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De-duplicating proofs

Why should I avoid duplication?

Duplication is a natural part of the development process, for both proofs and code. It's never obvious which parts of a specification or proof will need to be generalised until you have started working on them seriously. It is important, however, to notice when you should take your hand off of "Ctrl-C" and "Ctrl-V" and think about what language features you can use to reduce duplication. This is important for a number of reasons:

  • Your proofs usually check faster

    This is not always the case, but our proofs already take a very long time to check. Very often by avoiding duplicating lemma statements or doing redundant reasoning you are going to speed everything up and make everyone much happier.

  • You save on initial development time

    Copy-pasting proof text may be a quick fix to get a particular lemma proven faster, but you are nearly always hurting yourself in the long run. Proving is never a straight-line process, your definitions always change and your lemmas always need to be rephrased. It might be time to do some de-duplication when you find yourself doing the long trudge through all your theories again, making minor adjustments to your 17 suspiciously similar helper lemmas.

  • You save on proof maintenance time

    Our proofs do not live in a vacuum: both the kernel code and Isabelle itself are constantly changing. Every time a change occurs the proofs break in various strange and exciting ways. If your particular copy-pasted proof block is the one that breaks during an update, you are potentially doubling the effort required to fix it. If the maintainer doesn't notice the duplication, he will likely see both proofs in isolation and spend the same amount of time on each to fix them.

To seasoned software developers this list may seem a bit obvious. Indeed, designing modular and re-usable code is a requirement for creating any large piece of software. So why do we see it so much in formal proofs? One can argue that the development tools are simply not there yet. As a result of this, refactoring proofs is a painstaking process, where even moving one lemma can take hours due to needing to re-check the entire proof. However, there is less of a pressing need to refactor, because we don't need to convince ourselves or anyone else that the proof is correct. Once Isabelle gives it the green light, we technically don't care about the gruesome details of its inner workings. As a result of this, proof authors often have an attitude of "just get it done, we'll fix it later". However, once the proof is finished, we find ourselves unmotivated to fix it because we know it's correct.

There are obviously limits to how much duplication can be reasonably avoided. Taken to the extreme, too much de-duplication can result in proofs which devolve into abstract nonsense. This document aims to provide a brief introduction to Isabelle features and tools that can be used to avoid proof duplication.

The first time you do something you just do it. The second time you do something similar, you wince at the duplication, but you do the duplicate thing anyway. The third time you do something similar, you refactor.

-Martin Fowler, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

Techniques for avoiding duplication

Rule attributes

Rule attributes are used to transform facts in-place. The syntax is fact[attribute1 args,attribute2 args], where args may itself contain facts with applied attributes. The comma chains the attributes together, applying one after the other. Any Isabelle tool which takes a fact as a parameter can also take a more general fact expression (a fact with applied attributes). Here is a list of commonly used rule attributes:

Attribute Description Examples
fact[OF A1 ... An] Resolves facts A1 through An with the first n assumptions of fact conjI[OF TrueI] :: ?Q ⟹ True ∧ ?Q
conjI[OF _ TrueI] :: ?P ⟹ ?P ∧ True
fact[THEN A] Resolves fact with the first assumption of A TrueI[THEN conjI] :: ?Q ⟹ True ∧ ?Q
fact[of x1 ... xn] Specialises the first n schematics of fact with the given terms. conjI[of False] :: ⟦False; ?Q⟧ ⟹ False ∧ ?Q
conjI[of _ False] :: ⟦?P; False⟧ ⟹ ?P ∧ False
fact[where A=x and B=y for z] Specialises the schematics A and B in fact to x and y respectively, abstracting over z conjI[where P=False] :: ⟦False; ?Q⟧ ⟹ False ∧ ?Q
conjI[where P="R ⟶ E" for R E] :: ⟦?R1 ⟶ ?E1; ?Q⟧ ⟹ (?R1 ⟶ ?E1) ∧ ?Q
fact[simplified As] Simplifies fact with the simplifier, using the given facts As. If no facts are given, the default simpset is used. Otherwise only As is used for simplification ‹[a,b] = [c,d]›[simplified] :: a = c ∧ b = d
‹[a,b] = [c,d]›[simplified ‹a = c›] :: [c, b] = [c, d]

The most common use of rule attributes is to do ad-hoc specialisation during proofs (i.e. allE[where x=y]). However they can also be used to transform lemmas to avoid needing to re-phrase them.

Simple Example: Decomposing conjuncts

Assume we prove some general hoare triple showing multiple postconditions.

lemma f_AB: "⦃P⦄ f ⦃λ_. A and B⦄"

Suppose we want to turn this into two hoare triples, showing each postcondition separately. We could write this explicitly as two separate lemmas.

lemma f_A: "⦃P⦄ f ⦃λ_. A⦄"
  apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post)
   apply (rule f_AB)
  by auto

lemma f_B: "⦃P⦄ f ⦃λ_. B⦄"
  apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post)
   apply (rule f_AB)
  by auto

Or we could simply transform the original lemma using rule attributes.

thm hoare_conjD1 -- "⦃?P⦄ ?f ⦃λrv. ?Q rv and ?R rv⦄ ⟹ ⦃?P⦄ ?f ⦃?Q⦄"
thm hoare_conjD2 -- "⦃?P⦄ ?f ⦃λrv. ?Q rv and ?R rv⦄ ⟹ ⦃?P⦄ ?f ⦃?R⦄"

lemmas f_A = f_AB[THEN hoare_conjD1] -- "⦃P⦄ f ⦃λ_. A⦄"
lemmas f_B = f_AB[THEN hoare_conjD2] -- "⦃P⦄ f ⦃λ_. B⦄"

The advantage of this form is that it does not depend on the phrasing of the initial lemma. If the precondition P is strengthened to P and P', then this change will be propagated automatically to f_A and f_B without having to rephrase them both.

