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267 lines (239 loc) · 6.46 KB

Basic twitch chat client interface

A quick little api for TwitchTV's websockets in browser

In order to use this you have to:

  1. Clone this repo (or just download tmi.js)
  2. Add the following to your html:
<script src="/path/to/tmi.js"></script>
  1. Create your magical js
  2. ???
  3. Profit

(Sorry, I had to)


var options = {
    "debug": true,                    // True => show debug messages in console
    "channels": [],                   // A list of channels to join initially
    "relay": "ws://"   // The server's socket string

Auto rejoin is currently not working


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("event", callback);      // Event callback function
irc.close();                    // Close all the things
irc.join("channel");            // Join "channel"
irc.part("channel");            // Leave "channel"
irc.send("channel", "message"); // Send "message" to "channel"
irc.sendRaw("message");         // Send "message" directly to twitch
irc.whisper("user", "message"); // Whisper "message" to "user"


this.username;  // Nick currently connected using
this.connected; // A list of channels currently connected to



var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("raw", function (rawMessage) {
     * rawMessage: The raw message recieved from the server


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("join", function (channel, user) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * user:    Is the user who joined the channel


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("part", function (channel, user) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * user:    Is the user who parted the channel


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("mode", function (channel, user, message) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * user:    Is the user who the message applies to
     * message: The


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("roomstate", function (channel, tags) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * tags:    The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("userstate", function (channel, tags) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * tags:    The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("message", function (channel, user, message, tags) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * user:    Is the user who sent the message
     * message: Is the message the user sent
     * tags:    The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("usertimed", function (channel, user, banDuration, tags) {
     * channel:     Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * user:        Is the user who was timed out
     * banDuration: Is the length of time (in seconds) of the ban
     * tags:        The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("userban", function (channel, message, tags) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * user:    Is the user who was banned out
     * tags:    The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("clearchat", function (channel) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("action", function (channel, user, message, tags) {
     * channel: Is the channel which the user sent the message to
     * user:    Is the user who sent the message
     * message: Is the message the user sent
     * tags:    The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("whisper", function (to, from, message, tags) {
     * to:      Is the user which the whisper is meant for
     * from:    Is the user which the whisper was sent from
     * message: Is the message the user sent
     * tags:    The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("relayerror", function (nick, message) {
     * nick:    Is the bot's username
     * message: Is the error the bot sent


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("botnick", function (nick) {
     * nick: Is the bot's username


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("notice", function (channel, message, tags) {
     * channel: Is the channel in which the event applies to
     * message: Is the notice server sent
     * tags:    The array of tags sent with the message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("welcome", function (command, message) {
     * command: Command number
     * message: Commands message


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);
irc.on("all", function (message) {
     * message: Is an array with all events and fields in


var irc = new tmi(username, oauth, options);


// Declare your username, auth_token and options
var username = 'scagood';
var oauth = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234'; // This is totally valid :')
var bot = new tmi(username, oauth, {
  "channels": ["#scagood"], // Immediately connect to #scagood

// Recieve messages
bot.on("message", function (channel, user, message) {
  // Split the message into words
  var words = message.split(" ");
  // Check to see if the first word it 'hello'
  if (words[0] === "hello") {
    // Say hi to the person who said hello
    bot.send(channel, "Hello " + user + "!");