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Releases: sqlalchemy/alembic


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: January 16, 2018

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed regression caused by #421 which would
    cause case-sensitive quoting rules to interfere with the
    comparison logic for index names, thus causing indexes to show
    as added for indexes that have case-sensitive names. Works with
    SQLAlchemy 0.9 and later series.

    References: #472

  • [autogenerate] [bug] [postgresql] Fixed bug where autogenerate would produce a DROP statement for the index
    implicitly created by a Postgresql EXCLUDE constraint, rather than skipping
    it as is the case for indexes implicitly generated by unique constraints.
    Makes use of SQLAlchemy 1.0.x's improved "duplicates index" metadata and
    requires at least SQLAlchemy version 1.0.x to function correctly.

    References: #461


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: October 13, 2017

  • [bug] [commands] Fixed a few Python3.6 deprecation warnings by replacing StopIteration
    with return, as well as using getfullargspec() instead of
    getargspec() under Python 3.

    References: #458

  • [bug] [commands] An addition to #441 fixed in 0.9.5, we forgot to also filter
    for the + sign in migration names which also breaks due to the relative
    migrations feature.

    References: #441

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed bug expanding upon the fix for
    #85 which adds the correct module import to the
    "inner" type for an ARRAY type, the fix now accommodates for the
    generic sqlalchemy.types.ARRAY type added in SQLAlchemy 1.1,
    rendering the inner type correctly regardless of whether or not the
    Postgresql dialect is present.

    References: #442

  • [bug] [mysql] Fixed bug where server default comparison of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP would fail
    on MariaDB 10.2 due to a change in how the function is
    represented by the database during reflection.

    References: #455

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed bug where comparison of Numeric types would produce
    a difference if the Python-side Numeric inadvertently specified
    a non-None "scale" with a "precision" of None, even though this Numeric
    type will pass over the "scale" argument when rendering. Pull request
    courtesy Ivan Mmelnychuk.

  • [commands] [feature] The alembic history command will now make use of the revision
    environment unconditionally if the revision_environment
    configuration flag is set to True. Previously, the environment would
    only be invoked if the history specification were against a database-stored
    revision token.

    References: #447

  • [batch] [bug] The name of the temporary table in batch mode is now generated
    off of the original table name itself, to avoid conflicts for the
    unusual case of multiple batch operations running against the same
    database schema at the same time.

    References: #457

  • [autogenerate] [bug] A ForeignKeyConstraint can now render correctly if the
    link_to_name flag is set, as it will not attempt to resolve the name
    from a "key" in this case. Additionally, the constraint will render
    as-is even if the remote column name isn't present on the referenced
    remote table.

    References: #456

  • [bug] [py3k] [runtime] Reworked "sourceless" system to be fully capable of handling any
    combination of: Python2/3x, pep3149 or not, PYTHONOPTIMIZE or not,
    for locating and loading both files as well as versioning files.
    This includes: locating files inside of __pycache__ as well as listing
    out version files that might be only in versions/__pycache__, deduplicating
    version files that may be in versions/__pycache__ and versions/
    at the same time, correctly looking for .pyc or .pyo files based on
    if pep488 is present or not. The latest Python3x deprecation warnings
    involving importlib are also corrected.

    References: #449


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: August 9, 2017

  • [bug] [commands] A CommandError is raised if the "--rev-id" passed to the
    revision() command contains dashes or at-signs, as this interferes
    with the command notation used to locate revisions.

    References: #441

  • [bug] [postgresql] Added support for the dialect-specific keyword arguments
    to Operations.drop_index(). This includes support for
    postgresql_concurrently and others.

    References: #424

  • [bug] [commands] Fixed bug in timezone feature introduced in
    #425 when the creation
    date in a revision file is calculated, to
    accommodate for timezone names that contain
    mixed-case characters in their name as opposed
    to all uppercase. Pull request courtesy Nils


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: July 31, 2017

  • [bug] [runtime] Added an additional attribute to the new
    EnvironmentContext.configure.on_version_apply API,
    MigrationInfo.up_revision_ids, to accommodate for the uncommon
    case of the alembic stamp command being used to move from multiple
    branches down to a common branchpoint; there will be multiple
    "up" revisions in this one case.


