLG.DLG] loaded [SUSUNEER.DLG] created from [SUSUNEER.DLG] [SVLAST.DLG.DLG] loaded [SVLAST.DLG] created from [SVLAST.DLG] [SW2H14.DLG.DLG] loaded [SW2H14.DLG] created from [SW2H14.DLG] [SWORD.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWORD.DLG] created from [SWORD.DLG] [SWSFOLL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWSFOLL1.DLG] created from [SWSFOLL1.DLG] [SWSFOLL2.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWSFOLL2.DLG] created from [SWSFOLL2.DLG] [SWSFOLL3.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWSFOLL3.DLG] created from [SWSFOLL3.DLG] [SWSFOLL4.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWSFOLL4.DLG] created from [SWSFOLL4.DLG] [SWSFOLL5.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWSFOLL5.DLG] created from [SWSFOLL5.DLG] [SWSFOLL6.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWSFOLL6.DLG] created from [SWSFOLL6.DLG] [SWSHAMAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [SWSHAMAN.DLG] created from [SWSHAMAN.DLG] [TAKIYAH.DLG.DLG] loaded [TAKIYAH.DLG] created from [TAKIYAH.DLG] [TALKNI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TALKNI01.DLG] created from [TALKNI01.DLG] [TALMISS.DLG.DLG] loaded [TALMISS.DLG] created from [TALMISS.DLG] [TALVILON.DLG.DLG] loaded [TALVILON.DLG] created from [TALVILON.DLG] [TAMOKO3.DLG.DLG] loaded [TAMOKO3.DLG] created from [TAMOKO3.DLG] [TANALLY1.DLG.DLG] loaded [TANALLY1.DLG] created from [TANALLY1.DLG] [TANNER.DLG.DLG] loaded [TANNER.DLG] created from [TANNER.DLG] [TANTUG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TANTUG01.DLG] created from [TANTUG01.DLG] [TANWIZ1.DLG.DLG] loaded [TANWIZ1.DLG] created from [TANWIZ1.DLG] [TARNES.DLG.DLG] loaded [TARNES.DLG] created from [TARNES.DLG] [TARNOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [TARNOR.DLG] created from [TARNOR.DLG] [TARTUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [TARTUS.DLG] created from [TARTUS.DLG] [TASSA.DLG.DLG] loaded [TASSA.DLG] created from [TASSA.DLG] [TAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [TAT.DLG] created from [TAT.DLG] [TAXCOLL.DLG.DLG] loaded [TAXCOLL.DLG] created from [TAXCOLL.DLG] [TAZOK.DLG.DLG] loaded [TAZOK.DLG] created from [TAZOK.DLG] [TBBELT.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBBELT.DLG] created from [TBBELT.DLG] [TBBRAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBBRAN.DLG] created from [TBBRAN.DLG] [TBBRANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBBRANJ.DLG] created from [TBBRANJ.DLG] [TBIMOEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBIMOEN.DLG] created from [TBIMOEN.DLG] [TBIMOENJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBIMOENJ.DLG] created from [TBIMOENJ.DLG] [TBJAHEIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBJAHEIJ.DLG] created from [TBJAHEIJ.DLG] [TBJAHEIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBJAHEIR.DLG] created from [TBJAHEIR.DLG] [TBMINSC.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBMINSC.DLG] created from [TBMINSC.DLG] [TBMINSCJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBMINSCJ.DLG] created from [TBMINSCJ.DLG] [TBSER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBSER1.DLG] created from [TBSER1.DLG] [TBXAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBXAN.DLG] created from [TBXAN.DLG] [TBXANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TBXANJ.DLG] created from [TBXANJ.DLG] [TCADRIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [TCADRIL.DLG] created from [TCADRIL.DLG] [TCYRANDO.DLG.DLG] loaded [TCYRANDO.DLG] created from [TCYRANDO.DLG] [TDR10A.DLG.DLG] loaded [TDR10A.DLG] created from [TDR10A.DLG] [TELANO.DLG.DLG] loaded [TELANO.DLG] created from [TELANO.DLG] [TELLAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TELLAN.DLG] created from [TELLAN.DLG] [TEMAMN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TEMAMN01.DLG] created from [TEMAMN01.DLG] [TEMSUP.DLG.DLG] loaded [TEMSUP.DLG] created from [TEMSUP.DLG] [TERL.DLG.DLG] loaded [TERL.DLG] created from [TERL.DLG] [TERRECE.DLG.DLG] loaded [TERRECE.DLG] created from [TERRECE.DLG] [TERSUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [TERSUS.DLG] created from [TERSUS.DLG] [TEST.DLG.DLG] loaded [TEST.DLG] created from [TEST.DLG] [TEST2.DLG.DLG] loaded [TEST2.DLG] created from [TEST2.DLG] [TESTCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [TESTCH.DLG] created from [TESTCH.DLG] [TETHTO.DLG.DLG] loaded [TETHTO.DLG] created from [TETHTO.DLG] [TGARRICK.DLG.DLG] loaded [TGARRICK.DLG] created from [TGARRICK.DLG] [THEIF.DLG.DLG] loaded [THEIF.DLG] created from [THEIF.DLG] [THEREL.DLG.DLG] loaded [THEREL.DLG] created from [THEREL.DLG] [THESHAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [THESHAL.DLG] created from [THESHAL.DLG] [THIEF1.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF1.DLG] created from [THIEF1.DLG] [THIEF2.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF2.DLG] created from [THIEF2.DLG] [THIEF3.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF3.DLG] created from [THIEF3.DLG] [THIEF4.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF4.DLG] created from [THIEF4.DLG] [THIEF5.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF5.DLG] created from [THIEF5.DLG] [THIEF6.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF6.DLG] created from [THIEF6.DLG] [THIEF7.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF7.DLG] created from [THIEF7.DLG] [THIEF8.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEF8.DLG] created from [THIEF8.DLG] [THIEFF.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEFF.DLG] created from [THIEFF.DLG] [THIEFG.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEFG.DLG] created from [THIEFG.DLG] [THIEFM.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEFM.DLG] created from [THIEFM.DLG] [THIEFTES.DLG.DLG] loaded [THIEFTES.DLG] created from [THIEFTES.DLG] [THRALL.DLG.DLG] loaded [THRALL.DLG] created from [THRALL.DLG] [THRAXI.DLG.DLG] loaded [THRAXI.DLG] created from [THRAXI.DLG] [THUMB.DLG.DLG] loaded [THUMB.DLG] created from [THUMB.DLG] [TIANA.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIANA.DLG] created from [TIANA.DLG] [TIAXD.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIAXD.DLG] created from [TIAXD.DLG] [TIAXJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIAXJ.DLG] created from [TIAXJ.DLG] [TIAXP.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIAXP.DLG] created from [TIAXP.DLG] [TICK.DLG.DLG] loaded [TICK.DLG] created from [TICK.DLG] [TIPIAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIPIAN.DLG] created from [TIPIAN.DLG] [TIRDIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIRDIR.DLG] created from [TIRDIR.DLG] [TIRLANA.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIRLANA.DLG] created from [TIRLANA.DLG] [TIRTHOLD.DLG.DLG] loaded [TIRTHOLD.DLG] created from [TIRTHOLD.DLG] [TOADY.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOADY.DLG] created from [TOADY.DLG] [TOBPAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOBPAR01.DLG] created from [TOBPAR01.DLG] [TOKCRE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOKCRE01.DLG] created from [TOKCRE01.DLG] [TOLGER.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOLGER.DLG] created from [TOLGER.DLG] [TOLGER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOLGER2.DLG] created from [TOLGER2.DLG] [TORGAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [TORGAL.DLG] created from [TORGAL.DLG] [TORLO.DLG.DLG] loaded [TORLO.DLG] created from [TORLO.DLG] [TORLOB.DLG.DLG] loaded [TORLOB.DLG] created from [TORLOB.DLG] [TOT.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOT.DLG] created from [TOT.DLG] [TOUR1.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOUR1.DLG] created from [TOUR1.DLG] [TOUR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOUR2.DLG] created from [TOUR2.DLG] [TOURIST.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOURIST.DLG] created from [TOURIST.DLG] [TOWNC01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOWNC01.DLG] created from [TOWNC01.DLG] [TOWNCR.DLG.DLG] loaded [TOWNCR.DLG] created from [TOWNCR.DLG] [TRAINER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRAINER1.DLG] created from [TRAINER1.DLG] [TRAVE2.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRAVE2.DLG] created from [TRAVE2.DLG] [TRAVEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRAVEL.DLG] created from [TRAVEL.DLG] [./override/TRAVIN.DLG] loaded, 1870 bytes [TRAVIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRAVIN.DLG] created from [TRAVIN.DLG] [TRAX.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRAX.DLG] created from [TRAX.DLG] [TRCAR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCAR01.DLG] created from [TRCAR01.DLG] [TRCAR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCAR02.DLG] created from [TRCAR02.DLG] [TRCAR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCAR03.DLG] created from [TRCAR03.DLG] [TRCAR04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCAR04.DLG] created from [TRCAR04.DLG] [TRCUT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCUT01.DLG] created from [TRCUT01.DLG] [TRCUT02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCUT02.DLG] created from [TRCUT02.DLG] [TRCUT03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCUT03.DLG] created from [TRCUT03.DLG] [TRCUT04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCUT04.DLG] created from [TRCUT04.DLG] [TRCUT05.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCUT05.DLG] created from [TRCUT05.DLG] [TRCUT06.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCUT06.DLG] created from [TRCUT06.DLG] [TRCUT07.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRCUT07.DLG] created from [TRCUT07.DLG] [TREVIL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TREVIL01.DLG] created from [TREVIL01.DLG] [TREVIL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TREVIL02.DLG] created from [TREVIL02.DLG] [TREVIL03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TREVIL03.DLG] created from [TREVIL03.DLG] [TRFTOW01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFTOW01.DLG] created from [TRFTOW01.DLG] [TRFTOW02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFTOW02.DLG] created from [TRFTOW02.DLG] [TRFTOW03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFTOW03.DLG] created from [TRFTOW03.DLG] [TRFTOW04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFTOW04.DLG] created from [TRFTOW04.DLG] [TRFTOW05.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFTOW05.DLG] created from [TRFTOW05.DLG] [TRFUED01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFUED01.DLG] created from [TRFUED01.DLG] [TRFUED02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFUED02.DLG] created from [TRFUED02.DLG] [TRFUED05.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFUED05.DLG] created from [TRFUED05.DLG] [TRFUED06.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFUED06.DLG] created from [TRFUED06.DLG] [TRFUED09.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFUED09.DLG] created from [TRFUED09.DLG] [TRFUED10.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFUED10.DLG] created from [TRFUED10.DLG] [TRFUED11.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRFUED11.DLG] created from [TRFUED11.DLG] [TRGENI01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGENI01.DLG] created from [TRGENI01.DLG] [TRGENI02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGENI02.DLG] created from [TRGENI02.DLG] [TRGENI03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGENI03.DLG] created from [TRGENI03.DLG] [TRGRD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGRD01.DLG] created from [TRGRD01.DLG] [TRGRD02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGRD02.DLG] created from [TRGRD02.DLG] [TRGRD03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGRD03.DLG] created from [TRGRD03.DLG] [TRGUARD.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGUARD.DLG] created from [TRGUARD.DLG] [TRGYP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGYP01.DLG] created from [TRGYP01.DLG] [TRGYP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGYP02.DLG] created from [TRGYP02.DLG] [TRGYP03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGYP03.DLG] created from [TRGYP03.DLG] [TRGYP04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRGYP04.DLG] created from [TRGYP04.DLG] [TRHMER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRHMER01.DLG] created from [TRHMER01.DLG] [TRIADO.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRIADO.DLG] created from [TRIADO.DLG] [TRINNK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRINNK01.DLG] created from [TRINNK01.DLG] [TRKID01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRKID01.DLG] created from [TRKID01.DLG] [TRKID02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRKID02.DLG] created from [TRKID02.DLG] [TRKID03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRKID03.DLG] created from [TRKID03.DLG] [TRKID04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRKID04.DLG] created from [TRKID04.DLG] [TRLGRD01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRLGRD01.DLG] created from [TRLGRD01.DLG] [TRMER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMER01.DLG] created from [TRMER01.DLG] [TRMER02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMER02.DLG] created from [TRMER02.DLG] [TRMER03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMER03.DLG] created from [TRMER03.DLG] [TRMER04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMER04.DLG] created from [TRMER04.DLG] [TRMTOW01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMTOW01.DLG] created from [TRMTOW01.DLG] [TRMTOW02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMTOW02.DLG] created from [TRMTOW02.DLG] [TRMTOW03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMTOW03.DLG] created from [TRMTOW03.DLG] [TRMTOW04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMTOW04.DLG] created from [TRMTOW04.DLG] [TRMTOW05.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRMTOW05.DLG] created from [TRMTOW05.DLG] [TRNOBF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRNOBF01.DLG] created from [TRNOBF01.DLG] [TRNOBF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRNOBF02.DLG] created from [TRNOBF02.DLG] [TRNOBM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRNOBM01.DLG] created from [TRNOBM01.DLG] [TRNOBM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRNOBM02.DLG] created from [TRNOBM02.DLG] [TRPLE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRPLE01.DLG] created from [TRPLE01.DLG] [TRPLE02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRPLE02.DLG] created from [TRPLE02.DLG] [TRPLE03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRPLE03.DLG] created from [TRPLE03.DLG] [TRPLE04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRPLE04.DLG] created from [TRPLE04.DLG] [TRRAK01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRRAK01.DLG] created from [TRRAK01.DLG] [TRRAK02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRRAK02.DLG] created from [TRRAK02.DLG] [TRRAK03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRRAK03.DLG] created from [TRRAK03.DLG] [TRSKIN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRSKIN01.DLG] created from [TRSKIN01.DLG] [TRSKIN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRSKIN02.DLG] created from [TRSKIN02.DLG] [TRSKIN03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRSKIN03.DLG] created from [TRSKIN03.DLG] [TRSKIN04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRSKIN04.DLG] created from [TRSKIN04.DLG] [TRSKIN05.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRSKIN05.DLG] created from [TRSKIN05.DLG] [TRSKIN06.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRSKIN06.DLG] created from [TRSKIN06.DLG] [TRTAVP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTAVP01.DLG] created from [TRTAVP01.DLG] [TRTAVP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTAVP02.DLG] created from [TRTAVP02.DLG] [TRTAVP03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTAVP03.DLG] created from [TRTAVP03.DLG] [TRTAVP04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTAVP04.DLG] created from [TRTAVP04.DLG] [TRTAVP05.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTAVP05.DLG] created from [TRTAVP05.DLG] [TRTHF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTHF01.DLG] created from [TRTHF01.DLG] [TRTHF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTHF02.DLG] created from [TRTHF02.DLG] [TRTHF03.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTHF03.DLG] created from [TRTHF03.DLG] [TRTHF04.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRTHF04.DLG] created from [TRTHF04.DLG] [TRWEN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [TRWEN01.DLG] created from [TRWEN01.DLG] [TTBELT.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTBELT.DLG] created from [TTBELT.DLG] [TTBRAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTBRAN.DLG] created from [TTBRAN.DLG] [TTBRANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTBRANJ.DLG] created from [TTBRANJ.DLG] [TTIMOEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTIMOEN.DLG] created from [TTIMOEN.DLG] [TTIMOENJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTIMOENJ.DLG] created from [TTIMOENJ.DLG] [TTJAHEIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTJAHEIJ.DLG] created from [TTJAHEIJ.DLG] [TTJAHEIR.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTJAHEIR.DLG] created from [TTJAHEIR.DLG] [TTMINSC.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTMINSC.DLG] created from [TTMINSC.DLG] [TTMINSCJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTMINSCJ.DLG] created from [TTMINSCJ.DLG] [TTSER1.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTSER1.DLG] created from [TTSER1.DLG] [TTSER2.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTSER2.DLG] created from [TTSER2.DLG] [TTXAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTXAN.DLG] created from [TTXAN.DLG] [TTXANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [TTXANJ.DLG] created from [TTXANJ.DLG] [UDARDUL.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDARDUL.DLG] created from [UDARDUL.DLG] [UDCHAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDCHAL.DLG] created from [UDCHAL.DLG] [UDCOM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDCOM01.DLG] created from [UDCOM01.DLG] [UDCOM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDCOM02.DLG] created from [UDCOM02.DLG] [UDCOM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDCOM03.DLG] created from [UDCOM03.DLG] [UDDEMON.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDEMON.DLG] created from [UDDEMON.DLG] [UDDOOR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDOOR01.DLG] created from [UDDOOR01.DLG] [UDDOOR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDOOR02.DLG] created from [UDDOOR02.DLG] [UDDOOR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDOOR03.DLG] created from [UDDOOR03.DLG] [UDDOOR09.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDOOR09.DLG] created from [UDDOOR09.DLG] [UDDROW01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW01.DLG] created from [UDDROW01.DLG] [UDDROW02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW02.DLG] created from [UDDROW02.DLG] [UDDROW03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW03.DLG] created from [UDDROW03.DLG] [UDDROW04.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW04.DLG] created from [UDDROW04.DLG] [UDDROW05.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW05.DLG] created from [UDDROW05.DLG] [UDDROW06.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW06.DLG] created from [UDDROW06.DLG] [UDDROW07.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW07.DLG] created from [UDDROW07.DLG] [UDDROW08.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW08.DLG] created from [UDDROW08.DLG] [UDDROW09.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW09.DLG] created from [UDDROW09.DLG] [UDDROW10.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW10.DLG] created from [UDDROW10.DLG] [UDDROW11.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW11.DLG] created from [UDDROW11.DLG] [UDDROW12.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW12.DLG] created from [UDDROW12.DLG] [UDDROW13.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW13.DLG] created from [UDDROW13.DLG] [UDDROW14.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW14.DLG] created from [UDDROW14.DLG] [UDDROW15.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW15.DLG] created from [UDDROW15.DLG] [UDDROW16.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW16.DLG] created from [UDDROW16.DLG] [UDDROW20.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW20.DLG] created from [UDDROW20.DLG] [UDDROW21.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW21.DLG] created from [UDDROW21.DLG] [UDDROW22.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW22.DLG] created from [UDDROW22.DLG] [UDDROW23.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW23.DLG] created from [UDDROW23.DLG] [UDDROW24.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW24.DLG] created from [UDDROW24.DLG] [UDDROW25.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW25.DLG] created from [UDDROW25.DLG] [UDDROW26.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW26.DLG] created from [UDDROW26.DLG] [UDDROW27.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW27.DLG] created from [UDDROW27.DLG] [UDDROW28.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW28.DLG] created from [UDDROW28.DLG] [UDDROW29.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW29.DLG] created from [UDDROW29.DLG] [UDDROW32.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW32.DLG] created from [UDDROW32.DLG] [UDDROW33.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW33.DLG] created from [UDDROW33.DLG] [UDDROW34.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW34.DLG] created from [UDDROW34.DLG] [UDDROW35.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW35.DLG] created from [UDDROW35.DLG] [UDDROW36.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDROW36.DLG] created from [UDDROW36.DLG] [UDDUER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDUER01.DLG] created from [UDDUER01.DLG] [UDDUER02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDUER02.DLG] created from [UDDUER02.DLG] [UDDUER03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDDUER03.DLG] created from [UDDUER03.DLG] [UDELDER.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDELDER.DLG] created from [UDELDER.DLG] [UDELF01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDELF01.DLG] created from [UDELF01.DLG] [UDELF02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDELF02.DLG] created from [UDELF02.DLG] [UDELF03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDELF03.DLG] created from [UDELF03.DLG] [UDGITH02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDGITH02.DLG] created from [UDGITH02.DLG] [UDILSLA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDILSLA1.DLG] created from [UDILSLA1.DLG] [UDILSLA2.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDILSLA2.DLG] created from [UDILSLA2.DLG] [UDIMP.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDIMP.DLG] created from [UDIMP.DLG] [UDIMRAE.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDIMRAE.DLG] created from [UDIMRAE.DLG] [UDKUO01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDKUO01.DLG] created from [UDKUO01.DLG] [UDLESA.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDLESA.DLG] created from [UDLESA.DLG] [UDOGRE.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDOGRE.DLG] created from [UDOGRE.DLG] [UDPHAE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDPHAE01.DLG] created from [UDPHAE01.DLG] [UDPHAE02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDPHAE02.DLG] created from [UDPHAE02.DLG] [UDSILVER.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSILVER.DLG] created from [UDSILVER.DLG] [UDSIMYAZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSIMYAZ.DLG] created from [UDSIMYAZ.DLG] [UDSLV01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSLV01.DLG] created from [UDSLV01.DLG] [UDSLV02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSLV02.DLG] created from [UDSLV02.DLG] [UDSLV03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSLV03.DLG] created from [UDSLV03.DLG] [UDSLV04.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSLV04.DLG] created from [UDSLV04.DLG] [UDSOLA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSOLA01.DLG] created from [UDSOLA01.DLG] [UDSOLA02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSOLA02.DLG] created from [UDSOLA02.DLG] [UDSVIR01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVIR01.DLG] created from [UDSVIR01.DLG] [UDSVIR02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVIR02.DLG] created from [UDSVIR02.DLG] [UDSVIR03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVIR03.DLG] created from [UDSVIR03.DLG] [UDSVIR04.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVIR04.DLG] created from [UDSVIR04.DLG] [UDSVIR05.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVIR05.DLG] created from [UDSVIR05.DLG] [UDSVIR06.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVIR06.DLG] created from [UDSVIR06.DLG] [UDSVIR08.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVIR08.DLG] created from [UDSVIR08.DLG] [UDSVL02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDSVL02.DLG] created from [UDSVL02.DLG] [UDTRAP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDTRAP01.DLG] created from [UDTRAP01.DLG] [UDTRAP02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDTRAP02.DLG] created from [UDTRAP02.DLG] [UDTRAP03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDTRAP03.DLG] created from [UDTRAP03.DLG] [UDTRAP04.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDTRAP04.DLG] created from [UDTRAP04.DLG] [UDTRAP05.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDTRAP05.DLG] created from [UDTRAP05.DLG] [UDTRAP06.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDTRAP06.DLG] created from [UDTRAP06.DLG] [UDVAMP01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDVAMP01.DLG] created from [UDVAMP01.DLG] [UDVICTIM.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDVICTIM.DLG] created from [UDVICTIM.DLG] [UDVITH.DLG.DLG] loaded [UDVITH.DLG] created from [UDVITH.DLG] [UHBOY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHBOY01.DLG] created from [UHBOY01.DLG] [UHFARM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHFARM01.DLG] created from [UHFARM01.DLG] [UHFARM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHFARM02.DLG] created from [UHFARM02.DLG] [UHFARM03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHFARM03.DLG] created from [UHFARM03.DLG] [UHFEM01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHFEM01.DLG] created from [UHFEM01.DLG] [UHFEM02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHFEM02.DLG] created from [UHFEM02.DLG] [UHGIBB01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHGIBB01.DLG] created from [UHGIBB01.DLG] [UHGIRL01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHGIRL01.DLG] created from [UHGIRL01.DLG] [UHINN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHINN01.DLG] created from [UHINN01.DLG] [UHINN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHINN02.DLG] created from [UHINN02.DLG] [UHKID01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHKID01.DLG] created from [UHKID01.DLG] [UHKID02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHKID02.DLG] created from [UHKID02.DLG] [UHKID03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHKID03.DLG] created from [UHKID03.DLG] [UHMAN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHMAN01.DLG] created from [UHMAN01.DLG] [UHMAN02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHMAN02.DLG] created from [UHMAN02.DLG] [./override/UHMAY01.DLG] loaded, 27475 bytes [UHMAY01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHMAY01.DLG] created from [UHMAY01.DLG] [UHMER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHMER01.DLG] created from [UHMER01.DLG] [UHMER02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHMER02.DLG] created from [UHMER02.DLG] [UHMER03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHMER03.DLG] created from [UHMER03.DLG] [UHOGRE01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHOGRE01.DLG] created from [UHOGRE01.DLG] [UHOGRE02.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHOGRE02.DLG] created from [UHOGRE02.DLG] [UHOGRE03.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHOGRE03.DLG] created from [UHOGRE03.DLG] [UHOGRE04.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHOGRE04.DLG] created from [UHOGRE04.DLG] [UHOGRE05.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHOGRE05.DLG] created from [UHOGRE05.DLG] [UHPAT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHPAT01.DLG] created from [UHPAT01.DLG] [UHRANG01.DLG.DLG] loaded [UHRANG01.DLG] created from [UHRANG01.DLG] [UNAM20.DLG.DLG] loaded [UNAM20.DLG] created from [UNAM20.DLG] [UNAM21.DLG.DLG] loaded [UNAM21.DLG] created from [UNAM21.DLG] [UNUSED.DLG.DLG] loaded [UNUSED.DLG] created from [UNUSED.DLG] [URCHIN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [URCHIN1.DLG] created from [URCHIN1.DLG] [URCHIN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [URCHIN2.DLG] created from [URCHIN2.DLG] [URCHIN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [URCHIN3.DLG] created from [URCHIN3.DLG] [UTOR.DLG.DLG] loaded [UTOR.DLG] created from [UTOR.DLG] [VAELAG.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAELAG.DLG] created from [VAELAG.DLG] [VAELAS.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAELAS.DLG] created from [VAELAS.DLG] [VAELASA.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAELASA.DLG] created from [VAELASA.DLG] [VAIL.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAIL.DLG] created from [VAIL.DLG] [VALRAN01.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALRAN01.DLG] created from [VALRAN01.DLG] [VALYG25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALYG25A.DLG] created from [VALYG25A.DLG] [VALYG25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALYG25J.DLG] created from [VALYG25J.DLG] [VALYG25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALYG25P.DLG] created from [VALYG25P.DLG] [VALYGAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALYGAR.DLG] created from [VALYGAR.DLG] [VALYGARJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALYGARJ.DLG] created from [VALYGARJ.DLG] [VALYGARP.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALYGARP.DLG] created from [VALYGARP.DLG] [VALYGARX.DLG.DLG] loaded [VALYGARX.DLG] created from [VALYGARX.DLG] [VAMPAER.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAMPAER.DLG] created from [VAMPAER.DLG] [VAMPANO.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAMPANO.DLG] created from [VAMPANO.DLG] [VAMPIRE1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAMPIRE1.DLG] created from [VAMPIRE1.DLG] [VAMPJAH.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAMPJAH.DLG] created from [VAMPJAH.DLG] [VAMPVIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [VAMPVIC.DLG] created from [VAMPVIC.DLG] [VARA1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VARA1.DLG] created from [VARA1.DLG] [VELVET.DLG.DLG] loaded [VELVET.DLG] created from [VELVET.DLG] [VESPER.DLG.DLG] loaded [VESPER.DLG] created from [VESPER.DLG] [VICFAN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICFAN1.DLG] created from [VICFAN1.DLG] [VICFAN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICFAN2.DLG] created from [VICFAN2.DLG] [VICG1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICG1.DLG] created from [VICG1.DLG] [VICG2.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICG2.DLG] created from [VICG2.DLG] [VICG3.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICG3.DLG] created from [VICG3.DLG] [VICON25A.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICON25A.DLG] created from [VICON25A.DLG] [VICON25J.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICON25J.DLG] created from [VICON25J.DLG] [VICON25P.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICON25P.DLG] created from [VICON25P.DLG] [VICONI.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICONI.DLG] created from [VICONI.DLG] [VICONIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICONIJ.DLG] created from [VICONIJ.DLG] [VICONIP.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICONIP.DLG] created from [VICONIP.DLG] [VICONJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICONJ.DLG] created from [VICONJ.DLG] [VICONP.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICONP.DLG] created from [VICONP.DLG] [VICTOWN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICTOWN1.DLG] created from [VICTOWN1.DLG] [VICTOWN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICTOWN2.DLG] created from [VICTOWN2.DLG] [VICTOWN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICTOWN3.DLG] created from [VICTOWN3.DLG] [VICTOWN4.DLG.DLG] loaded [VICTOWN4.DLG] created from [VICTOWN4.DLG] [VIEKANG.DLG.DLG] loaded [VIEKANG.DLG] created from [VIEKANG.DLG] [VITIAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [VITIAR.DLG] created from [VITIAR.DLG] [VIVIEN.DLG.DLG] loaded [VIVIEN.DLG] created from [VIVIEN.DLG] [VOICE.DLG.DLG] loaded [VOICE.DLG] created from [VOICE.DLG] [VOLO.DLG.DLG] loaded [VOLO.DLG] created from [VOLO.DLG] [VOLO2.DLG.DLG] loaded [VOLO2.DLG] created from [VOLO2.DLG] [VULFGT01.DLG.DLG] loaded [VULFGT01.DLG] created from [VULFGT01.DLG] [VULOVA.DLG.DLG] loaded [VULOVA.DLG] created from [VULOVA.DLG] [VVAMN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVAMN1.DLG] created from [VVAMN1.DLG] [VVAMN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVAMN2.DLG] created from [VVAMN2.DLG] [VVAMN3.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVAMN3.DLG] created from [VVAMN3.DLG] [VVARKAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVARKAN.DLG] created from [VVARKAN.DLG] [VVBODHI.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVBODHI.DLG] created from [VVBODHI.DLG] [VVDEL.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVDEL.DLG] created from [VVDEL.DLG] [VVHAREIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVHAREIS.DLG] created from [VVHAREIS.DLG] [VVHELP.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVHELP.DLG] created from [VVHELP.DLG] [VVMADMAN.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVMADMAN.DLG] created from [VVMADMAN.DLG] [VVMALE5.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVMALE5.DLG] created from [VVMALE5.DLG] [VVPARIS.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVPARIS.DLG] created from [VVPARIS.DLG] [VVPRIEST.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVPRIEST.DLG] created from [VVPRIEST.DLG] [VVSALIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSALIA.DLG] created from [VVSALIA.DLG] [VVSANSUK.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSANSUK.DLG] created from [VVSANSUK.DLG] [VVSHAD1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSHAD1.DLG] created from [VVSHAD1.DLG] [VVSHAD4.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSHAD4.DLG] created from [VVSHAD4.DLG] [VVSHAD5.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSHAD5.DLG] created from [VVSHAD5.DLG] [VVSHAD6.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSHAD6.DLG] created from [VVSHAD6.DLG] [VVSTAND1.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSTAND1.DLG] created from [VVSTAND1.DLG] [VVSTAND2.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSTAND2.DLG] created from [VVSTAND2.DLG] [VVSTAND3.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVSTAND3.DLG] created from [VVSTAND3.DLG] [VVTANOV.DLG.DLG] loaded [VVTANOV.DLG] created from [VVTANOV.DLG] [WAITER.DLG.DLG] loaded [WAITER.DLG] created from [WAITER.DLG] [WALL1.DLG.DLG] loaded [WALL1.DLG] created from [WALL1.DLG] [WARNER.DLG.DLG] loaded [WARNER.DLG] created from [WARNER.DLG] [WARRID.DLG.DLG] loaded [WARRID.DLG] created from [WARRID.DLG] [WARSAGE.DLG.DLG] loaded [WARSAGE.DLG] created from [WARSAGE.DLG] [WARWLF.DLG.DLG] loaded [WARWLF.DLG] created from [WARWLF.DLG] [WASLEEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [WASLEEP.DLG] created from [WASLEEP.DLG] [WATCHM.DLG.DLG] loaded [WATCHM.DLG] created from [WATCHM.DLG] [WATCHN.DLG.DLG] loaded [WATCHN.DLG] created from [WATCHN.DLG] [WAUKSTO.DLG.DLG] loaded [WAUKSTO.DLG] created from [WAUKSTO.DLG] [WAYLANE.DLG.DLG] loaded [WAYLANE.DLG] created from [WAYLANE.DLG] [WCUST01.DLG.DLG] loaded [WCUST01.DLG] created from [WCUST01.DLG] [WCUST02.DLG.DLG] loaded [WCUST02.DLG] created from [WCUST02.DLG] [WCUST03.DLG.DLG] loaded [WCUST03.DLG] created from [WCUST03.DLG] [WCUST04.DLG.DLG] loaded [WCUST04.DLG] created from [WCUST04.DLG] [WCUST05.DLG.DLG] loaded [WCUST05.DLG] created from [WCUST05.DLG] [WELLYN.DLG.DLG] loaded [WELLYN.DLG] created from [WELLYN.DLG] [WELTHER.DLG.DLG] loaded [WELTHER.DLG] created from [WELTHER.DLG] [WENCH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [WENCH1.DLG] created from [WENCH1.DLG] [WENRIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [WENRIC.DLG] created from [WENRIC.DLG] [WEREFE.DLG.DLG] loaded [WEREFE.DLG] created from [WEREFE.DLG] [WEREMA.DLG.DLG] loaded [WEREMA.DLG] created from [WEREMA.DLG] [WHELP.DLG.DLG] loaded [WHELP.DLG] created from [WHELP.DLG] [WHITKD.DLG.DLG] loaded [WHITKD.DLG] created from [WHITKD.DLG] [WILCO.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILCO.DLG] created from [WILCO.DLG] [WILKID01.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILKID01.DLG] created from [WILKID01.DLG] [WILKID02.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILKID02.DLG] created from [WILKID02.DLG] [WILLIA.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILLIA.DLG] created from [WILLIA.DLG] [WILLIB.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILLIB.DLG] created from [WILLIB.DLG] [./override/WILMAT.DLG] loaded, 1261 bytes [WILMAT.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILMAT.DLG] created from [WILMAT.DLG] [WILSON.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILSON.DLG] created from [WILSON.DLG] [WILSONJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILSONJ.DLG] created from [WILSONJ.DLG] [WILSONP.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILSONP.DLG] created from [WILSONP.DLG] [WILTON.DLG.DLG] loaded [WILTON.DLG] created from [WILTON.DLG] [WINNKEEP.DLG.DLG] loaded [WINNKEEP.DLG] created from [WINNKEEP.DLG] [WINSKI.DLG.DLG] loaded [WINSKI.DLG] created from [WINSKI.DLG] [WINTHR2.DLG.DLG] loaded [WINTHR2.DLG] created from [WINTHR2.DLG] [WINTHR3.DLG.DLG] loaded [WINTHR3.DLG] created from [WINTHR3.DLG] [WISH.DLG.DLG] loaded [WISH.DLG] created from [WISH.DLG] [WISH2.DLG.DLG] loaded [WISH2.DLG] created from [WISH2.DLG] [WISH25.DLG.DLG] loaded [WISH25.DLG] created from [WISH25.DLG] [WMART1.DLG.DLG] loaded [WMART1.DLG] created from [WMART1.DLG] [WMART2.DLG.DLG] loaded [WMART2.DLG] created from [WMART2.DLG] [WOLFW1.DLG.DLG] loaded [WOLFW1.DLG] created from [WOLFW1.DLG] [WOLFW2.DLG.DLG] loaded [WOLFW2.DLG] created from [WOLFW2.DLG] [WOLFW3.DLG.DLG] loaded [WOLFW3.DLG] created from [WOLFW3.DLG] [WOMAND.DLG.DLG] loaded [WOMAND.DLG] created from [WOMAND.DLG] [WORKER01.DLG.DLG] loaded [WORKER01.DLG] created from [WORKER01.DLG] [WORKER02.DLG.DLG] loaded [WORKER02.DLG] created from [WORKER02.DLG] [WPCUST1.DLG.DLG] loaded [WPCUST1.DLG] created from [WPCUST1.DLG] [WPCUST2.DLG.DLG] loaded [WPCUST2.DLG] created from [WPCUST2.DLG] [WPWENCH1.DLG.DLG] loaded [WPWENCH1.DLG] created from [WPWENCH1.DLG] [WSMITH01.DLG.DLG] loaded [WSMITH01.DLG] created from [WSMITH01.DLG] [WWENCH.DLG.DLG] loaded [WWENCH.DLG] created from [WWENCH.DLG] [XANJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [XANJ.DLG] created from [XANJ.DLG] [XANP.DLG.DLG] loaded [XANP.DLG] created from [XANP.DLG] [XAPPREN1.DLG.DLG] loaded [XAPPREN1.DLG] created from [XAPPREN1.DLG] [XAPPREN2.DLG.DLG] loaded [XAPPREN2.DLG] created from [XAPPREN2.DLG] [XC6ELHAX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XC6ELHAX.DLG] created from [XC6ELHAX.DLG] [XC6ELXXX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XC6ELXXX.DLG] created from [XC6ELXXX.DLG] [XSLAVEXX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XSLAVEXX.DLG] created from [XSLAVEXX.DLG] [XX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XX.DLG] created from [XX.DLG] [XXAMNVIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXAMNVIC.DLG] created from [XXAMNVIC.DLG] [XXBRUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXBRUS.DLG] created from [XXBRUS.DLG] [XXDEMINX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXDEMINX.DLG] created from [XXDEMINX.DLG] [XXDORKUS.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXDORKUS.DLG] created from [XXDORKUS.DLG] [XXPPSUNA.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXPPSUNA.DLG] created from [XXPPSUNA.DLG] [XXVAKOLA.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXVAKOLA.DLG] created from [XXVAKOLA.DLG] [XXXX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXXX.DLG] created from [XXXX.DLG] [XXXXX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXXXX.DLG] created from [XXXXX.DLG] [XXXXXX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXXXXX.DLG] created from [XXXXXX.DLG] [XXXXXXX.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXXXXXX.DLG] created from [XXXXXXX.DLG] [XXXXYY.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXXXYY.DLG] created from [XXXXYY.DLG] [XXZZYYZZ.DLG.DLG] loaded [XXZZYYZZ.DLG] created from [XXZZYYZZ.DLG] [XZAR.DLG.DLG] loaded [XZAR.DLG] created from [XZAR.DLG] [XZARJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [XZARJ.DLG] created from [XZARJ.DLG] [XZARP.DLG.DLG] loaded [XZARP.DLG] created from [XZARP.DLG] [YAGA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [YAGA01.DLG] created from [YAGA01.DLG] [YAGA02.DLG.DLG] loaded [YAGA02.DLG] created from [YAGA02.DLG] [YAGBER.DLG.DLG] loaded [YAGBER.DLG] created from [YAGBER.DLG] [YAGCON.DLG.DLG] loaded [YAGCON.DLG] created from [YAGCON.DLG] [YAGO.DLG.DLG] loaded [YAGO.DLG] created from [YAGO.DLG] [YARIN.DLG.DLG] loaded [YARIN.DLG] created from [YARIN.DLG] [YESLIC.DLG.DLG] loaded [YESLIC.DLG] created from [YESLIC.DLG] [YESLID.DLG.DLG] loaded [YESLID.DLG] created from [YESLID.DLG] [YESLIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [YESLIJ.DLG] created from [YESLIJ.DLG] [YESLIP.DLG.DLG] loaded [YESLIP.DLG] created from [YESLIP.DLG] [YOCHLOL.DLG.DLG] loaded [YOCHLOL.DLG] created from [YOCHLOL.DLG] [YOSHIMO.DLG.DLG] loaded [YOSHIMO.DLG] created from [YOSHIMO.DLG] [YOSHIMOX.DLG.DLG] loaded [YOSHIMOX.DLG] created from [YOSHIMOX.DLG] [YOSHJ.DLG.DLG] loaded [YOSHJ.DLG] created from [YOSHJ.DLG] [YOSHP.DLG.DLG] loaded [YOSHP.DLG] created from [YOSHP.DLG] [YSCARA01.DLG.DLG] loaded [YSCARA01.DLG] created from [YSCARA01.DLG] [YUSUF.DLG.DLG] loaded [YUSUF.DLG] created from [YUSUF.DLG] [Z.DLG.DLG] loaded [Z.DLG] created from [Z.DLG] [Z2.DLG.DLG] loaded [Z2.DLG] created from [Z2.DLG] [ZAVIERA.DLG.DLG] loaded [ZAVIERA.DLG] created from [ZAVIERA.DLG] [ZEKE.DLG.DLG] loaded [ZEKE.DLG] created from [ZEKE.DLG] [ZHENT.DLG.DLG] loaded [ZHENT.DLG] created from [ZHENT.DLG] [ZORDRAL.DLG.DLG] loaded [ZORDRAL.DLG] created from [ZORDRAL.DLG] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] loaded, 53 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 33 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] loaded, 109 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 85 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] loaded, 161 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 126 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] loaded, 186 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_scripts.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 178 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS\god_dlgs.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 404 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 404 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 13799 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14034 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_bsf.lua] to [override/m_dw_bsf.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_bsd.lua] to [override/m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 2 files ... Copied [splautop.2da] to [override/splautop.2da] Copied [splautos.2da] to [override/splautos.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45030 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI214.spl] loaded, 9474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI214.spl] to [override/DWWP214.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5586 bytes override/BAZPATRG.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/BAZPATRG.ITM, 5586 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes override/BLUN30.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/BLUN30.ITM, 3338 bytes Copied [BLUN30.ITM] to [override/BLUN30.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes override/FSSPIR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/FSSPIR.ITM, 4530 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes override/HOLDRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/HOLDRING.ITM, 4770 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes override/INVULNER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/INVULNER.ITM, 4914 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [JWSUPER.ITM] to [override/JWSUPER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [NPPLAT.ITM] to [override/NPPLAT.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes override/POTN45.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/POTN45.ITM, 3002 bytes Copied [POTN45.ITM] to [override/POTN45.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RING09.ITM] to [override/RING09.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [ROSSRING.ITM] to [override/ROSSRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes override/SPCL521.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPCL521.SPL, 1594 bytes Copied [SPCL521.SPL] to [override/SPCL521.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL814.SPL] to [override/SPCL814.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3722 bytes override/SPELLH01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPELLH01.ITM, 3722 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPER12.ITM] to [override/SPER12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes override/SPIN655.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPIN655.SPL, 490 bytes Copied [SPIN655.SPL] to [override/SPIN655.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 37634 bytes Copied [SPPR403.SPL] to [override/SPPR403.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 24210 bytes override/SPPR518A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPPR518A.SPL, 24210 bytes Copied [SPPR518A.SPL] to [override/SPPR518A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGB03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGB04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGL03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGL04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGS01.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGS02.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS02.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGS03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGS04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 1930 bytes override/SPWI126.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI126.SPL, 1930 bytes Copied [SPWI126.SPL] to [override/SPWI126.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613.SPL] loaded, 3498 bytes override/SPWI613.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI613.SPL, 3498 bytes Copied [SPWI613.SPL] to [override/SPWI613.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWISH36.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWISH36.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPWISH36.SPL] to [override/SPWISH36.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWISH37.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWISH37.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPWISH37.SPL] to [override/SPWISH37.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWISH40.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWISH40.SPL, 442 bytes Copied [SPWISH40.SPL] to [override/SPWISH40.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SUREHP1.ITM] to [override/SUREHP1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SW2H06.ITM] to [override/SW2H06.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SW2H13.ITM] to [override/SW2H13.ITM] Copied [SPWI305.spl] to [override/DWWP305.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613.spl] loaded, 3930 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5634 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes Copied [BLUN30.ITM] to [override/BLUN30.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4578 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4818 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 4962 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2658 bytes Copied [JWSUPER.ITM] to [override/JWSUPER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes Copied [RING09.ITM] to [override/RING09.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes Copied [ROSSRING.ITM] to [override/ROSSRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1690 bytes Copied [SPCL521.SPL] to [override/SPCL521.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3002 bytes Copied [SPER12.ITM] to [override/SPER12.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 25362 bytes Copied [SPPR518A.SPL] to [override/SPPR518A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes Copied [SPWI126.SPL] to [override/SPWI126.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes Copied [SUREHP1.ITM] to [override/SUREHP1.ITM] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45030 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI613.spl] to [override/DWWP613.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI715.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN944.SPL] to [override/SPIN944.SPL] Copied [SPWI715.spl] to [override/DWWP715.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 51 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP214.spl] loaded, 9474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP305.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP613.spl] loaded, 3930 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP715.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 51 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 51 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq214.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq214.spl] Creating file dwgq305.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq305.spl] Creating file dwgq613.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq613.spl] Creating file dwgq715.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq715.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit OHTEMPUS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTEMPUS.2da] loaded, 4858 bytes Copied [OHTEMPUS.2da] to [override/OHTEMPUS.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 18770 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 19444 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talos.tph] loaded, 8380 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talos.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/talos.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 14 bytes Appending [TALOS spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [TALOS spear] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#talos_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45051 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR328.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR328.spl] to [override/DWPI328.spl] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4646 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4646 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4646 bytes override/projectl.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/projectl.ids, 4646 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/pro_minor_lightning_bolt.pro] loaded, 512 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4660 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/resource/pro_minor_lightning_bolt.pro] to [override/dw#tlblt.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9147 bytes override/missile.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/missile.ids, 9147 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_b.bam] loaded, 1936 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/newspell/icon/minor_lightning_b.bam] to [override/dw#tlblt.bam] copying to override/dw-talb.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/mageschools_colors_sounds.2da] loaded, 464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4660 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-talb.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 404 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14034 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 14034 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit TALOS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR02.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes override/CLABPR02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CLABPR02.2da, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR02.2da] to [override/CLABPR02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14140 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14140 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14140 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14140 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 451 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45051 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI115.spl] to [override/DWWP115.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA83.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DWEVA83.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA83.SPL] to [override/DWEVA83.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORFIRG.ITM] to [override/GORFIRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORMISTI.ITM] to [override/GORMISTI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3770 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [STALKER.ITM] to [override/STALKER.ITM] Copied [SPWI308.spl] to [override/DWWP308.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA90.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA90.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DWEVA90.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA90.SPL] to [override/DWEVA90.SPL] Copied [SPWI615.spl] to [override/DWWP615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 635 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP115.spl] loaded, 4754 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 635 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 635 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq115.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq115.spl] Creating file dwgq308.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq308.spl] Creating file dwgq615.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq615.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit TALOS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR02.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR02.2da] to [override/CLABPR02.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tyr.tph] loaded, 3250 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tyr.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/tyr.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 27 bytes Appending [TYR longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [TYR longsword] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#tyr_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45051 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710.spl] loaded, 1258 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copied [SPPR710.spl] to [override/DWPI710.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR208.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDSHLD01.ITM] to [override/BDSHLD01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3138 bytes Copied [GORFIRG.ITM] to [override/GORFIRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORJELFU.ITM] to [override/GORJELFU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [GORJELGR.ITM] to [override/GORJELGR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3138 bytes Copied [GORMISTI.ITM] to [override/GORMISTI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [KUORING.ITM] to [override/KUORING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBDRKRG.ITM] to [override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHEXAM1.ITM] to [override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHEXAM2.ITM] to [override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHEXAM3.ITM] to [override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHEXAM5.ITM] to [override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes override/PLYJELLY.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/PLYJELLY.ITM, 3338 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes override/RING95.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/RING95.ITM, 2946 bytes Copied [RING95.ITM] to [override/RING95.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3474 bytes Copied [SPRNGB03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes Copied [SPRNGB04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes Copied [SPRNGL03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes Copied [SPRNGL04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes Copied [SPRNGS01.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes Copied [SPRNGS02.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS02.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes Copied [SPRNGS03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3858 bytes Copied [SPRNGS04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes Copied [STALKER.ITM] to [override/STALKER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [VAMPREG.ITM] to [override/VAMPREG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [VAMPREG1.ITM] to [override/VAMPREG1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [VAMPREG2.ITM] to [override/VAMPREG2.ITM] Copied [SPPR208.spl] to [override/DWPI208.spl] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit OHTYR... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR.2da] loaded, 4530 bytes override/OHTYR.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/OHTYR.2da, 4530 bytes Copied [OHTYR.2da] to [override/OHTYR.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14399 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 825 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45051 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI203.spl] to [override/DWWP203.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 1081 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP203.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 1081 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 1081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq203.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq203.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit OHTYR... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR.2da] loaded, 4857 bytes Copied [OHTYR.2da] to [override/OHTYR.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/helm.tph] loaded, 4693 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/helm.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/helm.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 42 bytes Appending [HELM bastardsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [HELM bastardsword] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#helm_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45051 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR304.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes override/AURSTAF.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/AURSTAF.ITM, 1802 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5682 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 978 bytes override/CLCK26.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CLCK26.ITM, 978 bytes Copied [CLCK26.ITM] to [override/CLCK26.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes override/DEMILICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DEMILICH.ITM, 4194 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2794 bytes override/DW#PMSCR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/DW#PMSCR.SPL, 2794 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4626 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4866 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 9114 bytes override/JWGLOBE.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/JWGLOBE.SPL, 9114 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes override/LICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/LICH.ITM, 2994 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes override/MAGEAMUL.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/MAGEAMUL.ITM, 1218 bytes Copied [MAGEAMUL.ITM] to [override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes override/POTN33.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/POTN33.ITM, 1754 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2466 bytes override/RAKRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/RAKRING.ITM, 2466 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4474 bytes override/SPCL415A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPCL415A.SPL, 4474 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3818 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 14114 bytes override/SPIN736.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPIN736.SPL, 14114 bytes Copied [SPIN736.SPL] to [override/SPIN736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 14786 bytes override/SPWI406.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI406.SPL, 14786 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4522 bytes override/SPWI413A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI413A.SPL, 4522 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 10410 bytes override/SPWI602.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI602.SPL, 10410 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 44538 bytes override/SPWI630.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI630.SPL, 44538 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes override/SPWI954.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI954.SPL, 1018 bytes Copied [SPWI954.SPL] to [override/SPWI954.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes override/SPWM126.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWM126.SPL, 1066 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copied [SPPR304.spl] to [override/dw-hegl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-hegl.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4660 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-hegl.spl] to [override/dw-hegl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [sw1hseek.itm] to [override/sw1hseek.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit HELM... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR03.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes override/CLABPR03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CLABPR03.2da, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR03.2da] to [override/CLABPR03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14640 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 1410 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45051 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI311.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3866 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPWI311.spl] to [override/DWWP311.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI511.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes override/SPIN686.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPIN686.SPL, 682 bytes Copied [SPIN686.SPL] to [override/SPIN686.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPWI611.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI611.SPL, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI611.SPL] to [override/SPWI611.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45051 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI511.spl] to [override/DWWP511.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI515.spl] to [override/DWWP515.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.spl] loaded, 826 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes override/SPIN608.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPIN608.SPL, 826 bytes Copied [SPIN608.SPL] to [override/SPIN608.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes override/SPWI511.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI511.SPL, 8658 bytes Copied [SPWI511.SPL] to [override/SPWI511.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes override/SPWI708.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI708.SPL, 1018 bytes Copied [SPWI708.SPL] to [override/SPWI708.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes override/SPWI808.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI808.SPL, 1066 bytes Copied [SPWI808.SPL] to [override/SPWI808.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes override/SPWI907.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/SPWI907.SPL, 1162 bytes Copied [SPWI907.SPL] to [override/SPWI907.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP511.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes Copied [DWWP511.spl] to [override/DWWP511.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45094 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI611.spl] to [override/DWWP611.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [SPIN686.SPL] to [override/SPIN686.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [SPWI611.SPL] to [override/SPWI611.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP611.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [DWWP611.spl] to [override/DWWP611.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45178 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI708.spl] to [override/DWWP708.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 1255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP311.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP511.spl] loaded, 9234 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP515.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP611.spl] loaded, 874 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP708.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 1255 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 1255 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq311.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq311.spl] Creating file dwgq511.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq511.spl] Creating file dwgq515.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq515.spl] Creating file dwgq611.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq611.spl] Creating file dwgq708.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq708.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit HELM... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR03.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR03.2da] to [override/CLABPR03.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/lathander.tph] loaded, 3970 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/lathander.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/lathander.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 61 bytes Appending [LATHANDER mace...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [LATHANDER mace] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#lathander_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 45221 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR609.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 3906 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copied [SPPR609.spl] to [override/DWPI609.spl] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit LATHANDER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR04.2da] loaded, 3856 bytes override/CLABPR04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CLABPR04.2da, 3856 bytes Copied [CLABPR04.2da] to [override/CLABPR04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 14866 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 15113 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 15113 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 15113 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 15113 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2024 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2579 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID118.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID118.itm] to [override/CDID118.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID119.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID119.itm] to [override/CDID119.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID120.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID120.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID120.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID120.itm] to [override/CDID120.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID121.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID121.itm] to [override/CDID121.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID217.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID217.itm] to [override/CDID217.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID218.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID218.itm] to [override/CDID218.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID323.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID323.itm] to [override/CDID323.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID325.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID325.itm] to [override/CDID325.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID326.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID326.itm] to [override/CDID326.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID327.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID327.itm] to [override/CDID327.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID328.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID328.itm] to [override/CDID328.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID330.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID330.itm] to [override/CDID330.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID418.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID418.itm] to [override/CDID418.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID419.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID419.itm] to [override/CDID419.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID422.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID422.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID422.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID422.itm] to [override/CDID422.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID425.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID425.itm] to [override/CDID425.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID426.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID426.itm] to [override/CDID426.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID427.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID427.itm] to [override/CDID427.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID429.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID429.itm] to [override/CDID429.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID430.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID430.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID430.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID430.itm] to [override/CDID430.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID519.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID519.itm] to [override/CDID519.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID522.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID522.itm] to [override/CDID522.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID616.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID616.itm] to [override/CDID616.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID618.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID618.itm] to [override/CDID618.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID736.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID736.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID736.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID736.itm] to [override/CDID736.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID738.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID738.itm] to [override/CDID738.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID739.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID739.itm] to [override/CDID739.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID741.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID741.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID741.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID741.itm] to [override/CDID741.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID742.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID742.itm] to [override/CDID742.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5A.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SCRL5A.itm] to [override/SCRL5A.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID424.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID424.itm] to [override/CDID424.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID521.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID521.itm] to [override/CDID521.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID733.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID733.itm] to [override/CDID733.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID734.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [CDID734.itm] to [override/CDID734.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID117.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID117.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID117.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID117.itm] to [override/CDID117.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID219.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID219.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID219.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID219.itm] to [override/CDID219.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID321.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID321.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID321.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID321.itm] to [override/CDID321.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID324.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID324.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID324.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID324.itm] to [override/CDID324.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID329.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID329.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID329.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID329.itm] to [override/CDID329.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID428.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID428.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID428.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID428.itm] to [override/CDID428.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID523.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID523.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID523.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID523.itm] to [override/CDID523.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID524.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID524.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID524.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID524.itm] to [override/CDID524.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID714.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID714.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID714.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID714.itm] to [override/CDID714.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID740.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID740.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40650/CDID740.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID740.itm] to [override/CDID740.itm] Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes Copied [ANOMEN10.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN10.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes Copied [ANOMEN12.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN12.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes Copied [ANOMEN6.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN6.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes Copied [ANOMEN7.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN7.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes Copied [ANOMEN8.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN8.CRE] [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes Copied [ANOMEN9.CRE] to [override/ANOMEN9.CRE] [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes Copied [HAER10.CRE] to [override/HAER10.CRE] [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes Copied [HAER11.CRE] to [override/HAER11.CRE] [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes Copied [HAER13.CRE] to [override/HAER13.CRE] [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes Copied [HAER15.CRE] to [override/HAER15.CRE] [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes Copied [HAER19.CRE] to [override/HAER19.CRE] [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes Copied [VICONI11.CRE] to [override/VICONI11.CRE] [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes Copied [VICONI13.CRE] to [override/VICONI13.CRE] [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes Copied [VICONI16.CRE] to [override/VICONI16.CRE] [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes Copied [VICONI6.CRE] to [override/VICONI6.CRE] [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes Copied [VICONI8.CRE] to [override/VICONI8.CRE] [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes Copied [VICONI9.CRE] to [override/VICONI9.CRE] [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Install Component [Modified cleric stronghold quest for priests of any god except Lathander/Helm/Talos]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Modified cleric stronghold quest for priests of any god except Lathander/Helm/Talos] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40660/splconv.txt, 45221 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-modified_priest_strongholds.mrk] Including and running function(s) modified_priest_strongholds [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/modified_priest_strongholds.tpa] loaded, 460 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/modified_priest_strongholds.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/modified_priest_strongholds.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) cleric_strongholds Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/stronghold/cleric_strongholds.tpa] loaded, 5081 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/stronghold/cleric_strongholds.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/cleric_strongholds.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 14972 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions override/bharval.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40660/bharval.dlg, 14972 bytes Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16652 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions override/bhoisig.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40660/bhoisig.dlg, 16652 bytes Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12284 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions override/bhnalla.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40660/bhnalla.dlg, 12284 bytes Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Install Component [Allow monks to use staffs]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Allow monks to use staffs] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-monk_staff.mrk] Including and running function(s) monk_staff [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/monk_staff.tra] has 4 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/monk_staff.tpa] loaded, 1548 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/monk_staff.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/monk_staff.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) monk_2handed Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/monk_2handed.tpa] loaded, 1807 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/monk_2handed.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/monk_2handed.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [misc01.itm] to [weidu_external/markers/dw_monk_2handed.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [6500.ini] to [override/6550.ini] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [6510.ini] to [override/6560.ini] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11243 bytes override/animate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/animate.ids, 11243 bytes Appended text to [animate.ids] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11272 bytes Appended text to [animate.ids] Copying and patching 3061 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5730 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes Copied [BDSW2H01.ITM] to [override/BDSW2H01.ITM] [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [BOW01.ITM] to [override/BOW01.ITM] Copied [BOW02.ITM] to [override/BOW02.ITM] Copied [BOW03.ITM] to [override/BOW03.ITM] Copied [BOW04.ITM] to [override/BOW04.ITM] Copied [BOW05.ITM] to [override/BOW05.ITM] Copied [BOW06.ITM] to [override/BOW06.ITM] Copied [BOW07.ITM] to [override/BOW07.ITM] Copied [BOW08.ITM] to [override/BOW08.ITM] Copied [BOW09.ITM] to [override/BOW09.ITM] Copied [BOW10.ITM] to [override/BOW10.ITM] Copied [BOW11.ITM] to [override/BOW11.ITM] Copied [BOW12.ITM] to [override/BOW12.ITM] Copied [BOW13.ITM] to [override/BOW13.ITM] Copied [BOW14.ITM] to [override/BOW14.ITM] Copied [BOW15.ITM] to [override/BOW15.ITM] Copied [BOW16.ITM] to [override/BOW16.ITM] Copied [BOW17.ITM] to [override/BOW17.ITM] Copied [BOW18.ITM] to [override/BOW18.ITM] Copied [BOW19.ITM] to [override/BOW19.ITM] Copied [BOW20.ITM] to [override/BOW20.ITM] Copied [BOW21.ITM] to [override/BOW21.ITM] Copied [BOW22.ITM] to [override/BOW22.ITM] Copied [BOW23.ITM] to [override/BOW23.ITM] Copied [BOW24.ITM] to [override/BOW24.ITM] Copied [BOW25.ITM] to [override/BOW25.ITM] Copied [BOW26.ITM] to [override/BOW26.ITM] Copied [BOW98.ITM] to [override/BOW98.ITM] [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [CARSOMYR.ITM] to [override/CARSOMYR.ITM] Copied [CATTIBOW.ITM] to [override/CATTIBOW.ITM] [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copied [CDSW2H07.ITM] to [override/CDSW2H07.ITM] [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1026 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [DWHALB01.ITM] to [override/DWHALB01.ITM] [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [DWSPER01.ITM] to [override/DWSPER01.ITM] [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copied [DWXBOW01.ITM] to [override/DWXBOW01.ITM] [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copied [ENSTAFF.ITM] to [override/ENSTAFF.ITM] [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4674 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copied [GODBOW.ITM] to [override/GODBOW.ITM] [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 3954 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [HALB01.ITM] to [override/HALB01.ITM] Copied [HALB02.ITM] to [override/HALB02.ITM] Copied [HALB03.ITM] to [override/HALB03.ITM] Copied [HALB04.ITM] to [override/HALB04.ITM] Copied [HALB05.ITM] to [override/HALB05.ITM] Copied [HALB06.ITM] to [override/HALB06.ITM] Copied [HALB07.ITM] to [override/HALB07.ITM] Copied [HALB08.ITM] to [override/HALB08.ITM] Copied [HALB09.ITM] to [override/HALB09.ITM] Copied [HALB10.ITM] to [override/HALB10.ITM] Copied [HALB11.ITM] to [override/HALB11.ITM] Copied [HALB12.ITM] to [override/HALB12.ITM] Copied [HALBRD01.ITM] to [override/HALBRD01.ITM] [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes Copied [IBOW03.ITM] to [override/IBOW03.ITM] [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1266 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copied [MISC5T.ITM] to [override/MISC5T.ITM] [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes Copied [MISC9O.ITM] to [override/MISC9O.ITM] [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [NPBOW.ITM] to [override/NPBOW.ITM] [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes Copied [NPSTAF.ITM] to [override/NPSTAF.ITM] Copied [NPSW03.ITM] to [override/NPSW03.ITM] [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes Copied [OHBREW02.ITM] to [override/OHBREW02.ITM] [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [OHBSTAF1.ITM] to [override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] Copied [OHBWING.ITM] to [override/OHBWING.ITM] Copied [OHBWING2.ITM] to [override/OHBWING2.ITM] Copied [OHDSW2HA.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] Copied [OHDSW2HB.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] Copied [OHDSW2HC.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] Copied [OHDSW2HD.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [OHREAVER.ITM] to [override/OHREAVER.ITM] Copied [PLOT02A.ITM] to [override/PLOT02A.ITM] Copied [PLOT02B.ITM] to [override/PLOT02B.ITM] Copied [PLOT03A.ITM] to [override/PLOT03A.ITM] Copied [PLOT03B.ITM] to [override/PLOT03B.ITM] Copied [PLOT03C.ITM] to [override/PLOT03C.ITM] Copied [PLOT03D.ITM] to [override/PLOT03D.ITM] [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2514 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes Copied [RODS04.ITM] to [override/RODS04.ITM] [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes override/RODS05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/RODS05.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [RODS05.ITM] to [override/RODS05.ITM] Copied [RODSPEAR.ITM] to [override/RODSPEAR.ITM] [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [SECRET01.ITM] to [override/SECRET01.ITM] [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3914 bytes Copied [SPER01.ITM] to [override/SPER01.ITM] Copied [SPER02.ITM] to [override/SPER02.ITM] Copied [SPER03.ITM] to [override/SPER03.ITM] Copied [SPER04.ITM] to [override/SPER04.ITM] Copied [SPER05.ITM] to [override/SPER05.ITM] Copied [SPER06.ITM] to [override/SPER06.ITM] Copied [SPER07.ITM] to [override/SPER07.ITM] Copied [SPER08.ITM] to [override/SPER08.ITM] Copied [SPER09.ITM] to [override/SPER09.ITM] Copied [SPER10.ITM] to [override/SPER10.ITM] Copied [SPER11.ITM] to [override/SPER11.ITM] [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes override/SPER12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/SPER12.ITM, 3050 bytes Copied [SPER12.ITM] to [override/SPER12.ITM] [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3906 bytes [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes Copied [STAF01.ITM] to [override/STAF01.ITM] Copied [STAF02.ITM] to [override/STAF02.ITM] Copied [STAF03.ITM] to [override/STAF03.ITM] Copied [STAF04.ITM] to [override/STAF04.ITM] Copied [STAF05.ITM] to [override/STAF05.ITM] Copied [STAF07.ITM] to [override/STAF07.ITM] Copied [STAF08.ITM] to [override/STAF08.ITM] Copied [STAF09.ITM] to [override/STAF09.ITM] Copied [STAF10.ITM] to [override/STAF10.ITM] Copied [STAF11.ITM] to [override/STAF11.ITM] Copied [STAF12.ITM] to [override/STAF12.ITM] Copied [STAF13.ITM] to [override/STAF13.ITM] Copied [STAF14.ITM] to [override/STAF14.ITM] Copied [STAF15.ITM] to [override/STAF15.ITM] Copied [STAF16.ITM] to [override/STAF16.ITM] Copied [STAF17.ITM] to [override/STAF17.ITM] Copied [STAF18.ITM] to [override/STAF18.ITM] Copied [STAF19.ITM] to [override/STAF19.ITM] Copied [STAF20.ITM] to [override/STAF20.ITM] Copied [STAF21.ITM] to [override/STAF21.ITM] Copied [STAF22.ITM] to [override/STAF22.ITM] Copied [STAF23.ITM] to [override/STAF23.ITM] Copied [STAF24.ITM] to [override/STAF24.ITM] Copied [STAFN1.ITM] to [override/STAFN1.ITM] [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copied [SW2H01.ITM] to [override/SW2H01.ITM] Copied [SW2H02.ITM] to [override/SW2H02.ITM] Copied [SW2H03.ITM] to [override/SW2H03.ITM] [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes override/SW2H06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/SW2H06.ITM, 2666 bytes Copied [SW2H06.ITM] to [override/SW2H06.ITM] Copied [SW2H07.ITM] to [override/SW2H07.ITM] Copied [SW2H08.ITM] to [override/SW2H08.ITM] Copied [SW2H09.ITM] to [override/SW2H09.ITM] Copied [SW2H10.ITM] to [override/SW2H10.ITM] Copied [SW2H11.ITM] to [override/SW2H11.ITM] Copied [SW2H12.ITM] to [override/SW2H12.ITM] [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes override/SW2H13.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/SW2H13.ITM, 2666 bytes Copied [SW2H13.ITM] to [override/SW2H13.ITM] Copied [SW2H14.ITM] to [override/SW2H14.ITM] Copied [SW2H15.ITM] to [override/SW2H15.ITM] Copied [SW2H16.ITM] to [override/SW2H16.ITM] Copied [SW2H17.ITM] to [override/SW2H17.ITM] Copied [SW2H18.ITM] to [override/SW2H18.ITM] Copied [SW2H19.ITM] to [override/SW2H19.ITM] Copied [SW2H20.ITM] to [override/SW2H20.ITM] Copied [SW2H21.ITM] to [override/SW2H21.ITM] Copied [SW2HD1.ITM] to [override/SW2HD1.ITM] [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes Copied [WA2HALB.ITM] to [override/WA2HALB.ITM] [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes Copied [WAS2H.ITM] to [override/WAS2H.ITM] Copied [WASPEAR.ITM] to [override/WASPEAR.ITM] Copied [WASTAFF.ITM] to [override/WASTAFF.ITM] [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes Copied [XBOW01.ITM] to [override/XBOW01.ITM] Copied [XBOW02.ITM] to [override/XBOW02.ITM] Copied [XBOW03.ITM] to [override/XBOW03.ITM] Copied [XBOW04.ITM] to [override/XBOW04.ITM] Copied [XBOW05.ITM] to [override/XBOW05.ITM] Copied [XBOW06.ITM] to [override/XBOW06.ITM] Copied [XBOW07.ITM] to [override/XBOW07.ITM] Copied [XBOW08.ITM] to [override/XBOW08.ITM] Copied [XBOW09.ITM] to [override/XBOW09.ITM] Copied [XBOW10.ITM] to [override/XBOW10.ITM] Copied [XBOW12.ITM] to [override/XBOW12.ITM] Copied [XBOW13.ITM] to [override/XBOW13.ITM] Copied [XBOW14.ITM] to [override/XBOW14.ITM] Copied [XBOW15.ITM] to [override/XBOW15.ITM] Copied [XBOW16.ITM] to [override/XBOW16.ITM] Copied [XBOW17.ITM] to [override/XBOW17.ITM] Copied [XBOW18.ITM] to [override/XBOW18.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes override/weapprof.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/weapprof.2da, 82022 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 3061 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes override/AURSTAF.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/AURSTAF.ITM, 1850 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5730 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1026 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes override/DECASTA.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/DECASTA.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [DECASTA.ITM] to [override/DECASTA.ITM] [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4674 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 3954 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes override/HGNYA01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40700/HGNYA01.ITM, 1322 bytes Copied [HGNYA01.ITM] to [override/HGNYA01.ITM] [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1266 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes Copied [MISC5T.ITM] to [override/MISC5T.ITM] [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [MISC9O.ITM] to [override/MISC9O.ITM] [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [NPSTAF.ITM] to [override/NPSTAF.ITM] [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes Copied [OHBSTAF1.ITM] to [override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2514 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes Copied [RODS04.ITM] to [override/RODS04.ITM] [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes Copied [RODS05.ITM] to [override/RODS05.ITM] [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes Copied [SAHSTAFF.ITM] to [override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3914 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3906 bytes [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/STAF01.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [STAF01.ITM] to [override/STAF01.ITM] [./override/STAF02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [STAF02.ITM] to [override/STAF02.ITM] [./override/STAF03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [STAF03.ITM] to [override/STAF03.ITM] [./override/STAF04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copied [STAF04.ITM] to [override/STAF04.ITM] [./override/STAF05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [STAF05.ITM] to [override/STAF05.ITM] Copied [STAF06.ITM] to [override/STAF06.ITM] [./override/STAF07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes Copied [STAF07.ITM] to [override/STAF07.ITM] [./override/STAF08.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copied [STAF08.ITM] to [override/STAF08.ITM] [./override/STAF09.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes Copied [STAF09.ITM] to [override/STAF09.ITM] [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2530 bytes Copied [STAF10.ITM] to [override/STAF10.ITM] [./override/STAF11.ITM] loaded, 2394 bytes Copied [STAF11.ITM] to [override/STAF11.ITM] [./override/STAF12.ITM] loaded, 1146 bytes Copied [STAF12.ITM] to [override/STAF12.ITM] [./override/STAF13.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes Copied [STAF13.ITM] to [override/STAF13.ITM] [./override/STAF14.ITM] loaded, 1770 bytes Copied [STAF14.ITM] to [override/STAF14.ITM] [./override/STAF15.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes Copied [STAF15.ITM] to [override/STAF15.ITM] [./override/STAF16.ITM] loaded, 1338 bytes Copied [STAF16.ITM] to [override/STAF16.ITM] [./override/STAF17.ITM] loaded, 1002 bytes Copied [STAF17.ITM] to [override/STAF17.ITM] [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [STAF18.ITM] to [override/STAF18.ITM] [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [STAF19.ITM] to [override/STAF19.ITM] [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copied [STAF20.ITM] to [override/STAF20.ITM] [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [STAF21.ITM] to [override/STAF21.ITM] [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes Copied [STAF22.ITM] to [override/STAF22.ITM] [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes Copied [STAF23.ITM] to [override/STAF23.ITM] [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [STAF24.ITM] to [override/STAF24.ITM] [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [STAFN1.ITM] to [override/STAFN1.ITM] [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes Copied [WASTAFF.ITM] to [override/WASTAFF.ITM] [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Install Component [Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details)]? [N]o, [Q]uit or choose one: 1] Use Icewind Dale opposition schools 2] Use pen-and-paper AD&D opposition schools 3] Use custom opposition schools Uninstalling All Other Subcomponents of [Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details)] Done Uninstalling All Other Subcomponents of [Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details)] Installing [Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details) -> Use custom opposition schools] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-adjust_mageschools.mrk] Including and running function(s) adjust_mageschools [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/adjust_mageschools.tpa] loaded, 251 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/adjust_mageschools.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/adjust_mageschools.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/mageschool/mageschools_custom.2da] loaded, 277 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/mageschool/mageschools_custom.2da] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/mageschools.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/mageschools_shared.tph] loaded, 11450 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/mageschools_shared.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/mageschools_shared.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/mageschools.2da] loaded, 277 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/mageschool.tra] has 42 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI101.spl] loaded, 10514 bytes override/SPWI101.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI101.spl, 10514 bytes Copied [SPWI101.spl] to [override/SPWI101.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI102.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI102.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI102.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI102.spl] to [override/SPWI102.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI104.spl] to [override/SPWI104.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI106.spl] to [override/SPWI106.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI107.spl] to [override/SPWI107.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI108.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI112.spl] to [override/SPWI112.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI113.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI114.spl] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI114.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI114.spl, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI114.spl] to [override/SPWI114.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI116.spl] to [override/SPWI116.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI117.spl] to [override/SPWI117.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI118.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes override/SPWI118.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI118.spl, 3546 bytes Copied [SPWI118.spl] to [override/SPWI118.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI119.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI119.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI119.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI119.spl] to [override/SPWI119.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI120.spl] to [override/SPWI120.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI123.spl] to [override/SPWI123.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI125.spl] to [override/SPWI125.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 3794 bytes override/SPWI127.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI127.spl, 3794 bytes Copied [SPWI127.spl] to [override/SPWI127.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes override/SPWI128.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI128.spl, 794 bytes Copied [SPWI128.spl] to [override/SPWI128.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI201.spl] to [override/SPWI201.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI205.spl] to [override/SPWI205.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI206.spl] to [override/SPWI206.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI209.spl] to [override/SPWI209.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI210.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI211.spl] to [override/SPWI211.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI212.spl] to [override/SPWI212.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI213.spl] to [override/SPWI213.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI214.spl] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI215.spl] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPWI215.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI215.spl, 778 bytes Copied [SPWI215.spl] to [override/SPWI215.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI217.spl] to [override/SPWI217.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI218.spl] to [override/SPWI218.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI220.spl] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPWI220.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI220.spl, 346 bytes Copied [SPWI220.spl] to [override/SPWI220.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI221.spl] loaded, 5154 bytes override/SPWI221.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI221.spl, 5154 bytes Copied [SPWI221.spl] to [override/SPWI221.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI222.spl] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI223.spl] to [override/SPWI223.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI224.spl] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPWI224.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI224.spl, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI224.spl] to [override/SPWI224.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes override/SPWI225.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI225.spl, 930 bytes Copied [SPWI225.spl] to [override/SPWI225.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI226.spl] loaded, 3426 bytes override/SPWI226.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI226.spl, 3426 bytes Copied [SPWI226.spl] to [override/SPWI226.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI227.spl] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes override/SPWI228.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI228.spl, 1218 bytes Copied [SPWI228.spl] to [override/SPWI228.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes override/SPWI229.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI229.spl, 1218 bytes Copied [SPWI229.spl] to [override/SPWI229.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI298.spl] to [override/SPWI298.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI299.spl] to [override/SPWI299.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI303.spl] loaded, 2194 bytes override/SPWI303.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI303.spl, 2194 bytes Copied [SPWI303.spl] to [override/SPWI303.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI304.spl] loaded, 1554 bytes override/SPWI304.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI304.spl, 1554 bytes Copied [SPWI304.spl] to [override/SPWI304.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI306.spl] to [override/SPWI306.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI307.spl] to [override/SPWI307.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes override/SPWI308.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI308.spl, 1794 bytes Copied [SPWI308.spl] to [override/SPWI308.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI309.spl] loaded, 1522 bytes override/SPWI309.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI309.spl, 1522 bytes Copied [SPWI309.spl] to [override/SPWI309.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI311.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI313.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes override/SPWI313.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI313.spl, 2354 bytes Copied [SPWI313.spl] to [override/SPWI313.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI314.spl] to [override/SPWI314.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI315.spl] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI316.spl] to [override/SPWI316.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI317.spl] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPWI317.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI317.spl, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI317.spl] to [override/SPWI317.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI318.spl] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI319.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI320.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI323.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI323.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI323.spl] to [override/SPWI323.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI324.spl] to [override/SPWI324.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI325.spl] to [override/SPWI325.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI327.spl] loaded, 3722 bytes override/SPWI327.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI327.spl, 3722 bytes Copied [SPWI327.spl] to [override/SPWI327.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 3058 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI399.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes override/SPWI399.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI399.spl, 1218 bytes Copied [SPWI399.spl] to [override/SPWI399.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI401.spl] to [override/SPWI401.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI404.spl] to [override/SPWI404.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI405.spl] to [override/SPWI405.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.spl] loaded, 15458 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI407.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes override/SPWI407.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI407.spl, 1346 bytes Copied [SPWI407.spl] to [override/SPWI407.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI409.spl] to [override/SPWI409.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPWI411.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI411.spl, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [override/SPWI411.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI412.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes override/SPWI412.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI412.spl, 8738 bytes Copied [SPWI412.spl] to [override/SPWI412.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI414.spl] loaded, 682 bytes override/SPWI414.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI414.spl, 682 bytes Copied [SPWI414.spl] to [override/SPWI414.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI415.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI416.spl] loaded, 19154 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI417.spl] to [override/SPWI417.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI420.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI420.spl, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI420.spl] to [override/SPWI420.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes override/SPWI422.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI422.spl, 3506 bytes Copied [SPWI422.spl] to [override/SPWI422.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI423.spl] to [override/SPWI423.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI426.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI426.spl, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI426.spl] to [override/SPWI426.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 730 bytes override/SPWI427.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI427.spl, 730 bytes Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [override/SPWI427.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 634 bytes override/SPWI428.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI428.spl, 634 bytes Copied [SPWI428.spl] to [override/SPWI428.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes override/SPWI429.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI429.spl, 2434 bytes Copied [SPWI429.spl] to [override/SPWI429.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 538 bytes override/SPWI430.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI430.spl, 538 bytes Copied [SPWI430.spl] to [override/SPWI430.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes override/SPWI431.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI431.spl, 4098 bytes Copied [SPWI431.spl] to [override/SPWI431.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI432.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes override/SPWI432.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI432.spl, 1346 bytes Copied [SPWI432.spl] to [override/SPWI432.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI485.spl] to [override/SPWI485.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI486.spl] to [override/SPWI486.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI487.spl] to [override/SPWI487.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI488.spl] to [override/SPWI488.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI489.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI490.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI491.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI493.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI494.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI495.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI496.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI497.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI498.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI499.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI501.spl] to [override/SPWI501.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI502.spl] to [override/SPWI502.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes override/SPWI503.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI503.spl, 2322 bytes Copied [SPWI503.spl] to [override/SPWI503.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI504.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes override/SPWI504.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI504.spl, 1346 bytes Copied [SPWI504.spl] to [override/SPWI504.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI505.spl] to [override/SPWI505.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI506.spl] to [override/SPWI506.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI507.spl] to [override/SPWI507.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI508.spl] to [override/SPWI508.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI509.spl] to [override/SPWI509.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI511.spl] loaded, 9234 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI512.spl] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI513.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes override/SPWI516.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI516.spl, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI516.spl] to [override/SPWI516.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI517.spl] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI518.spl] to [override/SPWI518.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI519.spl] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes override/SPWI520.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI520.spl, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI520.spl] to [override/SPWI520.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes override/SPWI521.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI521.spl, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI521.spl] to [override/SPWI521.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI522.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI523.spl] to [override/SPWI523.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes override/SPWI524.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI524.spl, 5434 bytes Copied [SPWI524.spl] to [override/SPWI524.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes override/SPWI526.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI526.spl, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI526.spl] to [override/SPWI526.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI527.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes override/SPWI527.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI527.spl, 1170 bytes Copied [SPWI527.spl] to [override/SPWI527.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI528.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI590.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI590.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI590.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI590.spl] to [override/SPWI590.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI591.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI591.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI591.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI591.spl] to [override/SPWI591.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI592.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI592.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI592.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI592.spl] to [override/SPWI592.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI593.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI593.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI593.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI593.spl] to [override/SPWI593.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI594.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI594.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI594.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI594.spl] to [override/SPWI594.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI595.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI595.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI595.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI595.spl] to [override/SPWI595.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI596.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI596.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI596.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI596.spl] to [override/SPWI596.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI597.spl] loaded, 5778 bytes override/SPWI597.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI597.spl, 5778 bytes Copied [SPWI597.spl] to [override/SPWI597.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI601.spl] to [override/SPWI601.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.spl] loaded, 10842 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI605.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI605.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI605.spl, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI605.spl] to [override/SPWI605.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI606.spl] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI607.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes override/SPWI607.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI607.spl, 2634 bytes Copied [SPWI607.spl] to [override/SPWI607.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI609.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI610.spl] loaded, 906 bytes override/SPWI610.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI610.spl, 906 bytes Copied [SPWI610.spl] to [override/SPWI610.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.spl] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes override/SPWI612.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI612.spl, 490 bytes Copied [SPWI612.spl] to [override/SPWI612.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613.spl] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes override/SPWI615.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI615.spl, 1034 bytes Copied [SPWI615.spl] to [override/SPWI615.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI617.spl] loaded, 522 bytes override/SPWI617.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI617.spl, 522 bytes Copied [SPWI617.spl] to [override/SPWI617.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI618.spl] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI619.spl] to [override/SPWI619.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI620.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes override/SPWI620.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI620.spl, 1954 bytes Copied [SPWI620.spl] to [override/SPWI620.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes override/SPWI621.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI621.spl, 1954 bytes Copied [SPWI621.spl] to [override/SPWI621.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI622.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes override/SPWI622.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI622.spl, 1954 bytes Copied [SPWI622.spl] to [override/SPWI622.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI623.spl] to [override/SPWI623.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI624.spl] to [override/SPWI624.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI627.spl] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPWI627.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI627.spl, 346 bytes Copied [SPWI627.spl] to [override/SPWI627.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes override/SPWI628.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI628.spl, 490 bytes Copied [SPWI628.spl] to [override/SPWI628.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI629.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI629.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI629.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI629.spl] to [override/SPWI629.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.spl] loaded, 44970 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI631.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes override/SPWI631.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI631.spl, 2634 bytes Copied [SPWI631.spl] to [override/SPWI631.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI632.spl] loaded, 906 bytes override/SPWI632.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI632.spl, 906 bytes Copied [SPWI632.spl] to [override/SPWI632.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI633.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes override/SPWI633.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI633.spl, 1954 bytes Copied [SPWI633.spl] to [override/SPWI633.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI701.spl] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI703.spl] loaded, 1738 bytes override/SPWI703.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI703.spl, 1738 bytes Copied [SPWI703.spl] to [override/SPWI703.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI705.spl] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI706.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI706.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI706.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI706.spl] to [override/SPWI706.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI707.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI707.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI707.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI707.spl] to [override/SPWI707.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI710.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI710.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI710.spl, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI710.spl] to [override/SPWI710.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI711.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI712.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI712.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI712.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI712.spl] to [override/SPWI712.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI713.spl] to [override/SPWI713.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI714.spl] to [override/SPWI714.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI715.spl] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPWI715.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI715.spl, 346 bytes Copied [SPWI715.spl] to [override/SPWI715.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI716.spl] to [override/SPWI716.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI717.spl] to [override/SPWI717.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI718.spl] to [override/SPWI718.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI719.spl] to [override/SPWI719.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI720.spl] to [override/SPWI720.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI721.spl] to [override/SPWI721.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI723.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI725.spl] loaded, 730 bytes override/SPWI725.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI725.spl, 730 bytes Copied [SPWI725.spl] to [override/SPWI725.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726.spl] loaded, 1738 bytes override/SPWI726.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI726.spl, 1738 bytes Copied [SPWI726.spl] to [override/SPWI726.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI727.spl] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPWI727.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI727.spl, 346 bytes Copied [SPWI727.spl] to [override/SPWI727.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI804.spl] loaded, 1274 bytes override/SPWI804.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI804.spl, 1274 bytes Copied [SPWI804.spl] to [override/SPWI804.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI807.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI807.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI807.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI807.spl] to [override/SPWI807.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI808.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI809.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI809.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI809.spl, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI809.spl] to [override/SPWI809.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI810.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes override/SPWI810.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI810.spl, 1034 bytes Copied [SPWI810.spl] to [override/SPWI810.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI811.spl] loaded, 1098 bytes override/SPWI811.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI811.spl, 1098 bytes Copied [SPWI811.spl] to [override/SPWI811.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI812.spl] loaded, 2234 bytes override/SPWI812.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI812.spl, 2234 bytes Copied [SPWI812.spl] to [override/SPWI812.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI813.spl] to [override/SPWI813.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI815.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI815.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI815.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI815.spl] to [override/SPWI815.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI816.spl] loaded, 1242 bytes override/SPWI816.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI816.spl, 1242 bytes Copied [SPWI816.spl] to [override/SPWI816.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI817.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI817.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI817.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI817.spl] to [override/SPWI817.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI818.spl] to [override/SPWI818.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes override/SPWI819.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI819.spl, 970 bytes Copied [SPWI819.spl] to [override/SPWI819.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI821.spl] loaded, 554 bytes override/SPWI821.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI821.spl, 554 bytes Copied [SPWI821.spl] to [override/SPWI821.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI822.spl] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI888.spl] to [override/SPWI888.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI897.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI897.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI897.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI897.spl] to [override/SPWI897.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI898.spl] loaded, 1994 bytes override/SPWI898.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI898.spl, 1994 bytes Copied [SPWI898.spl] to [override/SPWI898.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI899.spl] loaded, 1754 bytes override/SPWI899.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI899.spl, 1754 bytes Copied [SPWI899.spl] to [override/SPWI899.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes override/SPWI901.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI901.spl, 378 bytes Copied [SPWI901.spl] to [override/SPWI901.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI902.spl] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI903.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI904.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI904.spl, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI904.spl] to [override/SPWI904.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI905.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI905.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI905.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI905.spl] to [override/SPWI905.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 954 bytes override/SPWI906.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI906.spl, 954 bytes Copied [SPWI906.spl] to [override/SPWI906.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI907.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI908.spl] loaded, 250 bytes override/SPWI908.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI908.spl, 250 bytes Copied [SPWI908.spl] to [override/SPWI908.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI911.spl] to [override/SPWI911.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI912.spl] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPWI912.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI912.spl, 394 bytes Copied [SPWI912.spl] to [override/SPWI912.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI913.spl] loaded, 442 bytes override/SPWI913.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI913.spl, 442 bytes Copied [SPWI913.spl] to [override/SPWI913.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI914.spl] loaded, 346 bytes override/SPWI914.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI914.spl, 346 bytes Copied [SPWI914.spl] to [override/SPWI914.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI915.spl] to [override/SPWI915.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI916.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI918.spl] to [override/SPWI918.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI921.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI922.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI928.spl] loaded, 682 bytes override/SPWI928.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI928.spl, 682 bytes Copied [SPWI928.spl] to [override/SPWI928.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI929.spl] to [override/SPWI929.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI930.spl] to [override/SPWI930.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI931.spl] to [override/SPWI931.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI940.spl] to [override/SPWI940.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI943.spl] to [override/SPWI943.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI950.spl] to [override/SPWI950.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI952.spl] to [override/SPWI952.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI953.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI953.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI953.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI953.spl] to [override/SPWI953.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI954.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes override/SPWI954.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI954.spl, 1066 bytes Copied [SPWI954.spl] to [override/SPWI954.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI955.spl] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPWI955.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI955.spl, 394 bytes Copied [SPWI955.spl] to [override/SPWI955.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI956.spl] to [override/SPWI956.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI957.spl] loaded, 298 bytes override/SPWI957.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI957.spl, 298 bytes Copied [SPWI957.spl] to [override/SPWI957.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI958.spl] to [override/SPWI958.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI959.spl] to [override/SPWI959.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI960.spl] to [override/SPWI960.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI966.spl] loaded, 666 bytes override/SPWI966.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI966.spl, 666 bytes Copied [SPWI966.spl] to [override/SPWI966.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI979.spl] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPWI979.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI979.spl, 394 bytes Copied [SPWI979.spl] to [override/SPWI979.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI982.spl] to [override/SPWI982.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI995.spl] to [override/SPWI995.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI997.spl] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPWI997.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SPWI997.spl, 394 bytes Copied [SPWI997.spl] to [override/SPWI997.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI998.spl] to [override/SPWI998.spl] [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 3061 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5730 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA127.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA127.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA127.ITM] to [override/CDIA127.ITM] [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA128.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA128.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA128.ITM] to [override/CDIA128.ITM] [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA225.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA225.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA225.ITM] to [override/CDIA225.ITM] [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA226.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA226.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA226.ITM] to [override/CDIA226.ITM] [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA228.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA228.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA228.ITM] to [override/CDIA228.ITM] [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA229.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA229.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA229.ITM] to [override/CDIA229.ITM] [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA323.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA323.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA323.ITM] to [override/CDIA323.ITM] [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA327.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA327.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA327.ITM] to [override/CDIA327.ITM] [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA422.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA422.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA422.ITM] to [override/CDIA422.ITM] [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA426.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA426.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA426.ITM] to [override/CDIA426.ITM] [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA427.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA427.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA427.ITM] to [override/CDIA427.ITM] [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA428.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA428.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA428.ITM] to [override/CDIA428.ITM] [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA429.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA429.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA429.ITM] to [override/CDIA429.ITM] [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA430.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA430.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA430.ITM] to [override/CDIA430.ITM] [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA431.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA431.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA431.ITM] to [override/CDIA431.ITM] [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA432.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA432.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA432.ITM] to [override/CDIA432.ITM] [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA524.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA524.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA524.ITM] to [override/CDIA524.ITM] [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA526.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA526.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA526.ITM] to [override/CDIA526.ITM] [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA527.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA527.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA527.ITM] to [override/CDIA527.ITM] [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA610.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA610.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA610.ITM] to [override/CDIA610.ITM] [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA627.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA627.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA627.ITM] to [override/CDIA627.ITM] [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA628.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA628.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA628.ITM] to [override/CDIA628.ITM] [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA629.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA629.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA629.ITM] to [override/CDIA629.ITM] [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA631.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA631.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA631.ITM] to [override/CDIA631.ITM] [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA632.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA632.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA632.ITM] to [override/CDIA632.ITM] [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA633.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA633.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA633.ITM] to [override/CDIA633.ITM] [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA706.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA706.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA706.ITM] to [override/CDIA706.ITM] [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA725.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA725.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA725.ITM] to [override/CDIA725.ITM] [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA726.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA726.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA726.ITM] to [override/CDIA726.ITM] [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA727.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA727.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA727.ITM] to [override/CDIA727.ITM] [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA819.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA819.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA819.ITM] to [override/CDIA819.ITM] [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA821.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA821.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA821.ITM] to [override/CDIA821.ITM] [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA901.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA901.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA901.ITM] to [override/CDIA901.ITM] [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA904.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA904.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA904.ITM] to [override/CDIA904.ITM] [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA906.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA906.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA906.ITM] to [override/CDIA906.ITM] [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA966.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/CDIA966.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA966.ITM] to [override/CDIA966.ITM] [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1026 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4674 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 3954 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1266 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2514 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes Copied [SCRL1B.ITM] to [override/SCRL1B.ITM] Copied [SCRL1C.ITM] to [override/SCRL1C.ITM] Copied [SCRL1F.ITM] to [override/SCRL1F.ITM] Copied [SCRL1G.ITM] to [override/SCRL1G.ITM] Copied [SCRL1I.ITM] to [override/SCRL1I.ITM] Copied [SCRL1J.ITM] to [override/SCRL1J.ITM] Copied [SCRL1K.ITM] to [override/SCRL1K.ITM] [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1L.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL1L.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1L.ITM] to [override/SCRL1L.ITM] Copied [SCRL1P.ITM] to [override/SCRL1P.ITM] Copied [SCRL1Q.ITM] to [override/SCRL1Q.ITM] Copied [SCRL1S.ITM] to [override/SCRL1S.ITM] Copied [SCRL1T.ITM] to [override/SCRL1T.ITM] Copied [SCRL1U.ITM] to [override/SCRL1U.ITM] Copied [SCRL1X.ITM] to [override/SCRL1X.ITM] Copied [SCRL1Y.ITM] to [override/SCRL1Y.ITM] [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL2A.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL2A.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL2A.ITM] to [override/SCRL2A.ITM] Copied [SCRL2D.ITM] to [override/SCRL2D.ITM] Copied [SCRL2E.ITM] to [override/SCRL2E.ITM] Copied [SCRL2F.ITM] to [override/SCRL2F.ITM] [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL2G.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL2G.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL2G.ITM] to [override/SCRL2G.ITM] Copied [SCRL2H.ITM] to [override/SCRL2H.ITM] [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5H.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL5H.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5H.ITM] to [override/SCRL5H.ITM] Copied [SCRL5I.ITM] to [override/SCRL5I.ITM] Copied [SCRL5K.ITM] to [override/SCRL5K.ITM] Copied [SCRL5N.ITM] to [override/SCRL5N.ITM] Copied [SCRL5O.ITM] to [override/SCRL5O.ITM] Copied [SCRL5P.ITM] to [override/SCRL5P.ITM] Copied [SCRL5Q.ITM] to [override/SCRL5Q.ITM] Copied [SCRL5U.ITM] to [override/SCRL5U.ITM] Copied [SCRL5W.ITM] to [override/SCRL5W.ITM] Copied [SCRL5X.ITM] to [override/SCRL5X.ITM] Copied [SCRL5Y.ITM] to [override/SCRL5Y.ITM] Copied [SCRL5Z.ITM] to [override/SCRL5Z.ITM] [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [SCRL66.ITM] to [override/SCRL66.ITM] Copied [SCRL67.ITM] to [override/SCRL67.ITM] Copied [SCRL69.ITM] to [override/SCRL69.ITM] Copied [SCRL6D.ITM] to [override/SCRL6D.ITM] [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6E.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL6E.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6E.ITM] to [override/SCRL6E.ITM] Copied [SCRL6F.ITM] to [override/SCRL6F.ITM] Copied [SCRL6L.ITM] to [override/SCRL6L.ITM] Copied [SCRL6M.ITM] to [override/SCRL6M.ITM] Copied [SCRL6P.ITM] to [override/SCRL6P.ITM] Copied [SCRL6R.ITM] to [override/SCRL6R.ITM] [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6X.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL6X.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6X.ITM] to [override/SCRL6X.ITM] Copied [SCRL6Z.ITM] to [override/SCRL6Z.ITM] Copied [SCRL71.ITM] to [override/SCRL71.ITM] Copied [SCRL72.ITM] to [override/SCRL72.ITM] Copied [SCRL77.ITM] to [override/SCRL77.ITM] Copied [SCRL79.ITM] to [override/SCRL79.ITM] [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7B.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL7B.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7B.ITM] to [override/SCRL7B.ITM] [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7C.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL7C.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7C.ITM] to [override/SCRL7C.ITM] Copied [SCRL7E.ITM] to [override/SCRL7E.ITM] Copied [SCRL7I.ITM] to [override/SCRL7I.ITM] Copied [SCRL7K.ITM] to [override/SCRL7K.ITM] [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7P.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL7P.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7P.ITM] to [override/SCRL7P.ITM] Copied [SCRL7S.ITM] to [override/SCRL7S.ITM] Copied [SCRL7U.ITM] to [override/SCRL7U.ITM] Copied [SCRL7W.ITM] to [override/SCRL7W.ITM] [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7X.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL7X.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7X.ITM] to [override/SCRL7X.ITM] [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7Y.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL7Y.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7Y.ITM] to [override/SCRL7Y.ITM] [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7Z.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL7Z.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7Z.ITM] to [override/SCRL7Z.ITM] Copied [SCRL81.ITM] to [override/SCRL81.ITM] Copied [SCRL82.ITM] to [override/SCRL82.ITM] Copied [SCRL83.ITM] to [override/SCRL83.ITM] Copied [SCRL84.ITM] to [override/SCRL84.ITM] Copied [SCRL85.ITM] to [override/SCRL85.ITM] Copied [SCRL89.ITM] to [override/SCRL89.ITM] Copied [SCRL8A.ITM] to [override/SCRL8A.ITM] Copied [SCRL8B.ITM] to [override/SCRL8B.ITM] Copied [SCRL8F.ITM] to [override/SCRL8F.ITM] [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8I.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL8I.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8I.ITM] to [override/SCRL8I.ITM] Copied [SCRL8L.ITM] to [override/SCRL8L.ITM] Copied [SCRL8N.ITM] to [override/SCRL8N.ITM] Copied [SCRL8O.ITM] to [override/SCRL8O.ITM] Copied [SCRL8P.ITM] to [override/SCRL8P.ITM] [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8Q.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL8Q.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8Q.ITM] to [override/SCRL8Q.ITM] Copied [SCRL8R.ITM] to [override/SCRL8R.ITM] Copied [SCRL8S.ITM] to [override/SCRL8S.ITM] Copied [SCRL8T.ITM] to [override/SCRL8T.ITM] Copied [SCRL8U.ITM] to [override/SCRL8U.ITM] Copied [SCRL8V.ITM] to [override/SCRL8V.ITM] Copied [SCRL8W.ITM] to [override/SCRL8W.ITM] Copied [SCRL8Z.ITM] to [override/SCRL8Z.ITM] Copied [SCRL90.ITM] to [override/SCRL90.ITM] Copied [SCRL93.ITM] to [override/SCRL93.ITM] Copied [SCRL95.ITM] to [override/SCRL95.ITM] Copied [SCRL96.ITM] to [override/SCRL96.ITM] Copied [SCRL97.ITM] to [override/SCRL97.ITM] Copied [SCRL99.ITM] to [override/SCRL99.ITM] [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9B.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL9B.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9B.ITM] to [override/SCRL9B.ITM] Copied [SCRL9D.ITM] to [override/SCRL9D.ITM] Copied [SCRL9E.ITM] to [override/SCRL9E.ITM] [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9F.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL9F.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9F.ITM] to [override/SCRL9F.ITM] Copied [SCRL9G.ITM] to [override/SCRL9G.ITM] Copied [SCRL9H.ITM] to [override/SCRL9H.ITM] [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9J.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL9J.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9J.ITM] to [override/SCRL9J.ITM] [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9N.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL9N.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9N.ITM] to [override/SCRL9N.ITM] Copied [SCRL9Q.ITM] to [override/SCRL9Q.ITM] Copied [SCRL9T.ITM] to [override/SCRL9T.ITM] [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9U.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRL9U.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9U.ITM] to [override/SCRL9U.ITM] Copied [SCRL9V.ITM] to [override/SCRL9V.ITM] Copied [SCRL9W.ITM] to [override/SCRL9W.ITM] Copied [SCRL9X.ITM] to [override/SCRL9X.ITM] Copied [SCRLA2.ITM] to [override/SCRLA2.ITM] Copied [SCRLA3.ITM] to [override/SCRLA3.ITM] Copied [SCRLA5.ITM] to [override/SCRLA5.ITM] Copied [SCRLA6.ITM] to [override/SCRLA6.ITM] Copied [SCRLA8.ITM] to [override/SCRLA8.ITM] Copied [SCRLAI.ITM] to [override/SCRLAI.ITM] Copied [SCRLAL.ITM] to [override/SCRLAL.ITM] Copied [SCRLAM.ITM] to [override/SCRLAM.ITM] Copied [SCRLAN.ITM] to [override/SCRLAN.ITM] [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLAO.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRLAO.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLAO.ITM] to [override/SCRLAO.ITM] [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLAP.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40753/SCRLAP.ITM, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLAP.ITM] to [override/SCRLAP.ITM] Copied [SCRLAR.ITM] to [override/SCRLAR.ITM] Copied [SCRLB1.ITM] to [override/SCRLB1.ITM] Copied [SCRLB2.ITM] to [override/SCRLB2.ITM] [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3914 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3906 bytes [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/STAF01.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF06.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/STAF07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/STAF08.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF09.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2530 bytes [./override/STAF11.ITM] loaded, 2394 bytes [./override/STAF12.ITM] loaded, 1146 bytes [./override/STAF13.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF14.ITM] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/STAF15.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF16.ITM] loaded, 1338 bytes [./override/STAF17.ITM] loaded, 1002 bytes [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [TTSCRL01.ITM] to [override/TTSCRL01.ITM] Copied [TTSCRL02.ITM] to [override/TTSCRL02.ITM] [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Already Asked About [Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details)] Already Asked About [Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details)] Already Asked About [Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details)] Install Component [Require speciality mages to memorize at least one spell per level from their speciality school]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Require speciality mages to memorize at least one spell per level from their speciality school] Install Component [Speciality mages automatically get one speciality spell at each level (where possible)]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Speciality mages automatically get one speciality spell at each level (where possible)] Install Component [Allow multiclassed and dual-classed mages to become specialists and wild mages]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [Allow multiclassed and dual-classed mages to become specialists and wild mages] Install Component [Bloodlines for sorcerers]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Bloodlines for sorcerers] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-bloodlines.mrk] Including and running function(s) bloodlines [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/bloodlines.tra] has 53 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/bloodlines.tpa] loaded, 4747 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/bloodlines.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/bloodlines.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-multischool-spells-adjusted.mrk] [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI514.spl] to [override/SPWI514.spl] [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes override/SPWI418.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI418.spl, 12770 bytes Copied [SPWI418.spl] to [override/SPWI418.spl] [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes override/SPWI403.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI403.spl, 12770 bytes Copied [SPWI403.spl] to [override/SPWI403.spl] [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI614.spl] to [override/SPWI614.spl] [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI325.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes override/SPWI325.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI325.spl, 3826 bytes Copied [SPWI325.spl] to [override/SPWI325.spl] [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI603.spl] loaded, 8250 bytes override/SPWI603.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI603.spl, 8250 bytes Copied [SPWI603.spl] to [override/SPWI603.spl] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-school-lists-defined.mrk] Copying and patching 388 files ... [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 10514 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI103.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI104.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI106.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI107.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI112.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI116.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI117.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI119.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI119A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI120.SPL] loaded, 2834 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI123.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI125.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI127.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI128B.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI201.SPL] loaded, 10338 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI205.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI206.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI209.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI211.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI212.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI213.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI217.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI218.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI220.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI223.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI228.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI229B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI298.SPL] loaded, 658 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI299.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI303.SPL] loaded, 2194 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI304.SPL] loaded, 1554 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI306.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI307.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI312A.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI313.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI314.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI316.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI324.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI325.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI328.SPL] loaded, 3058 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI399.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI401.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes [./override/SPWI405.SPL] loaded, 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[weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 439 bytes weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/dw_spell_list_names.txt, 439 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 15113 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 15113 bytes override/m_dw_ssd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/m_dw_ssd.lua, 15113 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 464 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 15829 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 15829 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 491 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 16499 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 16499 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 516 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 16779 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 16779 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 543 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 17290 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 17290 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 564 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 17659 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 17659 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 589 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 18446 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 18446 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 614 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 18942 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 18942 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 639 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 19551 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI514.spl] loaded, 4050 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 19551 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 694 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 19737 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI617.spl] loaded, 522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI710.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI809.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI908.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 19737 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 751 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 19985 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 19985 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 806 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 20171 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI525.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 20171 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 863 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 20359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI603.spl] loaded, 8250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI614.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 20359 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 918 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 20600 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 20600 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [misc01.itm] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#elementalist_spell_lists.mrk] [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hidespl.2da] loaded, 5602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI701.spl] loaded, 5098 bytes opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI901.spl] loaded, 378 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI102.spl] loaded, 442 bytes opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=115, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=81, earth=0 opcode=77, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=58, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI502.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=55, earth=0 opcode=55, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI902.spl] loaded, 826 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 opcode=259, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI303.spl] loaded, 2194 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI603.spl] loaded, 8250 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI703.spl] loaded, 1738 bytes opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=29, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=31, earth=0 opcode=27, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=29, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=31, earth=0 opcode=27, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=29, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=31, earth=0 opcode=27, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=29, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=31, earth=0 opcode=27, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=29, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=31, earth=0 opcode=27, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI903.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI104.spl] loaded, 538 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=5, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI304.spl] loaded, 1554 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA82.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=265, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA82.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=265, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA82.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=265, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA82.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=265, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA82.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=265, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA82.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=265, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI504.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=134, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI804.spl] loaded, 1274 bytes opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=236, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904B.spl] loaded, 1098 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA95.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA95.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA95.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=39, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI205.spl] loaded, 490 bytes opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI305A.spl] loaded, 8434 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=93, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI405.spl] loaded, 5378 bytes opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI605.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=148, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#605B.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=148, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#605A.spl] loaded, 442 bytes opcode=55, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI705.spl] loaded, 778 bytes opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI905.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#HLBA.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#HLBA.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI106.spl] loaded, 490 bytes opcode=74, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI206.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=20, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI306.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=175, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.spl] loaded, 15458 bytes opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=102, earth=0 opcode=102, earth=0 opcode=102, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=155, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=102, earth=0 opcode=102, earth=0 opcode=102, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=155, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 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[./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 954 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906B.spl] loaded, 634 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA96.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906B.spl] loaded, 634 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA96.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906B.spl] loaded, 634 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA96.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI707.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#HLBF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI807.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#HLCO.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI907.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI108.spl] loaded, 586 bytes opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=115, earth=0 opcode=115, earth=0 opcode=115, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=218, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI508.spl] loaded, 2578 bytes opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI808.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI908.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=234, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI209.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=277, earth=0 opcode=276, earth=0 opcode=275, earth=0 opcode=92, earth=0 opcode=91, earth=0 opcode=90, earth=0 opcode=59, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=133, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI309.spl] loaded, 1522 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI409.spl] loaded, 586 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=78, earth=0 opcode=78, earth=0 opcode=78, earth=0 opcode=78, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI509.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=76, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI609.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR950.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=169, earth=0 opcode=296, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=116, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI809.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=257, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=231, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=21, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI210.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=296, earth=0 opcode=23, earth=0 opcode=161, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=169, earth=0 opcode=106, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=69, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=26, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=214, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI610.spl] loaded, 906 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI710.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=257, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI810.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA94.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA94.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA94.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA94.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA94.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=211, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=63, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI211.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI311.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=156, earth=0 opcode=8, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 opcode=83, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 586 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI511.spl] loaded, 9234 bytes opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.spl] loaded, 874 bytes opcode=120, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI711.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=172, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=128, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=109, earth=0 opcode=238, earth=0 opcode=17, earth=0 opcode=39, earth=0 opcode=222, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI711A.spl] loaded, 442 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI811.spl] loaded, 1098 bytes opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI911.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI112.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI312.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312A.spl] loaded, 682 bytes opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG16.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=40, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI412.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=33, earth=0 opcode=34, earth=0 opcode=35, earth=0 opcode=36, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=38, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI712.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA92.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI912.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=209, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI113.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=219, earth=0 opcode=100, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI213.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=39, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI313.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI513.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613.spl] loaded, 3930 bytes opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI613A.spl] loaded, 4362 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW_NEG40.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=16, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI713.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=55, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI813.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=213, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI913.spl] loaded, 442 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=55, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI114.spl] loaded, 874 bytes opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI214.spl] loaded, 9474 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=97, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI314.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, 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Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI414.spl] loaded, 682 bytes opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=282, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=7, earth=0 opcode=9, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=37, earth=0 opcode=148, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=31, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI514.spl] loaded, 4050 bytes opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=166, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI614.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=1 opcode=177, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI714.spl] loaded, 922 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=134, earth=0 opcode=76, earth=0 opcode=238, earth=0 opcode=74, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI914.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=216, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI215.spl] loaded, 778 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=157, earth=0 opcode=109, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI718.spl] loaded, 730 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI818.spl] loaded, 538 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=176, earth=0 opcode=235, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=337, earth=0 opcode=39, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI119A.spl] loaded, 1514 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=169, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=48, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI319.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=84, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=30, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=230, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI519.spl] loaded, 4834 bytes opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=226, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI619.spl] loaded, 906 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI719.spl] loaded, 818 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=39, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=13, earth=0 opcode=13, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=80, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=80, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI220.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=217, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=50, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI320.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=85, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=28, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=257, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI620.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPFIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPFIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPFIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPFIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPFIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPAIR3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI821.spl] loaded, 554 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI222.spl] loaded, 1994 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=281, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=281, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=281, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=281, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=281, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=220, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=221, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#BELTYN.spl] loaded, 394 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=3, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI522.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=233, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=200, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI622.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPEART3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPEART3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI822.spl] loaded, 794 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI123.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=192, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI223.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=80, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=45, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI423.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/DWEVA89.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA89.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA89.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA89.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI623.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524B.spl] loaded, 19634 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI524C.spl] loaded, 202 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#SOFLAMC.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[./override/SPWI624.spl] loaded, 906 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.spl] loaded, 538 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=1, earth=0 opcode=146, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724A.spl] loaded, 298 bytes opcode=0, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=176, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI125.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225B.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225C.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225B.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225C.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225B.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225C.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225B.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225C.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225B.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225C.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225B.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA78.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225C.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA79.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI325.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI525.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=43, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI725.spl] loaded, 730 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI126.