diff --git a/text/entities/0264-resource-and-entities.md b/text/entities/0264-resource-and-entities.md index 9d6aac1cc..cd59e2667 100644 --- a/text/entities/0264-resource-and-entities.md +++ b/text/entities/0264-resource-and-entities.md @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ Here's a list of requirements for the solution: - Any solution MUST work with the [info-typed metrics](https://github.com/prometheus/proposals/blob/main/proposals/2024-04-10-native-support-for-info-metrics-metadata.md#goals) being added in prometheus. - Resource descriptive attributes should leverage `info()` or metadata. - Resource identifying attributes need more thought/design from OpenTelemetry semconv + entities WG. - - Note: Current `info()` design will only work with `target_info` metric, and `job/instance` labels for joins. This labels MUST be generated by the OTLP endpoint in prometheus. + - Note: Current `info()` design will only work with `target_info` metric by default (other info metrics can be specified per `info` call), and `job/instance` labels for joins. These labels MUST be generated by the OTLP endpoint in prometheus. - (desired) Users should be able to correlate metric timeseries to other signals via Resource attributes showing up as labels in prometheus. - (desired) Conversion from `OTLP -> prometheus` can be reversed such that `OTLP -> Prometheus -> OTLP` is non-lossy.