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Maros-Meszaros test set

Version 1.0.0
Date 2023-07-20 07:16:30.860360+00:00
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz
Run by @stephane-caron



Standard set of problems designed to be difficult.


solver version
clarabel 0.4.1
cvxopt 1.3.0
gurobi 10.0.0 (size-limited)
highs 1.1.2.dev3
osqp 0.6.2.post5
proxqp 0.4.0
scs 3.2.2

All solvers were called via qpsolvers v3.3.1.


There are 3 settings: default, high_accuracy and low_accuracy. They validate solutions using the following tolerances:

tolerance default low_accuracy high_accuracy
cost 1000 1000 1000
dual 1 0.001 1e-09
gap 1 0.001 1e-09
primal 1 0.001 1e-09
runtime 1000 1000 1000

Solvers for each settings are configured as follows:

solver parameter default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel tol_feas - 1e-09 0.001
clarabel tol_gap_abs - 1e-09 0.001
clarabel tol_gap_rel - 0 0
cvxopt feastol - 1e-09 0.001
gurobi FeasibilityTol - 1e-09 0.001
gurobi OptimalityTol - 1e-09 0.001
gurobi TimeLimit 1000.0 1000 1000
highs dual_feasibility_tolerance - 1e-09 0.001
highs primal_feasibility_tolerance - 1e-09 0.001
highs time_limit 1000.0 1000 1000
osqp eps_abs - 1e-09 0.001
osqp eps_rel - 0 0
osqp time_limit 1000.0 1000 1000
proxqp check_duality_gap - 1 1
proxqp eps_abs - 1e-09 0.001
proxqp eps_duality_gap_abs - 1e-09 0.001
proxqp eps_duality_gap_rel - 0 0
proxqp eps_rel - 0 0
scs eps_abs - 1e-09 0.001
scs eps_rel - 0 0
scs time_limit_secs 1000.0 1000 1000

Known limitations

The following issues have been identified as impacting the fairness of this benchmark. Keep them in mind when drawing conclusions from the results.

  • #60: Conversion to SOCP limits performance of ECOS

Results by settings


Solvers are compared over the whole test set by shifted geometric mean (shm). Lower is better.

Success rate (%) Runtime (shm) Primal residual (shm) Dual residual (shm) Duality gap (shm) Cost error (shm)
clarabel 89.9 1.0 1.0 1.9 1.0 1.0
cvxopt 53.6 13.8 5.3 2.6 22.9 6.6
gurobi 16.7 57.8 10.5 37.5 94.0 34.9
highs 53.6 11.3 5.3 2.6 21.2 6.1
osqp 41.3 1.8 58.7 22.6 1950.7 42.4
proxqp 77.5 4.6 2.0 1.0 11.5 2.2
scs 60.1 2.1 37.5 3.4 133.1 8.4

High accuracy

Solvers are compared over the whole test set by shifted geometric mean (shm). Lower is better.

Success rate (%) Runtime (shm) Primal residual (shm) Dual residual (shm) Duality gap (shm) Cost error (shm)
clarabel 61.6 1.0 1.0 742803.1 44.9 1.0
cvxopt 5.8 5.8 1484115.0 126.3 1612205372.0 5.0
gurobi 5.1 19.2 4.3 7166137621.8 9769259351.6 19.8
highs 0.0 3.7 5416.6 884752.7 1987500500.6 3.5
osqp 26.1 11.5 2.8 1.2 3235.1 11.7
proxqp 59.4 2.4 1.4 1.0 5387.0 2.2
scs 42.8 8.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 7.6

Low accuracy

Solvers are compared over the whole test set by shifted geometric mean (shm). Lower is better.

Success rate (%) Runtime (shm) Primal residual (shm) Dual residual (shm) Duality gap (shm) Cost error (shm)
clarabel 91.3 1.0 1.8 1086.8 1.0 1.0
cvxopt 42.8 21.8 3.5 3.9 6604.3 7.4
gurobi 16.7 106.5 3.6 23665.7 26882.1 45.5
highs 37.7 20.8 1.8 5.1 5469.8 8.0
osqp 21.0 19.7 2.9 3.2 4982.6 11.6
proxqp 78.3 7.9 1.0 1.0 19.6 2.9
scs 71.0 9.3 31.3 2.2 1.6 4.2

Results by metric

Success rate

Precentage of problems each solver is able to solve:

default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel 90 62 91
cvxopt 54 6 43
gurobi 17 5 17
highs 54 0 38
osqp 41 26 21
proxqp 78 59 78
scs 60 43 71

Rows are solvers and columns are settings. We consider that a solver successfully solved a problem when (1) it returned with a success status and (2) its solution satisfies optimality conditions within tolerance. The second table below summarizes the frequency at which solvers return success (1) and the corresponding solution did indeed pass tolerance checks.

