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SICILIAN is a statistical method for identifying high confidence RNA splice junctions from a spliced aligner (currently based on STAR).


Dehghannasiri*, R., Olivieri*, J. E., Damljanovic, A., and Salzman, J. "Specific splice junction detection in single cells with SICILIAN", Genome Biology, August 2021. (


Please contact Roozbeh Dehghannasiri ( or Julia Eve Olivieri (

How to run SICILIAN

There are three options for running SICILIAN. All three implementations can be used for any scRNA-Seq (and bulk RNA) datasets but each one is better suited for specific sequencing technologies and dataset size):

  1. Installing using the scripts in this repository and running SICILIAN after installing required libraries (recommended for SmartSeq2 and datasets with large number of samples).
  2. Using the Nextflow/Docker-based pipeline from ( with minimal installation (recommended for 10x datasets)
  3. Using the cloud-based online tool on the Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC) platform (recommended for running on the datasets available on CGC i.e., TCGA, CCLE, ...).

Online cloud-based tool for SICILIAN

The cloud-based online tool for SICILIAN is available on the Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics Cloud platform sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. The workflow is fully dockerized and has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to run particularly for users with little bioinformatics expertise. Users only need to upload their fastq files or use the datasets publicly-available on CGC (i.e., TCGA, CCLE, TARGET, ...) and select correct annotation and index files to run SICILIAN. The online tool can be accessed via this link.

Running SICILIAN scripts on a local cluster

  • Download the latest version of SICILIAN codes by cloning its github repository
git clone
  • Intall needed packages for R and Python
  • Build annotation pickle files and STAR index files for a genome assembly and annotation using script
  • Set the input variables in which is the main script that submits all necessary jobs for running SICILIAN on input RNA-Seq data.
  • For running SICILIAN on 10x scRNA-Seq data, it needs to first demultiplex 10x fastq file based on cell barcode and UMI information stored in R1. For 10x analysis, SICILIAN executes whitelise and extract commands from UMI_tools software . Therefore, UMI_tools should be preinstalled on the local cluster for running SICILIAN on 10x samples.

Software requirements

  • SICILIAN has been developed using Python 3.6.1. The following python packages are needed to be installed (they can be installed using the requirements.txt file in the SICILIAN repository and command pip3 install -r requirements.txt):

    • argparse
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • pyarrow
    • pysam
  • SICILIAN has been developed with R 3.6.1 and requires the following packages to be installed in R (The R script in SICILIAN automatically checks if a package is already installed and will install any that are needed, so no manual preinstallation is needed!):

    • data.table
    • glmnet
    • tictoc
    • dplyr
    • stringr
    • GenomicAlignments
    • cutpointr

Annotator and index files needed for running SICILIAN

SICLIAN uses STAR as the aligner and therefore it needs STAR index files. SICILIAN also needs annotator pickle files for pulling gene names and adding them to the detected junctions. There are two options for the index and annotator files required for running SICILIAN: 1- download pre-built ready-to-use files or 2- build these files using the instructions given below.

Download ready-to-use index and annotator files

All STAR index and annotator pickle files needed for running SICILIAN can be downloaded using the following links for human, mouse, mouse lemur, and COVID-19 genomes. All you need to run SICILIAN is to download these files. Each file can be downloaded directly from Google Drive or Zenodo using the following links. The folder which should be untarred after downloading contains a subfolder for STAR index files (built based on STAR 2.7.5) and five other folders containing the GTF and the annotator pickle files needed for annotating the splice junctions called by SICILIAN:

Build index and annotator files

The other option is to build these files manually by using the following instructions. STAR index files can be built using the following command:

STAR --runThreadN 4 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir Genome_data/star --genomeFastaFiles fasta_file.fa --sjdbGTFfile gtf_file.gtf

The annotator pickle file for a GTF file needs to be made only once by the script in the SICILIAN scripts directory, using the following command:

python3 -g gtf_file.gtf -a annotation_name

annotation_name can be set to any arbitrary name but we recommend it contains the name and the version of the annotation (i.e., hg38_gencode_v33).
After running the above command, will create 3 different pickle files in the current working directory (determined by os.getcwd() in python): annotation_name.pkl, annotation_name_exon_bounds.pkl, and annotation_name_splices.pkl.

  • annotation_name.pkl: is a required input for SICILIAN and is used to add gene names to junction IDs
  • annotation_name_exon_bounds.pkl: is an optional input for SICILIAN and is used to determine whether or not each splice site (5' and 3') of a splice junction is an annotated exon boundary
  • annotation_name_splices.pkl: is an optional input for SICILIAN and is used to determine whether or not the splice junction is annotated in the annotation gtf file

Input parameters for SICILIAN:

Update the input parameters in script with information about your sample, genome assembly and annotations, and STAR alignment.

