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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 31, 2022. It is now read-only.

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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

for: external-project
for: external-project
for: stackoverflow
for: stackoverflow
for: team-attention
for: team-attention
in: build
in: build
in: oauth1
in: oauth1
in: oauth2
in: oauth2
status: backported
status: backported
status: blocked
status: blocked
status: declined
status: declined
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
status: feedback-provided
status: feedback-provided
status: feedback-reminder
status: feedback-reminder
status: ideal-for-contribution
status: ideal-for-contribution
status: invalid
status: invalid
status: waiting-for-feedback
status: waiting-for-feedback
status: waiting-for-triage
status: waiting-for-triage
type: backport
type: backport
type: breaks-passivity
type: breaks-passivity
type: dependency-upgrade
type: dependency-upgrade
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
type: regression
type: regression
type: task
type: task