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Releases: shenwei356/LexicMap

LexicMap 0.4.0

18 Aug 13:42
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v0.4.0 - 2024-08-15

  • New commands:
    • lexicmap utils 2blast: Convert the default search output to blast-style format.
  • lexicmap index:
    • Support suffix matching of seeds, now seeds are immune to any single SNP!!!, at the cost of doubled seed data.
    • Better sketching desert filling for highly-repetitive regions.
    • Change the default value of --seed-max-desert from 900 to 200 to increase alignment sensitivity.
    • Mask gap regions (N's).
    • Fix skipping interval regions by further including the last k-1 bases of contigs.
    • Fix a bug in indexing small genomes.
    • Change the default value of -b, --batch-size from 10,000 to 5,000.
    • Improve lexichash data structure.
    • Write and merge seed data in parallel, new flag -J/--seed-data-threads.
    • Improve the log.
  • lexicmap search:
    • Fix chaining for highly-repetitive regions.
    • Perform more accurate alignment with WFA.
    • Use buffered reader for seeds file reading.
    • Fix object recycling and reduce memory usage.
    • Fix alignment against genomes with many short contigs.
    • Fix early quit when meeting a sequence shorter than k.
    • Add a new option -J/--max-query-conc to limit the miximum number of concurrent queries,
      with a default valule of 12 instead of the number of CPUs, which reduces the memory usage
      in batch searching.
    • Result format:
      • Cluster alignments of each target sequence.
      • Remove the column seeds.
      • Add columns gaps, cigar, align, which can be reformated with lexicmap utils 2blast.
  • lexicmap utils kmers:
    • Fix the progress bar.
    • Fix a bug where some masks do not have any k-mer.
    • Add a new column prefix to show the length of common prefix between the seed and the probe.
    • Add a new column reversed to indicate if the k-mer is reversed for suffix matching.
  • lexicmap utils masks:
    • Add the support of only outputting a specific mask.
  • lexicmap utils seed-pos:
    • New columns: sseqid and pos_seq.
    • More accurate seed distance.
    • Add histograms of numbers of seed in sliding windows.
  • lexicmap utils subseq:
    • Fix a bug when the given end position is larger than the sequence length.
    • Add the strand ("+" or "-") in the sequence header.

LexicMap v0.3.0

22 May 06:58
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v0.3.0 - 2024-05-14

  • lexicmap index:
    • Better seed coverage by filling sketching deserts.
    • Use longer (1000bp N's, previous: k-1) intervals between contigs.
    • Fix a concurrency bug between genome data writing and k-mer-value data collecting.
    • Change the format of k-mer-value index file, and fix the computation of index partitions.
    • Optionally save seed positions which can be outputted by lexicmap utils seed-pos.
  • lexicmap search:
    • Improved seed-chaining algorithm.
    • Better support of long queries.
    • Add a new flag -w/--load-whole-seeds for loading the whole seed data into memory for faster search.
    • Parallelize alignment in each query, so it's faster for a single query.
    • Optional outputing matched query and subject sequences.
    • 2-5X searching speed with a faster masking method.
    • Change output format.
    • Add output of query start and end positions.
    • Fix a target sequence extracting bug.
    • Keep indexes of genome data in memory.
  • lexicmap utils kmers:
    • Fix a little bug, wrong number of k-mers for the second k-mer in each k-mer pair.
  • New commands:
    • lexicmap utils gen-masks for generating masks from the top N largest genomes.
    • lexicmap utils seed-pos for extracting seed positions via reference names.
    • lexicmap utils reindex-seeds for recreating indexes of k-mer-value (seeds) data.
    • lexicmap utils genomes for list genomes IDs in the index.

LexicMap v0.2.0

02 Feb 10:24
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v0.2.0 - 2014-02-02

  • Software architecture and index formats are redesigned to reduce searching memory occupation.
  • Indexing: genomes are processed in batches to reduce RAM usage, then indexes of all batches are merged.
  • Searching: seeds matching is performed on disk yet it's ultra-fast.

LexicMap v0.1.0

15 Jan 17:37
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v0.1.0 - 2024-01-15

  • The first release.
  • Seed indexing and querying are performed in RAM.
  • GTDB r214 with 10k masks: index size 75GB, RAM: 130GB.