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JavaScript 3 - Conditionals, Comparisons, Booleans

Projected Time

About 2.5 hours

  • 20 minutes for the video walkthrough
  • 90 minutes for Independent Practice
  • 20 minutes for Group Practice
  • 20 minutes for Check for Understanding



JavaScript is used on the frontend of almost every website. It's also a widely-used scripting language that be used on the backend as well. The JavaScript lessons set a solid foundation in JavaScript basics so we can use the language in more robust ways in later lessons.


Participants will be able to:

  • Make comparisons of equality and value
  • Determine the Boolean value of a given comparison
  • Write a conditional control flow using if, else if and else statements
  • Implement logical operators &&, || and !

Specific Things to Learn

  • Comparison Operators (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, ===, !==)
  • Boolean values (true/false)
  • Conditional (if/else if/else) statements
  • Logical operators (&&, ||, !)


Things to Remember

  • Booleans are not strings. Booleans (true and false) are their own data type. If you wrap quotes around a Boolean ("true" and "false"), it is no longer a Boolean, it is a string.

  • In JS, almost always use === when assessing equality. Using == will sometimes cause problems because JS can force a data type to be changed.

  • Pseudocode is incredibly helpful for organizing your thoughts and planning what code you will write. Use it freely!


Instructor demonstrates in the video walkthrough how to work with comparison operators, Booleans, if/else and logical operators in JavaScript.

Independent Practice

Techtonica staff will assign pairs.

Activity: Movie Night Suppose 5 classmates are interested in going to see a movie together. There are some interesting dynamics between the people in this group, as described below:

  • Priya will attend only if Ming goes.
  • David loves popcorn and will go to the movies under any circumstance
  • Alex will automatically go to the movies if David goes, and will automatically not go to the movies if David does not go
  • Ming will not attend if David has already said he is attending and Ming will say yes if Priya says yes.
  • Breanna loves to be around people and will only go if there are at least 2 others going

Write a function called movieNight that takes in an array. The array must contain 3 strings, and each string must be one of the names shown above who are interested in going to the movies. And the array should include all the combinaton of three names out of five(total 10 possible array input). Write a body for the movieNight function, based on the "rules" associated with each of the names above, that returns an array of the people who will attend the movie. Your function should account for the logic necessary for all 5 people, so that no matter which names are given, the result will always be correct. (ie: Don't just code the logic for 3 of the names and pass those names in all the time.) In case there are multiple answer for a single triplet or input string display all the possible correct answer for that triplet.

Result for different combination of input array

  • Consider the starting alphabet of each name represents the name:
    • (INPUT) (OUTPUT)
    • ['P', 'D', 'A'] = ['D', 'A', 'B']
    • ['P', 'D', 'M'] = ['D', 'A', 'B']
    • ['P', 'B', 'A'] = ['P', 'M', 'B']
    • ['P', 'B', 'M'] = ['P', 'M', 'B']
    • ['B', 'A', 'M'] = ['P', 'M', 'B']
    • ['D', 'B', 'A'] = ['D', 'A', 'B']
    • ['D', 'A', 'M'] = ['D', 'A', 'B']
    • ['A', 'M', 'P'] = ['P', 'M', 'B']
    • ['D', 'B', 'M'] = ['D', 'A', 'B']
    • ['P', 'D', 'B'] = ['D', 'A', 'B']

Example For example, movieNight(['Priya', 'David', 'Breanna']) should return ['David', 'Alex', 'Breanna'] because:

  1. Alex gets added automatically because David is going
  2. Priya doesn't go because Ming is not going.
  3. Breanna will go because there are at least 2 others going

Things to Consider

  • What information about each person will you need to turn into code? What "tools" do you have in JavaScript that can help you code that logic?
  • What information do you need to store throughout your program? How will you store it? Does this information need to be updated at some point during the program, or will it remain fixed?
  • This is a tricky challenge because there is a lot of logic in it, and some people's logic is tied to other people's logic. But, this challenge is not designed to trick you or to be impossibly hard. Break it down into very small pieces, and then fit those small pieces together.

Group Practice

Techtonica staff will assign new pairs. With your new pair, share your code with one another. It's OK if you didn't finish! Your new pair might be able to give you some suggestions, or you might get some ideas from their code. Discuss what you found challenging about this activity.


Supplemental Resources

JavaScript Comparison Operators

JavaScript Boolean Values

JavaScript Conditional Statements

JavaScript Logical Operators

General JavaScript

Check for Understanding

  • Mention different operators that can be used in JavaScript.
  • Write down the syntax of else if statement.
  • In JavaScript which operator has the highest precedence?
  • What is the difference between = and == operator?
  • How do you declare a Boolean in JavaScript?