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RB R25114B
8-bit legal aid lawyer 👾| eat plants 🌱 not planets 🌍 | no borders 🚫 | preguntando caminamos 👣
Demyan Perelman demyan-perelman
Lets make society better by fighting against proprietary software and the dictatorship of corporations for our freedom and rights. (Github is bad there).

Better World with Free (as in freedom) Software

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Monsenius "Duzzy-ExoDuus" van FeelGood Duzzy-ExoDuus
I am snooping Operating Systems, but I am especial into Ubuntu OS.

Bermuda Triangle Local Portal Nordborg, Danmark

Taweechai Yuenyang abe27
Software Developer, I love open-source.

VCS Thailand Plaeng Yao,Chachoengsao,Thailand

enzo_zsh enzo-zsh
Hi, i'm Enzo, 20yrs, developer during my free time | no-code, scripting and more developer • IT Student & Cybersecurity • icon designer on macOSicons

Sup de Vinci - Bordeaux France

Cyrus Bond cyrusbond
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Arkansas, United States of America

Adam Chalkley atc0005
Perpetually searching, optimistically motivated
jason 197788

github (at) marinaro (dot) cc

Valtarien Valtarien
Lunar devotee, I decipher life's cryptic receipts. Teaching rocks quantum physics, I seek sock-sandal harmony. Beware my glitter-induced chants.

California, USA

7A9Oo 7A9Oo
I'm a passionate Front-End Web Developer


Ansh Gupta thisisanshgupta
Building neural nets for fun. Interested in low level and scientific computing.


Don Kelly karfai
Like breathtaking sleight-of-hand, what we create should astonish at every level and should withstand inspection long after the show has finished.
acidburn acidburn0zzz

Europe - Belgique.

Md.Tanvir Hasan MdTanvir-Hasan
Genuinely Lazy, Incredibly Boring, Astonishingly Uninteresting.
Morty Zhao MortyZy
Work account

@copelandsoftware Xi An

Jacob Alexander Tice daemonspudguy
A human being who exists. Formerly called jacobpoo.

@Jacob-A-Tice-Media The corner...

Dominic rexhent
Australian Linux and KDE lover, Learning Web dev. If I haven't looked at your issue or PR, I probably just wasn't notified! Feel free to ping me on any socials!

Parramatta, New South Wales

Federico Cangiotti federicocangiotti

Italy, Rimini