From 709c2414472e7325287d2222e43272209187a0cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Abhinav Dahiya Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 15:03:31 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] docs/troubleshooting: add sections to cover all post-create phases --- docs/user/ | 235 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 235 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/user/ b/docs/user/ index 0401fb7f8a1..0a5c2698a92 100644 --- a/docs/user/ +++ b/docs/user/ @@ -99,6 +99,237 @@ This is safe to ignore and merely indicates that the etcd bootstrapping is still The easiest way to get more debugging information from the installer is to check the log file (`.openshift_install.log`) in the install directory. Regardless of the logging level specified, the installer will write its logs in case they need to be inspected retroactively. +### Installer Fails to Initialize the Cluster + +The installer uses the [cluster-version-operator] to create all the components of an OpenShift cluster. When the installer fails to initialize the cluster, the most important information can be fetched by looking at the [ClusterVersion][clusterversion] and [ClusterOperator][clusteroperator] objects: + +1. Inspecting the `ClusterVersion` object. + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get clusterversion -oyaml + apiVersion: + kind: ClusterVersion + metadata: + creationTimestamp: 2019-02-27T22:24:21Z + generation: 1 + name: version + resourceVersion: "19927" + selfLink: /apis/ + uid: 6e0f4cf8-3ade-11e9-9034-0a923b47ded4 + spec: + channel: stable-4.0 + clusterID: 5ec312f9-f729-429d-a454-61d4906896ca + upstream: + status: + availableUpdates: null + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:50:30Z + message: Done applying 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-27-131049 + status: "True" + type: Available + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:50:30Z + status: "False" + type: Failing + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:50:30Z + message: Cluster version is 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-27-131049 + status: "False" + type: Progressing + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:24:31Z + message: 'Unable to retrieve available updates: unknown version 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-27-131049' + reason: RemoteFailed + status: "False" + type: RetrievedUpdates + desired: + image: + version: 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-27-131049 + history: + - completionTime: 2019-02-27T22:50:30Z + image: + startedTime: 2019-02-27T22:24:31Z + state: Completed + version: 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-27-131049 + observedGeneration: 1 + versionHash: Wa7as_ik1qE= + ``` + + Some of most important [conditions][cluster-operator-conditions] to take note are `Failing`, `Available` and `Progressing`. You can look at the conditions using: + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get clusterversion version -o=jsonpath='{range .status.conditions[*]}{.type}{" "}{.status}{" "}{.message}{"\n"}{end}' + Available True Done applying 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-26-194020 + Failing False + Progressing False Cluster version is 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-26-194020 + RetrievedUpdates False Unable to retrieve available updates: unknown version 4.0.0-0.alpha-2019-02-26-194020 + ``` + +2. Inspecting the `ClusterOperator` object. + + You can get the status of all the cluster operators: + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get clusteroperator + NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING FAILING SINCE + cluster-autoscaler True False False 17m + cluster-storage-operator True False False 10m + console True False False 7m21s + dns True False False 31m + image-registry True False False 9m58s + ingress True False False 10m + kube-apiserver True False False 28m + kube-controller-manager True False False 21m + kube-scheduler True False False 25m + machine-api True False False 17m + machine-config True False False 17m + marketplace-operator True False False 10m + monitoring True False False 8m23s + network True False False 13m + node-tuning True False False 11m + openshift-apiserver True False False 15m + openshift-authentication True False False 20m + openshift-cloud-credential-operator True False False 18m + openshift-controller-manager True False False 10m + openshift-samples True False False 8m42s + operator-lifecycle-manager True False False 17m + service-ca True False False 30m + ``` + + To get detailed information on why an individual cluster operator is `Failing` or not yet `Available`, you can check the status of that individual operator, for example `monitoring`: + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get clusteroperator monitoring -oyaml + apiVersion: + kind: ClusterOperator + metadata: + creationTimestamp: 2019-02-27T22:47:04Z + generation: 1 + name: monitoring + resourceVersion: "24677" + selfLink: /apis/ + uid: 9a6a5ef9-3ae1-11e9-bad4-0a97b6ba9358 + spec: {} + status: + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:49:10Z + message: Successfully rolled out the stack. + status: "True" + type: Available + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:49:10Z + status: "False" + type: Progressing + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:49:10Z + status: "False" + type: Failing + extension: null + relatedObjects: null + version: "" + ``` + + Again, the cluster operators also publish [conditions][cluster-operator-conditions] like `Failing`, `Available` and `Progressing` that can help user provide information on the current state of the operator: + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get clusteroperator monitoring -o=jsonpath='{range .status.conditions[*]}{.type}{" "}{.status}{" "}{.message}{"\n"}{end}' + Available True Successfully rolled out the stack + Progressing False + Failing False + ``` + + Each clusteroperator also publishes the list of objects owned by the cluster operator. To get that information: + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get clusteroperator kube-apiserver -o=jsonpath='{.status.relatedObjects}' + [map[resource:kubeapiservers name:cluster] map[group: name:openshift-config resource:namespaces] map[group: name:openshift-config-managed resource:namespaces] map[group: name:openshift-kube-apiserver-operator resource:namespaces] map[group: name:openshift-kube-apiserver resource:namespaces]] + ``` + +**NOTE:** Failing to initialize the cluster is usually not a fatal failure in terms of cluster creation as the user can look at the failures from `ClusterOperator` to debug failures for a cluster operator and take actions which can allow `cluster-version-operator` to make progress. + +### Installer Fails to Fetch Console URL + +The installer fetches the URL for OpenShift console using the [route][route-object] in `openshift-console` namespace. If the installer fails the fetch the URL for the console: + +1. Check if the console router is `Available` or `Failing` + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get clusteroperator console -oyaml + apiVersion: + kind: ClusterOperator + metadata: + creationTimestamp: 2019-02-27T22:46:57Z + generation: 1 + name: console + resourceVersion: "19682" + selfLink: /apis/ + uid: 960364aa-3ae1-11e9-bad4-0a97b6ba9358 + spec: {} + status: + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:46:58Z + status: "False" + type: Failing + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:50:12Z + status: "False" + type: Progressing + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:50:12Z + status: "True" + type: Available + - lastTransitionTime: 2019-02-27T22:46:57Z + status: "True" + type: Upgradeable + extension: null + relatedObjects: + - group: + name: cluster + resource: consoles + - group: + name: cluster + resource: consoles + - group: + name: console + resource: oauthclients + - group: "" + name: openshift-console-operator + resource: namespaces + - group: "" + name: openshift-console + resource: namespaces + versions: null + ``` + +2. Manually get the URL for `console` + + ```console + $ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get route console -n openshift-console -o=jsonpath='{}' + + ``` + +### Installer Fails to Add Route CA to Kubeconfig + +The installer adds the CA certificate for the router to the list of trusted client certificate authorities in `${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig`. If the installer fails to add the router CA to `kubeconfig`, you can fetch the router CA from the cluster using: + +```console +$ oc --config=${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig get configmaps router-ca -n openshift-config-managed -o=jsonpath='{\.crt}' +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIC/TCCAeWgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAuMSwwKgYDVQQDDCNjbHVz +dGVyLWluZ3Jlc3Mtb3BlcmF0b3JAMTU1MTMwNzU4OTAeFw0xOTAyMjcyMjQ2Mjha +Fw0yMTAyMjYyMjQ2MjlaMC4xLDAqBgNVBAMMI2NsdXN0ZXItaW5ncmVzcy1vcGVy +YXRvckAxNTUxMzA3NTg5MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA +uCA4fQ+2YXoXSUL4h/mcvJfrgpBfKBW5hfB8NcgXeCYiQPnCKblH1sEQnI3VC5Pk +2OfNCF3PUlfm4i8CHC95a7nCkRjmJNg1gVrWCvS/ohLgnO0BvszSiRLxIpuo3C4S +EVqqvxValHcbdAXWgZLQoYZXV7RMz8yZjl5CfhDaaItyBFj3GtIJkXgUwp/5sUfI +LDXW8MM6AXfuG+kweLdLCMm3g8WLLfLBLvVBKB+4IhIH7ll0buOz04RKhnYN+Ebw +tcvFi55vwuUCWMnGhWHGEQ8sWm/wLnNlOwsUz7S1/sW8nj87GFHzgkaVM9EOnoNI +gKhMBK9ItNzjrP6dgiKBCQIDAQABoyYwJDAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAqQwEgYDVR0T +AQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAq+vi0sFKudaZ9aUQMMha +CeWx9CZvZBblnAWT/61UdpZKpFi4eJ2d33lGcfKwHOi2NP/iSKQBebfG0iNLVVPz +vwLbSG1i9R9GLdAbnHpPT9UG6fLaDIoKpnKiBfGENfxeiq5vTln2bAgivxrVlyiq ++MdDXFAWb6V4u2xh6RChI7akNsS3oU9PZ9YOs5e8vJp2YAEphht05X0swA+X8V8T +C278FFifpo0h3Q0Dbv8Rfn4UpBEtN4KkLeS+JeT+0o2XOsFZp7Uhr9yFIodRsnNo +H/Uwmab28ocNrGNiEVaVH6eTTQeeZuOdoQzUbClElpVmkrNGY0M42K0PvOQ/e7+y +AQ== +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +``` + +You can then **prepend** that certificate to `client-certificate-authority-data` field in your `${INSTALL_DIR}/auth/kubeconfig`. + ## Generic Troubleshooting Here are some ideas if none of the [common failures](#common-failures) match your symptoms. @@ -263,3 +494,7 @@ If appropriate, file a [network operator]( [aws-key-pairs]: [kubernetes-debug]: [machine-config-daemon-ssh-keys]: +[cluster-version-operator]: +[clusterversion]: +[clusteroperator]: +[cluster-operator-conditions]: