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TMRL quick reference guide

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Configuration file

The config.json file contains the default parameters used by the tmrl library. It is located under ~/TmrlData/config.

Customizing the example tmrl pipeline for TrackMania can be achieved by simply modifying this file.

In case you break your config.json, you can always find valid examples under ~/TmrlData/resources to replace the content of your config.json file with a text editor.

All parameters are described below.

⚠️ tmrl does not support comments in config.json, we provide them here only for documentation: do not copy-paste those comments!

  "RUN_NAME": "SAC_4_imgs_pretrained",  // experiment name (matches names in checkpoints and weights)
  "RESET_TRAINING": false,  // if true, training restarts from scratch (loads the replay buffer only)
  "BUFFERS_MAXLEN": 500000,  // maximum length of local buffers (this is NOT the replay buffer)
  "RW_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_EPISODE": 1000,  // tmrl forces truncation if the episode is longer than this
  "CUDA_TRAINING": true,  //  if true, training happens on GPU (Trainer)
  "CUDA_INFERENCE": false,  // if true, inference happens on GPU (RolloutWorker)
  "VIRTUAL_GAMEPAD": true,  // if true, the example TrackMania pipeline uses vgamepad
  "LOCALHOST_WORKER": true,  // must be false when the Server is not on localhost
  "LOCALHOST_TRAINER": true,  // must be false when the Server is not on localhost
  "PUBLIC_IP_SERVER": "",  // Server IP when not on localhost
  "PASSWORD": "YourRandomPasswordHere",  // needs to match on all machines (read the Security section)
  "TLS": false,  // IMPORTANT: true when using tmrl on a public network (read the Security section)
  "TLS_HOSTNAME": "default",  // TLS hostname (for custom tlspyo configuration only)
  "TLS_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY": "",  // TLS credential directory (for custom tlspyo configuration only)
  "NB_WORKERS": -1,  // maximum number of Workers that can connect to the Server (-1 for infinite)
  "WANDB_PROJECT": "tmrl",  // your wandb project name
  "WANDB_ENTITY": "tmrl",  // your wandb entity name
  "WANDB_KEY": "YourWandbApiKey",  // your wandb key
  "PORT": 55555,  // public port of your Server
  "LOCAL_PORT_SERVER": 55556,  // localhost Server port (must not overlap)
  "LOCAL_PORT_TRAINER": 55557,  // localhost Trainer port (must not overlap)
  "LOCAL_PORT_WORKER": 55558,  // CAUTION: change this manually if several workers are on the same machine!
  "BUFFER_SIZE": 536870912,  // tslpyo buffer size (NOT the replay buffer)
  "HEADER_SIZE": 12,  // tlspyo header size (bytes)
  "MAX_EPOCHS": 10000,  // maximum number of training "epochs" (checkpoint and wandb after each "epoch")
  "ROUNDS_PER_EPOCH": 100,  // "rounds" per training "epoch" (metrics displayed after each "round")
  "TRAINING_STEPS_PER_ROUND": 200,  // number of training iterations per "round"
  "MAX_TRAINING_STEPS_PER_ENVIRONMENT_STEP": 4.0,  // pause training if not enough samples
  "ENVIRONMENT_STEPS_BEFORE_TRAINING": 1000,  // minimum number of samples before training starts
  "UPDATE_MODEL_INTERVAL": 200,  // the model is updated at this interval of training steps
  "UPDATE_BUFFER_INTERVAL": 200,  // samples are retrieved at this interval of training steps
  "SAVE_MODEL_EVERY": 0,  // save a copy of the model at this interval of model updates (0: no history)
  "MEMORY_SIZE": 1000000,  // REPLAY BUFFER SIZE (maximum number of samples in the Memory)
  "BATCH_SIZE": 256,  // training batch size
  "ALG": {  // this section contains parameters of the training algorithm:
    "ALGORITHM": "SAC",  // algorithm name ("SAC", "REDQSAC")
    "LEARN_ENTROPY_COEF":false,  // true for SACv2
    "LR_ACTOR":0.00001,  // learning rate of the actor
    "LR_CRITIC":0.00005,  // learning rate of the critic
    "LR_ENTROPY":0.0003,  // learning rate of the entropy factor (SACv2)
    "GAMMA":0.995,  // discount factor
    "POLYAK":0.995,  // polyak averaging factor of the target critic
    "TARGET_ENTROPY":-0.5,  // entropy (SACv2)
    "ALPHA":0.01,  // entropy factor (constant for SAC, initial for SACv2)
    "REDQ_N":10,  // number of critic networks (REDQSAC)
    "REDQ_M":2,  // random subset size (REDQSAC)
    "OPTIMIZER_ACTOR": "adam",  // actor optimizer ("adam", "adamw", "sgd")
    "OPTIMIZER_CRITIC": "adam",  // critic optimizer ("adam", "adamw", "sgd")
    "BETAS_ACTOR": [0.997, 0.997],  // actor betas (for Adam and AdamW)
    "BETAS_CRITIC": [0.997, 0.997],  // critic betas (for Adam and AdamW)
    "L2_ACTOR": 0.0,  // actor weight decay (for Adam and AdamW)
    "L2_CRITIC": 0.0  // critic weight decay (for Adam and AdamW)
  "ENV": {  // this section contains environment parameters:
    "RTGYM_INTERFACE": "TM20FULL",  // environment name ("TM20FULL", "TM20LIDAR")
    "WINDOW_WIDTH": 256,  // the TM window is resized to the width
    "WINDOW_HEIGHT": 128,  // the TM window is resized to the height
    "IMG_WIDTH": 64,  // the screenshots fed to the model are resized to this width
    "IMG_HEIGHT": 64,  // the screenshots fed to the model are resized to this height
    "IMG_GRAYSCALE": true,  // if true, images are converted to grayscale
    "SLEEP_TIME_AT_RESET": 1.5,  // to wait for the green light after respawn
    "IMG_HIST_LEN": 4,  // length of the screenshot/lidar history fed to the model
    "RTGYM_CONFIG": {  // this section contains rtgym-specific parameters
      "time_step_duration": 0.05,  // real-time target time-step duration (s)
      "start_obs_capture": 0.04,  // observation capture starts after this duration (s)
      "time_step_timeout_factor": 1.0,  // maximum allowed elasticity for time-step duration
      "act_buf_len": 2,  // number of actions in the action history fed to the model
      "benchmark": false,  // set this to true when using the --benchmark command
      "wait_on_done": true,  // true in the example TrackMania pipeline
      "ep_max_length": 1000,  // rtgym truncates episodes after this number of time-steps
      "interface_kwargs": {"save_replays": false}  // true saves replays in TrackMania
      "END_OF_TRACK": 100.0,  // the agent gets this when crossing the finish line
      "CONSTANT_PENALTY": 0.0,  // constant reward
      "CHECK_FORWARD": 500,  // longer is more computational but enables longer cuts
      "CHECK_BACKWARD": 10,  // longer is more computational but more reliable (10 is fine)
      "FAILURE_COUNTDOWN": 10,  // no reward for X consecutive time-steps = episode terminated
      "MIN_STEPS": 70,  // initial number of time-steps before episode can get terminated
      "MAX_STRAY": 100.0  // if the car wanders further away, the episode is terminated (m)
  "__VERSION__": "0.6.0"  // (compatibility check, do not modify)

