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65 lines (62 loc) · 3.96 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (62 loc) · 3.96 KB

Main principles

  • All nd-addon's are copied into nd-container
  • All nd-addin's are duplicated in each slide that will be copied in nd-container
  • All nd-source's are considered as slides
    • if data-type="html" is specified then each section element is considered a slide, and then most of the "markdown magic things" (like animations) can be done using specific attributes or elements etc.
    • by default we have markdown slides (see below)
  • Markdown sources
    • they can be indented if desired (the common number of space in an nd-source are removed)
    • the slide delimiter is a h1 title (#) or a h2 title (##)
    • each slide can be preceded by some header lines
      • the @: can be used to add id (#thing) or classes (name or .name) to the slide itself (the generated section) or the container with the / prefix (/name)
      • ...
    • inside the content, there can also be some @... magic things
  • What happens when?
    • before the creation of the vue (and after the registration of the embedded plugins), window.nuedeckAddPlugins(Vue, plugins) is called if it exists
    • on creation (before any binding to the DOM), plugins:init (all init methods of the plugins are called)
    • just before mounting (into the page) the html title and meta tags (name=...) are digested as variables (in this.vars), then plugins:beforeMount, then keybindings are registered, then asyncBeforeMount which will generate the actual list of slides
    • asyncBeforeMount does a lot
      • for each nd-source, asyncly plugins:generateSlides (which ramifies, below)
      • on the result, init empty steps, set data-root=true (TODO: exlain data-root use?)
      • call plugins:enrichSlideDeck on the complete deck
      • set this.slides from the modified complete deck --> this will eventually trigger the "rendering" of the slides, which will each call (on mounted) slideContentRoot to inform of what is the actually DOM element corresponding to the slide
      • also load the addons and the addins (in this.addons and this.addins)
      • parse the hash to jump to the desired slide
      • NB: plugins can act on a mostly-slide-by-slide level in generateSlides but also, later, in enrichSlideDeck (in which the order of plugins is especially important)
    • Some interactions between plugins in generateSlides and enricheSlideDeck
      • the markdown plugin
        • handles markdown nd-source (default ones) (also html as there is nothing to do)
        • it extracts the headers of each slide (remember, # or ## separated)
        • it asyncly plugins:enrichGeneratedSlidesHeader that can only change the header
          • here plugins can be stateful, typically MarkdownSticky, or not And just working on the header MarkdownAtAnim or MarkdownEval (for @eval-header) or MarkdownExtra, ...
          • e.g. MarkdownAtAnim rewrites @anim to @inject that is consumed by MarkdownExtra which is also the plugin that handles slide @copy
          • e.g. @copy and @inject are transformed by MardownExtra into elements that are later interpreted in enrichGeneratedSlides (by Enrich and CopySlide)
        • it skips slides that have the @OFF header (case insensitive, always)
        • it parses, using MarkdownIt, each slide to html
        • it asyncly plugins:enrichGeneratedSlides passing the headers
    • on mounted (asyncly) read option override from CSS, asyncly plugins:mounted, force jump to current slide and step
    • jumping is async because we might need to wait for the slide to get rendered and for its content to be parsed to know the sub-animations, etc, which can require async processing (especially, we change the current slide and await for vuejs to actually mount it so we can parse its animations)
    • if we jump to a new slide, we will parseSteps to know its animations, in any case, we will play the proper animation steps, in the proper direction with the proper speed, we also update the hash continuously