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=126, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=169, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 opcode=267, earth=0 opcode=169, earth=0 opcode=101, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=144, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=145, earth=0 opcode=1, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI226.spl] loaded, 3426 bytes opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=81, earth=0 opcode=58, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DESTSELF.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=77, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.spl] loaded, 874 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 opcode=18, earth=0 opcode=23, earth=0 opcode=240, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=161, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI726.spl] loaded, 1738 bytes opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 3794 bytes opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI227.spl] loaded, 6882 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=328, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI327.spl] loaded, 3722 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 730 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=325, earth=0 opcode=23, earth=0 opcode=54, earth=0 opcode=73, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI527.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI627.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI727.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA93.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128B.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128B.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128B.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128B.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128B.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA77.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA80.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA80.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA80.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA80.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA80.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA80.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 3058 bytes opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 634 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=24, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI528.spl] loaded, 586 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=235, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=185, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=324, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI628B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=44, earth=0 opcode=15, earth=0 opcode=10, earth=0 opcode=67, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes opcode=335, earth=0 opcode=335, earth=0 opcode=335, earth=0 opcode=335, earth=0 opcode=335, earth=0 opcode=335, earth=0 opcode=335, earth=0 opcode=336, earth=0 opcode=206, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229B.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=333, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429B.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI629.spl] loaded, 442 bytes opcode=321, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/#TROLLIS.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=142, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 538 bytes opcode=165, earth=0 opcode=142, earth=0 opcode=80, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA87.spl] loaded, 250 bytes opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=139, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes opcode=215, earth=0 opcode=318, earth=0 opcode=326, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Y.spl] loaded, 466 bytes opcode=12, earth=0 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Y.spl] loaded, 466 bytes opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Y.spl] loaded, 466 bytes opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Y.spl] loaded, 466 bytes opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Y.spl] loaded, 466 bytes opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=215, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Y.spl] loaded, 466 bytes opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=12, earth=1 opcode=142, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=326, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431Z.spl] loaded, 346 bytes opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=318, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 opcode=321, earth=1 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI631.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=111, earth=0 opcode=141, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 opcode=61, earth=0 opcode=174, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI432.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI632.spl] loaded, 906 bytes opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 opcode=331, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI633.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT1.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT2.eff] loaded, 272 bytes opcode=177, earth=0 Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#WAT3.eff] loaded, 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI706.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI211.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI614.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI108.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 3794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI224.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI101.spl] loaded, 10514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 3058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI517.spl] loaded, 5298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI622.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 973 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 21238 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI706.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI211.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI614.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI108.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 3794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI224.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI101.spl] loaded, 10514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 3058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI517.spl] loaded, 5298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI622.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 21238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 993 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 21602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 21602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI213.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI502.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI512.spl] loaded, 4626 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI718.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1040 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 21787 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI213.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI502.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI512.spl] loaded, 4626 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI718.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 21787 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1056 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 22083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 22083 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI303.spl] loaded, 2194 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI304.spl] loaded, 1554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI810.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI911.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI712.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI217.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI523.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI319.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI325.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI620.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI717.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1099 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 22264 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI303.spl] loaded, 2194 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI304.spl] loaded, 1554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI810.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI911.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI712.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI217.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI523.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI319.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI325.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI620.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI717.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 22264 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1117 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 22610 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 22610 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI117.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI320.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI633.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI812.spl] loaded, 2234 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1162 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 22793 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI117.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI320.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI633.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI812.spl] loaded, 2234 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 22793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1182 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23086 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 23086 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI706.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI211.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI614.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI431.spl] loaded, 4098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI108.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 3794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI224.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI101.spl] loaded, 10514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 3058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI521.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI517.spl] loaded, 5298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI622.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI213.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI430.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI502.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI512.spl] loaded, 4626 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI621.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI718.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI724.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI819.spl] loaded, 970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI303.spl] loaded, 2194 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI304.spl] loaded, 1554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI810.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI911.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI712.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI217.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI422.spl] loaded, 3506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI523.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI524.spl] loaded, 5434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI319.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI325.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI516.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI620.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI717.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI403.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI117.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI320.spl] loaded, 7666 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI526.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI633.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI812.spl] loaded, 2234 bytes Including and running function(s) one_fewer_spell Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/one_fewer_spell.tpa] loaded, 557 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/one_fewer_spell.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/one_fewer_spell.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) copying to override/dw-lsspl.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4660 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-lsspl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-lsspl.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-lsspl.spl] to [override/dw-l2spl.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/mageschools_shared.tph] loaded, 11450 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/mageschools_shared.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/mageschools_shared.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#kits_labelled_for_ak.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dw-akl1.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit ABJURER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA02.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA02.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA02.2da] to [override/CLABMA02.2da] ...done Creating file dw-akl2.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit CONJURER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA06.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA06.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA06.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA06.2da] to [override/CLABMA06.2da] ...done Creating file dw-akl3.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit DIVINER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA05.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA05.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA05.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA05.2da] to [override/CLABMA05.2da] ...done Creating file dw-akl4.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit ENCHANTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA09.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA09.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA09.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA09.2da] to [override/CLABMA09.2da] ...done Creating file dw-akl5.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit ILLUSIONIST... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA08.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA08.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA08.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA08.2da] to [override/CLABMA08.2da] ...done Creating file dw-akl6.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl6.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit INVOKER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA07.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA07.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA07.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA07.2da] to [override/CLABMA07.2da] ...done Creating file dw-akl7.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl7.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit NECROMANCER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA03.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA03.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA03.2da] to [override/CLABMA03.2da] ...done Creating file dw-akl8.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-akl8.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Editing kit TRANSMUTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA04.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLABMA04.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA04.2da] to [override/CLABMA04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/data/bloodlines.ini] loaded, 3222 bytes copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_SHADOWED Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_SHADOWED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO2.2da] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 30 bytes override/K_S_H.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/K_S_H.2da, 30 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 30 bytes override/K_S_D.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/K_S_D.2da, 30 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 30 bytes override/K_S_G.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/K_S_G.2da, 30 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 30 bytes override/K_S_E.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/K_S_E.2da, 30 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 30 bytes override/K_S_HE.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/K_S_HE.2da, 30 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 30 bytes override/K_S_HL.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/K_S_HL.2da, 30 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 30 bytes override/K_S_HO.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/K_S_HO.2da, 30 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO02.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO02.2da] to [override/CLABSO02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 26955 bytes override/25stweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/25stweap.2da, 26955 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 7615 bytes override/abclasrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/abclasrq.2da, 7615 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 11313 bytes override/alignmnt.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/alignmnt.2da, 11313 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14262 bytes override/clastext.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/clastext.2da, 14262 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 8837 bytes override/clsrcreq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/clsrcreq.2da, 8837 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7050 bytes override/kitlist.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/kitlist.2da, 7050 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1526 bytes override/luabbr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/luabbr.2da, 1526 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1373 bytes override/numwslot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/numwslot.2da, 1373 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 82022 bytes override/weapprof.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/weapprof.2da, 82022 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14454 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 1970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI117.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI201.spl] loaded, 10338 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI428.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI632.spl] loaded, 906 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI701.spl] loaded, 5098 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI815.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI914.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 1970 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 1970 bytes override/m_dw_bsd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/m_dw_bsd.lua, 1970 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgw117.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw117.spl] Creating file dwgw201.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw201.spl] Creating file dwgw312.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw312.spl] Creating file dwgw428.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw428.spl] Creating file dwgw505.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw505.spl] Creating file dwgw632.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw632.spl] Creating file dwgw701.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw701.spl] Creating file dwgw815.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw815.spl] Creating file dwgw914.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw914.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 28724 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1614 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1441 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_SHADOWED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO02.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO02.2da] to [override/CLABSO02.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23271 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23271 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23271 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23436 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23436 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23436 bytes weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/weidu_external.workspace.m_dw_ssd.lua, 13250 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23436 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14454 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 761 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 761 bytes override/m_dw_vcd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/m_dw_vcd.lua, 761 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_FEY Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_FEY... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 28724 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8100 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 7970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 12046 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 7734 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 10126 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2596 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 9404 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4121 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1684 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1614 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1441 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 11405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 83334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1614 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO3.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 906 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 906 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 83334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO03.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO03.2da] to [override/CLABSO03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 28724 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8100 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 7970 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 12046 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 7734 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 10126 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14454 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2596 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 9404 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4121 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1684 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1614 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1441 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 11405 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 83334 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14646 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14646 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 5478 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#EVASION.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/#PALDISE.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/#PALFEAR.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH01.SPL] loaded, 1106 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5730 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes 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[./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CH3AWAY.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1026 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DRGRBRHT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2842 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWW.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AKL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL8.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-ASBA.SPL] loaded, 3626 bytes [./override/DW-ASWW.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-DSB1.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB2.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB3.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB4.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBA.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSBT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSWI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FESHR.SPL] loaded, 5530 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-HEGL.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-L2SPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-LSSPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-OLHIS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-RINE.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/DW-SAHS.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SAWY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SGH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SMBC.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBG.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBO.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCA.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCP.SPL] loaded, 10794 bytes [./override/DW-SMCS.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGC.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMOP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMPL.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRC.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRM.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRU.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMUH.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMUP.SPL] loaded, 5034 bytes [./override/DW-SOH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SORB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SPCP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SSA1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSA2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSE1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSE2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSF1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSF2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSHE.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3946 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3562 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SSW1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSW2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSWB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-TALB.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/DW-WEAU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WEDR.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/DW-WEQU.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-WESM.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWEVA0.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA100.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA101.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA102.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA103.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA104.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA105.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA106.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA107.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA108.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA110.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA111.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA113.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA114.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA116.SPL] 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[./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 9546 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1266 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBCALLL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes 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loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHJWSP01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/OHRGROG.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2514 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1T.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5O.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL66.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL67.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL69.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6M.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6R.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL71.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL72.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL77.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL79.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL81.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL82.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL83.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL84.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL85.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL89.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8A.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8O.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8R.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8T.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8V.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL90.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL93.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL95.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL96.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL97.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL99.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9E.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9G.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9T.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9V.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9X.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA2.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA3.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA5.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA6.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA8.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAI.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAL.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAM.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAN.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAR.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLB1.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLB2.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPBLUN29.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPCL212.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL239A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 4186 bytes [./override/SPCL411.SPL] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4522 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3450 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 2914 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1530 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL814.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL911B.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPCRYO01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCTMD01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPDR601.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3914 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIMIXD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes [./override/SPIN142.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN539.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN547.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN579.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN595.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN596.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN597.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN691.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN693.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN701.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 14786 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN819.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPIN833.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN834.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN885.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN897.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN936.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN939.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN944.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN956.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN989.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPOGRE01.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR106.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPPR119.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/SPPR120.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR121.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR201.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR204.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR207.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR208.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR213.SPL] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes [./override/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR250A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR301.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPPR302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/SPPR304.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPPR305.SPL] loaded, 4594 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR307.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes 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loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR516.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 25938 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR601.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR606.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR609.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR612.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR614.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR698D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR707.SPL] loaded, 3418 bytes [./override/SPPR708.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR710A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR712.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR715A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR724.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR729.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR731.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR732.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR741.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR741B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR742.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR987.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR999.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPRA301A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3906 bytes [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/SPWI001.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI002.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI009.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI015.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI017.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI018.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI101.SPL] loaded, 10514 bytes [./override/SPWI102.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI103.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI104.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI106.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI107.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/SPWI108.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI112.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI116.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/SPWI117.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI119.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI119A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPWI120.SPL] loaded, 2834 bytes [./override/SPWI123.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI125.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPWI127.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPWI128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI128B.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI201.SPL] loaded, 10338 bytes [./override/SPWI205.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI206.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI209.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI211.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI212.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI213.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI217.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI218.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI220.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI223.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI228.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI298.SPL] loaded, 658 bytes [./override/SPWI299.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI303.SPL] loaded, 2194 bytes [./override/SPWI304.SPL] loaded, 1554 bytes [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPWI306.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI307.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] 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298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI710.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPWI711A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI712.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI713.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI714.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWI715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI716.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI717.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI718.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI719.SPL] loaded, 818 bytes [./override/SPWI720.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPWI721.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI809.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI810.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI813.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI816.SPL] loaded, 1242 bytes [./override/SPWI817.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI818.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI822.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI888.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI897.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI898.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI899.SPL] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI904.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI904B.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI906.SPL] loaded, 954 bytes [./override/SPWI906B.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI908.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI911.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI912.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI914.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI915.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI918.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI922.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI929.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI930.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI931.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI940.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI943.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI950.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI952.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI953.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI956.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI957.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI958.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI959.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI960.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI966.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/SPWI979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI982.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI995.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI998.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH2A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH3A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH3B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4F.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM112A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM115A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWM164A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPYANC01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPYANCD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/STAF01.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF06.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/STAF07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/STAF08.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF09.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2530 bytes [./override/STAF11.ITM] loaded, 2394 bytes [./override/STAF12.ITM] loaded, 1146 bytes [./override/STAF13.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF14.ITM] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/STAF15.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF16.ITM] loaded, 1338 bytes [./override/STAF17.ITM] loaded, 1002 bytes [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H27.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TTSCRL01.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/TTSCRL02.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR704.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BODHI.ITM] to [override/BODHI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CHWRAITH.ITM] to [override/CHWRAITH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes override/DEMSUC01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/DEMSUC01.ITM, 746 bytes Copied [DEMSUC01.ITM] to [override/DEMSUC01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes override/GORFIRG.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/GORFIRG.ITM, 3186 bytes Copied [GORFIRG.ITM] to [override/GORFIRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes override/GORJELFU.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/GORJELFU.ITM, 2946 bytes Copied [GORJELFU.ITM] to [override/GORJELFU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes override/GORJELGR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/GORJELGR.ITM, 2946 bytes Copied [GORJELGR.ITM] to [override/GORJELGR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes override/GORMISTI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/GORMISTI.ITM, 3186 bytes Copied [GORMISTI.ITM] to [override/GORMISTI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes override/GORWOM1.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/GORWOM1.ITM, 938 bytes Copied [GORWOM1.ITM] to [override/GORWOM1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [HGNYMPH.ITM] to [override/HGNYMPH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes override/HGWRA01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/HGWRA01.ITM, 842 bytes Copied [HGWRA01.ITM] to [override/HGWRA01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [INNOC2.ITM] to [override/INNOC2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OBJRING.ITM] to [override/OBJRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHHWRSW.ITM] to [override/OHHWRSW.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes override/PLYJELLY.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/PLYJELLY.ITM, 3386 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RING94.ITM] to [override/RING94.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes override/RING95.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/RING95.ITM, 2994 bytes Copied [RING95.ITM] to [override/RING95.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RING99.ITM] to [override/RING99.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SHALT01.ITM] to [override/SHALT01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SLAYSH01.ITM] to [override/SLAYSH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPECTR.ITM] to [override/SPECTR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes override/SPRNGL03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPRNGL03.ITM, 3618 bytes Copied [SPRNGL03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes override/SPRNGL04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPRNGL04.ITM, 4242 bytes Copied [SPRNGL04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGW04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes override/SPRNGZ05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPRNGZ05.ITM, 5058 bytes Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes override/STALKER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/STALKER.ITM, 2850 bytes Copied [STALKER.ITM] to [override/STALKER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [TELSLAV.ITM] to [override/TELSLAV.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [TELSLAV2.ITM] to [override/TELSLAV2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [TELWRAI.ITM] to [override/TELWRAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [VAMP.ITM] to [override/VAMP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [VAMP1.ITM] to [override/VAMP1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [VAMP2.ITM] to [override/VAMP2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [VAMP3.ITM] to [override/VAMP3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [WIGHT.ITM] to [override/WIGHT.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [WRAITH1.ITM] to [override/WRAITH1.ITM] Copied [SPPR704.spl] to [override/DWPW704.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 3116 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI104.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI206.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI316.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI415.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI508.spl] loaded, 2578 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW704.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI813.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 3116 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 3116 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgw104.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw104.spl] Creating file dwgw206.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw206.spl] Creating file dwgw316.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw316.spl] Creating file dwgw415.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw415.spl] Creating file dwgw508.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw508.spl] Creating file dwgw612.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw612.spl] Creating file dwgx704.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx704.spl] Creating file dwgw813.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw813.spl] Creating file dwgw909.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw909.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 29165 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1639 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1464 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_FEY... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO03.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO03.2da] to [override/CLABSO03.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14646 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23436 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23436 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23436 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23601 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 184 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14646 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 794 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 794 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_CELESTIAL Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_CELESTIAL... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 29165 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 8098 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 12237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 7855 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 10289 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14646 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2633 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 9553 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4186 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1711 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1639 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 11589 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 84629 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1639 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO4.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 930 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 930 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 84629 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO04.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO04.2da] to [override/CLABSO04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 29165 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8229 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 8098 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 12237 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 7855 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 10289 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 14646 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2633 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 9553 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4186 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8998 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1711 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1639 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1464 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 11589 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 84629 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15531 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15531 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 46867 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR101.spl] to [override/DWPW101.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR313.spl] loaded, 6130 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes override/AURSTAF.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/AURSTAF.ITM, 1850 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5730 bytes override/BAZPATRG.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/BAZPATRG.ITM, 5730 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1026 bytes override/CLCK26.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CLCK26.ITM, 1026 bytes Copied [CLCK26.ITM] to [override/CLCK26.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes override/DEMILICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/DEMILICH.ITM, 4242 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2842 bytes override/DW#PMSCR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/DW#PMSCR.SPL, 2842 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4674 bytes override/FSSPIR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/FSSPIR.ITM, 4674 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 3954 bytes override/GORCHR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/GORCHR.ITM, 3954 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes override/HOLDRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/HOLDRING.ITM, 4914 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes override/INVULNER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/INVULNER.ITM, 5058 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 9546 bytes override/JWGLOBE.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/JWGLOBE.SPL, 9546 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes override/LICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/LICH.ITM, 3042 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1266 bytes override/MAGEAMUL.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/MAGEAMUL.ITM, 1266 bytes Copied [MAGEAMUL.ITM] to [override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes override/POTN33.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/POTN33.ITM, 1802 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2514 bytes override/RAKRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/RAKRING.ITM, 2514 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4522 bytes override/SPCL415A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPCL415A.SPL, 4522 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3914 bytes override/SPELLH01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPELLH01.ITM, 3914 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 14786 bytes override/SPIN736.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPIN736.SPL, 14786 bytes Copied [SPIN736.SPL] to [override/SPIN736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 15458 bytes override/SPWI406.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI406.SPL, 15458 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4570 bytes override/SPWI413A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI413A.SPL, 4570 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 10842 bytes override/SPWI602.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI602.SPL, 10842 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 44970 bytes override/SPWI630.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI630.SPL, 44970 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes override/SPWI954.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWI954.SPL, 1066 bytes Copied [SPWI954.SPL] to [override/SPWI954.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes override/SPWM126.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SPWM126.SPL, 1114 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copied [SPPR313.spl] to [override/DWPW313.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR417.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes override/SIMULACR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SIMULACR.SPL, 1258 bytes Copied [SIMULACR.SPL] to [override/SIMULACR.SPL] Copied [SPPR417.spl] to [override/DWPW417.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR504.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR504.spl] to [override/DWPW504.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes override/OHBDTRAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/OHBDTRAI.ITM, 2994 bytes Copied [OHBDTRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes override/OHBETRAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/OHBETRAI.ITM, 2802 bytes Copied [OHBETRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBETRAI.ITM] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 46867 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPPR607.spl] to [override/DWPW607.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR710.spl] loaded, 1258 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4002 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copied [SPPR710.spl] to [override/DWPW710.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 4259 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW101.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI210.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW313.spl] loaded, 6130 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW417.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW504.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW607.spl] loaded, 2170 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW710.spl] loaded, 1258 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.spl] loaded, 3082 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI907.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 4259 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 4259 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgx101.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx101.spl] Creating file dwgw210.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw210.spl] Creating file dwgx313.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx313.spl] Creating file dwgx417.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx417.spl] Creating file dwgx504.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx504.spl] Creating file dwgx607.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx607.spl] Creating file dwgx710.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx710.spl] Creating file dwgw806.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw806.spl] Creating file dwgw907.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw907.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 31013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1551 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_CELESTIAL... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO04.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO04.2da] to [override/CLABSO04.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15531 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23601 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23766 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 802 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15531 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 831 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 831 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_FIENDISH Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_FIENDISH... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 31013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8748 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 8611 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 13013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 8365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 10959 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15531 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2807 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 10157 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4446 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1551 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 12343 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 85935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO05.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1730 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO5.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 960 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 960 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 960 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 960 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 960 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 960 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 960 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 85935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO05.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO05.2da] to [override/CLABSO05.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 31013 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8748 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 8611 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 13013 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 8365 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 10959 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15531 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2807 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 10157 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4446 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9612 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1802 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1730 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1551 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 12343 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 85935 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15732 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15732 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 46909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR116.spl] to [override/DWPW116.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR314.spl] loaded, 7914 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1898 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5778 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes Copied [CLCK26.ITM] to [override/CLCK26.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4290 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2890 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4722 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4050 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 4962 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5106 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 9978 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3090 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1314 bytes Copied [MAGEAMUL.ITM] to [override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1850 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4570 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 3962 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 15458 bytes Copied [SPIN736.SPL] to [override/SPIN736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 16130 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 11274 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 45402 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes Copied [SPWI954.SPL] to [override/SPWI954.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copied [SPPR314.spl] to [override/DWPW314.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3338 bytes override/DW-SSMAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/DW-SSMAI.ITM, 3338 bytes Copied [DW-SSMAI.ITM] to [override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] Copied [SPPR411.spl] to [override/DWPW411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copied [SPPR608.spl] to [override/DWPW608.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4194 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copied [SPPR715.spl] to [override/DWPW715.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 5408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI205.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW314.spl] loaded, 7914 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW411.spl] loaded, 2474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI506.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW608.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW715.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI807.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI915.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 5408 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 5408 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgx116.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx116.spl] Creating file dwgw205.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw205.spl] Creating file dwgx314.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx314.spl] Creating file dwgx411.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx411.spl] Creating file dwgw506.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw506.spl] Creating file dwgx608.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx608.spl] Creating file dwgx715.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx715.spl] Creating file dwgw807.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw807.spl] Creating file dwgw915.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw915.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 31475 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1756 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1575 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_FIENDISH... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO05.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO05.2da] to [override/CLABSO05.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15732 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23766 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23942 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 1116 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15732 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 868 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 868 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_GRAVETOUCHED Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_GRAVETOUCHED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 31475 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8883 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 8745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 13213 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 8496 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 11134 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15732 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 10313 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4514 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1830 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1756 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 12540 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 87234 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1756 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO6.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 989 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 989 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 989 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 989 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 989 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 989 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 989 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 989 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 87234 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO06.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO06.2da] to [override/CLABSO06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 31475 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 8883 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 8745 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 13213 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 8496 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 11134 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 15732 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 2850 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 10313 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 4514 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 9821 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 1830 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1756 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1575 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 12540 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 87234 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18066 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 6556 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI119.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI218.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI314.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI414.spl] loaded, 682 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI501.spl] loaded, 466 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI605.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI713.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI817.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI912.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 6556 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 6556 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgw119.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw119.spl] Creating file dwgw218.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw218.spl] Creating file dwgw314.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw314.spl] Creating file dwgw414.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw414.spl] Creating file dwgw501.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw501.spl] Creating file dwgw605.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw605.spl] Creating file dwgw713.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw713.spl] Creating file dwgw817.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw817.spl] Creating file dwgw912.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw912.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 36284 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1797 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_GRAVETOUCHED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO06.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO06.2da] to [override/CLABSO06.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 23942 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24108 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 1688 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18066 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 905 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 905 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_STORMBORN Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_STORMBORN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 36284 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10224 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10070 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15222 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 9807 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 12850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3288 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 11876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5185 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2056 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 14473 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 88538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1986 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO7.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1022 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1022 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 88538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO07.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO07.2da] to [override/CLABSO07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 36284 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10224 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10070 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15222 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 9807 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 12850 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18066 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3288 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 11876 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5185 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11326 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2056 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 1986 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1797 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 14473 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 88538 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18294 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 7697 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI405.spl] loaded, 5378 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI520.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI718.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI803.spl] loaded, 3674 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI904.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 7697 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 7697 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgw115.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw115.spl] Creating file dwgw228.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw228.spl] Creating file dwgw308.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw308.spl] Creating file dwgw405.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw405.spl] Creating file dwgw520.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw520.spl] Creating file dwgw615.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw615.spl] Creating file dwgw718.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw718.spl] Creating file dwgw803.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw803.spl] Creating file dwgw904.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw904.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 36809 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1824 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_STORMBORN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO07.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO07.2da] to [override/CLABSO07.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24108 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24273 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24273 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24273 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24273 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 1984 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18294 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 942 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 942 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_EFREETI Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_EFREETI... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 36809 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10222 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 9948 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13047 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3335 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12053 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2087 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 14695 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 89835 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2015 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO8.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1052 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1052 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 89835 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO08.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO08.2da] to [override/CLABSO08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 36809 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10377 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10222 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15449 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 9948 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13047 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18294 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3335 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12053 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5262 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11562 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2087 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2015 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1824 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 14695 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 89835 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18522 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 8844 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI206.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI304.spl] loaded, 1554 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI523.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI620.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI717.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI810.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 8844 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 8844 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgw103.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw103.spl] Creating file dwgw304.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw304.spl] Creating file dwgw418.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw418.spl] Creating file dwgw523.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw523.spl] Creating file dwgw620.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw620.spl] Creating file dwgw717.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw717.spl] Creating file dwgw810.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw810.spl] Creating file dwgw919.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw919.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 37334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1851 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_EFREETI... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO08.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO08.2da] to [override/CLABSO08.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24273 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24273 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24273 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24438 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2283 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18522 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 979 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 979 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_RIMEFROST Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_RIMEFROST... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 37334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15676 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10096 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13245 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3383 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12230 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5339 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2118 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1851 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 14918 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 91133 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO09.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2044 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO9.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1080 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1080 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 91133 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO09.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO09.2da] to [override/CLABSO09.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 37334 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10530 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10374 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15676 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10096 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13245 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18522 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3383 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12230 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5339 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 11798 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2118 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2044 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1851 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 14918 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 91133 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18750 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 9884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI702.spl] loaded, 4762 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI804.spl] loaded, 1274 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI906.spl] loaded, 954 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 9884 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 9884 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgw128.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw128.spl] Creating file dwgw225.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw225.spl] Creating file dwgw323.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw323.spl] Creating file dwgw404.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw404.spl] Creating file dwgw503.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw503.spl] Creating file dwgw626.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw626.spl] Creating file dwgw702.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw702.spl] Creating file dwgw804.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw804.spl] Creating file dwgw906.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw906.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 37859 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2073 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1878 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_RIMEFROST... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO09.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO09.2da] to [override/CLABSO09.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24438 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24602 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2486 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18750 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1014 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1014 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] copying SORCERER=>DW_SORCERER_DEEP_EARTH Copying kit SORCERER to kit DW_SORCERER_DEEP_EARTH... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 37859 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10683 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15903 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13447 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3435 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12407 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5416 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2149 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2073 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 92435 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABSO10.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2073 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSO0.2da] to [override/luSO10.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1110 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1110 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 92435 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO10.2da] loaded, 747 bytes Copied [CLABSO10.2da] to [override/CLABSO10.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 37859 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10683 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10526 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 15903 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10250 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13447 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18750 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3435 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12407 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5416 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12034 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2149 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2073 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1878 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15145 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 92435 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 46909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4338 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes override/DW-EESP.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/DW-EESP.SPL, 490 bytes Copied [DW-EESP.SPL] to [override/DW-EESP.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3138 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 45834 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copied [SPPR519.spl] to [override/DWPW519.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR720.spl] loaded, 922 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA67.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA67.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/DWEVA67.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA67.SPL] to [override/DWEVA67.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copied [SPPR720.spl] to [override/DWPW720.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 11037 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI127.spl] loaded, 3794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI211.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI328.spl] loaded, 3058 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW519.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW720.spl] loaded, 922 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI820.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 11037 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 11037 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgw127.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw127.spl] Creating file dwgw211.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw211.spl] Creating file dwgw328.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw328.spl] Creating file dwgw408.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw408.spl] Creating file dwgx519.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx519.spl] Creating file dwgw604.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw604.spl] Creating file dwgx720.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgx720.spl] Creating file dwgw820.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw820.spl] Creating file dwgw910.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgw910.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 38384 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1905 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_DEEP_EARTH... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO10.2da] loaded, 1467 bytes Copied [CLABSO10.2da] to [override/CLABSO10.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24602 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24765 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24765 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24765 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24765 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2673 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1051 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1051 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1088 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1613 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_bloodlines.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL1D.itm] to [override/SCRL1D.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL6K.itm] to [override/SCRL6K.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL6W.itm] to [override/SCRL6W.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL75.itm] to [override/SCRL75.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL76.itm] to [override/SCRL76.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL7M.itm] to [override/SCRL7M.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL86.itm] to [override/SCRL86.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL87.itm] to [override/SCRL87.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL92.itm] to [override/SCRL92.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRLAJ.itm] to [override/SCRLAJ.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRLAQ.itm] to [override/SCRLAQ.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRLZY.itm] to [override/SCRLZY.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRLZZ.itm] to [override/SCRLZZ.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA128.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA128.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA128.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA128.itm] to [override/CDIA128.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA225.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA225.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA225.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA225.itm] to [override/CDIA225.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA226.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA226.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA226.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA226.itm] to [override/CDIA226.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA228.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA228.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA228.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA228.itm] to [override/CDIA228.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA229.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA229.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA229.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA229.itm] to [override/CDIA229.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA323.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA323.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA323.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA323.itm] to [override/CDIA323.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA327.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA327.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA327.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA327.itm] to [override/CDIA327.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA429.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA429.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA429.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA429.itm] to [override/CDIA429.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA430.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA430.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA430.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA430.itm] to [override/CDIA430.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA524.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA524.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA524.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA524.itm] to [override/CDIA524.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA706.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA706.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA706.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA706.itm] to [override/CDIA706.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA726.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA726.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA726.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA726.itm] to [override/CDIA726.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA727.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA727.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA727.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA727.itm] to [override/CDIA727.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA819.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA819.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA819.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA819.itm] to [override/CDIA819.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA904.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA904.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA904.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA904.itm] to [override/CDIA904.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA906.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA906.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA906.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA906.itm] to [override/CDIA906.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1B.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1B.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1B.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1B.itm] to [override/SCRL1B.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1G.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1G.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1G.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1G.itm] to [override/SCRL1G.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1K.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1K.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1K.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1K.itm] to [override/SCRL1K.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL1W.itm] to [override/SCRL1W.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1X.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1X.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1X.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1X.itm] to [override/SCRL1X.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL2E.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL2E.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL2E.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL2E.itm] to [override/SCRL2E.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL2F.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL2F.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL2F.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL2F.itm] to [override/SCRL2F.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5Z.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5Z.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5Z.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5Z.itm] to [override/SCRL5Z.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL6N.itm] to [override/SCRL6N.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6Z.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6Z.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6Z.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6Z.itm] to [override/SCRL6Z.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL77.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL77.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL77.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL77.itm] to [override/SCRL77.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL79.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL79.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL79.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL79.itm] to [override/SCRL79.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7S.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7S.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7S.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7S.itm] to [override/SCRL7S.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL83.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL83.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL83.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL83.itm] to [override/SCRL83.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8N.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8N.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8N.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8N.itm] to [override/SCRL8N.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8R.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8R.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8R.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8R.itm] to [override/SCRL8R.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL97.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL97.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL97.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL97.itm] to [override/SCRL97.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL99.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL99.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL99.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL99.itm] to [override/SCRL99.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL9E.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9E.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL9E.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9E.itm] to [override/SCRL9E.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL9T.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9T.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL9T.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9T.itm] to [override/SCRL9T.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL9X.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9X.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL9X.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9X.itm] to [override/SCRL9X.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLAL.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLAL.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLAL.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLAL.itm] to [override/SCRLAL.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLAR.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLAR.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLAR.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLAR.itm] to [override/SCRLAR.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLB1.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLB1.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLB1.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLB1.itm] to [override/SCRLB1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLB2.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLB2.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLB2.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLB2.itm] to [override/SCRLB2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA422.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA422.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA422.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA422.itm] to [override/CDIA422.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA627.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA627.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA627.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA627.itm] to [override/CDIA627.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA628.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA628.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA628.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA628.itm] to [override/CDIA628.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA629.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA629.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA629.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA629.itm] to [override/CDIA629.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA631.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA631.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA631.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA631.itm] to [override/CDIA631.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA966.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA966.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA966.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA966.itm] to [override/CDIA966.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1C.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1C.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1C.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1C.itm] to [override/SCRL1C.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1P.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1P.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1P.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1P.itm] to [override/SCRL1P.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1Q.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1Q.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1Q.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1Q.itm] to [override/SCRL1Q.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL2D.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL2D.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL2D.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL2D.itm] to [override/SCRL2D.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5K.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5K.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5K.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5K.itm] to [override/SCRL5K.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6L.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6L.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6L.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6L.itm] to [override/SCRL6L.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7I.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7I.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7I.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7I.itm] to [override/SCRL7I.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL84.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL84.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL84.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL84.itm] to [override/SCRL84.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL89.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL89.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL89.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL89.itm] to [override/SCRL89.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8O.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8O.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8O.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8O.itm] to [override/SCRL8O.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8V.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8V.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8V.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8V.itm] to [override/SCRL8V.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL9G.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9G.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL9G.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9G.itm] to [override/SCRL9G.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL9V.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9V.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL9V.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9V.itm] to [override/SCRL9V.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLA8.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLA8.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLA8.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLA8.itm] to [override/SCRLA8.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA127.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA127.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA127.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA127.itm] to [override/CDIA127.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA431.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA431.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA431.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA431.itm] to [override/CDIA431.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA526.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA526.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA526.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA526.itm] to [override/CDIA526.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA610.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA610.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA610.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA610.itm] to [override/CDIA610.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA633.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA633.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA633.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA633.itm] to [override/CDIA633.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA725.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA725.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA725.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA725.itm] to [override/CDIA725.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA821.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA821.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA821.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA821.itm] to [override/CDIA821.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA901.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA901.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA901.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA901.itm] to [override/CDIA901.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1F.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1F.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1F.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1F.itm] to [override/SCRL1F.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1L.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1L.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1L.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1L.itm] to [override/SCRL1L.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1T.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1T.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1T.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1T.itm] to [override/SCRL1T.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL2A.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL2A.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL2A.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL2A.itm] to [override/SCRL2A.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL2G.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL2G.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL2G.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL2G.itm] to [override/SCRL2G.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5W.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5W.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5W.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5W.itm] to [override/SCRL5W.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5X.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5X.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5X.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5X.itm] to [override/SCRL5X.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5Y.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5Y.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5Y.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5Y.itm] to [override/SCRL5Y.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL66.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL66.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL66.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL66.itm] to [override/SCRL66.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL67.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL67.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL67.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL67.itm] to [override/SCRL67.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6D.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6D.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6D.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6D.itm] to [override/SCRL6D.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6R.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6R.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6R.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6R.itm] to [override/SCRL6R.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6X.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6X.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6X.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6X.itm] to [override/SCRL6X.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7B.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7B.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7B.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7B.itm] to [override/SCRL7B.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7C.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7C.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7C.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7C.itm] to [override/SCRL7C.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7E.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7E.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7E.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7E.itm] to [override/SCRL7E.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7W.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7W.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7W.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7W.itm] to [override/SCRL7W.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7X.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7X.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7X.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7X.itm] to [override/SCRL7X.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7Y.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7Y.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7Y.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7Y.itm] to [override/SCRL7Y.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL7Z.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL7Z.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL7Z.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL7Z.itm] to [override/SCRL7Z.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8A.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8A.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8A.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8A.itm] to [override/SCRL8A.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8B.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8B.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8B.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8B.itm] to [override/SCRL8B.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8P.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8P.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8P.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8P.itm] to [override/SCRL8P.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8S.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8S.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8S.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8S.itm] to [override/SCRL8S.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8T.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8T.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8T.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8T.itm] to [override/SCRL8T.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8U.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8U.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8U.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8U.itm] to [override/SCRL8U.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL95.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL95.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL95.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL95.itm] to [override/SCRL95.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLA3.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLA3.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLA3.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLA3.itm] to [override/SCRLA3.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TTSCRL01.itm] loaded, 418 bytes override/TTSCRL01.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/TTSCRL01.itm, 418 bytes Copied [TTSCRL01.itm] to [override/TTSCRL01.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/TTSCRL02.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/TTSCRL02.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/TTSCRL02.itm, 322 bytes Copied [TTSCRL02.itm] to [override/TTSCRL02.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA426.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA426.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA426.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA426.itm] to [override/CDIA426.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA427.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA427.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA427.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA427.itm] to [override/CDIA427.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1I.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1I.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1I.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1I.itm] to [override/SCRL1I.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL1U.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL1U.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL1U.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL1U.itm] to [override/SCRL1U.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5H.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5H.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5H.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5H.itm] to [override/SCRL5H.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5I.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5I.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5I.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5I.itm] to [override/SCRL5I.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5O.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5O.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5O.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5O.itm] to [override/SCRL5O.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5Q.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL5Q.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL5Q.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL5Q.itm] to [override/SCRL5Q.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6E.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6E.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6E.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6E.itm] to [override/SCRL6E.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6F.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6F.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6F.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6F.itm] to [override/SCRL6F.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL6M.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL6M.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL6M.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL6M.itm] to [override/SCRL6M.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL72.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL72.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL72.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL72.itm] to [override/SCRL72.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL81.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL81.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL81.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL81.itm] to [override/SCRL81.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL8Q.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL8Q.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL8Q.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL8Q.itm] to [override/SCRL8Q.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL93.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL93.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL93.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL93.itm] to [override/SCRL93.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL9F.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRL9F.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRL9F.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRL9F.itm] to [override/SCRL9F.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLAI.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLAI.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLAI.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLAI.itm] to [override/SCRLAI.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLAN.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLAN.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLAN.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLAN.itm] to [override/SCRLAN.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLAP.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLAP.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLAP.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLAP.itm] to [override/SCRLAP.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA328.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA328.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA328.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA328.itm] to [override/CDIA328.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA820.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA820.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA820.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA820.itm] to [override/CDIA820.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL1V.itm] to [override/SCRL1V.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL2B.itm] to [override/SCRL2B.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL6Y.itm] to [override/SCRL6Y.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL73.itm] to [override/SCRL73.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL7H.itm] to [override/SCRL7H.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL7R.itm] to [override/SCRL7R.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL8C.itm] to [override/SCRL8C.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL9S.itm] to [override/SCRL9S.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL9Z.itm] to [override/SCRL9Z.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA626.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA626.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA626.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA626.itm] to [override/CDIA626.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL6I.itm] to [override/SCRL6I.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL6H.itm] to [override/SCRL6H.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRLA5.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/SCRLA5.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/SCRLA5.itm, 322 bytes Copied [SCRLA5.itm] to [override/SCRLA5.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIA724.itm] loaded, 322 bytes override/CDIA724.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40925/CDIA724.itm, 322 bytes Copied [CDIA724.itm] to [override/CDIA724.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL5T.itm] to [override/SCRL5T.itm] Install Component [Dragon Disciples can be disciples of any chromatic dragon (Red/Blue/Green/Black/White)]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Dragon Disciples can be disciples of any chromatic dragon (Red/Blue/Green/Black/White)] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/splconv.txt, 46909 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-dragon_disciple.mrk] Including and running function(s) dragon_disciple [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/dragon_disciple.tpa] loaded, 5965 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/dragon_disciple.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/dragon_disciple.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) one_fewer_spell Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/one_fewer_spell.tpa] loaded, 557 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/one_fewer_spell.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/one_fewer_spell.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) setup_menus Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/setup_menus.tpa] loaded, 2205 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/setup_menus.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/setup_menus.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/#tra_60.wav] loaded, 76096 bytes override/#tra_60.wav copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/#tra_60.wav, 76096 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/resource/#tra_60.wav] to [override/#tra_60.wav] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4660 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4660 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4660 bytes override/projectl.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/projectl.ids, 4660 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11303 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4673 bytes Copied [ddbreat.pro] to [override/dw-ddbb.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9161 bytes override/missile.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/missile.ids, 9161 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4673 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/projectl.ids] loaded, 4673 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4673 bytes Appended text to [projectl.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11303 bytes [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [ddbreat.pro] to [override/dw-ddbg.pro] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 9174 bytes Appended text to [missile.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spdd03.spl] to [override/spdd03.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spdd02.spl] to [override/spdd02.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd03.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd03.spl] to [override/dwddab1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd02.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd02.spl] to [override/dwddars.spl] copying DRAGON_DISCIPLE=>DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLACK Copying kit DRAGON_DISCIPLE to kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLACK... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 38384 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10836 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10678 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16130 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13648 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3486 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12584 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5493 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2180 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1905 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15371 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 93736 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSO01.2da] to [override/CLABSO11.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2103 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSo1.2da] to [override/luSO11.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1141 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1141 bytes override/kit.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/kit.ids, 1141 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 93736 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/K_S_H.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/K_S_H.2da, 108 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/K_S_D.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/K_S_D.2da, 108 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/K_S_G.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/K_S_G.2da, 108 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/K_S_E.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/K_S_E.2da, 108 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/K_S_HE.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/K_S_HE.2da, 108 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/K_S_HL.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/K_S_HL.2da, 108 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/K_S_HO.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/K_S_HO.2da, 108 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO11.2da] loaded, 4240 bytes Copied [CLABSO11.2da] to [override/CLABSO11.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 38384 bytes override/25stweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/25stweap.2da, 38384 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10836 bytes override/abclasrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/abclasrq.2da, 10836 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10678 bytes override/abclsmod.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/abclsmod.2da, 10678 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 5038 bytes override/abdcdsrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/abdcdsrq.2da, 5038 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 5022 bytes override/abdcscrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/abdcscrq.2da, 5022 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16130 bytes override/alignmnt.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/alignmnt.2da, 16130 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10399 bytes override/clascolr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/clascolr.2da, 10399 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13648 bytes override/clasiskl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/clasiskl.2da, 13648 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 18978 bytes override/clastext.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/clastext.2da, 18978 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3486 bytes override/clasthac.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/clasthac.2da, 3486 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12584 bytes override/clsrcreq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/clsrcreq.2da, 12584 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5493 bytes override/clswpbon.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/clswpbon.2da, 5493 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 7108 bytes override/dualclas.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/dualclas.2da, 7108 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12270 bytes override/kitlist.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/kitlist.2da, 12270 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2180 bytes override/hpclass.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/hpclass.2da, 2180 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2103 bytes override/luabbr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/luabbr.2da, 2103 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1905 bytes override/numwslot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/numwslot.2da, 1905 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15371 bytes override/thiefscl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/thiefscl.2da, 15371 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 93736 bytes override/weapprof.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/weapprof.2da, 93736 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19206 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19206 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1645 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1645 bytes override/m_dw_vcd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/m_dw_vcd.lua, 1645 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd03.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd03.spl] to [override/dwddpb1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd02.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd02.spl] to [override/dwddprs.spl] copying DRAGON_DISCIPLE=>DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_GREEN Copying kit DRAGON_DISCIPLE to kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_GREEN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 38909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10989 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10830 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7482 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7486 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10552 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19206 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 11933 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5570 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2133 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15598 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 95038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12506 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSO01.2da] to [override/CLABSO12.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2133 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSo1.2da] to [override/luSO12.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1174 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1174 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 95038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO12.2da] loaded, 4240 bytes Copied [CLABSO12.2da] to [override/CLABSO12.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 38909 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 10989 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10830 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7482 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7486 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16357 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10552 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 13850 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19206 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3538 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 11933 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12761 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5570 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9005 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12506 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2210 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2133 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1932 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15598 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 95038 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12742 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19434 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1681 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1681 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd03.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd03.spl] to [override/dwddcb1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd02.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd02.spl] to [override/dwddcrs.spl] copying DRAGON_DISCIPLE=>DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_WHITE Copying kit DRAGON_DISCIPLE to kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_WHITE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 39434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10982 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7635 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16584 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10702 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14050 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19434 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3588 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12135 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5647 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9157 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12742 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2240 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2163 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1959 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15823 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 96338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12742 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSO01.2da] to [override/CLABSO13.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2163 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSo1.2da] to [override/luSO13.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1207 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1207 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 96338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12742 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO13.2da] loaded, 4240 bytes Copied [CLABSO13.2da] to [override/CLABSO13.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 39434 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11142 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 10982 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7635 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7638 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16584 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10702 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14050 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19434 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3588 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12135 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 12938 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5647 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9157 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12742 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2240 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2163 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1959 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 15823 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 96338 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19662 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19662 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1718 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1718 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd03.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd03.spl] to [override/dwddlb1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd02.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spdd02.spl] to [override/dwddlrs.spl] copying DRAGON_DISCIPLE=>DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLUE Copying kit DRAGON_DISCIPLE to kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLUE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 39959 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11134 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7788 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7790 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16811 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10854 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19662 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13115 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5724 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9309 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2193 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16048 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 97638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12978 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSO01.2da] to [override/CLABSO14.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2193 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSo1.2da] to [override/luSO14.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1240 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1240 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 97638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12978 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_H.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_S_H.2da] to [override/K_S_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_D.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_S_D.2da] to [override/K_S_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_G.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_S_G.2da] to [override/K_S_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_E.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_S_E.2da] to [override/K_S_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HE.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_S_HE.2da] to [override/K_S_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HL.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_S_HL.2da] to [override/K_S_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_S_HO.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_S_HO.2da] to [override/K_S_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO14.2da] loaded, 4240 bytes Copied [CLABSO14.2da] to [override/CLABSO14.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 39959 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11295 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11134 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7788 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7790 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 16811 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 10854 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14250 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19662 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3638 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12337 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13115 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5724 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9309 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 12978 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2270 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2193 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 1986 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16048 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 97638 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1755 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1755 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwddprs.spl] loaded, 250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [dwddprs.spl] to [override/dwddprs.spl] copying to override/dw-ddi3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ddi3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_GREEN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO12.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO12.2da] to [override/CLABSO12.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit DRAGON_DISCIPLE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spdd03.spl] loaded, 930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 1791 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1791 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 1826 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 4810 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/40950/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Install Component [Rebalanced and revised kits]? [N]o, [Q]uit or choose one: 1] Default (affects all kits) 2] Skip shapeshifters (use this if you want to use another mod that messes with shapeshifting) Uninstalling All Other Subcomponents of [Rebalanced and revised kits] Done Uninstalling All Other Subcomponents of [Rebalanced and revised kits] Installing [Rebalanced and revised kits -> Default (affects all kits)] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-kit_rebalance.mrk] Including and running function(s) kit_rebalance [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/kit_rebalance.tra] has 71 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/class_race/kit_rebalance.tpa] loaded, 36068 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/class_race/kit_rebalance.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/kit_rebalance.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL321.spl] loaded, 4186 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2830 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2830 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2830 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2830 bytes override/splstate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/splstate.ids, 2830 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2850 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2850 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2869 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2869 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2894 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2894 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2894 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2918 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2918 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2918 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPCL321.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/SPCL321.spl, 4186 bytes Copied [SPCL321.spl] to [override/SPCL321.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_berserker.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL152.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPCL152.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/SPCL152.spl, 3658 bytes Copied [SPCL152.spl] to [override/SPCL152.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit BARBARIAN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABFI05.2da] to [override/CLABFI05.2da] ...done [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1272 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_barbarian.mrk] copying to override/dw-ddi2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ddi2.spl] copying to override/dw-ddi1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ddi1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit DRAGON_DISCIPLE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABSO01.2da] to [override/CLABSO01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLACK... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO11.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO11.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABSO11.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO11.2da] to [override/CLABSO11.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_GREEN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO12.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO12.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABSO12.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO12.2da] to [override/CLABSO12.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLUE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO14.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO14.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABSO14.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO14.2da] to [override/CLABSO14.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_WHITE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO13.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO13.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABSO13.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO13.2da] to [override/CLABSO13.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/dragon_disciple.tra] has 31 translation strings Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_dragon_disciple.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11303 bytes Copied [SPBEAR5.cre] to [override/SPBEAR6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPLION5.cre] to [override/SPLION6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPSNAK5.cre] to [override/SPSNAK6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWOLF5.cre] to [override/SPWOLF6.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPBEAR5.cre] to [override/SPBEAR7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPLION5.cre] to [override/SPLION7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPSNAK5.cre] to [override/SPSNAK7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWOLF5.cre] to [override/SPWOLF7.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUA5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUA6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUB5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUB6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUC5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUC6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUD5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUD6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUA5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUA7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUB5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUB7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUC5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUC7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIRSUD5.eff] to [override/SPIRSUD7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spcl621.spl] to [override/spcl621.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl622.spl] to [override/spcl622.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl623.spl] to [override/spcl623.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl624.spl] to [override/spcl624.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl625.spl] to [override/spcl625.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_totemic_druid.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/lib_shapeshift.tph] loaded, 29547 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared_som/lib_shapeshift.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/lib_shapeshift.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl643.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl644.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copied [brbrp.itm] to [override/werewlf1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [brbrp.itm] to [override/werewlf2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl643.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [spcl643.spl] to [override/dw-shp1.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/werewlf1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [werewlf1.itm] to [override/dw-were1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-shp1.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs31.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs31.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 219 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs31.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs31.spl] to [override/dwssgs31.spl] Creating file dw-ssnw.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-ssnw.spl] Copied [dw-shp1.spl] to [override/dw-shp1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-were1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-were1.itm] to [override/dw-were1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl643.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes copying to override/dwssgs32.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs32.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 219 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs32.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs32.spl] to [override/dwssgs32.spl] override/spcl643.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/spcl643.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [spcl643.spl] to [override/spcl643.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/werewlf1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [werewlf1.itm] to [override/werewlf1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl644.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes copying to override/dwssgs33.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs33.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 219 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs33.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs33.spl] to [override/dwssgs33.spl] override/spcl644.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/spcl644.spl, 1210 bytes Copied [spcl644.spl] to [override/spcl644.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/werewlf2.itm] loaded, 314 bytes Copied [werewlf2.itm] to [override/werewlf2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/werewlf2.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes Copied [werewlf2.itm] to [override/dw-were2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl644.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copied [spcl644.spl] to [override/dw-shp2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-shp2.spl] loaded, 154 bytes copying to override/dwssgs34.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwssgs34.spl] [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/shapeshift_granted_powers.txt] loaded, 219 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dwssgs34.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwssgs34.spl] to [override/dwssgs34.spl] Copied [dw-shp2.spl] to [override/dw-shp2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-were2.itm] loaded, 1034 bytes Copied [dw-were2.itm] to [override/dw-were2.itm] copying to override/dw-shp3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-shp3.spl] copying to override/dw-shp4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-shp4.spl] copying to override/dw-shp5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-shp5.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit SHAPESHIFTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABDR03.2da] loaded, 3625 bytes override/CLABDR03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABDR03.2da, 3625 bytes Copied [CLABDR03.2da] to [override/CLABDR03.2da] ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_shapeshifter.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL131.spl] to [override/dw-wzs1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPCL131.spl] to [override/dw-wzs2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit WIZARD_SLAYER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABFI03.2da] to [override/CLABFI03.2da] ...done [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_wizard_slayer.mrk] copying to override/dw-unh1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-unh1.spl] copying to override/dw-unh2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-unh2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [undhit3.eff] to [override/dw-unhh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [unddam3.eff] to [override/dw-unhd1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spcl241.spl] to [override/dw-unh3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit UNDEAD_HUNTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes override/CLABPA04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABPA04.2da, 4377 bytes Copied [CLABPA04.2da] to [override/CLABPA04.2da] ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_undead_hunter.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2937 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2937 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] copying to override/dw-cav1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cav1.spl] copying to override/dw-cav6.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cav6.spl] copying to override/dw-cav3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cav3.spl] copying to override/dw-cav2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cav2.spl] copying to override/dw-cav5.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cav5.spl] copying to override/dw-cav4.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cav4.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL222.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/SPCL222.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/SPCL222.spl, 1066 bytes Copied [SPCL222.spl] to [override/SPCL222.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh9.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd9.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh8.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd8.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd4.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd1.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd2.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd7.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd5.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [draghit.eff] to [override/dw-cavh6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [dragdam3.eff] to [override/dw-cavd6.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 682 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl221.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [spcl221.spl] to [override/spcl221.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit CAVALIER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/class_race.tra] has 56 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA02.2da] loaded, 4868 bytes override/CLABPA02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABPA02.2da, 4868 bytes Copied [CLABPA02.2da] to [override/CLABPA02.2da] ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_cavalier.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 5599 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#EVASION.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/#PALDISE.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/#PALFEAR.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH01.SPL] loaded, 1106 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5826 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BODHI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CH3AWAY.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CHWRAITH.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1122 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4386 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DRGRBRHT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2938 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWW.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AKL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL8.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-ASBA.SPL] loaded, 3626 bytes [./override/DW-ASWW.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-CAV1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-CAV2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-CAV3.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-CAV4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-CAV5.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-CAV6.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-DDI1.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-DDI2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-DDI3.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-DSB1.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB2.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB3.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB4.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBA.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSBT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSWI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FESHR.SPL] loaded, 5530 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-HEGL.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-L2SPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-LSSPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-OLHIS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-RINE.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/DW-SAHS.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SAWY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SGH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SHP1.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP2.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP3.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SHP4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SHP5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SMBC.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBG.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBO.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCA.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCP.SPL] loaded, 10794 bytes [./override/DW-SMCS.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGC.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMOP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMPL.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRC.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRM.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRU.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMUH.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMUP.SPL] loaded, 5034 bytes [./override/DW-SOH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SORB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SPCP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SSA1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSA2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSE1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSE2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSF1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSF2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSHE.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3946 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSNW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3562 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SSW1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSW2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSWB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-TALB.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/DW-UNH1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-UNH2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-UNH3.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-WEAU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WEDR.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/DW-WEQU.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-WERE1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-WERE2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-WESM.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WZS1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WZS2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWDDAB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDARS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDCB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDCRS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDLB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDLRS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDPB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDPRS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWEVA0.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA100.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA101.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA102.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA103.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA104.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA105.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA106.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA107.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA108.SPL] loaded, 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[./override/DWGPC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGQ115.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ203.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ214.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ305.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ308.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ311.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ511.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ515.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ611.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ613.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ615.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ708.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ715.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGRALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGRC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGW103.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW104.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW115.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW117.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW119.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW127.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW128.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW201.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW205.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW206.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW210.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW211.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW218.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW225.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW228.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW304.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes 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[./override/DWGW615.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW620.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW626.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW632.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW701.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW702.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW713.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW718.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW803.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW804.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW806.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW807.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW810.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW813.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW815.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW817.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW820.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW904.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW906.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW907.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW909.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW910.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes 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[./override/DWHAA116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWHAA121.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWHAA123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHAA143.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWHAA144.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWHAA145.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA146.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHAA154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWHAA161.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA175.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 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[./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWI408.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/DWWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DWWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/DWWI604.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP115.SPL] loaded, 4754 bytes [./override/DWWP203.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/DWWP305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/DWWP308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/DWWP311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/DWWP511.SPL] loaded, 9234 bytes [./override/DWWP515.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWP611.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DWWP613.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/DWWP615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DWWP715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4290 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGNYMPH.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INNOC2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 10410 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OBJRING.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBCALLL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 962 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBQUAKE.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/OHBWI304.SPL] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHDMASK.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHWRSW.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHJWSP01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/OHRGROG.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1898 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RING94.ITM] loaded, 2226 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/RING99.ITM] loaded, 2274 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1B.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1W.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2E.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL66.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL67.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL69.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6N.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL6Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL71.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL72.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL73.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL75.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL76.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL77.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL79.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL81.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL82.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL83.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL84.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL85.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL86.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL87.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL89.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8N.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL8O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL90.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL92.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL93.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL95.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL96.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL97.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL99.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9G.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9T.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA2.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA3.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRLA5.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA6.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA8.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAI.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAJ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAL.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAM.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAN.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAQ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAR.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB1.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB2.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLZY.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SCRLZZ.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHALT01.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SLAYSH01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPBLUN29.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 36962 bytes [./override/SPCL212.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL221.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL239A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 82042 bytes [./override/SPCL411.SPL] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 3450 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL621.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL622.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL623.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL624.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL625.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 2914 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 1530 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL814.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL911B.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPCRYO01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCTMD01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPDD02.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPDD03.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPDR601.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPECTR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4010 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIMIXD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes [./override/SPIN142.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN539.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN547.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN579.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN595.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN596.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN597.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN691.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN693.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN701.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 16130 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN819.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPIN833.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN834.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN885.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN897.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN936.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN939.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN944.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN956.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN989.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPOGRE01.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR106.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPPR119.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/SPPR120.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR121.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR201.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR204.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR207.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR208.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR213.SPL] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes [./override/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR250A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR301.