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344 lines (319 loc) · 19.5 KB

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344 lines (319 loc) · 19.5 KB


Version 0.4.14 - Beta

  • Add: The new Indonesian Translation.
  • Add: The new Korean Translation.
  • Bugfix: Calendar won't go back a month from July 2019.
    • Thanks to #54.
  • Bugfix: Changing the Hours increases the Date (per Step).
    • Thanks to #43,
    • Thanks to #46.
  • Bugfix: Multiple dateRanges aren't possible on some situations.
    • Thanks to #55,
    • Thanks to #48.

Version 0.4.13 - Beta

  • Add: The new Polish Translation.
  • Add: The new Spanish Mexican Translation.
  • Add: The new Czech Translation.
  • Add: The new Greek Translation.
  • Add: The new option time12h to use the AM/PM selector instead of the 24-h format.
    • Thanks to #23.
  • Add: Custom "stepUp" and "stepDown" buttons for the new time picker input fields.
  • Add: The new internal methods this.prepare() and this.handleStep().
  • Update: The helper methods cHAS(), cADD() and cREM().
  • Update: Time Selector fields are now text fields instead of number, using inputmode to force the number-selectors on mobile browsers (weak support).
  • Update: Remove the initial inline styling of the DateTime container (use CSS instead).
  • Update: Define factory-global w and d variables within the factory parameter declaration.
  • Update: The options timeHours, timeMinutes and timeSeconds calculates now the time number using the current time and the respective timeStep* value if true is passed.
  • Update: The options timeHours, timeMinutes and timeSeconds hides the respective field if false is used or just "disables" them by using null.
    • Thanks to #23.
  • Update: Use leading Zeros on the single time selectors.
    • Thanks to #23.
  • Remove: The name attributes from the Time input fields.
  • Bugfix: The helper method clone use an IE-unsupported function called Object.assign.
  • Bugfix: Webpack issue in VueJS.
    • Thanks to #35.
  • Bugfix: The timeIncrement function doesn't work by using the Arrow buttons on the respective time input[type=number] fields.
  • Bugfix: Dates before 1970-01-01 are disabled.
    • Thanks to #40.

CSS / Less Environment

  • Add: A "not-allowed" cursor on disabled time fields / custom buttons.
  • Add: Minified Stylesheets and Source Maps (for both types).
  • Add: A node.js script to compile the Less stylesheets into CSS.
  • Add: New design parts for the custom time buttons and the AM/PM switch.
  • Update: The complete Less stylesheet structure.
  • Update: A few design changes on both designs.
  • Update: Each single CSS Color scheme contains now the complete styles instead of "imports".
  • Update: Move direction: rtl; from inline CSS to CSS stylesheet property.
  • Remove: All obsolete (not required) -o- and -moz- prefixed CSS properties.
  • Bugfix: Date picker is not positioned properly in a child scrollable container.
    • Thanks to #33.

Version 0.4.12 - Beta

  • Bugfix: The new classList helper methods didn't worked as expected.
  • Bugfix: Add correct file to the main bower variable.
  • Bugfix: Add correct file to the jsdelivr package variable.

Version 0.4.11 - Beta

  • Info: This is the first version, which drops IE 9 support.
  • Add: The new Norwegian Translation.
  • Add: Support for MooTools.
  • Add: Global window implementation using datetime, next to the existing DateTime, variable.
  • Update: Using classList to add / remove / check class names.
  • Update: Using Object.assign only to merge / clone object properties.
  • Update: Clone language strings (with the english ones, for backward compatibilities).
  • Rename: The internal tailDateTime variable has been renamed into datetime.
  • Remove: Support for Internet Explorer 9.
  • Remove: The jQuery jQuery().tail("DateTime") method (this was just a test).

Version 0.4.10 - Beta

  • Add: The new French Translation.
  • Bugfix: Use of undefined variable datePart in the convertDate method.
  • Bugfix: The jQuery implementation has been fixed.

Version 0.4.9 - Beta

  • Add: Support for module exporting, using browserfy.
  • Add: A jQuery implementation using jQuery().DateTime() or jQuery().tail("DateTime").
  • Update: Remove Parentheses on the typeof oeprator ('cause, it isn't a function).
  • Update: Should close (or test with stayopen) after submit time.
    • Thanks to #24.
  • Bugfix: Can't resolve '../tail.datetime-default.css'.
    • Thanks to #25.

Version 0.4.8 - Beta

Version 0.4.7 - Beta

  • Add: The new Finish Translation.

Version 0.4.6 - Beta

  • Add: An @import rule on the single colors, so only one file need to be included.
  • Update: the bower.json and package.json files
  • Update: Add 2019 to all Copyright notes.
  • Bugfix: When showing only time picker, the calendar label says undefined.
    • Thanks to #16.

