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Parser Playground

ES5 Parser Playground

AST Format

Abstract syntax trees (ASTs) are generated in JsonML format and are of the form:

 [ "Type",
   { attr1 : val1, attr2: val2, ... },
   ... ]

For an overview of all the different kinds of AST nodes, see the test-suite for the parser or the summary below.


By convention, the last 4 letters of "Type" represent a subtype:

Expressions *Expr
Statements *Stmt
Declarations *Decl
Property definitions *Prop
Patterns *Patt
Case DefaultCase
Catch clause CatchClause (only within a TryStmt)
Empty marker Empty (for elisions in Array-literals, omitted parts of a for-statement, the name of an anonymous function expression and the catch-clause of a try-finally statement)
Program Program (the goal production of the Grammar)

All use-occurrences of variables appear as IdExpr nodes. All defining occurrences of variables appear as IdPatt nodes.

Mandatory Attributes

The key:value attributes of the AST format are used by some nodes:

type: string in LiteralExpr to denote type of literal
value: primitive-value in LiteralExpr to denote value of parsed literal, in PrologueDecl to denote the literal string value of the directive
name: string in IdPatt, IdExpr, and *Prop to denote the name of a variable or property
label: string in ContinueStmt, BreakStmt and LabelledStmt to denote label name
op: string in UnaryExpr, BinaryExpr, CountExpr and AssignExpr to denote operator punctuator
isPrefix: boolean in CountExpr to denote pre- or postfix operator
body: string in RegExpExpr to denote body of a regexp
flags: string in RegExpExpr to denote flags of a regexp
directive: string in PrologueDecl to denote the source contents of a directive prologue

Optional Attributes

Language processors are allowed to add additional, optional, attributes. Some useful attributes that could be supported for most AST nodes:

Verification and scoping Attributes

Added during verification and scope analysis:

strict: boolean whether this AST occurs in strict code
preOrder: number uniquely identify this node within its overall AST
definition: number On an IdExpr, records the preOrder: number of the IdPatt, if any, of the corresponding definition.
scope: number On an IdPatt, records the preOrder: of the containing node in which this definition is in scope.
const: true On an IdPatt, records whether the declared variable is assignable

Because of the limits of JsonML, some of the results of scope analysis cannot conveniently be represented within the AST itself, such as a list of free variable references. Rather, the preOrder numbers assigned here can be used as an index into a side table containing the results of scope analysis.

The definition: attribute of an IdExpr is -1 if this IdExpr is a free occurrence, or NaN if static scoping is ambiguous. A static scoping ambiguity cannot appear in a strict Program, but it can appear in a strict function within a non-strict Program.

In ES5, the only IdPatt for which const: true should appear is the name of a named FunctionExpr.

Debugging Attributes

To be captured during parsing, for supporting both live and post-mortem source level debugging:

source: string identifies the source from which the AST was parsed
startLine: number line number indicating start of span
startColumn: number column number indicating start of span
endLine: number line number indicating end of span
endColumn: number column number indicating end of span

The source: string should serve much the same purpose as does Java's fully qualified path name. It identifies where the source is to be found relative to some root, so that debugging log records together with a source tree are relocatable. We postpone specifying the form of this string awaiting accepted module and package proposals.

Line counts start at 1. Column counts start at 0. If startLine: is included but endLine: is omitted, then endLine: defaults to startLine:. If startColumn: is omitted, then startColumn: defaults to 0. If endColumn: is omitted, endColumn: defaults to the last column of endLine:.

Additional Optional Parsing Attributes

comment: string last comment appearing before this AST node

Some tools process directives buried in comments. Most often, such directives are in the last comment prior to the AST node they apply to. For more general capture of all comments, it is not clear how to represent that adequately in an abstract syntax tree structure, as opposed to a concrete parse tree structure, since some structural information is lost. Perhaps also in a side table indexed by preOrder:

Visitor Protocol Summary

Protocol of a visitor that walks these ASTs. Arguments named opt* in the first column below may refer to [Empty] AST nodes. Arguments suffixed with ? in the first column below may be absent in the AST.

visitThisExpr({}) this
visitIdExpr({name}) name
visitRegExpExpr({body, flags}) /body/flags
visitLiteralExpr({type, value}) 'value'
visitArrayExpr({}, ...optElementExprs) [..]
--> visitEmpty({}) ,,
visitObjectExpr({}, ...props) ({..})
--> visitDataProp({name}, valueExpr) name: value
--> visitGetterProp({name}, funcExpr) get name(){..}
--> visitSetterProp({name}, funcExpr) set name(v){..}
visitMemberExpr({}, baseExpr, propExpr) base[prop]
visitInvokeExpr({}, baseExpr, propExpr, ...argExprs) base[prop](...args)
visitCallExpr({}, baseExpr, ...argExprs) base(...args)
visitNewExpr({}, baseExpr, ...argExprs) new base(...args)
visitTypeofExpr({}, xExpr) typeof x
visitUnaryExpr({op}, xExpr) op x
visitBinaryExpr({op}, xExpr, yExpr) x op y
visitLogicalAndExpr({}, xExpr, yExpr) x && y
visitLogicalOrExpr({}, xExpr, yExpr) `x
visitConditionalExpr({}, xExpr, yExpr, zExpr) x ? y : z
visitAssignExpr({op}, lValue, rExpr) lValue op r
visitCountExpr({op, isPrefix}, lValue) `((++
visitDeleteExpr({}, lValue) delete lValue
visitProgram({}, ..prologue; ..stmts
--> visitPrologueDecl({value, directive}) 'directive';
visitEvalExpr({}, ...argExpr) eval(...args)
visitFunctionExpr({}, optIdPatt, paramDecl, (function optId(...params) {..prologue; ..stmts})
visitFunctionDecl({}, idPatt, paramDecl, function id(...params) {..prologue; ..stmts}
--> visitParamDecl({}, ...idPatts) (...params)
visitVarDecl({}, ...varPatts) var ..
--> visitInitPatt({}, idPatt, initExpr) id = init
--> visitIdPatt({name}) name
visitBlockStmt({}, ...stmts) {..}
visitEmptyStmt({}) ;
visitIfStmt({}, condExpr, thenStmt, elseStmt) if (cond) {t} else {e}
visitDoWhileStmt({}, bodyStmt, condExpr) do body while (cond)
visitWhileStmt({}, condExpr, bodyStmt) while (cond) body
visitForStmt({}, optInitPart, optCondExpr, optIncrExpr, bodyStmt) for (optInit; optCond; optIncr) body
visitForInStmt({}, lValue, collExpr, bodyStmt) for (lValue in coll) body
visitContinueStmt({label?}) continue optLabel
visitBreakStmt({label?}) break optLabel
visitReturnStmt({}, expr?) return expr
visitWithStmt({}, headExpr, bodyStmt) with (head) {body}
visitSwitchStmt({}, headExpr, ...cases) switch (head) {..}
--> visitCase({}, headExpr, ...stmts) case head: ..stmts
--> visitDefaultCase({}, ...stmts) default: ..stmts
visitLabelledStatement({label}, bodyStmt) label: body
visitThrowStmt({}, errExpr) throw err
visitTryStmt({}, tStmt, optCatchClause, fStmt?) try {t} catch (err) {c} finally {f}
--> visitCatchClause({}, idPatt, cStmt) catch(id) { c }
visitDebuggerStmt({}) debugger