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPPR302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/SPPR304.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPPR305.SPL] loaded, 4594 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR307.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR308.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR313.SPL] loaded, 6130 bytes [./override/SPPR314.SPL] loaded, 7914 bytes [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes [./override/SPPR318.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 6898 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 7946 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR401.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 38306 bytes [./override/SPPR405.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR410.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPPR421A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR422A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR423.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR424.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR425.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR426.SPL] loaded, 810 bytes [./override/SPPR427.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR427A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR427B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR428.SPL] loaded, 10082 bytes [./override/SPPR429.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR430.SPL] loaded, 6050 bytes [./override/SPPR450.SPL] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/SPPR450B.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPPR502.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPPR503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR503D.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPPR504.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPPR505D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR506.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 22162 bytes [./override/SPPR511.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR515.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR516.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 25938 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR601.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR606.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR609.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR612.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR614.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR698D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR707.SPL] loaded, 3418 bytes [./override/SPPR708.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR710A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR712.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR715A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR724.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR729.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR731.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR732.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR741.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR741B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR742.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR987.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR999.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPRA301A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 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[./override/SPWI112.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI113.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI116.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/SPWI117.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI119.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI119A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPWI120.SPL] loaded, 2834 bytes [./override/SPWI123.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI125.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPWI127.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPWI128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI128B.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI201.SPL] loaded, 10338 bytes [./override/SPWI205.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI206.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI209.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI211.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI212.SPL] loaded, 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loaded, 1554 bytes [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPWI306.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI307.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPWI309.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPWI311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI312.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI312A.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI313.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPWI314.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI315.SPL] loaded, 22034 bytes [./override/SPWI316.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI317.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI318.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPWI319.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI320.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI324.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI325.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI327.SPL] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/SPWI328.SPL] loaded, 3058 bytes [./override/SPWI399.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI401.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPWI403.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI405.SPL] loaded, 5378 bytes [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 16802 bytes [./override/SPWI407.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI409.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4666 bytes [./override/SPWI414.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI415.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI416.SPL] loaded, 19154 bytes [./override/SPWI417.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/SPWI420.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI422.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/SPWI423.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI428.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/SPWI429B.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI430.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/SPWI431Y.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI431Z.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI485.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI486.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI487.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI488.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI489.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI490.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI491.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI493.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI494.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI495.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI496.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI497.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI498.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI499.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI501.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPWI502.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/SPWI504.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPWI505.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPWI506.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI507.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/SPWI508.SPL] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/SPWI509.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI511.SPL] loaded, 9234 bytes [./override/SPWI512.SPL] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/SPWI513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI514.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPWI516.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI517.SPL] loaded, 5298 bytes [./override/SPWI518.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI519.SPL] loaded, 4834 bytes [./override/SPWI520.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI521.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI522.SPL] loaded, 7666 bytes [./override/SPWI523.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI523D.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI524.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPWI524B.SPL] loaded, 19634 bytes [./override/SPWI524C.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI525.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI526.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/SPWI528.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI590.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI591.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI592.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI593.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI594.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI595.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI596.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI597.SPL] loaded, 5778 bytes [./override/SPWI601.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 11706 bytes [./override/SPWI603.SPL] loaded, 8250 bytes [./override/SPWI605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI606.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI609.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWI609D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI610.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPWI612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI613.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/SPWI613A.SPL] loaded, 4362 bytes [./override/SPWI614.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI617.SPL] loaded, 522 bytes [./override/SPWI618.SPL] loaded, 6954 bytes [./override/SPWI619.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI620.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI621.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI622.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI623.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI624.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI626.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI627.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI628B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI629.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 46266 bytes [./override/SPWI631.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/SPWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/SPWI633.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/SPWI702.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes [./override/SPWI703.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI705.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI706.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI710.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPWI711A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI712.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI713.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI714.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWI715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI716.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI717.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI718.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI719.SPL] loaded, 818 bytes [./override/SPWI720.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPWI721.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI809.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI810.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI813.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI816.SPL] loaded, 1242 bytes [./override/SPWI817.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI818.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI822.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI888.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI897.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI898.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI899.SPL] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI904.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI904B.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI906.SPL] loaded, 954 bytes [./override/SPWI906B.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI908.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI911.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI912.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI914.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI915.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI918.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI922.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI929.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI930.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI931.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI940.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI943.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI950.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI952.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI953.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI956.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI957.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI958.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI959.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI960.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI966.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/SPWI979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI982.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI995.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI998.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH2A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH3A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH3B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4F.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM112A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM115A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWM164A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPYANC01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPYANCD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/STAF01.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF06.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/STAF07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/STAF08.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF09.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2530 bytes [./override/STAF11.ITM] loaded, 2394 bytes [./override/STAF12.ITM] loaded, 1146 bytes [./override/STAF13.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF14.ITM] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/STAF15.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF16.ITM] loaded, 1338 bytes [./override/STAF17.ITM] loaded, 1002 bytes [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H27.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV2.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/TELWRAI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TTSCRL01.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/TTSCRL02.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP1.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP2.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP3.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WEREWLF1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WEREWLF2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WIGHT.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WRAITH1.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI203.spl] to [override/dw-inq3.spl] copying to override/dw-inq1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-inq1.spl] copying to override/dw-inq2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-inq2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit INQUISITOR... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA03.2da] loaded, 5832 bytes override/CLABPA03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/CLABPA03.2da, 5832 bytes Copied [CLABPA03.2da] to [override/CLABPA03.2da] ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_inquisitor.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit BLADE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABBA02.2da] to [override/CLABBA02.2da] ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_blade.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl751a.spl] loaded, 1530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/spcl751a.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/spcl751a.spl, 1530 bytes Copied [spcl751a.spl] to [override/spcl751a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit JESTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_jester.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spcl542a.spl] loaded, 3450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/spcl542a.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/41000/spcl542a.spl, 3450 bytes Copied [spcl542a.spl] to [override/spcl542a.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Editing kit SKALD... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_skald.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [backstab.2da] to [override/backstab.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#rebalance_assassin.mrk] Already Asked About [Rebalanced and revised kits] Install Component [New wizard specializations: elemental specialists]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [New wizard specializations: elemental specialists] Install Component [New wizard specialization: Force Mage]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [New wizard specialization: Force Mage] Install Component [New wizard kits: Militant Wizards]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [New wizard kits: Militant Wizards] Install Component [New sorcerer kit: Bloodrager]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Skipping [New sorcerer kit: Bloodrager] Install Component [New choices of god / goddess for speciality priests]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [New choices of god / goddess for speciality priests] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/splconv.txt, 48307 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-kit_c.mrk] Including and running function(s) kit_c [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/kit.tra] has 556 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kit_c.tpa] loaded, 3450 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kit_c.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/kit_c.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/symbol_stronghold.tph] loaded, 3757 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/symbol_stronghold.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/symbol_stronghold.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] loaded, 6988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/selune.tph] loaded, 8464 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/selune.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/selune.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 77 bytes Appending [SELUNE mace...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [SELUNE mace] weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/favored_weapons.2da, 77 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#selune_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 5602 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#EVASION.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/#PALDISE.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/#PALFEAR.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH01.SPL] loaded, 1106 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5826 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BODHI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CH3AWAY.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CHWRAITH.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1122 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4386 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DRGRBRHT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2938 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWW.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AKL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL8.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-ASBA.SPL] loaded, 3626 bytes [./override/DW-ASWW.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-CAV1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-CAV2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-CAV3.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-CAV4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-CAV5.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-CAV6.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-DDI1.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-DDI2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-DDI3.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-DSB1.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB2.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB3.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB4.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBA.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSBT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSWI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FESHR.SPL] loaded, 5530 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-HEGL.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-INQ1.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-INQ2.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-INQ3.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-L2SPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-LSSPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-OLHIS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-RINE.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/DW-SAHS.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SAWY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SGH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SHP1.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP2.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP3.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SHP4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SHP5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SMBC.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBG.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBO.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCA.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCP.SPL] loaded, 10794 bytes [./override/DW-SMCS.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGC.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMOP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMPL.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRC.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRM.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRU.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMUH.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMUP.SPL] loaded, 5034 bytes [./override/DW-SOH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SORB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SPCP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SSA1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSA2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSE1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSE2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSF1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSF2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSHE.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3946 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSNW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 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[./override/DWHAA112.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWHAA113.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWHAA115.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWHAA121.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWHAA123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHAA143.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWHAA144.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWHAA145.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA146.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHAA154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWHAA161.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA175.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] 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loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWPW710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/DWPW715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DWPW720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWSMEX1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX11.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX13.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX15.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX17.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX19.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX21.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX23.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX25.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX27.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX29.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX9.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS13.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS14.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS15.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS16.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS17.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS18.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS19.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS20.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS21.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS22.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS23.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS24.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS25.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS26.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS27.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS28.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS29.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS30.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS31.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS32.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS33.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS34.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS10.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS6.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS7.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS8.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS9.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWI408.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/DWWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DWWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/DWWI604.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP115.SPL] loaded, 4754 bytes [./override/DWWP203.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/DWWP305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/DWWP308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/DWWP311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/DWWP511.SPL] loaded, 9234 bytes [./override/DWWP515.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWP611.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DWWP613.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/DWWP615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DWWP715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4290 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGNYMPH.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INNOC2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 10410 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OBJRING.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBCALLL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 962 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBQUAKE.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/OHBWI304.SPL] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHDMASK.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHWRSW.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHJWSP01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/OHRGROG.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1898 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RING94.ITM] loaded, 2226 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/RING99.ITM] loaded, 2274 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1B.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1W.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2E.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL66.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL67.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL69.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6N.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL6Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL71.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL72.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL73.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL75.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL76.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL77.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL79.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL81.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL82.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL83.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL84.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL85.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL86.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL87.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL89.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8N.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL8O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL90.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL92.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL93.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL95.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL96.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL97.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL99.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9G.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9T.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA2.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA3.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRLA5.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA6.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA8.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAI.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAJ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAL.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAM.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAN.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAQ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAR.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB1.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB2.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLZY.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SCRLZZ.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHALT01.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SLAYSH01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPBLUN29.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 36962 bytes [./override/SPCL212.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL221.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL239A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 82042 bytes [./override/SPCL411.SPL] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 4202 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL621.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL622.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL623.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL624.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL625.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 2914 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL814.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL911B.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPCRYO01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCTMD01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPDD02.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPDD03.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPDR601.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPECTR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4010 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIMIXD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes [./override/SPIN142.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN539.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN547.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN579.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN595.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN596.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN597.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN691.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN693.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN701.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 16130 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN819.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPIN833.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN834.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN885.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN897.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN936.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN939.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN944.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN956.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN989.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPOGRE01.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR106.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPPR109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 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[./override/SPPR250A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR301.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPPR302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/SPPR304.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPPR305.SPL] loaded, 4594 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR307.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR308.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR313.SPL] loaded, 6130 bytes [./override/SPPR314.SPL] loaded, 7914 bytes [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes [./override/SPPR318.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR319.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR319A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR319B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR319C.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes [./override/SPPR323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR324.SPL] loaded, 6898 bytes [./override/SPPR324D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR325.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPPR327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPPR327A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR327B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR329.SPL] loaded, 7946 bytes [./override/SPPR330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPPR330A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR401.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPPR403.SPL] loaded, 38306 bytes [./override/SPPR405.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR406.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR407.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/SPPR408.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPPR409.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/SPPR410.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR412.SPL] loaded, 9410 bytes [./override/SPPR417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR418.SPL] loaded, 2018 bytes [./override/SPPR419.SPL] loaded, 3362 bytes [./override/SPPR419B.SPL] loaded, 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loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR506.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPPR507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/SPPR508.SPL] loaded, 22162 bytes [./override/SPPR511.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR512.SPL] loaded, 5202 bytes [./override/SPPR513.SPL] loaded, 6930 bytes [./override/SPPR515.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR516.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR517.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR517A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR517B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR517C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 25938 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR601.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR606.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR609.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR612.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR614.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR698D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR707.SPL] loaded, 3418 bytes [./override/SPPR708.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR710A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR712.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR715A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR724.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR729.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR731.SPL] loaded, 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loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV2.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/TELWRAI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TTSCRL01.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/TTSCRL02.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP1.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP2.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP3.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WEREWLF1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WEREWLF2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WIGHT.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WRAITH1.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR323.spl] to [override/DWPI323.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR505.spl] to [override/DWPI505.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR403.spl] loaded, 38306 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48307 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPPR403.spl] to [override/dw-slfr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-slfr.spl] loaded, 38306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-slfr.spl] to [override/dw-slfr.spl] copying to override/dw-slin.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-slin.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1229 bytes weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/dw_spell_list_names.txt, 1229 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24765 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 24765 bytes override/m_dw_ssd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_ssd.lua, 24765 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] copying CLERIC=>DW_SELUNE_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_SELUNE_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR05.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL7.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1272 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1272 bytes override/kit.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/kit.ids, 1272 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 54 bytes override/K_C_H.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/K_C_H.2da, 54 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 54 bytes override/K_C_D.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/K_C_D.2da, 54 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 54 bytes override/K_C_G.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/K_C_G.2da, 54 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 54 bytes override/K_C_E.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/K_C_E.2da, 54 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 54 bytes override/K_C_HE.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/K_C_HE.2da, 54 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 54 bytes override/K_C_HL.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/K_C_HL.2da, 54 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 54 bytes override/K_C_HO.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/K_C_HO.2da, 54 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR05.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR05.2da] to [override/CLABPR05.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 40484 bytes override/25stweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/25stweap.2da, 40484 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11448 bytes override/abclasrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/abclasrq.2da, 11448 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11286 bytes override/abclsmod.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/abclsmod.2da, 11286 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 7941 bytes override/abdcdsrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/abdcdsrq.2da, 7941 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 7942 bytes override/abdcscrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/abdcscrq.2da, 7942 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17038 bytes override/alignmnt.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/alignmnt.2da, 17038 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11002 bytes override/clascolr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/clascolr.2da, 11002 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14449 bytes override/clasiskl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/clasiskl.2da, 14449 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 19890 bytes override/clastext.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/clastext.2da, 19890 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3687 bytes override/clasthac.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/clasthac.2da, 3687 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12539 bytes override/clasweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/clasweap.2da, 12539 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13292 bytes override/clsrcreq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/clsrcreq.2da, 13292 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5801 bytes override/clswpbon.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/clswpbon.2da, 5801 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes override/dualclas.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/dualclas.2da, 9461 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13214 bytes override/kitlist.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/kitlist.2da, 13214 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2300 bytes override/hpclass.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/hpclass.2da, 2300 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2223 bytes override/luabbr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/luabbr.2da, 2223 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2013 bytes override/numwslot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/numwslot.2da, 2013 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16272 bytes override/thiefscl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/thiefscl.2da, 16272 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 98937 bytes override/weapprof.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/weapprof.2da, 98937 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20118 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 19932 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1297 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 14936 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions override/bharval.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/bharval.dlg, 14936 bytes Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16616 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12248 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5379 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions override/dw-prflq.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/dw-prflq.dlg, 5379 bytes Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4442 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4823 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24873 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20118 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24873 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24873 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 24873 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/weidu_external.workspace.m_dw_ssd.lua, 24513 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 21925 bytes override/splprot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/splprot.2da, 21925 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs55.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs55.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdislhly.bam] loaded, 2366 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdislhly.bam] to [override/cdislhly.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpslhly.bam] loaded, 3663 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpslhly.bam] to [override/cdpslhly.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 19932 bytes override/ar0900.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/ar0900.bcs, 19932 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mask.tph] loaded, 6281 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mask.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/mask.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 90 bytes Appending [MASK longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [MASK longsword] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#mask_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48392 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI207.spl] to [override/DWWI207.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI505.spl] to [override/DWWI505.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI432.spl] loaded, 1346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI432.spl] to [override/DWWI432.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI527.spl] loaded, 1170 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI527.spl] to [override/DWWI527.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI632.spl] loaded, 906 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI632.spl] to [override/DWWI632.spl] copying to override/dw-msrs.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-msrs.spl] copying to override/dw-msrd.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-msrd.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_MASK_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_MASK_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 41009 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11600 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8093 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8094 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17265 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11144 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20118 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3730 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12741 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13469 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9592 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2331 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2252 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2040 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 100230 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2252 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL8.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1297 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1297 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 100230 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR06.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR06.2da] to [override/CLABPR06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 41009 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11600 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11438 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8093 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8094 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17265 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11144 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14642 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20118 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3730 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12741 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13469 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5878 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9592 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13450 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2331 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2252 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2040 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16490 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 100230 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 20368 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1320 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 14974 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16616 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12248 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions override/bhnalla.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/bhnalla.dlg, 12248 bytes Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5455 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4442 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4823 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions override/dw-prftq.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/dw-prftq.dlg, 4823 bytes Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs56.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs56.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdislhly.bam] loaded, 2366 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdislhly.bam] to [override/cdislhly.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 20368 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25142 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 512 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20346 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48392 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI116.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI116.spl] to [override/DWWP116.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI206.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI206.spl] to [override/DWWP206.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4010 bytes override/SPELLH01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPELLH01.ITM, 4010 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPWI310.spl] to [override/DWWP310.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI405.spl] loaded, 5378 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI405.spl] to [override/DWWP405.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI505.spl] to [override/DWWP505.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDHELM11.ITM] to [override/BDHELM11.ITM] Copied [SPWI612.spl] to [override/DWWP612.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI721.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI721.spl] to [override/DWWP721.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 12190 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP116.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP206.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP310.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP405.spl] loaded, 5378 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP721.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 12190 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 12190 bytes override/m_dw_bsd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_bsd.lua, 12190 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq116.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq116.spl] Creating file dwgq206.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq206.spl] Creating file dwgq310.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq310.spl] Creating file dwgq405.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq405.spl] Creating file dwgq505.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq505.spl] Creating file dwgq612.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq612.spl] Creating file dwgq721.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq721.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 41534 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2281 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2067 bytes Editing kit DW_MASK_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR06.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR06.2da] to [override/CLABPR06.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/oghma.tph] loaded, 4881 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/oghma.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/oghma.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 106 bytes Appending [OGHMA longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [OGHMA longsword] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#oghma_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-ogin.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ogin.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48392 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI110.spl] to [override/DWWI110.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4386 bytes override/DEMILICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DEMILICH.ITM, 4386 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes override/LICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/LICH.ITM, 3186 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2658 bytes override/RAKRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/RAKRING.ITM, 2658 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copied [SPWI419.spl] to [override/DWWI419.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI608.spl] to [override/DWWI608.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_OGHMA_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_OGHMA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 41534 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11752 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11590 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8245 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11293 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12943 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13646 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2362 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2281 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2067 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16713 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 101528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2281 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL9.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1320 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1320 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 101528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR07.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR07.2da] to [override/CLABPR07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 41534 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11752 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11590 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8245 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8246 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17492 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11293 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 14840 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20346 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3778 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 12943 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13646 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 5955 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9744 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13686 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2362 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2281 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2067 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16713 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 101528 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 20796 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1344 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/doghma.dlg] loaded, 3117 bytes [doghma.dlg.DLG] loaded [doghma.dlg] created from [DOGHMA.DLG] Adding DOGHMA to internal list of available DLGs [DOGHMA.DLG] saved 19 states, 42 trans, 2 strig, 18 ttrig, 2 actions override/doghma.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/doghma.dlg, 3117 bytes Copied [doghma.dlg] to [override/doghma.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 14974 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16616 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions override/bhoisig.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/bhoisig.dlg, 16616 bytes Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12284 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5455 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4442 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions override/dw-prfhq.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/dw-prfhq.dlg, 4442 bytes Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4895 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs57.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs57.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdioghly.bam] loaded, 1296 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdioghly.bam] to [override/cdioghly.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpoghly.bam] loaded, 5036 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpoghly.bam] to [override/cdpoghly.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25381 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25643 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25643 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25643 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25643 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 1065 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 20796 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 21530 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/sune.tph] loaded, 10010 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/sune.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/sune.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 123 bytes Appending [SUNE flailmorningstar...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [SUNE flailmorningstar] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#sune_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48392 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes override/SPPR421.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR421.SPL, 3754 bytes Copied [SPPR421.SPL] to [override/SPPR421.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3466 bytes override/SPPR735.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR735.SPL, 3466 bytes Copied [SPPR735.SPL] to [override/SPPR735.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes override/SPWI427.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI427.SPL, 730 bytes Copied [SPWI427.SPL] to [override/SPWI427.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes override/SPWI806.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI806.SPL, 3082 bytes Copied [SPWI806.SPL] to [override/SPWI806.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48392 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI411.spl] to [override/DWWI411.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI427.spl] loaded, 778 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes Copied [SPPR421.SPL] to [override/SPPR421.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPPR734.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR734.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [SPPR734.SPL] to [override/SPPR734.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI411.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes override/SPWI411.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI411.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [SPWI411.SPL] to [override/SPWI411.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI411.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [DWWI411.spl] to [override/DWWI411.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48413 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI427.spl] to [override/DWWI427.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4434 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copied [SPPR503.spl] to [override/DWPI503.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI708.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP611.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes override/DWWP611.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWWP611.SPL, 874 bytes Copied [DWWP611.SPL] to [override/DWWP611.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPIN686.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPIN686.SPL, 778 bytes Copied [SPIN686.SPL] to [override/SPIN686.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI611.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI611.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI611.SPL, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI611.SPL] to [override/SPWI611.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48455 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI708.spl] to [override/DWWI708.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI104.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [NPCHAN.ITM] to [override/NPCHAN.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copied [SPWI104.spl] to [override/dw-such.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-such.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [dw-such.spl] to [override/dw-such.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdsune2.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdsune2.spl] to [override/dw-suve.spl] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1266 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25643 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 25643 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] copying CLERIC=>DW_SUNE_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_SUNE_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 42059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11904 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11742 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8397 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8398 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17719 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11443 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15041 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3829 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13823 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6032 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9896 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2393 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2310 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2094 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16939 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 102829 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2310 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL10.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1344 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1344 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 102829 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR08.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR08.2da] to [override/CLABPR08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 42059 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 11904 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11742 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8397 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8398 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17719 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11443 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15041 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20574 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3829 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13145 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 13823 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6032 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 9896 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 13922 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2393 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2310 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2094 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 16939 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 102829 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 22374 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1367 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scsain.dlg] loaded, 9757 bytes [scsain.dlg.DLG] loaded [scsain.dlg] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] Adding SCSAIN to internal list of available DLGs [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 59 states, 91 trans, 14 strig, 18 ttrig, 20 actions override/scsain.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/scsain.dlg, 9757 bytes Copied [scsain.dlg] to [override/scsain.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15011 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16653 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12284 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5529 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4516 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4895 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25731 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 1425 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs58.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 538 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs58.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/nmisuhly.bam] loaded, 1707 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/nmisuhly.bam] to [override/nmisuhly.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/nmpsuhly.bam] loaded, 11042 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/nmpsuhly.bam] to [override/nmpsuhly.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 22374 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20802 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI107.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI107.spl] to [override/DWWP107.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13179 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP107.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13179 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 13179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq107.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq107.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 42584 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2340 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2121 bytes Editing kit DW_SUNE_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR08.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR08.2da] to [override/CLABPR08.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tymora.tph] loaded, 5602 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tymora.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/tymora.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 146 bytes Appending [TYMORA dagger...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [TYMORA dagger] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#tymora_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI209.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI209.spl] to [override/dw-tmlu.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dw#tym1.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dw#tym1.bam] to [override/dw#tym1.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI209.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI209.spl] to [override/dw-tmin.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI514.spl] loaded, 4050 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CHALSLAY.ITM] to [override/CHALSLAY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DEMOGORG.ITM] to [override/DEMOGORG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [NISHRUU.ITM] to [override/NISHRUU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBBRVGR.ITM] to [override/OHBBRVGR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2754 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RAVAG01.ITM] to [override/RAVAG01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RAVAG02.ITM] to [override/RAVAG02.ITM] Copied [SPWI514.spl] to [override/DWWI514.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_TYMORA_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_TYMORA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 42584 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12056 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11873 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8549 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8550 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11592 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15240 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20802 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14000 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6109 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10048 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2424 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2340 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2121 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17163 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 104128 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR09.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2340 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL11.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1367 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1367 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 104128 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR09.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR09.2da] to [override/CLABPR09.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 42584 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12056 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 11873 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8549 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8550 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 17946 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11592 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15240 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 20802 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3878 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13347 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14000 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6109 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10048 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14158 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2424 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2340 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2121 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17163 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 104128 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21030 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 22810 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1392 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15047 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16653 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12284 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5601 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4516 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4895 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21030 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 25983 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2054 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21030 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI209.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI209.spl] to [override/DWWP209.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI607.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MISLEAD.SPL] to [override/MISLEAD.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes override/PROJIMAG.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/PROJIMAG.SPL, 1210 bytes Copied [PROJIMAG.SPL] to [override/PROJIMAG.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes override/SIMULACR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SIMULACR.SPL, 1306 bytes Copied [SIMULACR.SPL] to [override/SIMULACR.SPL] Copied [SPWI607.spl] to [override/DWWP607.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI722.spl] to [override/DWWP722.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP209.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP607.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP722.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13353 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 13353 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq209.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq209.spl] Creating file dwgq607.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq607.spl] Creating file dwgq722.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq722.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 43109 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2370 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2148 bytes Editing kit DW_TYMORA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR09.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR09.2da] to [override/CLABPR09.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs59.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 634 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs59.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwtymihl.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwtymihl.bam] to [override/dwtymihl.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwtymphl.bam] loaded, 13511 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwtymphl.bam] to [override/dwtymphl.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 22810 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/moradin.tph] loaded, 6231 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/moradin.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/moradin.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 161 bytes Appending [MORADIN warhammer...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [MORADIN warhammer] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#moradin_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI417.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI417.spl] to [override/DWWI417.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR320.spl] to [override/DWPI320.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_MORADIN_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_MORADIN_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 43109 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12046 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8701 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8702 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18173 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21030 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13549 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14177 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6186 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2455 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2370 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2148 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17390 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 105430 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR10.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2370 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL12.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1392 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1392 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 105430 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR10.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR10.2da] to [override/CLABPR10.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 43109 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12208 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12046 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8701 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8702 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18173 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11744 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15442 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21030 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3930 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13549 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14177 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6186 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10200 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14394 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2455 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2370 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2148 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17390 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 105430 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 23246 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1418 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15085 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16653 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12284 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5677 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4516 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4895 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs60.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 730 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs60.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26215 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 2712 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/kossuth.tph] loaded, 10055 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/kossuth.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/kossuth.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Appending [KOSSUTH flailmorningstar...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [KOSSUTH flailmorningstar] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#kossuth_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-korb.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-korb.spl] copying to override/dw-korx.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-korx.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR605.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR605.spl] to [override/dw-koce.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 731 bytes override/smtables.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/smtables.2da, 731 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 860 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 960 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 960 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cfek1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CFEK1.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cfek1.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cfek1.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-cfek1.2da] to [override/dw-cfek1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cfek2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CFEK2.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cfek2.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cfek2.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-cfek2.2da] to [override/dw-cfek2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cfek3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CFEK3.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cfek3.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cfek3.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-cfek3.2da] to [override/dw-cfek3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cfek4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CFEK4.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cfek4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cfek4.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-cfek4.2da] to [override/dw-cfek4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-koce.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-koce.spl] to [override/dw-koce.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48498 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI229.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48498 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI229.spl] to [override/DWWI229.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI304.spl] loaded, 1554 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA82.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA82.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA82.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA82.SPL] to [override/DWEVA82.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4058 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPWI304.spl] to [override/DWWI304.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI418.spl] loaded, 12770 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-WEQU.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes override/DW-WEQU.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DW-WEQU.SPL, 586 bytes Copied [DW-WEQU.SPL] to [override/DW-WEQU.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4290 bytes override/GORCHR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/GORCHR.ITM, 4290 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHGASFRM.SPL] to [override/OHGASFRM.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR326.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes override/SPPR326.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR326.SPL, 1066 bytes Copied [SPPR326.SPL] to [override/SPPR326.SPL] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48520 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI418.spl] to [override/DWWI418.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_KOSSUTH_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_KOSSUTH_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 43634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12360 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8853 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8854 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11894 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15643 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3981 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13751 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14354 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6263 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10352 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2486 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2175 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 106731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR11.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2400 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL13.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1418 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1418 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 106731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR11.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR11.2da] to [override/CLABPR11.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 43634 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12360 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12198 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 8853 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 8854 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18400 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 11894 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15643 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21258 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 3981 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13751 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14354 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6263 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10352 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14630 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2486 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2400 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2175 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17616 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 106731 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21486 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 23246 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1444 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15124 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16692 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12284 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5755 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4594 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4895 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21486 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26451 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 3251 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs61.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 826 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs61.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#pkos25.bam] loaded, 19298 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#pkos25.bam] to [override/a#pkos25.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#ikos25.bam] loaded, 1432 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#ikos25.bam] to [override/a#ikos25.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 23246 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 23920 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 24524 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21486 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA76.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA76.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA76.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA76.SPL] to [override/DWEVA76.SPL] Copied [SPWI103.spl] to [override/DWWP103.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13799 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 13799 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq103.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq103.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 44159 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2430 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2202 bytes Editing kit DW_KOSSUTH_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR11.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR11.2da] to [override/CLABPR11.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bhaal_cyric.tph] loaded, 7074 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bhaal_cyric.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/bhaal_cyric.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 206 bytes Appending [BHAAL_CYRIC longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [BHAAL_CYRIC longsword] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#bhaal_cyric_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#cyr07.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#cyr07.spl] to [override/dw-cydb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR708.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [HSLAYWPN.ITM] to [override/HSLAYWPN.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBBSLAY.ITM] to [override/OHBBSLAY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SLAYERW1.ITM] to [override/SLAYERW1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SLAYERW3.ITM] to [override/SLAYERW3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SLAYERWP.ITM] to [override/SLAYERWP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes override/STALKER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/STALKER.ITM, 3186 bytes Copied [STALKER.ITM] to [override/STALKER.ITM] Copied [SPPR708.spl] to [override/DWPI708.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI601.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI601.spl] to [override/DWWI601.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI508.spl] loaded, 2578 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDBRD03.SPL] to [override/BDBRD03.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes override/GORFIRG.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/GORFIRG.ITM, 3522 bytes Copied [GORFIRG.ITM] to [override/GORFIRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes override/GORJELFU.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/GORJELFU.ITM, 3282 bytes Copied [GORJELFU.ITM] to [override/GORJELFU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes override/GORJELGR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/GORJELGR.ITM, 3282 bytes Copied [GORJELGR.ITM] to [override/GORJELGR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes override/GORMISTI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/GORMISTI.ITM, 3522 bytes Copied [GORMISTI.ITM] to [override/GORMISTI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes override/PLYJELLY.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/PLYJELLY.ITM, 3434 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2802 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes override/RING95.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/RING95.ITM, 3330 bytes Copied [RING95.ITM] to [override/RING95.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2554 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4242 bytes override/SPRNGB04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGB04.ITM, 4242 bytes Copied [SPRNGB04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4290 bytes override/SPRNGL04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGL04.ITM, 4290 bytes Copied [SPRNGL04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes override/SPRNGS03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGS03.ITM, 3618 bytes Copied [SPRNGS03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3906 bytes override/SPRNGS04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGS04.ITM, 3906 bytes Copied [SPRNGS04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5106 bytes override/SPRNGZ05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGZ05.ITM, 5106 bytes Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copied [SPWI508.spl] to [override/DWWI508.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 44159 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12350 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9006 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18627 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15843 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21486 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4031 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13953 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14531 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6340 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10504 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2430 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17841 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 108031 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR12.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2430 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL14.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1444 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1444 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 108031 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR12.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR12.2da] to [override/CLABPR12.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 44159 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12512 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12350 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9005 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9006 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18627 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12045 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 15843 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21486 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4031 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 13953 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14531 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6340 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10504 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 14866 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2517 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2430 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2202 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 17841 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 108031 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 25250 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15163 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16731 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12323 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5833 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4672 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 4973 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26686 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 3806 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs62.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs62.itm] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 25250 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21714 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI314.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4338 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4106 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPWI314.spl] to [override/DWWP314.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI605.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes override/OHBDTRAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHBDTRAI.ITM, 3042 bytes Copied [OHBDTRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes override/OHBETRAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHBETRAI.ITM, 2850 bytes Copied [OHBETRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBETRAI.ITM] Copied [SPWI605.spl] to [override/DWWP605.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13973 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP314.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP605.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 13973 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 13973 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq314.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq314.spl] Creating file dwgq605.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq605.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 44684 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2229 bytes Editing kit DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR12.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR12.2da] to [override/CLABPR12.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bane_xvim.tph] loaded, 7496 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bane_xvim.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/bane_xvim.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#bane_xvim_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 229 bytes Appending [BANE_XVIM scimitarwakisashininjato...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [BANE_XVIM scimitarwakisashininjato] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI210.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI210.spl] to [override/dw-bain.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes override/SPCL107.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPCL107.SPL, 1210 bytes Copied [SPCL107.SPL] to [override/SPCL107.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2602 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copied [SPPR416.spl] to [override/DWPI416.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI811.spl] loaded, 1098 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5826 bytes override/BAZPATRG.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/BAZPATRG.ITM, 5826 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4578 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2938 bytes override/DW#PMSCR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DW#PMSCR.SPL, 2938 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes override/FSSPIR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/FSSPIR.ITM, 4770 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes override/HOLDRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/HOLDRING.ITM, 5010 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5154 bytes override/INVULNER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/INVULNER.ITM, 5154 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes Copied [SPCL107.SPL] to [override/SPCL107.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes override/SPCL415A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPCL415A.SPL, 4618 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4154 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2650 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4666 bytes override/SPWI413A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI413A.SPL, 4666 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 46266 bytes override/SPWI630.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI630.SPL, 46266 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copied [SPWI811.spl] to [override/DWWI811.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI412.spl] loaded, 8738 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes override/BALTH07.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/BALTH07.SPL, 778 bytes Copied [BALTH07.SPL] to [override/BALTH07.SPL] Copied [SPWI412.spl] to [override/DWWI412.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI720.spl] loaded, 3754 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI720.spl] to [override/DWWI720.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_BANE_XVIM_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_BANE_XVIM_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 44684 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12664 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12502 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9157 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18854 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12200 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 16047 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21714 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4085 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 14155 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14708 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6417 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10656 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2548 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2229 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 18070 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 109335 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR13.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2460 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL15.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1474 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1474 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 109335 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR13.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR13.2da] to [override/CLABPR13.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 44684 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12664 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12502 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9157 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9158 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 18854 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12200 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 16047 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21714 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4085 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 14155 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14708 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6417 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10656 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15102 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2548 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2460 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2229 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 18070 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 109335 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 25678 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1502 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15163 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16731 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12366 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5833 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4672 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5059 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 26931 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 4238 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs63.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs63.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdixvhly.bam] loaded, 3148 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdixvhly.bam] to [override/cdixvhly.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpxvhly.bam] loaded, 6399 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpxvhly.bam] to [override/cdpxvhly.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 25678 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 26164 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21942 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI205.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3242 bytes override/AMUL17.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/AMUL17.ITM, 3242 bytes Copied [AMUL17.ITM] to [override/AMUL17.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BRDFLUT1.ITM] to [override/BRDFLUT1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BRDFLUTE.ITM] to [override/BRDFLUTE.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6074 bytes override/CHALCY3.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CHALCY3.ITM, 6074 bytes Copied [CHALCY3.ITM] to [override/CHALCY3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3946 bytes override/DW-SSHR.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DW-SSHR.SPL, 3946 bytes Copied [DW-SSHR.SPL] to [override/DW-SSHR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes override/DWWI426.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWWI426.SPL, 874 bytes Copied [DWWI426.SPL] to [override/DWWI426.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [FJBARDA.SPL] to [override/FJBARDA.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [FJBARDB.SPL] to [override/FJBARDB.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [FJBLADEB.SPL] to [override/FJBLADEB.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes override/GLOBBLU2.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/GLOBBLU2.ITM, 2186 bytes Copied [GLOBBLU2.ITM] to [override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 4970 bytes override/IPSION.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/IPSION.ITM, 4970 bytes Copied [IPSION.ITM] to [override/IPSION.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MISC3N.ITM] to [override/MISC3N.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes override/OHBRESTO.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHBRESTO.SPL, 2170 bytes Copied [OHBRESTO.SPL] to [override/OHBRESTO.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes override/OHRRAGE.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHRRAGE.SPL, 3082 bytes Copied [OHRRAGE.SPL] to [override/OHRRAGE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes override/OHSMODE1.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHSMODE1.SPL, 7114 bytes Copied [OHSMODE1.SPL] to [override/OHSMODE1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7066 bytes override/OHSMODE4.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHSMODE4.SPL, 7066 bytes Copied [OHSMODE4.SPL] to [override/OHSMODE4.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes override/OHTYR1.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHTYR1.SPL, 2458 bytes Copied [OHTYR1.SPL] to [override/OHTYR1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes override/POTN21.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/POTN21.ITM, 2042 bytes Copied [POTN21.ITM] to [override/POTN21.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL104.SPL] to [override/SPCL104.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [SPCL107.SPL] to [override/SPCL107.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes override/SPCL222.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPCL222.SPL, 1162 bytes Copied [SPCL222.SPL] to [override/SPCL222.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 4202 bytes override/SPCL542A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPCL542A.SPL, 4202 bytes Copied [SPCL542A.SPL] to [override/SPCL542A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes override/SPCL920A.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPCL920A.SPL, 2266 bytes Copied [SPCL920A.SPL] to [override/SPCL920A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL921A.SPL] to [override/SPCL921A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3802 bytes override/SPIN117.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPIN117.SPL, 3802 bytes Copied [SPIN117.SPL] to [override/SPIN117.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes override/SPIN676.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPIN676.SPL, 1354 bytes Copied [SPIN676.SPL] to [override/SPIN676.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN823.SPL] to [override/SPIN823.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes override/SPIN872.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPIN872.SPL, 2410 bytes Copied [SPIN872.SPL] to [override/SPIN872.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN891.SPL] to [override/SPIN891.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes override/SPIN906.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPIN906.SPL, 2410 bytes Copied [SPIN906.SPL] to [override/SPIN906.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes override/SPPR108.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR108.SPL, 1114 bytes Copied [SPPR108.SPL] to [override/SPPR108.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.SPL] loaded, 2410 bytes override/SPPR322.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR322.SPL, 2410 bytes Copied [SPPR322.SPL] to [override/SPPR322.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2698 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes override/SPPR713.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR713.SPL, 2266 bytes Copied [SPPR713.SPL] to [override/SPPR713.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes Copied [SPPR735.SPL] to [override/SPPR735.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes override/SPWI210.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI210.SPL, 1114 bytes Copied [SPWI210.SPL] to [override/SPWI210.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI426.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI426.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI426.SPL, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI426.SPL] to [override/SPWI426.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes override/SPWISH07.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWISH07.SPL, 2170 bytes Copied [SPWISH07.SPL] to [override/SPWISH07.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes override/SPWISH46.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWISH46.SPL, 2170 bytes Copied [SPWISH46.SPL] to [override/SPWISH46.SPL] Copied [SPWI205.spl] to [override/DWWP205.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 14282 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP205.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 14282 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 14282 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq205.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq205.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 45209 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2256 bytes Editing kit DW_BANE_XVIM_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR13.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR13.2da] to [override/CLABPR13.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/myrkul_velsharoon.tph] loaded, 5963 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/myrkul_velsharoon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/myrkul_velsharoon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 265 bytes Appending [MYRKUL_VELSHAROON quarterstaff...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [MYRKUL_VELSHAROON quarterstaff] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#myrkul_velsharoon_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-mrco.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-mrco.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR413.spl] to [override/dw-mrnp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR301.spl] loaded, 466 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4202 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPPR301.spl] to [override/DWPI301.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR610.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR610.spl] to [override/DWPI610.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR740.spl] loaded, 7114 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48586 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPPR740.spl] to [override/DWPI740.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI117.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI117.spl] to [override/DWWP117.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI218.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4434 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copied [SPWI218.spl] to [override/DWWP218.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI313.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1946 bytes override/AURSTAF.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/AURSTAF.ITM, 1946 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5874 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1122 bytes override/CLCK26.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CLCK26.ITM, 1122 bytes Copied [CLCK26.ITM] to [override/CLCK26.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4626 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 2986 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA84.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA84.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA84.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA84.SPL] to [override/DWEVA84.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4818 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 10410 bytes override/JWGLOBE.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/JWGLOBE.SPL, 10410 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes override/MAGEAMUL.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/MAGEAMUL.ITM, 1362 bytes Copied [MAGEAMUL.ITM] to [override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1898 bytes override/POTN33.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/POTN33.ITM, 1898 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4666 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4250 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 16130 bytes override/SPIN736.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPIN736.SPL, 16130 bytes Copied [SPIN736.SPL] to [override/SPIN736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 16802 bytes override/SPWI406.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI406.SPL, 16802 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4714 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 11706 bytes override/SPWI602.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI602.SPL, 11706 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 46698 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes override/SPWI954.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI954.SPL, 1162 bytes Copied [SPWI954.SPL] to [override/SPWI954.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes override/SPWM126.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWM126.SPL, 1210 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copied [SPWI313.spl] to [override/DWWP313.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 47130 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copied [SPWI628.spl] to [override/DWWP628.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI966.spl] loaded, 666 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI966.spl] to [override/DWWP966.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 45209 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9309 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9310 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 19081 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 16245 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4133 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 14357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14885 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2579 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2256 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 18293 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 110633 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR14.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2490 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL16.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 45209 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9309 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9310 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 19081 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 16245 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4133 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 14357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14885 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10808 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2579 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2256 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 18293 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 110633 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1502 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1502 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 110633 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 45209 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12816 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12654 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9309 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9310 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 19081 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12347 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 16245 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 21942 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4133 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 14357 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 14885 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6494 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10808 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15338 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2579 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2490 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2256 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 18293 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 110633 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1526 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 111929 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR14.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR14.2da] to [override/CLABPR14.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 45734 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 12968 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 12806 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 9461 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 9462 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 19308 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 12493 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 16441 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 22170 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4179 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 14559 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 15062 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 6571 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 10960 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 15574 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2631 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2519 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2304 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 18514 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 111929 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 26770 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1562 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15163 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16772 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12407 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5833 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4754 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5141 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27158 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 4658 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs65.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs65.itm] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 26770 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 27256 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25044 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25044 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 14456 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP117.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP218.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP313.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP966.spl] loaded, 666 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 14456 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 14456 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq117.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq117.spl] Creating file dwgq218.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq218.spl] Creating file dwgq313.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq313.spl] Creating file dwgq628.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq628.spl] Creating file dwgq966.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq966.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 51803 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2565 bytes Editing kit DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR14.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR14.2da] to [override/CLABPR14.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/azuth.tph] loaded, 5016 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/azuth.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/azuth.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#azuth_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 297 bytes Appending [AZUTH quarterstaff...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [AZUTH quarterstaff] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48607 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI112.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4482 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MISC5X.ITM] to [override/MISC5X.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 50914 bytes override/SPPR615.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPPR615.SPL, 50914 bytes Copied [SPPR615.SPL] to [override/SPPR615.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes override/SPWI114.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPWI114.SPL, 874 bytes Copied [SPWI114.SPL] to [override/SPWI114.SPL] Copied [SPWI112.spl] to [override/DWWI112.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA83.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/DWEVA83.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA83.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [DWEVA83.SPL] to [override/DWEVA83.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes Copied [GORFIRG.ITM] to [override/GORFIRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes Copied [GORMISTI.ITM] to [override/GORMISTI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes Copied [STALKER.ITM] to [override/STALKER.ITM] Copied [SPWI308.spl] to [override/DWWI308.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI429.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI114.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes Copied [SPWI114.SPL] to [override/SPWI114.SPL] Copied [SPWI429.spl] to [override/DWWI429.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_AZUTH_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_AZUTH_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 51803 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 14668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 14491 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 10747 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 10751 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 21857 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14167 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 18645 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 16513 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7422 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12426 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2896 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2565 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 20995 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 126813 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR15.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2810 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL17.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1562 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1562 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 126813 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR15.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR15.2da] to [override/CLABPR15.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 51803 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 14668 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 14491 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 10747 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 10751 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 21857 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14167 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 18645 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25044 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4745 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 16513 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17045 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7422 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12426 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17619 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2896 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2810 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2565 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 20995 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 126813 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 27862 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15163 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16821 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12456 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5833 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4852 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5239 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27403 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 5090 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs66.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs66.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwazuihl.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwazuihl.bam] to [override/dwazuihl.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwazuphl.bam] loaded, 17082 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwazuphl.bam] to [override/dwazuphl.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 27862 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 28476 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/ilmater.tph] loaded, 5112 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/ilmater.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/ilmater.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 317 bytes Appending [ILMATER quarterstaff...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [ILMATER quarterstaff] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#ilmater_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdilend.spl] loaded, 11474 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdilend.spl] to [override/dw-ilen.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdilendb.bam] loaded, 1335 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdilendb.bam] to [override/cdilendb.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdilendc.bam] loaded, 385 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdilendc.bam] to [override/cdilendc.bam] copying to override/dw-ilin.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ilin.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ilin.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [dw-ilin.spl] to [override/dw-ilin.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48607 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR108.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48607 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPPR108.spl] to [override/DWPI108.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48628 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3090 bytes Copied [OHBDTRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes Copied [OHBETRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBETRAI.ITM] Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48628 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPPR607.spl] to [override/DWPI607.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR330.spl] loaded, 778 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR330.spl] to [override/DWPI330.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_ILMATER_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_ILMATER_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 52391 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 14838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 14661 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 10917 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 10921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22111 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14323 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 18857 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4789 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 16739 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17243 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12596 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2843 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2595 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21235 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 128257 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR16.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2843 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL18.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1586 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1586 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 128257 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR16.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR16.2da] to [override/CLABPR16.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 52391 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 14838 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 14661 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 10917 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 10921 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22111 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14323 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 18857 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25299 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4789 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 16739 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17243 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7508 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12596 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 17882 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2930 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2843 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2595 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21235 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 128257 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 29140 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1612 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/slilmat.dlg] loaded, 2380 bytes [slilmat.dlg.DLG] loaded [slilmat.dlg] created from [SLILMAT.DLG] Adding SLILMAT to internal list of available DLGs [SLILMAT.DLG] saved 18 states, 32 trans, 3 strig, 7 ttrig, 8 actions override/slilmat.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/slilmat.dlg, 2380 bytes Copied [slilmat.dlg] to [override/slilmat.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wilmat.dlg] loaded, 1261 bytes [wilmat.dlg.DLG] loaded [wilmat.dlg] created from [WILMAT.DLG] Adding WILMAT to internal list of available DLGs [WILMAT.DLG] saved 9 states, 17 trans, 1 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions override/wilmat.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/wilmat.dlg, 1261 bytes Copied [wilmat.dlg] to [override/wilmat.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15200 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16858 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12456 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5907 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4926 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27668 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 5360 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs67.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1306 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs67.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdiilhly.bam] loaded, 2757 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdiilhly.bam] to [override/cdiilhly.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpilhly.bam] loaded, 5705 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdpilhly.bam] to [override/cdpilhly.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 29140 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mystra.tph] loaded, 14122 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mystra.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/mystra.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 339 bytes Appending [MYSTRA dagger...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [MYSTRA dagger] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#mystra_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-myin.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-myin.spl] copying to override/dw-myct.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-myct.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4346 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPWI302.spl] to [override/DWWI302.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI701.spl] loaded, 5098 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWI701B.SPL] to [override/SPWI701B.SPL] Copied [SPWI701.spl] to [override/DWWI701.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/lib/noncumulative_casting_time.tph] loaded, 1869 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/lib/noncumulative_casting_time.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/noncumulative_casting_time.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#noncumulative_casting_time.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22065 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Creating file dwncctd.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwncctd.spl] Copying and patching 3077 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes Copied [AMUL21.ITM] to [override/AMUL21.ITM] [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5922 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BDHELM11.ITM] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BODHI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BRDFLUT1.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/BRDFLUTE.ITM] loaded, 1386 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6122 bytes [./override/CHALSLAY.ITM] loaded, 2178 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CHWRAITH.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4674 bytes [./override/DEMOGORG.ITM] loaded, 3770 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-HS55.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS56.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS57.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS58.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS59.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS60.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS61.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS62.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS63.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS65.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS66.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS67.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WERE1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-WERE2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copied [DWCHAN01.ITM] to [override/DWCHAN01.ITM] [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWSPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4866 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGNYMPH.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5106 bytes [./override/HSLAYWPN.ITM] loaded, 1466 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INNOC2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5250 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 5018 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC3N.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC5X.ITM] loaded, 594 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NISHRUU.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPCHAN.ITM] loaded, 1458 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OBJRING.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBBRVGR.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHBBSLAY.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3138 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHWRSW.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3482 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 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[./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes [./override/RAVAG01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RAVAG02.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING94.ITM] loaded, 2226 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/RING99.ITM] loaded, 2274 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1B.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1W.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2E.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL66.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL67.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL69.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6N.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL6Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6Z.ITM] loaded, 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loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL83.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL84.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL85.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL86.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL87.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL89.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8N.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL8O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL90.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL92.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL93.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL95.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL96.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL97.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL99.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9G.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9T.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA2.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA3.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRLA5.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA6.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA8.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAI.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAJ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAL.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAM.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAN.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAQ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAR.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB1.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB2.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLZY.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SCRLZZ.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHALT01.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SLAYERW1.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/SLAYERW3.ITM] loaded, 5450 bytes [./override/SLAYERWP.ITM] loaded, 2138 bytes [./override/SLAYSH01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPECTR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4394 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4290 bytes [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4338 bytes [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3954 bytes [./override/SPRNGW04.ITM] loaded, 1698 bytes [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/STAF01.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF06.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/STAF07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/STAF08.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF09.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2530 bytes [./override/STAF11.ITM] loaded, 2394 bytes [./override/STAF12.ITM] loaded, 1146 bytes [./override/STAF13.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF14.ITM] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/STAF15.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF16.ITM] loaded, 1338 bytes [./override/STAF17.ITM] loaded, 1002 bytes [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV2.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/TELWRAI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TTSCRL01.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/TTSCRL02.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP1.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP2.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP3.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes Copied [WA2ROBE.ITM] to [override/WA2ROBE.ITM] [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WEREWLF1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WEREWLF2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WIGHT.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WRAITH1.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes copying CLERIC=>DW_MYSTRA_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_MYSTRA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 52979 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 14831 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11087 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11091 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14492 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4847 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 16965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17441 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2964 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2625 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21489 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 129715 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR17.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2876 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL19.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1612 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1612 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 129715 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR17.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR17.2da] to [override/CLABPR17.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 52979 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15008 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 14831 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11087 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11091 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22365 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14492 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19083 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25554 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4847 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 16965 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17441 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7594 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12766 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18145 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2964 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2876 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2625 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21489 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 129715 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25809 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 29576 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1637 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15239 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16858 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12456 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 5985 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 4926 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25809 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 27906 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 5988 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs68.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs68.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwmysihl.bam] loaded, 2090 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwmysihl.bam] to [override/dwmysihl.bam] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwmysphl.bam] loaded, 21221 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/dwmysphl.bam] to [override/dwmysphl.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 29576 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 30310 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25809 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI114.spl] loaded, 970 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48670 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI114.spl] to [override/DWWP114.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI219.spl] to [override/DWWP219.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.spl] loaded, 17474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48755 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copied [SPWI406.spl] to [override/DWWP406.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI513.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI513.spl] to [override/DWWP513.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI728.spl] to [override/DWWP728.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 15176 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP114.spl] loaded, 970 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP219.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP406.spl] loaded, 17474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP513.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 15176 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 15176 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq114.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq114.spl] Creating file dwgq219.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq219.spl] Creating file dwgq406.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq406.spl] Creating file dwgq513.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq513.spl] Creating file dwgq728.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq728.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 53567 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2655 bytes Editing kit DW_MYSTRA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR17.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR17.2da] to [override/CLABPR17.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/corellon.tph] loaded, 6771 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/corellon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/corellon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 354 bytes Appending [CORELLON longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [CORELLON longsword] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#corellon_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-crin.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-crin.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI118.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 51394 bytes Copied [SPPR615.SPL] to [override/SPPR615.SPL] Copied [SPWI118.spl] to [override/DWWI118.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI303.spl] loaded, 2194 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA81.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA81.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA81.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA81.SPL] to [override/DWEVA81.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4394 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 51874 bytes Copied [SPPR615.SPL] to [override/SPPR615.SPL] Copied [SPWI303.spl] to [override/DWWI303.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI714.spl] loaded, 922 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI714.spl] to [override/DWWI714.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_CORELLON_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_CORELLON_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 53567 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15178 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15001 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11257 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14661 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25809 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4902 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17191 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17639 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7680 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12936 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2655 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21740 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 131170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR18.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2909 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL20.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1637 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1637 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 131170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR18.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR18.2da] to [override/CLABPR18.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 53567 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15178 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15001 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11257 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11261 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22619 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14661 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19306 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 25809 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4902 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17191 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17639 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7680 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 12936 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 2998 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2909 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2655 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21740 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 131170 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26064 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 30914 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1664 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15277 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16896 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12456 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6061 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5002 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26064 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28196 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 6198 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1498 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs69.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1498 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs69.itm] Copying 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#feyhly.bam] loaded, 2034 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#feyhly.bam] to [override/a#feyhly.bam] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 30914 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/gruumsh.tph] loaded, 5747 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/gruumsh.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/gruumsh.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 374 bytes Appending [GRUUMSH spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [GRUUMSH spear] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#gruumsh_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-grin.eff Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-grin.eff] copying to override/dw-grin.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-grin.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI327.spl] loaded, 3722 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA85.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA85.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA85.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA85.SPL] to [override/DWEVA85.SPL] Copied [SPWI327.spl] to [override/dw-grsp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-grsp.spl] loaded, 3722 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-grsp.spl] to [override/dw-grsp.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR201.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR201.spl] to [override/DWPI201.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR312.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4442 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPPR312.spl] to [override/DWPI312.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR507.spl] loaded, 7506 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR507.spl] to [override/DWPI507.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_GRUUMSH_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_GRUUMSH_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 54155 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15348 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15171 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11427 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11431 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22873 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14830 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19532 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26064 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4960 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17417 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17837 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3032 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2685 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 132628 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR19.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2942 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL21.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1664 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1664 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 132628 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR19.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR19.2da] to [override/CLABPR19.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 54155 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15348 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15171 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11427 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11431 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 22873 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14830 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19532 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26064 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 4960 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17417 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 17837 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7766 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13106 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18671 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3032 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2942 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2685 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 21994 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 132628 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26319 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 31350 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1690 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15317 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16896 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12456 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6141 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5002 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26319 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28451 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 6633 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1594 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs70.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1594 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs70.itm] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 31350 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/shar.tph] loaded, 5456 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/shar.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/shar.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 389 bytes Appending [ SHAR dart...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [SHAR dart] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#shar_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-shin.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-shin.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdshar2.spl] loaded, 2834 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdshar2.spl] to [override/dw-shdb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#sha01.bam] loaded, 3257 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#sha01.bam] to [override/a#sha01.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#sha02.bam] loaded, 4514 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/a#sha02.bam] to [override/a#sha02.bam] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdshar2.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/dr/cdshar2.itm] to [override/cdshar2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/cdshar2.itm] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [cdshar2.itm] to [override/cdshar2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI106.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI106.spl] to [override/DWWI106.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI401.spl] loaded, 1426 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BDBRD03.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes Copied [BDBRD03.SPL] to [override/BDBRD03.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DRAGRING.ITM] to [override/DRAGRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes Copied [GORFIRG.ITM] to [override/GORFIRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes Copied [GORJELFU.ITM] to [override/GORJELFU.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes Copied [GORJELGR.ITM] to [override/GORJELGR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes Copied [GORMISTI.ITM] to [override/GORMISTI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3482 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes Copied [RING95.ITM] to [override/RING95.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RING99.ITM] loaded, 2274 bytes override/RING99.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/RING99.ITM, 2274 bytes Copied [RING99.ITM] to [override/RING99.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SHLD25.ITM] to [override/SHLD25.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4290 bytes Copied [SPRNGB04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4338 bytes Copied [SPRNGL04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes Copied [SPRNGS03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 3954 bytes Copied [SPRNGS04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5154 bytes Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes Copied [STALKER.ITM] to [override/STALKER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes override/SW2H21.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SW2H21.ITM, 1706 bytes Copied [SW2H21.ITM] to [override/SW2H21.ITM] Copied [SPWI401.spl] to [override/DWWI401.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI815.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI815.spl] to [override/DWWI815.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_SHAR_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_SHAR_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 54743 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15518 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15341 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11597 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23127 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14997 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26319 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17643 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7852 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13276 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2975 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2715 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22245 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 134083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR20.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2975 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL22.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1690 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1690 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 134083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR20.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR20.2da] to [override/CLABPR20.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 54743 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15518 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15341 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11597 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11601 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23127 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 14997 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19755 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26319 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5015 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17643 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18035 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7852 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13276 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 18934 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3066 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 2975 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2715 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22245 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 134083 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 31778 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1713 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bviconi.dlg] loaded, 51067 bytes [bviconi.dlg.DLG] loaded [bviconi.dlg] created from [BVICONI.DLG] Adding BVICONI to internal list of available DLGs [BVICONI.DLG] saved 612 states, 885 trans, 60 strig, 17 ttrig, 68 actions override/bviconi.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/bviconi.dlg, 51067 bytes Copied [bviconi.dlg] to [override/bviconi.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15317 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16896 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12495 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6141 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5002 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5391 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28693 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 6993 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1690 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs71.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1690 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs71.itm] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 31778 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26574 bytes Copying and patching 4818 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4490 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPWI302.spl] to [override/DWWP302.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 15895 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP302.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP715.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 15895 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 15895 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq302.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq302.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 55331 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2745 bytes Editing kit DW_SHAR_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR20.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR20.2da] to [override/CLABPR20.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/auril.tph] loaded, 15190 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/auril.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/auril.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 400 bytes Appending [ AURIL axe...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [AURIL axe] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#auril_shared.mrk] [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22205 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22345 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/baf_ice_elemental.baf] loaded, 946 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/resource/baf_ice_elemental.baf] to [override/dw-iceel.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [fireelem.itm] to [override/dw-iewp1.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-iewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-iewp1.itm] to [override/dw-iewp2.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-iewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-iewp1.itm] to [override/dw-iewp3.itm] copying to override/dw-ieap1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ieap1.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ieap1.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-ieap1.spl] to [override/dw-ieap2.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ieap1.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-ieap1.spl] to [override/dw-ieap3.spl] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 38 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 38 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-ieau1.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-ieau1.spl] Creating file __0007.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0007.eff] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 42 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 42 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-ieau2.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-ieau2.spl] Creating file __0008.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0008.eff] [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 46 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/GET_UNIQUE_FILENAME_EFF.IDS] loaded, 46 bytes Appended text to [get_unique_filename_eff.ids] Creating file dw-ieau3.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dw-ieau3.spl] Creating file __0009.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/__0009.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI404.spl] to [override/dw-ieis.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI312.spl] loaded, 346 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPWI312.spl] to [override/dw-iefr.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/es8erth.cre] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 11303 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1713 bytes Copied [es8erth.cre] to [override/dw-ice8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elearpr.cre] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [elearpr.cre] to [override/dw-ice12.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elearpr2.cre] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-IEIS.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [elearpr2.cre] to [override/dw-ice16.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/elearpr3.cre] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-IEIS.spl] loaded, 298 bytes Copied [elearpr3.cre] to [override/dw-ice24.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ice8.cre] loaded, 1624 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-iewp1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-ice8.cre] to [override/dw-ice8.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ice12.cre] loaded, 1644 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-iewp2.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-ice12.cre] to [override/dw-ice12.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ice16.cre] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-iewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-ice16.cre] to [override/dw-ice16.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ice24.cre] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-iewp3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes Copied [dw-ice24.cre] to [override/dw-ice24.cre] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 998 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 998 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1036 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1036 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1074 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1112 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1112 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ciea1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CIEA1.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-ciea1.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ciea1.2da] loaded, 83 bytes Copied [dw-ciea1.2da] to [override/dw-ciea1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ciea2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CIEA2.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-ciea2.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ciea2.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-ciea2.2da] to [override/dw-ciea2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ciea3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CIEA3.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-ciea3.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ciea3.