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Fadi Shawki FadiShawki
The Universalis' afoot @orbitmines

@orbitmines The Netherlands

Víctor Ubieto victorubieto
Support Researcher and Assistant Professor at UPF, Barcelona. My three loves are Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and Travi (my dog).

UPF Barcelona, Spain

Addala M. Raed RaedAddala
Software Engineering Student and competitive programming Enthusiast. Passionate about CS and always eager to learn new topics and implement new ideas.

INSAT Tunis, Tunisia

Oliver Cruickshank oliverlars
Rendering at JangaFX

JangaFX London

Maximilian Olschewski karabiberym
I'm a computer science student with a passion for programming, especially in C++ and Python. I love playing video games and learning about new technologies.


Noah Betzen Nezteb
Senior backend engineer. Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView, OSS, IndieWeb, local-first development, self-hosting, gamedev. Alaskan/Norwegian. Neutral good. DFTBA.

Seattle, Washington

AG.王爱国 dawnarc
pookzzz pookzzz
I am a FXTD, I work in movies, games, anything fun that catches my attention. I dabble in programming, art and simulations.

Bytedance, DeepMirror, NetEase Games, Lucasfilm Singapore, Singapore

Mihai Mehigh17
Passionate developer since forever.

JangaFX Romania

Dale Weiler graphitemaster
Digital media specialist, graphics programmer and software engineer