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: July 6, 2017

  • [feature] [runtime] Added a new callback hook
    which allows user-defined code to be invoked each time an individual
    upgrade, downgrade, or stamp operation proceeds against a database.
    Pull request courtesy John Passaro.

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed bug where autogen comparison of a Variant datatype
    would not compare to the dialect level type for the "default"
    implementation of the Variant, returning the type as changed
    between database and table metadata.

    References: #433

  • [bug] [tests] Fixed unit tests to run correctly under the SQLAlchemy 1.0.x series
    prior to version 1.0.10 where a particular bug involving Postgresql
    exclude constraints was fixed.

    References: #431


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: May 18, 2017

  • [bug] [mssql] Repaired Operations.rename_table() for SQL Server when the
    target table is in a remote schema, the schema name is omitted from
    the "new name" argument.

    References: #429

  • [commands] [feature] Added a new configuration option timezone, a string timezone name
    that will be applied to the create date timestamp rendered
    inside the revision file as made availble to the file_template used
    to generate the revision filename. Note this change adds the
    python-dateutil package as a dependency.

    References: #425

  • [autogenerate] [bug] The autogenerate compare scheme now takes into account the name truncation
    rules applied by SQLAlchemy's DDL compiler to the names of the
    Index object, when these names are dynamically truncated
    due to a too-long identifier name. As the identifier truncation is
    deterministic, applying the same rule to the metadata name allows
    correct comparison to the database-derived name.

    References: #421

  • [bug environment] A warning is emitted when an object that's not a
    ~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection is passed to
    EnvironmentContext.configure(). For the case of a
    ~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine passed, the check for "in transaction"
    introduced in version 0.9.0 has been relaxed to work in the case of an
    attribute error, as some users appear to be passing an
    ~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine and not a

    References: #419


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: March 1, 2017

  • [bug] [commands] An adjustment to the bug fix for #369 to accommodate for scripts that use an enclosing transaction distinct from the
    one that the context provides, so that the check for "didn't commit
    the transaction" doesn't trigger in this scenario.

    References: #369, #417


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: February 28, 2017

  • [autogenerate] [feature] The EnvironmentContext.configure.target_metadata parameter
    may now be optionally specified as a sequence of MetaData
    objects instead of a single MetaData object. The
    autogenerate process will process the sequence of MetaData
    objects in order.

    References: #38

  • [bug] [commands] A CommandError is now raised when a migration file opens
    a database transaction and does not close/commit/rollback, when
    the backend database or environment options also specify transactional_ddl
    is False. When transactional_ddl is not in use, Alembic doesn't
    close any transaction so a transaction opened by a migration file
    will cause the following migrations to fail to apply.

    References: #369

  • [autogenerate] [bug] [mysql] The autoincrement=True flag is now rendered within the
    Operations.alter_column() operation if the source column indicates
    that this flag should be set to True. The behavior is sensitive to
    the SQLAlchemy version in place, as the "auto" default option is new
    in SQLAlchemy 1.1. When the source column indicates autoincrement
    as True or "auto", the flag will render as True if the original column
    contextually indicates that it should have "autoincrement" keywords,
    and when the source column explcitly sets it to False, this is also
    rendered. The behavior is intended to preserve the AUTO_INCREMENT flag
    on MySQL as the column is fully recreated on this backend. Note that this
    flag does not support alteration of a column's "autoincrement" status,
    as this is not portable across backends.

    References: #413

  • [bug] [postgresql] Fixed bug where Postgresql JSON/JSONB types rendered on SQLAlchemy
    1.1 would render the "astext_type" argument which defaults to
    the Text() type without the module prefix, similarly to the
    issue with ARRAY fixed in #85.

