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Goals and Objectives

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This class is about two things, right there in the title: iteratively drawing pictures with quantitative data, building models with the data, and drawing pictures of both the models and the data. Our goal is to master contemporary software that will enable you to explore data to generate hypotheses, and convey features and relationships to others. The two dead-tree textbooks speak to both of these goals. Along the way we will read a lot of other prose and a fair amount of code, and you will be able to evaluate graphical decisions of all kinds that relate to what Edward Tufte termed "the visual display of quantitative information."

Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician. —Josh Wills

I’d like to be largely programming-language-agnostic with respect to your assignments. One of the fundamental texts (Wilkinson) was written in conjunction with a pretty dated technology (SYSTAT), later acquired by SPSS (itself eventually acquired by IBM), and if that’s your language of choice, by all means try and do the assignments in it (I suspect this will be hard to do well). It is fair to say that the reference implementation of Wilkinson’s ideas is Hadley Wickham’s R version, called ggplot2. The other paradigm is the functional one of Trellis/Lattice, and Deepayan Sarkar’s R implementation is standard. If you are an accomplished Pythonista and adept in Matplotlib (and probably Pandas), by all means do your assignments in Python. Finally, on the cutting edge, many things are moving toward the browser, and D3.js (Data-Driven Documents) is the lingua franca. Making your graphs with it will probably be the most challenging, but if you choose to study it in depth, I would expect that it will be the most rewarding in terms of the tricks and techniques you develop in this class.


  1. Learn enough to be dangerous about the modern high- and low-level languages and libraries
  2. Master the everyday, mundane but indispensible tools of the trade: text editors, version control, and the command line
  3. Practice iterative and collaborative (yes, even Agile) development of your projects
  4. Initiate and participate in code and project reviews
  5. Fail early, learn from it, and ask for help

We are here to do what we can to prevent this grim future:

xkcd infographics


  1. Think like a data scientist about data visualization
  2. Code like a data scientist
  3. Do a data science project with a strong visual component

Think like a data scientist

This means approaching data, especially graphs, with an especially critical eye, informed by theory, and being able to say things like:

  • This is misleading
  • This would be clearer if
  • This overëncodes data
  • Why can’t I hover over this and see that

There are two related projects throughout the semester. The first will be a series of “blog posts” in the style of Kaiser Fung’s junkcharts blog — that is, not just to critique, but to replicate and improve, visual presentations of data “in the wild.” Although it is a Sisyphean task, help purge the world of bad graphs! These assignments are meant to be equal parts theoretic and practical: you will have to identify problems or bad decisions someone else made along the way, make and justify better ones, acquire (or approximate) the input data, and use all the software tools at your disposal to help fix the scourge of misleading graphics.

Code like a data scientist

Coming up with constructive criticism is one thing. Implementing your ideas is another.

Produce something new and cool yourself

Working with data is hard. Data is -- or are -- ugly.

This goal means: you have to choose some dataset(s) and figure out what you're modeling in them, and how. The readings, links, code reviews, and your fellow classmates are your resources to achieve this goal. You will enumerate the objectives for your final project, and in teams with your peers, assess your progress. Your final project should be something you intend to share with a wider audience than just your classmates.

You will get out of the class benefit in proportion to the effort you expend.

Non-goals (wrong class)

None of the following are going to happen here:

  • Problem sets with toy data
  • Pre-formatted datasets
  • Make super awesome graphs in Excel
  • Hand-held language-specific tutoring
  • Infographics


Three ‘blog post’ entries (20% each = 60%)

Submitted as pull requests of markdown on github, examining published graphs and improving them. Entries should include:

  • source of original with link
  • discussion of what was wrong with the graph in the first place
  • theoretical improvements — if the problem is a color scale, what are you replacing a rainbow with?
  • methods (preferably code; inline, included, or linked to a branch on your fork of the repo) for retrieving and extracting the data used.
  • if the data in ‘raw’ form was not suitable for plotting, code to reshape / ‘clean’ the data
  • if applicable, a link to the clean data file you used
  • code (inline, markdown) to create your replacement graphic(s)

A project in your area of specialization using statistical graphics (30%)

  • Iteration/sprint plans, progress assessments (10%)
  • The actual project including a presentation (similar in form to another blog post), explaining code / tools / libraries you learned doing the project (20%)

Participation in class — your blog posts are an opportunity to review code and refactor. (10%)