Percentage of problems where "solved" return codes are correct:

default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel 97 80 95
cvxopt 80 38 66
gurobi 17 5 17
highs 86 33 71
osqp 55 89 61
proxqp 78 62 78
scs 72 97 95

Computation time

We compare solver computation times over the whole test set using the shifted geometric mean. Intuitively, a solver with a shifted-geometric-mean runtime of Y is Y times slower than the best solver over the test set. See Metrics for details.

Shifted geometric mean of solver computation times (1.0 is the best):

default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel 1.0 1.0 1.0
cvxopt 13.8 5.8 21.8
gurobi 57.8 19.2 106.5
highs 11.3 3.7 20.8
osqp 1.8 11.5 19.7
proxqp 4.6 2.4 7.9
scs 2.1 8.0 9.3

Rows are solvers and columns are solver settings. The shift is $sh = 10$. As in the OSQP and ProxQP benchmarks, we assume a solver's run time is at the time limit when it fails to solve a problem.

Optimality conditions

Primal residual

The primal residual measures the maximum (equality and inequality) constraint violation in the solution returned by a solver. We use the shifted geometric mean to compare solver primal residuals over the whole test set. Intuitively, a solver with a shifted-geometric-mean primal residual of Y is Y times less precise on constraints than the best solver over the test set. See Metrics for details.

Shifted geometric means of primal residuals (1.0 is the best):

default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel 1.0 1.0 1.8
cvxopt 5.3 1484115.0 3.5
gurobi 10.5 4.3 3.6
highs 5.3 5416.6 1.8
osqp 58.7 2.8 2.9
proxqp 2.0 1.4 1.0
scs 37.5 2.5 31.3

Rows are solvers and columns are solver settings. The shift is $sh = 10$. A solver that fails to find a solution receives a primal residual equal to the full primal tolerance.

Dual residual

The dual residual measures the maximum violation of the dual feasibility condition in the solution returned by a solver. We use the shifted geometric mean to compare solver dual residuals over the whole test set. Intuitively, a solver with a shifted-geometric-mean dual residual of Y is Y times less precise on the dual feasibility condition than the best solver over the test set. See Metrics for details.

Shifted geometric means of dual residuals (1.0 is the best):

default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel 1.9 742803.1 1086.8
cvxopt 2.6 126.3 3.9
gurobi 37.5 7166137621.8 23665.7
highs 2.6 884752.7 5.1
osqp 22.6 1.2 3.2
proxqp 1.0 1.0 1.0
scs 3.4 1.0 2.2

Rows are solvers and columns are solver settings. The shift is $sh = 10$. A solver that fails to find a solution receives a dual residual equal to the full dual tolerance.

Duality gap

The duality gap measures the consistency of the primal and dual solutions returned by a solver. A duality gap close to zero ensures that the complementarity slackness optimality condition is satisfied. We use the shifted geometric mean to compare solver duality gaps over the whole test set. Intuitively, a solver with a shifted-geometric-mean duality gap of Y is Y times less precise on the complementarity slackness condition than the best solver over the test set. See Metrics for details.

Shifted geometric means of duality gaps (1.0 is the best):

default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel 1.0 44.9 1.0
cvxopt 22.9 1612205372.0 6604.3
gurobi 94.0 9769259351.6 26882.1
highs 21.2 1987500500.6 5469.8
osqp 1950.7 3235.1 4982.6
proxqp 11.5 5387.0 19.6
scs 133.1 1.0 1.6

Rows are solvers and columns are solver settings. The shift is $sh = 10$. A solver that fails to find a solution receives a duality gap equal to the full gap tolerance.

Cost error

The cost error measures the difference between the known optimal objective and the objective at the solution returned by a solver. We use the shifted geometric mean to compare solver cost errors over the whole test set. Intuitively, a solver with a shifted-geometric-mean cost error of Y is Y times less precise on the optimal cost than the best solver over the test set. See Metrics for details.

Shifted geometric means of solver cost errors (1.0 is the best):

default high_accuracy low_accuracy
clarabel 1.0 1.0 1.0
cvxopt 6.6 5.0 7.4
gurobi 34.9 19.8 45.5
highs 6.1 3.5 8.0
osqp 42.4 11.7 11.6
proxqp 2.2 2.2 2.9
scs 8.4 7.6 4.2

Rows are solvers and columns are solver settings. The shift is $sh = 10$. A solver that fails to find a solution receives a cost error equal to the cost tolerance.