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Introduction - hello world!

If you are using C or C++, it is probably because you have to - either you need low-level access to the system, or need every last drop of performance, or both. Rust aims to offer the same level of abstraction around memory, the same performance, but be safer and make you more productive.

Concretely, there are many languages out there that you might prefer to use to C++: Java, Scala, Haskell, Python, and so forth, but you can't because either the level of abstraction is too high (you don't get direct access to memory, you are forced to use garbage collection, etc.), or there are performance issues (either performance is unpredictable or it's simply not fast enough). Rust does not force you to use garbage collection, and as in C++, you get raw pointers to memory to play with. Rust subscribes to the 'pay for what you use' philosophy of C++. If you don't use a feature, then you don't pay any performance overhead for its existence. Furthermore, all language features in Rust have a predictable (and usually small) cost.

Whilst these constraints make Rust a (rare) viable alternative to C++, Rust also has benefits: it is memory safe - Rust's type system ensures that you don't get the kind of memory errors which are common in C++ - accessing un-initialised memory, and dangling pointers - all are impossible in Rust. Furthermore, whenever other constraints allow, Rust strives to prevent other safety issues too - for example, all array indexing is bounds checked (of course, if you want to avoid the cost, you can (at the expense of safety) - Rust allows you to do this in unsafe blocks, along with many other unsafe things. Crucially, Rust ensures that unsafety in unsafe blocks stays in unsafe blocks and can't affect the rest of your program). Finally, Rust takes many concepts from modern programming languages and introduces them to the systems language space. Hopefully, that makes programming in Rust more productive, efficient, and enjoyable.

In the rest of this section we'll download and install Rust, create a minimal Cargo project, and implement Hello World.

Getting Rust

You can get Rust from The downloads from there include the Rust compiler, standard libraries, and Cargo, which is a package manager and build tool for Rust.

Rust is available on three channels: stable, beta, and nightly. Rust works on a rapid-release, schedule with new releases every six weeks. On the release date, nightly becomes beta and beta becomes stable.

Nightly is updated every night and is ideal for users who want to experiment with cutting edge features and ensure that their libraries will work with future Rust.

Stable is the right choice for most users. Rust's stability guarantees only apply to the stable channel.

Beta is designed to mostly be used in users' CI to check that their code will continue to work as expected.

So, you probably want the stable channel. If you're on Linux or OS X, the easiest way to get it is to run

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

On Windows, a similarly easy way would be to run

choco install rust

For other ways to install, see

You can find the source at To build the compiler, run ./configure && make rustc. See building-from-source for more detailed instructions.

Hello World!

The easiest and most common way to build Rust programs is to use Cargo. To start a project called hello using Cargo, run cargo new --bin hello. This will create a new directory called hello inside which is a Cargo.toml file and a src directory with a file called

Cargo.toml defines dependencies and other metadata about our project. We'll come back to it in detail later.

All our source code will go in the src directory. already contains a Hello World program. It looks like this:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

To build the program, run cargo build. To build and run it, cargo run. If you do the latter, you should be greeted in the console. Success!

Cargo will have made a target directory and put the executable in there.

If you want to use the compiler directly you can run rustc src/ which will create an executable called main. See rustc --help for lots of options.

OK, back to the code. A few interesting points - we use fn to define a function or method. main() is the default entry point for our programs (we'll leave program args for later). There are no separate declarations or header files as with C++. println! is Rust's equivalent of printf. The ! means that it is a macro. A subset of the standard library is available without needing to be explicitly imported/included (the prelude). The println! macro is included as part of that subset.

Let's change our example a little bit:

fn main() {
    let world = "world";
    println!("Hello {}!", world);

let is used to introduce a variable, world is the variable name and it is a string (technically the type is &'static str, but more on that later). We don't need to specify the type, it will be inferred for us.

Using {