Command line interface


  • Regenerate the TmrlData folder to its default state after it has been deleted, and/or display its location on your machine:

    python -m tmrl --install
  • Launch a test worker (does not collect training samples):

    python -m tmrl --test
  • Record a reward function in TrackMania. You should start recording at the beginning of the track. The script will compute the reward function automatically when you cross the finish line:

    python -m tmrl --record-reward
  • Check the sanity of your reward function and camera setting when customizing the Full or Lidar environments in TrackMania. When using the Full environment, the history of images used by the model will be displayed. When using the Lidar environment, the rangefinder will be displayed instead. When using Lidar, check that the blue lines stop at sensible positions (they start in the bottom-center and stop when finding black pixels). You also want to drive around and check that the rewards printed in the console make sense:

    python -m tmrl --check-environment
  • Launch the tmrl server:

    python -m tmrl --server
  • Launch the tmrl trainer:

    python -m tmrl --trainer
  • Add this option to your --trainer command if you wish your training metrics to be logged on wandb. By default, metrics are logged on a public project that we clear once in a while. To use your own wandb account instead, edit the relevant entries of config.json:

  • Launch a tmrl worker:

    python -m tmrl --worker


  • Launch a tmrl worker that ignores model updates. This is useful for collecting off-policy samples from an expert model:

    python -m tmrl --expert
  • Benchmark your environment performance. This requires the "benchmark" entry to be set to true in config.json:

    python -m tmrl --benchmark
  • Add this option to your tmrl commands to modify the content of config.json at runtime. The entries that you wish to modify need to be written in Python format (e.g., {"CUDA_TRAINING": True, "ALG": {"ALGORITHM": "REDQSAC"}}):


API reference:

Read the TMRL documentation.