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First Usage

The document describes how to setup first simple project. We will setup build and deploy process, show basic project structure. Make sure you have installed psake and PSGallery into your project.

Create First Task

You may find psakefile.ps1 file and scripts directories in the root of your project. psakefile.ps1 is used for Psake task runner and it is an entry point. It contains project properties and includes all main configuration. scripts directory contains PSGallery modules and predefined Psake tasks. Example:

scripts/          // Psake modules and build files.
src/              // Application.
psakefile.ps1     // Entry point for Psake.

Let's overview Psake entry point with comments:

# What .NET framework should Psake use.
Framework 4.6
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
$env:PSModulePath += ";$PSScriptRoot\scripts\modules"

# Include scripts, we have them locally.
. .\scripts\Saritasa.GitTasks.ps1
. .\scripts\Saritasa.PsakeExtensions.ps1
. .\scripts\Saritasa.PsakeTasks.ps1

# Our custom tasks. When we have a lot of tasks it is better to separate them by files.
. .\scripts\BuildTasks.ps1
. .\scripts\PublishTasks.ps1

# Global properties.
Properties `
    $Environment = $env:Environment

We can start by creating simple task in scripts\BuildTasks.ps1 file. Add following content to the end of file:

Task test `
    -description 'Test task.' `
    -requiredVariables @('Param') `
    Write-Information "You are using configuration $Configuration with param value $Param."

It is recommended to have all parameters required for tasks in properties section. So now to use Param variable you should update properties section:

Properties `
    $Param = $null

Without this Param variable will not be defined even if you provide it within command line. Now you can call it:

psake test -properties @{Param=123}

The output should be:

You are using configuration Debug with param value 123.

We have set up simple task with one required parameter param. In tasks global properties are available for you as parameters. For example $Configuration is reserved for solution build configuration and $Environment is for current used environment. By setting different values to script we can change task behavior. In current example we need to provide value for Param and have to pass -properties with Psake call that would override default value:

psake test -properties @{Configuration='Release';Param=123}

Now it is done! You can type psake -docs and see that our test task is enumerated. We can go ahead a do something useful.

Build and Publish Project

The idea of PSGallery project is to provide set of useful PowerShell functions to make CI process easier. Let's build and publish our project to remote Windows server! To build use Invoke-SolutionBuild function.

Note The server should be configured and IIS needs to be installed. You should have remote management service running (see WinRM Configuration section) and IIS with WebDeploy installed. You can do this by run Install-Iis $ServerHost -ManagementService -WebDeploy on your local host.

Task build `
    -depends pre-build `
    -description '* Build project.' `
    -requiredVariables @('Configuration') `
    Invoke-SolutionBuild -SolutionPath "$src\WebApplication1.sln" -Configuration $Configuration

You can run psake build to build project now. Some things to note:

  1. -depends keyword means that there are depended tasks need to be performed before.
  2. $src is already presented as global variable and means root directory for our source code.
  3. Even if configuration variable is required there is a property Configuration and it will be used instead if no property passed.

After build we try to deploy project to IIS server, for that use Invoke-WebDeployment function:

Task pre-build `
    Invoke-NugetRestore -SolutionPath "$src\WebApplication1.sln"

Task deploy `
    -depends pre-build `
    -description '* Deploy project.' `
    -requiredVariables @('Configuration','DeployUsername','DeployPassword','ServerHost','SiteName') `
    Invoke-PackageBuild "$src\WebApplication1\WebApplication1.csproj" "$src\" $Configuration -Precompile $true
    $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($DeployUsername, (ConvertTo-SecureString $DeployPassword -AsPlainText -Force))
    Initialize-WebDeploy -Credential $credential
    Invoke-WebDeployment "$src\" $ServerHost $SiteName -Application ''

Do not forget to update properties section:

Properties `
    $ServerHost = $null
    $SiteName = $null
    $DeployUsername = $null
    $DeployPassword = $null

When you try to run it you will get The term 'Invoke-PackageBuild' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file... error. That's because we do not have a module installed for the specified function. You can follow guide to add new module run:

Save-Module Saritasa.WebDeploy -Path .\scripts\modules\

After that you can invoke (example):

psake deploy -properties @{DeployUsername='Administrator';DeployPassword='PASSWORD';ServerHost='winsrvbox';SiteName='WebApp';Configuration='Release'}

If server configured correctly the website now should be deployed to winsrvbox host.