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-ciea3.2da] to [override/dw-ciea3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ciea4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CIEA4.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-ciea4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-ciea4.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-ciea4.2da] to [override/dw-ciea4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR702.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR702.spl] to [override/dw-auce.spl] copying to override/dw-aur1.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-aur1.spl] copying to override/dw-aur2.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-aur2.spl] copying to override/dw-aur3.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-aur3.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI404.spl] to [override/DWWI404.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4674 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA88.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA88.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA88.SPL] to [override/DWEVA88.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3426 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copied [SPWI503.spl] to [override/dw-aucc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-aucc.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-aucc.spl] to [override/dw-aucc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI128.spl] to [override/DWWP128.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 52354 bytes Copied [SPPR615.SPL] to [override/SPPR615.SPL] Copied [SPWI323.spl] to [override/DWWP323.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_AURIL_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_AURIL_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 55331 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15688 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15511 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11771 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5068 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18233 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13446 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3100 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 135536 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR21.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3008 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL23.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1713 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1713 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 135536 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR21.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR21.2da] to [override/CLABPR21.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 55331 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15688 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15511 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11767 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11771 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23381 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15162 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 19976 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26574 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5068 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 17869 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18233 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 7938 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13446 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19197 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3100 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3008 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2745 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22494 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 135536 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26829 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 32206 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1737 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15317 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16896 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12531 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6141 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5002 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5463 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26829 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 28948 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 7368 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22487 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1786 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs72.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1786 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs72.itm] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 32206 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26829 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 16129 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 16129 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 16129 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq128.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq128.spl] Creating file dwgq323.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq323.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 55919 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3041 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2775 bytes Editing kit DW_AURIL_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR21.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR21.2da] to [override/CLABPR21.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/malar.tph] loaded, 6422 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/malar.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/malar.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#malar_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 411 bytes Appending [MALAR spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [MALAR spear] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] copying to override/dw-main.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-main.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR218.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR218.spl] to [override/dw-mabc.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR522.spl] loaded, 1018 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4722 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3474 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copied [SPPR522.spl] to [override/DWPI522.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22487 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22627 bytes Copied [splprot.2da] to [override/splprot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bclaw.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) override/bclaw.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/bclaw.itm, 602 bytes Copied [bclaw.itm] to [override/bclaw.itm] copying CLERIC=>DW_MALAR_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_MALAR_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 55919 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15858 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15681 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11941 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23635 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15332 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20201 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26829 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5125 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18095 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18431 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8024 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3134 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3041 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22747 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 136993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR22.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3041 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL24.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1737 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1737 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 136993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR22.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR22.2da] to [override/CLABPR22.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 55919 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 15858 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15681 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 11937 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 11941 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23635 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15332 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20201 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 26829 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5125 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18095 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18431 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8024 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13616 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19460 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3134 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3041 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2775 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22747 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 136993 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27084 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 32634 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15317 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16896 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12568 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6141 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5002 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5537 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27084 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29208 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 7665 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1882 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs73.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1882 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs73.itm] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 32634 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22767 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#malar_claw.mrk] Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bclaw.itm] loaded, 938 bytes Copied [bclaw.itm] to [override/bclaw.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/umberlee.tph] loaded, 6396 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/umberlee.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/umberlee.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#umberlee_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 424 bytes Appending [UMBERLEE spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [UMBERLEE spear] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] copying to override/dw-umwp.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-umwp.spl] copying to override/dw-umswi.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-umswi.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1150 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1150 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1188 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1188 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1259 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1259 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/smtables.2da] loaded, 1298 bytes Copied [smtables.2da] to [override/smtables.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cweu1.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CWEU1.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cweu1.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cweu1.2da] loaded, 83 bytes Copied [dw-cweu1.2da] to [override/dw-cweu1.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cweu2.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CWEU2.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cweu2.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cweu2.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-cweu2.2da] to [override/dw-cweu2.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cweu3.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CWEU3.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cweu3.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cweu3.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-cweu3.2da] to [override/dw-cweu3.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-cweu4.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/DW-CWEU4.2DA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [dw-cweu4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-cweu4.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [dw-cweu4.2da] to [override/dw-cweu4.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR605.spl] loaded, 1954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [SPPR605.spl] to [override/dw-umce.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR425.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-WESM.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes override/DW-WESM.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DW-WESM.SPL, 730 bytes Copied [DW-WESM.SPL] to [override/DW-WESM.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA61.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA61.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWEVA61.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA61.SPL] to [override/DWEVA61.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 47562 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copied [SPPR425.spl] to [override/DWPI425.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talona.tph] loaded, 7404 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talona.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/talona.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 440 bytes Appending [TALONA dagger...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [TALONA dagger] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#talona_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR327.spl] loaded, 682 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2378 bytes override/IBODY.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/IBODY.ITM, 2378 bytes Copied [IBODY.ITM] to [override/IBODY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 47994 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copied [SPPR327.spl] to [override/DWPI327.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 682 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2426 bytes Copied [IBODY.ITM] to [override/IBODY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7162 bytes Copied [OHSMODE1.SPL] to [override/OHSMODE1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes Copied [OHSMODE4.SPL] to [override/OHSMODE4.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2506 bytes Copied [OHTYR1.SPL] to [override/OHTYR1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 48426 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copied [SPPR422.spl] to [override/DWPI422.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR321.spl] loaded, 1546 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR321.spl] to [override/DWPI321.spl] copying to override/dw-tldi.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-tldi.spl] copying to override/dw-tlpi.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/immunity_strings_bg2.2da] loaded, 470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-tlpi.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI213.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 1994 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5922 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4770 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMOGORG.ITM] loaded, 3770 bytes Copied [DEMOGORG.ITM] to [override/DEMOGORG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 3034 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [FINMEL01.ITM] to [override/FINMEL01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4866 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5106 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2474 bytes Copied [IBODY.ITM] to [override/IBODY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5250 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 10842 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes Copied [MAGEAMUL.ITM] to [override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [MISC73.ITM] to [override/MISC73.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBGASIM.ITM] to [override/OHBGASIM.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1946 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [RAVAG03.ITM] to [override/RAVAG03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4714 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4538 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 16802 bytes Copied [SPIN736.SPL] to [override/SPIN736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 17474 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 12138 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 48858 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes Copied [SPWI954.SPL] to [override/SPWI954.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP406.spl] loaded, 17474 bytes Copied [DWWP406.spl] to [override/DWWP406.spl] Copied [SPWI213.spl] to [override/DWWP213.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI409.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [AMSOUL01.ITM] to [override/AMSOUL01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BHAAL1A.SPL] to [override/BHAAL1A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BPDISPEL.SPL] to [override/BPDISPEL.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [DEVAHEAL.SPL] to [override/DEVAHEAL.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPW607.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes override/DWPW607.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DWPW607.SPL, 2170 bytes Copied [DWPW607.SPL] to [override/DWPW607.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2234 bytes Copied [GLOBBLU2.ITM] to [override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [OHBBCLT1.SPL] to [override/OHBBCLT1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes Copied [OHBETRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBETRAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes Copied [OHBRESTO.SPL] to [override/OHBRESTO.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [POTN17.ITM] to [override/POTN17.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SENSPIHE.SPL] to [override/SENSPIHE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes override/SPIN141.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPIN141.SPL, 2026 bytes Copied [SPIN141.SPL] to [override/SPIN141.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN201.SPL] to [override/SPIN201.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN599.SPL] to [override/SPIN599.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN679.SPL] to [override/SPIN679.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN699.SPL] to [override/SPIN699.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN711.SPL] to [override/SPIN711.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN734.SPL] to [override/SPIN734.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR317.SPL] to [override/SPPR317.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR404.SPL] to [override/SPPR404.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPPR607.SPL] to [override/SPPR607.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes Copied [SPPR713.SPL] to [override/SPPR713.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes Copied [SPWISH07.SPL] to [override/SPWISH07.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWISH28.SPL] to [override/SPWISH28.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes Copied [SPWISH46.SPL] to [override/SPWISH46.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPWM168.SPL] to [override/SPWM168.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2530 bytes override/STAF10.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/STAF10.ITM, 2530 bytes Copied [STAF10.ITM] to [override/STAF10.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWPI607.spl] loaded, 2170 bytes Copied [DWPI607.spl] to [override/DWPI607.spl] Copied [SPWI409.spl] to [override/DWWP409.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI502.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 5970 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes override/CDIWDTR1.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDIWDTR1.SPL, 1834 bytes Copied [CDIWDTR1.SPL] to [override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1170 bytes Copied [CLCK26.ITM] to [override/CLCK26.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4818 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 3082 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-CAV3.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes override/DW-CAV3.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DW-CAV3.SPL, 826 bytes Copied [DW-CAV3.SPL] to [override/DW-CAV3.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-DDI3.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes override/DW-DDI3.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DW-DDI3.SPL, 826 bytes Copied [DW-DDI3.SPL] to [override/DW-DDI3.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3386 bytes override/DW-SSMAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/DW-SSMAI.ITM, 3386 bytes Copied [DW-SSMAI.ITM] to [override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5154 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2522 bytes Copied [IBODY.ITM] to [override/IBODY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5298 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3138 bytes Copied [OHBDTRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes Copied [OHBETRAI.ITM] to [override/OHBETRAI.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBGASIM.ITM] loaded, 594 bytes Copied [OHBGASIM.ITM] to [override/OHBGASIM.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3530 bytes Copied [PLYJELLY.ITM] to [override/PLYJELLY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 1994 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4762 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4586 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4810 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 49290 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copied [SPWI502.spl] to [override/DWWP502.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_TALONA_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_TALONA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 56507 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16028 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15851 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12107 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12111 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23889 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15499 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20425 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27084 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5181 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18629 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3168 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3074 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2805 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22999 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 138449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR23.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3074 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL25.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1761 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1761 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 138449 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_C_H.2da] to [override/K_C_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_C_HL.2da] to [override/K_C_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_C_HO.2da] to [override/K_C_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR23.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR23.2da] to [override/CLABPR23.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 56507 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16028 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 15851 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12107 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12111 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 23889 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15499 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20425 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27084 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5181 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18321 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18629 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8110 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13786 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19723 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3168 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3074 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2805 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 22999 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 138449 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27339 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 33062 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/barl.dlg] loaded, 827 bytes [barl.dlg.DLG] loaded [barl.dlg] created from [BARL.DLG] Adding BARL to internal list of available DLGs [BARL.DLG] saved 9 states, 10 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions override/barl.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/barl.dlg, 827 bytes Copied [barl.dlg] to [override/barl.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15317 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16896 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12605 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6141 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5002 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5611 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27339 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29453 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 8115 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1978 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs74.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 1978 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs74.itm] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 33062 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27339 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 16441 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP213.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP409.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP502.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 16441 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 16441 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Creating file dwgq213.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq213.spl] Creating file dwgq409.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq409.spl] Creating file dwgq502.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq502.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 57095 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3107 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2835 bytes Editing kit DW_TALONA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR23.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR23.2da] to [override/CLABPR23.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/clangeddin.tph] loaded, 6636 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/clangeddin.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/clangeddin.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 455 bytes Appending [CLANGEDDIN axe...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [CLANGEDDIN axe] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#clangeddin_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR102.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes override/SPCL109.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPCL109.SPL, 778 bytes Copied [SPCL109.SPL] to [override/SPCL109.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3562 bytes Copied [SPPR735.SPL] to [override/SPPR735.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGB02.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB02.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3522 bytes override/SPRNGB03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGB03.ITM, 3522 bytes Copied [SPRNGB03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4338 bytes Copied [SPRNGB04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 4002 bytes Copied [SPRNGS04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGW01.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGW02.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW02.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPRNGW03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGW04.ITM] loaded, 1698 bytes override/SPRNGW04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGW04.ITM, 1698 bytes Copied [SPRNGW04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes Copied [SPWI806.SPL] to [override/SPWI806.SPL] Copied [SPPR102.spl] to [override/DWPI102.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPIN769.SPL] to [override/SPIN769.SPL] Copied [SPPR303.spl] to [override/DWPI303.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes copying CLERIC=>DW_CLANGEDDIN_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_CLANGEDDIN_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 57095 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16021 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12277 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12281 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24143 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15669 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27339 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5238 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18547 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13956 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3107 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2835 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 23252 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 139906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR24.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3107 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL26.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1786 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1786 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 139906 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_C_D.2da] to [override/K_C_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR24.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR24.2da] to [override/CLABPR24.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 57095 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16198 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16021 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12277 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12281 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24143 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15669 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20650 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27339 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5238 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18547 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 18827 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8196 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 13956 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 19986 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3202 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3107 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2835 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 23252 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 139906 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 33490 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1815 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15317 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16896 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12643 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6141 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5002 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5687 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs75.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 2074 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs75.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29698 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 8547 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/baervan.tph] loaded, 10131 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/baervan.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/baervan.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 471 bytes Appending [BAERVAN spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [BAERVAN spear] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#baervan_shared.mrk] copying to override/dw-baen.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-baen.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR202.spl] loaded, 13794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR202.spl] to [override/dw-babs.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-babs.spl] loaded, 13794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-babs.spl] to [override/dw-babs.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI405.spl] loaded, 5378 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI405.spl] to [override/dw-baii.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-baii.spl] loaded, 5378 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-baii.spl] to [override/dw-baii.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR402.spl] to [override/DWPI402.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR501.spl] to [override/DWPI501.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPPR602.spl] to [override/DWPI602.spl] copying to override/dw-baa1r.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-baa1r.spl] copying to override/dw-baa2r.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-baa2r.spl] copying CLERIC=>DW_BAERVAN_CLERIC Copying kit CLERIC to kit DW_BAERVAN_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 57683 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16368 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16191 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12447 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24397 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15839 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27594 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5298 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18773 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19025 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8282 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14126 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3236 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3140 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2865 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 23508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 141366 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR25.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3140 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCL0.2da] to [override/luCL27.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1815 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1815 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 141366 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_H.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_D.2da] loaded, 212 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_G.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_C_G.2da] to [override/K_C_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_E.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_C_E.2da] to [override/K_C_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HE.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_C_HE.2da] to [override/K_C_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HL.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_C_HO.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR25.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR25.2da] to [override/CLABPR25.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 57683 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16368 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16191 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12447 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12451 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24397 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 15839 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 20878 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27594 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5298 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18773 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19025 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8282 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14126 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20249 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3236 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3140 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2865 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 23508 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 141366 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 33490 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1841 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baerie.dlg] loaded, 43377 bytes [baerie.dlg.DLG] loaded [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes [baerie.dlg] created from [BAERIE.DLG] Adding BAERIE to internal list of available DLGs [BAERIE.DLG] saved 482 states, 638 trans, 42 strig, 42 ttrig, 93 actions override/baerie.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/baerie.dlg, 43377 bytes Copied [baerie.dlg] to [override/baerie.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15359 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16938 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12643 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6225 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5086 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5687 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 2170 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/dw-hs76.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDHLYSYM.spl] loaded, 2170 bytes Copied [CDHLYSYM.spl] to [override/CDHLYSYM.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [belt12.itm] to [override/dw-hs76.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 29935 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30193 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30193 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [weidu_external/workspace/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30193 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30193 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 9087 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/lolth.tph] loaded, 5104 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/lolth.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/lolth.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 486 bytes Appending [LOLTH dagger...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it does NOT contain [LOLTH dagger] Appended text to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#lolth_shared.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI215.spl] loaded, 778 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes Copied [AURSTAF.ITM] to [override/AURSTAF.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 6018 bytes Copied [BAZPATRG.ITM] to [override/BAZPATRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4914 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMOGORG.ITM] loaded, 3818 bytes Copied [DEMOGORG.ITM] to [override/DEMOGORG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes Copied [DW#PMSCR.SPL] to [override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FINMEL01.ITM] loaded, 3810 bytes Copied [FINMEL01.ITM] to [override/FINMEL01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 4962 bytes Copied [FSSPIR.ITM] to [override/FSSPIR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5202 bytes Copied [HOLDRING.ITM] to [override/HOLDRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5346 bytes Copied [INVULNER.ITM] to [override/INVULNER.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 11274 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1458 bytes Copied [MAGEAMUL.ITM] to [override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MISC73.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes Copied [MISC73.ITM] to [override/MISC73.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes override/OHBDRKRG.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/OHBDRKRG.ITM, 1746 bytes Copied [OHBDRKRG.ITM] to [override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes Copied [POTN33.ITM] to [override/POTN33.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3138 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAVAG03.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes Copied [RAVAG03.ITM] to [override/RAVAG03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4810 bytes Copied [SPCL415A.SPL] to [override/SPCL415A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4634 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 17474 bytes Copied [SPIN736.SPL] to [override/SPIN736.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes Copied [SPRNGB03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4386 bytes Copied [SPRNGB04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes override/SPRNGL03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGL03.ITM, 3666 bytes Copied [SPRNGL03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4386 bytes Copied [SPRNGL04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGL04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2898 bytes override/SPRNGS01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGS01.ITM, 2898 bytes Copied [SPRNGS01.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes override/SPRNGS02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SPRNGS02.ITM, 2994 bytes Copied [SPRNGS02.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS02.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3714 bytes Copied [SPRNGS03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 4050 bytes Copied [SPRNGS04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5250 bytes Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 18146 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI413A.SPL] loaded, 4858 bytes Copied [SPWI413A.SPL] to [override/SPWI413A.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 12570 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI630.SPL] loaded, 49722 bytes Copied [SPWI630.SPL] to [override/SPWI630.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes Copied [SPWI954.SPL] to [override/SPWI954.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP406.spl] loaded, 18146 bytes Copied [DWWP406.spl] to [override/DWWP406.spl] Copied [SPWI215.spl] to [override/dw-lowb.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-lowb.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [dw-lowb.spl] to [override/dw-lowb.spl] Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes Copied [BREG01.CRE] to [override/BREG01.CRE] Copied [BREG03.CRE] to [override/BREG03.CRE] Copied [C6DRIZZ.CRE] to [override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] Copied [C6DRIZZ2.CRE] to [override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] Copied [C6DRIZZ3.CRE] to [override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] Copied [C6DROW1.CRE] to [override/C6DROW1.CRE] Copied [C6DROW2.CRE] to [override/C6DROW2.CRE] [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [C6ELF2.CRE] to [override/C6ELF2.CRE] Copied [C6ELF3.CRE] to [override/C6ELF3.CRE] Copied [C6ELF4.CRE] to [override/C6ELF4.CRE] Copied [C6ELF5.CRE] to [override/C6ELF5.CRE] Copied [C6EXTR01.CRE] to [override/C6EXTR01.CRE] Copied [C6EXTR02.CRE] to [override/C6EXTR02.CRE] Copied [C6EXTR03.CRE] to [override/C6EXTR03.CRE] Copied [C6EXTR04.CRE] to [override/C6EXTR04.CRE] Copied [C6GOD.CRE] to [override/C6GOD.CRE] Copied [C6WARSA1.CRE] to [override/C6WARSA1.CRE] Copied [C6WARSA2.CRE] to [override/C6WARSA2.CRE] [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes Copied [CHEVIL06.CRE] to [override/CHEVIL06.CRE] Copied [CHEVIL07.CRE] to [override/CHEVIL07.CRE] Copied [CHGOOD09.CRE] to [override/CHGOOD09.CRE] Copied [CSIREN.CRE] to [override/CSIREN.CRE] Copied [CSJON.CRE] to [override/CSJON.CRE] Copied [CUARDUL.CRE] to [override/CUARDUL.CRE] Copied [CUGUARD.CRE] to [override/CUGUARD.CRE] Copied [CUPHAER.CRE] to [override/CUPHAER.CRE] Copied [DADROW10.CRE] to [override/DADROW10.CRE] Copied [DADROW11.CRE] to [override/DADROW11.CRE] Copied [DADROW12.CRE] to [override/DADROW12.CRE] Copied [DADROW13.CRE] to [override/DADROW13.CRE] Copied [DADROW14.CRE] to [override/DADROW14.CRE] Copied [DADROW15.CRE] to [override/DADROW15.CRE] Copied [DADROW16.CRE] to [override/DADROW16.CRE] Copied [DADROW17.CRE] to [override/DADROW17.CRE] Copied [DADROW18.CRE] to [override/DADROW18.CRE] Copied [DADROW19.CRE] to [override/DADROW19.CRE] Copied [DADROW2.CRE] to [override/DADROW2.CRE] Copied [DADROW20.CRE] to [override/DADROW20.CRE] Copied [DADROW21.CRE] to [override/DADROW21.CRE] Copied [DADROW22.CRE] to [override/DADROW22.CRE] Copied [DADROW23.CRE] to [override/DADROW23.CRE] Copied [DADROW24.CRE] to [override/DADROW24.CRE] Copied [DADROW25.CRE] to [override/DADROW25.CRE] Copied [DADROW26.CRE] to [override/DADROW26.CRE] Copied [DADROW3.CRE] to [override/DADROW3.CRE] Copied [DADROW4.CRE] to [override/DADROW4.CRE] Copied [DADROW5.CRE] to [override/DADROW5.CRE] Copied [DADROW6.CRE] to [override/DADROW6.CRE] Copied [DADROW7.CRE] to [override/DADROW7.CRE] Copied [DADROW8.CRE] to [override/DADROW8.CRE] Copied [DADROW9.CRE] to [override/DADROW9.CRE] Copied [DAGHAUN1.CRE] to [override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] Copied [DAGHAUN2.CRE] to [override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] Copied [DAGMAG01.CRE] to [override/DAGMAG01.CRE] Copied [DAQILUE.CRE] to [override/DAQILUE.CRE] [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes Copied [DPJON01.CRE] to [override/DPJON01.CRE] Copied [DPJON02.CRE] to [override/DPJON02.CRE] Copied [DRIZZT.CRE] to [override/DRIZZT.CRE] Copied [DROFOD01.CRE] to [override/DROFOD01.CRE] Copied [DROFOD02.CRE] to [override/DROFOD02.CRE] Copied [DROFOD03.CRE] to [override/DROFOD03.CRE] Copied [DROFOD04.CRE] to [override/DROFOD04.CRE] Copied [DROW01.CRE] to [override/DROW01.CRE] Copied [DROW02.CRE] to [override/DROW02.CRE] Copied [DROW03.CRE] to [override/DROW03.CRE] Copied [DROW04.CRE] to [override/DROW04.CRE] Copied [DROW05.CRE] to [override/DROW05.CRE] Copied [DROW06.CRE] to [override/DROW06.CRE] Copied [DROW07.CRE] to [override/DROW07.CRE] [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copied [GORSTA02.CRE] to [override/GORSTA02.CRE] Copied [GORSTA09.CRE] to [override/GORSTA09.CRE] Copied [GORSTA11.CRE] to [override/GORSTA11.CRE] Copied [GORWOM04.CRE] to [override/GORWOM04.CRE] [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes Copied [HSPECTR1.CRE] to [override/HSPECTR1.CRE] Copied [HSPECTR3.CRE] to [override/HSPECTR3.CRE] [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes Copied [JAEL01.CRE] to [override/JAEL01.CRE] Copied [JAEL02.CRE] to [override/JAEL02.CRE] Copied [JAEL03.CRE] to [override/JAEL03.CRE] Copied [JAEL04.CRE] to [override/JAEL04.CRE] [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes Copied [JARLAXLE.CRE] to [override/JARLAXLE.CRE] [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes Copied [LOVEONE3.CRE] to [override/LOVEONE3.CRE] Copied [MAGE8E.CRE] to [override/MAGE8E.CRE] [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes Copied [OHB2PHAR.CRE] to [override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] Copied [OHB3IREN.CRE] to [override/OHB3IREN.CRE] Copied [OHBBAEL.CRE] to [override/OHBBAEL.CRE] Copied [OHBBANN2.CRE] to [override/OHBBANN2.CRE] Copied [OHBDRO01.CRE] to [override/OHBDRO01.CRE] Copied [OHBDRO02.CRE] to [override/OHBDRO02.CRE] Copied [OHBDRO03.CRE] to [override/OHBDRO03.CRE] Copied [OHBDRO04.CRE] to [override/OHBDRO04.CRE] [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes Copied [OHBGEZ02.CRE] to [override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] Copied [OHBGEZ03.CRE] to [override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] Copied [OHBGEZ04.CRE] to [override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] Copied [OHBGEZ05.CRE] to [override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] Copied [OHBGEZZT.CRE] to [override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] Copied [OHBSTANN.CRE] to [override/OHBSTANN.CRE] [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes Copied [SENANI01.CRE] to [override/SENANI01.CRE] Copied [SENANI02.CRE] to [override/SENANI02.CRE] Copied [SENANI03.CRE] to [override/SENANI03.CRE] Copied [SENANI04.CRE] to [override/SENANI04.CRE] Copied [SENANI05.CRE] to [override/SENANI05.CRE] Copied [SENDAI.CRE] to [override/SENDAI.CRE] Copied [SENDAI2.CRE] to [override/SENDAI2.CRE] Copied [SENDAI3.CRE] to [override/SENDAI3.CRE] Copied [SENDAI4.CRE] to [override/SENDAI4.CRE] Copied [SENDAI5.CRE] to [override/SENDAI5.CRE] Copied [SENDAI6.CRE] to [override/SENDAI6.CRE] Copied [SENDAI8.CRE] to [override/SENDAI8.CRE] Copied [SENDRO01.CRE] to [override/SENDRO01.CRE] Copied [SENDRO02.CRE] to [override/SENDRO02.CRE] Copied [SENDRO03.CRE] to [override/SENDRO03.CRE] Copied [SENDRO04.CRE] to [override/SENDRO04.CRE] Copied [SENDRO05.CRE] to [override/SENDRO05.CRE] Copied [SENFOD01.CRE] to [override/SENFOD01.CRE] Copied [SENFOD02.CRE] to [override/SENFOD02.CRE] Copied [SENGUA01.CRE] to [override/SENGUA01.CRE] Copied [SENGUA02.CRE] to [override/SENGUA02.CRE] Copied [SENGUA03.CRE] to [override/SENGUA03.CRE] Copied [SENGUA04.CRE] to [override/SENGUA04.CRE] Copied [SENGUA05.CRE] to [override/SENGUA05.CRE] Copied [SENKEN01.CRE] to [override/SENKEN01.CRE] Copied [SENPRI01.CRE] to [override/SENPRI01.CRE] [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [SUAVATAR.CRE] to [override/SUAVATAR.CRE] [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [SUELF11.CRE] to [override/SUELF11.CRE] Copied [SUELF9.CRE] to [override/SUELF9.CRE] [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [SUJON2.CRE] to [override/SUJON2.CRE] [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [UDARDUL.CRE] to [override/UDARDUL.CRE] Copied [UDCOM01.CRE] to [override/UDCOM01.CRE] Copied [UDCOM02.CRE] to [override/UDCOM02.CRE] Copied [UDCOM03.CRE] to [override/UDCOM03.CRE] Copied [UDDOOR01.CRE] to [override/UDDOOR01.CRE] Copied [UDDOOR02.CRE] to [override/UDDOOR02.CRE] Copied [UDDOOR03.CRE] to [override/UDDOOR03.CRE] Copied [UDDROW01.CRE] to [override/UDDROW01.CRE] Copied [UDDROW02.CRE] to [override/UDDROW02.CRE] Copied [UDDROW03.CRE] to [override/UDDROW03.CRE] Copied [UDDROW04.CRE] to [override/UDDROW04.CRE] Copied [UDDROW05.CRE] to [override/UDDROW05.CRE] Copied [UDDROW06.CRE] to [override/UDDROW06.CRE] Copied [UDDROW07.CRE] to [override/UDDROW07.CRE] Copied [UDDROW08.CRE] to [override/UDDROW08.CRE] Copied [UDDROW09.CRE] to [override/UDDROW09.CRE] Copied [UDDROW10.CRE] to [override/UDDROW10.CRE] Copied [UDDROW11.CRE] to [override/UDDROW11.CRE] Copied [UDDROW12.CRE] to [override/UDDROW12.CRE] Copied [UDDROW13.CRE] to [override/UDDROW13.CRE] Copied [UDDROW14.CRE] to [override/UDDROW14.CRE] Copied [UDDROW15.CRE] to [override/UDDROW15.CRE] Copied [UDDROW16.CRE] to [override/UDDROW16.CRE] Copied [UDDROW17.CRE] to [override/UDDROW17.CRE] Copied [UDDROW18.CRE] to [override/UDDROW18.CRE] Copied [UDDROW19.CRE] to [override/UDDROW19.CRE] Copied [UDDROW20.CRE] to [override/UDDROW20.CRE] Copied [UDDROW21.CRE] to [override/UDDROW21.CRE] Copied [UDDROW22.CRE] to [override/UDDROW22.CRE] Copied [UDDROW23.CRE] to [override/UDDROW23.CRE] Copied [UDDROW24.CRE] to [override/UDDROW24.CRE] Copied [UDDROW25.CRE] to [override/UDDROW25.CRE] Copied [UDDROW26.CRE] to [override/UDDROW26.CRE] Copied [UDDROW27.CRE] to [override/UDDROW27.CRE] Copied [UDDROW28.CRE] to [override/UDDROW28.CRE] Copied [UDDROW29.CRE] to [override/UDDROW29.CRE] Copied [UDDROW30.CRE] to [override/UDDROW30.CRE] Copied [UDDROW31.CRE] to [override/UDDROW31.CRE] Copied [UDDROW32.CRE] to [override/UDDROW32.CRE] Copied [UDDROW33.CRE] to [override/UDDROW33.CRE] Copied [UDDROW37.CRE] to [override/UDDROW37.CRE] [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes Copied [UDIMRAE.CRE] to [override/UDIMRAE.CRE] Copied [UDMAN.CRE] to [override/UDMAN.CRE] Copied [UDPHAE01.CRE] to [override/UDPHAE01.CRE] Copied [UDPHAE02.CRE] to [override/UDPHAE02.CRE] Copied [UDRUNNER.CRE] to [override/UDRUNNER.CRE] Copied [UDSLV01.CRE] to [override/UDSLV01.CRE] Copied [UDSOLA01.CRE] to [override/UDSOLA01.CRE] Copied [UDSOLA02.CRE] to [override/UDSOLA02.CRE] [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 3788 bytes override/VICONI11.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/VICONI11.CRE, 3788 bytes Copied [VICONI11.CRE] to [override/VICONI11.CRE] [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes override/VICONI13.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/VICONI13.CRE, 4052 bytes Copied [VICONI13.CRE] to [override/VICONI13.CRE] [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes override/VICONI16.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/VICONI16.CRE, 4232 bytes Copied [VICONI16.CRE] to [override/VICONI16.CRE] [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes override/VICONI6.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/VICONI6.CRE, 3272 bytes Copied [VICONI6.CRE] to [override/VICONI6.CRE] [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3272 bytes override/VICONI8.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/VICONI8.CRE, 3272 bytes Copied [VICONI8.CRE] to [override/VICONI8.CRE] [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3572 bytes override/VICONI9.CRE copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/VICONI9.CRE, 3572 bytes Copied [VICONI9.CRE] to [override/VICONI9.CRE] Copied [VICPRI01.CRE] to [override/VICPRI01.CRE] [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes copying to override/dw-lowbi.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-lowbi.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR319.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR319.spl] to [override/dw-losu.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR517.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copied [SPPR517.spl] to [override/dw-loss.spl] copying to override/dw-lodoa.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-lodoa.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR405.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2794 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3610 bytes Copied [SPPR735.SPL] to [override/SPPR735.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3178 bytes Copied [SPWI806.SPL] to [override/SPWI806.SPL] Copied [SPPR405.spl] to [override/dw-lodo.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-lodo.spl] loaded, 442 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [dw-lodo.spl] to [override/dw-lodo.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1299 bytes Appended text to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30193 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_SSD.LUA] loaded, 30193 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 48965 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI423.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI423.spl] to [override/DWWP423.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477705 bytes override/ui.menu copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/ui.menu, 477705 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2103 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2103 bytes override/m_dw_vcd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_vcd.lua, 2103 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2139 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2139 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2173 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2173 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2209 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2209 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2245 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2245 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2280 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2280 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2316 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2316 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2352 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2352 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2388 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2388 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2424 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2424 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2460 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2460 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2496 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2496 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2532 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2532 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2568 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2568 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2604 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2604 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2640 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2640 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2676 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2676 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2712 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2712 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2748 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2748 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2784 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2784 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2820 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2820 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2856 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2856 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2892 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2892 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2928 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2928 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2964 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2964 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 2999 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 2999 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3035 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3035 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3071 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3071 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt] loaded, 9520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID117.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID117.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID117.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID117.itm] to [override/CDID117.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID118.itm] loaded, 458 bytes override/CDID118.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID118.itm, 458 bytes Copied [CDID118.itm] to [override/CDID118.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID120.itm] loaded, 410 bytes override/CDID120.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID120.itm, 410 bytes Copied [CDID120.itm] to [override/CDID120.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID121.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID121.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID121.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID121.itm] to [override/CDID121.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID218.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID218.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID218.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID218.itm] to [override/CDID218.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID219.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID219.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID219.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID219.itm] to [override/CDID219.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID321.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID321.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID321.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID321.itm] to [override/CDID321.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID324.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID324.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID324.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID324.itm] to [override/CDID324.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID325.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID325.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID325.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID325.itm] to [override/CDID325.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID326.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID326.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID326.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID326.itm] to [override/CDID326.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID327.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID327.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID327.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID327.itm] to [override/CDID327.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID328.itm] loaded, 458 bytes override/CDID328.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID328.itm, 458 bytes Copied [CDID328.itm] to [override/CDID328.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID329.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID329.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID329.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID329.itm] to [override/CDID329.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID418.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID418.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID418.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID418.itm] to [override/CDID418.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID419.itm] loaded, 458 bytes override/CDID419.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID419.itm, 458 bytes Copied [CDID419.itm] to [override/CDID419.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID422.itm] loaded, 410 bytes override/CDID422.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID422.itm, 410 bytes Copied [CDID422.itm] to [override/CDID422.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID424.itm] loaded, 458 bytes override/CDID424.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID424.itm, 458 bytes Copied [CDID424.itm] to [override/CDID424.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID425.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID425.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID425.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID425.itm] to [override/CDID425.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID426.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID426.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID426.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID426.itm] to [override/CDID426.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID428.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID428.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID428.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID428.itm] to [override/CDID428.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID429.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID429.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID429.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID429.itm] to [override/CDID429.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID430.itm] loaded, 410 bytes override/CDID430.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID430.itm, 410 bytes Copied [CDID430.itm] to [override/CDID430.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID519.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID519.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID519.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID519.itm] to [override/CDID519.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID522.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID522.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID522.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID522.itm] to [override/CDID522.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID523.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID523.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID523.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID523.itm] to [override/CDID523.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID524.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID524.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID524.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID524.itm] to [override/CDID524.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID616.itm] loaded, 458 bytes override/CDID616.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID616.itm, 458 bytes Copied [CDID616.itm] to [override/CDID616.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID618.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID618.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID618.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID618.itm] to [override/CDID618.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID714.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID714.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID714.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID714.itm] to [override/CDID714.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID736.itm] loaded, 410 bytes override/CDID736.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID736.itm, 410 bytes Copied [CDID736.itm] to [override/CDID736.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID739.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID739.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID739.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID739.itm] to [override/CDID739.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID740.itm] loaded, 362 bytes override/CDID740.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID740.itm, 362 bytes Copied [CDID740.itm] to [override/CDID740.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID741.itm] loaded, 410 bytes override/CDID741.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID741.itm, 410 bytes Copied [CDID741.itm] to [override/CDID741.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID742.itm] loaded, 458 bytes override/CDID742.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID742.itm, 458 bytes Copied [CDID742.itm] to [override/CDID742.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID217.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID217.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID217.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID217.itm] to [override/CDID217.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID330.itm] loaded, 410 bytes override/CDID330.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID330.itm, 410 bytes Copied [CDID330.itm] to [override/CDID330.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID421.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID421.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID421.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID421.itm] to [override/CDID421.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID518.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID518.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID518.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID518.itm] to [override/CDID518.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID617.itm] loaded, 218 bytes override/CDID617.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID617.itm, 218 bytes Copied [CDID617.itm] to [override/CDID617.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID738.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID738.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID738.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID738.itm] to [override/CDID738.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL5E.itm] to [override/SCRL5E.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SCRL62.itm] to [override/SCRL62.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID119.itm] loaded, 458 bytes override/CDID119.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID119.itm, 458 bytes Copied [CDID119.itm] to [override/CDID119.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID323.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID323.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID323.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID323.itm] to [override/CDID323.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID427.itm] loaded, 506 bytes override/CDID427.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID427.itm, 506 bytes Copied [CDID427.itm] to [override/CDID427.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL5A.itm] loaded, 410 bytes override/SCRL5A.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SCRL5A.itm, 410 bytes Copied [SCRL5A.itm] to [override/SCRL5A.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID216.itm] loaded, 266 bytes override/CDID216.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID216.itm, 266 bytes Copied [CDID216.itm] to [override/CDID216.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL56.itm] loaded, 266 bytes override/SCRL56.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SCRL56.itm, 266 bytes Copied [SCRL56.itm] to [override/SCRL56.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL59.itm] loaded, 266 bytes override/SCRL59.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SCRL59.itm, 266 bytes Copied [SCRL59.itm] to [override/SCRL59.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SCRL61.itm] loaded, 266 bytes override/SCRL61.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/SCRL61.itm, 266 bytes Copied [SCRL61.itm] to [override/SCRL61.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID521.itm] loaded, 314 bytes override/CDID521.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID521.itm, 314 bytes Copied [CDID521.itm] to [override/CDID521.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID733.itm] loaded, 314 bytes override/CDID733.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID733.itm, 314 bytes Copied [CDID733.itm] to [override/CDID733.itm] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CDID734.itm] loaded, 314 bytes override/CDID734.itm copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/CDID734.itm, 314 bytes Copied [CDID734.itm] to [override/CDID734.itm] Copying 1 file ... override/m_dw_vce.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_vce.lua, 3347 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 0 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 0 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 37 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 37 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 72 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 72 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 107 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 178 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 178 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 213 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 213 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 248 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 248 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 284 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 284 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 319 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 319 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 354 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 354 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 389 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 389 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 425 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 425 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 460 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 460 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 495 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 495 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 530 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 530 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 566 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 566 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 602 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 638 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 638 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 674 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 710 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 710 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 746 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 746 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 782 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 818 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 854 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 854 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 890 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 890 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 926 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 926 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 962 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 962 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 998 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 998 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1034 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1034 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1070 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1070 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1107 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1179 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1215 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1215 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1252 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1252 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1288 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1288 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1324 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1324 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1360 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1360 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1397 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1397 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1433 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1433 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1469 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1469 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1505 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1505 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1541 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1541 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1577 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1577 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1613 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1649 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1649 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1685 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1685 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1721 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1721 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1757 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1757 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1793 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1829 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1829 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1865 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1865 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1901 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1937 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1937 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 1973 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 1973 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2009 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2009 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2045 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2045 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2081 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2117 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2117 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2153 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2153 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2189 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2189 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2225 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2225 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2261 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2261 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2297 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2297 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2333 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2333 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2369 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2369 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2405 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2405 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2441 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2441 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2477 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2514 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2514 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2550 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2550 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2586 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2586 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2622 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2622 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2658 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2694 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2694 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2730 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2730 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2767 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2767 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2803 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2803 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2839 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2839 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2875 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2875 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2912 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2912 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2948 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2948 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 2984 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 2984 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3020 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3020 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3057 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3057 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3093 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3093 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3129 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3129 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3165 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3165 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3202 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3202 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3238 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3274 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3274 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3310 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3310 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3347 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3347 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3383 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3383 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3419 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3419 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3455 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3455 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3492 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3492 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3528 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3528 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3564 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3564 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3600 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3600 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3637 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3637 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3673 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3673 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3709 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3709 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3745 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3745 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3782 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3818 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3854 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3854 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3890 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3890 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3927 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3927 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3963 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3963 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 3999 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 3999 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4035 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4035 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4072 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4072 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4108 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4108 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4144 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4144 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4180 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4180 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4217 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4217 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4253 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4253 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4289 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4289 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4325 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4325 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4362 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4362 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4398 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4398 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4434 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4434 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4470 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4470 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4507 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4507 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4543 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4543 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4579 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4615 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4615 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4652 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4652 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4688 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4688 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4724 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4724 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4760 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4760 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4797 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4797 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4833 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4833 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4869 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4869 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4905 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4905 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4942 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4942 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 4978 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 4978 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5014 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5014 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5050 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5050 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5087 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5087 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5123 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5123 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5159 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5159 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5195 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5195 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5232 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5232 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5268 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5268 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5304 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5304 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5340 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5340 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5377 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5377 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5413 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5413 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5449 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5449 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5485 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5485 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5522 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5522 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5558 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5558 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5594 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5594 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5630 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5630 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5667 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5667 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5703 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5703 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5739 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5739 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5775 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5775 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5812 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5812 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5848 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5848 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5884 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5884 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5920 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5920 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5957 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5957 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 5993 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 5993 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6029 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6029 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6065 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6065 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6102 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6102 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6138 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6138 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6174 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6174 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6210 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6210 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6247 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6247 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6283 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6283 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6319 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6319 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6355 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6392 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6392 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6428 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6428 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6464 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6464 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] [./override/m_dw_vce.lua] loaded, 6500 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCE.LUA] loaded, 6500 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vce.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24651 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16538 bytes Copying 1 file ... override/m_dw_dud.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50400/m_dw_dud.lua, 7735 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dud.lua] to [override/m_dw_dud.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_DUD.LUA] loaded, 15 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_dud.lua] Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes Copied [VICONI11.CRE] to [override/VICONI11.CRE] [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes Copied [VICONI13.CRE] to [override/VICONI13.CRE] [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes Copied [VICONI16.CRE] to [override/VICONI16.CRE] [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes Copied [VICONI6.CRE] to [override/VICONI6.CRE] [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes Copied [VICONI8.CRE] to [override/VICONI8.CRE] [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes Copied [VICONI9.CRE] to [override/VICONI9.CRE] [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Install Component [New class: Favored Soul]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [New class: Favored Soul] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/splconv.txt, 48965 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-favored_soul.mrk] Including and running function(s) favored_soul [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/kit.tra] has 556 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/favored_soul.tpa] loaded, 13844 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/favored_soul.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_soul.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/symbol_stronghold.tph] loaded, 3757 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/symbol_stronghold.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/symbol_stronghold.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] loaded, 6988 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/cleric_dialog_adjusts.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/prof/prof_tools.tph] loaded, 6859 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/prof/prof_tools.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/prof_tools.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 142819 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SW2H01.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPER01.itm] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HALB01.itm] loaded, 554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STAF01.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/XBOW01.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BOW03.itm] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/BOW05.itm] loaded, 650 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/prof_lookup.2da, 3295 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/profs_used.2da, 2045 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] Copying 1 file ... weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/profs_unused.txt, 142 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 0 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] Including and running function(s) amalgamate_class_checks Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] loaded, 6201 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [L_en_us.lua] to [override/L_en_us.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... copying to override/dw-fsref.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-fsref.spl] copying to override/dw-fsrec.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-fsrec.spl] copying to override/dw-fsrel.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-fsrel.spl] copying to override/dw-fsrea.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-fsrea.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19223 bytes [override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3106 bytes [override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3106 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3106 bytes override/m_dw_vcd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/m_dw_vcd.lua, 3106 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477718 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3205 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3205 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/auril.tph] loaded, 15190 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/auril.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/auril.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [ AURIL axe...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [AURIL axe] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2962 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2962 bytes override/splstate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/splstate.ids, 2962 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] copying to override/dw-fsmk.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-fsmk.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_AURIL_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_AURIL_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 58271 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16538 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16361 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12621 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24651 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16004 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5351 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18999 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8368 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3173 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2895 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 23757 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 142819 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3173 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH1.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1841 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1841 bytes override/kit.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/kit.ids, 1841 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 142819 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 24 bytes override/K_SH_H.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/K_SH_H.2da, 24 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 24 bytes override/K_SH_HE.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/K_SH_HE.2da, 24 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 24 bytes override/K_SH_HO.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/K_SH_HO.2da, 24 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH02.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH02.2da] to [override/CLABSH02.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 58271 bytes override/25stweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/25stweap.2da, 58271 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16538 bytes override/abclasrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/abclasrq.2da, 16538 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16361 bytes override/abclsmod.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/abclsmod.2da, 16361 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12617 bytes override/abdcdsrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/abdcdsrq.2da, 12617 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12621 bytes override/abdcscrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/abdcscrq.2da, 12621 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24651 bytes override/alignmnt.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/alignmnt.2da, 24651 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16004 bytes override/clascolr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/clascolr.2da, 16004 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21099 bytes override/clasiskl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/clasiskl.2da, 21099 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 27849 bytes override/clastext.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/clastext.2da, 27849 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5351 bytes override/clasthac.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/clasthac.2da, 5351 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 18999 bytes override/clasweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/clasweap.2da, 18999 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19223 bytes override/clsrcreq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/clsrcreq.2da, 19223 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8368 bytes override/clswpbon.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/clswpbon.2da, 8368 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14296 bytes override/dualclas.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/dualclas.2da, 14296 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20512 bytes override/kitlist.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/kitlist.2da, 20512 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3270 bytes override/hpclass.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/hpclass.2da, 3270 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3173 bytes override/luabbr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/luabbr.2da, 3173 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2895 bytes override/numwslot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/numwslot.2da, 2895 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 23757 bytes override/thiefscl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/thiefscl.2da, 23757 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 142819 bytes override/weapprof.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/weapprof.2da, 142819 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 144274 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 144274 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19421 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24929 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16176 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3254 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3292 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3292 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_htf.lua] to [override/m_dw_htf.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_htd.lua] to [override/m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 477718 bytes override/ui.menu copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/ui.menu, 477718 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 20 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30283 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30283 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30283 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30283 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30283 bytes override/m_dw_ssd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/m_dw_ssd.lua, 30283 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 33490 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1866 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15398 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16938 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12643 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions override/bhnalla.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/bhnalla.dlg, 12643 bytes Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6303 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5086 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5687 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions override/dw-prftq.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/dw-prftq.dlg, 5687 bytes Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 58859 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2925 bytes Editing kit DW_AURIL_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 58859 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16708 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16531 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12811 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12791 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24905 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16173 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5406 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19421 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3304 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2925 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 144274 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH02.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH02.2da] to [override/CLABSH02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 5831 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#EVASION.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/#PALDISE.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/#PALFEAR.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMSOUL01.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/AMUL21.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH01.SPL] loaded, 1106 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 6066 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/BDBRD03.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/BDHELM11.ITM] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1A.SPL] loaded, 46402 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BODHI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BPDISPEL.SPL] loaded, 2650 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BRDFLUT1.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/BRDFLUTE.ITM] loaded, 1386 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDHLYSYM.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 1370 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1882 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSHAR2.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CH3AWAY.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6122 bytes [./override/CHALSLAY.ITM] loaded, 2178 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CHWRAITH.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4962 bytes [./override/DEMOGORG.ITM] loaded, 3866 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DEVAHEAL.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DRAGRING.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/DRGRBRHT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 3178 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWW.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AKL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL8.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-ASBA.SPL] loaded, 3626 bytes [./override/DW-ASWW.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AUCC.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/DW-AUCE.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/DW-AUR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-AUR2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-AUR3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-BAA1R.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-BAA2R.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-BABS.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/DW-BAEN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-BAII.SPL] loaded, 5378 bytes [./override/DW-BAIN.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DW-CAV1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-CAV2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-CAV3.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DW-CAV4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-CAV5.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-CAV6.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-CRIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-CYDB.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/DW-DDI1.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-DDI2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-DDI3.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DW-DSB1.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB2.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB3.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB4.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBA.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSBT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSWI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FESHR.SPL] loaded, 5530 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FSMK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREA.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREF.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-GRIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-GRSP.SPL] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/DW-HEGL.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/DW-HS55.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS55.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-HS56.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS56.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-HS57.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS57.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-HS58.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS58.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-HS59.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS59.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-HS60.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS60.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-HS61.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS61.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-HS62.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS62.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-HS63.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS63.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-HS65.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS65.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-HS66.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS66.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-HS67.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS67.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DW-HS68.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS68.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-HS69.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS69.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DW-HS70.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS70.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DW-HS71.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS71.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/DW-HS72.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS72.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DW-HS73.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS73.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DW-HS74.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS74.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/DW-HS75.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS75.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/DW-HS76.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS76.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/DW-IEAP1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEAP2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEAP3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-IEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-IEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-IEFR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-IEIS.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-ILEN.SPL] loaded, 11474 bytes [./override/DW-ILIN.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-INQ1.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-INQ2.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-INQ3.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-KOCE.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/DW-KORB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-KORX.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-L2SPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-LODO.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-LODOA.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LOSS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LOSU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LOWB.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-LOWBI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LSSPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-MABC.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-MAIN.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DW-MRCO.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MRNP.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-MSRD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MSRS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MYCT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MYIN.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-OGIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-OLHIS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-RINE.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/DW-SAHS.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SAWY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SGH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SHDB.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/DW-SHIN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SHP1.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP2.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP3.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SHP4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SHP5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SLFR.SPL] loaded, 38306 bytes [./override/DW-SLIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SMBC.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBG.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBO.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCA.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCP.SPL] loaded, 10794 bytes [./override/DW-SMCS.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGC.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMOP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMPL.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRC.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRM.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRU.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMUH.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMUP.SPL] loaded, 5034 bytes [./override/DW-SOH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SORB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SPCP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SSA1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSA2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 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586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SSW1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSW2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSWB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-SUCH.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SUVE.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-TALB.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/DW-TLDI.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-TLPI.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-TMIN.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-TMLU.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/DW-UMCE.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/DW-UMSWI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-UMWP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-UNH1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-UNH2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-UNH3.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-WEAU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WEDR.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/DW-WEQU.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-WERE1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-WERE2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-WESM.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WZS1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WZS2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWCHAN01.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/DWDDAB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDARS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDCB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDCRS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDLB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDLRS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDPB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDPRS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWEVA0.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA100.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA101.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA102.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA103.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA104.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA105.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA106.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA107.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA108.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA110.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA111.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA113.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA114.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA116.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA117.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA118.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA119.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA12.SPL] 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[./override/DWGDC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGPC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGQ103.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ107.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ114.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ115.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ116.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ117.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ128.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ203.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ205.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ206.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ209.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ213.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ214.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ218.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ219.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ302.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ305.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ308.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ310.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ311.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ313.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ314.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ323.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ405.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ406.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ409.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ502.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ505.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ511.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ513.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ515.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ605.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ607.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ611.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ612.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ613.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ615.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ628.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ708.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ715.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ721.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ722.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ728.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ966.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGRALL.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWGRC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGRN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGW103.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW104.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW115.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW117.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW119.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW127.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW128.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW201.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW205.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW206.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW210.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW211.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW218.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW225.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW228.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW304.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW308.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW312.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW314.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW316.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW323.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW328.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW405.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW408.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW414.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW415.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW418.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW428.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW501.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW503.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW505.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW506.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW508.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW520.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW523.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW604.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW605.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW612.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW615.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW620.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW626.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW632.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW701.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW702.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW713.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW718.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW803.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW804.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW806.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW807.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW810.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW813.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW815.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW817.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW820.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW904.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW906.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW907.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW909.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW910.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW912.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW914.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW915.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW919.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGX101.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes 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[./override/DWHAA145.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA146.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHAA154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWHAA161.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA175.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DWNCCTD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPI102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWPI108.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/DWPI201.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/DWPI208.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWPI301.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/DWPI302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/DWPI303.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWPI312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWPI320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWPI321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/DWPI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DWPI327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DWPI328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPI330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DWPI402.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPI416.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPI422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DWPI425.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWPI501.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPI503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/DWPI505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/DWPI507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/DWPI522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DWPI602.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPI607.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/DWPI609.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPI610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DWPI708.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/DWPI710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/DWPI740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/DWPW101.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPW116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWPW313.SPL] loaded, 6130 bytes [./override/DWPW314.SPL] loaded, 7914 bytes [./override/DWPW411.SPL] loaded, 2474 bytes [./override/DWPW417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPW504.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWPW519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWPW607.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/DWPW608.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWPW704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWPW710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/DWPW715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DWPW720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWSMEX1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX11.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX13.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX15.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX17.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX19.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX21.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX23.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX25.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX27.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX29.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX9.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS13.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS14.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS15.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS16.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS17.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS18.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS19.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS20.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS21.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS22.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS23.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS24.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS25.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS26.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS27.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS28.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS29.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS30.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS31.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS32.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS33.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS34.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS10.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS6.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS7.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS8.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS9.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWI106.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWI110.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWI112.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/DWWI207.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/DWWI302.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWI303.SPL] loaded, 2194 bytes [./override/DWWI304.SPL] loaded, 1554 bytes [./override/DWWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/DWWI401.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/DWWI404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWI408.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/DWWI411.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/DWWI417.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/DWWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/DWWI419.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI426.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWWI427.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DWWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/DWWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/DWWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWWI505.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/DWWI508.SPL] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/DWWI514.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/DWWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWWI601.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWI604.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI608.SPL] loaded, 3066 bytes [./override/DWWI615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/DWWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/DWWI708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DWWI714.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWWI720.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/DWWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/DWWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWP103.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/DWWP107.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/DWWP114.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/DWWP115.SPL] loaded, 4754 bytes [./override/DWWP116.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/DWWP117.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DWWP203.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP205.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP206.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWP209.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/DWWP213.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/DWWP218.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP219.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DWWP302.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWP305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/DWWP308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/DWWP310.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/DWWP313.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/DWWP314.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DWWP405.SPL] loaded, 5378 bytes [./override/DWWP406.SPL] loaded, 18818 bytes [./override/DWWP409.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWWP423.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/DWWP502.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWP505.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/DWWP511.SPL] loaded, 9234 bytes [./override/DWWP513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWP515.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWP605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/DWWP611.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWWP612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP613.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/DWWP615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DWWP715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWP721.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DWWP722.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWP728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWWP966.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FINMEL01.ITM] loaded, 3858 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FJBARDA.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/FJBARDB.SPL] loaded, 3450 bytes [./override/FJBLADEB.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2282 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGNYMPH.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5250 bytes [./override/HSLAYWPN.ITM] loaded, 1466 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2618 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INNOC2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5394 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 5018 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 11706 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3714 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1506 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC3N.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC5X.ITM] loaded, 594 bytes [./override/MISC73.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/MISLEAD.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NISHRUU.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPCHAN.ITM] loaded, 1458 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OBJRING.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBBCLT1.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes [./override/OHBBRVGR.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHBBSLAY.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/OHBCALLL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 962 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBGASIM.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBQUAKE.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/OHBWI304.SPL] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHDMASK.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHGASFRM.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHWRSW.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHJWSP01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/OHRGROG.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7210 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7162 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2554 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3578 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN17.ITM] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/RAVAG01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RAVAG02.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/RAVAG03.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RING94.ITM] loaded, 2226 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/RING99.ITM] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1B.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1W.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2E.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL5E.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL62.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/SCRL66.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL67.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL69.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6N.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL6Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL71.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL72.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL73.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL75.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL76.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL77.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL79.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL81.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL82.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL83.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL84.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL85.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL86.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL87.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL89.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8N.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL8O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL90.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL92.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL93.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL95.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL96.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL97.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL99.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9G.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 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loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB2.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLZY.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SCRLZZ.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SENSPIHE.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHALT01.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHLD25.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SLAYERW1.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/SLAYERW3.ITM] loaded, 5450 bytes [./override/SLAYERWP.ITM] loaded, 2138 bytes [./override/SLAYSH01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPBLUN29.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL104.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 36962 bytes [./override/SPCL212.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL221.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL239A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 82042 bytes [./override/SPCL411.SPL] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4858 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 4394 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL621.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL622.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL623.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL624.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL625.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 2914 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL814.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL911B.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2362 bytes [./override/SPCL921A.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPCRYO01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCTMD01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPDD02.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPDD03.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPDR601.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPECTR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4682 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIMIXD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3850 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPIN142.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes 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[./override/SPIN595.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN596.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN597.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN599.SPL] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPIN679.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN691.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN693.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN699.SPL] loaded, 1978 bytes [./override/SPIN701.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN711.SPL] loaded, 1882 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN734.SPL] loaded, 1882 bytes [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 18146 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN769.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN819.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN823.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 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loaded, 25938 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR601.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR606.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR607.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPPR609.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR612.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR614.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 52834 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes 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bytes [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H27.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV2.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/TELWRAI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TTSCRL01.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/TTSCRL02.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP1.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP2.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP3.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WA2ROBE.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WEREWLF1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WEREWLF2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WIGHT.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WRAITH1.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 4962 bytes override/DEMILICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/DEMILICH.ITM, 4962 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP406.SPL] loaded, 18818 bytes override/DWWP406.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/DWWP406.SPL, 18818 bytes Copied [DWWP406.SPL] to [override/DWWP406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 11706 bytes override/JWGLOBE.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/JWGLOBE.SPL, 11706 bytes Copied [JWGLOBE.SPL] to [override/JWGLOBE.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3714 bytes override/LICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/LICH.ITM, 3714 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes override/RAKRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/RAKRING.ITM, 3186 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI406.SPL] loaded, 18818 bytes override/SPWI406.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/SPWI406.SPL, 18818 bytes Copied [SPWI406.SPL] to [override/SPWI406.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI602.SPL] loaded, 13002 bytes override/SPWI602.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/SPWI602.SPL, 13002 bytes Copied [SPWI602.SPL] to [override/SPWI602.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes override/SPWM126.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/SPWM126.SPL, 1354 bytes Copied [SPWM126.SPL] to [override/SPWM126.SPL] Copied [SPWI225.spl] to [override/DWWP225.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI404.spl] to [override/DWWP404.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA88.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes override/DWEVA88.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/DWEVA88.SPL, 298 bytes Copied [DWEVA88.SPL] to [override/DWEVA88.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3762 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copied [SPWI503.spl] to [override/DWWP503.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA91.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA91.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/DWEVA91.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA91.SPL] to [override/DWEVA91.SPL] Copied [SPWI626.spl] to [override/DWWP626.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 16887 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP128.spl] loaded, 794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP225.spl] loaded, 930 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP404.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP626.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR734.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 16887 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 16887 bytes override/m_dw_bsd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/m_dw_bsd.lua, 16887 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgq225.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq225.spl] Creating file dwgq404.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq404.spl] Creating file dwgq503.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq503.spl] Creating file dwgq626.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq626.spl] Creating file dwgp734.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp734.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 58859 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2925 bytes Editing kit DW_AURIL_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH02.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH02.2da] to [override/CLABSH02.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tempus.tph] loaded, 5322 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tempus.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/tempus.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [TEMPUS axe...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [TEMPUS axe] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_TEMPUS_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_TEMPUS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 58859 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16708 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16531 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12811 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12791 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24905 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16173 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21322 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5406 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19421 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14490 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3304 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3205 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2925 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 144274 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3205 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH2.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1866 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1866 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 144274 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 36 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 36 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 36 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 36 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 36 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 36 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 36 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH03.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH03.2da] to [override/CLABSH03.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 58859 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16708 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16531 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12811 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12791 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 24905 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16173 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21322 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28104 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5406 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19421 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8454 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14490 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 20775 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3304 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3205 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2925 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24008 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 144274 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 145731 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 145731 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25183 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16345 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3327 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3365 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3365 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 114 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30543 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 33490 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1892 bytes override/ar0900.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/ar0900.bcs, 33490 bytes Copied [ar0900.bcs] to [override/ar0900.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2991 bytes Copied [baldur.bcs] to [override/baldur.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [baldur25.bcs] to [override/baldur25.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kpchap01.dlg] loaded, 1660 bytes [kpchap01.dlg.DLG] loaded [kpchap01.dlg] created from [KPCHAP01.DLG] Adding KPCHAP01 to internal list of available DLGs [KPCHAP01.DLG] saved 19 states, 27 trans, 2 strig, 3 ttrig, 5 actions override/kpchap01.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/kpchap01.dlg, 1660 bytes Copied [kpchap01.dlg] to [override/kpchap01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15398 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions override/bharval.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/bharval.dlg, 15398 bytes Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16938 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12674 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6303 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions override/dw-prflq.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/dw-prflq.dlg, 6303 bytes Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5086 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5749 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kpdomo01.dlg] loaded, 16674 bytes [kpdomo01.dlg.DLG] loaded [kpdomo01.dlg] created from [KPDOMO01.DLG] Adding KPDOMO01 to internal list of available DLGs [KPDOMO01.DLG] saved 121 states, 202 trans, 17 strig, 59 ttrig, 46 actions override/kpdomo01.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/kpdomo01.dlg, 16674 bytes Copied [kpdomo01.dlg] to [override/kpdomo01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 59447 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2955 bytes Editing kit DW_TEMPUS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 59447 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16701 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12981 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12961 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25159 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16343 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21547 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8540 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14660 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 145731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH03.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH03.2da] to [override/CLABSH03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 145731 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 17648 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR108.spl] loaded, 1162 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP214.spl] loaded, 9474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP305.spl] loaded, 3826 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR420.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR513.spl] loaded, 6930 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP613.spl] loaded, 3930 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP715.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 17648 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 17648 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp108.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp108.spl] Creating file dwgp420.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp420.spl] Creating file dwgp513.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp513.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 59447 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2955 bytes Editing kit DW_TEMPUS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH03.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH03.2da] to [override/CLABSH03.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 33732 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 34406 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talona.tph] loaded, 7404 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talona.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/talona.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [TALONA dagger...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [TALONA dagger] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_TALONA_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_TALONA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 59447 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16701 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12981 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12961 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25159 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16343 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21547 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19451 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19619 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8540 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14660 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2955 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 145731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3237 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH3.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1892 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1892 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 145731 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 44 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH04.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH04.2da] to [override/CLABSH04.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 59447 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 16878 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16701 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 12981 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 12961 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25159 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16343 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21547 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28359 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5463 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19451 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19619 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8540 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14660 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21038 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3338 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3237 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2955 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24261 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 145731 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 147187 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 147187 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19817 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25437 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16513 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3402 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3440 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3440 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 203 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 30778 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 34894 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1918 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/barl.dlg] loaded, 913 bytes [barl.dlg.DLG] loaded [barl.dlg] created from [BARL.DLG] Adding BARL to internal list of available DLGs [BARL.DLG] saved 9 states, 10 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions override/barl.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/barl.dlg, 913 bytes Copied [barl.dlg] to [override/barl.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15437 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16938 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12713 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6381 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5086 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5827 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3269 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2985 bytes Editing kit DW_TALONA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17048 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16871 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13131 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25413 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16510 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21771 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5519 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19677 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19817 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8626 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14830 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3372 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3269 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2985 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24513 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 147187 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH04.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH04.2da] to [override/CLABSH04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 18171 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP213.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR314.spl] loaded, 7914 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP409.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP502.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR719.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 18171 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 18171 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp116.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp116.spl] Creating file dwgp314.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp314.spl] Creating file dwgp608.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp608.spl] Creating file dwgp719.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp719.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3269 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2985 bytes Editing kit DW_TALONA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH04.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH04.2da] to [override/CLABSH04.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 34894 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/corellon.tph] loaded, 6771 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/corellon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/corellon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [CORELLON longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [CORELLON longsword] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_CORELLON_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_CORELLON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17048 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16871 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13131 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25413 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16510 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21771 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5519 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19677 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19817 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8626 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14830 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3372 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3269 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2985 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24513 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 147187 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH05.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3269 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH4.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1918 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1918 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 147187 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 52 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH05.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH05.2da] to [override/CLABSH05.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60035 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17048 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 16871 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13151 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13131 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25413 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16510 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21771 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28614 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5519 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19677 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 19817 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8626 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 14830 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21301 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3372 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3269 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 2985 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24513 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 147187 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 148645 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 148645 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20015 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25691 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16683 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3515 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3515 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 292 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31023 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 35322 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15437 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16938 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12745 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6381 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5086 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5891 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60623 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3015 bytes Editing kit DW_CORELLON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60623 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17041 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25667 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16679 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21997 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5577 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19903 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8712 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15000 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3406 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 148645 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH05.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH05.2da] to [override/CLABSH05.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 18809 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR323.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR403.spl] loaded, 38306 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR525.spl] loaded, 3514 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR713.spl] loaded, 2362 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 18809 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 18809 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp118.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp118.spl] Creating file dwgp212.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp212.spl] Creating file dwgp323.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp323.spl] Creating file dwgp403.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp403.spl] Creating file dwgp505.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp505.spl] Creating file dwgp525.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp525.spl] Creating file dwgp713.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp713.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60623 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3015 bytes Editing kit DW_CORELLON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH05.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH05.2da] to [override/CLABSH05.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/gruumsh.tph] loaded, 5747 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/gruumsh.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/gruumsh.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [GRUUMSH spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [GRUUMSH spear] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_GRUUMSH_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_GRUUMSH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60623 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17041 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25667 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16679 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21997 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5577 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19903 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8712 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15000 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3406 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3015 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 148645 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3301 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH5.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1946 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1946 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 148645 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 60 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH06.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH06.2da] to [override/CLABSH06.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 60623 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17218 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17041 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13321 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13301 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25667 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16679 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 21997 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 28869 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5577 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 19903 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20015 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8712 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15000 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21564 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3406 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3301 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3015 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 24767 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 148645 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 150100 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 150100 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20213 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25945 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16850 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3552 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3590 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3590 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31278 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 35322 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1973 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15471 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16938 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12745 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6449 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5086 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5891 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61211 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3333 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3045 bytes Editing kit DW_GRUUMSH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61211 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17388 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17211 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13491 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13471 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16846 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22220 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20129 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20213 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3440 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3333 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 150100 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH06.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH06.2da] to [override/CLABSH06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 19796 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR214.spl] loaded, 2658 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR320.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR421.spl] loaded, 3850 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR523.spl] loaded, 8658 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR603.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 19796 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 19796 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp214.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp214.spl] Creating file dwgp320.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp320.spl] Creating file dwgp421.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp421.spl] Creating file dwgp523.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp523.spl] Creating file dwgp603.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp603.spl] Creating file dwgp736.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp736.