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Knowledge Grounded Dialogues

Below is a general format for knowledge-grounded dialogues:

    "dataset_name--train/val/test--dialog_id": {
        "original dialog id": str,
        "dialog index": int,
        "original dialog info": dict,
        "log": [
                "turn id": int,
                "user utterance": str,
                "system response": str,
                "dialog history": str,
                "original user side information": dict,
                "original system side information": dict,
                "external knowledge": str,
        // "prompt": list, # To be added

Please refer to each dataset folder for more details.

Acknowledgement: Under this folder, a portion of the datasets has been further refined based on the work done by UnifiedSKG. We extend our profound appreciation for their valuable work. If you use their work, please also give them due citation. Thank you!