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Releases: oblador/react-native-parallax


13 Jun 15:10
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Breaking change: Splits imports between React and React Native to fix warnings in RN 0.25, ensure you're on at least RN 0.18 and have react as a dependency in your project.


21 Dec 09:36
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  • Fixes bug where parallax effect would break if an onScroll prop was passed to the Parallax.ScrollView.
  • Exposes getScrollResponder function that enables programmatically scrolling the ScrollView.
  • Fixes cloneWithProps deprecated warning.


26 Oct 15:09
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  • Fixes a bug when having only one child of the Parallax.ScrollView would throw.
  • Only requires the few parts of lodash this module actually uses, which reduces bundle size/memory usage.


15 Oct 18:04
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Breaking changes:

  • Custom styling of the underlying Animated.Image is no longer extracted from the style prop, use imageStyle instead.
  • Parallax.Image must now be direct descendant of Parallax.ScrollView to be able to inject scrollY automatically. Use onPress if you need to detect taps or use the (old and deprecated) mixin approach.

Other changes:

  • Support for ES6.
  • Parallax.Mixin is deprecated, use Parallax.ScrollView instead.