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61211 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3333 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3045 bytes Editing kit DW_GRUUMSH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH06.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH06.2da] to [override/CLABSH06.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/kossuth.tph] loaded, 10055 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/kossuth.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/kossuth.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [KOSSUTH flailmorningstar...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [KOSSUTH flailmorningstar] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_KOSSUTH_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_KOSSUTH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61211 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17388 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17211 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13491 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13471 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16846 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22220 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20129 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20213 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3440 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3333 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25018 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 150100 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3333 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH6.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 1973 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 1973 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 150100 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 68 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH07.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH07.2da] to [override/CLABSH07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61211 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17388 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17211 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13491 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13471 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 25921 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 16846 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22220 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29124 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5632 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20129 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20213 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8798 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15170 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 21827 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3440 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3333 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3045 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25018 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 150100 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 151556 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 151556 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20411 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26199 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17018 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3627 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3665 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3665 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 470 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31520 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 35322 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2000 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15471 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16938 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions override/bhoisig.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/bhoisig.dlg, 16938 bytes Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12778 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6449 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5086 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions override/dw-prfhq.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/dw-prfhq.dlg, 5086 bytes Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 5957 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3075 bytes Editing kit DW_KOSSUTH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17558 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13661 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13641 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26175 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22444 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5688 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20355 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20411 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15340 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3075 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 151556 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH07.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH07.2da] to [override/CLABSH07.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 20672 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP103.spl] loaded, 2434 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR306.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR418.spl] loaded, 2018 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR614.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 20672 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 20672 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp206.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp206.spl] Creating file dwgp306.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp306.spl] Creating file dwgp418.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp418.spl] Creating file dwgp503.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp503.spl] Creating file dwgp614.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp614.spl] Creating file dwgp705.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp705.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3075 bytes Editing kit DW_KOSSUTH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH07.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH07.2da] to [override/CLABSH07.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/ilmater.tph] loaded, 5112 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/ilmater.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/ilmater.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [ILMATER quarterstaff...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [ILMATER quarterstaff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_ILMATER_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_ILMATER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61799 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17558 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17381 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13661 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13641 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26175 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22444 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5688 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20355 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20411 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15340 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3474 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3075 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25270 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 151556 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3365 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH7.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2000 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2000 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 151556 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 76 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH08.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH08.2da] to [override/CLABSH08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 61799 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17558 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17381 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13661 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13641 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26175 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17014 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22444 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29379 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5688 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20355 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20411 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8884 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15340 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22090 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3474 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3365 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3075 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25270 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 151556 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 153012 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 153012 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20609 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26453 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17186 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3702 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3740 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3740 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 559 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31755 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 35322 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/slilmat.dlg] loaded, 2596 bytes [slilmat.dlg.DLG] loaded [slilmat.dlg] created from [SLILMAT.DLG] Adding SLILMAT to internal list of available DLGs [SLILMAT.DLG] saved 18 states, 32 trans, 3 strig, 7 ttrig, 8 actions override/slilmat.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/slilmat.dlg, 2596 bytes Copied [slilmat.dlg] to [override/slilmat.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/wilmat.dlg] loaded, 1405 bytes [wilmat.dlg.DLG] loaded [wilmat.dlg] created from [WILMAT.DLG] Adding WILMAT to internal list of available DLGs [WILMAT.DLG] saved 9 states, 17 trans, 1 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions override/wilmat.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/wilmat.dlg, 1405 bytes Copied [wilmat.dlg] to [override/wilmat.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15504 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16971 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12811 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6515 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5152 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6023 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62387 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3397 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3105 bytes Editing kit DW_ILMATER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62387 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17728 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17551 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13831 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13811 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26429 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17181 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20581 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20609 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15510 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3397 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3105 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 153012 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH08.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH08.2da] to [override/CLABSH08.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 21542 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR103.spl] loaded, 1514 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR214.spl] loaded, 2658 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR404.spl] loaded, 1978 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR607.spl] loaded, 2218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR711.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 21542 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 21542 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp103.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp103.spl] Creating file dwgp322.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp322.spl] Creating file dwgp404.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp404.spl] Creating file dwgp514.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp514.spl] Creating file dwgp607.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp607.spl] Creating file dwgp711.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp711.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62387 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3397 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3105 bytes Editing kit DW_ILMATER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH08.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH08.2da] to [override/CLABSH08.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/oghma.tph] loaded, 4881 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/oghma.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/oghma.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [OGHMA longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [OGHMA longsword] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_OGHMA_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_OGHMA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62387 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17728 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17551 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13831 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13811 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26429 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17181 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20581 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20609 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15510 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3397 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3105 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 153012 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH09.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3397 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH8.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2027 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2027 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 153012 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 84 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH09.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH09.2da] to [override/CLABSH09.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62387 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17728 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17551 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 13831 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13811 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26429 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17181 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22668 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29634 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5744 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20581 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20609 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 8970 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15510 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22353 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3508 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3397 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3105 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25522 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 153012 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 154466 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 154466 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20807 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26707 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17352 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3777 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3815 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3815 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 648 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 31993 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 35322 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2052 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/doghma.dlg] loaded, 3369 bytes [doghma.dlg.DLG] loaded [doghma.dlg] created from [DOGHMA.DLG] Adding DOGHMA to internal list of available DLGs [DOGHMA.DLG] saved 19 states, 42 trans, 2 strig, 18 ttrig, 2 actions override/doghma.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/doghma.dlg, 3369 bytes Copied [doghma.dlg] to [override/doghma.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15537 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 16971 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12811 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6581 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5152 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6023 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62975 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3429 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3135 bytes Editing kit DW_OGHMA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62975 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17898 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17721 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14001 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13981 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26683 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17348 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20807 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20807 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9056 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15680 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3542 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3429 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3135 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 154466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH09.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH09.2da] to [override/CLABSH09.2da] ...done Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 35322 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Extending game scripts ... [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 36056 bytes Extended script [ar0900.bcs] with [.../stratagems-inline/cleric_stronghold_adjust.baf] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 22406 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR113.spl] loaded, 874 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 22406 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 22406 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp113.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp113.spl] Creating file dwgp209.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp209.spl] Creating file dwgp309.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp309.spl] Creating file dwgp415.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp415.spl] Creating file dwgp611.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp611.spl] Creating file dwgp735.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp735.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62975 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3429 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3135 bytes Editing kit DW_OGHMA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH09.2da] loaded, 4259 bytes Copied [CLABSH09.2da] to [override/CLABSH09.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mystra.tph] loaded, 14122 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mystra.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/mystra.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [MYSTRA dagger...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [MYSTRA dagger] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_MYSTRA_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_MYSTRA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62975 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17898 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17721 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14001 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13981 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26683 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17348 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22890 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5798 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20807 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20807 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9056 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15680 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3542 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3429 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3135 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 154466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH10.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3429 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH9.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2052 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2052 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 154466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 92 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH10.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH10.2da] to [override/CLABSH10.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 62975 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 17898 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17721 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14001 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 13981 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26683 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17348 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 22890 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 29889 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5798 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 20807 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 20807 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9056 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15680 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22616 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3542 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3429 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3135 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 25772 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 154466 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 155923 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 155923 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26961 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17521 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3852 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3890 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3890 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 737 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32255 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2078 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15568 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17002 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12811 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6643 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5214 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6023 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 63563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3165 bytes Editing kit DW_MYSTRA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 63563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18068 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17891 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14171 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17518 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23115 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5855 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21033 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3576 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3165 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26025 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 155923 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH10.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH10.2da] to [override/CLABSH10.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 23274 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP114.spl] loaded, 970 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP219.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR310.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP406.spl] loaded, 19490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP513.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP728.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 23274 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 23274 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp310.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp310.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 63563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3165 bytes Editing kit DW_MYSTRA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH10.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH10.2da] to [override/CLABSH10.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/shar.tph] loaded, 5456 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/shar.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/shar.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [ SHAR dart...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [SHAR dart] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_SHAR_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_SHAR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 63563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18068 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17891 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14171 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26937 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17518 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23115 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5855 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21033 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15850 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3576 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3461 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3165 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26025 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 155923 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH11.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3461 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH10.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2078 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2078 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 155923 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 100 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH11.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH11.2da] to [override/CLABSH11.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 63563 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18068 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 17891 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14171 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14151 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 26937 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17518 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23115 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30144 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5855 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21033 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21005 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9142 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 15850 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 22879 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3576 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3461 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3165 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26025 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 155923 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 157377 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 157377 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21203 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27215 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17687 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3927 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 3965 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 3965 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 826 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32545 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2102 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bviconi.dlg] loaded, 51177 bytes [bviconi.dlg.DLG] loaded [bviconi.dlg] created from [BVICONI.DLG] Adding BVICONI to internal list of available DLGs [BVICONI.DLG] saved 612 states, 885 trans, 60 strig, 17 ttrig, 68 actions override/bviconi.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/bviconi.dlg, 51177 bytes Copied [bviconi.dlg] to [override/bviconi.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15600 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17034 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12811 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6707 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5278 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6023 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3195 bytes Editing kit DW_SHAR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18238 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18061 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14341 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27191 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17683 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21259 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21203 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9228 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16020 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3610 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3195 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26275 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 157377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH11.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH11.2da] to [override/CLABSH11.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 23567 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR116.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR211.spl] loaded, 8594 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP302.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP715.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 23567 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 23567 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp211.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp211.spl] Creating file dwgp416.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp416.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3195 bytes Editing kit DW_SHAR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH11.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH11.2da] to [override/CLABSH11.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bane_xvim.tph] loaded, 7496 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bane_xvim.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/bane_xvim.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_BANE_XVIM_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_BANE_XVIM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64151 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18238 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18061 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14341 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27191 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17683 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23337 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21259 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21203 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9228 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16020 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3610 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3195 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26275 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 157377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH12.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3494 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH11.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2102 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2102 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 157377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH12.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH12.2da] to [override/CLABSH12.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64151 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18238 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18061 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14341 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14321 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27191 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17683 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23337 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30399 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5909 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21259 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21203 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9228 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16020 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23142 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3610 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3494 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3195 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26275 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 157377 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 158838 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 158838 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21401 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27469 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17860 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4002 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4040 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4040 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 915 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 32800 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2131 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15600 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17034 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12841 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6707 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5278 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6083 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64739 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3527 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3225 bytes Editing kit DW_BANE_XVIM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64739 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18231 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14511 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14491 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27445 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17856 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21485 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21401 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16190 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3644 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3527 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26532 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 158838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH12.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH12.2da] to [override/CLABSH12.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 23975 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR102.spl] loaded, 634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP205.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR314.spl] loaded, 7914 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR405.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR512.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR715.spl] loaded, 730 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 23975 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 23975 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp102.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp102.spl] Creating file dwgp405.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp405.spl] Creating file dwgp512.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp512.spl] Creating file dwgp715.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp715.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64739 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3527 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3225 bytes Editing kit DW_BANE_XVIM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH12.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH12.2da] to [override/CLABSH12.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bhaal_cyric.tph] loaded, 7074 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/bhaal_cyric.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/bhaal_cyric.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [BHAAL_CYRIC longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [BHAAL_CYRIC longsword] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64739 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18231 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14511 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14491 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27445 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17856 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5970 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21485 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21401 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9314 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16190 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3644 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3527 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26532 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 158838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH13.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3527 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH12.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2131 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2131 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 158838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 116 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH13.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH13.2da] to [override/CLABSH13.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 64739 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18408 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18231 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14511 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14491 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27445 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 17856 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23566 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30654 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 5970 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21485 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21401 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9314 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16190 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23405 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3644 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3527 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3225 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26532 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 158838 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 160296 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 160296 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21599 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27723 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18030 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4077 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4115 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4115 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1004 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33027 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15600 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17069 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12876 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6707 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5348 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6153 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 65327 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3560 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3255 bytes Editing kit DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 65327 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18578 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18401 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14681 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14661 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27699 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23792 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6028 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21711 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21599 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16360 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3678 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3560 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 160296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH13.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH13.2da] to [override/CLABSH13.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 24611 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR113.spl] loaded, 874 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR219.spl] loaded, 5810 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP314.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR511.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP605.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR736.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 24611 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 24611 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp219.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp219.spl] Creating file dwgp411.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp411.spl] Creating file dwgp511.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp511.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 65327 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3560 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3255 bytes Editing kit DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH13.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH13.2da] to [override/CLABSH13.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/myrkul_velsharoon.tph] loaded, 5963 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/myrkul_velsharoon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/myrkul_velsharoon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 65327 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18578 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18401 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14681 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14661 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27699 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23792 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6028 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21711 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21599 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16360 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3678 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3560 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3255 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26786 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 160296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH14.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3560 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH13.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2162 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2162 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 160296 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 124 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH14.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH14.2da] to [override/CLABSH14.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 65327 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 18578 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 18401 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 14681 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 14661 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 27699 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18027 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 23792 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 30909 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6028 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 21711 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 21599 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9400 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 16360 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 23668 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3678 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3560 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3255 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 26786 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 160296 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 167530 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 167530 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22567 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 28968 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18852 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4151 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4189 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4189 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1093 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33272 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2199 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15600 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17069 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12913 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6707 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5348 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6227 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68267 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3394 bytes Editing kit DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68267 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15354 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 28943 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18848 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 24878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 22713 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22567 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17113 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 167530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH14.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH14.2da] to [override/CLABSH14.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 25132 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP117.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP218.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP313.spl] loaded, 2354 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR422.spl] loaded, 682 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR504.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP628.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP966.spl] loaded, 666 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 25132 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 25132 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp422.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp422.spl] Creating file dwgp504.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp504.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68267 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3394 bytes Editing kit DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH14.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH14.2da] to [override/CLABSH14.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/sune.tph] loaded, 10010 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/sune.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/sune.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [SUNE flailmorningstar...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [SUNE flailmorningstar] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_SUNE_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_SUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68267 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19408 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15354 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 28943 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18848 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 24878 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6306 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 22713 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22567 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17113 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3821 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3394 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 167530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH15.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH14.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2199 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2199 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 167530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 132 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH15.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH15.2da] to [override/CLABSH15.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68267 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19408 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19226 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15374 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15354 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 28943 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 18848 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 24878 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32262 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6306 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 22713 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22567 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9816 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17113 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 24750 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3821 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3394 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28008 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 167530 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 169025 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 169025 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29231 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19013 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4226 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4264 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4264 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1182 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33517 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2223 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scsain.dlg] loaded, 9793 bytes [scsain.dlg.DLG] loaded [scsain.dlg] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] Adding SCSAIN to internal list of available DLGs [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 59 states, 91 trans, 14 strig, 18 ttrig, 20 actions override/scsain.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/scsain.dlg, 9793 bytes Copied [scsain.dlg] to [override/scsain.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15600 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17112 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12956 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6707 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5434 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3425 bytes Editing kit DW_SUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19584 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15550 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29206 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19009 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25097 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6351 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 22947 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9905 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17289 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3856 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3425 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28256 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 169025 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH15.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH15.2da] to [override/CLABSH15.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19402 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 25542 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP107.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR204.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR322.spl] loaded, 2458 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR405.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR607.spl] loaded, 2218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR704.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 25542 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 25542 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp204.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp204.spl] Creating file dwgp704.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp704.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3425 bytes Editing kit DW_SUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH15.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH15.2da] to [override/CLABSH15.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/moradin.tph] loaded, 6231 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/moradin.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/moradin.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [MORADIN warhammer...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [MORADIN warhammer] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_MORADIN_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_MORADIN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19584 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19377 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15550 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29206 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19009 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25097 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6351 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 22947 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9905 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17289 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3856 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3738 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3425 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28256 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 169025 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH16.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3738 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH15.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2223 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2223 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 169025 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 140 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH16.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH16.2da] to [override/CLABSH16.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 68876 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19584 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19377 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15550 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15530 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29206 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19009 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25097 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32526 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6351 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 22947 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22772 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9905 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17289 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25022 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3856 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3738 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3425 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28256 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 169025 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 170536 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 170536 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22977 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29494 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19190 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4301 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4339 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4339 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1271 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 33769 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15630 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17112 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12956 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6767 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5434 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 69485 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3456 bytes Editing kit DW_MORADIN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 69485 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19760 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19578 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15726 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15706 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29469 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19185 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25332 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6412 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23181 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22977 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17465 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3891 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3456 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 170536 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH16.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH16.2da] to [override/CLABSH16.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 25950 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR213.spl] loaded, 2562 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR306.spl] loaded, 9554 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR406.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR506.spl] loaded, 1970 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR607.spl] loaded, 2218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR702.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 25950 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 25950 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp101.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp101.spl] Creating file dwgp213.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp213.spl] Creating file dwgp406.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp406.spl] Creating file dwgp506.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp506.spl] Creating file dwgp702.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp702.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 69485 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3456 bytes Editing kit DW_MORADIN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH16.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH16.2da] to [override/CLABSH16.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tymora.tph] loaded, 5602 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tymora.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/tymora.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [TYMORA dagger...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [TYMORA dagger] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_TYMORA_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_TYMORA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 69485 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19760 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19578 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15726 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15706 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29469 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19185 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25332 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6412 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23181 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22977 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9994 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17465 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3891 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3456 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 170536 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH17.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3772 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH16.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2250 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2250 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 170536 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 148 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH17.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH17.2da] to [override/CLABSH17.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 69485 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19760 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19578 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15726 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15706 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29469 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19185 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25332 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 32790 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6412 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23181 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 22977 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 9994 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17465 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25294 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3891 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3772 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3456 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28520 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 170536 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 172043 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 172043 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23182 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29757 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19363 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4376 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4414 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4414 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1360 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34005 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2276 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15663 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17145 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12956 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6833 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70094 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3806 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3487 bytes Editing kit DW_TYMORA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70094 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19936 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15902 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29732 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6469 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23415 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23182 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17641 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3806 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3487 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28780 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 172043 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH17.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH17.2da] to [override/CLABSH17.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 26704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP209.spl] loaded, 1114 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR307.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR403.spl] loaded, 38306 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR508.spl] loaded, 22162 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP607.spl] loaded, 2634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP722.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 26704 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 26704 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp307.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp307.spl] Creating file dwgp508.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp508.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70094 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3806 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3487 bytes Editing kit DW_TYMORA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH17.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH17.2da] to [override/CLABSH17.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mask.tph] loaded, 6281 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/mask.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/mask.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [MASK longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [MASK longsword] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_MASK_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_MASK_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70094 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19936 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19754 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15902 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15882 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29732 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19359 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25563 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6469 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23415 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23182 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17641 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3806 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3487 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28780 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 172043 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH18.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3806 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH17.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2276 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2276 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 172043 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 156 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH18.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH18.2da] to [override/CLABSH18.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70094 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 19936 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19754 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 15902 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 15882 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29732 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19359 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25563 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33054 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6469 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23415 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23182 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10083 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17641 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25566 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3926 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3806 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3487 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 28780 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 172043 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 173549 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 173549 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23387 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30020 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19535 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4451 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4489 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4489 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1449 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34237 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2300 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15695 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17145 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12956 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6897 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6313 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prftq.dlg] to [override/dw-prftq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70703 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3518 bytes Editing kit DW_MASK_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70703 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20112 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16078 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29995 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19532 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25793 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6525 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23649 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23387 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10172 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17817 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3961 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3518 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29039 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 173549 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH18.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH18.2da] to [override/CLABSH18.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 27112 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP116.spl] loaded, 7634 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP206.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP310.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP405.spl] loaded, 5378 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP505.spl] loaded, 3474 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP612.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP721.spl] loaded, 2746 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 27112 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 27112 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70703 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3518 bytes Editing kit DW_MASK_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH18.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH18.2da] to [override/CLABSH18.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/selune.tph] loaded, 8464 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/selune.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/selune.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [SELUNE mace...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [SELUNE mace] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_SELUNE_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_SELUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70703 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20112 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19930 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16078 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29995 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19532 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25793 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6525 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23649 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23387 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10172 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17817 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3961 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3518 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29039 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 173549 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH19.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3840 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH18.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2300 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2300 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 173549 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 164 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH19.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH19.2da] to [override/CLABSH19.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 70703 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20112 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 19930 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16078 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16058 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 29995 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19532 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 25793 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33318 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6525 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23649 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23387 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10172 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17817 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 25838 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3961 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3840 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3518 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29039 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 173549 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 175059 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 175059 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23592 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30283 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19711 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4525 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4563 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4563 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1538 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34476 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2326 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15695 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17145 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12986 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6897 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6373 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71312 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3549 bytes Editing kit DW_SELUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71312 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20288 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16254 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16234 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19707 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6585 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23883 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23592 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3996 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3549 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29302 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 175059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH19.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH19.2da] to [override/CLABSH19.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 27290 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR119.spl] loaded, 13394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR217.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR427.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR520.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR607.spl] loaded, 2218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR738.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 27290 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 27290 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp119.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp119.spl] Creating file dwgp217.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp217.spl] Creating file dwgp427.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp427.spl] Creating file dwgp520.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp520.spl] Creating file dwgp738.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp738.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71312 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3549 bytes Editing kit DW_SELUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH19.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH19.2da] to [override/CLABSH19.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/baervan.tph] loaded, 10131 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/baervan.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/baervan.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [BAERVAN spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [BAERVAN spear] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_BAERVAN_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_BAERVAN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71312 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20288 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20106 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16254 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16234 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30258 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19707 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6585 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23883 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23592 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10261 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3996 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3874 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3549 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29302 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 175059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH20.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3874 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH19.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2326 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2326 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 175059 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 172 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH20.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH20.2da] to [override/CLABSH20.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71312 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20288 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20106 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16254 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16234 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30258 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19707 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26027 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33582 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6585 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 23883 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23592 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10261 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 17993 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26110 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 3996 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3874 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3549 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29302 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 175059 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 176568 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 176568 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23797 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30546 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19886 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4600 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4638 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4638 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1627 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 34745 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2353 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baerie.dlg] loaded, 43704 bytes [baerie.dlg.DLG] loaded [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes [baerie.dlg] created from [BAERIE.DLG] Adding BAERIE to internal list of available DLGs [BAERIE.DLG] saved 482 states, 638 trans, 42 strig, 42 ttrig, 93 actions override/baerie.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/baerie.dlg, 43704 bytes Copied [baerie.dlg] to [override/baerie.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15727 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17145 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12986 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 6961 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6373 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3908 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3580 bytes Editing kit DW_BAERVAN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20282 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16430 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19881 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26260 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6644 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24117 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10350 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18169 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4031 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3908 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3580 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 176568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH20.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH20.2da] to [override/CLABSH20.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 28049 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR105.spl] loaded, 826 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR207.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR325.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR410.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR516.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR717.spl] loaded, 202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 28049 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 28049 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp105.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp105.spl] Creating file dwgp207.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp207.spl] Creating file dwgp325.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp325.spl] Creating file dwgp410.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp410.spl] Creating file dwgp516.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp516.spl] Creating file dwgp604.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp604.spl] Creating file dwgp717.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp717.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3908 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3580 bytes Editing kit DW_BAERVAN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH20.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH20.2da] to [override/CLABSH20.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/lathander.tph] loaded, 3970 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/lathander.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/lathander.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [LATHANDER mace...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [LATHANDER mace] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_LATHANDER_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_LATHANDER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71921 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20464 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20282 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16430 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16410 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19881 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26260 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6644 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24117 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10350 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18169 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4031 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3908 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3580 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29564 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 176568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH21.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3908 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH20.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2353 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2353 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 176568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 180 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH21.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH21.2da] to [override/CLABSH21.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 71921 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20464 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20282 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16430 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16410 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30521 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 19881 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26260 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 33846 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6644 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24117 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 23797 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10350 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18169 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26382 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4031 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3908 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3580 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29564 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 176568 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 178078 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 178078 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30809 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20062 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4675 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4713 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4713 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1716 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 36900 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2382 bytes Copied [ar0900.bcs] to [override/ar0900.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.bcs] loaded, 10161 bytes override/ar0901.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/ar0901.bcs, 10161 bytes Copied [ar0901.bcs] to [override/ar0901.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0902.bcs] loaded, 9158 bytes override/ar0902.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/ar0902.bcs, 9158 bytes Copied [ar0902.bcs] to [override/ar0902.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0904.bcs] loaded, 9228 bytes override/ar0904.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/ar0904.bcs, 9228 bytes Copied [ar0904.bcs] to [override/ar0904.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur.bcs] loaded, 144940 bytes [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2991 bytes Copied [baldur.bcs] to [override/baldur.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur25.bcs] loaded, 81586 bytes Copied [baldur25.bcs] to [override/baldur25.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15760 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17145 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 12986 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 7027 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6373 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [borinall.dlg.DLG] loaded [borinall.dlg] created from [BORINALL.DLG] Adding BORINALL to internal list of available DLGs [BORINALL.DLG] saved 15 states, 30 trans, 2 strig, 8 ttrig, 6 actions Copied [borinall.dlg] to [override/borinall.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [maevar.dlg.DLG] loaded [maevar.dlg] created from [MAEVAR.DLG] Adding MAEVAR to internal list of available DLGs [MAEVAR.DLG] saved 47 states, 80 trans, 11 strig, 19 ttrig, 26 actions Copied [maevar.dlg] to [override/maevar.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 72530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3611 bytes Editing kit DW_LATHANDER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 72530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16606 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30784 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24351 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18345 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3611 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 178078 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH21.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH21.2da] to [override/CLABSH21.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 29036 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR118.spl] loaded, 6674 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR313.spl] loaded, 6130 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR504.spl] loaded, 250 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR521.spl] loaded, 298 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR612.spl] loaded, 1402 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR707.spl] loaded, 3418 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 29036 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 29036 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp313.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp313.spl] Creating file dwgp521.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp521.spl] Creating file dwgp612.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp612.spl] Creating file dwgp707.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp707.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 72530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3611 bytes Editing kit DW_LATHANDER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH21.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH21.2da] to [override/CLABSH21.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/helm.tph] loaded, 4693 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/helm.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/helm.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [HELM bastardsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [HELM bastardsword] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_HELM_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_HELM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 72530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20640 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16606 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16586 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30784 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20058 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26494 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24351 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24002 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10439 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18345 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4066 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3942 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3611 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29827 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 178078 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH22.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3942 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH21.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2382 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2382 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 178078 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 188 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH22.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH22.2da] to [override/CLABSH22.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 72530 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20640 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20458 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16606 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16586 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 30784 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20058 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26494 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34110 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6704 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24351 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24002 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10439 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18345 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26654 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4066 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3942 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3611 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 29827 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 178078 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 179581 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 179581 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24207 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31072 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20231 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4750 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4788 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4788 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35250 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 37089 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2406 bytes Copied [ar0900.bcs] to [override/ar0900.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.bcs] loaded, 10224 bytes Copied [ar0901.bcs] to [override/ar0901.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0902.bcs] loaded, 9221 bytes Copied [ar0902.bcs] to [override/ar0902.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0904.bcs] loaded, 9291 bytes Copied [ar0904.bcs] to [override/ar0904.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur.bcs] loaded, 145696 bytes [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2991 bytes Copied [baldur.bcs] to [override/baldur.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur25.bcs] loaded, 82342 bytes Copied [baldur25.bcs] to [override/baldur25.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15946 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17181 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 13022 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 7027 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6373 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73139 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3642 bytes Editing kit DW_HELM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73139 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16782 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31047 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26721 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6757 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24585 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24207 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4101 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 179581 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH22.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH22.2da] to [override/CLABSH22.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 29673 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR111.spl] loaded, 16274 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR208.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP311.spl] loaded, 1210 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR406.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP515.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP511.spl] loaded, 9234 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP611.spl] loaded, 922 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP708.spl] loaded, 1066 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 29673 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 29673 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp111.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp111.spl] Creating file dwgp208.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp208.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73139 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3642 bytes Editing kit DW_HELM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH22.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH22.2da] to [override/CLABSH22.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talos.tph] loaded, 8380 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/talos.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/talos.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [TALOS spear...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [TALOS spear] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_TALOS_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_TALOS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73139 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20634 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16782 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16762 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31047 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26721 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6757 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24585 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24207 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4101 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3642 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30083 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 179581 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH23.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3976 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH22.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2406 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2406 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 179581 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 196 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH23.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH23.2da] to [override/CLABSH23.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73139 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20816 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20634 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16782 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16762 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31047 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20226 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26721 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34374 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6757 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24585 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24207 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10528 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18521 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 26926 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4101 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 3976 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3642 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30083 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 179581 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 181090 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 181090 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24412 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31335 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20406 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4825 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4863 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4863 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1894 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35476 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 37278 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2431 bytes Copied [ar0900.bcs] to [override/ar0900.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.bcs] loaded, 10287 bytes Copied [ar0901.bcs] to [override/ar0901.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0902.bcs] loaded, 9284 bytes Copied [ar0902.bcs] to [override/ar0902.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0904.bcs] loaded, 9354 bytes Copied [ar0904.bcs] to [override/ar0904.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur.bcs] loaded, 146452 bytes [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2991 bytes Copied [baldur.bcs] to [override/baldur.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur25.bcs] loaded, 83098 bytes Copied [baldur25.bcs] to [override/baldur25.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 15977 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17342 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 13053 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copied [bhnalla.dlg] to [override/bhnalla.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 7027 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6373 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/borinall.dlg] loaded, 2825 bytes [borinall.dlg.DLG] loaded [borinall.dlg] created from [BORINALL.DLG] Adding BORINALL to internal list of available DLGs [BORINALL.DLG] saved 15 states, 30 trans, 2 strig, 8 ttrig, 6 actions Copied [borinall.dlg] to [override/borinall.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73748 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4010 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3673 bytes Editing kit DW_TALOS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73748 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20992 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16958 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31310 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24819 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24412 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18697 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4010 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3673 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30345 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 181090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH23.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH23.2da] to [override/CLABSH23.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 52587 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWEVA80.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes override/DWEVA80.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/DWEVA80.SPL, 250 bytes Copied [DWEVA80.SPL] to [override/DWEVA80.SPL] Copied [SPWI228.spl] to [override/DWWP228.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 30101 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP115.spl] loaded, 4754 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP228.spl] loaded, 1218 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP308.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR407.spl] loaded, 4050 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR503.spl] loaded, 2322 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP615.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR720.spl] loaded, 922 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 30101 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 30101 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgq228.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgq228.spl] Creating file dwgp407.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp407.spl] Creating file dwgp720.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp720.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73748 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4010 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3673 bytes Editing kit DW_TALOS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH23.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH23.2da] to [override/CLABSH23.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tyr.tph] loaded, 3250 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/tyr.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/tyr.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] loaded, 316 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/log_favored_weapon.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/log_favored_weapon.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Appending to files ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Not appending [TYR longsword...] to [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] because it DOES contains [TYR longsword] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] loaded, 500 bytes Copied [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/favored_weapons.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/favored_weapons.2da] copying SHAMAN=>DW_TYR_FAVORED Copying kit SHAMAN to kit DW_TYR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73748 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20992 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20810 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16958 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31310 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20402 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26954 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6816 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24819 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24412 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18697 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4136 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4010 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3673 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30345 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 181090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH24.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4010 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luSH0.2da] to [override/luSH23.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2431 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2431 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 181090 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_H.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_SH_H.2da] to [override/K_SH_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_D.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_SH_D.2da] to [override/K_SH_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_G.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_SH_G.2da] to [override/K_SH_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_E.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_SH_E.2da] to [override/K_SH_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HE.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_SH_HE.2da] to [override/K_SH_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HL.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_SH_HL.2da] to [override/K_SH_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_SH_HO.2da] loaded, 204 bytes Copied [K_SH_HO.2da] to [override/K_SH_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH24.2da] loaded, 3957 bytes Copied [CLABSH24.2da] to [override/CLABSH24.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 73748 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 20992 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20810 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 16958 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 16938 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31310 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20402 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 26954 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34638 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6816 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 24819 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24412 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10617 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18697 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27198 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4136 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4010 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3673 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30345 bytes Copied [thiefscl.2da] to [override/thiefscl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 181090 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 182596 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/prof_lookup.2da] loaded, 3295 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_used.2da] loaded, 2045 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/profs_unused.txt] loaded, 142 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 182596 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31598 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20578 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4900 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes [./override/m_dw_vcd.lua] loaded, 4938 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4938 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [enginest.2da] to [weidu_external/workspace/enginest.2da] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_HTD.LUA] loaded, 1983 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_htd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_defaults.ini] loaded, 601 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_sphere_list.ini] loaded, 365 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_empty_spheres.txt] loaded, 8 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_spell_list_names.txt] loaded, 1334 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35735 bytes Copied [m_dw_ssd.lua] to [override/m_dw_ssd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_ssd.lua] loaded, 35976 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_contents.txt] loaded, 5246 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Clearing the IDS map. [*.IDS] forgotten Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_scripts.txt] loaded, 208 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/god_dlgs.txt] loaded, 218 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 37467 bytes [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 94 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur.bcs] loaded, 146830 bytes [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2991 bytes Copied [baldur.bcs] to [override/baldur.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/baldur25.bcs] loaded, 83476 bytes Copied [baldur25.bcs] to [override/baldur25.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 16009 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17374 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 13155 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prflq.dlg] loaded, 7027 bytes [dw-prflq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prflq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFLQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFLQ.DLG] saved 39 states, 55 trans, 19 strig, 14 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [dw-prflq.dlg] to [override/dw-prflq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prfhq.dlg] loaded, 5500 bytes [dw-prfhq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prfhq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFHQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFHQ.DLG] saved 36 states, 49 trans, 16 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [dw-prfhq.dlg] to [override/dw-prfhq.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dw-prftq.dlg] loaded, 6373 bytes [dw-prftq.dlg.DLG] loaded [dw-prftq.dlg] created from [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] Adding DW-PRFTQ to internal list of available DLGs [DW-PRFTQ.DLG] saved 35 states, 50 trans, 17 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 74357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Editing kit DW_TYR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 74357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21168 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17134 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31573 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27184 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6872 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25053 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10706 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18873 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4171 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 182596 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH24.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH24.2da] to [override/CLABSH24.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 30626 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DWWP203.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR312.spl] loaded, 586 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR408.spl] loaded, 6722 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR505.spl] loaded, 1450 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR617.spl] loaded, 490 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.spl] loaded, 3658 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [./override/m_dw_bsd.lua] loaded, 30626 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_BSD.LUA] loaded, 30626 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_bsd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLPAL.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/MXSPLRAN.2da] loaded, 1164 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Creating file dwgp104.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp104.spl] Creating file dwgp312.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp312.spl] Creating file dwgp408.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp408.spl] Creating file dwgp617.spl; 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/dwgp617.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 74357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Editing kit DW_TYR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH24.2da] loaded, 4252 bytes Copied [CLABSH24.2da] to [override/CLABSH24.2da] ...done [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Including and running function(s) amalgamate_class_checks Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] loaded, 6201 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/amalgamate_class_checks.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 4378 files ... [./override/AIRELE01.BCS] loaded, 1396 bytes [./override/AR0300.BCS] loaded, 22797 bytes [./override/AR0319.BCS] loaded, 598 bytes [./override/AR0400.BCS] loaded, 15048 bytes [./override/AR0408.BCS] loaded, 605 bytes [./override/AR0500.BCS] loaded, 13277 bytes [./override/AR0700.BCS] loaded, 17375 bytes [./override/AR0703.BCS] loaded, 606 bytes [./override/AR0800.BCS] loaded, 15968 bytes [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 37467 bytes [./override/AR0901.BCS] loaded, 10350 bytes [./override/AR0902.BCS] loaded, 9347 bytes [./override/AR0904.BCS] loaded, 9417 bytes [./override/AR2901.BCS] loaded, 3165 bytes [./override/AR2902.BCS] loaded, 1993 bytes [./override/AR2903.BCS] loaded, 2321 bytes [./override/AR2904.BCS] loaded, 11043 bytes [./override/AR2905.BCS] loaded, 1568 bytes [./override/ARVAL.BCS] loaded, 403 bytes [./override/BALDUR.BCS] loaded, 147556 bytes [./override/BALDUR25.BCS] loaded, 84202 bytes [./override/BBCLOUD.BCS] loaded, 1142 bytes [./override/BDAERIEC.BCS] loaded, 272035 bytes [./override/BDANOMEC.BCS] loaded, 185508 bytes [./override/BDCERNDC.BCS] loaded, 68079 bytes [./override/BDDEFAI.BCS] loaded, 485840 bytes [./override/BDDORNC.BCS] loaded, 21725 bytes [./override/BDEDWINC.BCS] loaded, 143301 bytes [./override/BDHAERC.BCS] loaded, 165006 bytes [./override/BDIMOENC.BCS] loaded, 193876 bytes [./override/BDJAHEIC.BCS] loaded, 84226 bytes [./override/BDJANC.BCS] loaded, 142250 bytes [./override/BDMINSCC.BCS] loaded, 21035 bytes [./override/BDNALIAC.BCS] loaded, 142250 bytes [./override/BDNEERAC.BCS] loaded, 144822 bytes [./override/BDVALYGC.BCS] loaded, 21035 bytes [./override/BDVICONC.BCS] loaded, 185508 bytes [./override/BEAR.BCS] loaded, 1421 bytes [./override/CD3SKLM.BCS] loaded, 5390 bytes [./override/DW#LLBAL.BCS] loaded, 1147 bytes [./override/DW#LLBNF.BCS] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DW#LLCOR.BCS] loaded, 1542 bytes [./override/DW#MSOGR.BCS] loaded, 543 bytes [./override/DW#UMBER.BCS] loaded, 2113 bytes [./override/DW-AIREL.BCS] loaded, 2335 bytes [./override/DW-EAREL.BCS] loaded, 681 bytes [./override/DW-FIREL.BCS] loaded, 2336 bytes [./override/DW-ICEEL.BCS] loaded, 2334 bytes [./override/DW-MSGSD.BCS] loaded, 239 bytes [./override/DW-WTREL.BCS] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/EFTROLG.BCS] loaded, 6 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.BCS] loaded, 7022 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.BCS] loaded, 3646 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.BCS] loaded, 10602 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.BCS] loaded, 7323 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.BCS] loaded, 7323 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.BCS] loaded, 7122 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.BCS] loaded, 10602 bytes [./override/GNELEWTF.BCS] loaded, 1885 bytes [./override/GNSUMMB.BCS] loaded, 982 bytes [./override/GNSUMMM.BCS] loaded, 416 bytes [./override/NALLABIR.BCS] loaded, 403 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.BCS] loaded, 19693 bytes [./override/OHBARC01.BCS] loaded, 151273 bytes [./override/OHBBALR.BCS] loaded, 132073 bytes [./override/OHBBCLT3.BCS] loaded, 65782 bytes [./override/OHBCORN.BCS] loaded, 49946 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI.BCS] loaded, 25357 bytes [./override/OHBDEVAF.BCS] loaded, 145773 bytes [./override/OHBDORM2.BCS] loaded, 37672 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.BCS] loaded, 161710 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG2.BCS] loaded, 42374 bytes [./override/OHBDULF2.BCS] loaded, 306461 bytes [./override/OHBERIN.BCS] loaded, 94384 bytes [./override/OHBEWWEI.BCS] loaded, 33012 bytes [./override/OHBFIG01.BCS] loaded, 112986 bytes [./override/OHBFIG02.BCS] loaded, 171765 bytes [./override/OHBFIG03.BCS] loaded, 44039 bytes [./override/OHBGELU.BCS] loaded, 46088 bytes [./override/OHBGERR2.BCS] loaded, 298745 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZ2.BCS] loaded, 364764 bytes [./override/OHBGLAB.BCS] loaded, 121347 bytes [./override/OHBJOKE2.BCS] loaded, 156403 bytes [./override/OHBLEA2.BCS] loaded, 136454 bytes [./override/OHBMAG01.BCS] loaded, 328530 bytes [./override/OHBMAG02.BCS] loaded, 237520 bytes [./override/OHBMAG03.BCS] loaded, 122593 bytes [./override/OHBMAG04.BCS] loaded, 241149 bytes [./override/OHBMARI.BCS] loaded, 70604 bytes [./override/OHBMERC2.BCS] loaded, 84803 bytes [./override/OHBMFLAY.BCS] loaded, 63201 bytes [./override/OHBMONK.BCS] loaded, 96797 bytes [./override/OHBNAJI2.BCS] loaded, 54526 bytes [./override/OHBNONIN.BCS] loaded, 9549 bytes [./override/OHBPAL01.BCS] loaded, 148438 bytes [./override/OHBPAR02.BCS] loaded, 7162 bytes [./override/OHBPITF.BCS] loaded, 65179 bytes [./override/OHBPOL.BCS] loaded, 108846 bytes [./override/OHBPRI01.BCS] loaded, 141617 bytes [./override/OHBPRI03.BCS] loaded, 142602 bytes [./override/OHBPRI04.BCS] loaded, 169632 bytes [./override/OHBSUCC.BCS] loaded, 92598 bytes [./override/OHBTHASS.BCS] loaded, 183444 bytes [./override/OHBTHIE2.BCS] loaded, 51155 bytes [./override/OHBTIMM2.BCS] loaded, 147753 bytes [./override/OHBVAMP.BCS] loaded, 36325 bytes [./override/OHBVOGH2.BCS] loaded, 229145 bytes [./override/OHBWING.BCS] loaded, 180400 bytes [./override/OHDDDOLR.BCS] loaded, 36244 bytes [./override/OHDDIXTH.BCS] loaded, 35982 bytes [./override/OHNLANNE.BCS] loaded, 88518 bytes [./override/OHNSZASS.BCS] loaded, 256528 bytes [./override/OHNVBALR.BCS] loaded, 127563 bytes [./override/OHNVG01.BCS] loaded, 55315 bytes [./override/OHNVICR2.BCS] loaded, 170524 bytes [./override/OHNVRW1.BCS] loaded, 69877 bytes [./override/OHRJASSA.BCS] loaded, 65632 bytes [./override/OHRSEPHO.BCS] loaded, 187939 bytes [./override/OHRSHANI.BCS] loaded, 193029 bytes [./override/OISIG.BCS] loaded, 741 bytes Copying and patching 2889 files ... [./override/BAERIE.DLG] loaded, 43871 bytes [./override/BARL.DLG] loaded, 978 bytes [./override/BHARVAL.DLG] loaded, 16045 bytes [./override/BHNALLA.DLG] loaded, 13155 bytes [./override/BHOISIG.DLG] loaded, 17410 bytes [./override/BORINALL.DLG] loaded, 2919 bytes [./override/BVICONI.DLG] loaded, 51207 bytes [./override/CHALCY01.DLG] loaded, 3428 bytes [./override/DOGHMA.DLG] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/DW-PRFHQ.DLG] loaded, 5572 bytes [./override/DW-PRFLL.DLG] loaded, 550 bytes [./override/DW-PRFLQ.DLG] loaded, 7099 bytes [./override/DW-PRFME.DLG] loaded, 1324 bytes [./override/DW-PRFTQ.DLG] loaded, 6373 bytes [./override/FINSOL01.DLG] loaded, 14216 bytes [./override/GAELAN.DLG] loaded, 15187 bytes [./override/KPCHAP01.DLG] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/KPDOMO01.DLG] loaded, 17003 bytes [./override/MAEVAR.DLG] loaded, 7688 bytes [./override/SCSAIN.DLG] loaded, 9823 bytes [./override/SCTELWYN.DLG] loaded, 14122 bytes [./override/SCYARRYL.DLG] loaded, 7729 bytes [./override/SLILMAT.DLG] loaded, 2797 bytes [./override/TRAVIN.DLG] loaded, 1870 bytes [./override/UHMAY01.DLG] loaded, 27475 bytes [./override/WILMAT.DLG] loaded, 1539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 37467 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 37467 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0900.bcs] loaded, 37467 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.bcs] loaded, 10350 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.bcs] loaded, 10350 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0901.bcs] loaded, 10350 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0902.bcs] loaded, 9347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0902.bcs] loaded, 9347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0902.bcs] loaded, 9347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0904.bcs] loaded, 9417 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0904.bcs] loaded, 9417 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar0904.bcs] loaded, 9417 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2901.bcs] loaded, 3165 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2901.bcs] loaded, 3165 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2901.bcs] loaded, 3165 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2902.bcs] loaded, 1993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2902.bcs] loaded, 1993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2902.bcs] loaded, 1993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2903.bcs] loaded, 2321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2903.bcs] loaded, 2321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2903.bcs] loaded, 2321 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2904.bcs] loaded, 11043 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2904.bcs] loaded, 11043 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2904.bcs] loaded, 11043 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2905.bcs] loaded, 1568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2905.bcs] loaded, 1568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2905.bcs] loaded, 1568 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arval.bcs] loaded, 403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arval.bcs] loaded, 403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/arval.bcs] loaded, 403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdaeriec.bcs] loaded, 272035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdaeriec.bcs] loaded, 272035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdaeriec.bcs] loaded, 272035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdanomec.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdanomec.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdanomec.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdcerndc.bcs] loaded, 68079 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdcerndc.bcs] loaded, 68079 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdcerndc.bcs] loaded, 68079 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bddefai.bcs] loaded, 485840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bddefai.bcs] loaded, 485840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bddefai.bcs] loaded, 485840 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdedwinc.bcs] loaded, 143301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdedwinc.bcs] loaded, 143301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdedwinc.bcs] loaded, 143301 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdhaerc.bcs] loaded, 165006 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdhaerc.bcs] loaded, 165006 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdhaerc.bcs] loaded, 165006 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdimoenc.bcs] loaded, 193876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdimoenc.bcs] loaded, 193876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdimoenc.bcs] loaded, 193876 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjaheic.bcs] loaded, 84226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjaheic.bcs] loaded, 84226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjaheic.bcs] loaded, 84226 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjanc.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjanc.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjanc.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdminscc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdminscc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdminscc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdnaliac.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdnaliac.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdnaliac.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdneerac.bcs] loaded, 144822 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdneerac.bcs] loaded, 144822 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdneerac.bcs] loaded, 144822 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdvalygc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdvalygc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdvalygc.bcs] loaded, 21035 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdviconc.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdviconc.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdviconc.bcs] loaded, 185508 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbcorn.bcs] loaded, 49946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbcorn.bcs] loaded, 49946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbcorn.bcs] loaded, 49946 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdevaf.bcs] loaded, 145773 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdevaf.bcs] loaded, 145773 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdevaf.bcs] loaded, 145773 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdrag1.bcs] loaded, 161710 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdrag1.bcs] loaded, 161710 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdrag1.bcs] loaded, 161710 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohberin.bcs] loaded, 94384 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohberin.bcs] loaded, 94384 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohberin.bcs] loaded, 94384 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig01.bcs] loaded, 112986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig01.bcs] loaded, 112986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig01.bcs] loaded, 112986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig02.bcs] loaded, 171765 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig02.bcs] loaded, 171765 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbfig02.bcs] loaded, 171765 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgelu.bcs] loaded, 46088 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgelu.bcs] loaded, 46088 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgelu.bcs] loaded, 46088 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgezz2.bcs] loaded, 364764 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgezz2.bcs] loaded, 364764 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgezz2.bcs] loaded, 364764 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbglab.bcs] loaded, 121347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbglab.bcs] loaded, 121347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbglab.bcs] loaded, 121347 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbjoke2.bcs] loaded, 156403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbjoke2.bcs] loaded, 156403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbjoke2.bcs] loaded, 156403 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohblea2.bcs] loaded, 136454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohblea2.bcs] loaded, 136454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohblea2.bcs] loaded, 136454 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag01.bcs] loaded, 328530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag01.bcs] loaded, 328530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag01.bcs] loaded, 328530 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag02.bcs] loaded, 237520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag02.bcs] loaded, 237520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag02.bcs] loaded, 237520 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag04.bcs] loaded, 241149 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag04.bcs] loaded, 241149 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag04.bcs] loaded, 241149 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmari.bcs] loaded, 70604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmari.bcs] loaded, 70604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmari.bcs] loaded, 70604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmflay.bcs] loaded, 63201 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmflay.bcs] loaded, 63201 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmflay.bcs] loaded, 63201 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbnaji2.bcs] loaded, 54526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbnaji2.bcs] loaded, 54526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbnaji2.bcs] loaded, 54526 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpal01.bcs] loaded, 148438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpal01.bcs] loaded, 148438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpal01.bcs] loaded, 148438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpitf.bcs] loaded, 65179 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpitf.bcs] loaded, 65179 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpitf.bcs] loaded, 65179 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri01.bcs] loaded, 141617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri01.bcs] loaded, 141617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri01.bcs] loaded, 141617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri03.bcs] loaded, 142602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri03.bcs] loaded, 142602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri03.bcs] loaded, 142602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri04.bcs] loaded, 169632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri04.bcs] loaded, 169632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbpri04.bcs] loaded, 169632 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbsucc.bcs] loaded, 92598 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbsucc.bcs] loaded, 92598 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbsucc.bcs] loaded, 92598 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvamp.bcs] loaded, 36325 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvamp.bcs] loaded, 36325 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvamp.bcs] loaded, 36325 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvogh2.bcs] loaded, 229145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvogh2.bcs] loaded, 229145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvogh2.bcs] loaded, 229145 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbwing.bcs] loaded, 180400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbwing.bcs] loaded, 180400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbwing.bcs] loaded, 180400 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnszass.bcs] loaded, 256528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnszass.bcs] loaded, 256528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnszass.bcs] loaded, 256528 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvicr2.bcs] loaded, 170524 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvicr2.bcs] loaded, 170524 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvicr2.bcs] loaded, 170524 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvrw1.bcs] loaded, 69877 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvrw1.bcs] loaded, 69877 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvrw1.bcs] loaded, 69877 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrsepho.bcs] loaded, 187939 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrsepho.bcs] loaded, 187939 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrsepho.bcs] loaded, 187939 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/oisig.bcs] loaded, 741 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/oisig.bcs] loaded, 741 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/oisig.bcs] loaded, 741 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... 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[amcst04.dlg.DLG] loaded [amcst04.dlg] created from [AMCST04.DLG] Adding AMCST04 to internal list of available DLGs [AMCST04.DLG] saved 7 states, 8 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 0 actions Copied [amcst04.dlg] to [override/amcst04.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/amcst04.dlg] loaded, 1087 bytes [amcst04.dlg.DLG] loaded [amcst04.dlg] created from [AMCST04.DLG] Adding AMCST04 to internal list of available DLGs [AMCST04.DLG] saved 7 states, 8 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 0 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/amcst04.dlg] loaded, 1087 bytes [amcst04.dlg.DLG] loaded [amcst04.dlg] created from [AMCST04.DLG] Adding AMCST04 to internal list of available DLGs [AMCST04.DLG] saved 7 states, 8 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 0 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [banomen.dlg.DLG] loaded [banomen.dlg] created from [BANOMEN.DLG] Adding BANOMEN to internal list of available DLGs [BANOMEN.DLG] saved 628 states, 864 trans, 46 strig, 27 ttrig, 115 actions Copied [banomen.dlg] to [override/banomen.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/banomen.dlg] loaded, 52680 bytes [banomen.dlg.DLG] loaded [banomen.dlg] created from [BANOMEN.DLG] Adding BANOMEN to internal list of available DLGs [BANOMEN.DLG] saved 628 states, 864 trans, 46 strig, 27 ttrig, 115 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/banomen.dlg] loaded, 52680 bytes [banomen.dlg.DLG] loaded [banomen.dlg] created from [BANOMEN.DLG] Adding BANOMEN to internal list of available DLGs [BANOMEN.DLG] saved 628 states, 864 trans, 46 strig, 27 ttrig, 115 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [bcernd.dlg.DLG] loaded [bcernd.dlg] created from [BCERND.DLG] Adding BCERND to internal list of available DLGs [BCERND.DLG] saved 123 states, 162 trans, 14 strig, 9 ttrig, 28 actions Copied [bcernd.dlg] to [override/bcernd.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bcernd.dlg] loaded, 10740 bytes [bcernd.dlg.DLG] loaded [bcernd.dlg] created from [BCERND.DLG] Adding BCERND to internal list of available DLGs [BCERND.DLG] saved 123 states, 162 trans, 14 strig, 9 ttrig, 28 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bcernd.dlg] loaded, 10740 bytes [bcernd.dlg.DLG] loaded [bcernd.dlg] created from [BCERND.DLG] Adding BCERND to internal list of available DLGs [BCERND.DLG] saved 123 states, 162 trans, 14 strig, 9 ttrig, 28 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 16045 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 16045 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bharval.dlg] loaded, 16045 bytes [bharval.dlg.DLG] loaded [bharval.dlg] created from [BHARVAL.DLG] Adding BHARVAL to internal list of available DLGs [BHARVAL.DLG] saved 95 states, 166 trans, 12 strig, 59 ttrig, 19 actions Copied [bharval.dlg] to [override/bharval.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 13155 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 13155 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhnalla.dlg] loaded, 13155 bytes [bhnalla.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhnalla.dlg] created from [BHNALLA.DLG] Adding BHNALLA to internal list of available DLGs [BHNALLA.DLG] saved 76 states, 134 trans, 9 strig, 47 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17410 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17410 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bhoisig.dlg] loaded, 17410 bytes [bhoisig.dlg.DLG] loaded [bhoisig.dlg] created from [BHOISIG.DLG] Adding BHOISIG to internal list of available DLGs [BHOISIG.DLG] saved 91 states, 168 trans, 18 strig, 68 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [bhoisig.dlg] to [override/bhoisig.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [bodhi.dlg.DLG] loaded [bodhi.dlg] created from [BODHI.DLG] Adding BODHI to internal list of available DLGs [BODHI.DLG] saved 138 states, 281 trans, 16 strig, 87 ttrig, 70 actions Copied [bodhi.dlg] to [override/bodhi.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bodhi.dlg] loaded, 32858 bytes [bodhi.dlg.DLG] loaded [bodhi.dlg] created from [BODHI.DLG] Adding BODHI to internal list of available DLGs [BODHI.DLG] saved 138 states, 281 trans, 16 strig, 87 ttrig, 70 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bodhi.dlg] loaded, 32858 bytes [bodhi.dlg.DLG] loaded [bodhi.dlg] created from [BODHI.DLG] Adding BODHI to internal list of available DLGs [BODHI.DLG] saved 138 states, 281 trans, 16 strig, 87 ttrig, 70 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [bounha.dlg.DLG] loaded [bounha.dlg] created from [BOUNHA.DLG] Adding BOUNHA to internal list of available DLGs [BOUNHA.DLG] saved 7 states, 11 trans, 2 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions Copied [bounha.dlg] to [override/bounha.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bounha.dlg] loaded, 968 bytes [bounha.dlg.DLG] loaded [bounha.dlg] created from [BOUNHA.DLG] Adding BOUNHA to internal list of available DLGs [BOUNHA.DLG] saved 7 states, 11 trans, 2 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bounha.dlg] loaded, 968 bytes [bounha.dlg.DLG] loaded [bounha.dlg] created from [BOUNHA.DLG] Adding BOUNHA to internal list of available DLGs [BOUNHA.DLG] saved 7 states, 11 trans, 2 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [brasaa25.dlg.DLG] loaded [brasaa25.dlg] created from [BRASAA25.DLG] Adding BRASAA25 to internal list of available DLGs [BRASAA25.DLG] saved 51 states, 54 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 6 actions Copied [brasaa25.dlg] to [override/brasaa25.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/brasaa25.dlg] loaded, 3712 bytes [brasaa25.dlg.DLG] loaded [brasaa25.dlg] created from [BRASAA25.DLG] Adding BRASAA25 to internal list of available DLGs [BRASAA25.DLG] saved 51 states, 54 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 6 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/brasaa25.dlg] loaded, 3712 bytes [brasaa25.dlg.DLG] loaded [brasaa25.dlg] created from [BRASAA25.DLG] Adding BRASAA25 to internal list of available DLGs [BRASAA25.DLG] saved 51 states, 54 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 6 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [brasaad.dlg.DLG] loaded [brasaad.dlg] created from [BRASAAD.DLG] Adding BRASAAD to internal list of available DLGs [BRASAAD.DLG] saved 126 states, 161 trans, 12 strig, 14 ttrig, 17 actions Copied [brasaad.dlg] to [override/brasaad.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/brasaad.dlg] loaded, 10987 bytes [brasaad.dlg.DLG] loaded [brasaad.dlg] created from [BRASAAD.DLG] Adding BRASAAD to internal list of available DLGs [BRASAAD.DLG] saved 126 states, 161 trans, 12 strig, 14 ttrig, 17 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/brasaad.dlg] loaded, 10987 bytes [brasaad.dlg.DLG] loaded [brasaad.dlg] created from [BRASAAD.DLG] Adding BRASAAD to internal list of available DLGs [BRASAAD.DLG] saved 126 states, 161 trans, 12 strig, 14 ttrig, 17 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [bvalyga.dlg.DLG] loaded [bvalyga.dlg] created from [BVALYGA.DLG] Adding BVALYGA to internal list of available DLGs [BVALYGA.DLG] saved 183 states, 242 trans, 14 strig, 7 ttrig, 23 actions Copied [bvalyga.dlg] to [override/bvalyga.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bvalyga.dlg] loaded, 14194 bytes [bvalyga.dlg.DLG] loaded [bvalyga.dlg] created from [BVALYGA.DLG] Adding BVALYGA to internal list of available DLGs [BVALYGA.DLG] saved 183 states, 242 trans, 14 strig, 7 ttrig, 23 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bvalyga.dlg] loaded, 14194 bytes [bvalyga.dlg.DLG] loaded [bvalyga.dlg] created from [BVALYGA.DLG] Adding BVALYGA to internal list of available DLGs [BVALYGA.DLG] saved 183 states, 242 trans, 14 strig, 7 ttrig, 23 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [c6squire.dlg.DLG] loaded [c6squire.dlg] created from [C6SQUIRE.DLG] Adding C6SQUIRE to internal list of available DLGs [C6SQUIRE.DLG] saved 19 states, 28 trans, 6 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions Copied [c6squire.dlg] to [override/c6squire.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/c6squire.dlg] loaded, 2614 bytes [c6squire.dlg.DLG] loaded [c6squire.dlg] created from [C6SQUIRE.DLG] Adding C6SQUIRE to internal list of available DLGs [C6SQUIRE.DLG] saved 19 states, 28 trans, 6 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/c6squire.dlg] loaded, 2614 bytes [c6squire.dlg.DLG] loaded [c6squire.dlg] created from [C6SQUIRE.DLG] Adding C6SQUIRE to internal list of available DLGs [C6SQUIRE.DLG] saved 19 states, 28 trans, 6 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/chalcy01.dlg] loaded, 3428 bytes [chalcy01.dlg.DLG] loaded [chalcy01.dlg] created from [CHALCY01.DLG] Adding CHALCY01 to internal list of available DLGs [CHALCY01.DLG] saved 37 states, 51 trans, 3 strig, 9 ttrig, 5 actions override/chalcy01.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/chalcy01.dlg, 3428 bytes Copied [chalcy01.dlg] to [override/chalcy01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/chalcy01.dlg] loaded, 3502 bytes [chalcy01.dlg.DLG] loaded [chalcy01.dlg] created from [CHALCY01.DLG] Adding CHALCY01 to internal list of available DLGs [CHALCY01.DLG] saved 37 states, 51 trans, 3 strig, 9 ttrig, 5 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/chalcy01.dlg] loaded, 3502 bytes [chalcy01.dlg.DLG] loaded [chalcy01.dlg] created from [CHALCY01.DLG] Adding CHALCY01 to internal list of available DLGs [CHALCY01.DLG] saved 37 states, 51 trans, 3 strig, 9 ttrig, 5 actions Copied [chalcy01.dlg] to [override/chalcy01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [domt.dlg.DLG] loaded [domt.dlg] created from [DOMT.DLG] Adding DOMT to internal list of available DLGs [DOMT.DLG] saved 34 states, 66 trans, 1 strig, 36 ttrig, 29 actions Copied [domt.dlg] to [override/domt.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/domt.dlg] loaded, 7084 bytes [domt.dlg.DLG] loaded [domt.dlg] created from [DOMT.DLG] Adding DOMT to internal list of available DLGs [DOMT.DLG] saved 34 states, 66 trans, 1 strig, 36 ttrig, 29 actions Copied [domt.dlg] to [override/domt.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/domt.dlg] loaded, 7169 bytes [domt.dlg.DLG] loaded [domt.dlg] created from [DOMT.DLG] Adding DOMT to internal list of available DLGs [DOMT.DLG] saved 34 states, 66 trans, 1 strig, 36 ttrig, 29 actions Copied [domt.dlg] to [override/domt.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [druidad.dlg.DLG] loaded [druidad.dlg] created from [DRUIDAD.DLG] Adding DRUIDAD to internal list of available DLGs [DRUIDAD.DLG] saved 19 states, 29 trans, 2 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [druidad.dlg] to [override/druidad.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druidad.dlg] loaded, 2641 bytes [druidad.dlg.DLG] loaded [druidad.dlg] created from [DRUIDAD.DLG] Adding DRUIDAD to internal list of available DLGs [DRUIDAD.DLG] saved 19 states, 29 trans, 2 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copied [druidad.dlg] to [override/druidad.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/druidad.dlg] loaded, 3151 bytes [druidad.dlg.DLG] loaded [druidad.dlg] created from [DRUIDAD.DLG] Adding DRUIDAD to internal list of available DLGs [DRUIDAD.DLG] saved 19 states, 29 trans, 2 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [firban02.dlg.DLG] loaded [firban02.dlg] created from [FIRBAN02.DLG] Adding FIRBAN02 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRBAN02.DLG] saved 9 states, 16 trans, 1 strig, 7 ttrig, 9 actions Copied [firban02.dlg] to [override/firban02.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firban02.dlg] loaded, 1681 bytes [firban02.dlg.DLG] loaded [firban02.dlg] created from [FIRBAN02.DLG] Adding FIRBAN02 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRBAN02.DLG] saved 9 states, 16 trans, 1 strig, 7 ttrig, 9 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firban02.dlg] loaded, 1681 bytes [firban02.dlg.DLG] loaded [firban02.dlg] created from [FIRBAN02.DLG] Adding FIRBAN02 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRBAN02.DLG] saved 9 states, 16 trans, 1 strig, 7 ttrig, 9 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [firkra03.dlg.DLG] loaded [firkra03.dlg] created from [FIRKRA03.DLG] Adding FIRKRA03 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRKRA03.DLG] saved 4 states, 4 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions Copied [firkra03.dlg] to [override/firkra03.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firkra03.dlg] loaded, 451 bytes [firkra03.dlg.DLG] loaded [firkra03.dlg] created from [FIRKRA03.DLG] Adding FIRKRA03 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRKRA03.DLG] saved 4 states, 4 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firkra03.dlg] loaded, 451 bytes [firkra03.dlg.DLG] loaded [firkra03.dlg] created from [FIRKRA03.DLG] Adding FIRKRA03 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRKRA03.DLG] saved 4 states, 4 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gaelan.dlg] loaded, 15187 bytes [gaelan.dlg.DLG] loaded [gaelan.dlg] created from [GAELAN.DLG] Adding GAELAN to internal list of available DLGs [GAELAN.DLG] saved 90 states, 192 trans, 10 strig, 47 ttrig, 32 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gaelan.dlg] loaded, 15187 bytes [gaelan.dlg.DLG] loaded [gaelan.dlg] created from [GAELAN.DLG] Adding GAELAN to internal list of available DLGs [GAELAN.DLG] saved 90 states, 192 trans, 10 strig, 47 ttrig, 32 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gaelan.dlg] loaded, 15187 bytes [gaelan.dlg.DLG] loaded [gaelan.dlg] created from [GAELAN.DLG] Adding GAELAN to internal list of available DLGs [GAELAN.DLG] saved 90 states, 192 trans, 10 strig, 47 ttrig, 32 actions override/gaelan.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50500/gaelan.dlg, 15187 bytes Copied [gaelan.dlg] to [override/gaelan.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [garkid01.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid01.dlg] created from [GARKID01.DLG] Adding GARKID01 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID01.DLG] saved 29 states, 40 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions Copied [garkid01.dlg] to [override/garkid01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garkid01.dlg] loaded, 2809 bytes [garkid01.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid01.dlg] created from [GARKID01.DLG] Adding GARKID01 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID01.DLG] saved 29 states, 40 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garkid01.dlg] loaded, 2809 bytes [garkid01.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid01.dlg] created from [GARKID01.DLG] Adding GARKID01 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID01.DLG] saved 29 states, 40 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [garkid02.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid02.dlg] created from [GARKID02.DLG] Adding GARKID02 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID02.DLG] saved 28 states, 39 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions Copied [garkid02.dlg] to [override/garkid02.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garkid02.dlg] loaded, 2759 bytes [garkid02.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid02.dlg] created from [GARKID02.DLG] Adding GARKID02 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID02.DLG] saved 28 states, 39 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garkid02.dlg] loaded, 2759 bytes [garkid02.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid02.dlg] created from [GARKID02.DLG] Adding GARKID02 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID02.DLG] saved 28 states, 39 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [garren.dlg.DLG] loaded [garren.dlg] created from [GARREN.DLG] Adding GARREN to internal list of available DLGs [GARREN.DLG] saved 63 states, 133 trans, 12 strig, 61 ttrig, 55 actions Copied [garren.dlg] to [override/garren.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garren.dlg] loaded, 16706 bytes [garren.dlg.DLG] loaded [garren.dlg] created from [GARREN.DLG] Adding GARREN to internal list of available DLGs [GARREN.DLG] saved 63 states, 133 trans, 12 strig, 61 ttrig, 55 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garren.dlg] loaded, 16706 bytes [garren.dlg.DLG] loaded [garren.dlg] created from [GARREN.DLG] Adding GARREN to internal list of available DLGs [GARREN.DLG] saved 63 states, 133 trans, 12 strig, 61 ttrig, 55 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [gorbat1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gorbat1.dlg] created from [GORBAT1.DLG] Adding GORBAT1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORBAT1.DLG] saved 18 states, 30 trans, 6 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copied [gorbat1.dlg] to [override/gorbat1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorbat1.dlg] loaded, 2946 bytes [gorbat1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gorbat1.dlg] created from [GORBAT1.DLG] Adding GORBAT1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORBAT1.DLG] saved 18 states, 30 trans, 6 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gorbat1.dlg] loaded, 2946 bytes [gorbat1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gorbat1.dlg] created from [GORBAT1.DLG] Adding GORBAT1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORBAT1.DLG] saved 18 states, 30 trans, 6 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [gormad1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gormad1.dlg] created from [GORMAD1.DLG] Adding GORMAD1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORMAD1.DLG] saved 42 states, 102 trans, 5 strig, 16 ttrig, 10 actions Copied [gormad1.dlg] to [override/gormad1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gormad1.dlg] loaded, 6618 bytes [gormad1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gormad1.dlg] created from [GORMAD1.DLG] Adding GORMAD1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORMAD1.DLG] saved 42 states, 102 trans, 5 strig, 16 ttrig, 10 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gormad1.dlg] loaded, 6618 bytes [gormad1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gormad1.dlg] created from [GORMAD1.DLG] Adding GORMAD1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORMAD1.DLG] saved 42 states, 102 trans, 5 strig, 16 ttrig, 10 actions Copied [gormad1.dlg] to [override/gormad1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [gortan1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gortan1.dlg] created from [GORTAN1.DLG] Adding GORTAN1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORTAN1.DLG] saved 18 states, 30 trans, 6 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copied [gortan1.dlg] to [override/gortan1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gortan1.dlg] loaded, 2918 bytes [gortan1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gortan1.dlg] created from [GORTAN1.DLG] Adding GORTAN1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORTAN1.DLG] saved 18 states, 30 trans, 6 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gortan1.dlg] loaded, 2918 bytes [gortan1.dlg.DLG] loaded [gortan1.dlg] created from [GORTAN1.DLG] Adding GORTAN1 to internal list of available DLGs [GORTAN1.DLG] saved 18 states, 30 trans, 6 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [haerda.dlg.DLG] loaded [haerda.dlg] created from [HAERDA.DLG] Adding HAERDA to internal list of available DLGs [HAERDA.DLG] saved 223 states, 329 trans, 7 strig, 31 ttrig, 65 actions Copied [haerda.dlg] to [override/haerda.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haerda.dlg] loaded, 21979 bytes [haerda.dlg.DLG] loaded [haerda.dlg] created from [HAERDA.DLG] Adding HAERDA to internal list of available DLGs [HAERDA.DLG] saved 223 states, 329 trans, 7 strig, 31 ttrig, 65 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haerda.dlg] loaded, 21979 bytes [haerda.dlg.DLG] loaded [haerda.dlg] created from [HAERDA.DLG] Adding HAERDA to internal list of available DLGs [HAERDA.DLG] saved 223 states, 329 trans, 7 strig, 31 ttrig, 65 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [haerdap.dlg.DLG] loaded [haerdap.dlg] created from [HAERDAP.DLG] Adding HAERDAP to internal list of available DLGs [HAERDAP.DLG] saved 17 states, 24 trans, 5 strig, 8 ttrig, 11 actions Copied [haerdap.dlg] to [override/haerdap.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haerdap.dlg] loaded, 5195 bytes [haerdap.dlg.DLG] loaded [haerdap.dlg] created from [HAERDAP.DLG] Adding HAERDAP to internal list of available DLGs [HAERDAP.DLG] saved 17 states, 24 trans, 5 strig, 8 ttrig, 11 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/haerdap.dlg] loaded, 5195 bytes [haerdap.dlg.DLG] loaded [haerdap.dlg] created from [HAERDAP.DLG] Adding HAERDAP to internal list of available DLGs [HAERDAP.DLG] saved 17 states, 24 trans, 5 strig, 8 ttrig, 11 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [hprelate.dlg.DLG] loaded [hprelate.dlg] created from [HPRELATE.DLG] Adding HPRELATE to internal list of available DLGs [HPRELATE.DLG] saved 65 states, 106 trans, 14 strig, 28 ttrig, 14 actions Copied [hprelate.dlg] to [override/hprelate.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hprelate.dlg] loaded, 8627 bytes [hprelate.dlg.DLG] loaded [hprelate.dlg] created from [HPRELATE.DLG] Adding HPRELATE to internal list of available DLGs [HPRELATE.DLG] saved 65 states, 106 trans, 14 strig, 28 ttrig, 14 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hprelate.dlg] loaded, 8627 bytes [hprelate.dlg.DLG] loaded [hprelate.dlg] created from [HPRELATE.DLG] Adding HPRELATE to internal list of available DLGs [HPRELATE.DLG] saved 65 states, 106 trans, 14 strig, 28 ttrig, 14 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [kaypal02.dlg.DLG] loaded [kaypal02.dlg] created from [KAYPAL02.DLG] Adding KAYPAL02 to internal list of available DLGs [KAYPAL02.DLG] saved 30 states, 44 trans, 7 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copied [kaypal02.dlg] to [override/kaypal02.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kaypal02.dlg] loaded, 3903 bytes [kaypal02.dlg.DLG] loaded [kaypal02.dlg] created from [KAYPAL02.DLG] Adding KAYPAL02 to internal list of available DLGs [KAYPAL02.DLG] saved 30 states, 44 trans, 7 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kaypal02.dlg] loaded, 3903 bytes [kaypal02.dlg.DLG] loaded [kaypal02.dlg] created from [KAYPAL02.DLG] Adding KAYPAL02 to internal list of available DLGs [KAYPAL02.DLG] saved 30 states, 44 trans, 7 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [korganj.dlg.DLG] loaded [korganj.dlg] created from [KORGANJ.DLG] Adding KORGANJ to internal list of available DLGs [KORGANJ.DLG] saved 248 states, 384 trans, 18 strig, 162 ttrig, 37 actions Copied [korganj.dlg] to [override/korganj.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/korganj.dlg] loaded, 38033 bytes [korganj.dlg.DLG] loaded [korganj.dlg] created from [KORGANJ.DLG] Adding KORGANJ to internal list of available DLGs [KORGANJ.DLG] saved 248 states, 384 trans, 18 strig, 162 ttrig, 37 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/korganj.dlg] loaded, 38033 bytes [korganj.dlg.DLG] loaded [korganj.dlg] created from [KORGANJ.DLG] Adding KORGANJ to internal list of available DLGs [KORGANJ.DLG] saved 248 states, 384 trans, 18 strig, 162 ttrig, 37 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [lavok.dlg.DLG] loaded [lavok.dlg] created from [LAVOK.DLG] Adding LAVOK to internal list of available DLGs [LAVOK.DLG] saved 63 states, 81 trans, 9 strig, 10 ttrig, 15 actions Copied [lavok.dlg] to [override/lavok.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/lavok.dlg] loaded, 9655 bytes [lavok.dlg.DLG] loaded [lavok.dlg] created from [LAVOK.DLG] Adding LAVOK to internal list of available DLGs [LAVOK.DLG] saved 63 states, 81 trans, 9 strig, 10 ttrig, 15 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/lavok.dlg] loaded, 9655 bytes [lavok.dlg.DLG] loaded [lavok.dlg] created from [LAVOK.DLG] Adding LAVOK to internal list of available DLGs [LAVOK.DLG] saved 63 states, 81 trans, 9 strig, 10 ttrig, 15 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [mage1.dlg.DLG] loaded [mage1.dlg] created from [MAGE1.DLG] Adding MAGE1 to internal list of available DLGs [MAGE1.DLG] saved 2 states, 2 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions Copied [mage1.dlg] to [override/mage1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mage1.dlg] loaded, 356 bytes [mage1.dlg.DLG] loaded [mage1.dlg] created from [MAGE1.DLG] Adding MAGE1 to internal list of available DLGs [MAGE1.DLG] saved 2 states, 2 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mage1.dlg] loaded, 356 bytes [mage1.dlg.DLG] loaded [mage1.dlg] created from [MAGE1.DLG] Adding MAGE1 to internal list of available DLGs [MAGE1.DLG] saved 2 states, 2 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [nalia.dlg.DLG] loaded [nalia.dlg] created from [NALIA.DLG] Adding NALIA to internal list of available DLGs [NALIA.DLG] saved 114 states, 222 trans, 10 strig, 48 ttrig, 47 actions Copied [nalia.dlg] to [override/nalia.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/nalia.dlg] loaded, 19465 bytes [nalia.dlg.DLG] loaded [nalia.dlg] created from [NALIA.DLG] Adding NALIA to internal list of available DLGs [NALIA.DLG] saved 114 states, 222 trans, 10 strig, 48 ttrig, 47 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/nalia.dlg] loaded, 19465 bytes [nalia.dlg.DLG] loaded [nalia.dlg] created from [NALIA.DLG] Adding NALIA to internal list of available DLGs [NALIA.DLG] saved 114 states, 222 trans, 10 strig, 48 ttrig, 47 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [naliaj.dlg.DLG] loaded [naliaj.dlg] created from [NALIAJ.DLG] Adding NALIAJ to internal list of available DLGs [NALIAJ.DLG] saved 326 states, 517 trans, 21 strig, 128 ttrig, 86 actions Copied [naliaj.dlg] to [override/naliaj.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/naliaj.dlg] loaded, 55292 bytes [naliaj.dlg.DLG] loaded [naliaj.dlg] created from [NALIAJ.DLG] Adding NALIAJ to internal list of available DLGs [NALIAJ.DLG] saved 326 states, 517 trans, 21 strig, 128 ttrig, 86 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/naliaj.dlg] loaded, 55292 bytes [naliaj.dlg.DLG] loaded [naliaj.dlg] created from [NALIAJ.DLG] Adding NALIAJ to internal list of available DLGs [NALIAJ.DLG] saved 326 states, 517 trans, 21 strig, 128 ttrig, 86 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [obssol01.dlg.DLG] loaded [obssol01.dlg] created from [OBSSOL01.DLG] Adding OBSSOL01 to internal list of available DLGs [OBSSOL01.DLG] saved 27 states, 43 trans, 5 strig, 2 ttrig, 7 actions Copied [obssol01.dlg] to [override/obssol01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/obssol01.dlg] loaded, 2966 bytes [obssol01.dlg.DLG] loaded [obssol01.dlg] created from [OBSSOL01.DLG] Adding OBSSOL01 to internal list of available DLGs [OBSSOL01.DLG] saved 27 states, 43 trans, 5 strig, 2 ttrig, 7 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/obssol01.dlg] loaded, 2966 bytes [obssol01.dlg.DLG] loaded [obssol01.dlg] created from [OBSSOL01.DLG] Adding OBSSOL01 to internal list of available DLGs [OBSSOL01.DLG] saved 27 states, 43 trans, 5 strig, 2 ttrig, 7 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [ohbtimmo.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohbtimmo.dlg] created from [OHBTIMMO.DLG] Adding OHBTIMMO to internal list of available DLGs [OHBTIMMO.DLG] saved 72 states, 196 trans, 9 strig, 95 ttrig, 7 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [ohbtimmo.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohbtimmo.dlg] created from [OHBTIMMO.DLG] Adding OHBTIMMO to internal list of available DLGs [OHBTIMMO.DLG] saved 72 states, 196 trans, 9 strig, 95 ttrig, 7 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [ohbtimmo.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohbtimmo.dlg] created from [OHBTIMMO.DLG] Adding OHBTIMMO to internal list of available DLGs [OHBTIMMO.DLG] saved 72 states, 196 trans, 9 strig, 95 ttrig, 7 actions Copied [ohbtimmo.dlg] to [override/ohbtimmo.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [ohbvoghi.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohbvoghi.dlg] created from [OHBVOGHI.DLG] Adding OHBVOGHI to internal list of available DLGs [OHBVOGHI.DLG] saved 70 states, 194 trans, 5 strig, 55 ttrig, 23 actions Copied [ohbvoghi.dlg] to [override/ohbvoghi.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvoghi.dlg] loaded, 13589 bytes [ohbvoghi.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohbvoghi.dlg] created from [OHBVOGHI.DLG] Adding OHBVOGHI to internal list of available DLGs [OHBVOGHI.DLG] saved 70 states, 194 trans, 5 strig, 55 ttrig, 23 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvoghi.dlg] loaded, 13589 bytes [ohbvoghi.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohbvoghi.dlg] created from [OHBVOGHI.DLG] Adding OHBVOGHI to internal list of available DLGs [OHBVOGHI.DLG] saved 70 states, 194 trans, 5 strig, 55 ttrig, 23 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [ohnbarad.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohnbarad.dlg] created from [OHNBARAD.DLG] Adding OHNBARAD to internal list of available DLGs [OHNBARAD.DLG] saved 42 states, 75 trans, 12 strig, 5 ttrig, 22 actions Copied [ohnbarad.dlg] to [override/ohnbarad.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnbarad.dlg] loaded, 6176 bytes [ohnbarad.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohnbarad.dlg] created from [OHNBARAD.DLG] Adding OHNBARAD to internal list of available DLGs [OHNBARAD.DLG] saved 42 states, 75 trans, 12 strig, 5 ttrig, 22 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnbarad.dlg] loaded, 6176 bytes [ohnbarad.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohnbarad.dlg] created from [OHNBARAD.DLG] Adding OHNBARAD to internal list of available DLGs [OHNBARAD.DLG] saved 42 states, 75 trans, 12 strig, 5 ttrig, 22 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [ohnrwbou.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohnrwbou.dlg] created from [OHNRWBOU.DLG] Adding OHNRWBOU to internal list of available DLGs [OHNRWBOU.DLG] saved 22 states, 46 trans, 7 strig, 15 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [ohnrwbou.dlg] to [override/ohnrwbou.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnrwbou.dlg] loaded, 7177 bytes [ohnrwbou.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohnrwbou.dlg] created from [OHNRWBOU.DLG] Adding OHNRWBOU to internal list of available DLGs [OHNRWBOU.DLG] saved 22 states, 46 trans, 7 strig, 15 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [ohnrwbou.dlg] to [override/ohnrwbou.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnrwbou.dlg] loaded, 8527 bytes [ohnrwbou.dlg.DLG] loaded [ohnrwbou.dlg] created from [OHNRWBOU.DLG] Adding OHNRWBOU to internal list of available DLGs [OHNRWBOU.DLG] saved 22 states, 46 trans, 7 strig, 15 ttrig, 21 actions Copied [ohnrwbou.dlg] to [override/ohnrwbou.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [orphan1.dlg.DLG] loaded [orphan1.dlg] created from [ORPHAN1.DLG] Adding ORPHAN1 to internal list of available DLGs [ORPHAN1.DLG] saved 7 states, 14 trans, 3 strig, 5 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [orphan1.dlg.DLG] loaded [orphan1.dlg] created from [ORPHAN1.DLG] Adding ORPHAN1 to internal list of available DLGs [ORPHAN1.DLG] saved 7 states, 14 trans, 3 strig, 5 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [orphan1.dlg] to [override/orphan1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/orphan1.dlg] loaded, 2625 bytes [orphan1.dlg.DLG] loaded [orphan1.dlg] created from [ORPHAN1.DLG] Adding ORPHAN1 to internal list of available DLGs [ORPHAN1.DLG] saved 7 states, 14 trans, 3 strig, 5 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [orphan1.dlg] to [override/orphan1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [raelis.dlg.DLG] loaded [raelis.dlg] created from [RAELIS.DLG] Adding RAELIS to internal list of available DLGs [RAELIS.DLG] saved 87 states, 167 trans, 15 strig, 64 ttrig, 42 actions Copied [raelis.dlg] to [override/raelis.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/raelis.dlg] loaded, 18746 bytes [raelis.dlg.DLG] loaded [raelis.dlg] created from [RAELIS.DLG] Adding RAELIS to internal list of available DLGs [RAELIS.DLG] saved 87 states, 167 trans, 15 strig, 64 ttrig, 42 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/raelis.dlg] loaded, 18746 bytes [raelis.dlg.DLG] loaded [raelis.dlg] created from [RAELIS.DLG] Adding RAELIS to internal list of available DLGs [RAELIS.DLG] saved 87 states, 167 trans, 15 strig, 64 ttrig, 42 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [rasaadj.dlg.DLG] loaded [rasaadj.dlg] created from [RASAADJ.DLG] Adding RASAADJ to internal list of available DLGs [RASAADJ.DLG] saved 796 states, 1630 trans, 35 strig, 361 ttrig, 207 actions Copied [rasaadj.dlg] to [override/rasaadj.