    References: #411

  • [bug] [postgresql] Fixed bug where Postgresql ARRAY type would not render the import prefix
    for the inner type; additionally, user-defined renderers take place
    for the inner type as well as the outer type. Pull request courtesy
    Paul Brackin.

    References: #85

  • [autogenerate] [feature] Added a keyword argument process_revision_directives to the
    command.revision() API call. This function acts in the
    same role as the environment-level
    and allows API use of the
    command to drop in an ad-hoc directive process function. This
    function can be used among other things to place a complete
    MigrationScript structure in place.

  • [feature] [postgresql] Added support for Postgresql EXCLUDE constraints, including the
    operation directive Operations.create_exclude_constraints()
    as well as autogenerate render support for the ExcludeConstraint
    object as present in a Table. Autogenerate detection for an EXCLUDE
    constraint added or removed to/from an existing table is not
    implemented as the SQLAlchemy Postgresql dialect does not yet support
    reflection of EXCLUDE constraints.

    Additionally, unknown constraint types now warn when
    encountered within an autogenerate action rather than raise.

    References: #412

  • [bug] [operations] Fixed bug in ops.create_foreign_key() where the internal table
    representation would not be created properly if the foriegn key referred
    to a table in a different schema of the same name. Pull request
    courtesy Konstantin Lebedev.


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: January 17, 2017

  • [bug] [versioning] The alembic_version table, when initially created, now establishes a
    primary key constraint on the "version_num" column, to suit database
    engines that don't support tables without primary keys. This behavior
    can be controlled using the parameter
    EnvironmentContext.configure.version_table_pk. Note that
    this change only applies to the initial creation of the alembic_version
    table; it does not impact any existing alembic_version table already

    References: #406

  • [batch] [bug] Fixed bug where doing batch_op.drop_constraint() against the
    primary key constraint would fail to remove the "primary_key" flag
    from the column, resulting in the constraint being recreated.

    References: #402

  • [autogenerate] [bug] [oracle] Adjusted the logic originally added for #276 that detects MySQL
    unique constraints which are actually unique indexes to be generalized
    for any dialect that has this behavior, for SQLAlchemy version 1.0 and
    greater. This is to allow for upcoming SQLAlchemy support for unique
    constraint reflection for Oracle, which also has no dedicated concept of
    "unique constraint" and instead establishes a unique index.

  • [bug] [versioning] Added a file ignore for Python files of the form .#<name>.py,
    which are generated by the Emacs editor. Pull request courtesy
    Markus Mattes.

    References: #356


17 Sep 22:10
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Released: November 28, 2016

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Adjustment to the "please adjust!" comment in the
    template so that the generated comment starts with a single pound
    sign, appeasing flake8.

    References: #393

  • [batch] [bug] Batch mode will not use CAST() to copy data if type_ is given, however
    the basic type affinity matches that of the existing type. This to
    avoid SQLite's CAST of TIMESTAMP which results in truncation of the
    data, in those cases where the user needs to add redundant type_ for
    other reasons.

    References: #391

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Continued pep8 improvements by adding appropriate whitespace in
    the base template for generated migrations. Pull request courtesy
    Markus Mattes.

    References: #393

  • [bug] [revisioning] Added an additional check when reading in revision files to detect
    if the same file is being read twice; this can occur if the same directory
    or a symlink equivalent is present more than once in version_locations.
    A warning is now emitted and the file is skipped. Pull request courtesy
    Jiri Kuncar.

  • [autogenerate] [bug] Fixed bug where usage of a custom TypeDecorator which returns a
    per-dialect type via TypeDecorator.load_dialect_impl() that differs
    significantly from the default "impl" for the type decorator would fail
    to compare correctly during autogenerate.

    References: #395

  • [autogenerate] [bug] [postgresql] Fixed bug in Postgresql "functional index skip" behavior where a
    functional index that ended in ASC/DESC wouldn't be detected as something
    we can't compare in autogenerate, leading to duplicate definitions
    in autogenerated files.

    References: #392

  • [bug] [versioning] Fixed bug where the "base" specifier, as in "base:head", could not
    be used explicitly when --sql mode was present.