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Releases: ropensci/GSODR

The Rains

26 May 11:44
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Changes in this release include

  • Indicators for Hail, Thunder, Rain, etc. are now prefixed with "I."
  • Include MIN/MAX flag column
  • Flag columns are now named XXX.FLAG rather than previously, FLAG.XXX

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue when reading .op files into R where temperature was incorrectly read causing negative values where T >= 100F, this issue caused RH values of >100% and incorrect TEMP values
  • Spelling corrections


  • Station data is now included in package rather than downloading from NCDC every time get_GSOD() is run, this data has some corrections where stations with missing LAT/LON values or elevation are omitted, this is not the original complete station list provided by NCDC


16 May 23:43
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  • Set values where MIN > MAX to NA
  • Set more MIN/MAX/DEWP values to NA. GSOD README indicates that 999 indicates missing values in these columns, this does not appear to always be true. There are instances where 99 is the value recorded for missing data. While 99F is possible, the vast majority of these recorded values are missing data, thus the function now converts them to NA
  • Fixed bug where YDAY not correctly calculated and reported in CSV file
  • CSV files for station only queries now are names with the Station Identifier. Previously named same as Global data
  • Likesise, CSV files for agroclimatology now are names with the Station Identifier. Previously named same as Global data

Laboratory Specimen

09 May 04:31
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  • Fixed bug related to MIN/MAX columns when agroclimatology or all stations are selected where flags were not removed properly from numeric values.
  • Add more detail to DESCRIPTION regarding flags found in original GSOD data.


07 May 02:43
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This is a new minor release.

  • Set NA to -9999.99
  • Fixed a bug in MIN/MAX with flags. Some columns have differing widths, which caused a flag to be left attached to some values
  • Correct URL in for CRAN to point to CRAN not GitHub
  • Fixed a bug when importing isd-history.csv file. Previous issues caused all lat/lon/elev values to be >0. Values now range between -90/90 latitude and -180/180 longitude.
  • Fixed a bug where WDSP was mistyped as WDPS causing the creation of a new column, rather than the conversion of the existing
  • Fixed a bug if Agroclimatology selected. Previously this resulted in no records being returned. It now returns stations between -60/60 latitude.
  • Fixed a bug for country selection. Some countries did not return proper ISO code. All countries now should return a valid code.
  • Set DESCRIPTION default encoding to UTF8.
  • Use write.csv, not readr::write_csv due to issue converting double to string: tidyverse/readr#387

Trust me

05 May 02:09
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Version 0.1.2

New minor release

This is a new minor release. However, it fixes some major bugs that cause the package to work improperly (or not work at all).

In this version I have:

  • Fixed a bug when importing isd-history.csv file. Previous issues caused all lat/lon/elev values to be >0. Values now range between -90/90 latitude and -180/180 longitude,
  • Fixed a bug where WDSP was mistyped as WDPS causing the creation of a new column, rather than the conversion of the existing,
  • Fixed a bug if Agroclimatology selected. Previously this resulted in no records being returned. It now returns stations between -60/60 latitude,
  • Fixed a bug for country selection. Some countries did not return proper ISO code. All countries now should return a valid code,
  • Set default encoding to UTF8 for DESCRIPTION file,
  • Used write.csv, not readr::write_csv due to issue converting double to string: tidyverse/readr#387.

I CRAN't Believe It

20 Apr 21:45
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First official release of GSODR, now available on CRAN