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/rasaadj.dlg] loaded, 130741 bytes [rasaadj.dlg.DLG] loaded [rasaadj.dlg] created from [RASAADJ.DLG] Adding RASAADJ to internal list of available DLGs [RASAADJ.DLG] saved 796 states, 1630 trans, 35 strig, 361 ttrig, 207 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/rasaadj.dlg] loaded, 130741 bytes [rasaadj.dlg.DLG] loaded [rasaadj.dlg] created from [RASAADJ.DLG] Adding RASAADJ to internal list of available DLGs [RASAADJ.DLG] saved 796 states, 1630 trans, 35 strig, 361 ttrig, 207 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [renal.dlg.DLG] loaded [renal.dlg] created from [RENAL.DLG] Adding RENAL to internal list of available DLGs [RENAL.DLG] saved 112 states, 201 trans, 20 strig, 56 ttrig, 45 actions Copied [renal.dlg] to [override/renal.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/renal.dlg] loaded, 21335 bytes [renal.dlg.DLG] loaded [renal.dlg] created from [RENAL.DLG] Adding RENAL to internal list of available DLGs [RENAL.DLG] saved 112 states, 201 trans, 20 strig, 56 ttrig, 45 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/renal.dlg] loaded, 21335 bytes [renal.dlg.DLG] loaded [renal.dlg] created from [RENAL.DLG] Adding RENAL to internal list of available DLGs [RENAL.DLG] saved 112 states, 201 trans, 20 strig, 56 ttrig, 45 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scsain.dlg] loaded, 9823 bytes [scsain.dlg.DLG] loaded [scsain.dlg] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] Adding SCSAIN to internal list of available DLGs [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 59 states, 91 trans, 14 strig, 18 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scsain.dlg] loaded, 9823 bytes [scsain.dlg.DLG] loaded [scsain.dlg] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] Adding SCSAIN to internal list of available DLGs [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 59 states, 91 trans, 14 strig, 18 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/scsain.dlg] loaded, 9823 bytes [scsain.dlg.DLG] loaded [scsain.dlg] created from [SCSAIN.DLG] Adding SCSAIN to internal list of available DLGs [SCSAIN.DLG] saved 59 states, 91 trans, 14 strig, 18 ttrig, 20 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [tbbelt.dlg.DLG] loaded [tbbelt.dlg] created from [TBBELT.DLG] Adding TBBELT to internal list of available DLGs [TBBELT.DLG] saved 65 states, 66 trans, 23 strig, 2 ttrig, 22 actions Copied [tbbelt.dlg] to [override/tbbelt.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/tbbelt.dlg] loaded, 7222 bytes [tbbelt.dlg.DLG] loaded [tbbelt.dlg] created from [TBBELT.DLG] Adding TBBELT to internal list of available DLGs [TBBELT.DLG] saved 65 states, 66 trans, 23 strig, 2 ttrig, 22 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/tbbelt.dlg] loaded, 7222 bytes [tbbelt.dlg.DLG] loaded [tbbelt.dlg] created from [TBBELT.DLG] Adding TBBELT to internal list of available DLGs [TBBELT.DLG] saved 65 states, 66 trans, 23 strig, 2 ttrig, 22 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/travin.dlg] loaded, 1870 bytes [travin.dlg.DLG] loaded [travin.dlg] created from [TRAVIN.DLG] Adding TRAVIN to internal list of available DLGs [TRAVIN.DLG] saved 12 states, 23 trans, 1 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/travin.dlg] loaded, 1870 bytes [travin.dlg.DLG] loaded [travin.dlg] created from [TRAVIN.DLG] Adding TRAVIN to internal list of available DLGs [TRAVIN.DLG] saved 12 states, 23 trans, 1 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/travin.dlg] loaded, 1870 bytes [travin.dlg.DLG] loaded [travin.dlg] created from [TRAVIN.DLG] Adding TRAVIN to internal list of available DLGs [TRAVIN.DLG] saved 12 states, 23 trans, 1 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [trple01.dlg.DLG] loaded [trple01.dlg] created from [TRPLE01.DLG] Adding TRPLE01 to internal list of available DLGs [TRPLE01.DLG] saved 24 states, 43 trans, 2 strig, 10 ttrig, 5 actions Copied [trple01.dlg] to [override/trple01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trple01.dlg] loaded, 2943 bytes [trple01.dlg.DLG] loaded [trple01.dlg] created from [TRPLE01.DLG] Adding TRPLE01 to internal list of available DLGs [TRPLE01.DLG] saved 24 states, 43 trans, 2 strig, 10 ttrig, 5 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trple01.dlg] loaded, 2943 bytes [trple01.dlg.DLG] loaded [trple01.dlg] created from [TRPLE01.DLG] Adding TRPLE01 to internal list of available DLGs [TRPLE01.DLG] saved 24 states, 43 trans, 2 strig, 10 ttrig, 5 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [trthf02.dlg.DLG] loaded [trthf02.dlg] created from [TRTHF02.DLG] Adding TRTHF02 to internal list of available DLGs [TRTHF02.DLG] saved 11 states, 21 trans, 2 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions Copied [trthf02.dlg] to [override/trthf02.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trthf02.dlg] loaded, 1195 bytes [trthf02.dlg.DLG] loaded [trthf02.dlg] created from [TRTHF02.DLG] Adding TRTHF02 to internal list of available DLGs [TRTHF02.DLG] saved 11 states, 21 trans, 2 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/trthf02.dlg] loaded, 1195 bytes [trthf02.dlg.DLG] loaded [trthf02.dlg] created from [TRTHF02.DLG] Adding TRTHF02 to internal list of available DLGs [TRTHF02.DLG] saved 11 states, 21 trans, 2 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [uddrow16.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow16.dlg] created from [UDDROW16.DLG] Adding UDDROW16 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW16.DLG] saved 57 states, 117 trans, 7 strig, 56 ttrig, 58 actions Copied [uddrow16.dlg] to [override/uddrow16.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uddrow16.dlg] loaded, 23091 bytes [uddrow16.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow16.dlg] created from [UDDROW16.DLG] Adding UDDROW16 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW16.DLG] saved 57 states, 117 trans, 7 strig, 56 ttrig, 58 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uddrow16.dlg] loaded, 23091 bytes [uddrow16.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow16.dlg] created from [UDDROW16.DLG] Adding UDDROW16 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW16.DLG] saved 57 states, 117 trans, 7 strig, 56 ttrig, 58 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [uddrow29.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow29.dlg] created from [UDDROW29.DLG] Adding UDDROW29 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW29.DLG] saved 5 states, 5 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions Copied [uddrow29.dlg] to [override/uddrow29.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uddrow29.dlg] loaded, 709 bytes [uddrow29.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow29.dlg] created from [UDDROW29.DLG] Adding UDDROW29 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW29.DLG] saved 5 states, 5 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uddrow29.dlg] loaded, 709 bytes [uddrow29.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow29.dlg] created from [UDDROW29.DLG] Adding UDDROW29 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW29.DLG] saved 5 states, 5 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [uddrow34.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow34.dlg] created from [UDDROW34.DLG] Adding UDDROW34 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW34.DLG] saved 5 states, 5 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions Copied [uddrow34.dlg] to [override/uddrow34.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uddrow34.dlg] loaded, 709 bytes [uddrow34.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow34.dlg] created from [UDDROW34.DLG] Adding UDDROW34 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW34.DLG] saved 5 states, 5 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uddrow34.dlg] loaded, 709 bytes [uddrow34.dlg.DLG] loaded [uddrow34.dlg] created from [UDDROW34.DLG] Adding UDDROW34 to internal list of available DLGs [UDDROW34.DLG] saved 5 states, 5 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uhmay01.dlg] loaded, 27475 bytes [uhmay01.dlg.DLG] loaded [uhmay01.dlg] created from [UHMAY01.DLG] Adding UHMAY01 to internal list of available DLGs [UHMAY01.DLG] saved 151 states, 263 trans, 31 strig, 102 ttrig, 46 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uhmay01.dlg] loaded, 27475 bytes [uhmay01.dlg.DLG] loaded [uhmay01.dlg] created from [UHMAY01.DLG] Adding UHMAY01 to internal list of available DLGs [UHMAY01.DLG] saved 151 states, 263 trans, 31 strig, 102 ttrig, 46 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/uhmay01.dlg] loaded, 27475 bytes [uhmay01.dlg.DLG] loaded [uhmay01.dlg] created from [UHMAY01.DLG] Adding UHMAY01 to internal list of available DLGs [UHMAY01.DLG] saved 151 states, 263 trans, 31 strig, 102 ttrig, 46 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [valygarj.dlg.DLG] loaded [valygarj.dlg] created from [VALYGARJ.DLG] Adding VALYGARJ to internal list of available DLGs [VALYGARJ.DLG] saved 136 states, 235 trans, 5 strig, 116 ttrig, 29 actions Copied [valygarj.dlg] to [override/valygarj.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/valygarj.dlg] loaded, 27532 bytes [valygarj.dlg.DLG] loaded [valygarj.dlg] created from [VALYGARJ.DLG] Adding VALYGARJ to internal list of available DLGs [VALYGARJ.DLG] saved 136 states, 235 trans, 5 strig, 116 ttrig, 29 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/valygarj.dlg] loaded, 27532 bytes [valygarj.dlg.DLG] loaded [valygarj.dlg] created from [VALYGARJ.DLG] Adding VALYGARJ to internal list of available DLGs [VALYGARJ.DLG] saved 136 states, 235 trans, 5 strig, 116 ttrig, 29 actions Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Install Component [New blackguard kits]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [New blackguard kits] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/splconv.txt, 52587 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-kit_bg.mrk] Including and running function(s) kit_bg [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/blackguard.tra] has 8 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kit_bg.tpa] loaded, 1958 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kit_bg.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/kit_bg.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [spcl151.spl] to [override/spcl151.spl] Copying and patching 4378 files ... [./override/AIRELE01.BCS] loaded, 1396 bytes [./override/AR0300.BCS] loaded, 22797 bytes [./override/AR0319.BCS] loaded, 598 bytes [./override/AR0400.BCS] loaded, 15048 bytes [./override/AR0408.BCS] loaded, 605 bytes [./override/AR0500.BCS] loaded, 13277 bytes [./override/AR0700.BCS] loaded, 17375 bytes [./override/AR0703.BCS] loaded, 606 bytes [./override/AR0800.BCS] loaded, 15968 bytes [./override/AR0900.BCS] loaded, 37467 bytes [./override/AR0901.BCS] loaded, 10350 bytes [./override/AR0902.BCS] loaded, 9347 bytes [./override/AR0904.BCS] loaded, 9417 bytes [./override/AR2901.BCS] loaded, 3165 bytes [./override/AR2902.BCS] loaded, 1993 bytes [./override/AR2903.BCS] loaded, 2321 bytes [./override/AR2904.BCS] loaded, 11043 bytes [./override/AR2905.BCS] loaded, 1568 bytes [./override/ARVAL.BCS] loaded, 403 bytes [./override/BALDUR.BCS] loaded, 147556 bytes [./override/BALDUR25.BCS] loaded, 84202 bytes [./override/BBCLOUD.BCS] loaded, 1142 bytes [./override/BDAERIEC.BCS] loaded, 272035 bytes [./override/BDANOMEC.BCS] loaded, 185508 bytes [./override/BDCERNDC.BCS] loaded, 68079 bytes [./override/BDDEFAI.BCS] loaded, 485840 bytes [./override/BDDORNC.BCS] loaded, 21725 bytes [./override/BDEDWINC.BCS] loaded, 143301 bytes [./override/BDHAERC.BCS] loaded, 165006 bytes [./override/BDIMOENC.BCS] loaded, 193876 bytes [./override/BDJAHEIC.BCS] loaded, 84226 bytes [./override/BDJANC.BCS] loaded, 142250 bytes [./override/BDMINSCC.BCS] loaded, 21035 bytes [./override/BDNALIAC.BCS] loaded, 142250 bytes [./override/BDNEERAC.BCS] loaded, 144822 bytes [./override/BDVALYGC.BCS] loaded, 21035 bytes [./override/BDVICONC.BCS] loaded, 185508 bytes [./override/BEAR.BCS] loaded, 1421 bytes [./override/CD3SKLM.BCS] loaded, 5390 bytes [./override/DW#LLBAL.BCS] loaded, 1147 bytes [./override/DW#LLBNF.BCS] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DW#LLCOR.BCS] loaded, 1542 bytes [./override/DW#MSOGR.BCS] loaded, 543 bytes [./override/DW#UMBER.BCS] loaded, 2113 bytes [./override/DW-AIREL.BCS] loaded, 2335 bytes [./override/DW-EAREL.BCS] loaded, 681 bytes [./override/DW-FIREL.BCS] loaded, 2336 bytes [./override/DW-ICEEL.BCS] loaded, 2334 bytes [./override/DW-MSGSD.BCS] loaded, 239 bytes [./override/DW-WTREL.BCS] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/EFTROLG.BCS] loaded, 6 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.BCS] loaded, 7022 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.BCS] loaded, 3646 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.BCS] loaded, 10602 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.BCS] loaded, 7323 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.BCS] loaded, 7323 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.BCS] loaded, 7122 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.BCS] loaded, 10602 bytes [./override/GNELEWTF.BCS] loaded, 1885 bytes [./override/GNSUMMB.BCS] loaded, 982 bytes [./override/GNSUMMM.BCS] loaded, 416 bytes [./override/NALLABIR.BCS] loaded, 403 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.BCS] loaded, 19693 bytes [./override/OHBARC01.BCS] loaded, 151273 bytes [./override/OHBBALR.BCS] loaded, 132073 bytes [./override/OHBBCLT3.BCS] loaded, 65782 bytes [./override/OHBCORN.BCS] loaded, 49946 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI.BCS] loaded, 25357 bytes [./override/OHBDEVAF.BCS] loaded, 145773 bytes [./override/OHBDORM2.BCS] loaded, 37672 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.BCS] loaded, 161710 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG2.BCS] loaded, 42374 bytes [./override/OHBDULF2.BCS] loaded, 306461 bytes [./override/OHBERIN.BCS] loaded, 94384 bytes [./override/OHBEWWEI.BCS] loaded, 33012 bytes [./override/OHBFIG01.BCS] loaded, 112986 bytes [./override/OHBFIG02.BCS] loaded, 171765 bytes [./override/OHBFIG03.BCS] loaded, 44039 bytes [./override/OHBGELU.BCS] loaded, 46088 bytes [./override/OHBGERR2.BCS] loaded, 298745 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZ2.BCS] loaded, 364764 bytes [./override/OHBGLAB.BCS] loaded, 121347 bytes [./override/OHBJOKE2.BCS] loaded, 156403 bytes [./override/OHBLEA2.BCS] loaded, 136454 bytes [./override/OHBMAG01.BCS] loaded, 328530 bytes [./override/OHBMAG02.BCS] loaded, 237520 bytes [./override/OHBMAG03.BCS] loaded, 122593 bytes [./override/OHBMAG04.BCS] loaded, 241149 bytes [./override/OHBMARI.BCS] loaded, 70604 bytes [./override/OHBMERC2.BCS] loaded, 84803 bytes [./override/OHBMFLAY.BCS] loaded, 63201 bytes [./override/OHBMONK.BCS] loaded, 96797 bytes [./override/OHBNAJI2.BCS] loaded, 54526 bytes [./override/OHBNONIN.BCS] loaded, 9549 bytes [./override/OHBPAL01.BCS] loaded, 148438 bytes [./override/OHBPAR02.BCS] loaded, 7162 bytes [./override/OHBPITF.BCS] loaded, 65179 bytes [./override/OHBPOL.BCS] loaded, 108846 bytes [./override/OHBPRI01.BCS] loaded, 141617 bytes [./override/OHBPRI03.BCS] loaded, 142602 bytes [./override/OHBPRI04.BCS] loaded, 169632 bytes [./override/OHBSUCC.BCS] loaded, 92598 bytes [./override/OHBTHASS.BCS] loaded, 183444 bytes [./override/OHBTHIE2.BCS] loaded, 51155 bytes [./override/OHBTIMM2.BCS] loaded, 147753 bytes [./override/OHBVAMP.BCS] loaded, 36325 bytes [./override/OHBVOGH2.BCS] loaded, 229145 bytes [./override/OHBWING.BCS] loaded, 180400 bytes [./override/OHDDDOLR.BCS] loaded, 36244 bytes [./override/OHDDIXTH.BCS] loaded, 35982 bytes [./override/OHNLANNE.BCS] loaded, 88518 bytes [./override/OHNSZASS.BCS] loaded, 256528 bytes [./override/OHNVBALR.BCS] loaded, 127563 bytes [./override/OHNVG01.BCS] loaded, 55315 bytes [./override/OHNVICR2.BCS] loaded, 170524 bytes [./override/OHNVRW1.BCS] loaded, 69877 bytes [./override/OHRJASSA.BCS] loaded, 65632 bytes [./override/OHRSEPHO.BCS] loaded, 187939 bytes [./override/OHRSHANI.BCS] loaded, 193029 bytes [./override/OISIG.BCS] loaded, 741 bytes Copying and patching 2889 files ... [./override/AMCST04.DLG] loaded, 1087 bytes [./override/BAERIE.DLG] loaded, 43871 bytes [./override/BANOMEN.DLG] loaded, 52680 bytes [./override/BARL.DLG] loaded, 978 bytes [./override/BCERND.DLG] loaded, 10740 bytes [./override/BHARVAL.DLG] loaded, 16159 bytes [./override/BHNALLA.DLG] loaded, 13155 bytes [./override/BHOISIG.DLG] loaded, 17581 bytes [./override/BODHI.DLG] loaded, 32858 bytes [./override/BORINALL.DLG] loaded, 2919 bytes [./override/BOUNHA.DLG] loaded, 968 bytes [./override/BRASAA25.DLG] loaded, 3712 bytes [./override/BRASAAD.DLG] loaded, 10987 bytes [./override/BVALYGA.DLG] loaded, 14194 bytes [./override/BVICONI.DLG] loaded, 51207 bytes [./override/C6SQUIRE.DLG] loaded, 2614 bytes [./override/CHALCY01.DLG] loaded, 3552 bytes [./override/DOGHMA.DLG] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/DOMT.DLG] loaded, 7269 bytes [./override/DRUIDAD.DLG] loaded, 3151 bytes [./override/DW-PRFHQ.DLG] loaded, 5572 bytes [./override/DW-PRFLL.DLG] loaded, 550 bytes [./override/DW-PRFLQ.DLG] loaded, 7099 bytes [./override/DW-PRFME.DLG] loaded, 1324 bytes [./override/DW-PRFTQ.DLG] loaded, 6373 bytes [./override/FINSOL01.DLG] loaded, 14216 bytes [./override/FIRBAN02.DLG] loaded, 1681 bytes [./override/FIRKRA03.DLG] loaded, 451 bytes [./override/GAELAN.DLG] loaded, 15237 bytes [./override/GARKID01.DLG] loaded, 2809 bytes [./override/GARKID02.DLG] loaded, 2759 bytes [./override/GARREN.DLG] loaded, 16706 bytes [./override/GORBAT1.DLG] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/GORMAD1.DLG] loaded, 6789 bytes [./override/GORTAN1.DLG] loaded, 2918 bytes [./override/HAERDA.DLG] loaded, 21979 bytes [./override/HAERDAP.DLG] loaded, 5195 bytes [./override/HPRELATE.DLG] loaded, 8627 bytes [./override/KAYPAL02.DLG] loaded, 3903 bytes [./override/KORGANJ.DLG] loaded, 38033 bytes [./override/KPCHAP01.DLG] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/KPDOMO01.DLG] loaded, 17003 bytes [./override/LAVOK.DLG] loaded, 9655 bytes [./override/MAEVAR.DLG] loaded, 7688 bytes [./override/MAGE1.DLG] loaded, 356 bytes [./override/NALIA.DLG] loaded, 19465 bytes [./override/NALIAJ.DLG] loaded, 55292 bytes [./override/OBSSOL01.DLG] loaded, 2966 bytes [./override/OHBTIMMO.DLG] loaded, 15032 bytes [./override/OHBVOGHI.DLG] loaded, 13589 bytes [./override/OHNBARAD.DLG] loaded, 6176 bytes [./override/OHNRWBOU.DLG] loaded, 9527 bytes [./override/ORPHAN1.DLG] loaded, 3341 bytes [./override/RAELIS.DLG] loaded, 18746 bytes [./override/RASAADJ.DLG] loaded, 130741 bytes [./override/RENAL.DLG] loaded, 21335 bytes [./override/SCSAIN.DLG] loaded, 9823 bytes [./override/SCTELWYN.DLG] loaded, 14122 bytes [./override/SCYARRYL.DLG] loaded, 7729 bytes [./override/SLILMAT.DLG] loaded, 2797 bytes [./override/TBBELT.DLG] loaded, 7222 bytes [./override/TRAVIN.DLG] loaded, 1870 bytes [./override/TRPLE01.DLG] loaded, 2943 bytes [./override/TRTHF02.DLG] loaded, 1195 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.DLG] loaded, 23091 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.DLG] loaded, 709 bytes [./override/UDDROW34.DLG] loaded, 709 bytes [./override/UHMAY01.DLG] loaded, 27475 bytes [./override/VALYGARJ.DLG] loaded, 27532 bytes [./override/WILMAT.DLG] loaded, 1539 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2901.bcs] loaded, 3165 bytes override/ar2901.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ar2901.bcs, 3165 bytes Copied [ar2901.bcs] to [override/ar2901.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2902.bcs] loaded, 1993 bytes override/ar2902.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ar2902.bcs, 1993 bytes Copied [ar2902.bcs] to [override/ar2902.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2903.bcs] loaded, 2321 bytes override/ar2903.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ar2903.bcs, 2321 bytes Copied [ar2903.bcs] to [override/ar2903.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2904.bcs] loaded, 11043 bytes override/ar2904.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ar2904.bcs, 11043 bytes Copied [ar2904.bcs] to [override/ar2904.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ar2905.bcs] loaded, 1568 bytes override/ar2905.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ar2905.bcs, 1568 bytes Copied [ar2905.bcs] to [override/ar2905.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdaeriec.bcs] loaded, 272035 bytes override/bdaeriec.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bdaeriec.bcs, 272035 bytes Copied [bdaeriec.bcs] to [override/bdaeriec.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bddefai.bcs] loaded, 485840 bytes override/bddefai.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bddefai.bcs, 485840 bytes Copied [bddefai.bcs] to [override/bddefai.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdedwinc.bcs] loaded, 143301 bytes override/bdedwinc.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bdedwinc.bcs, 143301 bytes Copied [bdedwinc.bcs] to [override/bdedwinc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdhaerc.bcs] loaded, 165006 bytes override/bdhaerc.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bdhaerc.bcs, 165006 bytes Copied [bdhaerc.bcs] to [override/bdhaerc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdimoenc.bcs] loaded, 193876 bytes override/bdimoenc.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bdimoenc.bcs, 193876 bytes Copied [bdimoenc.bcs] to [override/bdimoenc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdjanc.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes override/bdjanc.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bdjanc.bcs, 142250 bytes Copied [bdjanc.bcs] to [override/bdjanc.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdnaliac.bcs] loaded, 142250 bytes override/bdnaliac.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bdnaliac.bcs, 142250 bytes Copied [bdnaliac.bcs] to [override/bdnaliac.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/bdneerac.bcs] loaded, 144822 bytes override/bdneerac.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/bdneerac.bcs, 144822 bytes Copied [bdneerac.bcs] to [override/bdneerac.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdevaf.bcs] loaded, 145773 bytes override/ohbdevaf.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbdevaf.bcs, 145773 bytes Copied [ohbdevaf.bcs] to [override/ohbdevaf.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbdulf2.bcs] loaded, 306461 bytes override/ohbdulf2.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbdulf2.bcs, 306461 bytes Copied [ohbdulf2.bcs] to [override/ohbdulf2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbgezz2.bcs] loaded, 364764 bytes override/ohbgezz2.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbgezz2.bcs, 364764 bytes Copied [ohbgezz2.bcs] to [override/ohbgezz2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbjoke2.bcs] loaded, 156403 bytes override/ohbjoke2.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbjoke2.bcs, 156403 bytes Copied [ohbjoke2.bcs] to [override/ohbjoke2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag01.bcs] loaded, 328530 bytes override/ohbmag01.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbmag01.bcs, 328530 bytes Copied [ohbmag01.bcs] to [override/ohbmag01.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag03.bcs] loaded, 122593 bytes override/ohbmag03.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbmag03.bcs, 122593 bytes Copied [ohbmag03.bcs] to [override/ohbmag03.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbmag04.bcs] loaded, 241149 bytes override/ohbmag04.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbmag04.bcs, 241149 bytes Copied [ohbmag04.bcs] to [override/ohbmag04.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohbvogh2.bcs] loaded, 229145 bytes override/ohbvogh2.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohbvogh2.bcs, 229145 bytes Copied [ohbvogh2.bcs] to [override/ohbvogh2.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohnvrw1.bcs] loaded, 69877 bytes override/ohnvrw1.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohnvrw1.bcs, 69877 bytes Copied [ohnvrw1.bcs] to [override/ohnvrw1.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ohrsepho.bcs] loaded, 187939 bytes override/ohrsepho.bcs copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/ohrsepho.bcs, 187939 bytes Copied [ohrsepho.bcs] to [override/ohrsepho.bcs] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/banomen.dlg] loaded, 52680 bytes [banomen.dlg.DLG] loaded [banomen.dlg] created from [BANOMEN.DLG] Adding BANOMEN to internal list of available DLGs [BANOMEN.DLG] saved 628 states, 864 trans, 46 strig, 27 ttrig, 115 actions override/banomen.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/banomen.dlg, 52680 bytes Copied [banomen.dlg] to [override/banomen.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [brus2.dlg.DLG] loaded [brus2.dlg] created from [BRUS2.DLG] Adding BRUS2 to internal list of available DLGs [BRUS2.DLG] saved 14 states, 36 trans, 2 strig, 8 ttrig, 4 actions Copied [brus2.dlg] to [override/brus2.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/c6squire.dlg] loaded, 2614 bytes [c6squire.dlg.DLG] loaded [c6squire.dlg] created from [C6SQUIRE.DLG] Adding C6SQUIRE to internal list of available DLGs [C6SQUIRE.DLG] saved 19 states, 28 trans, 6 strig, 9 ttrig, 8 actions override/c6squire.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/c6squire.dlg, 2614 bytes Copied [c6squire.dlg] to [override/c6squire.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firban02.dlg] loaded, 1681 bytes [firban02.dlg.DLG] loaded [firban02.dlg] created from [FIRBAN02.DLG] Adding FIRBAN02 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRBAN02.DLG] saved 9 states, 16 trans, 1 strig, 7 ttrig, 9 actions override/firban02.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/firban02.dlg, 1681 bytes Copied [firban02.dlg] to [override/firban02.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/firkra03.dlg] loaded, 451 bytes [firkra03.dlg.DLG] loaded [firkra03.dlg] created from [FIRKRA03.DLG] Adding FIRKRA03 to internal list of available DLGs [FIRKRA03.DLG] saved 4 states, 4 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions override/firkra03.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/firkra03.dlg, 451 bytes Copied [firkra03.dlg] to [override/firkra03.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/gaelan.dlg] loaded, 15237 bytes [gaelan.dlg.DLG] loaded [gaelan.dlg] created from [GAELAN.DLG] Adding GAELAN to internal list of available DLGs [GAELAN.DLG] saved 90 states, 192 trans, 10 strig, 47 ttrig, 32 actions override/gaelan.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/gaelan.dlg, 15237 bytes Copied [gaelan.dlg] to [override/gaelan.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garkid01.dlg] loaded, 2809 bytes [garkid01.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid01.dlg] created from [GARKID01.DLG] Adding GARKID01 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID01.DLG] saved 29 states, 40 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions override/garkid01.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/garkid01.dlg, 2809 bytes Copied [garkid01.dlg] to [override/garkid01.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garkid02.dlg] loaded, 2759 bytes [garkid02.dlg.DLG] loaded [garkid02.dlg] created from [GARKID02.DLG] Adding GARKID02 to internal list of available DLGs [GARKID02.DLG] saved 28 states, 39 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 4 actions override/garkid02.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/garkid02.dlg, 2759 bytes Copied [garkid02.dlg] to [override/garkid02.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/garren.dlg] loaded, 16706 bytes [garren.dlg.DLG] loaded [garren.dlg] created from [GARREN.DLG] Adding GARREN to internal list of available DLGs [GARREN.DLG] saved 63 states, 133 trans, 12 strig, 61 ttrig, 55 actions override/garren.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/garren.dlg, 16706 bytes Copied [garren.dlg] to [override/garren.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hprelate.dlg] loaded, 8627 bytes [hprelate.dlg.DLG] loaded [hprelate.dlg] created from [HPRELATE.DLG] Adding HPRELATE to internal list of available DLGs [HPRELATE.DLG] saved 65 states, 106 trans, 14 strig, 28 ttrig, 14 actions Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kaypal02.dlg] loaded, 3903 bytes [kaypal02.dlg.DLG] loaded [kaypal02.dlg] created from [KAYPAL02.DLG] Adding KAYPAL02 to internal list of available DLGs [KAYPAL02.DLG] saved 30 states, 44 trans, 7 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions override/kaypal02.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/kaypal02.dlg, 3903 bytes Copied [kaypal02.dlg] to [override/kaypal02.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/nalia.dlg] loaded, 19465 bytes [nalia.dlg.DLG] loaded [nalia.dlg] created from [NALIA.DLG] Adding NALIA to internal list of available DLGs [NALIA.DLG] saved 114 states, 222 trans, 10 strig, 48 ttrig, 47 actions override/nalia.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/nalia.dlg, 19465 bytes Copied [nalia.dlg] to [override/nalia.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/naliaj.dlg] loaded, 55292 bytes [naliaj.dlg.DLG] loaded [naliaj.dlg] created from [NALIAJ.DLG] Adding NALIAJ to internal list of available DLGs [NALIAJ.DLG] saved 326 states, 517 trans, 21 strig, 128 ttrig, 86 actions override/naliaj.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/naliaj.dlg, 55292 bytes Copied [naliaj.dlg] to [override/naliaj.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [neeraj.dlg.DLG] loaded [neeraj.dlg] created from [NEERAJ.DLG] Adding NEERAJ to internal list of available DLGs [NEERAJ.DLG] saved 534 states, 1163 trans, 48 strig, 398 ttrig, 197 actions Copied [neeraj.dlg] to [override/neeraj.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/orphan1.dlg] loaded, 3341 bytes [orphan1.dlg.DLG] loaded [orphan1.dlg] created from [ORPHAN1.DLG] Adding ORPHAN1 to internal list of available DLGs [ORPHAN1.DLG] saved 7 states, 14 trans, 3 strig, 5 ttrig, 3 actions override/orphan1.dlg copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/orphan1.dlg, 3341 bytes Copied [orphan1.dlg] to [override/orphan1.dlg] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/blackguard.tph] loaded, 3545 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/blackguard.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/blackguard.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 5925 files ... [./override/#BARD1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD4.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD5.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD6.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/#BARD7A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BARD7B.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#BELTYN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/#CUREENT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/#EVASION.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/#PALDISE.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/#PALFEAR.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/#PRAYERB.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#PRAYERG.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/#RECITEB.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#RECITEG.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/#SOFLAMC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMSOUL01.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/AMUL21.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/AURSTAF.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BALSHLD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BALTH01.SPL] loaded, 1106 bytes [./override/BALTH07.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/BALTH07A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 6066 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/BDBRD03.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/BDHELM11.ITM] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/BDSHA06B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BDSHA06D.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BDSW2H01.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDSW2H0A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/BDVOID.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/BDVOIDA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BHAAL1A.SPL] loaded, 46402 bytes [./override/BHAAL1B.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/BHAAL2A.SPL] loaded, 3506 bytes [./override/BHAAL2B.SPL] loaded, 4274 bytes [./override/BHAAL2BA.SPL] loaded, 2738 bytes [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BLUN14.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BLUN20.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/BLUN30.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BLUN30C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BLUN30D.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BODHI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEDAG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/BONEDAGA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BONEFD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/BPDISPEL.SPL] loaded, 2650 bytes [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRAC16.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BRDFLUT1.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/BRDFLUTE.ITM] loaded, 1386 bytes [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDHLYSYM.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 1370 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDIWDTR1.SPL] loaded, 1882 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CDPR417.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSHAR2.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/CDSTAF12.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CH3AWAY.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIA.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3DRAIN.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/CH3FLASA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CH3FLASH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/CH3WEAK.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/CH3WEAKA.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6122 bytes [./override/CHALSLAY.ITM] loaded, 2178 bytes [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/CHWRAITH.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes [./override/DEMOGORG.ITM] loaded, 3866 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DEVAHEAL.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/DGARCHON.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DGRIGHT.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOBONE.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DRAGRING.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/DRGRBRHT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DW#605A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW#605B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW#FITEL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#ISSS.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW#ISSSB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW#NBSUB.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW#OHBEF.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#PMSCR.SPL] loaded, 3178 bytes [./override/DW#SPIMI.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW#WNDSS.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAP3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWW.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-AKL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-AKL8.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-ASBA.SPL] loaded, 3626 bytes [./override/DW-ASWW.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-AUCC.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/DW-AUCE.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/DW-AUR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-AUR2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-AUR3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-BAA1R.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-BAA2R.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-BABS.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/DW-BAEN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-BAII.SPL] loaded, 5378 bytes [./override/DW-BAIN.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DW-CAV1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-CAV2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-CAV3.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DW-CAV4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-CAV5.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-CAV6.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-CRIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-CYDB.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/DW-DDI1.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-DDI2.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-DDI3.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DW-DSB1.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB2.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB3.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSB4.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBA.SPL] loaded, 2314 bytes [./override/DW-DSBI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSBT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-DSWI.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB2.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EEKB3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-EESP.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FAER.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/DW-FAERB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAP3.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN1.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN2.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FEBN3.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-FESHR.SPL] loaded, 5530 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FSMK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREA.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREC.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREF.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-FSREL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-GRIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-GRSP.SPL] loaded, 3722 bytes [./override/DW-HEGL.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/DW-HS55.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS55.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-HS56.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS56.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-HS57.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS57.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-HS58.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS58.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-HS59.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS59.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-HS60.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS60.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-HS61.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS61.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-HS62.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS62.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-HS63.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS63.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-HS65.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS65.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DW-HS66.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS66.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-HS67.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS67.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DW-HS68.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS68.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-HS69.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS69.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/DW-HS70.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS70.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DW-HS71.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS71.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/DW-HS72.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS72.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DW-HS73.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS73.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DW-HS74.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS74.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/DW-HS75.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS75.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/DW-HS76.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS76.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/DW-IEAP1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEAP2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEAP3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEAU1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-IEAU2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-IEAU3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-IEFR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-IEIS.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-ILEN.SPL] loaded, 11474 bytes [./override/DW-ILIN.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-IMFIR.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-INQ1.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-INQ2.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-INQ3.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-KOCE.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/DW-KORB.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-KORX.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-L2SPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-LAFB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-LODO.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-LODOA.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LOSS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LOSU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LOWB.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-LOWBI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-LSSPL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-MABC.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-MAIN.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DW-MRCO.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MRNP.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-MSRD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MSRS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MYCT.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-MYIN.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-OGIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-OLHIS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-PSHG.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/DW-PSHH.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOM.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-PSRT.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-RINE.SPL] loaded, 1594 bytes [./override/DW-SAHS.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SAWY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SCBA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SCIS.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCMA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SCRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SGH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SGH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SHDB.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/DW-SHIN.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SHP1.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP2.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SHP3.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DW-SHP4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SHP5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SLFR.SPL] loaded, 38306 bytes [./override/DW-SLIN.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SLOW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SLOWA.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-SMBC.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBG.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMBO.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCA.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMCP.SPL] loaded, 10794 bytes [./override/DW-SMCS.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGC.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DW-SMGP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SMOP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMPL.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SMRB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRC.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRM.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMRU.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SMUH.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/DW-SMUP.SPL] loaded, 5034 bytes [./override/DW-SOH1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH4.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH6.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SOH7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SORB.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SPCP.SPL] loaded, 4314 bytes [./override/DW-SSA1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSA2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSBG.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSE1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSE2.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSF1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSF2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSGC.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSGCB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSHB.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSHE.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-SSHR.SPL] loaded, 3994 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/DW-SSMT.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSNW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-SSPB.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSRA.SPL] loaded, 3562 bytes [./override/DW-SSRH.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSSI.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DW-SSSP.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DW-SSSW.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-SSW1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSW2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-SSWB.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-SUCH.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-SUVE.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-TALB.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/DW-TLDI.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DW-TLPI.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/DW-TMIN.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DW-TMLU.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/DW-UMCE.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/DW-UMSWI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-UMWP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-UNH1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DW-UNH2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DW-UNH3.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DW-WEAU.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WEDR.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/DW-WEQU.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DW-WERE1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-WERE2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-WESM.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WZS1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW-WZS2.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWCAUSC.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWCAUSS.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWCHAN01.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/DWDDAB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDARS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDCB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDCRS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDLB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDLRS.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWDDPB1.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWDDPRS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWEVA0.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWEVA1.SPL] loaded, 250 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[./override/DWGDC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGDN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGP101.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP102.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP103.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP104.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP105.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP108.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP111.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP113.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP116.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP119.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP204.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP206.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP207.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP208.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGP209.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes 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[./override/DWGPC_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPC_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPL_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_E.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_G.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGPN_N.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWGQ103.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ107.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ114.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ115.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ116.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ117.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ128.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ203.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ205.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ206.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ209.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ213.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ214.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ218.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ219.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ225.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ228.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ302.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ305.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ308.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ310.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ311.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ313.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ314.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ323.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ405.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ406.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ409.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ502.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ503.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ505.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ511.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ513.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ515.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ605.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGQ607.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes 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[./override/DWGW104.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW115.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW117.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW119.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW127.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW128.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW201.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW205.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW206.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW210.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW211.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW218.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW225.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW228.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW304.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW308.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW312.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW314.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW316.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW323.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW328.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW405.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes 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[./override/DWGW718.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW803.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW804.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW806.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW807.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW810.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW813.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW815.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW817.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW820.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW904.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW906.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW907.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW909.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW910.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW912.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW914.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW915.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGW919.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGX101.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGX116.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGX313.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWGX314.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes 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bytes [./override/DWHAA161.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWHAA175.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DWNCCTD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPI102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWPI108.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/DWPI201.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/DWPI208.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWPI301.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/DWPI302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/DWPI303.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWPI312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWPI320.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWPI321.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/DWPI323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DWPI327.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DWPI328.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPI330.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DWPI402.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPI416.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPI422.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/DWPI425.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWPI501.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPI503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/DWPI505.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/DWPI507.SPL] loaded, 7506 bytes [./override/DWPI522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/DWPI602.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWPI607.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/DWPI609.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPI610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DWPI708.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/DWPI710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/DWPI740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/DWPW101.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPW116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWPW313.SPL] loaded, 6130 bytes [./override/DWPW314.SPL] loaded, 7914 bytes [./override/DWPW411.SPL] loaded, 2474 bytes [./override/DWPW417.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWPW504.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWPW519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWPW607.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/DWPW608.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWPW704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWPW710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/DWPW715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DWPW720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWSMEX1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX11.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX13.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX15.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX17.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX19.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX21.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX23.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX25.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX27.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX29.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX3.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX5.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX7.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSMEX9.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWSPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DWSSGS1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS10.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS11.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS12.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS13.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS14.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS15.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS16.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS17.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS18.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS19.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS2.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS20.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS21.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS22.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS23.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS24.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS25.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS26.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS27.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS28.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS29.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS3.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSGS30.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS31.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS32.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS33.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS34.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS4.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS5.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS6.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS7.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS8.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWSSGS9.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/DWSSRS1.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS10.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS2.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS3.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWSSRS4.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS5.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS6.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS7.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS8.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSSRS9.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWHIP0A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWHIPA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWI106.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWI110.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWI112.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/DWWI207.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/DWWI302.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWI303.SPL] loaded, 2194 bytes [./override/DWWI304.SPL] loaded, 1554 bytes [./override/DWWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/DWWI401.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/DWWI404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWI408.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/DWWI411.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/DWWI412.SPL] loaded, 8738 bytes [./override/DWWI417.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/DWWI418.SPL] loaded, 12770 bytes [./override/DWWI419.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI426.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWWI427.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/DWWI429.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/DWWI431.SPL] loaded, 4098 bytes [./override/DWWI432.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/DWWI505.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/DWWI508.SPL] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/DWWI514.SPL] loaded, 4050 bytes [./override/DWWI527.SPL] loaded, 1170 bytes [./override/DWWI601.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWI604.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWI608.SPL] loaded, 3066 bytes [./override/DWWI615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWI632.SPL] loaded, 906 bytes [./override/DWWI701.SPL] loaded, 5098 bytes [./override/DWWI708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DWWI714.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWWI720.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/DWWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/DWWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/DWWP103.SPL] loaded, 2434 bytes [./override/DWWP107.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/DWWP114.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/DWWP115.SPL] loaded, 4754 bytes [./override/DWWP116.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/DWWP117.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DWWP203.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP205.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP206.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWP209.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/DWWP213.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/DWWP218.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP219.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/DWWP225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/DWWP228.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/DWWP302.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWP305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/DWWP308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/DWWP310.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP311.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/DWWP313.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/DWWP314.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP323.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/DWWP404.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWP405.SPL] loaded, 5378 bytes [./override/DWWP406.SPL] loaded, 19490 bytes [./override/DWWP409.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWWP423.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/DWWP502.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWP503.SPL] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/DWWP505.SPL] loaded, 3474 bytes [./override/DWWP511.SPL] loaded, 9234 bytes [./override/DWWP513.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/DWWP515.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/DWWP605.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/DWWP607.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/DWWP611.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/DWWP612.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP613.SPL] loaded, 3930 bytes [./override/DWWP615.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DWWP626.SPL] loaded, 2634 bytes [./override/DWWP628.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/DWWP708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/DWWP715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/DWWP721.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/DWWP722.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DWWP728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/DWWP966.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DW_NEG16.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/DW_NEG40.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FINMEL01.ITM] loaded, 3858 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FJBARD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/FJBARDA.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/FJBARDB.SPL] loaded, 3450 bytes [./override/FJBLADEB.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes [./override/GHAST1.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2282 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/GORWOM1A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/HGBER01.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/HGBER01A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/HGNYMPH.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HGWRA01.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5250 bytes [./override/HSLAYWPN.ITM] loaded, 1466 bytes [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2618 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/ICETRL.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INNOC2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5394 bytes [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 5018 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU1.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/JWGLOBE.SPL] loaded, 12138 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/KIEL1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3810 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1506 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MELIS01.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/MELIS01A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/MELIS01B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/MELIS02.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/MELIS02B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC3N.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC5X.ITM] loaded, 594 bytes [./override/MISC73.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/MISCBC.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/MISLEAD.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NISHRUU.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPCHAN.ITM] loaded, 1458 bytes [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/NPSW06.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OBJRING.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBBANNO.SPL] loaded, 4618 bytes [./override/OHBBCLT1.SPL] loaded, 2026 bytes [./override/OHBBRVGR.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHBBSLAY.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes [./override/OHBCALLL.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBDCSW.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/OHBDEMI2.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHBDGELU.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHBDRAG1.SPL] loaded, 962 bytes [./override/OHBDRAGA.SPL] loaded, 530 bytes [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/OHBEFLAM.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSA.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/OHBEWWSL.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/OHBGASIM.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/OHBINVUL.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/OHBQUAKE.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/OHBRESTO.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/OHBWI304.SPL] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/OHBWI308.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/OHDEVIL.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/OHDEVILA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/OHDMASK.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHGASFRM.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/OHHDRAI2.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHHDRAIA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHHWRSW.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/OHJWSP01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHNPOTN1.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHNPOTNA.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHRCLCK3.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/OHRGROG.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/OHRRAGE.SPL] loaded, 3130 bytes [./override/OHSMODE1.SPL] loaded, 7210 bytes [./override/OHSMODE4.SPL] loaded, 7162 bytes [./override/OHTYR1.SPL] loaded, 2554 bytes [./override/OHWI311.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3578 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN14.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN15.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN16.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/POTN17.ITM] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN32.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN46.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN48.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/PROJIMAG.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/RAVAG01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RAVAG02.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/RAVAG03.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING39.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/RING94.ITM] loaded, 2226 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/RING99.ITM] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODS05.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RUNRUN.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/RUNRUNA.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCHLUM1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL10.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL12.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL13.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL18.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SCRL1B.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1W.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2E.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL5E.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL62.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/SCRL66.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL67.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL69.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6N.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL6Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL71.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL72.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL73.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL75.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL76.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL77.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL79.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL81.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL82.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL83.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL84.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL85.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL86.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL87.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL89.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8N.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL8O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL90.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL92.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL93.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL95.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL96.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL97.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL99.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9G.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9T.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA2.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA3.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRLA5.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA6.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA8.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAI.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAJ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAL.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAM.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAN.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAQ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAR.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB1.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB2.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLZY.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SCRLZZ.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SENDAI.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SENDAIA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SENSPIHE.SPL] loaded, 2170 bytes [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SHALT01.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SHARSWD.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SHARSWDA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SHLD25.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIMULACR.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SIRINE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SIRINE1.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SLAYERW1.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/SLAYERW3.ITM] loaded, 5450 bytes [./override/SLAYERWP.ITM] loaded, 2138 bytes [./override/SLAYSH01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPBLUN29.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCL101.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL104.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPCL107.SPL] loaded, 1498 bytes [./override/SPCL108.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPCL110.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPCL111.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL121.SPL] loaded, 1522 bytes [./override/SPCL123.SPL] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/SPCL123A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL123B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL144.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL151.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPCL152.SPL] loaded, 36962 bytes [./override/SPCL212.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL213.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL221.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL222.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL232.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPCL232D.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL233.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPCL237.SPL] loaded, 8066 bytes [./override/SPCL239A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL321.SPL] loaded, 82042 bytes [./override/SPCL411.SPL] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SPCL415.SPL] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/SPCL415A.SPL] loaded, 4858 bytes [./override/SPCL415B.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL422.SPL] loaded, 1194 bytes [./override/SPCL422A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPCL423.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL521.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPCL522.SPL] loaded, 5794 bytes [./override/SPCL542A.SPL] loaded, 4394 bytes [./override/SPCL611.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL612.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL613.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL621.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL622.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL623.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL624.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL625.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL632.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL633.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPCL634.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL643.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL644.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL721.SPL] loaded, 22994 bytes [./override/SPCL722.SPL] loaded, 2914 bytes [./override/SPCL732.SPL] loaded, 1354 bytes [./override/SPCL741.SPL] loaded, 24914 bytes [./override/SPCL751A.SPL] loaded, 4250 bytes [./override/SPCL751B.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL751C.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL811.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL814.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPCL820.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL821.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPCL900.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPCL901.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPCL902.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL903.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPCL905.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL906.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPCL907.SPL] loaded, 10074 bytes [./override/SPCL909.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPCL911B.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL916.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPCL920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPCL920A.SPL] loaded, 2362 bytes [./override/SPCL921A.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPCRYO01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPCTMD01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPDD02.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPDD03.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPDR101.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPDR101A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPDR201.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPDR301.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPDR601.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPDWD02.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPECTR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4682 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPERMEL.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPIDWR1.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIMIX01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIMIXD.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN101.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN103.SPL] loaded, 2370 bytes [./override/SPIN104.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN104A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPIN117.SPL] loaded, 3850 bytes [./override/SPIN122.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN123.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN124.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN128.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN129.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN130.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN131.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN132.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN133.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN134.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN135.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN136.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN137.SPL] loaded, 6722 bytes [./override/SPIN138.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPIN139.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN140.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPIN140A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPIN141.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPIN142.SPL] loaded, 13674 bytes [./override/SPIN150.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN151.SPL] loaded, 1450 bytes [./override/SPIN152.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN153.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN154.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN201.SPL] loaded, 1978 bytes [./override/SPIN539.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN547.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN550.SPL] loaded, 1786 bytes [./override/SPIN560.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN560A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN566.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN572.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN572A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN575.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN575A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN579.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN581.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN584A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN588.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN588A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN589.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN589A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN595.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN596.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN597.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN599.SPL] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/SPIN608.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPIN628.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN628A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN633.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN655.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN655A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN676.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPIN679.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPIN683.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPIN684.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPIN686.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN688.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPIN689.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN691.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN693.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN699.SPL] loaded, 1978 bytes [./override/SPIN701.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN710.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPIN711.SPL] loaded, 1882 bytes [./override/SPIN714.SPL] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPIN722.SPL] loaded, 154 bytes [./override/SPIN734.SPL] loaded, 1882 bytes [./override/SPIN736.SPL] loaded, 18146 bytes [./override/SPIN754.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN766.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN766A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN769.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN789.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN799.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN799D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN808.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN808A.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN817.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN817A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN817B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN818.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN818A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN818B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN819.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN823.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPIN828.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPIN828A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPIN833.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN834.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN858.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN858A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN859.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN859A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN860.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN860A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN861.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN861A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPIN872.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/SPIN885.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN891.SPL] loaded, 1690 bytes [./override/SPIN897.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN901.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN901A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPIN906.SPL] loaded, 2458 bytes [./override/SPIN914.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPIN919.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPIN919A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN920.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPIN936.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN939.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPIN944.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN956.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPIN958.SPL] loaded, 4034 bytes [./override/SPIN977.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN977A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPIN978.SPL] loaded, 1970 bytes [./override/SPIN978A.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPIN979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN983.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPIN983A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPIN989.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPIN996.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPIN997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPIN999.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPINHUM.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPOGRE01.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR102.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR103.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPPR105.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR106.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR107.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR108.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR109.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR111.SPL] loaded, 16274 bytes [./override/SPPR113.SPL] loaded, 874 bytes [./override/SPPR116.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR117.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPPR118.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR118C.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPPR118D.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPPR119.SPL] loaded, 13394 bytes [./override/SPPR120.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR121.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR201.SPL] loaded, 7634 bytes [./override/SPPR202.SPL] loaded, 13794 bytes [./override/SPPR203.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR203D.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR203E.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR204.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR207.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR208.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR210.SPL] loaded, 12434 bytes [./override/SPPR211.SPL] loaded, 8594 bytes [./override/SPPR213.SPL] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/SPPR214.SPL] loaded, 2658 bytes [./override/SPPR216.SPL] loaded, 2354 bytes [./override/SPPR217.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR218.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR219.SPL] loaded, 5810 bytes [./override/SPPR220.SPL] loaded, 6674 bytes [./override/SPPR250.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR250A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR301.SPL] loaded, 466 bytes [./override/SPPR302.SPL] loaded, 2690 bytes [./override/SPPR304.SPL] loaded, 1346 bytes [./override/SPPR305.SPL] loaded, 4594 bytes [./override/SPPR306.SPL] loaded, 9554 bytes [./override/SPPR307.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR308.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR310.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR312.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR313.SPL] loaded, 6130 bytes [./override/SPPR314.SPL] loaded, 7914 bytes [./override/SPPR315.SPL] loaded, 3194 bytes [./override/SPPR317.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPPR318.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes 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loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR518.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR518A.SPL] loaded, 25938 bytes [./override/SPPR518B.SPL] loaded, 6354 bytes [./override/SPPR519.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR520.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR521.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR522.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPPR522B.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR523.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR524.SPL] loaded, 8658 bytes [./override/SPPR525.SPL] loaded, 3514 bytes [./override/SPPR601.SPL] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SPPR603.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR603D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR605.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR606.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR607.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPPR609.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR610.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR610A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR612.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR614.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR615.SPL] loaded, 52834 bytes [./override/SPPR616.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR617.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPPR618.SPL] loaded, 1954 bytes [./override/SPPR698.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR698D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR701.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR702.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR703.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR704.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR706.SPL] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/SPPR707.SPL] loaded, 3418 bytes [./override/SPPR708.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPPR710.SPL] loaded, 1258 bytes [./override/SPPR710A.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR711.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPPR712.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR713.SPL] loaded, 2362 bytes [./override/SPPR714.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPPR715.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPPR715A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR717.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR717A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR717B.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR717C.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR718.SPL] loaded, 1618 bytes [./override/SPPR719.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR720.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPPR723.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR724.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR725.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPPR725D.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR729.SPL] loaded, 1874 bytes [./override/SPPR730.SPL] loaded, 6314 bytes [./override/SPPR731.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR732.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPPR733.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR733A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR734.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes [./override/SPPR736.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR737.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR738.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR739.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPPR740.SPL] loaded, 7114 bytes [./override/SPPR741.SPL] loaded, 5434 bytes [./override/SPPR741B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR742.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPPR751.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPPR751A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPPR950.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPPR985.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPPR985D.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR987.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPPR988.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPPR999.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPRA301.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPRA301A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPRA302.SPL] loaded, 10738 bytes [./override/SPRA303.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPRNGB02.ITM] loaded, 1266 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4434 bytes [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3714 bytes [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4434 bytes [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3762 bytes 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bytes [./override/SPWI117.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI118.SPL] loaded, 3546 bytes [./override/SPWI118A.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI119.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI119A.SPL] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/SPWI120.SPL] loaded, 2834 bytes [./override/SPWI123.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI125.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI126.SPL] loaded, 2074 bytes [./override/SPWI127.SPL] loaded, 3794 bytes [./override/SPWI128.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI128B.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI201.SPL] loaded, 10338 bytes [./override/SPWI205.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI206.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI209.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI210.SPL] loaded, 1162 bytes [./override/SPWI211.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI212.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI213.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI214.SPL] loaded, 9474 bytes [./override/SPWI215.SPL] loaded, 778 bytes [./override/SPWI217.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI218.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI220.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI221.SPL] loaded, 5154 bytes [./override/SPWI221A.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI222.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI223.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI224.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI225.SPL] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPWI225B.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI225C.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI226.SPL] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/SPWI227.SPL] loaded, 6882 bytes [./override/SPWI228.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229.SPL] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/SPWI229B.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI298.SPL] loaded, 658 bytes [./override/SPWI299.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI303.SPL] loaded, 2194 bytes [./override/SPWI304.SPL] loaded, 1554 bytes [./override/SPWI305.SPL] loaded, 3826 bytes [./override/SPWI305A.SPL] loaded, 8434 bytes [./override/SPWI306.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes 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loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI706Z.SPL] loaded, 2242 bytes [./override/SPWI707.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI708.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI710.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI711.SPL] loaded, 1546 bytes [./override/SPWI711A.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI712.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI713.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI714.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWI715.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI716.SPL] loaded, 1066 bytes [./override/SPWI717.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI718.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI719.SPL] loaded, 818 bytes [./override/SPWI720.SPL] loaded, 3754 bytes [./override/SPWI721.SPL] loaded, 2746 bytes [./override/SPWI723.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI724.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI724A.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI725.SPL] loaded, 730 bytes [./override/SPWI726.SPL] loaded, 1738 bytes [./override/SPWI727.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI728.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWI803.SPL] loaded, 3674 bytes [./override/SPWI804.SPL] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3226 bytes [./override/SPWI807.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI808.SPL] loaded, 1114 bytes [./override/SPWI809.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI810.SPL] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SPWI811.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI812.SPL] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SPWI813.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI815.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI816.SPL] loaded, 1242 bytes [./override/SPWI817.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI818.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI819.SPL] loaded, 970 bytes [./override/SPWI820.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI821.SPL] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SPWI822.SPL] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/SPWI888.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI897.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI898.SPL] loaded, 1994 bytes [./override/SPWI899.SPL] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SPWI901.SPL] loaded, 378 bytes [./override/SPWI902.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes [./override/SPWI903.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI904.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI904B.SPL] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/SPWI905.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI906.SPL] loaded, 954 bytes [./override/SPWI906B.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI907.SPL] loaded, 1210 bytes [./override/SPWI908.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI911.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI912.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI913.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI914.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI915.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI916.SPL] loaded, 1018 bytes [./override/SPWI918.SPL] loaded, 538 bytes [./override/SPWI921.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI922.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWI928.SPL] loaded, 682 bytes [./override/SPWI928A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI929.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI930.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI931.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI940.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI943.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI950.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI952.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWI953.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI954.SPL] loaded, 1306 bytes [./override/SPWI955.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI955A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWI956.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI957.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI958.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/SPWI959.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWI960.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI966.SPL] loaded, 666 bytes [./override/SPWI979.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI982.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWI995.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPWI997.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWI998.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWISH07.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPWISH17.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH25.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH28.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPWISH2A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWISH36.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH37.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH3A.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH3B.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWISH40.SPL] loaded, 490 bytes [./override/SPWISH41.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH42.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH43.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH44.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH45.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWISH46.SPL] loaded, 2266 bytes [./override/SPWISH4A.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4B.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4C.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4D.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4E.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWISH4F.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SPWM111.SPL] loaded, 922 bytes [./override/SPWM112.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM112A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM115.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/SPWM115A.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/SPWM118.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM118A.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/SPWM126.SPL] loaded, 1402 bytes [./override/SPWM164.SPL] loaded, 346 bytes [./override/SPWM164A.SPL] loaded, 634 bytes [./override/SPWM168.SPL] loaded, 2218 bytes [./override/SPYANC01.SPL] loaded, 298 bytes [./override/SPYANCD.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes [./override/STAF01.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF06.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/STAF07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/STAF08.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF09.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/STAF11.ITM] loaded, 2394 bytes [./override/STAF12.ITM] loaded, 1146 bytes [./override/STAF13.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF14.ITM] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/STAF15.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF16.ITM] loaded, 1338 bytes [./override/STAF17.ITM] loaded, 1002 bytes [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/SW1H27.SPL] loaded, 586 bytes [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV2.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/TELWRAI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TROLLTOA.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/TTSCRL01.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/TTSCRL02.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP1.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP2.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP3.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WA2ROBE.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND12.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WAWAK.SPL] loaded, 250 bytes [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WEREWLF1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WEREWLF2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WIGHT.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WRAITH1.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI104.spl] loaded, 538 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/NPCHAN.ITM] loaded, 1458 bytes override/NPCHAN.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/NPCHAN.ITM, 1458 bytes Copied [NPCHAN.ITM] to [override/NPCHAN.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2842 bytes override/SPPR350.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPPR350.SPL, 2842 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copied [SPWI104.spl] to [override/DWWI104.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR512.spl] loaded, 5202 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 5058 bytes override/DEMILICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/DEMILICH.ITM, 5058 bytes Copied [DEMILICH.ITM] to [override/DEMILICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3810 bytes override/LICH.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/LICH.ITM, 3810 bytes Copied [LICH.ITM] to [override/LICH.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes override/RAKRING.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/RAKRING.ITM, 3282 bytes Copied [RAKRING.ITM] to [override/RAKRING.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPCL109.SPL] loaded, 826 bytes override/SPCL109.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPCL109.SPL, 826 bytes Copied [SPCL109.SPL] to [override/SPCL109.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB02.ITM] loaded, 1266 bytes override/SPRNGB02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGB02.ITM, 1266 bytes Copied [SPRNGB02.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB02.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3618 bytes override/SPRNGB03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGB03.ITM, 3618 bytes Copied [SPRNGB03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4434 bytes override/SPRNGB04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGB04.ITM, 4434 bytes Copied [SPRNGB04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGB04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 4098 bytes override/SPRNGS04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGS04.ITM, 4098 bytes Copied [SPRNGS04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGS04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGW01.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes override/SPRNGW01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGW01.ITM, 786 bytes Copied [SPRNGW01.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW01.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGW02.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes override/SPRNGW02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGW02.ITM, 882 bytes Copied [SPRNGW02.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW02.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGW03.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes override/SPRNGW03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGW03.ITM, 1410 bytes Copied [SPRNGW03.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW03.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGW04.ITM] loaded, 1746 bytes override/SPRNGW04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGW04.ITM, 1746 bytes Copied [SPRNGW04.ITM] to [override/SPRNGW04.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5298 bytes override/SPRNGZ05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPRNGZ05.ITM, 5298 bytes Copied [SPRNGZ05.ITM] to [override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3226 bytes override/SPWI806.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPWI806.SPL, 3226 bytes Copied [SPWI806.SPL] to [override/SPWI806.SPL] Copied [SPPR512.spl] to [override/DWPI512.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR405.spl] loaded, 442 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR350.SPL] loaded, 2890 bytes Copied [SPPR350.SPL] to [override/SPPR350.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR735.SPL] loaded, 3658 bytes override/SPPR735.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPPR735.SPL, 3658 bytes Copied [SPPR735.SPL] to [override/SPPR735.SPL] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI806.SPL] loaded, 3274 bytes Copied [SPWI806.SPL] to [override/SPWI806.SPL] Copied [SPPR405.spl] to [override/DWPI405.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI715.spl] loaded, 346 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPIN944.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes override/SPIN944.SPL copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPIN944.SPL, 394 bytes Copied [SPIN944.SPL] to [override/SPIN944.SPL] Copied [SPWI715.spl] to [override/DWWI715.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL342.spl] to [override/dw-ffda.spl] copying BLACKGUARD=>DW_BLACKGUARD_ASMODEUS Copying kit BLACKGUARD to kit DW_BLACKGUARD_ASMODEUS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 74357 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21168 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20986 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17134 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17114 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31573 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20574 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27184 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6872 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25053 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10706 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18873 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4171 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4044 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 182596 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes Copied [CLABPA06.2da] to [override/CLABPA07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4044 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luPa4.2da] to [override/luPA5.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2454 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2454 bytes override/kit.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/kit.ids, 2454 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 182596 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_H.2da] loaded, 45 bytes override/K_P_H.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/K_P_H.2da, 45 bytes Copied [K_P_H.2da] to [override/K_P_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_D.2da] loaded, 45 bytes override/K_P_D.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/K_P_D.2da, 45 bytes Copied [K_P_D.2da] to [override/K_P_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_G.2da] loaded, 45 bytes override/K_P_G.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/K_P_G.2da, 45 bytes Copied [K_P_G.2da] to [override/K_P_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_E.2da] loaded, 45 bytes override/K_P_E.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/K_P_E.2da, 45 bytes Copied [K_P_E.2da] to [override/K_P_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_HE.2da] loaded, 45 bytes override/K_P_HE.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/K_P_HE.2da, 45 bytes Copied [K_P_HE.2da] to [override/K_P_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_HL.2da] loaded, 45 bytes override/K_P_HL.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/K_P_HL.2da, 45 bytes Copied [K_P_HL.2da] to [override/K_P_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_HO.2da] loaded, 45 bytes override/K_P_HO.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/K_P_HO.2da, 45 bytes Copied [K_P_HO.2da] to [override/K_P_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA07.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes Copied [CLABPA07.2da] to [override/CLABPA07.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 108 bytes override/fallen.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/fallen.2da, 108 bytes Copied [fallen.2da] to [override/fallen.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 74357 bytes override/25stweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/25stweap.2da, 74357 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21168 bytes override/abclasrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/abclasrq.2da, 21168 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 20986 bytes override/abclsmod.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/abclsmod.2da, 20986 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17134 bytes override/abdcdsrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/abdcdsrq.2da, 17134 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17114 bytes override/abdcscrq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/abdcscrq.2da, 17114 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31573 bytes override/alignmnt.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/alignmnt.2da, 31573 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20574 bytes override/clascolr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/clascolr.2da, 20574 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27184 bytes override/clasiskl.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/clasiskl.2da, 27184 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 34902 bytes override/clastext.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/clastext.2da, 34902 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6872 bytes override/clasthac.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/clasthac.2da, 6872 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25053 bytes override/clasweap.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/clasweap.2da, 25053 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24617 bytes override/clsrcreq.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/clsrcreq.2da, 24617 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10706 bytes override/clswpbon.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/clswpbon.2da, 10706 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 18873 bytes override/dualclas.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/dualclas.2da, 18873 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27470 bytes override/kitlist.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/kitlist.2da, 27470 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4171 bytes override/hpclass.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/hpclass.2da, 4171 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4044 bytes override/luabbr.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/luabbr.2da, 4044 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3704 bytes override/numwslot.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/numwslot.2da, 3704 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 182596 bytes override/weapprof.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/weapprof.2da, 182596 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27742 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 4975 bytes override/m_dw_vcd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/m_dw_vcd.lua, 4975 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt] loaded, 52709 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR113.spl] loaded, 874 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [BDDOOM.SPL] to [override/BDDOOM.SPL] Copied [SPPR113.spl] to [override/DWPI113.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI314.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4530 bytes override/GORCHR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/GORCHR.ITM, 4530 bytes Copied [GORCHR.ITM] to [override/GORCHR.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4682 bytes override/SPELLH01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SPELLH01.ITM, 4682 bytes Copied [SPELLH01.ITM] to [override/SPELLH01.ITM] Copied [SPWI314.spl] to [override/DWWI314.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI713.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/HSLAYWPN.ITM] loaded, 1466 bytes override/HSLAYWPN.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/HSLAYWPN.ITM, 1466 bytes Copied [HSLAYWPN.ITM] to [override/HSLAYWPN.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHBBSLAY.ITM] loaded, 1706 bytes override/OHBBSLAY.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/OHBBSLAY.ITM, 1706 bytes Copied [OHBBSLAY.ITM] to [override/OHBBSLAY.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SLAYERW1.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes override/SLAYERW1.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SLAYERW1.ITM, 2186 bytes Copied [SLAYERW1.ITM] to [override/SLAYERW1.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SLAYERW3.ITM] loaded, 5450 bytes override/SLAYERW3.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SLAYERW3.ITM, 5450 bytes Copied [SLAYERW3.ITM] to [override/SLAYERW3.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SLAYERWP.ITM] loaded, 2138 bytes override/SLAYERWP.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/SLAYERWP.ITM, 2138 bytes Copied [SLAYERWP.ITM] to [override/SLAYERWP.ITM] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes override/STALKER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/STALKER.ITM, 3330 bytes Copied [STALKER.ITM] to [override/STALKER.ITM] Copied [SPWI713.spl] to [override/DWWI713.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPWI912.spl] loaded, 394 bytes [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/lang/english/sfo_lua.tra] has 79 translation strings Copied [SPWI912.spl] to [override/DWWI912.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [SPCL342.spl] to [override/dw-ffto.spl] copying BLACKGUARD=>DW_BLACKGUARD_ORCUS Copying kit BLACKGUARD to kit DW_BLACKGUARD_ORCUS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 74966 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21345 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17286 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17290 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31836 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20761 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27424 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35170 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25287 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24822 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10795 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19049 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 191 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27742 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4231 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4077 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3735 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 184112 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27742 bytes Copying 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA06.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes Copied [CLABPA06.2da] to [override/CLABPA08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4077 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luPa4.2da] to [override/luPA6.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2485 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2485 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 184112 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27742 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_H.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Copied [K_P_H.2da] to [override/K_P_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_D.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Copied [K_P_D.2da] to [override/K_P_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_G.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Copied [K_P_G.2da] to [override/K_P_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_E.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Copied [K_P_E.2da] to [override/K_P_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_HE.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Copied [K_P_HE.2da] to [override/K_P_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_HL.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Copied [K_P_HL.2da] to [override/K_P_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_P_HO.2da] loaded, 66 bytes Copied [K_P_HO.2da] to [override/K_P_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPA08.2da] loaded, 4458 bytes Copied [CLABPA08.2da] to [override/CLABPA08.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 191 bytes Copied [fallen.2da] to [override/fallen.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 74966 bytes Copied [25stweap.2da] to [override/25stweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21345 bytes Copied [abclasrq.2da] to [override/abclasrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21162 bytes Copied [abclsmod.2da] to [override/abclsmod.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17286 bytes Copied [abdcdsrq.2da] to [override/abdcdsrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17290 bytes Copied [abdcscrq.2da] to [override/abdcscrq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 31836 bytes Copied [alignmnt.2da] to [override/alignmnt.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20761 bytes Copied [clascolr.2da] to [override/clascolr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27424 bytes Copied [clasiskl.2da] to [override/clasiskl.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35170 bytes Copied [clastext.2da] to [override/clastext.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6938 bytes Copied [clasthac.2da] to [override/clasthac.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25287 bytes Copied [clasweap.2da] to [override/clasweap.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 24822 bytes Copied [clsrcreq.2da] to [override/clsrcreq.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10795 bytes Copied [clswpbon.2da] to [override/clswpbon.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19049 bytes Copied [dualclas.2da] to [override/dualclas.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 27742 bytes Copied [kitlist.2da] to [override/kitlist.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4231 bytes Copied [hpclass.2da] to [override/hpclass.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4077 bytes Copied [luabbr.2da] to [override/luabbr.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3735 bytes Copied [numwslot.2da] to [override/numwslot.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 184112 bytes Copied [weapprof.2da] to [override/weapprof.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_VCD.LUA] loaded, 5018 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_vcd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/onopen.ini] loaded, 1824 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_ooe.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/m_dw_ooe.lua, 2837 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_ooe.lua] to [override/m_dw_ooe.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/lua/data/systemcall.ini] loaded, 1772 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_osd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/m_dw_osd.lua, 4664 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_osd.lua] to [override/m_dw_osd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 4822 files ... [./override/AD3SKLM.CRE] loaded, 5076 bytes [./override/AERBOD01.CRE] loaded, 2044 bytes [./override/AERIE.CRE] loaded, 2480 bytes [./override/AERIE10.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE11.CRE] loaded, 3972 bytes [./override/AERIE12.CRE] loaded, 4212 bytes [./override/AERIE6.CRE] loaded, 3060 bytes [./override/AERIE7.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/AERIE9.CRE] loaded, 3672 bytes [./override/ANOMEN10.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/ANOMEN12.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/ANOMEN6.CRE] loaded, 3920 bytes [./override/ANOMEN7.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN8.CRE] loaded, 4220 bytes [./override/ANOMEN9.CRE] loaded, 4436 bytes [./override/BREG01.CRE] loaded, 2052 bytes [./override/BREG03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ2.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/C6DRIZZ3.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/C6DROW1.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6DROW2.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/C6DROWGO.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/C6ELF2.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF3.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6ELF4.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6ELF5.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6EXTR01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR02.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6EXTR03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6EXTR04.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/C6GOD.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/C6WARSA1.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/C6WARSA2.CRE] loaded, 1672 bytes [./override/CEBEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/CEFALD01.CRE] loaded, 1292 bytes [./override/CEFALD02.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/CEFALD04.CRE] loaded, 1512 bytes [./override/CEFALDOR.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/CERND10.CRE] loaded, 3624 bytes [./override/CERND12.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND13B.CRE] loaded, 4104 bytes [./override/CERND14.CRE] loaded, 4244 bytes [./override/CHEVIL06.CRE] loaded, 4080 bytes [./override/CHEVIL07.CRE] loaded, 3884 bytes [./override/CHGOOD09.CRE] loaded, 4856 bytes [./override/CSIREN.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/CSJON.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/CUARDUL.CRE] loaded, 1904 bytes [./override/CUGUARD.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/CUPHAER.CRE] loaded, 3988 bytes [./override/DADROW10.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DADROW11.CRE] loaded, 1676 bytes [./override/DADROW12.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW13.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW14.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW15.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DADROW16.CRE] loaded, 1816 bytes [./override/DADROW17.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW18.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW19.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW2.CRE] loaded, 2076 bytes [./override/DADROW20.CRE] loaded, 1696 bytes [./override/DADROW21.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW23.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/DADROW24.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/DADROW25.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW26.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW3.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW4.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/DADROW5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DADROW6.CRE] loaded, 1616 bytes [./override/DADROW7.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DADROW8.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DADROW9.CRE] loaded, 1604 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN1.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGHAUN2.CRE] loaded, 1728 bytes [./override/DAGMAG01.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/DAQILUE.CRE] loaded, 1756 bytes [./override/DDGUARD7.CRE] loaded, 4040 bytes [./override/DECKFELE.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DORN10.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/DORN12.CRE] loaded, 3284 bytes [./override/DORN14.CRE] loaded, 3424 bytes [./override/DORN8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/DORN9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/DPJON01.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DPJON02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/DRIZZT.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/DROFOD01.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DROFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1680 bytes [./override/DROFOD03.CRE] loaded, 1476 bytes [./override/DROFOD04.CRE] loaded, 1548 bytes [./override/DROW01.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/DROW03.CRE] loaded, 1692 bytes [./override/DROW04.CRE] loaded, 1688 bytes [./override/DROW05.CRE] loaded, 3968 bytes [./override/DROW06.CRE] loaded, 2820 bytes [./override/DROW07.CRE] loaded, 1772 bytes [./override/DW#BASUM.CRE] loaded, 1436 bytes [./override/DW#BFSUM.CRE] loaded, 1984 bytes [./override/DW#COSUM.CRE] loaded, 2532 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HA.CRE] loaded, 1236 bytes [./override/DW#MS1HW.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OA.CRE] loaded, 1176 bytes [./override/DW#MS1OW.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/DW#MS4YU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS5TR.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/DW#MS5YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS6GT.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/DW#MS6YT.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW#MS7ET.CRE] loaded, 1888 bytes [./override/DW#WATE2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW#WATE3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW#WATE4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE12.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/DW-ICE16.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE24.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/DW-ICE8.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/DW-PFHQ.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/DW-PFLAR.CRE] loaded, 1280 bytes [./override/DW-PFLQ.CRE] loaded, 1408 bytes [./override/DW-PFMS.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DW-PFTQ.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/DWSST1.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST10.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST11.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST12.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST13.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST14.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST15.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST16.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST17.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST18.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST19.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST2.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST3.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST4.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST5.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST6.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST7.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST8.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/DWSST9.CRE] loaded, 804 bytes [./override/EDWIN11.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/EDWIN12.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN13.CRE] loaded, 2512 bytes [./override/EDWIN15.CRE] loaded, 2828 bytes [./override/EDWIN7.CRE] loaded, 2184 bytes [./override/EDWIN9.CRE] loaded, 2208 bytes [./override/ELAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELAIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELARIL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARG01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEARSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELEARSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEEEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEFEL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELEMCHAN.CRE] loaded, 1212 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.CRE] loaded, 7324 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.CRE] loaded, 4176 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.CRE] loaded, 4712 bytes [./override/ELEMSUNN.CRE] loaded, 4164 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.CRE] loaded, 1232 bytes [./override/ELEMZAAM.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/ELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRG01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRPR3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU3.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSU4.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/ELFIRSUW.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8AIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ES8ERTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8FIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/ES8WATR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/ETTERCSU.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/GISBOMB.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/GISBORB.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/GNOLLSU.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/GORAIR01.CRE] loaded, 8792 bytes [./override/GORAIR02.CRE] loaded, 8816 bytes [./override/GORFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR03.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORFIR04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/GORSTA02.CRE] loaded, 2232 bytes [./override/GORSTA09.CRE] loaded, 2292 bytes [./override/GORSTA11.CRE] loaded, 2200 bytes [./override/GORWOM04.CRE] loaded, 3724 bytes [./override/HAER10.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER11.CRE] loaded, 2592 bytes [./override/HAER13.CRE] loaded, 2880 bytes [./override/HAER15.CRE] loaded, 2892 bytes [./override/HAER19.CRE] loaded, 3056 bytes [./override/HOBGOBSU.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/HSPECTR1.CRE] loaded, 1444 bytes [./override/HSPECTR3.CRE] loaded, 1464 bytes [./override/IDIOT01.CRE] loaded, 2216 bytes [./override/IMOEN10.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/IMOEN15.CRE] loaded, 3604 bytes [./override/IMOEN211.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/IMOEN213.CRE] loaded, 3248 bytes [./override/JAEL01.CRE] loaded, 1976 bytes [./override/JAEL02.CRE] loaded, 1776 bytes [./override/JAEL03.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/JAEL04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/JAHEI12B.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/JAHEI14.CRE] loaded, 4232 bytes [./override/JAHEIR11.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR12.CRE] loaded, 4088 bytes [./override/JAHEIR7.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAHEIR8.CRE] loaded, 3560 bytes [./override/JAN10.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN11.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JAN12.CRE] loaded, 2864 bytes [./override/JAN15.CRE] loaded, 3016 bytes [./override/JAN8.CRE] loaded, 2600 bytes [./override/JARLAXLE.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/KEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/KELDOR10.CRE] loaded, 2716 bytes [./override/KELDOR12.CRE] loaded, 3052 bytes [./override/KELDOR14.CRE] loaded, 3092 bytes [./override/KELDOR8.CRE] loaded, 2224 bytes [./override/KELDOR9.CRE] loaded, 2488 bytes [./override/KORGAN11.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN12.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN15.CRE] loaded, 1744 bytes [./override/KORGAN8.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/KORGAN9.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/LOVEONE3.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/MAGE8E.CRE] loaded, 1564 bytes [./override/MAZZY11.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY12.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY15.CRE] loaded, 1928 bytes [./override/MAZZY8.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MAZZY9.CRE] loaded, 1828 bytes [./override/MDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIR2.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MDAIRG.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDAIRG2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDEARTH2.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MDHSSS.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/MEKEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/MINSC10.CRE] loaded, 2884 bytes [./override/MINSC12.CRE] loaded, 3232 bytes [./override/MINSC14.CRE] loaded, 3392 bytes [./override/MINSC7.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC8.CRE] loaded, 2392 bytes [./override/MINSC9.CRE] loaded, 2656 bytes [./override/MS1GOBA.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/MS1GOBM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS2LIZM.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/MS5MINO.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/MS6SALC.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS6SALF.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/MS7BGRD.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/MS7UMBH.CRE] loaded, 1116 bytes [./override/NALDEAD.CRE] loaded, 1276 bytes [./override/NALIA10.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA11.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NALIA13.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA15.CRE] loaded, 3064 bytes [./override/NALIA18.CRE] loaded, 3328 bytes [./override/NALIA8.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/NEERA10.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA11.CRE] loaded, 1932 bytes [./override/NEERA12.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA13.CRE] loaded, 2220 bytes [./override/NEERA15.CRE] loaded, 2668 bytes [./override/NEERA8.CRE] loaded, 1908 bytes [./override/OBSFIR06.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/OGREGRSU.CRE] loaded, 1384 bytes [./override/OGRELESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OGREMASU.CRE] loaded, 1832 bytes [./override/OGRESU.CRE] loaded, 1096 bytes [./override/OHB2PHAR.CRE] loaded, 5164 bytes [./override/OHB3IREN.CRE] loaded, 7072 bytes [./override/OHBBAEL.CRE] loaded, 9864 bytes [./override/OHBBANN2.CRE] loaded, 5516 bytes [./override/OHBDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHBDRO02.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/OHBDRO03.CRE] loaded, 3408 bytes [./override/OHBDRO04.CRE] loaded, 5276 bytes [./override/OHBEAI01.CRE] loaded, 7232 bytes [./override/OHBEEA01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBEFI01.CRE] loaded, 5384 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ02.CRE] loaded, 2956 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ03.CRE] loaded, 4116 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ04.CRE] loaded, 5532 bytes [./override/OHBGEZ05.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBGEZZT.CRE] loaded, 6644 bytes [./override/OHBSTANN.CRE] loaded, 9884 bytes [./override/OHHFAK10.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK11.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK13.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK15.CRE] loaded, 3024 bytes [./override/OHHFAK8.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/OHHFAK9.CRE] loaded, 2760 bytes [./override/PAIREL01.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SAREVOK.CRE] loaded, 2596 bytes [./override/SENANI01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENANI02.CRE] loaded, 1844 bytes [./override/SENANI03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENANI04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENANI05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENDAI.CRE] loaded, 5184 bytes [./override/SENDAI2.CRE] loaded, 3796 bytes [./override/SENDAI3.CRE] loaded, 4008 bytes [./override/SENDAI4.CRE] loaded, 4200 bytes [./override/SENDAI5.CRE] loaded, 3892 bytes [./override/SENDAI6.CRE] loaded, 4716 bytes [./override/SENDAI8.CRE] loaded, 4356 bytes [./override/SENDRO01.CRE] loaded, 2792 bytes [./override/SENDRO02.CRE] loaded, 1856 bytes [./override/SENDRO03.CRE] loaded, 1456 bytes [./override/SENDRO04.CRE] loaded, 1420 bytes [./override/SENDRO05.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/SENFOD01.CRE] loaded, 2768 bytes [./override/SENFOD02.CRE] loaded, 1748 bytes [./override/SENGUA01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENGUA02.CRE] loaded, 1960 bytes [./override/SENGUA03.CRE] loaded, 3276 bytes [./override/SENGUA04.CRE] loaded, 2064 bytes [./override/SENGUA05.CRE] loaded, 1516 bytes [./override/SENKEN01.CRE] loaded, 2832 bytes [./override/SENPRI01.CRE] loaded, 2984 bytes [./override/SHEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SHFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1624 bytes [./override/SPBEAR6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPBEAR7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPLION7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPSNAK7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SPWOLF7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1LIZ4.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL6.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS1TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB1.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB2.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2GOB3.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ5.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ6.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS2LIZ7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL7.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3TRL8.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/SS3UMB8.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SS3UMB9.CRE] loaded, 1156 bytes [./override/SSHAMB.CRE] loaded, 6376 bytes [./override/SUAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUAVATAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELEW1.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUELF11.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUELF9.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/SUFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUJON2.CRE] loaded, 7012 bytes [./override/SUMELAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELEAR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/SUMSHAD.CRE] loaded, 1136 bytes [./override/SWAAIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAAIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAEAR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR01.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/SWAFIR02.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TELELFIR.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/TTBRAN.CRE] loaded, 3588 bytes [./override/TTJAHIER.CRE] loaded, 2976 bytes [./override/TTMINSC.CRE] loaded, 2452 bytes [./override/TTXAN.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDAIR.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDARDUL.CRE] loaded, 2012 bytes [./override/UDCOM01.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM02.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDCOM03.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDOOR01.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR02.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDOOR03.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW01.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW03.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW04.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW05.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW06.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW07.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW08.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW09.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW10.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW11.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW12.CRE] loaded, 1460 bytes [./override/UDDROW13.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW14.CRE] loaded, 1480 bytes [./override/UDDROW15.CRE] loaded, 1500 bytes [./override/UDDROW16.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDDROW17.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes [./override/UDDROW18.CRE] loaded, 1660 bytes [./override/UDDROW19.CRE] loaded, 2800 bytes [./override/UDDROW20.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW21.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW22.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW23.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW24.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW25.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW26.CRE] loaded, 1360 bytes [./override/UDDROW27.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDDROW28.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW29.CRE] loaded, 1440 bytes [./override/UDDROW30.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDDROW31.CRE] loaded, 1664 bytes [./override/UDDROW32.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW33.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/UDDROW37.CRE] loaded, 1380 bytes [./override/UDEARTH.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDA.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDELDF.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDFIRE.CRE] loaded, 1644 bytes [./override/UDIMRAE.CRE] loaded, 1752 bytes [./override/UDMAN.CRE] loaded, 1684 bytes [./override/UDPHAE01.CRE] loaded, 3924 bytes [./override/UDPHAE02.CRE] loaded, 1572 bytes [./override/UDRUNNER.CRE] loaded, 1704 bytes [./override/UDSLV01.CRE] loaded, 1340 bytes [./override/UDSOLA01.CRE] loaded, 4852 bytes [./override/UDSOLA02.CRE] loaded, 1400 bytes [./override/VALYG11.CRE] loaded, 2960 bytes [./override/VALYG12.CRE] loaded, 3344 bytes [./override/VALYG14.CRE] loaded, 3384 bytes [./override/VALYG8.CRE] loaded, 2468 bytes [./override/VALYG9.CRE] loaded, 2732 bytes [./override/VICONI11.CRE] loaded, 4052 bytes [./override/VICONI13.CRE] loaded, 4316 bytes [./override/VICONI16.CRE] loaded, 4496 bytes [./override/VICONI6.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI8.CRE] loaded, 3536 bytes [./override/VICONI9.CRE] loaded, 3836 bytes [./override/VICPRI01.CRE] loaded, 1648 bytes [./override/YOSHI10.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI12.CRE] loaded, 2476 bytes [./override/YOSHI7.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YOSHI8.CRE] loaded, 2212 bytes [./override/YSCARA04.CRE] loaded, 1668 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPPR739.spl] loaded, 202 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... override/m_dw_dkd.lua copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50600/m_dw_dkd.lua, 116 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_dkd.lua] to [override/m_dw_dkd.lua] Install Component [Allow druids to multiclass as mages, rangers, and thieves]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Allow druids to multiclass as mages, rangers, and thieves] [Beta 13] Loading SFO... Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Creating 1 directory Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/readme.txt] to [weidu_external/readme.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/sfo/data/extra_spell_ids.txt] loaded, 670 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDWD02.spl] loaded, 922 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR101.spl] loaded, 3546 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR201.spl] loaded, 778 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR301.spl] loaded, 1794 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPDR601.spl] loaded, 1034 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR1.spl] loaded, 2554 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/spell.ids] loaded, 29860 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw_ext_spell.ids] loaded, 0 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ...done weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/splconv.txt, 52709 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw-druid_multiclass.mrk] Including and running function(s) druid_multiclass [weidu_external/lang/DW_TALENTS/english/druid_multiclass.tra] has 6 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/druid_multiclass.tpa] loaded, 3922 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/druid_multiclass.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/druid_multiclass.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/druid_shared.tph] loaded, 6973 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/druid_shared.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/druid_shared.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Including and running function(s) 319ify_item_restrictions Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/319ify_item_restrictions.tpa] loaded, 9879 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/319ify_item_restrictions.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/319ify_item_restrictions.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... Appended text to [SPECIFIC.ids] [./override/SPECIFIC.IDS] loaded, 162 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPECIFIC.ids] loaded, 162 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPECIFIC.IDS] loaded, 162 bytes Appended text to [SPECIFIC.ids] [./override/SPECIFIC.IDS] loaded, 182 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPECIFIC.ids] loaded, 182 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPECIFIC.IDS] loaded, 182 bytes Appended text to [SPECIFIC.ids] [./override/SPECIFIC.IDS] loaded, 203 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/SPECIFIC.ids] loaded, 203 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPECIFIC.IDS] loaded, 203 bytes Appended text to [SPECIFIC.ids] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_itf.lua] to [override/m_dw_itf.lua] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/m_dw_itd.lua] to [override/m_dw_itd.lua] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/ui.menu] loaded, 478008 bytes override/ui.menu copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/ui.menu, 478008 bytes Copied [ui.menu] to [override/ui.menu] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 99 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 122 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] copying to override/dw-clrun.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-clrun.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit TALOS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR02.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR02.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR02.2da] to [override/CLABPR02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit HELM... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR03.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes override/CLABPR03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR03.2da, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR03.2da] to [override/CLABPR03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit LATHANDER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes override/CLABPR04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR04.2da, 4377 bytes Copied [CLABPR04.2da] to [override/CLABPR04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit LATHANDER_X... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR04.2da] loaded, 4377 bytes Copied [CLABPR04.2da] to [override/CLABPR04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit OHTYR... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTYR.2da] loaded, 4857 bytes override/OHTYR.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHTYR.2da, 4857 bytes Copied [OHTYR.2da] to [override/OHTYR.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit OHTEMPUS... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/OHTEMPUS.2da] loaded, 4858 bytes override/OHTEMPUS.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHTEMPUS.2da, 4858 bytes Copied [OHTEMPUS.2da] to [override/OHTEMPUS.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SELUNE_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR05.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR05.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR05.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR05.2da] to [override/CLABPR05.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MASK_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR06.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR06.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR06.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR06.2da] to [override/CLABPR06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_OGHMA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR07.2da] loaded, 3904 bytes override/CLABPR07.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR07.2da, 3904 bytes Copied [CLABPR07.2da] to [override/CLABPR07.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SUNE_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR08.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR08.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR08.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR08.2da] to [override/CLABPR08.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_TYMORA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR09.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR09.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR09.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR09.2da] to [override/CLABPR09.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MORADIN_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR10.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes override/CLABPR10.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR10.2da, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR10.2da] to [override/CLABPR10.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_KOSSUTH_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR11.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes override/CLABPR11.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR11.2da, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR11.2da] to [override/CLABPR11.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR12.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR12.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR12.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR12.2da] to [override/CLABPR12.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_BANE_XVIM_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR13.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes override/CLABPR13.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR13.2da, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR13.2da] to [override/CLABPR13.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR14.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR14.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR14.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR14.2da] to [override/CLABPR14.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_AZUTH_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR15.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR15.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR15.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR15.2da] to [override/CLABPR15.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_ILMATER_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR16.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR16.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR16.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR16.2da] to [override/CLABPR16.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MYSTRA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR17.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR17.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR17.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR17.2da] to [override/CLABPR17.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_CORELLON_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR18.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR18.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR18.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR18.2da] to [override/CLABPR18.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_GRUUMSH_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR19.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR19.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR19.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR19.2da] to [override/CLABPR19.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SHAR_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR20.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR20.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR20.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR20.2da] to [override/CLABPR20.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_AURIL_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR21.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR21.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR21.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR21.2da] to [override/CLABPR21.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MALAR_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR22.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR22.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR22.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR22.2da] to [override/CLABPR22.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_TALONA_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR23.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR23.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR23.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR23.2da] to [override/CLABPR23.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_CLANGEDDIN_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR24.2da] loaded, 3898 bytes override/CLABPR24.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR24.2da, 3898 bytes Copied [CLABPR24.2da] to [override/CLABPR24.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_BAERVAN_CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR25.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes override/CLABPR25.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR25.2da, 3892 bytes Copied [CLABPR25.2da] to [override/CLABPR25.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing class CLERIC... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABPR01.2da] loaded, 3640 bytes override/CLABPR01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR01.2da, 3640 bytes Copied [CLABPR01.2da] to [override/CLABPR01.2da] ...done copying to override/dw-drdun.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-drdun.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit TOTEMIC_DRUID... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABDR02.2da] loaded, 3618 bytes override/CLABDR02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR02.2da, 3618 bytes Copied [CLABDR02.2da] to [override/CLABDR02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit SHAPESHIFTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABDR03.2da] loaded, 3578 bytes override/CLABDR03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR03.2da, 3578 bytes Copied [CLABDR03.2da] to [override/CLABDR03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit BEAST_FRIEND... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABDR04.2da] loaded, 4017 bytes override/CLABDR04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR04.2da, 4017 bytes Copied [CLABDR04.2da] to [override/CLABDR04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing class DRUID... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABDR01.2da] loaded, 3572 bytes override/CLABDR01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR01.2da, 3572 bytes Copied [CLABDR01.2da] to [override/CLABDR01.2da] ...done copying to override/dw-shmun.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-shmun.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_AURIL_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH02.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH02.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH02.2da] to [override/CLABSH02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_TEMPUS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH03.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes override/CLABSH03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH03.2da, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH03.2da] to [override/CLABSH03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_TALONA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH04.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH04.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH04.2da] to [override/CLABSH04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_CORELLON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH05.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH05.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH05.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH05.2da] to [override/CLABSH05.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_GRUUMSH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH06.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH06.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH06.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH06.2da] to [override/CLABSH06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_KOSSUTH_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH07.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes override/CLABSH07.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH07.2da, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH07.2da] to [override/CLABSH07.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_ILMATER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH08.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH08.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH08.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH08.2da] to [override/CLABSH08.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_OGHMA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH09.2da] loaded, 4259 bytes override/CLABSH09.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH09.2da, 4259 bytes Copied [CLABSH09.2da] to [override/CLABSH09.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MYSTRA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH10.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH10.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH10.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH10.2da] to [override/CLABSH10.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SHAR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH11.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH11.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH11.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH11.2da] to [override/CLABSH11.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_BANE_XVIM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH12.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes override/CLABSH12.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH12.2da, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH12.2da] to [override/CLABSH12.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_BHAAL_CYRIC_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH13.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH13.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH13.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH13.2da] to [override/CLABSH13.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MYRKUL_VELSHAROON_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH14.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH14.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH14.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH14.2da] to [override/CLABSH14.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH15.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH15.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH15.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH15.2da] to [override/CLABSH15.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MORADIN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH16.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes override/CLABSH16.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH16.2da, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH16.2da] to [override/CLABSH16.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_TYMORA_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH17.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH17.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH17.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH17.2da] to [override/CLABSH17.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_MASK_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH18.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH18.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH18.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH18.2da] to [override/CLABSH18.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SELUNE_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH19.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH19.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH19.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH19.2da] to [override/CLABSH19.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_BAERVAN_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH20.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH20.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH20.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH20.2da] to [override/CLABSH20.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_LATHANDER_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH21.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH21.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH21.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH21.2da] to [override/CLABSH21.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_HELM_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH22.2da] loaded, 4253 bytes override/CLABSH22.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH22.2da, 4253 bytes Copied [CLABSH22.2da] to [override/CLABSH22.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_TALOS_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH23.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSH23.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH23.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSH23.2da] to [override/CLABSH23.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_TYR_FAVORED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSH24.2da] loaded, 4252 bytes override/CLABSH24.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH24.2da, 4252 bytes Copied [CLABSH24.2da] to [override/CLABSH24.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing class SHAMAN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABSH01.2da] to [override/CLABSH01.2da] ...done copying to override/dw-magun.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-magun.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit ABJURER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA02.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA02.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA02.2da] to [override/CLABMA02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit CONJURER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA06.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA06.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA06.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA06.2da] to [override/CLABMA06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DIVINER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA05.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA05.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA05.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA05.2da] to [override/CLABMA05.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit ENCHANTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA09.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA09.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA09.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA09.2da] to [override/CLABMA09.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit ILLUSIONIST... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA08.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA08.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA08.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA08.2da] to [override/CLABMA08.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit INVOKER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA07.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA07.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA07.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA07.2da] to [override/CLABMA07.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit NECROMANCER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA03.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA03.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA03.2da] to [override/CLABMA03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit TRANSMUTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA04.2da] loaded, 902 bytes override/CLABMA04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA04.2da, 902 bytes Copied [CLABMA04.2da] to [override/CLABMA04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit WILDMAGE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA10.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA10.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA10.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA10.2da] to [override/CLABMA10.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing class MAGE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABMA01.2da] loaded, 747 bytes override/CLABMA01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA01.2da, 747 bytes Copied [CLABMA01.2da] to [override/CLABMA01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DRAGON_DISCIPLE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO01.2da] loaded, 3897 bytes override/CLABSO01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO01.2da, 3897 bytes Copied [CLABSO01.2da] to [override/CLABSO01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_SHADOWED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO02.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO02.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO02.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO02.2da] to [override/CLABSO02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_FEY... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO03.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO03.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO03.2da] to [override/CLABSO03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_CELESTIAL... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO04.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO04.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO04.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO04.2da] to [override/CLABSO04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_FIENDISH... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO05.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO05.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO05.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO05.2da] to [override/CLABSO05.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_GRAVETOUCHED... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO06.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO06.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO06.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO06.2da] to [override/CLABSO06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_STORMBORN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO07.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO07.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO07.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO07.2da] to [override/CLABSO07.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_EFREETI... