diff --git a/src/release/triage-procedure.md b/src/release/triage-procedure.md index 4958e3e2b..583f8bf4e 100644 --- a/src/release/triage-procedure.md +++ b/src/release/triage-procedure.md @@ -130,3 +130,11 @@ each PR: Once you are done triaging PRs, post your report in the topic for the current week's triage in the `#t-release/triage` Zulip stream. +the topic should have a name like `YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD`. +Note that this uses a monday-sunday week. +if a topic does not exist, you can generate it's title with +the following bash oneliner (requires GNU date): +`echo "$(date -I --date="$([ "z$(date +%a)" = "zMon" ] && echo 'today' || echo 'last monday')") to $(date -I --date="$([ "z$(date +%a)" = "zSun" ] && echo 'today' || echo 'next sunday')")"` + +#### Avoiding duplicate work +If a PR's labels are still accurate, it can be worth it to remove and re-add a label in order to update the last-modified timestamp, preventing it from turning up in other triagers searches.