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zachi.eth memoriaXII
Be private. Grow in silence.
Eliécer R. Hernández F. Paraguanads

@DexKit Punto Fijo, Venezuela

Orit Fox foxweba3
My name is Orit Fox(Fux) a well known popular figure, participating on t.v, including advertisements and sales promotion

O.F.G.B Israel

Blockchain Lugano nslotus
Learning. Always ready to eat humble pie in this complex world.


Rick Arko RickArko
Data Science/ML Practitioner.

San Diego

Cryptoknowledge Arann7
Crypto Investor & Tech lover
Guillaume Claret clarus
Formally verifying web3 applications with the Coq proof system. Working at @formal-land 🌲

Formal Land Paris

Jepsen ✨ 0xJepsen
Creating Biodigital Jazz

@Pluto Somewhere in meatspace

sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.


Mojtaba Khodadadi mkhm
Physics, Financial Markets Analysis, Computational Social Science, Applied Machine Learning, Neuroscience.

Trieste, Italy

masih masih4554
reasercher crypto.
Mrfti Mrfti
FlipsideCrypto data analyst | Gyrostable core contributor/educator
Arash Khodamoradi 0xAshook
هیچ چیز تصادفی نیست
Saheb Irani SahebIrani
A passionate Self-taught .NET developer ..

@SinjulMSBH13 Iran

فالو کنید ممنون
semomaf MFeri8855
I love mountains and repair things.


kamil kamiwho