Version 0.4.5 - Beta

  • Add: The new Dutch Translation.
  • Add: Increase and Loop the Time fields by clicking Up and Down.
  • Add: The new option timeIncrement, which increase the next unit on loop of the previous one.
  • Add: The new option closeButton, which adds a close Button to the DateTime picker.
  • Add: The new internal method handleTime() which handles the time events.
  • Update: The time* options allows now also false as parameter to disable the field.

Version 0.4.4 - Beta

  • Remove: The project.synder file until the new Synder Format is finished.
  • Bugfix: CDN / NPM Hotfix (because I uploaded the wrong branch to NPM).

Version 0.4.3 - Beta

  • Add: The new Italian Translation.
  • Add: The new Brazilian Portuguese Translation.
  • Add: The new options timeStep* to change the step size of the input fields.
    • Thanks to #9.
  • Bugfix: Error in dateRanges visualization
    • Thanks to #12.

Version 0.4.2 - Beta

  • Add: The new modify() method on the string Storage to change the strings globally.
  • Update: The .register() method checks now if locale is a string and object a object.
  • Update: The .register() method returns now true on success and false on failure.
  • Bugfix: The .selectTime() method didn't used the "already select / current viewed" date.
  • Bugfix: Changing time has no effect.
    • Thanks to #5.
  • Bugfix: Calculations are wrong in some Environments.

Version 0.4.1 - Beta

  • Add: The new Arabic Translation.
  • Add: The new option rtl, which allows to display the DateTime picker in an RTL style.
  • Add: The new event view.
  • Update: The new RTL supported Stylesheets.
  • Update: The default tooltip tick color depends now on the used theme.
  • Update: The "Enter/Escape" Key listener now also works when the cursor is within an input field.
  • Update: The events now gets fired AFTER the DateTime picker has done his actions.
  • Bugfix: Disabled dates could still be selected / clicked.
  • Bugfix: The keyup document event listener has fired per instance.
  • Bugfix: The "Enter" Key listener doesn't notice / used already selected dates.
  • Bugfix: You cannot go back farther than to February of the displayed year.
    • Thanks to #3.
  • Bugfix: Issue with Date Selection with Update to 0.4.0.
    • Thanks to #2.

Version 0.4.0 - Beta

  • Info: This is the first BETA version. :3
  • Info: This Repository is now completely independent, due to the removal of the last original lines of MrGuiseppes pureJSCalendar script.
  • Add: Russian translation (Thanks to my workmate).
  • Add: Designs in LESS Format (I'm new at this Pre-Processing Stuff :/).
  • Add: Support as Asynchronous Module Definition.
  • Add: The default design has 3 new, and the "harx" design has one additional color schemes.
  • Add: The new option animate to enable and disable the fade and tooltip animations.
  • Add: The new option dateBlacklist to turn the dateRange from a blacklist to a whitelist.
  • Add: The new option dateStart to limit the calendar.
  • Add: The new option dateEnd to limit the calendar.
  • Add: The new option locale to change the used locale by the calendar.
  • Add: The new option timeHours to set the default Hours on init (pass null for current).
  • Add: The new option timeMintes to set the default Minutes on init (pass null for current).
  • Add: The new option timeSeconds to set the default Seconds on init (pass null for current).
  • Add: The new option today to mark the current day within the calendar script.
  • Add: The new option tooltips to create tooltips on specific dates.
  • Add: The new option viewDefault to select the default view, when the calendar gets opened.
  • Add: The new option viewDecades enables the view "Decades" (Show different Decades).
  • Add: The new option viewYears enables the view "Years" (Show 12 Years - One Decade).
  • Add: The new option viewMonths enables the view "Months" (January - December).
  • Add: The new option viewDays enables the view "Days" (01 - 28|29|30|31).
  • Add: The new internal event trigger method .trigger().
  • Add: A new custom event listener, using .on() and .trigger().
  • Add: The new internal render and view methods .renderCalendar(), .renderDatePicker(), .renderTimePicker(),.viewDecades(), .viewYears(), .viewMonths(), .viewDays(), .handleLabel(), .showTooltip() and .hideTooltip().
  • Add: The new public method .config() to get and set settings during the runtime.
  • Add: The new public methods .switchView(), .browseView(), .switchDate() and .fetchDate() to control the calendar interface and fetch the current Date.
  • Add: The new public methods .appendTooltip() and .appendRange() to append tooltips and date ranges during the runtime.
  • Update: The translations itself, as well as the translation / locale system behind.
  • Update: Both designs has been updated to the new structure.
  • Update: The main helper methods.
  • Update: The calendar render process has been re-written, now it will always show 6 rows of dates, including days from the previous and next month.
  • Update: The locale system is now usable per instance, the strings doesn't get replaced.
  • Update: The option classNames allows now true to copy the class names from the main element and false, to do nothing.
  • Update: The option position and static has been merged, so use "top", "left", "right" or "bottom" to show the calendar on an absolute position relative to the passed element or pass any selector, which should be used as container.
  • Update: The option weekStart supports now also numbers (SUN = 0, MON = 1, ... SAT = 6).
  • Update: The option dateRange requires now a new range format, the old one is NOT supported.
  • Update: The public methods .switchMonth() and switchYear() now just aliases for the main public method .switchDate().
  • Update: The public methods .open() and .close() now using setTimeout() instead of an interval.
  • Update: The public methods .reload() reloads the same instance instead of creating a new one.
  • Update: The public event method .on() has been updated and supports now a third argument.
  • Remove: The option static has been removed (use position instead).
  • Remove: The option zeroSeconds has been removed (use timeSeconds instead).
  • Remove: The option static has been removed (use position instead).
  • Remove: The isIE11 and tail.IE variables.
  • Remove: The old render functions .renderDay(), .renderMonth() and .renderTime() has been replaced by the new .view*() and .render*() methods.
  • Remove: The .createCalendar() method has been replaced by the new .view*() methods.
  • Bugfix: The tbdy typo has been fixed.
  • Bugfix: Incorrect colspan value on the thead element (on the Months View).