  • data_path: specifies the path to the directory that contains the fastq files for the input RNA-Seq data.
  • names: specifies the name of the fastq file for the input RNA-Seq data (without suffix)
  • r_ends: list of unique endings for the file names of R1 and R2 fastq files. Example: r_ends = ["_1.fastq.gz", "_2.fastq.gz"]
  • out_dir: specifies the path to the directory that will contain the folder specified by run_name for SICILIAN output files.
  • run_name: folder name for the SICILIAN output files.
  • star_path: the path to the STAR executable file
  • star_ref_path: the path to t:q he STAR index files
  • gtf_file: the path to the GTF file used as the reference annotation file for the genome assembly.
  • annotator_file: the path to the annotation_name.pkl file
  • exon_pickle_file: the path to the annotation_name_exon_bounds.pkl file (this is an OPTIONAL input)
  • splice_pickle_file: the path to the annotation_name_splices.pkl file (this is an OPTIONAL input)
  • domain_file: the path to the reference file for annotated protein domains downloaded from UCSC used for finding missing and inserted protein domains in the splice junction (this is an OPTIONAL input)
  • single: set equal to True if the data is single-end, and False if it is paired-end. Note that currently if single = True it is assumed that the single read to be aligned is in the second fastq file (this aligns with the setup of SICILIAN for droplet (10x) single-cell protocols, where R1 contains the cell barcode and UMI information, and R2 contains the actual cDNA information). This also causes the files to be demultiplexed to create a new fastq file before they're mapped.
  • tenX: set equal to True if the input RNA-Seq data is 10x and False otherwise.
  • stranded_library: set equal to True if input RNA-Seq data is based on a stranded library and False otherwise. (for stranded libraries such as 10x, stranded_library should be set to True). When stranded_library is set to True, strand orientations from the alignment bam file will be used as the strand orientation of the junction. For unstranded libraries, SICILIAN uses gene strand information from the GTF file as the read strand is ambiguous.
  • bc_pattern: this parameter is needed only for 10x data and determines the barcode/UMI pattern in R1. For V3 chemistry in which UMI has 12 bps, bc_pattern should be set to "C"*16 + "N"*12 and for 10x data based on V2 chemistry it should be set to "C"*16 + "N"*10. bc_pattern is needed for UMI_tools steps before STAR alignment on input 10x data.

Choosing STAR parameters

STAR alignment parameters can be adjusted in the STAR_map function in By default, SICILIAN runs STAR with default parameters.

Toggles for choosing which steps to run

These parameters let you determine which steps of the SICILIAN pipeline will be run (for example, if you have already run STAR alignment for a sample but SICILIAN has failed at one of the subsequent steps, you can skip over the STAR alignment step by setting run_map to False) when rerunning SICILIAN:

  • run_whitelist: Set equal to True if your input data is 10X want to run UMI-tools whitelist script to extract cell barcodes and identify the most likely true cell barcodes (will be run only for 10X)
  • run_extract: Set equal to True if you want to run UMI-tools extract script which removes UMIs from fastq reads and append them to read name (will be ron only for 10x)
  • run_map: Set equal to True if you want to run the STAR alignment, and False otherwise
  • run_class: Set equal to True if you want to run the class input job, and False otherwise
  • run_GLM: Set equal to True if you want to run the GLM step and assign statistical scores to each junction in the class input file. The output of this step is a file named GLM_output.txt.

After assigning these variables, run python3 on the command line to submit the SICILIAN jobs for the input data.

Description of output files

The output files by SICILIAN will be written in the output folder specified by out_dir/run_name and will contain both the output files generated by STAR and also output files generated by STAR postsprocessing modeling.

STAR output files

We currently run STAR with --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted and --chimOutType WithinBAM SoftClip Junctions; therefore, STAR will produce a single BAM file that will contain both Aligned and Chiemric alignments. In addition to the alignment BAM file and STAR log files, there will be Chimeric.out.junction,, and Unmapped.out.mate files, containing spliced junctions, summary of all chimeric alignments, and unmapped reads, respectively. For paired-end data as SICILIAN runs STAR independently for R1 and R2 reads, STAR output file names for R1 begin with 1 (i.e., 1Aligned.out.bam) and those for R2 begin with 2 (i.e., 1Aligned.out.bam). For single-end reads, all STAR output files withh begin with 2. A comprehensive description of the STAR output files can be found in STAR manual

Class input file

Class input file is a file created by the run_class step in SICILIAN and contains the information for all chimeric and spliced alignments extracted from the STAR BAM file. The class input file is saved in both parquet and tsv formats (class_input.tsv and class_input.pq; same for class_input_secondary which contains only secondary alignments). Each row in the class input file contains the alignment positions, read id, and alignment features needed for statistical modeling for a spliced/chimeric alignment. Class input file is the input file for SICILIAN statistical modeling step activated by the run_GLM flag.

Junction classification There are four categories for junctions in SICILIAN, depending on the relative positions of acceptor and donor sites and how far apart they are from each other.

  • linear: acceptor and donor are on the same chromosome and strand, closer than 1 MB to each other, and are based on the reference genome canonical ordering
  • rev: acceptor and donor are on the same chromosome and strand, closer than 1 MB to each other, and are ordered opposite of the reference genome canonical ordering (evidence for circRNAs)
  • sc: local strandcrosses in which acceptor and donor are on the same chromosome but opposite strands.
  • fusion: fusion junctions in which acceptor and donor are on different chromosomes, or on the same chromosome and strand but farther than 1MB from each other.


