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NUnit Project XML Format

CharliePoole edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 1 revision

NUnit Project XML Format


The required root element for any NUnit project file.


Contains global settings that apply to all configurations in the project. May be empty or absent.

  • Containing Element: <NUnitProject>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • activeconfig The name of the config to use if none is specified by the user. Using nunit-console, you may override this through the --config command-line option.
    • appbase The application base to use in loading and running tests. Defaults to the location of the .nunit project file. If the path is relative, as it normally is, it is taken as relative to the location of the project file.
    • processModel NO LONGER SUPPORTED
    • domainUsage NO LONGER SUPPORTED


Describes a specific configuration of the project. This may map to traditional compiler configs like Debug or Release or may be used to specify any arbitrary collection of assemblies to be tested together. At least one configuration should be specified or the project will not be usable.

  • Containing Element: <NUnitProject>
  • Contained Elements: <assembly>
  • Attributes:
    • name The name of this configuration. (Required)
    • appbase The application base to use in loading and running tests under this config. Defaults to the appbase specified in the <Settings> element. The path should normally be relative to that global application base or to the location of project file if there is no global appbase.
    • binpath The probing path used to search for assemblies, consisting of a number of directory paths separated by semicolons. The directory paths should be relative to the application base and must be under it. Specifying this attribute automatically sets the binpathtype to 'manual'.
    • binpathtype Indicates how the probing path is determined. Possible values are: Auto (the probing path is determined from the location of the test assemblies), Manual (the path is specified by the binpath attribute) and None (no probing path is used). It is an error to specify a value other than Manual if the binpath attribute is also used.
    • configfile Specifies the path to a config file to be used when running tests under this configuration. The path is relative to the application base.
    • processModel NO LONGER SUPPORTED
    • domainUsage NO LONGER SUPPORTED
    • runtimeFramework Specifies a runtime framework to be used in running tests. Abbreviations are the same as those accepted by the nunit-console command-line. If none is specified, tests are run under the target runtime specified when the assembly was compiled.


Specifies a single assembly containing tests.

  • Containing Element: <Config>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • path The path to the test assembly, relative to the application base for its configuration.