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO08.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO08.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO08.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO08.2da] to [override/CLABSO08.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_RIMEFROST... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO09.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO09.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO09.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO09.2da] to [override/CLABSO09.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_SORCERER_DEEP_EARTH... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO10.2da] loaded, 1952 bytes override/CLABSO10.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO10.2da, 1952 bytes Copied [CLABSO10.2da] to [override/CLABSO10.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLACK... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO11.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO11.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO11.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO11.2da] to [override/CLABSO11.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_GREEN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO12.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO12.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO12.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO12.2da] to [override/CLABSO12.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_WHITE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO13.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO13.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO13.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO13.2da] to [override/CLABSO13.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_DRAGON_DISCIPLE_BLUE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABSO14.2da] loaded, 4247 bytes override/CLABSO14.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO14.2da, 4247 bytes Copied [CLABSO14.2da] to [override/CLABSO14.2da] ...done copying to override/dw-magsu.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-magsu.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing class FIGHTER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABFI01.2da] to [override/CLABFI01.2da] ...done Editing class THIEF... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/xplevel.2da] loaded, 5797 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABTH01.2da] loaded, 3407 bytes override/CLABTH01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABTH01.2da, 3407 bytes Copied [CLABTH01.2da] to [override/CLABTH01.2da] ...done Copying and patching 3090 files ... [./override/#S1-12.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ACIDOOZ3.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 167 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 199 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 233 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AEGIS.ITM] to [override/AEGIS.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 265 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 265 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 290 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 323 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 358 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AEGIS2.ITM] to [override/AEGIS2.ITM] [./override/AELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/AMSOUL01.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/AMUL01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/AMUL17.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/AMUL21.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/ANGAROW.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 391 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 391 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 417 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/ANGAROW.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/ANGAROW.ITM, 362 bytes Copied [ANGAROW.ITM] to [override/ANGAROW.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 451 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 451 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 476 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW01.ITM] to [override/AROW01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 542 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 542 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 567 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 600 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW02.ITM] to [override/AROW02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 633 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 633 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 691 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW03.ITM] to [override/AROW03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 724 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 724 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 749 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW04.ITM] to [override/AROW04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 815 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 815 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 840 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 873 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW05.ITM] to [override/AROW05.ITM] [./override/AROW06.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 906 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 906 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 931 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 964 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/AROW06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/AROW06.ITM, 362 bytes Copied [AROW06.ITM] to [override/AROW06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 997 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 997 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1022 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1055 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW07.ITM] to [override/AROW07.ITM] [./override/AROW08.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1088 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1088 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1113 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1146 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/AROW08.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/AROW08.ITM, 266 bytes Copied [AROW08.ITM] to [override/AROW08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1179 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1204 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1237 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW09.ITM] to [override/AROW09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1270 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1270 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1295 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1328 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW10.ITM] to [override/AROW10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1361 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1361 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1386 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1419 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW11.ITM] to [override/AROW11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1452 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1452 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1510 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW12.ITM] to [override/AROW12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1543 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1543 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1568 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1601 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW14.ITM] to [override/AROW14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1634 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1634 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1659 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1692 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW15.ITM] to [override/AROW15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1725 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1750 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1783 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW16.ITM] to [override/AROW16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1816 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1816 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1841 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1874 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AROW1A.ITM] to [override/AROW1A.ITM] [./override/AROWKC.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1907 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1907 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1932 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1965 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/AROWKC.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/AROWKC.ITM, 266 bytes Copied [AROWKC.ITM] to [override/AROWKC.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 1998 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 1998 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2025 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2060 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ARROPHE2.ITM] to [override/ARROPHE2.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2095 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2095 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2122 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2157 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2194 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ARROPHEO.ITM] to [override/ARROPHEO.ITM] [./override/AURSTAF.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2229 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2229 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2254 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2287 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H01.ITM] to [override/AX1H01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2320 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2320 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2345 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2378 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H02.ITM] to [override/AX1H02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2411 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2411 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2436 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2469 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H03.ITM] to [override/AX1H03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2502 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2502 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2527 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2560 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H04.ITM] to [override/AX1H04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2593 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2593 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2618 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2651 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H05.ITM] to [override/AX1H05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2684 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2684 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2709 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2742 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H06.ITM] to [override/AX1H06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2775 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2775 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2800 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2833 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H07.ITM] to [override/AX1H07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2866 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2866 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2891 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2924 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H08.ITM] to [override/AX1H08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 2957 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2957 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 2982 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3015 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H09.ITM] to [override/AX1H09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3048 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3048 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3073 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3106 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H10.ITM] to [override/AX1H10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3139 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3139 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3164 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3197 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H11.ITM] to [override/AX1H11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3230 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3230 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3255 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3288 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H12.ITM] to [override/AX1H12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3321 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3321 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3346 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3379 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H13.ITM] to [override/AX1H13.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3412 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3412 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3437 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3470 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H14.ITM] to [override/AX1H14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3503 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3503 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3528 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3561 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H15.ITM] to [override/AX1H15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3594 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3594 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3619 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3652 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H16.ITM] to [override/AX1H16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3685 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3685 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3710 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3743 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [AX1H17.ITM] to [override/AX1H17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3776 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3776 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3801 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3834 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3869 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BARLFL.ITM] to [override/BARLFL.ITM] [./override/BAZPATRG.ITM] loaded, 6066 bytes [./override/BCLAW.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 3902 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3902 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 3929 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BDDART01.ITM] to [override/BDDART01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4034 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4034 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4061 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4096 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4133 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BDHAMM02.ITM] to [override/BDHAMM02.ITM] [./override/BDHELM11.ITM] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4168 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4168 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4195 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4230 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BDROBE05.ITM] to [override/BDROBE05.ITM] [./override/BDSHLD01.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4267 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4267 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4294 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BDSHLD01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BDSHLD01.ITM, 738 bytes Copied [BDSHLD01.ITM] to [override/BDSHLD01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4329 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4329 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4356 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4391 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4428 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BDSW1H06.ITM] to [override/BDSW1H06.ITM] [./override/BDSW2H01.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4463 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4463 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4490 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4525 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4562 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BDSW2H01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BDSW2H01.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [BDSW2H01.ITM] to [override/BDSW2H01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4597 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4597 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4622 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN01.ITM] to [override/BLUN01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4655 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4655 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4680 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4713 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4748 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN02.ITM] to [override/BLUN02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4781 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4781 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4806 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4839 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4874 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN03.ITM] to [override/BLUN03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 4907 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4907 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4932 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 4965 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5000 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN04.ITM] to [override/BLUN04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5033 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5033 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5058 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5091 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5126 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN05.ITM] to [override/BLUN05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5159 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5159 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5184 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5217 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5252 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN06.ITM] to [override/BLUN06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5285 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5285 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5310 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5343 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5378 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN07.ITM] to [override/BLUN07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5411 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5411 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5436 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5469 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5504 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN08.ITM] to [override/BLUN08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5537 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5537 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5562 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5595 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5630 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN09.ITM] to [override/BLUN09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5663 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5663 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5688 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN10.ITM] to [override/BLUN10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5721 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5721 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5746 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5779 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5814 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN11.ITM] to [override/BLUN11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5847 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5847 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5872 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5905 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5940 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN12.ITM] to [override/BLUN12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 5973 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5973 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 5998 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6031 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6066 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN13.ITM] to [override/BLUN13.ITM] [./override/BLUN14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 6099 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6099 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6124 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6157 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6192 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BLUN14.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BLUN14.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BLUN14.ITM] to [override/BLUN14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 6225 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6225 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6251 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6285 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6321 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN14D.ITM] to [override/BLUN14D.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 6355 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6415 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6451 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN14E.ITM] to [override/BLUN14E.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 6485 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6485 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6511 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6545 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6581 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN14F.ITM] to [override/BLUN14F.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 6615 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6615 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6641 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6675 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6711 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN14G.ITM] to [override/BLUN14G.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 6745 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6745 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6771 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6841 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN14H.ITM] to [override/BLUN14H.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 6875 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6875 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6935 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 6971 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN14I.ITM] to [override/BLUN14I.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7005 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7005 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7030 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7063 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7098 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN15.ITM] to [override/BLUN15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7131 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7131 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7156 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7189 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7224 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN16.ITM] to [override/BLUN16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7257 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7257 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7282 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7315 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7350 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN17.ITM] to [override/BLUN17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7383 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7383 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7408 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7441 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7476 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN18.ITM] to [override/BLUN18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7509 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7534 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7567 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN19.ITM] to [override/BLUN19.ITM] [./override/BLUN20.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7635 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7635 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7660 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7693 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7728 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BLUN20.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BLUN20.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [BLUN20.ITM] to [override/BLUN20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7761 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7761 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7786 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7819 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7854 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN21.ITM] to [override/BLUN21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7887 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7887 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7912 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN22.ITM] to [override/BLUN22.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 7945 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7945 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 7970 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN23.ITM] to [override/BLUN23.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8003 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8003 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8028 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN24.ITM] to [override/BLUN24.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8061 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8061 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8086 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8119 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8154 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN25.ITM] to [override/BLUN25.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8187 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8187 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8212 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN26.ITM] to [override/BLUN26.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8245 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8245 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8270 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN27.ITM] to [override/BLUN27.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8303 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8303 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8328 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8361 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8396 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN28.ITM] to [override/BLUN28.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8429 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8429 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8454 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8487 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8522 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN29.ITM] to [override/BLUN29.ITM] [./override/BLUN30.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8555 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8555 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8580 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8648 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BLUN30.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BLUN30.ITM, 3434 bytes Copied [BLUN30.ITM] to [override/BLUN30.ITM] [./override/BLUN30C.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8681 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8681 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8707 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8741 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8777 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BLUN30C.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BLUN30C.ITM, 794 bytes Copied [BLUN30C.ITM] to [override/BLUN30C.ITM] [./override/BLUN30D.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8811 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8811 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8837 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8871 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8907 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BLUN30D.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BLUN30D.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [BLUN30D.ITM] to [override/BLUN30D.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8941 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8941 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8966 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN31.ITM] to [override/BLUN31.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 8999 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 8999 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9024 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9057 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9092 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN32.ITM] to [override/BLUN32.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 9125 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9125 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9150 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9183 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9218 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN33.ITM] to [override/BLUN33.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 9251 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9251 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9276 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9309 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9344 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN34.ITM] to [override/BLUN34.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 9377 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9377 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9402 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9435 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9470 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BLUN35.ITM] to [override/BLUN35.ITM] [./override/BODHI.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 9503 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9503 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9528 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9561 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9596 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT01.ITM] to [override/BOLT01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 9629 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9629 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9654 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9687 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9722 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT02.ITM] to [override/BOLT02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 9755 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9755 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9780 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9813 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9848 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT03.ITM] to [override/BOLT03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 9881 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9881 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9906 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9939 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 9974 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT04.ITM] to [override/BOLT04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10007 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10007 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10032 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10065 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10100 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT05.ITM] to [override/BOLT05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10133 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10133 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10158 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10191 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10226 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT06.ITM] to [override/BOLT06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10259 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10259 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10284 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10317 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10352 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT07.ITM] to [override/BOLT07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10385 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10385 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10410 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10443 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10478 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT08.ITM] to [override/BOLT08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10511 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10511 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10536 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10569 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10604 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOLT09.ITM] to [override/BOLT09.ITM] [./override/BONEDAG.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/BONEFD.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/BOOT11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/BOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10637 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10637 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10661 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10693 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10727 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW01.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW01.ITM] to [override/BOW01.ITM] [./override/BOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10759 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10759 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10783 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10815 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10849 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW02.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW02.ITM] to [override/BOW02.ITM] [./override/BOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 10881 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10881 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10905 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10937 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 10971 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW03.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW03.ITM] to [override/BOW03.ITM] [./override/BOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11003 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11003 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11027 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11059 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11093 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW04.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW04.ITM] to [override/BOW04.ITM] [./override/BOW05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11125 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11125 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11149 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11181 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW05.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW05.ITM] to [override/BOW05.ITM] [./override/BOW06.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11213 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11213 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11237 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11269 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW06.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW06.ITM] to [override/BOW06.ITM] [./override/BOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11301 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11301 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11325 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11357 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11391 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW07.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW07.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW07.ITM] to [override/BOW07.ITM] [./override/BOW08.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11423 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11423 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11447 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11479 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW08.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW08.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW08.ITM] to [override/BOW08.ITM] [./override/BOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11511 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11511 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11535 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11567 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11601 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW09.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW09.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW09.ITM] to [override/BOW09.ITM] [./override/BOW10.ITM] loaded, 802 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11633 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11633 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11657 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11689 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11723 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW10.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW10.ITM, 802 bytes Copied [BOW10.ITM] to [override/BOW10.ITM] [./override/BOW11.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11755 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11755 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11779 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11811 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11845 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW11.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW11.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW11.ITM] to [override/BOW11.ITM] [./override/BOW12.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11877 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11877 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11933 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11967 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW12.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW12.ITM] to [override/BOW12.ITM] [./override/BOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 11999 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 11999 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12023 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12055 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12089 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW13.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW13.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [BOW13.ITM] to [override/BOW13.ITM] [./override/BOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12121 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12121 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12145 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12177 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW14.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW14.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW14.ITM] to [override/BOW14.ITM] [./override/BOW15.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12209 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12209 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12233 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12265 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW15.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW15.ITM, 706 bytes Copied [BOW15.ITM] to [override/BOW15.ITM] [./override/BOW16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12297 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12297 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12321 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12353 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12387 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW16.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW16.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW16.ITM] to [override/BOW16.ITM] [./override/BOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12419 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12419 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12443 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12475 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW17.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW17.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW17.ITM] to [override/BOW17.ITM] [./override/BOW18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12541 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12541 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12565 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12597 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW18.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW18.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW18.ITM] to [override/BOW18.ITM] [./override/BOW19.ITM] loaded, 898 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12629 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12629 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12653 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12685 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW19.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW19.ITM, 898 bytes Copied [BOW19.ITM] to [override/BOW19.ITM] [./override/BOW20.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12717 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12717 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12741 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12773 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW20.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW20.ITM, 994 bytes Copied [BOW20.ITM] to [override/BOW20.ITM] [./override/BOW21.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12805 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12829 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12861 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW21.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW21.ITM, 994 bytes Copied [BOW21.ITM] to [override/BOW21.ITM] [./override/BOW22.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 12893 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12893 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12917 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12949 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 12983 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW22.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW22.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW22.ITM] to [override/BOW22.ITM] [./override/BOW23.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13015 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13015 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13039 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13071 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13105 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW23.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW23.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW23.ITM] to [override/BOW23.ITM] [./override/BOW24.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13137 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13137 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13161 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13193 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13227 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW24.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW24.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW24.ITM] to [override/BOW24.ITM] [./override/BOW25.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13259 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13259 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13283 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13315 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13349 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW25.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW25.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [BOW25.ITM] to [override/BOW25.ITM] [./override/BOW26.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13381 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13405 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13437 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW26.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW26.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [BOW26.ITM] to [override/BOW26.ITM] [./override/BOW98.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13469 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13469 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13493 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13525 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13559 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/BOW98.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/BOW98.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [BOW98.ITM] to [override/BOW98.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13591 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13591 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13615 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13647 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOW99.ITM] to [override/BOW99.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13679 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13679 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13704 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13737 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13772 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOWNON.ITM] to [override/BOWNON.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13805 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13831 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13865 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BOWPHEO.ITM] to [override/BOWPHEO.ITM] [./override/BRAC16.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/BRBLP.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/BRDFLUT1.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/BRDFLUTE.ITM] loaded, 1386 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13899 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13899 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13926 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13961 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BRUENAXE.ITM] to [override/BRUENAXE.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 13996 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 13996 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14023 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14058 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14095 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [BRUENPLA.ITM] to [override/BRUENPLA.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 14130 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14130 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14155 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14188 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14223 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CARRIO.ITM] to [override/CARRIO.ITM] [./override/CARSOMYR.ITM] loaded, 1714 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 14256 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14256 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14283 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14318 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/CARSOMYR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CARSOMYR.ITM, 1714 bytes Copied [CARSOMYR.ITM] to [override/CARSOMYR.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 14390 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14390 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14416 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14450 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14486 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CATTAC1.ITM] to [override/CATTAC1.ITM] [./override/CATTIBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 14520 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14520 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14547 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14582 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/CATTIBOW.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CATTIBOW.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [CATTIBOW.ITM] to [override/CATTIBOW.ITM] [./override/CDGOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 1658 bytes [./override/CDIA126.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA127.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA128.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA225.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA226.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA227.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA228.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA229.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA323.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA327.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA328.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA422.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA426.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA427.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA428.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA429.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA430.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA431.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA432.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA524.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA525.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA526.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA527.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA528.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA610.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA626.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA627.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA628.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA629.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA630.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/CDIA631.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA632.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA633.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA706.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA724.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA725.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA726.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA727.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA728.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA806.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA819.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA820.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA821.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA822.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/CDIA901.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA904.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDIA906.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/CDIA966.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/CDID116.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID117.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID118.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID119.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/CDID120.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID121.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/CDID203.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID216.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/CDID217.ITM] loaded, 1370 bytes [./override/CDID218.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID219.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID220.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID320.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID321.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID322.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID323.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/CDID324.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID325.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID326.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID327.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID328.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID329.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID330.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID418.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID419.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID420.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID421.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID422.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID423.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID424.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/CDID425.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID426.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID427.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/CDID428.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID429.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID430.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID518.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID519.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/CDID520.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID521.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID522.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID523.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID524.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID525.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID615.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID616.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID617.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/CDID618.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDID714.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID733.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID734.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/CDID735.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID736.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID737.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/CDID738.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/CDID739.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/CDID740.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/CDID741.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/CDID742.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/CDMINDFL.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 14617 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14617 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14644 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CDNEBDAG.ITM] to [override/CDNEBDAG.ITM] [./override/CDRNGCHR.ITM] loaded, 1410 bytes [./override/CDSHAR2.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 14749 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14749 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14775 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14809 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14845 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/CDSHAR2.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CDSHAR2.ITM, 746 bytes Copied [CDSHAR2.ITM] to [override/CDSHAR2.ITM] [./override/CDSW2H07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 14879 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14879 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14906 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14941 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 14978 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/CDSW2H07.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CDSW2H07.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [CDSW2H07.ITM] to [override/CDSW2H07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15013 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15013 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15039 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15073 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15109 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHALARM.ITM] to [override/CHALARM.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15143 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15169 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15203 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15239 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHALCY1.ITM] to [override/CHALCY1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15273 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15273 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15299 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15333 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15369 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHALCY2.ITM] to [override/CHALCY2.ITM] [./override/CHALCY3.ITM] loaded, 6122 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15403 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15403 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15430 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15465 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15502 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHALSHLD.ITM] to [override/CHALSHLD.ITM] [./override/CHALSLAY.ITM] loaded, 2178 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15537 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15537 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15562 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15595 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15630 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN01.ITM] to [override/CHAN01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15663 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15663 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15688 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15721 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15756 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN02.ITM] to [override/CHAN02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15789 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15789 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15814 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15847 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15882 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN03.ITM] to [override/CHAN03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 15915 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15915 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15940 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 15973 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16008 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN04.ITM] to [override/CHAN04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16041 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16041 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16066 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16099 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16134 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN05.ITM] to [override/CHAN05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16167 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16167 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16192 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16225 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16260 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN06.ITM] to [override/CHAN06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16293 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16293 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16318 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16351 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16386 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN07.ITM] to [override/CHAN07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16419 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16419 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16444 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16512 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN08.ITM] to [override/CHAN08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16545 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16545 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16570 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16603 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16638 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN09.ITM] to [override/CHAN09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16671 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16671 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16696 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16729 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16764 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN10.ITM] to [override/CHAN10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16797 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16797 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16822 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16855 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16890 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN11.ITM] to [override/CHAN11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 16923 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16923 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16948 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 16981 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17016 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN12.ITM] to [override/CHAN12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17049 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17049 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17074 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17142 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN13.ITM] to [override/CHAN13.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17175 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17175 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17200 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17233 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17268 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN14.ITM] to [override/CHAN14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17301 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17301 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17326 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17359 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17394 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN15.ITM] to [override/CHAN15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17427 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17427 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17452 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17485 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17520 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN16.ITM] to [override/CHAN16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17553 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17553 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17578 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17611 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17646 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN17.ITM] to [override/CHAN17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17679 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17679 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17704 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17737 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17772 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN18.ITM] to [override/CHAN18.ITM] [./override/CHAN19.ITM] loaded, 882 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17805 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17830 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17863 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17898 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/CHAN19.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CHAN19.ITM, 882 bytes Copied [CHAN19.ITM] to [override/CHAN19.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17931 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17931 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17956 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN20.ITM] to [override/CHAN20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 17989 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 17989 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18014 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18047 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18082 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHAN21.ITM] to [override/CHAN21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18115 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18115 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18142 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18177 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18214 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CHEVIL10.ITM] to [override/CHEVIL10.ITM] [./override/CHWRAITH.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18249 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18249 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18274 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18307 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK09.ITM] to [override/CLCK09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18342 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18342 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18367 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18400 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK10.ITM] to [override/CLCK10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18435 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18435 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18460 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18493 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK11.ITM] to [override/CLCK11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18528 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18528 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18553 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18586 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK12.ITM] to [override/CLCK12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18621 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18621 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18646 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18679 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK13.ITM] to [override/CLCK13.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18714 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18714 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18739 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18772 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK14.ITM] to [override/CLCK14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18807 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18807 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18832 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18865 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK15.ITM] to [override/CLCK15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18900 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18900 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18925 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18958 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK16.ITM] to [override/CLCK16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 18993 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 18993 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19018 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19051 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK17.ITM] to [override/CLCK17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19086 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19086 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19111 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19144 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK18.ITM] to [override/CLCK18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19179 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19204 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19237 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK19.ITM] to [override/CLCK19.ITM] [./override/CLCK26.ITM] loaded, 1218 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19272 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19272 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19297 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19330 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLCK29.ITM] to [override/CLCK29.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19365 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19365 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19390 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19423 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19458 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [CLOLTH.ITM] to [override/CLOLTH.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19491 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19491 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19517 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19551 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB05.ITM] to [override/COMPB05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19585 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19585 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19611 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19645 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB06.ITM] to [override/COMPB06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19679 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19679 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19705 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19739 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB08.ITM] to [override/COMPB08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19773 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19773 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19799 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19833 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB14.ITM] to [override/COMPB14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19867 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19867 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19893 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19927 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB15.ITM] to [override/COMPB15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 19961 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19961 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 19987 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20021 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB18.ITM] to [override/COMPB18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20055 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20055 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20115 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB19.ITM] to [override/COMPB19.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20149 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20149 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20175 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20209 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB20.ITM] to [override/COMPB20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20243 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20243 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20269 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20303 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB21.ITM] to [override/COMPB21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20337 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20337 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20363 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20397 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPB26.ITM] to [override/COMPB26.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20431 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20431 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20457 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20491 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20527 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS01.ITM] to [override/COMPS01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20561 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20561 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20587 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20621 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20657 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS02.ITM] to [override/COMPS02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20691 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20691 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20717 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20751 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20787 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS03.ITM] to [override/COMPS03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20821 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20821 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20847 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20881 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20917 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS18.ITM] to [override/COMPS18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 20951 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20951 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 20977 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21011 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21047 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS34.ITM] to [override/COMPS34.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21081 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21141 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21177 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS37.ITM] to [override/COMPS37.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21211 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21211 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21237 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21271 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21307 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS38.ITM] to [override/COMPS38.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21341 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21341 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21367 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21401 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21437 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS39.ITM] to [override/COMPS39.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21471 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21471 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21497 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21531 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21567 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS42.ITM] to [override/COMPS42.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21601 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21601 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21627 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21661 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21697 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS62.ITM] to [override/COMPS62.ITM] [./override/COMPS63.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21731 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21731 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21757 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21791 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21827 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/COMPS63.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/COMPS63.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [COMPS63.ITM] to [override/COMPS63.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21861 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21861 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21887 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21921 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21957 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS64.ITM] to [override/COMPS64.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 21991 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 21991 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22017 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22051 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22087 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS65.ITM] to [override/COMPS65.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22121 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22121 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22147 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22181 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22217 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [COMPS72.ITM] to [override/COMPS72.ITM] [./override/CRITICAL.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/CSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/CSIREN.ITM] loaded, 1074 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22251 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22251 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22276 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG01.ITM] to [override/DAGG01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22375 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22375 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22400 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG02.ITM] to [override/DAGG02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22499 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22499 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22524 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG03.ITM] to [override/DAGG03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22623 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22623 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22648 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG04.ITM] to [override/DAGG04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22747 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22747 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22772 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG05.ITM] to [override/DAGG05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22871 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22871 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22896 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG06.ITM] to [override/DAGG06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 22995 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 22995 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23020 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG07.ITM] to [override/DAGG07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23119 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23119 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23144 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG08.ITM] to [override/DAGG08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23243 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23243 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23268 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG09.ITM] to [override/DAGG09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23367 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23367 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23392 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG10.ITM] to [override/DAGG10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23491 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23491 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23516 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG11.ITM] to [override/DAGG11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23615 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23615 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23640 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG12.ITM] to [override/DAGG12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23739 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23739 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23764 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG13.ITM] to [override/DAGG13.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23863 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23863 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23888 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG14.ITM] to [override/DAGG14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 23987 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 23987 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24012 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG15.ITM] to [override/DAGG15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24111 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24111 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24136 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG16.ITM] to [override/DAGG16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24235 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24235 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24260 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG17.ITM] to [override/DAGG17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24359 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24359 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24384 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG18.ITM] to [override/DAGG18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24483 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24483 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24508 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG19.ITM] to [override/DAGG19.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24607 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24607 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24632 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG20.ITM] to [override/DAGG20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24731 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24731 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24756 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG21.ITM] to [override/DAGG21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24855 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24855 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24880 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG22.ITM] to [override/DAGG22.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 24979 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 24979 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25004 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG23.ITM] to [override/DAGG23.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25103 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25103 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25128 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGG24.ITM] to [override/DAGG24.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25227 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25227 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25254 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAGGSHIT.ITM] to [override/DAGGSHIT.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25359 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25359 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25384 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DART01.ITM] to [override/DART01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25483 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25483 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25508 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DART02.ITM] to [override/DART02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25607 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25607 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25632 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DART03.ITM] to [override/DART03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25731 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25731 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25756 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DART04.ITM] to [override/DART04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25855 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25855 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25880 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DART05.ITM] to [override/DART05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 25979 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 25979 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26004 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DART08.ITM] to [override/DART08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26103 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26103 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26129 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26163 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DAX1H01.ITM] to [override/DAX1H01.ITM] [./override/DECASTA.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DEMILICH.ITM] loaded, 5106 bytes [./override/DEMOGORG.ITM] loaded, 3866 bytes [./override/DEMSUC01.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26197 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26197 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26223 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DLEAT10.ITM] to [override/DLEAT10.ITM] [./override/DOBONE.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/DOGWAWP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/DRAGRING.ITM] loaded, 2850 bytes [./override/DRUEAR.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/DRUFIR.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26257 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26257 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26283 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26317 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26353 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DSHLD01.ITM] to [override/DSHLD01.ITM] [./override/DW-AEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-AEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP2.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EEWP3.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/DW-EPNTX.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-FEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-HS55.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS56.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS57.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS58.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS59.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS60.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS61.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS62.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS63.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS65.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS66.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS67.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS68.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS69.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS70.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS71.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS72.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS73.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS74.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS75.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-HS76.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP2.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-IEWP3.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26387 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26387 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26414 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26519 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/DW-PSHGI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/DW-PSHGI.ITM, 842 bytes Copied [DW-PSHGI.ITM] to [override/DW-PSHGI.ITM] [./override/DW-PSHHI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26554 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26554 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26581 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26616 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26653 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/DW-PSOMI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/DW-PSOMI.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [DW-PSOMI.ITM] to [override/DW-PSOMI.ITM] [./override/DW-PSRTI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSAE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSBAI.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/DW-SSDWI.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE1.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSEE2.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/DW-SSFE2.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/DW-SSHSP.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-SSINI.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] loaded, 3434 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26688 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26688 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26715 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26750 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26787 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/DW-SSMAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/DW-SSMAI.ITM, 3434 bytes Copied [DW-SSMAI.ITM] to [override/DW-SSMAI.ITM] [./override/DW-SSWE1.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/DW-SSWE2.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/DW-SSWWI.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/DW-SSWYV.ITM] loaded, 2666 bytes [./override/DW-WERE1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/DW-WERE2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP2.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/DW-WEWP3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26822 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26822 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26849 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26884 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26921 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWBLUN01.ITM] to [override/DWBLUN01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 26956 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26956 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 26983 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27018 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27055 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWBOLT01.ITM] to [override/DWBOLT01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 27090 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27090 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27117 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27152 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27189 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWBOLT02.ITM] to [override/DWBOLT02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 27224 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27224 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27251 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27286 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27323 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWBOLT03.ITM] to [override/DWBOLT03.ITM] [./override/DWCHAN01.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 27358 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27358 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27385 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27420 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27457 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/DWCHAN01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/DWCHAN01.ITM, 786 bytes Copied [DWCHAN01.ITM] to [override/DWCHAN01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 27492 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27492 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27519 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27554 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27591 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWCHAN02.ITM] to [override/DWCHAN02.ITM] [./override/DWHALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 27626 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27626 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27653 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27688 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/DWHALB01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/DWHALB01.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [DWHALB01.ITM] to [override/DWHALB01.ITM] [./override/DWPEBB10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB11.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB12.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB13.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB14.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB15.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB16.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB17.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB18.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB19.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB20.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB5.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB6.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB7.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB8.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/DWPEBB9.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 27760 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27760 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27787 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27822 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27859 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWPLAT01.ITM] to [override/DWPLAT01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 27894 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27894 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27921 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27956 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 27993 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWSHLD01.ITM] to [override/DWSHLD01.ITM] [./override/DWSPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 28028 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28028 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28055 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28160 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/DWSPER01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/DWSPER01.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [DWSPER01.ITM] to [override/DWSPER01.ITM] [./override/DWSTNFI1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI3.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI5.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/DWSTNFI6.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 28195 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28195 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28222 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28327 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28364 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWSW1H01.ITM] to [override/DWSW1H01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 28399 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28399 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28426 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28461 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28498 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [DWSW1H02.ITM] to [override/DWSW1H02.ITM] [./override/DWWHIP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWWHIP01.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/DWXBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 28533 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28533 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28560 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28595 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28632 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/DWXBOW01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/DWXBOW01.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [DWXBOW01.ITM] to [override/DWXBOW01.ITM] [./override/EARTHRN.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/EELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/ELEMHYDR.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/ELEMIMIX.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/ELEMOGRE.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/ELEMPRIN.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/ELEMYANC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 28667 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28667 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28692 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28760 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ENMACE.ITM] to [override/ENMACE.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 28793 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28851 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28886 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ENMORN.ITM] to [override/ENMORN.ITM] [./override/ENSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 28919 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28919 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28946 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 28981 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29018 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ENSW1H01.ITM] to [override/ENSW1H01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29053 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29053 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29080 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29115 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29152 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ENSW1H02.ITM] to [override/ENSW1H02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29187 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29187 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29212 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29245 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ENSW2H.ITM] to [override/ENSW2H.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29278 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29278 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29303 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29336 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29371 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ETTERC.ITM] to [override/ETTERC.ITM] [./override/FARTRNG.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FELE1-8.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/FINMEL01.ITM] loaded, 3858 bytes [./override/FIRERN.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FIRESEED.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/FLAM01.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29404 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29404 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29429 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29462 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29497 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [FLIND1.ITM] to [override/FLIND1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29530 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29530 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29555 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29588 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29623 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [FLOLTH.ITM] to [override/FLOLTH.ITM] [./override/FSALRING.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/FSSPIR.ITM] loaded, 5010 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29656 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29656 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29681 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29714 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29749 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GBASIL.ITM] to [override/GBASIL.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29782 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29807 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29840 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29875 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GHOULC.ITM] to [override/GHOULC.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 29908 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29908 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29933 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 29966 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30001 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GIAFIR.ITM] to [override/GIAFIR.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30034 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30034 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30060 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30094 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GIAFIR2.ITM] to [override/GIAFIR2.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30128 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30128 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30154 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30188 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30224 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GIAFIR3.ITM] to [override/GIAFIR3.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30258 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30258 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30285 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30320 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30357 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GIANTS01.ITM] to [override/GIANTS01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30392 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30392 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30417 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30450 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30485 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GISPID.ITM] to [override/GISPID.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30518 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30518 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30541 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30572 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30605 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [GITH.ITM] to [override/GITH.ITM] [./override/GLOBBLU1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GLOBBLU2.ITM] loaded, 2282 bytes [./override/GLOBRED1.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GODBOW.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/GOLIRO.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/GORCAMB.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/GORCHR.ITM] loaded, 4626 bytes [./override/GORFIRG.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/GORJELFU.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/GORJELGR.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/GORMISTI.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/GORWOM1.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/GORWOM4.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30636 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30636 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30662 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30696 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30732 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/GORWOM4.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/GORWOM4.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [GORWOM4.ITM] to [override/GORWOM4.ITM] [./override/HALB01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30766 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30766 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30791 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30824 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30859 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB01.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [HALB01.ITM] to [override/HALB01.ITM] [./override/HALB02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 30892 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30892 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30917 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30950 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 30985 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB02.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [HALB02.ITM] to [override/HALB02.ITM] [./override/HALB03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31018 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31018 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31043 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31076 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31111 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB03.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [HALB03.ITM] to [override/HALB03.ITM] [./override/HALB04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31144 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31144 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31169 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31202 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31237 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB04.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [HALB04.ITM] to [override/HALB04.ITM] [./override/HALB05.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31270 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31270 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31295 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31328 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31363 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB05.ITM, 1034 bytes Copied [HALB05.ITM] to [override/HALB05.ITM] [./override/HALB06.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31396 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31396 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31421 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31454 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31489 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB06.ITM, 946 bytes Copied [HALB06.ITM] to [override/HALB06.ITM] [./override/HALB07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31522 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31522 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31547 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31580 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31615 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB07.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB07.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [HALB07.ITM] to [override/HALB07.ITM] [./override/HALB08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31648 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31648 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31673 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31706 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31741 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB08.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB08.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [HALB08.ITM] to [override/HALB08.ITM] [./override/HALB09.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31774 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31774 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31799 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31832 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31867 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB09.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB09.ITM, 842 bytes Copied [HALB09.ITM] to [override/HALB09.ITM] [./override/HALB10.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 31900 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31900 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31925 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31958 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 31993 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB10.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB10.ITM, 706 bytes Copied [HALB10.ITM] to [override/HALB10.ITM] [./override/HALB11.ITM] loaded, 1042 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32026 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32026 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32051 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32084 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32119 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB11.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB11.ITM, 1042 bytes Copied [HALB11.ITM] to [override/HALB11.ITM] [./override/HALB12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32152 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32152 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32177 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32210 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32245 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALB12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALB12.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [HALB12.ITM] to [override/HALB12.ITM] [./override/HALBRD01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32278 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32278 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32305 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32340 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32377 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HALBRD01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HALBRD01.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [HALBRD01.ITM] to [override/HALBRD01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32412 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32412 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32438 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32472 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32508 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HALBSHA.ITM] to [override/HALBSHA.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32542 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32542 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32567 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32600 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32635 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM01.ITM] to [override/HAMM01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32668 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32668 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32693 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32726 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32761 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM02.ITM] to [override/HAMM02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32794 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32794 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32819 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32852 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32887 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM03.ITM] to [override/HAMM03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 32920 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32920 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32945 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 32978 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33013 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM04.ITM] to [override/HAMM04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33046 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33046 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33071 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33104 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33139 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM05.ITM] to [override/HAMM05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33172 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33172 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33197 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33230 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33265 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM06.ITM] to [override/HAMM06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33298 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33298 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33323 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33356 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33391 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM07.ITM] to [override/HAMM07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33424 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33424 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33449 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33482 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33517 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM08.ITM] to [override/HAMM08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33550 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33550 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33575 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33608 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33643 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM09.ITM] to [override/HAMM09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33676 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33676 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33701 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33734 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33769 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM10.ITM] to [override/HAMM10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33802 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33802 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33827 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33860 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33895 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM11.ITM] to [override/HAMM11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 33928 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33928 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33953 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 33986 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34021 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HAMM12.ITM] to [override/HAMM12.ITM] [./override/HARM.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/HAUNT1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/HGBER01.ITM] loaded, 2042 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34054 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34054 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34080 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34114 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34150 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HGBER01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HGBER01.ITM, 2042 bytes Copied [HGBER01.ITM] to [override/HGBER01.ITM] [./override/HGNYA01.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34184 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34184 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34210 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34312 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/HGNYA01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/HGNYA01.ITM, 1322 bytes Copied [HGNYA01.ITM] to [override/HGNYA01.ITM] [./override/HGNYMPH.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34346 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34346 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34371 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34470 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HGSALF.ITM] to [override/HGSALF.ITM] [./override/HGWRA01.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34503 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34503 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34529 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34563 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HGWRA02.ITM] to [override/HGWRA02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34599 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34599 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34624 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34657 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34692 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HLOLTH.ITM] to [override/HLOLTH.ITM] [./override/HOLDRING.ITM] loaded, 5250 bytes [./override/HSLAYWPN.ITM] loaded, 1514 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34725 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34750 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HSWORD.ITM] to [override/HSWORD.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34783 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34783 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34808 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34841 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34876 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [HUSPID.ITM] to [override/HUSPID.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 34909 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34909 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34935 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 34969 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [IAROW01.ITM] to [override/IAROW01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35003 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35003 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35029 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35063 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [IAX1H01.ITM] to [override/IAX1H01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35097 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35097 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35123 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35157 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35193 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [IBLUN04.ITM] to [override/IBLUN04.ITM] [./override/IBODY.ITM] loaded, 2618 bytes [./override/IBOW03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35227 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35227 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35252 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35285 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35320 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/IBOW03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/IBOW03.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [IBOW03.ITM] to [override/IBOW03.ITM] [./override/ICETRL.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35353 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35353 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35379 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35413 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35449 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ICHAN01.ITM] to [override/ICHAN01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35483 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35483 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35543 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ICHAN04.ITM] to [override/ICHAN04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35613 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35639 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [IDART01.ITM] to [override/IDART01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35741 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35741 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35767 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35801 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35837 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [IHAMM01.ITM] to [override/IHAMM01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35871 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35871 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35897 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ILEAT04.ITM] to [override/ILEAT04.ITM] [./override/IMMUNE1.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/IMMUNE10.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/IMMUNE2.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes [./override/IMMUNE3.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/IMMUNE4.ITM] loaded, 546 bytes [./override/INNOC2.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/INVULNER.ITM] loaded, 5394 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 35931 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35931 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35957 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 35991 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36027 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [IPLAT01.ITM] to [override/IPLAT01.ITM] [./override/IPSION.ITM] loaded, 5018 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36061 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36061 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36087 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36121 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36157 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ISHLD02.ITM] to [override/ISHLD02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36191 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36191 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36217 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36251 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36287 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ISHLD03.ITM] to [override/ISHLD03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36321 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36321 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36347 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36417 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ISW1H07.ITM] to [override/ISW1H07.ITM] [./override/JELLMU1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JELLMU2.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/JWSUPER.ITM] loaded, 2706 bytes [./override/KALDW1.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/KIEL1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36451 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36451 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36511 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [KORAX01.ITM] to [override/KORAX01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36545 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36545 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36571 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36605 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36641 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [KUOBOLT.ITM] to [override/KUOBOLT.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36675 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36675 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36702 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36737 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36774 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [KUOBOLT2.ITM] to [override/KUOBOLT2.ITM] [./override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36809 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36809 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36836 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36871 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36908 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/KUOBOLT3.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/KUOBOLT3.ITM, 746 bytes Copied [KUOBOLT3.ITM] to [override/KUOBOLT3.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 36943 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36943 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 36968 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37001 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37036 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [KUOBOW.ITM] to [override/KUOBOW.ITM] [./override/KUORING.ITM] loaded, 1362 bytes [./override/KUOSPER.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37069 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37069 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37095 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37197 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/KUOSPER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/KUOSPER.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [KUOSPER.ITM] to [override/KUOSPER.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37231 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37231 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37256 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT01.ITM] to [override/LEAT01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37289 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37289 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37314 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT02.ITM] to [override/LEAT02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37347 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37347 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37372 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT03.ITM] to [override/LEAT03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37405 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37405 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37430 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT04.ITM] to [override/LEAT04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37463 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37463 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37488 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT05.ITM] to [override/LEAT05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37521 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37521 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37546 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT06.ITM] to [override/LEAT06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37579 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37604 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT07.ITM] to [override/LEAT07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37637 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37637 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37662 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37695 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37730 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT08.ITM] to [override/LEAT08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37763 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37763 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37788 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT09.ITM] to [override/LEAT09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37821 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37821 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37846 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT10.ITM] to [override/LEAT10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37879 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37879 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37904 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT11.ITM] to [override/LEAT11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37937 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37937 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37962 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT12.ITM] to [override/LEAT12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 37995 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 37995 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38020 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT13.ITM] to [override/LEAT13.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38053 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38053 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38078 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT14.ITM] to [override/LEAT14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38111 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38111 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38136 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT15.ITM] to [override/LEAT15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38169 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38169 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38194 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT16.ITM] to [override/LEAT16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38227 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38227 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38252 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT17.ITM] to [override/LEAT17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38285 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38285 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38310 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT18.ITM] to [override/LEAT18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38343 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38343 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38368 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT19.ITM] to [override/LEAT19.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38401 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38401 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38426 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT20.ITM] to [override/LEAT20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38459 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38459 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38484 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT21.ITM] to [override/LEAT21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38517 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38517 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38542 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT22.ITM] to [override/LEAT22.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38575 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38575 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38600 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT23.ITM] to [override/LEAT23.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38633 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38633 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [LEAT24.ITM] to [override/LEAT24.ITM] [./override/LICH.ITM] loaded, 3858 bytes [./override/LTOUCH.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/M1D7SLSH.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/MAGEAMUL.ITM] loaded, 1506 bytes [./override/MAGICOLD.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/MAGICONF.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MAGISPWR.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MAGIWEB.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38691 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38691 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38716 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38749 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38784 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [MARILI.ITM] to [override/MARILI.ITM] [./override/MDK2MTOV.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/MELFMET.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/MINDFLAY.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/MISC3H.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/MISC3N.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38817 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38817 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38842 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38875 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38910 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [MISC4Q.ITM] to [override/MISC4Q.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 38943 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38943 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 38968 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [MISC4U.ITM] to [override/MISC4U.ITM] [./override/MISC5T.ITM] loaded, 850 bytes [./override/MISC5X.ITM] loaded, 594 bytes [./override/MISC73.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 39067 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39067 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39092 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [MISC75.ITM] to [override/MISC75.ITM] [./override/MISC7N.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 39191 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39191 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39216 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39249 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39284 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [MISC99.ITM] to [override/MISC99.ITM] [./override/MISC9O.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 39317 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39317 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39342 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39441 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39476 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [MISC9Q.ITM] to [override/MISC9Q.ITM] [./override/MISCBC.ITM] loaded, 1802 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 39509 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39534 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39567 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/MISCBC.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/MISCBC.ITM, 1802 bytes Copied [MISCBC.ITM] to [override/MISCBC.ITM] [./override/MOONBLA.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/MOUND.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/MSWORD.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 39635 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39635 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39660 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39693 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39728 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [MYBOLT.ITM] to [override/MYBOLT.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 39761 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39761 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39786 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NEBDAG.ITM] to [override/NEBDAG.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 39885 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39885 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39910 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39943 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 39978 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NEIRED.ITM] to [override/NEIRED.ITM] [./override/NISHRUU.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40011 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40011 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40035 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40067 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40101 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NPARM.ITM] to [override/NPARM.ITM] [./override/NPBOW.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40133 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40133 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40157 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40189 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40223 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/NPBOW.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/NPBOW.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [NPBOW.ITM] to [override/NPBOW.ITM] [./override/NPCHAN.ITM] loaded, 1506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40255 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40255 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40280 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40313 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40348 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/NPCHAN.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/NPCHAN.ITM, 1506 bytes Copied [NPCHAN.ITM] to [override/NPCHAN.ITM] [./override/NPPLAT.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40381 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40406 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40439 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40474 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/NPPLAT.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/NPPLAT.ITM, 3234 bytes Copied [NPPLAT.ITM] to [override/NPPLAT.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40507 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40507 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40532 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40565 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40600 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NPSHLD.ITM] to [override/NPSHLD.ITM] [./override/NPSTAF.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40633 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40633 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40757 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/NPSTAF.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/NPSTAF.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [NPSTAF.ITM] to [override/NPSTAF.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40790 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40790 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40815 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40848 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40883 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NPSW01.ITM] to [override/NPSW01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 40916 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40916 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40941 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 40974 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41009 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NPSW02.ITM] to [override/NPSW02.ITM] [./override/NPSW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41042 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41042 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41067 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41100 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41135 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/NPSW03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/NPSW03.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [NPSW03.ITM] to [override/NPSW03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41168 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41168 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41193 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41226 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41261 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NPSW04.ITM] to [override/NPSW04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41294 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41294 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41319 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41352 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41387 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [NPSW05.ITM] to [override/NPSW05.ITM] [./override/NPSW06.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41420 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41420 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41445 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41478 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41513 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/NPSW06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/NPSW06.ITM, 410 bytes Copied [NPSW06.ITM] to [override/NPSW06.ITM] [./override/OBJRING.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41546 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41546 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41570 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41636 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OGRE1.ITM] to [override/OGRE1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41668 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41668 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41695 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41730 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHAROW50.ITM] to [override/OHAROW50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41765 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41765 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41792 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBBLUN1.ITM] to [override/OHBBLUN1.ITM] [./override/OHBBRVGR.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/OHBBSLAY.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41827 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41827 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41854 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBDAGG1.ITM] to [override/OHBDAGG1.ITM] [./override/OHBDGELU.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 41959 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41959 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 41986 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBDORMA.ITM] to [override/OHBDORMA.ITM] [./override/OHBDRKRG.ITM] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/OHBDTRAI.ITM] loaded, 3186 bytes [./override/OHBETRAI.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/OHBGASIM.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42023 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42023 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42050 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBLUN50.ITM] to [override/OHBLUN50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42085 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42085 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42112 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBLUN51.ITM] to [override/OHBLUN51.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42147 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42147 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42174 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBNAJIM.ITM] to [override/OHBNAJIM.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42211 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42211 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42273 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42310 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBOLT50.ITM] to [override/OHBOLT50.ITM] [./override/OHBREW02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42345 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42345 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42372 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42477 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/OHBREW02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHBREW02.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [OHBREW02.ITM] to [override/OHBREW02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42512 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42512 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42539 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42574 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42611 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHBREW05.ITM] to [override/OHBREW05.ITM] [./override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42646 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42646 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42673 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42708 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42745 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/OHBSHLD1.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHBSHLD1.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [OHBSHLD1.ITM] to [override/OHBSHLD1.ITM] [./override/OHBSTAF1.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/OHBWING.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/OHBWING2.ITM] loaded, 4298 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42780 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42780 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42807 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42842 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42879 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHCHAN50.ITM] to [override/OHCHAN50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 42914 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42914 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42941 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 42978 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHDARMOR.ITM] to [override/OHDARMOR.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43013 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43013 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43040 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHDART50.ITM] to [override/OHDART50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43145 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43145 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43172 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHDART51.ITM] to [override/OHDART51.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43277 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43277 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43303 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43337 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43373 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHDHSWD.ITM] to [override/OHDHSWD.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43407 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43407 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43433 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43467 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43503 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHDSW03.ITM] to [override/OHDSW03.ITM] [./override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43537 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43537 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43564 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43599 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43636 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/OHDSW2HA.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHDSW2HA.ITM, 794 bytes Copied [OHDSW2HA.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HA.ITM] [./override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43671 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43671 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43698 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43733 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43770 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/OHDSW2HB.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHDSW2HB.ITM, 842 bytes Copied [OHDSW2HB.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HB.ITM] [./override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43805 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43832 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43867 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43904 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/OHDSW2HC.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHDSW2HC.ITM, 842 bytes Copied [OHDSW2HC.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HC.ITM] [./override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 43939 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43939 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 43966 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44001 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44038 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/OHDSW2HD.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHDSW2HD.ITM, 842 bytes Copied [OHDSW2HD.ITM] to [override/OHDSW2HD.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44073 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44073 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44100 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHHDAG01.ITM] to [override/OHHDAG01.ITM] [./override/OHHEXAM1.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM2.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM3.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/OHHEXAM5.ITM] loaded, 3234 bytes [./override/OHHPHREY.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44205 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44205 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44231 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44333 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44369 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHHSCIM.ITM] to [override/OHHSCIM.ITM] [./override/OHHWRSW.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44403 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44403 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44430 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHLEAT50.ITM] to [override/OHLEAT50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44465 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44465 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44492 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHLEAT51.ITM] to [override/OHLEAT51.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44527 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44527 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44554 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHLEAT52.ITM] to [override/OHLEAT52.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44589 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44589 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44616 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHLEAT53.ITM] to [override/OHLEAT53.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44651 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44651 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44678 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44713 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44750 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHNHAMM1.ITM] to [override/OHNHAMM1.ITM] [./override/OHNPOTN1.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44785 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44785 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44812 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44847 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHNROBE1.ITM] to [override/OHNROBE1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44884 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44884 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44911 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44946 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHNROBE2.ITM] to [override/OHNROBE2.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 44983 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 44983 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45010 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45045 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHNROBE3.ITM] to [override/OHNROBE3.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45082 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45082 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45109 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45144 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45181 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHNSHLD1.ITM] to [override/OHNSHLD1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45216 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45216 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45243 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45278 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45315 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHPLAT50.ITM] to [override/OHPLAT50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45350 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45350 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45377 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45412 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHRAX1H1.ITM] to [override/OHRAX1H1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45447 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45447 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45474 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHRAXE01.ITM] to [override/OHRAXE01.ITM] [./override/OHRCLCK3.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/OHREAVER.ITM] loaded, 1418 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45544 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45544 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45571 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45606 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45643 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/OHREAVER.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHREAVER.ITM, 1418 bytes Copied [OHREAVER.ITM] to [override/OHREAVER.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45678 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45678 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45705 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45810 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45847 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHRSW1H1.ITM] to [override/OHRSW1H1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45882 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45882 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45909 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHSHLD50.ITM] to [override/OHSHLD50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 45944 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45944 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 45971 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHSHLD51.ITM] to [override/OHSHLD51.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 46006 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46006 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46033 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46068 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46105 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHSW1H51.ITM] to [override/OHSW1H51.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 46140 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46140 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46167 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46202 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46239 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHSW1H52.ITM] to [override/OHSW1H52.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 46274 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46274 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46301 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46336 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46373 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHSW1H53.ITM] to [override/OHSW1H53.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 46408 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46408 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46435 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46470 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46507 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHSW1H54.ITM] to [override/OHSW1H54.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 46542 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46542 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46569 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46674 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46711 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [OHSW1H55.ITM] to [override/OHSW1H55.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 46746 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46746 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46772 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46806 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46842 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PALPLAT.ITM] to [override/PALPLAT.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 46876 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46876 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46934 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 46969 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PHSPID.ITM] to [override/PHSPID.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47002 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47002 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47027 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47060 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47095 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT01.ITM] to [override/PLAT01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47128 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47128 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47153 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47186 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47221 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT02.ITM] to [override/PLAT02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47254 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47254 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47279 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47312 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47347 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT04.ITM] to [override/PLAT04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47380 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47380 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47405 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47438 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47473 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT05.ITM] to [override/PLAT05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47506 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47506 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47531 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47566 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT06.ITM] to [override/PLAT06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47599 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47599 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47624 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47657 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47692 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT07.ITM] to [override/PLAT07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47725 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47750 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47783 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT08.ITM] to [override/PLAT08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47851 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47851 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47876 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47909 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47944 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT09.ITM] to [override/PLAT09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 47977 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 47977 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48002 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48035 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48070 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT10.ITM] to [override/PLAT10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48103 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48103 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48128 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48161 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48196 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT11.ITM] to [override/PLAT11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48229 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48229 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48254 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48287 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48322 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT12.ITM] to [override/PLAT12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48355 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48380 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48413 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48448 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT13.ITM] to [override/PLAT13.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48481 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48481 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48506 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48539 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48574 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT14.ITM] to [override/PLAT14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48607 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48607 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48632 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48665 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48700 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT15.ITM] to [override/PLAT15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48733 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48733 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48758 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48791 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48826 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT16.ITM] to [override/PLAT16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48859 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48859 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48884 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48917 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48952 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT17.ITM] to [override/PLAT17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 48985 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 48985 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49010 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49045 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT18.ITM] to [override/PLAT18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49078 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49078 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49103 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49136 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49171 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT19.ITM] to [override/PLAT19.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49204 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49204 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49229 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49264 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT20.ITM] to [override/PLAT20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49297 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49297 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49322 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49390 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT21.ITM] to [override/PLAT21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49423 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49423 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49448 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49481 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49516 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT22.ITM] to [override/PLAT22.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49549 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49549 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49574 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49607 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49642 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT23.ITM] to [override/PLAT23.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49675 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49675 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49700 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49733 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49768 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT98.ITM] to [override/PLAT98.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49801 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49801 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49826 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49859 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49894 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [PLAT99.ITM] to [override/PLAT99.ITM] [./override/PLOT02A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT02B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03A.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03B.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03C.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLOT03D.ITM] loaded, 354 bytes [./override/PLYBEETL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/PLYJELLO.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/PLYJELLY.ITM] loaded, 3578 bytes [./override/PLYPBEAR.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/PLYSPID.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/PLYSPID2.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/PLYWYVRN.ITM] loaded, 2714 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 49927 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49927 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49954 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 49989 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50026 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [POLYOCHR.ITM] to [override/POLYOCHR.ITM] [./override/POTN02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN03.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN04.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN05.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN06.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN12.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/POTN14.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN15.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/POTN16.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/POTN17.ITM] loaded, 1946 bytes [./override/POTN18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/POTN21.