This file is built by the last step in SICILIAN which performs the actual statistical modeling to assign a statistical score to each candidate junction (activated by run_GLM flag) and contains all junctions that exist in class_input.tsv along with their statistical scores and junction-level alignment summaries. The following columns exist in the GLM_output.txt file:

  • refName_newR1: the junction id that contains gene name, positions, and strands for both acceptor and donor sides of the junction
  • fileTypeR1: equals Aligned if the junction comes from Aligned alignments in the BAM file and equals Chimeric if it comes from Chimeric alignments in the BAM file
  • juncPosR1A: position of the donor (5') side of the junction
  • juncPosR1B: position of the acceptor (3') side of the junction
  • chrR1A: chromosome of the donor (5') side of the junction
  • chrR1B: chromosome of the acceptor (5') side of the junction
  • read_strandR1A:
  • read_strandR1B:
  • gene_strandR1A: The strand that the gene at juncPosR1A is on (+ or -) based on the GTF file
  • gene_strandR1B: The strand that the gene at juncPosR1B is on (+ or -) based on the GTF file * geneR1A_uniq: gene name for the donor (5') side of the junction
  • geneR1B_uniq: gene name for the acceptor (3') side of the junction
  • geneR1A_ensembl: the gene ensembl id for geneR1A_uniq
  • geneR1B_ensembl: the gene ensembl id for geneR1B_uniq
  • numReads: number of reads that have been aligned to the junction
  • geneR1A_expression: the gene counts (HTseq counts) for geneR1A_uniq according to column V3 in for PE data ( for SE data)
  • geneR1B_expression: the gene counts (HTseq counts) for geneR1B_uniq according to column V3 in for PE data ( for SE data)
  • median_overlap_R1: median of junction overlaps across reads aligned to the junction
  • sd_overlap: the standard deviation of junction overlap across reads aligned to the junction
  • threeprime_partner_number_R1: number of distinct 3' splice sites across the class input file for the 5' side of the junction
  • fiveprime_partner_number_R1: number of distinct 5' splice sites across the class input file for the 3' side of the junction
  • p_predicted_glmnet_constrained: aggregated score for the junction
  • p_predicted_glmnet_corrected_constrained: aggregated score for the junction with correction for anomalous reads (calculated only for paired-end data)
  • junc_cdf_glmnet_constrained: cdf of p_predicted_glmnet_constrained relative to its null distribution by randomly assigning reads to junctions
  • junc_cdf_glmnet_corrected_constrained: cdf of p_predicted_glmnet_corrected_constrained relative to its null distribution by randomly assigning reads to junctions
  • frac_genomic_reads: fraction of aligned reads to the junction that have been also mapped to a genomic region
  • ave_min_junc_14mer: the average of min_junc_14mer across the reads aligned to the junction
  • ave_max_junc_14mer: the average of max_junc_14mer across the reads aligned to the junction
  • ave_AT_run_R1: the average of AT_run_R1 across the reads aligned to the junction, where AT_run_R1 is the length of the longest run of A's (or T's) for a read alignment in R1
  • ave_GC_run_R1: the average of GC_run_R1 across the reads aligned to the junction, where GC_run_R1 is the length of the longest run of G's (or C's) for a read alignment in R1
  • ave_max_run_R1: the average of max_run_R1 or max(AT_run_R1, GC_run_R1) across the reads aligned to the junction in R1
  • ave_entropy_R1: the average of read sequence entropy calculated based on 5-mers.
  • frac_anomaly: the fraction of the aligned reads for the junction that are anamolous
  • p_val_median_overlap_R1: the p-value of the statistical test for comparing the median overlaps of the aligned reads to the junction against the null of randomly aligned reads and small p-values are desired as they indicate that the median_overlap of the junction is large enough.
  • emp.p_glmnet_constrained: tme empirical p-value obtained based on junc_cdf_glmnet_constrained (the statistical score used for calling junctions in SE data)
  • emp.p_glmnet_corrected_constrained: tme empirical p-value obtained obtained based on junc_cdf_glmnet_corrected_constrained (the statistical score used for calling junctions in SE data)
  • seqR1: a representative sequence for the junction (the sequence of one of the reads aligned to the junction)


sicilian_called_splice_juncs.tsv is the final output file by SICILIAN that contains the splice junctions called based upon SICILIAN statistical modeling. This file also includes extra annotation information (for splice junction, exon boundaries, and protein domain) for the called junctions. In addition to the columns that are also present in GLM_output.txt, sicilian_called_splice_juncs.tsv contains the following columns for the annotation of the called junctions:

  • splice_ann: both sides of the junction are annotated as exon boundaries and the junction itself is found in the GTF; subset of both_ann
  • both_ann: both sides of the junction are annotated as exon boundaries; this is equivalent to exon_annR1A AND exon_annR1B
  • exon_annR1A: the exon on the first half of the junction is at an annotated boundary
  • exon_annR1B: the exon on the second half of the junction is at an annotated boundary
  • missing_domains: the protein domains that have been missed (spliced out) due to splicing
  • domain_insertions: the protein domains to which the splice junction adds amino acid sequence


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