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Implemented Instructions

##CPU## The emulated Z80 CPU supports these instructions: (List may be incorrect, but I really hope not.) (List is not finished.) (S-A-D: Set as defined) (Test: OK = "this is tested", OKIX = "this is tested with the IX prefix too", MOST = "mostly tested - enough that the instruction logic's fine, but certain cases that would require their own tests are not checked", MSIX = "MOST, where tested, done with IX"

Test Opcode Mnemonic What it does Effect on Flags
OKIX INC rp Increment (add one) to register pair No effect.
OKIX DEC rp Decrement (subtract one) from register pair No effect.
OK 0x00 NOP Do Nothing. No effect.
OKIX INC r Increment register/(HL) Parity/Overflow is set for the "overflow" condition. Sub/HalfC/Zero/Sign are S-A-D
OKIX DEC r Decrement register/(HL) See INC r
OKIX LD r, n Put fixed 8 bit value n into register/(HL). No effect.
OK 0x76 HALT Halts the CPU until an interrupt or reset No effect.
OK JP c, nn Conditional jump, setting PC to nn if the condition is true. No effect.
OK 0xC3 JP nn Unconditional jump, setting PC to nn. No effect.
MSIX LD r, r Load LHS register/(HL) with RHS register/(HL):LD (HL),(HL) is HALT. No effect.
OK 0x18 JR d Relative unconditional jump with signed offset byte d. No effect.
OK JR c, d Relative conditional jump with signed offset byte offset d. No effect.
0x01 LD BC,nn Put fixed 16 bit value nn into register BC. No effect.
0x02 LD (BC), A Put the data in register A into the memory address specified in BC. No effect.
0x07 RLCA Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit left. The MSB is copied into the the carry flag. Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags.
0x08 EX AF, AF' Swaps AF out with its shadow, AF'. The flags are swapped with the shadow flags.
0x0F RRCA Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit left. The LSB is copied into the the carry flag. Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags.
0x10 DJNZ d Decrement B by one, then relative jump with offset d if B is not zero. No effect.
0x17 RLA Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit left trough carry. The carry flag is used as an "extra bit". Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags.
0x1F RRA Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit right trough carry. The carry flag is used as an "extra bit". Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags.
0x27 DAA Changes accumulator after an operation with BCD input, to make it BCD. The addition / subtraction flag is not affected, others are.
0x2F CPL Inverts all the bits in the accumulator. The addition / subtraction flag and the half carry flags are set.
0x37 SCF Sets the carry flag. Carry flag is set. Addition / subtraction flag is reset. Half-carry flag is reset.
0x3F CCF Inverts the carry flag. Carry is inverted. Addition / subtraction is reset. Half-carry is old carry.

adc might work, it's basically add but with the carry flag, and that should be working. Not completely tested though - only tested: adc A, (HL)
