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Chenlin zhouchenlin2096
I have studied / work in Chinese Academy of Sciences / Peng Cheng Laboratory.

Peng Cheng Laboratory Shenzhen

Rachmad Putra rachmadvwp
Research Associate

TU Wien & NYU Abu Dhabi Wien, AT & Abu Dhabi, UAE

LinkPath huazai5201995

fusidic BeiJing

Sara sarahsedighi
Computer Vision, Deep Learning


Cinemachina Cinemachina

Cinemachina Productions

Marco Rasetto marcorax
I am a Neuromorphic Engineer, which means that I develop algorithms inspired by the brain, with my brain. The hat ^ helps me to think.

University of Pittsburgh, Center for Neural Basis of Cognition Pittsburgh

Gregor Lenz biphasic
CTO @neurobus. PhD from @neuromorphic-paris, previously @synsense

@neurobus London

matteo saponati matteosaponati
neuroscience - machine learning - physics // Postdoctoral Researcher @ Insitute of Neuroinformatics, ETH/UZH, Zurich (CH)

Institute of Neuroinformatics ETH Europe

Ahmet Akman ahmetakman
METU EEE BSc 2024, AAL 2019. Interested in Theoretical Neuroscience, Neuromorphics, Event-Based Vision, Machine Vision
Shijie Lin eleboss
To code or not to code?

The University of Hong Kong

Zhu Shuai Zessay

Ant Group Hangzhou

Laurent Bristiel lbristiel-psee

Prophesee Grenoble, France

Vanessa Leite ssinhaleite

@synsense Zurich, Switzerland

Burak Ercan ercanburak
Senior Computer Vision Engineer - Ph.D.


Giulia D'Angelo GiuliaDAngelo
PhD Fellow Italian Institute of Technology - The University of Manchester (Event Driven Perception for Robotics)


Neuromorphic computing

Beijing Normal University Beijing

allan ANYMS-A
code-life balance

University of Southampton China

Youdon AXYZdong
Main interests include Brain-inspired Computing, Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) and Brain-like Navigation.

Southeast University Nanjing, China

Dylan Muir DylanMuir
Computational neuroscientist; cortical enthusiast; believer in experimental verification.

@synsense Basel, Switzerland