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/POTN22.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN26.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/POTN27.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/POTN31.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/POTN32.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/POTN33.ITM] loaded, 2090 bytes [./override/POTN35.ITM] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/POTN38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/POTN41.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/POTN45.ITM] loaded, 3050 bytes [./override/POTN46.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/POTN48.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/QUASCLAW.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50061 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50061 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50086 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50119 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [QUIV01.ITM] to [override/QUIV01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50152 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50152 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50179 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50214 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [QUIVER01.ITM] to [override/QUIVER01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50249 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50249 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50276 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50311 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50348 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [QUIVER02.ITM] to [override/QUIVER02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50383 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50383 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50410 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50445 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [QUIVER03.ITM] to [override/QUIVER03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50480 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50480 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50507 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50542 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [QUIVER04.ITM] to [override/QUIVER04.ITM] [./override/RAKRING.ITM] loaded, 3330 bytes [./override/RAVAG01.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RAVAG02.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50614 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50614 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50640 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/RAVAG02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/RAVAG02.ITM, 794 bytes Copied [RAVAG02.ITM] to [override/RAVAG02.ITM] [./override/RAVAG03.ITM] loaded, 3282 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50742 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50742 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50767 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50800 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50835 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [REAVER.ITM] to [override/REAVER.ITM] [./override/REG1HP2.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes [./override/RING09.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/RING39.ITM] loaded, 1426 bytes [./override/RING94.ITM] loaded, 2226 bytes [./override/RING95.ITM] loaded, 3426 bytes [./override/RING99.ITM] loaded, 2322 bytes [./override/RINGDEMN.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/RINGLOUP.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/RNDTRE40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50868 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50868 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50894 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50928 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50964 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [RODMACE.ITM] to [override/RODMACE.ITM] [./override/RODS04.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 50998 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 50998 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51023 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51056 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/RODS04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/RODS04.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [RODS04.ITM] to [override/RODS04.ITM] [./override/RODS05.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/RODSPEAR.ITM] loaded, 706 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 51091 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51091 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51118 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51223 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/RODSPEAR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/RODSPEAR.ITM, 706 bytes Copied [RODSPEAR.ITM] to [override/RODSPEAR.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 51258 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51258 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51285 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51320 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51357 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [RODSWORD.ITM] to [override/RODSWORD.ITM] [./override/ROSSRING.ITM] loaded, 2610 bytes [./override/S1-8M1.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/S5-20.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 51392 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51392 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51418 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51452 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51488 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SAHBOLT.ITM] to [override/SAHBOLT.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 51522 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51522 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51549 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51654 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SAHSPEAR.ITM] to [override/SAHSPEAR.ITM] [./override/SAHSTAFF.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 51689 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51689 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51716 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51821 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SALACOLD.ITM] to [override/SALACOLD.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 51856 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51856 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51883 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 51988 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SALASPER.ITM] to [override/SALASPER.ITM] [./override/SALFIRE.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SALFROS.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52023 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52023 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52050 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52155 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SALGRFIR.ITM] to [override/SALGRFIR.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52190 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52190 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52217 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52322 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SALGRICE.ITM] to [override/SALGRICE.ITM] [./override/SCHLUM1.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL07.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/SCRL09.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL10.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/SCRL13.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/SCRL18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/SCRL1B.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1S.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL1T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL1W.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL1Y.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL2A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2E.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2F.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL2G.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL2H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL56.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL59.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL5A.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL5E.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SCRL5H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL5W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL5Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL61.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SCRL62.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/SCRL66.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL67.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL69.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6D.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6K.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6L.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6N.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL6R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6X.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL6Y.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL6Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL71.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL72.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL73.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL75.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL76.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL77.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL79.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7C.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7H.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7I.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7K.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7M.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7P.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL7W.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL7Y.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL7Z.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL81.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL82.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL83.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL84.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL85.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL86.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL87.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL89.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8A.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8B.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8C.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8F.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8I.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8L.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8N.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL8O.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8P.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8Q.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8R.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8T.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8U.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL8W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL8Z.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL90.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL92.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL93.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL95.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL96.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL97.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL99.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9B.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9D.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9E.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9F.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9G.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9H.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9J.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9N.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9Q.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9S.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9T.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRL9U.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9V.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9W.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRL9X.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRL9Z.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA2.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA3.ITM] loaded, 418 bytes [./override/SCRLA5.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLA6.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLA8.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAI.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAJ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAL.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAM.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAN.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAO.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/SCRLAP.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAQ.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLAR.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB1.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLB2.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/SCRLZY.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SCRLZZ.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/SECRET01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/SECRET04.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/SENDAI.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52357 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52357 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52382 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52415 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52450 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SENDAI.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SENDAI.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [SENDAI.ITM] to [override/SENDAI.ITM] [./override/SERIOUS.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/SHADOW1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHADOWWP.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SHALT01.ITM] loaded, 2994 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52483 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52483 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52543 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHARARM.ITM] to [override/SHARARM.ITM] [./override/SHARSWD.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52613 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52639 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52673 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52709 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SHARSWD.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SHARSWD.ITM, 794 bytes Copied [SHARSWD.ITM] to [override/SHARSWD.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52743 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52743 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52768 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHILLE.ITM] to [override/SHILLE.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52801 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52801 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52826 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52859 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52894 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD01.ITM] to [override/SHLD01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 52927 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52927 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52953 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 52987 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53023 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD01A.ITM] to [override/SHLD01A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53057 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53057 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53082 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53115 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53150 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD02.ITM] to [override/SHLD02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53183 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53183 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53209 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53243 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53279 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD02A.ITM] to [override/SHLD02A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53313 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53313 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53338 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53371 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53406 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD03.ITM] to [override/SHLD03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53439 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53439 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53465 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53499 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53535 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD03A.ITM] to [override/SHLD03A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53569 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53569 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53594 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53627 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53662 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD04.ITM] to [override/SHLD04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53695 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53695 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53721 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53755 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53791 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD04A.ITM] to [override/SHLD04A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53825 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53825 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53851 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53885 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53921 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD04P.ITM] to [override/SHLD04P.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 53955 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53955 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 53980 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54013 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54048 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD05.ITM] to [override/SHLD05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54081 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54107 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54141 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54177 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD05A.ITM] to [override/SHLD05A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54211 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54211 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54236 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54269 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54304 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD06.ITM] to [override/SHLD06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54337 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54337 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54363 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54397 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54433 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD06A.ITM] to [override/SHLD06A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54467 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54467 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54492 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54525 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54560 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD07.ITM] to [override/SHLD07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54593 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54593 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54619 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54653 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54689 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD07A.ITM] to [override/SHLD07A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54723 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54723 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54748 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD08.ITM] to [override/SHLD08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54781 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54781 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54807 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD08A.ITM] to [override/SHLD08A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54841 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54841 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54866 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD09.ITM] to [override/SHLD09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54899 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54899 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54925 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD09A.ITM] to [override/SHLD09A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 54959 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54959 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 54984 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD10.ITM] to [override/SHLD10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55017 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55017 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55043 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD10A.ITM] to [override/SHLD10A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55077 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55077 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55102 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55135 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55170 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD11.ITM] to [override/SHLD11.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55203 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55203 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55229 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55263 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55299 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD11A.ITM] to [override/SHLD11A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55333 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55333 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55358 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55391 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55426 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD12.ITM] to [override/SHLD12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55459 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55459 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55485 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55519 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55555 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD12A.ITM] to [override/SHLD12A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55589 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55589 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55614 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55647 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55682 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD13.ITM] to [override/SHLD13.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55715 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55715 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55741 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55775 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55811 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD13A.ITM] to [override/SHLD13A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55845 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55845 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55870 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55903 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55938 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD14.ITM] to [override/SHLD14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 55971 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55971 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 55997 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56031 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56067 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD14A.ITM] to [override/SHLD14A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56101 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56101 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56126 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56159 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56194 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD15.ITM] to [override/SHLD15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56227 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56227 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56253 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56287 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56323 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD15A.ITM] to [override/SHLD15A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56357 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56357 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56382 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56415 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56450 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD16.ITM] to [override/SHLD16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56483 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56483 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56509 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56543 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD16A.ITM] to [override/SHLD16A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56613 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56638 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD17.ITM] to [override/SHLD17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56671 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56671 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56697 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD17A.ITM] to [override/SHLD17A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56731 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56731 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56756 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56789 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56824 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD18.ITM] to [override/SHLD18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56857 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56857 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56882 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56915 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56950 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD19.ITM] to [override/SHLD19.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 56983 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 56983 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57009 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57043 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57079 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD19A.ITM] to [override/SHLD19A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57113 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57113 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57138 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD20.ITM] to [override/SHLD20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57171 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57171 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57196 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57229 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57264 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD21.ITM] to [override/SHLD21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57297 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57297 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57322 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57390 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD22.ITM] to [override/SHLD22.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57423 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57423 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57448 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57481 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57516 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD23.ITM] to [override/SHLD23.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57549 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57549 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57575 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57609 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57645 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD23A.ITM] to [override/SHLD23A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57679 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57679 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57704 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57737 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57772 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD24.ITM] to [override/SHLD24.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57805 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57831 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57865 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD24A.ITM] to [override/SHLD24A.ITM] [./override/SHLD25.ITM] loaded, 1602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 57935 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57935 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57960 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 57993 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58028 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SHLD25.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SHLD25.ITM, 1602 bytes Copied [SHLD25.ITM] to [override/SHLD25.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58061 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58061 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58086 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58121 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD26.ITM] to [override/SHLD26.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58154 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58154 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58180 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58216 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD26A.ITM] to [override/SHLD26A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58250 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58250 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58275 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58308 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58343 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD27.ITM] to [override/SHLD27.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58376 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58376 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58402 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58436 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58472 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD27A.ITM] to [override/SHLD27A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58506 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58506 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58531 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58564 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58599 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD28.ITM] to [override/SHLD28.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58632 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58632 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58692 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58728 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD28A.ITM] to [override/SHLD28A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58762 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58762 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58787 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58820 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58855 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD29.ITM] to [override/SHLD29.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 58888 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58888 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58914 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58948 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 58984 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD29A.ITM] to [override/SHLD29A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59018 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59018 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59043 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59076 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59111 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD30.ITM] to [override/SHLD30.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59144 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59144 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59170 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59204 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59240 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD30A.ITM] to [override/SHLD30A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59274 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59274 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59299 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59332 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59367 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD31.ITM] to [override/SHLD31.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59400 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59400 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59426 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59460 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59496 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD31A.ITM] to [override/SHLD31A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59530 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59530 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59555 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59588 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59623 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD32.ITM] to [override/SHLD32.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59656 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59656 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59681 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59714 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59749 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SHLD99.ITM] to [override/SHLD99.ITM] [./override/SHMBLR.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/SIRINE.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59782 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59807 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59840 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59875 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SIRINE.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SIRINE.ITM, 410 bytes Copied [SIRINE.ITM] to [override/SIRINE.ITM] [./override/SIRINE1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59908 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59908 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59935 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SKELCLUB.ITM] to [override/SKELCLUB.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 59970 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59970 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 59997 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SKELSHLD.ITM] to [override/SKELSHLD.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 60032 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60032 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60059 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60094 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60131 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SKELWASU.ITM] to [override/SKELWASU.ITM] [./override/SLAYERW1.ITM] loaded, 2234 bytes [./override/SLAYERW3.ITM] loaded, 5498 bytes [./override/SLAYERWP.ITM] loaded, 2186 bytes [./override/SLAYSH01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/SMCUDGE.ITM] loaded, 1130 bytes [./override/SPEC01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPEC02.ITM] loaded, 786 bytes [./override/SPECTR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/SPELLH01.ITM] loaded, 4730 bytes [./override/SPER01.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 60166 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60166 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60191 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60290 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER01.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [SPER01.ITM] to [override/SPER01.ITM] [./override/SPER02.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 60323 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60323 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60348 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60447 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER02.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [SPER02.ITM] to [override/SPER02.ITM] [./override/SPER03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 60480 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60480 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60505 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60604 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER03.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [SPER03.ITM] to [override/SPER03.ITM] [./override/SPER04.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 60637 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60637 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60662 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60761 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER04.ITM, 610 bytes Copied [SPER04.ITM] to [override/SPER04.ITM] [./override/SPER05.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 60794 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60794 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60819 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60918 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER05.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [SPER05.ITM] to [override/SPER05.ITM] [./override/SPER06.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 60951 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60951 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 60976 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61075 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER06.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [SPER06.ITM] to [override/SPER06.ITM] [./override/SPER07.ITM] loaded, 1274 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 61108 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61108 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61133 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61232 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER07.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER07.ITM, 1274 bytes Copied [SPER07.ITM] to [override/SPER07.ITM] [./override/SPER08.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 61265 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61265 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61290 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61389 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER08.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER08.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [SPER08.ITM] to [override/SPER08.ITM] [./override/SPER09.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 61422 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61422 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61447 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61546 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER09.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER09.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [SPER09.ITM] to [override/SPER09.ITM] [./override/SPER10.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 61579 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61604 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61703 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER10.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER10.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [SPER10.ITM] to [override/SPER10.ITM] [./override/SPER11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 61736 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61736 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61761 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61860 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER11.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER11.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [SPER11.ITM] to [override/SPER11.ITM] [./override/SPER12.ITM] loaded, 3290 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 61893 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61893 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 61918 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62017 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPER12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPER12.ITM, 3290 bytes Copied [SPER12.ITM] to [override/SPER12.ITM] [./override/SPERMEL.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/SPIDWR.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62050 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62050 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62075 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62108 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62143 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SPIDWR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SPIDWR.ITM, 266 bytes Copied [SPIDWR.ITM] to [override/SPIDWR.ITM] [./override/SPIDWR1.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes [./override/SPRNGB02.ITM] loaded, 1314 bytes [./override/SPRNGB03.ITM] loaded, 3666 bytes [./override/SPRNGB04.ITM] loaded, 4482 bytes [./override/SPRNGL03.ITM] loaded, 3714 bytes [./override/SPRNGL04.ITM] loaded, 4434 bytes [./override/SPRNGS01.ITM] loaded, 2946 bytes [./override/SPRNGS02.ITM] loaded, 3042 bytes [./override/SPRNGS03.ITM] loaded, 3762 bytes [./override/SPRNGS04.ITM] loaded, 4146 bytes [./override/SPRNGW01.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/SPRNGW02.ITM] loaded, 930 bytes [./override/SPRNGW03.ITM] loaded, 1458 bytes [./override/SPRNGW04.ITM] loaded, 1794 bytes [./override/SPRNGZ05.ITM] loaded, 5346 bytes [./override/STAF01.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF02.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/STAF05.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF06.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/STAF07.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/STAF08.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF09.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/STAF10.ITM] loaded, 2578 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62176 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62176 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62201 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/STAF10.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/STAF10.ITM, 2578 bytes Copied [STAF10.ITM] to [override/STAF10.ITM] [./override/STAF11.ITM] loaded, 2394 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62234 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62234 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62259 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62292 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/STAF11.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/STAF11.ITM, 2394 bytes Copied [STAF11.ITM] to [override/STAF11.ITM] [./override/STAF12.ITM] loaded, 1146 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62327 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62327 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62352 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62385 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/STAF12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/STAF12.ITM, 1146 bytes Copied [STAF12.ITM] to [override/STAF12.ITM] [./override/STAF13.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62420 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62420 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62445 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/STAF13.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/STAF13.ITM, 1098 bytes Copied [STAF13.ITM] to [override/STAF13.ITM] [./override/STAF14.ITM] loaded, 1770 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62478 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62478 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62503 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62602 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/STAF14.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/STAF14.ITM, 1770 bytes Copied [STAF14.ITM] to [override/STAF14.ITM] [./override/STAF15.ITM] loaded, 1098 bytes [./override/STAF16.ITM] loaded, 1338 bytes [./override/STAF17.ITM] loaded, 1002 bytes [./override/STAF18.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAF19.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/STAF20.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF21.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/STAF22.ITM] loaded, 890 bytes [./override/STAF23.ITM] loaded, 1082 bytes [./override/STAF24.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STAFN1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/STALKER.ITM] loaded, 3378 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62635 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62635 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62662 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [STARDART.ITM] to [override/STARDART.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62767 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62767 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62827 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62863 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [STDEATH.ITM] to [override/STDEATH.ITM] [./override/SUMAMU.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUMRING.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes [./override/SUREHP1.ITM] loaded, 3570 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 62897 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62897 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62922 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62955 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 62990 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H01.ITM] to [override/SW1H01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63023 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63023 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63048 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63081 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63116 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H02.ITM] to [override/SW1H02.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63149 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63149 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63174 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63207 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63242 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H03.ITM] to [override/SW1H03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63275 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63275 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63300 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63333 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63368 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H04.ITM] to [override/SW1H04.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63401 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63401 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63426 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63459 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63494 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H05.ITM] to [override/SW1H05.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63527 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63527 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63552 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63585 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63620 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H06.ITM] to [override/SW1H06.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63653 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63653 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63678 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63711 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63746 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H07.ITM] to [override/SW1H07.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63779 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63779 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63804 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63837 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63872 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H08.ITM] to [override/SW1H08.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 63905 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63905 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63930 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63963 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 63998 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H09.ITM] to [override/SW1H09.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 64031 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64031 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64056 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64089 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64124 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H10.ITM] to [override/SW1H10.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 64157 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64157 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64182 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64215 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64250 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H12.ITM] to [override/SW1H12.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 64283 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64283 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64308 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64341 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64376 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H14.ITM] to [override/SW1H14.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 64409 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64409 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64434 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64533 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64568 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H15.ITM] to [override/SW1H15.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 64601 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64601 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64626 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64760 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H16.ITM] to [override/SW1H16.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 64793 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64851 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64886 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H17.ITM] to [override/SW1H17.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 64919 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64919 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64944 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 64977 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65012 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H18.ITM] to [override/SW1H18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 65045 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65045 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65070 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65103 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65138 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H19.ITM] to [override/SW1H19.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 65171 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65171 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65196 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65295 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65330 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H20.ITM] to [override/SW1H20.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 65363 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65363 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65388 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65421 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65456 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H21.ITM] to [override/SW1H21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 65489 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65489 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65514 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65613 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65648 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H22.ITM] to [override/SW1H22.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 65681 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65681 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65706 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65840 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H23.ITM] to [override/SW1H23.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 65873 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65873 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65898 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65931 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65966 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H24.ITM] to [override/SW1H24.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 65999 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 65999 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66024 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66057 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66092 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H25.ITM] to [override/SW1H25.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 66125 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66125 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66150 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66183 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66218 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H26.ITM] to [override/SW1H26.ITM] [./override/SW1H27.ITM] loaded, 994 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 66251 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66251 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66276 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66309 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66344 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW1H27.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW1H27.ITM, 994 bytes Copied [SW1H27.ITM] to [override/SW1H27.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 66377 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66377 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66402 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66435 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66470 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H28.ITM] to [override/SW1H28.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 66503 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66503 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66528 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66561 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66596 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H29.ITM] to [override/SW1H29.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 66629 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66629 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66654 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66753 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66788 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H30.ITM] to [override/SW1H30.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 66821 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66821 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66846 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66879 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66914 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H31.ITM] to [override/SW1H31.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 66947 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66947 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 66972 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67005 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67040 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H32.ITM] to [override/SW1H32.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67073 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67073 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67098 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67131 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67166 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H33.ITM] to [override/SW1H33.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67199 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67199 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67225 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67259 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67295 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H33A.ITM] to [override/SW1H33A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67329 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67329 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67389 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67425 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H33C.ITM] to [override/SW1H33C.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67459 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67459 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67484 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67517 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67552 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H34.ITM] to [override/SW1H34.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67585 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67585 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67610 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67643 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67678 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H35.ITM] to [override/SW1H35.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67711 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67711 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67736 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67769 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67804 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H36.ITM] to [override/SW1H36.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67837 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67837 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67862 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67895 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67930 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H37.ITM] to [override/SW1H37.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 67963 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67963 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 67988 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68021 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68056 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H38.ITM] to [override/SW1H38.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68089 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68089 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68114 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68147 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68182 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H39.ITM] to [override/SW1H39.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68215 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68215 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68240 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68273 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68308 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H40.ITM] to [override/SW1H40.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68341 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68341 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68366 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68399 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68434 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H41.ITM] to [override/SW1H41.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68467 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68467 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68492 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68525 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68560 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H42.ITM] to [override/SW1H42.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68593 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68593 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68618 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68651 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68686 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H43.ITM] to [override/SW1H43.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68719 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68719 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68744 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68777 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68812 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H44.ITM] to [override/SW1H44.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68845 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68845 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68870 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68903 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68938 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H45.ITM] to [override/SW1H45.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 68971 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68971 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 68996 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69029 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69064 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H46.ITM] to [override/SW1H46.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 69097 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69097 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69122 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69155 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69190 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H47.ITM] to [override/SW1H47.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 69223 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69223 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69248 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69281 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69316 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H48.ITM] to [override/SW1H48.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 69349 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69349 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69374 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69407 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69442 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H49.ITM] to [override/SW1H49.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 69475 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69475 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69500 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69599 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69634 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H50.ITM] to [override/SW1H50.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 69667 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69667 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69692 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69760 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H51.ITM] to [override/SW1H51.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 69793 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69793 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69917 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69952 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H52.ITM] to [override/SW1H52.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 69985 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 69985 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70010 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70043 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70078 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H53.ITM] to [override/SW1H53.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 70111 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70111 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70136 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70169 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70204 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H54.ITM] to [override/SW1H54.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 70237 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70237 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70262 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70295 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70330 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H55.ITM] to [override/SW1H55.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 70363 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70363 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70388 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70487 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70522 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H56.ITM] to [override/SW1H56.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 70555 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70555 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70580 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H57.ITM] to [override/SW1H57.ITM] [./override/SW1H58.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 70679 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70679 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70704 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70737 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70772 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW1H58.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW1H58.ITM, 1034 bytes Copied [SW1H58.ITM] to [override/SW1H58.ITM] [./override/SW1H59.ITM] loaded, 1178 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 70805 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70805 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70830 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70863 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70898 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW1H59.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW1H59.ITM, 1178 bytes Copied [SW1H59.ITM] to [override/SW1H59.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 70931 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70931 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70956 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 70989 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71024 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H60.ITM] to [override/SW1H60.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71057 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71057 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71082 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71115 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71150 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H61.ITM] to [override/SW1H61.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71183 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71183 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71208 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71241 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71276 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H62.ITM] to [override/SW1H62.ITM] [./override/SW1H63.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71309 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71309 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71334 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71367 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71402 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW1H63.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW1H63.ITM, 842 bytes Copied [SW1H63.ITM] to [override/SW1H63.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71435 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71435 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71460 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71493 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71528 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H64.ITM] to [override/SW1H64.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71561 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71561 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71586 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71619 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71654 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H65.ITM] to [override/SW1H65.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71687 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71687 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71712 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71745 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71780 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H66.ITM] to [override/SW1H66.ITM] [./override/SW1H67.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71813 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71813 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71838 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71871 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71906 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW1H67.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW1H67.ITM, 506 bytes Copied [SW1H67.ITM] to [override/SW1H67.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 71939 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71939 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 71964 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72063 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72098 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H68.ITM] to [override/SW1H68.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 72131 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72131 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72157 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72259 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H68A.ITM] to [override/SW1H68A.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 72293 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72293 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72319 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72421 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H68C.ITM] to [override/SW1H68C.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 72455 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72455 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72480 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72579 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72614 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H69.ITM] to [override/SW1H69.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 72647 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72647 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72673 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72775 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H69C.ITM] to [override/SW1H69C.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 72809 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72809 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72834 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72867 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72902 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H70.ITM] to [override/SW1H70.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 72935 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72935 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72960 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 72993 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73028 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H71.ITM] to [override/SW1H71.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 73061 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73061 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73086 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73119 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73154 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H72.ITM] to [override/SW1H72.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 73187 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73187 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73212 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73245 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73280 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H73.ITM] to [override/SW1H73.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 73313 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73313 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73338 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73371 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73406 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H74.ITM] to [override/SW1H74.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 73439 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73439 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73464 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73497 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73532 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H75.ITM] to [override/SW1H75.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 73565 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73565 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73590 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73689 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73724 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H76.ITM] to [override/SW1H76.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 73757 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73757 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73782 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73815 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73850 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H77.ITM] to [override/SW1H77.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 73883 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73883 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73908 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73941 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 73976 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H98.ITM] to [override/SW1H98.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74009 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74009 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74034 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74067 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74102 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1H99.ITM] to [override/SW1H99.ITM] [./override/SW1HSEEK.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74135 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74135 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74160 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74259 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74294 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW1HWK.ITM] to [override/SW1HWK.ITM] [./override/SW2H01.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74327 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74327 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74352 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74385 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74420 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H01.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [SW2H01.ITM] to [override/SW2H01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74453 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74453 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74479 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74513 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74549 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW2H01B.ITM] to [override/SW2H01B.ITM] [./override/SW2H02.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74583 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74583 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74608 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74641 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74676 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H02.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [SW2H02.ITM] to [override/SW2H02.ITM] [./override/SW2H03.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74709 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74709 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74734 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74767 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74802 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H03.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [SW2H03.ITM] to [override/SW2H03.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74835 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74835 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74860 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74893 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74928 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW2H05.ITM] to [override/SW2H05.ITM] [./override/SW2H06.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 74961 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74961 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 74986 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75019 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75054 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H06.ITM, 2906 bytes Copied [SW2H06.ITM] to [override/SW2H06.ITM] [./override/SW2H07.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75087 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75087 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75112 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75145 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75180 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H07.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H07.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [SW2H07.ITM] to [override/SW2H07.ITM] [./override/SW2H08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75213 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75213 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75271 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75306 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H08.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H08.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [SW2H08.ITM] to [override/SW2H08.ITM] [./override/SW2H09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75339 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75339 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75364 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75397 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75432 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H09.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H09.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [SW2H09.ITM] to [override/SW2H09.ITM] [./override/SW2H10.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75465 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75465 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75490 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75523 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75558 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H10.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H10.ITM, 1234 bytes Copied [SW2H10.ITM] to [override/SW2H10.ITM] [./override/SW2H11.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75591 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75591 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75616 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75649 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75684 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H11.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H11.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [SW2H11.ITM] to [override/SW2H11.ITM] [./override/SW2H12.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75717 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75717 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75742 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75775 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75810 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H12.ITM, 746 bytes Copied [SW2H12.ITM] to [override/SW2H12.ITM] [./override/SW2H13.ITM] loaded, 2906 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75843 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75843 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75868 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75901 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75936 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H13.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H13.ITM, 2906 bytes Copied [SW2H13.ITM] to [override/SW2H13.ITM] [./override/SW2H14.ITM] loaded, 1322 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 75969 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75969 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 75994 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76027 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76062 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H14.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H14.ITM, 1322 bytes Copied [SW2H14.ITM] to [override/SW2H14.ITM] [./override/SW2H15.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76095 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76095 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76120 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76153 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76188 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H15.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H15.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [SW2H15.ITM] to [override/SW2H15.ITM] [./override/SW2H16.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76221 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76221 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76246 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76279 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76314 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H16.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H16.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [SW2H16.ITM] to [override/SW2H16.ITM] [./override/SW2H17.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76347 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76347 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76372 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76405 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76440 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H17.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H17.ITM, 746 bytes Copied [SW2H17.ITM] to [override/SW2H17.ITM] [./override/SW2H18.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76473 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76473 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76498 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76531 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76566 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H18.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H18.ITM, 938 bytes Copied [SW2H18.ITM] to [override/SW2H18.ITM] [./override/SW2H19.ITM] loaded, 1234 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76599 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76599 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76624 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76657 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76692 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H19.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H19.ITM, 1234 bytes Copied [SW2H19.ITM] to [override/SW2H19.ITM] [./override/SW2H20.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76725 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76725 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76750 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76783 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76818 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H20.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H20.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [SW2H20.ITM] to [override/SW2H20.ITM] [./override/SW2H21.ITM] loaded, 1754 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76851 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76851 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76876 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76909 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76944 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2H21.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H21.ITM, 1754 bytes Copied [SW2H21.ITM] to [override/SW2H21.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 76977 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 76977 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77002 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77035 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77070 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SW2H99.ITM] to [override/SW2H99.ITM] [./override/SW2HD1.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77103 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77103 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77128 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77161 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77196 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/SW2HD1.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2HD1.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [SW2HD1.ITM] to [override/SW2HD1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77229 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77229 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77254 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77287 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77322 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SWSPID.ITM] to [override/SWSPID.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77355 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77355 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77415 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77451 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [SWUDROP.ITM] to [override/SWUDROP.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77485 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77485 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77512 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77547 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77584 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [TAMCHAIN.ITM] to [override/TAMCHAIN.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77619 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77619 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77646 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77751 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [TASLOIIL.ITM] to [override/TASLOIIL.ITM] [./override/TELSLAV.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/TELSLAV2.ITM] loaded, 2562 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77786 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77786 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77811 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77844 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77879 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [TELSWD.ITM] to [override/TELSWD.ITM] [./override/TELWRAI.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/TRANS20.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS4.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS40.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TRANS60.ITM] loaded, 162 bytes [./override/TROLLALL.ITM] loaded, 1226 bytes [./override/TROLLSP.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/TROLLSPI.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/TROLLTOR.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77912 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77912 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77937 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [TTLEAT.ITM] to [override/TTLEAT.ITM] [./override/TTSCRL01.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/TTSCRL02.ITM] loaded, 370 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 77970 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77970 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 77997 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78032 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78069 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [TTSHLD01.ITM] to [override/TTSHLD01.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78104 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78104 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78131 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78166 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78203 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [TTSWORD1.ITM] to [override/TTSWORD1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78238 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78265 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78300 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78337 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [TTSWORD2.ITM] to [override/TTSWORD2.ITM] [./override/TTWAND.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/UMBERHLK.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/VAMP.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP1.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP2.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMP3.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/VAMPREG.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG1.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/VAMPREG2.ITM] loaded, 2034 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78372 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78372 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78399 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [VISLEAT1.ITM] to [override/VISLEAT1.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78434 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78434 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78461 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [VISLEAT2.ITM] to [override/VISLEAT2.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78496 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78496 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78521 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78554 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78589 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WA2DAK.ITM] to [override/WA2DAK.ITM] [./override/WA2HALB.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78622 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78622 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78648 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78682 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78718 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/WA2HALB.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WA2HALB.ITM, 794 bytes Copied [WA2HALB.ITM] to [override/WA2HALB.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78752 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78752 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78778 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78812 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78848 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WA2PLAT.ITM] to [override/WA2PLAT.ITM] [./override/WA2ROBE.ITM] loaded, 834 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78882 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78882 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78908 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78942 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/WA2ROBE.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WA2ROBE.ITM, 834 bytes Copied [WA2ROBE.ITM] to [override/WA2ROBE.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 78978 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 78978 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79003 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79036 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79071 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WA2S1H.ITM] to [override/WA2S1H.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79104 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79104 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79131 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79166 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79203 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WA2SHIEL.ITM] to [override/WA2SHIEL.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79238 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79238 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79262 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79294 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WAAXE.ITM] to [override/WAAXE.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79326 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79326 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79352 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79386 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79422 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WAFLAIL.ITM] to [override/WAFLAIL.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79456 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79456 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79481 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79514 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79549 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WAMACE.ITM] to [override/WAMACE.ITM] [./override/WAND05.ITM] loaded, 514 bytes [./override/WAND06.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes [./override/WAND07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND10.ITM] loaded, 266 bytes [./override/WAND11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WAND12.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WAND14.ITM] loaded, 946 bytes [./override/WAND18.ITM] loaded, 322 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79582 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79582 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79608 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79642 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79678 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WANINJA.ITM] to [override/WANINJA.ITM] [./override/WAS2H.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79712 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79712 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79736 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79768 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79802 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/WAS2H.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WAS2H.ITM, 746 bytes Copied [WAS2H.ITM] to [override/WAS2H.ITM] [./override/WASPEAR.ITM] loaded, 554 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79834 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79834 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79860 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79962 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/WASPEAR.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WASPEAR.ITM, 554 bytes Copied [WASPEAR.ITM] to [override/WASPEAR.ITM] [./override/WASTAFF.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 79996 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 79996 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80022 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80124 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/WASTAFF.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WASTAFF.ITM, 938 bytes Copied [WASTAFF.ITM] to [override/WASTAFF.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 80158 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80158 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80183 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80216 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80251 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WASTAR.ITM] to [override/WASTAR.ITM] [./override/WAWAK.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 80284 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80284 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80308 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80340 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80374 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/WAWAK.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WAWAK.ITM, 362 bytes Copied [WAWAK.ITM] to [override/WAWAK.ITM] [./override/WELEM.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes [./override/WEREWLF1.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WEREWLF2.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes [./override/WIGHT.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFGR.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/WOLFM.ITM] loaded, 794 bytes [./override/WOLFWI1.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes [./override/WRAITH1.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 80406 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80406 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80431 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80464 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80499 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [WYVERN.ITM] to [override/WYVERN.ITM] [./override/XBOW01.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 80532 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80532 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80557 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80590 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80625 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW01.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW01.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW01.ITM] to [override/XBOW01.ITM] [./override/XBOW02.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 80658 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80658 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80683 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80716 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80751 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW02.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW02.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW02.ITM] to [override/XBOW02.ITM] [./override/XBOW03.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 80784 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80784 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80809 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80842 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80877 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW03.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW03.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW03.ITM] to [override/XBOW03.ITM] [./override/XBOW04.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 80910 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80910 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80935 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 80968 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81003 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW04.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW04.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW04.ITM] to [override/XBOW04.ITM] [./override/XBOW05.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81036 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81036 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81061 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81094 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81129 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW05.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW05.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW05.ITM] to [override/XBOW05.ITM] [./override/XBOW06.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81162 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81162 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81187 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81220 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81255 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW06.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW06.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW06.ITM] to [override/XBOW06.ITM] [./override/XBOW07.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81288 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81288 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81313 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81346 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81381 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW07.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW07.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW07.ITM] to [override/XBOW07.ITM] [./override/XBOW08.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81414 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81414 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81439 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81472 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81507 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW08.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW08.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW08.ITM] to [override/XBOW08.ITM] [./override/XBOW09.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81540 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81540 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81565 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81598 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81633 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW09.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW09.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW09.ITM] to [override/XBOW09.ITM] [./override/XBOW10.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81666 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81666 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81691 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81724 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81759 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW10.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW10.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW10.ITM] to [override/XBOW10.ITM] [./override/XBOW12.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81792 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81792 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81817 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81850 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81885 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW12.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW12.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [XBOW12.ITM] to [override/XBOW12.ITM] [./override/XBOW13.ITM] loaded, 698 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 81918 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81918 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81943 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 81976 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82011 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW13.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW13.ITM, 698 bytes Copied [XBOW13.ITM] to [override/XBOW13.ITM] [./override/XBOW14.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82044 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82044 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82069 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82102 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82137 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW14.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW14.ITM, 650 bytes Copied [XBOW14.ITM] to [override/XBOW14.ITM] [./override/XBOW15.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82170 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82170 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82195 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82228 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82263 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW15.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW15.ITM, 754 bytes Copied [XBOW15.ITM] to [override/XBOW15.ITM] [./override/XBOW16.ITM] loaded, 754 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82296 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82296 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82321 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82354 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82389 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW16.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW16.ITM, 754 bytes Copied [XBOW16.ITM] to [override/XBOW16.ITM] [./override/XBOW17.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82422 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82422 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82447 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82480 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82515 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW17.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW17.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW17.ITM] to [override/XBOW17.ITM] [./override/XBOW18.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82548 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82548 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82573 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82606 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82641 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] override/XBOW18.ITM copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW18.ITM, 602 bytes Copied [XBOW18.ITM] to [override/XBOW18.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82674 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82674 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82700 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82734 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82770 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [XVARTIL.ITM] to [override/XVARTIL.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82804 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82804 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82831 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82866 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [XZARCLCK.ITM] to [override/XZARCLCK.ITM] [./override/m_dw_itd.lua] loaded, 82903 bytes Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82903 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82928 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82961 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Appending to files ... [./override/M_DW_ITD.LUA] loaded, 82996 bytes Appended text to [m_dw_itd.lua] Copied [ZOMSEA.ITM] to [override/ZOMSEA.ITM] Including and running function(s) one_fewer_spell Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/one_fewer_spell.tpa] loaded, 557 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/one_fewer_spell.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/one_fewer_spell.tpa] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/prof/prof_tools.tph] loaded, 6859 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/prof/prof_tools.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/prof_tools.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/shared/multiclass.tph] loaded, 18420 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/shared/multiclass.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/multiclass.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2991 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2991 bytes override/splstate.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/splstate.ids, 2991 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] copying to override/dw-drmk.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-drmk.spl] copying to override/dw-ntnun.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw-ntnun.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/druid_mage.tph] loaded, 1239 bytes Copied [DW_TALENTS/kit/kits/druid_mage.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/druid_mage.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) copying CLERIC_MAGE=>DW_DRUID_MAGE Copying kit CLERIC_MAGE to kit DW_DRUID_MAGE... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_0.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclasrq.2da] loaded, 21522 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abclsmod.2da] loaded, 21338 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcdsrq.2da] loaded, 17463 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/abdcscrq.2da] loaded, 17466 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/alignmnt.2da] loaded, 32099 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clascolr.2da] loaded, 20932 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasiskl.2da] loaded, 27653 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clastext.2da] loaded, 35438 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasthac.2da] loaded, 6993 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clasweap.2da] loaded, 25521 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clsrcreq.2da] loaded, 25027 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clswpbon.2da] loaded, 10884 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/dualclas.2da] loaded, 19225 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/fallen.2da] loaded, 216 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/hpclass.2da] loaded, 4266 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/mgsrcreq.2da] loaded, 1103 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/thiefscl.2da] loaded, 30604 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying 1 file ... Copied [luCM0.2da] to [override/luCM1.2da] [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [./override/kit.ids] loaded, 2513 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 2513 bytes override/kit.ids copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/kit.ids, 2513 bytes Appended text to [kit.ids] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/weapprof.2da] loaded, 185617 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_CM_H.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_CM_H.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_CM_H.2da] to [override/K_CM_H.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_CM_D.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_CM_D.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_CM_D.2da] to [override/K_CM_D.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_CM_G.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_CM_G.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_CM_G.2da] to [override/K_CM_G.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_CM_E.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_CM_E.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_CM_E.2da] to [override/K_CM_E.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_CM_HE.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_CM_HE.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_CM_HE.2da] to [override/K_CM_HE.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_CM_HL.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_CM_HL.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_CM_HL.2da] to [override/K_CM_HL.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/k_x_y_template.2da] to [override/K_CM_HO.2da] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/K_CM_HO.2da] loaded, 46 bytes Copied [K_CM_HO.2da] to [override/K_CM_HO.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#edit_clab_mc_initialised.mrk] copying to override/dwmkf01.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwmkf01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf02.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf03.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf04.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf05.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf06.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf07.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf08.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf09.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf10.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf11.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf12.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf13.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf14.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf15.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf16.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf17.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf18.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf19.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf20.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf21.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf22.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf23.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf24.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf25.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf26.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf27.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf28.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf29.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf30.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf31.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf32.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf33.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf34.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf35.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf36.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf37.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf38.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf39.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf40.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf41.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf42.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf43.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf44.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf45.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf46.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf47.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf48.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf49.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkf01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkf01.spl] to [override/dwmkf50.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clabfi01.2da] loaded, 3407 bytes Copied [clabfi01.2da] to [override/clabfi01.2da] copying to override/dwmkc01.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwmkc01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc02.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc03.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc04.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc05.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc06.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc07.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc08.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc09.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc10.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc11.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc12.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc13.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc14.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc15.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc16.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc17.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc18.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc19.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc20.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc21.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc22.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc23.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc24.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc25.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc26.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc27.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc28.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc29.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc30.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc31.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc32.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc33.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc34.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc35.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc36.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc37.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc38.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc39.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc40.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc41.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc42.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc43.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc44.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc45.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc46.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc47.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc48.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc49.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkc01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkc01.spl] to [override/dwmkc50.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clabpr01.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [clabpr01.2da] to [override/clabpr01.2da] copying to override/dwmkm01.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwmkm01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm02.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm03.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm04.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm05.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm06.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm07.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm08.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm09.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm10.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm11.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm12.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm13.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm14.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm15.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm16.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm17.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm18.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm19.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm20.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm21.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm22.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm23.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm24.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm25.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm26.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm27.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm28.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm29.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm30.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm31.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm32.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm33.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm34.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm35.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm36.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm37.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm38.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm39.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm40.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm41.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm42.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm43.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm44.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm45.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm46.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm47.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm48.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm49.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkm01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkm01.spl] to [override/dwmkm50.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clabma01.2da] loaded, 982 bytes Copied [clabma01.2da] to [override/clabma01.2da] copying to override/dwmkt01.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwmkt01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt02.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt03.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt04.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt05.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt06.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt07.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt08.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt09.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt10.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt11.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt12.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt13.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt14.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt15.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt16.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt17.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt18.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt19.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt20.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt21.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt22.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt23.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt24.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt25.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt26.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt27.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt28.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt29.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt30.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt31.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt32.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt33.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt34.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt35.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt36.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt37.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt38.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt39.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt40.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt41.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt42.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt43.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt44.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt45.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt46.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt47.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt48.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt49.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkt01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkt01.spl] to [override/dwmkt50.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clabth01.2da] loaded, 3407 bytes Copied [clabth01.2da] to [override/clabth01.2da] copying to override/dwmkr01.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwmkr01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr02.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr03.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr04.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr05.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr06.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr07.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr08.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr09.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr10.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr11.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr12.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr13.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr14.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr15.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr16.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr17.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr18.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr19.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr20.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr21.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr22.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr23.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr24.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr25.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr26.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr27.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr28.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr29.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr30.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr31.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr32.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr33.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr34.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr35.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr36.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr37.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr38.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr39.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr40.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr41.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr42.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr43.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr44.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr45.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr46.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr47.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr48.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr49.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkr01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkr01.spl] to [override/dwmkr50.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clabrn01.2da] loaded, 3572 bytes override/clabrn01.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/clabrn01.2da, 3572 bytes Copied [clabrn01.2da] to [override/clabrn01.2da] copying to override/dwmkd01.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dwmkd01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd01.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd02.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd03.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd04.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd05.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd06.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd07.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd08.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd09.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd10.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd11.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd12.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd13.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd14.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd15.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd16.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd17.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd18.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd19.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd20.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd21.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd22.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd23.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd24.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd25.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd26.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd27.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd28.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd29.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd30.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd31.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd32.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd33.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd34.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd35.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd36.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd37.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd38.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd39.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd40.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd41.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd42.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd43.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd44.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd45.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd46.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd47.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd48.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd49.spl] Copying 1 file ... [./override/dwmkd01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [dwmkd01.spl] to [override/dwmkd50.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/clabdr01.2da] loaded, 3892 bytes Copied [clabdr01.2da] to [override/clabdr01.2da] Copying 1 file ... Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [weidu_external/markers/dw#original_classes_labelled.mrk] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splprot.2da] loaded, 22767 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/stats.ids] loaded, 4744 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 3005 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 3005 bytes [*.IDS] forgotten Appending to files ... [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 3005 bytes Appended text to [splstate.ids] copying to override/dw#l2ocf.spl Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4686 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_2.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copied [.../stratagems-inline/blank] to [override/dw#l2ocf.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit BERSERKER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABFI02.2da] to [override/CLABFI02.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit WIZARD_SLAYER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABFI03.2da] loaded, 3133 bytes override/CLABFI03.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABFI03.2da, 3133 bytes Copied [CLABFI03.2da] to [override/CLABFI03.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit KENSAI... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABFI04.2da] to [override/CLABFI04.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit BARBARIAN... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/CLABFI05.2da] loaded, 3127 bytes override/CLABFI05.2da copied to weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABFI05.2da, 3127 bytes Copied [CLABFI05.2da] to [override/CLABFI05.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DWARVEN_DEFENDER... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABFI06.2da] to [override/CLABFI06.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit GRIZZLY_BEAR... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [CLABBEAR.2da] to [override/CLABBEAR.2da] ...done Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/25stweap.2da] loaded, 75575 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/luabbr.2da] loaded, 4110 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/numwslot.2da] loaded, 3766 bytes Editing kit DW_DUMMY_0X4040... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../strategems_inline/SFO_anon_func.tph] to [weidu_external/workspace/SFO_anon_func_1.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!) Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 28014 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... ERROR locating resource for 'COPY' Resource [clabnull.2da] not found in KEY file: [./chitin.key] Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Allow druids to multiclass as mages, rangers, and thieves], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OTHER.55000]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OTHER.55000") [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/UNSETSTR.55000] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 1109 files for [DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2] component 55000. Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt") Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/splconv.txt] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/splconv.txt copied to weidu_external/data/dw_shared/splconv.txt, 52709 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/ui.menu] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/ui.menu copied to override/ui.menu, 478008 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR02.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR02.2da copied to override/CLABPR02.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR03.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR03.2da copied to override/CLABPR03.2da, 3898 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR04.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR04.2da copied to override/CLABPR04.2da, 4377 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHTYR.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHTYR.2da copied to override/OHTYR.2da, 4857 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHTEMPUS.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/OHTEMPUS.2da copied to override/OHTEMPUS.2da, 4858 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR05.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR05.2da copied to override/CLABPR05.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR06.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR06.2da copied to override/CLABPR06.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR07.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR07.2da copied to override/CLABPR07.2da, 3904 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR08.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR08.2da copied to override/CLABPR08.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR09.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR09.2da copied to override/CLABPR09.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR10.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR10.2da copied to override/CLABPR10.2da, 3898 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR11.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR11.2da copied to override/CLABPR11.2da, 3898 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR12.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR12.2da copied to override/CLABPR12.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR13.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR13.2da copied to override/CLABPR13.2da, 3898 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR14.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR14.2da copied to override/CLABPR14.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR15.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR15.2da copied to override/CLABPR15.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR16.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR16.2da copied to override/CLABPR16.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR17.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR17.2da copied to override/CLABPR17.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR18.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR18.2da copied to override/CLABPR18.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR19.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR19.2da copied to override/CLABPR19.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR20.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR20.2da copied to override/CLABPR20.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR21.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR21.2da copied to override/CLABPR21.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR22.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR22.2da copied to override/CLABPR22.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR23.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR23.2da copied to override/CLABPR23.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR24.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR24.2da copied to override/CLABPR24.2da, 3898 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR25.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR25.2da copied to override/CLABPR25.2da, 3892 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR01.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABPR01.2da copied to override/CLABPR01.2da, 3640 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR02.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR02.2da copied to override/CLABDR02.2da, 3618 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR03.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR03.2da copied to override/CLABDR03.2da, 3578 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR04.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR04.2da copied to override/CLABDR04.2da, 4017 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR01.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABDR01.2da copied to override/CLABDR01.2da, 3572 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH02.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH02.2da copied to override/CLABSH02.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH03.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH03.2da copied to override/CLABSH03.2da, 4253 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH04.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH04.2da copied to override/CLABSH04.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH05.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH05.2da copied to override/CLABSH05.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH06.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH06.2da copied to override/CLABSH06.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH07.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH07.2da copied to override/CLABSH07.2da, 4253 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH08.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH08.2da copied to override/CLABSH08.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH09.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH09.2da copied to override/CLABSH09.2da, 4259 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH10.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH10.2da copied to override/CLABSH10.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH11.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH11.2da copied to override/CLABSH11.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH12.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH12.2da copied to override/CLABSH12.2da, 4253 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH13.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH13.2da copied to override/CLABSH13.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH14.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH14.2da copied to override/CLABSH14.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH15.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH15.2da copied to override/CLABSH15.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH16.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH16.2da copied to override/CLABSH16.2da, 4253 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH17.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH17.2da copied to override/CLABSH17.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH18.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH18.2da copied to override/CLABSH18.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH19.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH19.2da copied to override/CLABSH19.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH20.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH20.2da copied to override/CLABSH20.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH21.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH21.2da copied to override/CLABSH21.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH22.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH22.2da copied to override/CLABSH22.2da, 4253 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH23.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH23.2da copied to override/CLABSH23.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH24.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSH24.2da copied to override/CLABSH24.2da, 4252 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA02.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA02.2da copied to override/CLABMA02.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA06.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA06.2da copied to override/CLABMA06.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA05.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA05.2da copied to override/CLABMA05.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA09.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA09.2da copied to override/CLABMA09.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA08.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA08.2da copied to override/CLABMA08.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA07.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA07.2da copied to override/CLABMA07.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA03.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA03.2da copied to override/CLABMA03.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA04.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA04.2da copied to override/CLABMA04.2da, 902 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA10.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA10.2da copied to override/CLABMA10.2da, 747 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA01.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABMA01.2da copied to override/CLABMA01.2da, 747 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO01.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO01.2da copied to override/CLABSO01.2da, 3897 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO02.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO02.2da copied to override/CLABSO02.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO03.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO03.2da copied to override/CLABSO03.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO04.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO04.2da copied to override/CLABSO04.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO05.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO05.2da copied to override/CLABSO05.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO06.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO06.2da copied to override/CLABSO06.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO07.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO07.2da copied to override/CLABSO07.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO08.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO08.2da copied to override/CLABSO08.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO09.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO09.2da copied to override/CLABSO09.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO10.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO10.2da copied to override/CLABSO10.2da, 1952 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO11.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO11.2da copied to override/CLABSO11.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO12.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO12.2da copied to override/CLABSO12.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO13.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO13.2da copied to override/CLABSO13.2da, 4247 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO14.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABSO14.2da copied to override/CLABSO14.2da, 4247 bytes 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[weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW1H67.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW1H67.ITM copied to override/SW1H67.ITM, 506 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H01.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H01.ITM copied to override/SW2H01.ITM, 554 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H02.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H02.ITM copied to override/SW2H02.ITM, 554 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H03.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H03.ITM copied to override/SW2H03.ITM, 650 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H06.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H06.ITM copied to override/SW2H06.ITM, 2906 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H07.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H07.ITM copied to override/SW2H07.ITM, 698 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H08.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H08.ITM copied to override/SW2H08.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H09.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H09.ITM copied to override/SW2H09.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H10.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H10.ITM copied to override/SW2H10.ITM, 1234 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H11.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H11.ITM copied to override/SW2H11.ITM, 554 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H12.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H12.ITM copied to override/SW2H12.ITM, 746 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H13.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H13.ITM copied to override/SW2H13.ITM, 2906 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H14.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H14.ITM copied to override/SW2H14.ITM, 1322 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H15.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H15.ITM copied to override/SW2H15.ITM, 698 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H16.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H16.ITM copied to override/SW2H16.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H17.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H17.ITM copied to override/SW2H17.ITM, 746 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H18.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H18.ITM copied to override/SW2H18.ITM, 938 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H19.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H19.ITM copied to override/SW2H19.ITM, 1234 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H20.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H20.ITM copied to override/SW2H20.ITM, 554 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H21.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2H21.ITM copied to override/SW2H21.ITM, 1754 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2HD1.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/SW2HD1.ITM copied to override/SW2HD1.ITM, 650 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WA2HALB.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WA2HALB.ITM copied to override/WA2HALB.ITM, 794 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WA2ROBE.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WA2ROBE.ITM copied to override/WA2ROBE.ITM, 834 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WAS2H.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WAS2H.ITM copied to override/WAS2H.ITM, 746 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WASPEAR.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WASPEAR.ITM copied to override/WASPEAR.ITM, 554 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WASTAFF.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WASTAFF.ITM copied to override/WASTAFF.ITM, 938 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WAWAK.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/WAWAK.ITM copied to override/WAWAK.ITM, 362 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW01.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW01.ITM copied to override/XBOW01.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW02.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW02.ITM copied to override/XBOW02.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW03.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW03.ITM copied to override/XBOW03.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW04.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW04.ITM copied to override/XBOW04.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW05.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW05.ITM copied to override/XBOW05.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW06.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW06.ITM copied to override/XBOW06.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW07.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW07.ITM copied to override/XBOW07.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW08.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW08.ITM copied to override/XBOW08.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW09.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW09.ITM copied to override/XBOW09.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW10.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW10.ITM copied to override/XBOW10.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW12.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW12.ITM copied to override/XBOW12.ITM, 650 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW13.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW13.ITM copied to override/XBOW13.ITM, 698 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW14.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW14.ITM copied to override/XBOW14.ITM, 650 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW15.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW15.ITM copied to override/XBOW15.ITM, 754 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW16.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW16.ITM copied to override/XBOW16.ITM, 754 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW17.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW17.ITM copied to override/XBOW17.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW18.ITM] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/XBOW18.ITM copied to override/XBOW18.ITM, 602 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/splstate.ids] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/splstate.ids copied to override/splstate.ids, 2991 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/kit.ids] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/kit.ids copied to override/kit.ids, 2513 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/clabrn01.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/clabrn01.2da copied to override/clabrn01.2da, 3572 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABFI03.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABFI03.2da copied to override/CLABFI03.2da, 3133 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABFI05.2da] weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/CLABFI05.2da copied to override/CLABFI05.2da, 3127 bytes Uninstalled 1109 files for [DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2] component 55000. Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/READLN.55000]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/READLN.55000") Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/READLN.55000.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/55000/READLN.55000.TEXT") DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 1500 Installed ~Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 1510 Installed ~Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 1520 Installed ~Include bard songs from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2010 Installed ~Core Stratagems spell-system changes (assumed by Sword Coast Stratagems mod)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2030 Installed ~Changes to Restoration~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2040 Installed ~Changes to shapeshift spells~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2060 Installed ~Rebalancings of slightly-too-powerful spells~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2070 Installed ~Spell school changes~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2080 Installed ~Spells increased in power~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2500 Installed ~Add 9 new arcane spells~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2510 Installed ~Add 6 new divine spells (some borrowed from Divine Remix)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2520 Installed ~Revised Elementals~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40000 Installed ~Eliminate class/race restrictions and most class/ability score restrictions~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40100 Installed ~Revised class alignment rules~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40190 Installed ~Revised Paladins and Blackguards~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40400 Installed ~Rangers use Icewind Dale-style spell memorisation~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40450 Installed ~Thieves gain the Evasion ability (on a successful save for half damage against abilities that require you to dodge, take no damage)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40470 Installed ~Rebalanced thief and bounty hunter traps at low levels~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40500 Installed ~Revised favored enemy for rangers: new enemy groups, and rangers reselect their favored enemy at 4th level and every third level thereafter~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40600 Installed ~Revised shapeshift powers for druids and avengers~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40650 Installed ~Revised speciality priests of Lathander/Helm/Talos/Tempus/Tyr~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40660 Installed ~Modified cleric stronghold quest for priests of any god except Lathander/Helm/Talos~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40700 Installed ~Allow monks to use staffs~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40753 Installed ~Use custom opposition schools~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40925 Installed ~Bloodlines for sorcerers~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40950 Installed ~Dragon Disciples can be disciples of any chromatic dragon (Red/Blue/Green/Black/White)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 41000 Installed ~Default (affects all kits)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 50400 Installed ~New choices of god / goddess for speciality priests~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 50500 Installed ~New class: Favored Soul~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 50600 Installed ~New blackguard kits~ ERROR: Failure("resource [clabnull.2da] not found for 'COPY'") Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-DW_TALENTS.DEBUG and look for support at: DavidW Using Language [English] [English] has 1 top-level TRA files [dw_talents/lang/english/setup.tra] has 185 translation strings Install Component [Allow druids to multiclass as mages, rangers, and thieves]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Saving This Log: DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 1500 Installed ~Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 1510 Installed ~Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 1520 Installed ~Include bard songs from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2010 Installed ~Core Stratagems spell-system changes (assumed by Sword Coast Stratagems mod)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2030 Installed ~Changes to Restoration~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2040 Installed ~Changes to shapeshift spells~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2060 Installed ~Rebalancings of slightly-too-powerful spells~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2070 Installed ~Spell school changes~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2080 Installed ~Spells increased in power~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2500 Installed ~Add 9 new arcane spells~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2510 Installed ~Add 6 new divine spells (some borrowed from Divine Remix)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 2520 Installed ~Revised Elementals~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40000 Installed ~Eliminate class/race restrictions and most class/ability score restrictions~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40100 Installed ~Revised class alignment rules~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40190 Installed ~Revised Paladins and Blackguards~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40400 Installed ~Rangers use Icewind Dale-style spell memorisation~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40450 Installed ~Thieves gain the Evasion ability (on a successful save for half damage against abilities that require you to dodge, take no damage)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40470 Installed ~Rebalanced thief and bounty hunter traps at low levels~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40500 Installed ~Revised favored enemy for rangers: new enemy groups, and rangers reselect their favored enemy at 4th level and every third level thereafter~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40600 Installed ~Revised shapeshift powers for druids and avengers~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40650 Installed ~Revised speciality priests of Lathander/Helm/Talos/Tempus/Tyr~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40660 Installed ~Modified cleric stronghold quest for priests of any god except Lathander/Helm/Talos~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40700 Installed ~Allow monks to use staffs~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40753 Installed ~Use custom opposition schools~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40925 Installed ~Bloodlines for sorcerers~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 40950 Installed ~Dragon Disciples can be disciples of any chromatic dragon (Red/Blue/Green/Black/White)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 41000 Installed ~Default (affects all kits)~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 50400 Installed ~New choices of god / goddess for speciality priests~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 50500 Installed ~New class: Favored Soul~ DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2 0 50600 Installed ~New blackguard kits~ [dw_talents/lang/english/setup.tra] has 185 translation strings 397778 characters, 1414 entries added to DIALOG.TLK [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 104998 string entries SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Include bard songs from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Core Stratagems spell-system changes (assumed by Sword Coast Stratagems mod) SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Changes to Restoration SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Changes to shapeshift spells SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Rebalancings of slightly-too-powerful spells SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Spell school changes SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Spells increased in power SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Add 9 new arcane spells SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Add 6 new divine spells (some borrowed from Divine Remix) SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Revised Elementals SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Eliminate class/race restrictions and most class/ability score restrictions SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Revised class alignment rules SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Revised Paladins and Blackguards SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Rangers use Icewind Dale-style spell memorisation SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Thieves gain the Evasion ability (on a successful save for half damage against abilities that require you to dodge, take no damage) SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Rebalanced thief and bounty hunter traps at low levels SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Revised favored enemy for rangers: new enemy groups, and rangers reselect their favored enemy at 4th level and every third level thereafter SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Revised shapeshift powers for druids and avengers SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Revised speciality priests of Lathander/Helm/Talos/Tempus/Tyr SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Modified cleric stronghold quest for priests of any god except Lathander/Helm/Talos SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Allow monks to use staffs SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Adjust opposition schools for speciality mages (see readme for details) -> Use custom opposition schools SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Bloodlines for sorcerers SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Dragon Disciples can be disciples of any chromatic dragon (Red/Blue/Green/Black/White) SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Rebalanced and revised kits -> Default (affects all kits) SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED New choices of god / goddess for speciality priests SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED New class: Favored Soul SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED New blackguard kits NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Allow druids to multiclass as mages, rangers, and thieves Mod Timings paladin_extra_uses_timer 0.344 remove_antimagic_shell_timer 0.469 paladin_timer 0.516 faerie_fire_timer 1.281 thrall_of_orcus 0.563 fiend_spells_basic_timer 0.609 extra_divine_spells_timer 1.906 nerf_beetles_timer 0.000 insect_plague_timer 3.047 dragon_disciple_timer 1.875 monk_staff_timer 0.328 universal_trigger_timer 0.000 nature_beauty_blindness_timer 0.047 indirect_load_timer 0.047 kit_c_timer 30.953 rebalance_lathander_timer 0.094 blade_barrier_timer 0.047 revised_paladins_blackguards_timer 6.500 iron_body_timer 0.438 power_words_are_enchantment_timer 0.172 bloodlines_timer 15.250 spellstrike_vs_pm_scroll_timer 0.063 adjust_mageschools_timer 0.125 modified_priest_strongholds_timer 0.016 sfo_setup_structs 0.016 restrict_abi_dalzim_timer 0.000 larloch_timer 0.063 skull_trap_timer 0.031 regexp 5.563 web_and_the_large_timer 1.500 sfo_setup_data 3.813 extra_arcane_spells_timer 13.484 adjust_monster_summoning_timer 0.703 enhance_thorn_spray_timer 0.016 summoned_monsters_arcane_timer 4.266 kit_rebalance_timer 36.906 rebalance_traps_timer 0.141 dealign_cleric_spells_timer 0.016 meteors_timer 0.000 mantle_timer 0.047 fiend_summoning_timer 0.719 sfo_setup_variables 0.047 druid_multiclass_timer 8.750 revise_shapechange_timer 14.141 3e_align_timer 0.016 otiluke_save_for_half_timer 0.000 energy_drain_timer 0.016 319ify_item_restrictions_timer 8.328 remove_gnome_note_timer 0.000 revise_polymorph_timer 3.359 sfo_setup_fix 0.031 setup_menus_timer 1.547 entropy_shield_abjuration_timer 1.375 npc_symbols_timer 0.016 force_blade_timer 0.047 sfo_setup_ini 0.094 harm_timer 0.047 sanctity_of_mind_timer 0.063 elemental_summoning_timer 3.266 iwdspells_bard_timer 4.188 paladin_smite_evil_timer 5.500 clone_slots_timer 0.031 iwdspells_arcane_timer 51.234 scroll_make_timer 0.000 install_spell_resources_timer 38.594 ranger_favored_enemy_timer 0.766 truesight_blindness_timer 0.094 sfo_setup_charsets 0.000 kit_bg_timer 4.359 symbols_are_enchantment_timer 0.313 amalgamate_class_checks_timer 0.016 lightning_bolt_damage_timer 0.141 modify_breach_timer 0.469 summoned_monsters_divine_timer 0.156 sfo_setup_crossplatform 0.000 iwd_arcane_spells_postproduction_timer 19.141 rebalance_force_missiles_timer 0.031 implement_evasion_timer 3.328 ilmater_rename_timer 0.000 enhance_cure_cause_timer 0.766 adjust_vanilla_priests_timer 13.813 iwd_bardsong_postproduction_timer 0.313 mordenkainens_force_blade_thac0_timer 0.047 acid_storm_tonedown_timer 0.156 pro_normal_missiles_timer 0.328 one_fewer_spell_timer 0.000 druid_shapeshift_timer 3.406 elemental_cre_timer 14.031 monk_2handed_timer 0.109 sfo_setup_lua_libraries 0.000 ranger_spells_timer 0.000 3e_class_timer 1.578 circle_of_bones_duration_timer 0.500 iwdspells_divine_timer 31.031 cleric_strongholds_timer 0.203 eldath_rename_timer 0.000 iwd_divine_spells_postproduction_timer 3.656 restoration_ability_drain_timer 3.188 symbol_pain_no_save_timer 0.016 haste_cancels_slow_timer 4.547 antimagic_penetrates_ii_timer 0.000 sfo_setup_libraries 0.016 disciple_of_asmodeus 1.406 favored_soul_timer 69.313 clerics_bg2_scripting_timer 0.000 power_word_blind_timer 0.000 WeiDU Timings ACTION_TIME 0.000 EXTEND_TOP 0.000 <<<<<<<< 0.000 ACTION_FOR_EACH 0.000 unmarshal BIFF 0.000 adding translation strings 0.000 ACTION_BASH_FOR 0.000 DELETE 0.000 load TLK 0.000 tp2 uninstall 0.000 DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION 0.000 resolve labels 0.000 VERBOSE 0.000 COMPILE 0.000 ACTION_SORT_ARRAY_INDICES 0.000 LAUNCH_ACTION_MACRO 0.000 process .D files 0.000 DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION 0.000 STRING_SET 0.000 INCLUDE 0.000 DEFINE_DIMORPHIC_FUNCTION 0.000 MKDIR 0.000 ACTION_TRY 0.000 ACTION_DEFINE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY 0.000 CREATE 0.000 ADD_PROJECTILE 0.000 ACTION_PHP_EACH 0.000 LOAD_TRA 0.000 strings to add 0.000 REINCLUDE 0.000 Parsing TP2 files 0.000 ACTION_TO_LOWER 0.000 APPEND_COL 0.000 STRING_SET_EVALUATE 0.000 DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO 0.000 APPEND 0.000 WITH_TRA 0.000 CLEAR_IDS_MAP 0.000 WITH_SCOPE 0.000 PRINT 0.000 GET_DIRECTORY_ARRAY 0.000 Parsing TPP files 0.000 add strings to TLK 0.000 EXTEND_BOTTOM 0.000 SILENT 0.000 ADD_SECTYPE 0.000 resolve strings 0.000 DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO 0.000 unmarshal KEY 0.016 OUTER_WHILE 0.016 ACTION_MATCH 0.016 marshal and save TLK 0.016 ACTION_GET_STRREF 0.016 ACTION_TO_UPPER 0.016 marshal DLG 0.016 unmarshal TLK 0.016 find local string 0.031 OUTER_FOR 0.031 OUTER_INNER_PATCH 0.031 Parsing TPA files 0.031 parsing .tra files 0.047 LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION 0.047 unmarshal DLG 0.078 parsing .ids files 0.094 Resolving LABELs 0.094 OUTER_INNER_PATCH_SAVE 0.125 BUT_ONLY 0.172 ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY 0.172 OUTER_SET 0.344 parsing .d files 0.375 OUTER_SPRINT 0.563 loading files 0.578 saving files 0.641 emit D 0.688 ACTION_IF 1.031 marshal BCS 1.547 parsing .baf files 1.625 stuff not covered elsewhere 2.531 parsing .bcs files 3.969 READ_* 10.016 COPY 12.641 eval_pe 32.734 function overhead 133.063 process_patch2 164.500 TOTAL 367.922