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Lorenzo Pichilli edited this page Jan 2, 2018 · 28 revisions

Feature list:

On Hover Description

Just put the cursor over a name of a function, property, etc. and you will see appear a little popup with all the information about it and, also, a link the the definition of it:

Show Hint Parameters

If you want know the parameters of a function, just use the default key binding ctrl+alt+s:

You could also use the Context Menu and click on Show Hint Parameters or you could find it under Tools > JavaScript Enhancements > Show Hint Parameters.

Flow Goto Definition

If you want know where is the definition of a certain function, class, etc. just go with the cursor on it and use the menu option Flow Goto Definition in Context Menu. You could find it under Tools > JavaScript Enhancements > Flow Goto Definition.

Bookmarks Project

They differs from normal bookmark of Sublime Text. In fact you could set and save your bookmarks per project, in order also to search a bookmark in the whole project or only in the current view:

Using Command Palette:

Expand Abbreviation

This feature is similar (but much simpler) to the Emmet plugin - "Expand Abbreviation" feature. If you want repeat n-times a line of code, select the code with something like *5 (repeat 5 times) at the end of the selection and then you will have this:

Evaluate JavaScript

With this feature, you could evaluate your javascript code inline using --eval or --print flag for node.js. Select the rows that you want to evaluate and then:

You could use also this feature directly in the current line with the corresponding menu option.

Can I use?

This feature uses "can i use" json data from caniuse repo, that contains raw data from the support tables.

You can use this feature in HTML, CSS and JavaScript context!

Just put the cursor on the word you want to check, then open the Context Menu and click on "Can I use?" option. It will appear an input panel with all items that have a name matching with the word:

You could use also the default key binding: ctrl+alt+w.

After selecting an item from the list, it will appear a popup with all information about it:

Furthermore you could find the complete list under Tools > JavaScript Enhancements > Search on "Can I use" list:


Description in progress..