Version 0.3.4 - Alpha

  • Info: Official support for IE >= 9 starts now :(
  • Add: New clone() helper function as Fallback for IE >= 9.
  • Add: New .IE helper variable for Fallback use for IE >= 9.
  • Bugfix: Almost complete IE >= 9 support.

Version 0.3.3 - Alpha

  • Add: A new internal translate / string function called __().
  • Add: New reload() method, which calls remove() and re-inits the DateTime Calendar.
  • Update: Use this to call the main DateTime IIFE function.
  • Update: Update the selected date when the input field has been filled out manually.
  • BugFix: Fix Typo and wrong attribute name in remove() method.
  • BugFix: Enter / Return executes all events, even if just one field is in focus.
  • Removed: The dateRange fallback option has been removed, to clean the source up for the next major version.

Version 0.3.2 - Alpha

  • Info: npmJS Version Fix.
  • Add: Spanish translation (Thanks to my workmate).

Version 0.3.1 - Alpha

  • BugFix: Position Absolute doesn't recalculate.
    • Thanks to #2.
  • BugFix: Today on every Year.
    • Thanks to #1.

Version 0.3.0 - Alpha

  • Info: Uses now some Vectors from GitHubs Octicons.
  • Add: A minified version, minified with jsCompress.
  • Add: A new "white" design, used with tail.datetime.white.css (together with the main style sheet).
  • Add: A new span HTML element wraps each single day number.
  • Add: Events for open, close and select (used with tail.DateTime:: prefix).
  • Add: New helper methos trigger to trigger tail.DateTime specific CustomEvents.
  • Add: New Option static, which allows a selector or an element as wrapper for a static view.
  • Add: New option classNames, which adds additional class names to the DateTime container.
  • Add: New option startOpen, which opens the picker after init.
  • Add: New option stayOpen, which disables some auto-closing events.
  • Add: New option zeroSeconds, which sets the seconds to 0 on init.
  • Add: New method remove() to remove the DateTime Picker.
  • Add: Current selected date class name and color.
  • Add: A colon between hours, minutes and seconds (That was really important!).
  • Add: The language strings für de (German) and de_AT (Austrian German)
  • Update: The SVG arrows on the default theme has been changed into angle images (Octicon).
  • Update: All SVG images has been changed into the Octicon vector graphics.
  • Update: The constructor allows now NodeLists and HTMLCollections and uses querySelectorAll on strings.
  • Update: Renamed any data-fox-* attribute names into data-tail-*.
  • Update: The internal element input variable has renamed into e.
  • Update: The internal calendar DateTime Picker variable has renamed into dt.
  • Update: The internal options configuration variable has renamed into con.
  • Update: The internal view / current variables has been merged under view.
  • Update: The internal select variable holds the last (current) selected Date and Time as Date object.
  • Update: The option dateRange has renamed into dateRanges and allows multiple arrays with Date Objects, Date Values (YYYY-mm-dd) and Week-Day names.
  • BugFix: Current Date object has been shared between each prototype instance.

Version 0.2.0 - Alpha

  • Info: Project has been renamed to tail.DateTime and adapted to the tail implementation.

Version 0.1.2 - Alpha

  • Add: Use the data-fox-value attribute for pre-defined dates, before trying to parse the input value.
  • Add: Helper Methods Fox.hasClass, Fox.addClass, Fox.removeClass.
  • Add: Calendar Class Names calendar-close, calendar-idle, calendar-open.
  • Update: Changed ‹ and › into SVG background images.
  • Update: Stores now a (current) Date Object instead of the year / month number.
  • Update: Some minimalistic style and script changes.
  • BugFix: Double Use of the data-fox-calendar attribute.
  • BugFix: Calendar closes after selecting a month.
  • BugFix: The switchYear() method doesn't supported a year argument.

Version 0.1.1 - Alpha

  • Update: Change Calendar Counter Calculation (CCCC).
  • Update: Return this on the public methods.

Version 0.1.0 - Alpha