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7.1. Initial UI Flow and Mockups

glutSolidSphere edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 1 revision

UI Sketches (Initial)

Mockups for each page with the essential functions represented by blocks. Each sketch is arranged in chronological order according to the flow of events upon entering the page. These mockups were composed at the beginning of the project and included all the features we intended to implement, however the final implementation differs significantly from this.


This legend provides a breakdown of the colours used to represent each element and their context. Login Page #1

  • Panels are coloured pale blue and represent the background of the page.
  • Buttons are violet and are interactive elements on the page that users may click on.
  • Frames are in green and represent sub-elements on the page.
  • Notifications are in red and are used to catch the user attention.
  • Input fields are in yellow and may have text written within.

Login Page

Mockup Description
Login Page #1 Both students and tutors log in with their existing IVLE accounts to get the relevant data out.
Login Page #2 On log-in failure there is a notification to prompt the user to try again.

Dashboard Page


Mockup Description
Dashboard Tutor Page #1 The tutor is presented with a wardrobe for avatar customisation and a list of modules drawn from IVLE.
Dashboard Tutor Page #2 Clicking on a module in the list expands out a list of tutorial groups that the tutor is tutoring.
Dashboard Tutor Page #3 Clicking on a tutorial group in the list expands out the sub-groups within the tutorial group, if any.
Dashboard Tutor Page #4 The tutor is able to create new subgroups, or select existing subgroups.
Dashboard Tutor Page #5
Clicking on the create new subgroup button opens up this overlay with additional details for creating a subgroup. The tutor is able to name the subgroup, view a list of students and the subgroups they currently belong to (if any) and add or remove them to the current subgroup. The tutor is also able to input a size in the Random Size Input field that will randomly sort students into subgroups of the desired size.
Dashboard Tutor Page #6
Clicking on an existing subgroup opens up a similar overlay, allowing the tutor to rename, add or remove students from the subgroup, delete the subgroup, and open up the lobby page.


Dashboard Student Page #1
The layout and functionalities are similar to the tutor's dashboard, except the student is only able to join a lobby when the lobby open notification is shown. Clicking on the subgroup when the open lobby notification is up will bring the student to the lobby page.

Lobby Page


Lobby Tutor Page #1
The lobby is initially locked, preventing students from joining and allowing the tutor to set up the lobby. The tutor is able to zoom, upload documents and images to the interactive whiteboard, draw, and insert text before students join to prepare for the discussion. The tutor may choose to mute/unmute, show or hide their webcam feed and may also adjust the volume of their feed. The tutor can also return to the dashboard, which will close the lobby.
Lobby Tutor Page #2
Unlocking the lobby will allow students to join, and unlock the chat box and student list. Students are shown by name, and the tutor may set the permissions for each student allowing or preventing editing of the interactive whiteboard. Students can request for help from the tutor through the notifications, which are displayed next to their name in the student list to alert the tutor. The tutor can also begin a battle, which will bring the tutor to the battle room page.


Lobby Student Page #1
Students in the lobby will be able to use the interactive whiteboard with the same functionalities as the tutor, and will be able to adjust the volume of the tutor's webcam feed. Students can also see other student's help requests, and send their own to grab the attention of the tutor. The student is unable to proceed to the battle room page until the tutor has entered one.
Mockup Description
Lobby Student Page #2 Students without permissions to edit the interactive whiteboard may only zoom in and out of the board.
Lobby Student Page #3 When the tutor starts a battle, the lobby elements will mostly be greyed out except the battle button, to prompt students to proceed to the Battle Room page and join the tutor.

Battle Room Page


Login Page #1
In the battle room page the tutor is able to view their avatar, along with the avatars of the students involved in the battle. The students and tutor can communicate through the chat box, and there is a list of each student by name. The interactive whiteboard functions the same, however may be expanded to aid in composing questions for the tutor.
Login Page #2
The interactive whiteboard is expanded into an overlay over the rest of the elements of the page that can be contracted to return to the previous page and access the other elements once more.
Login Page #1
Each student is shown in the list by name, along with the subgroup they belong to. The tutor may select students to direct the question to in this list. Once the tutor has selected students to direct the question composed on the interactive whiteboard to, the attack button appears to allow students to answer the question.
Login Page #2
While the students are preparing their answers on each subgroup's respective interactive whiteboard, the tutor may toggle through to observe their work, and the student avatars update accordingly to reflect the selected subgroup's interactive whiteboard.
Login Page #1
Once the students have submitted their subgroup's interactive whiteboard, the tutor may rank the correctness of the answer, which will convene experience points to the students in the subgroup based on effectiveness. When the tutor has assigned a rank to each subgroup, the tutor may click on the grade button to send the rankings out to each subgroup.
Mockup Description
Login Page #2 Graded interactive whiteboards display the effectiveness as an overlay. The tutor may then compose another question.
Login Page #2 Previously answered questions and their answers will be pushed up and the tutor may scroll back to inspect them.
Login Page #1 Subgroups and their respective scores are displayed in a summary at the end of the battle. The tutor may then end the battle session and return to the lobby.


Login Page #2
The battle room page for students contains largely the same elements. Students are able to access and utilise their interactive whiteboard as the tutor prepares their own, and an indication is given on the tutor's interactive whiteboard to let students know the question is still being composed.
Mockup Description
Login Page #1 Students may expand both their own whiteboard and the tutor's.
Login Page #2 When the tutor has finished composing, students may send their complete answers to the tutor for ranking.
Login Page #1 While the tutor is grading each interactive whiteboard students are shown a notification.
Login Page #2
When the tutor has finished ranking all the interactive whiteboards for each subgroup, the students may then be able to see the interactive whiteboards of all the other subgroups engaged in the battle, and the respective effectiveness given by the tutor to access the answers.
Mockup Description
Login Page #2 Similar to the tutor's battle room page, all previous interactive whiteboards are pushed up and may be scrolled to.
Login Page #1 A summary of experience and levels gained for the battle is shown in an overlay to students.