Advanced usage - the simplified attribute

By combining the primitive attributes with simplified, we have the ability to write much more general lemmas and convert them into specialised forms. A common use-case is to replace parameters with some identity, so that the simplifier can remove them entirely.

lemma f_invs_and_ct:
  "⦃λs. invs s ∧ Q (cur_thread s)⦄ f ⦃λr s. invs s ∧ Q (cur_thread s)⦄"

lemmas invs_True = f_invs_and_ct[where Q="λ_. True"] -- "⦃λs. invs s ∧ True⦄ f ⦃λr s. invs s ∧ True⦄"

lemmas invs = invs_True[simplified] -- "⦃invs⦄ f ⦃λr. invs⦄"

In this example, the default simplification rule transforms A ∧ True into A in both the precondition and postcondition. The resulting rule can now be applied by wp.

Of course there are limits to this approach. Once a fact expression begins to look like:

lemmas ultimate_fact = my_fact[OF my_other_fact[where x="Baz y" for y], simplified,
                               OF _ _ _ _ my_final_fact[of "¬final_form",simplified],

It might be time to just write another lemma.

Rules for avoiding duplicate subgoals

There are a number of reasons why precisely the same subgoal might arise in a given proof. Before copy-pasting the proof script you used to solve it the first time, or even writing a lemma to solve it in general, it might be worth investigating why you are seeing the same subgoal multiple times.

Redundant Conjuncts

Often automated proof methods produce several copies of the same conjunct. Instead of introducing these naively (with intro, safe or auto), try invoking simp cong: conj_cong to remove redundant conjuncts.

  assumes AB: "A ∧ B"
  shows "A ∧ B ∧ A"
  apply (simp cong: conj_cong) -- "reduces the goal to "AB""
  by (rule AB)

Over-generalised rules

A general rule can often have several assumptions that all resolve to the same thing when applied in a particular situation. Consider writing a specialised version of the lemma, or transforming it with rule attributes, to avoid producing duplicate subgoals.

lemma my_bipredI: "X ⟹ Y ⟹ my_bipred X Y" by (simp add: my_bipred_def)

  assumes X: X
  shows "my_bipred X X"
  apply (rule my_bipredI)
   apply (rule X)
  apply (rule X) -- "redundant"

lemma my_bipred_sameI: "X ⟹ my_bipred X X" by (rule my_bipredI) -- "specialised"

  assumes X: X
  shows "my_bipred X X"
  apply (rule my_bipred_sameI)
  apply (rule X)

Dependent Conjuncts

Given the subgoal A ∧ B the standard introduction rule will require proving A then B. If the proof of B depends on A, however, you will redundantly need to re-prove it. The alternate introduction rule context_conjI allows you to assume A while proving B.

  assumes A: "X ⟹ A"
  assumes B: "A ⟹ B"
  shows "X ⟹ A ∧ B"
  apply (rule context_conjI)
   apply (erule A)
  apply (erule B) -- "A is assumed"

Lifting Rules and Locales

In our Hoare logic proofs we have a lot of invariants which only discuss an isolated part of the state, and functions which similarly only modify a small part of the state. Usually crunch can trivially show that a given invariant is preserved by a function if they depend on different fields of the state record. Often, however, both depend on the kheap (kernel heap) and thus their independence is not as obvious. If you have a function that only involves TCBs and a collection of invariants that only discuss page tables, it might be worth writing a lifting lemma to prove an abstract property that would show that your given invariants are preserved by your function.

Tips for using locales

For tips on using locales in conjunction with the Arch locale, see the Architecture Split page.

Type variables

It is possible to quantify over types used in a locale definition, but only at the top level of the locale. That is, any type variable that arises in the locale definition (i.e. fixes and assumes parts) is arbitrary but fixed in the locale context. In particular, it is not possible to have a type variable in a locale assumption, and then use that assumption in the locale context with a particular instantiation for the type variable. This means that lemmas in the locale context must be provable for the arbitrary but fixed type. If you have something that is only provable for a particular instantiation of the type variable, make a derived locale as in the example below.

Whenever you have a type variable in a locale, make it explicit, to ensure it has a predictable name. A fixes clause is typically the clearest place to do this. Use a descriptive name, to make it easier to search for, and to distinguish it from automatically generated type variable names like 'a and 'b.

It may or may not be useful to fix the type variable using the itself type constructor, as in the example below. The main requirement is that you mention the type variable explicitly somewhere in a fixes clause.

(* Always mention the type variable explicitly in a fixes clause.
   Here we reify the type variable using "itself". *)

locale foo =
  fixes my_type_var_reified :: "'my_type_var itself"

(* If you want to use a locale assumption at a particular instantiation,
   you'll need to do that in a derived locale which explicitly performs
   that instantiation.
   Here we instantiate "'my_type_var" with "'my_list_elt list".
   There are two parts to this:
   - First instantiate the parameter of the base locale in the locale
     expression, using some new variable name.
   - Then abstract over that same variable name, in a "for" clause,
     explicitly giving the instantiated type. This type can contain
     new type variables. *)

locale foo_derived = foo my_type_var_instantiated
  for my_type_var_instantiated :: "'my_list_element list itself"