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156 lines (154 loc) · 58.9 KB

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156 lines (154 loc) · 58.9 KB

Plugin List - 64 bit

version 1.7.4

Plugin name Author Homepage Version and link Description
3P - Progress Programmers Pal Julien Caillon 1.8.8 - 64 bit
[Requires .NET framework v4.6.1]
Designed to help writing OpenEdge ABL (formerly known as Progress 4GL) code. It provides :
- a powerful auto-completion
- tool-tips on every words
- a code explorer to quickly navigate through your code
- a file explorer to easily access all your sources
- the ability to run/compile and even PROLINT your source file with an in-line visualization of errors
- more than 50 options to better suit your needs
- and so much more!
Visit for more details on the plugin
ActiveX Plugin Bananen-Joe - 64 bit
Allows you to control Notepad++ via ActiveX.
You can use ActiveX with many scripting languages (VBScript, JScript, PHP, ...) and other languages (C++, C+, VB.NET, Delphi, ...).
So you are not bound to a single language.
AnalysePlugin Mattes H. - 64 bit
AnalysePlugin will help you to search for more than one search pattern at a time. Great for analysing big log files...
Last changes and how to use you will find in Help... in Plugins Menu.
Auto Detect Indention Mike Tzou (Chocobo1) 2.3 - 64 bit Detects indention (tab or spaces) and auto adjust Tab key on-the-fly.
AutoCodepage Andreas Heim 1.2.7 - 64 bit
Automatically sets a document's code page to your needs on loading or renaming a document, changing its language or activating its tab. Usefull especially when coding batch scripts.
AutoEolFormat Andreas Heim 1.0.4 - 64 bit
A plugin to automatically set a document's EOL (End Of Line) format to your needs on loading, saving or renaming a document or activating its tab.
Automation Scripts Oleg Shilo - 64 bit
C# based automation. Allows implementing a simple macros-like automations as well as the full scale script based plugins by means of C# scripts. The solution is based on CS-Script C# script engine.
AutoSave Franco Stellari 2.0 - 64 bit
Automatically save the currently open files based on a timer schedule and/or upon the application losing focus.
The plugin offers several options to save the current (or all the files), selecting only the named ones, accessible through an options dialog box.
BetterMultiSelection Justin Dailey 1.5 - 64 bit Provides better cursor movements when using multiple selections.
BigFiles - Open Very Large Files Claudio Olmi 0.1.3 - 64 bit
Reads very large files. It does this by only showing a small buffer of the file and let the user move back anf forth in the page.
This is useful when you want to preview very large text files. Opening is done separately from Notepad++ and there is no option to save.
Bookmarks@Dook Dook 4.0.4 - 64 bit Bookmarks panel
BracketsCheck niccord 1.2.2 - 64 bit
Helps to check if brackets in your file are balanced.
You can check all text in a file or only the part you selected.
CADdyTools Mario Rosenbohm - 64 bit Notepad++-Plugin for manipulate CADdy-formated coordinate- and measure-textfiles
Code Alignment Chris McGrath 14.1.107 - 64 bit
Code alignment helps you present your code beautifully, enhancing clarity and readability.
Align your code by any character. Fast logical shortcuts to perform common alignments such as equals and period.
Code::Stats p0358 1.1.1 - 64 bit
Write code, level up, show off! A free stats tracking service for programmers. Enables XP tracking in Notepad++.
Requires a account for its functionality.

Anonymous usage statistics:
On the next Notepad++ launches, after API token has been provided, this plugin is making HTTPS request to analytics server containing plugin version and unique randomly generated ID. This is because the author would like to see the amount of people using this. The usage statistic collection is not related to the Code::Stats service itself. If you really do not want to be included, you can opt-out in plugin settings.
Columns++ Randall Joseph Fellmy 1.1.2 - 64 bit
Offers features for working with text and data arranged in columns, including an implementation of elastic tabstops, enhanced searching and sorting, column alignment and numeric calulations.
ColumnTools Vin's World - 64 bit Notepad++ Highlight Current Column and Horizontal Ruler
Comment Toggler ScienceDiscoverer - 64 bit
Smart single button comment toggler. Features:
- Does not insert space in front of the comment
- Supports all the built-in languages and even user defined languages
- Can do simple single line comments without selection
- Preserves indentation in the commented code block
- Fixes some indentation inconsistencies
- Supports block comments
- Supports multiple selections
- With every type of comment at the same time!
Blitz Search NateStah - 64 bit
Adds Blitz Search This to the Toolbar. Features:
- Search This command with selection to run Blitz Search with substring
- Search This command with no selection to run Blitz Search with Whole word match
Comment Wrap Derek Brown - 64 bit Wraps comments as you type. Supports C-style, Python-style, and Lua-style comments.
Compare Ty Landercasper, Jean-Sebastien Leroy, Pavel Nedev 2.0.2 - 64 bit Shows the differences between 2 files (side by side).
ComparePlus Pavel Nedev 1.2.0 - 64 bit
Advanced compare tool based on the well-known Compare-plugin by Ty Landercasper and Jean-Sebastien Leroy.
CS-Script - C# Intellisense Oleg Shilo - 64 bit
CS-Script integration. Implements a real C# Intellisense solution based on CS-Script and Roslyn. Allows loading, executing modifying and debugging C# scripts in a way very similar to the Visual Studio C# projects support. This includes referencing assemblies and other scripts, code formatting, adding missing namespaces and intercepting Debug and Console output.
CSV Lint Bas de Reuver - 64 bit
Syntax highlighting and quality control for csv and fixed width data, detect column and datatypes, convert datetime/decimal format, sql, xml
CsvQuery jokedst 1.2.9 - 64 bit Enables SQL queries against CSV files.
Customize Toolbar 5.3 - 64 bit
Allows the toolbar to be fully customised by the user, and includes twenty-six additional buttons for frequently used menu commands. All buttons on the toolbar can be customized, whether Notepad++ buttons, additional buttons, or other plugin buttons.

Custom buttons for Notepad++ menu commands or other plugin menu commands can be created using a configuration file. It is possible to replace the icons of existing Notepad++ buttons or other plugin buttons.
CustomLineNumbers Andreas Heim 1.1.10 - 64 bit
Displays line numbers as hex numbers or as relative numbers. You can also configure the starting line number.
DBGp Damjan Zobo Cvetko - 64 bit PHP debugger (XDebug) which talks with the DBGP protocol. Transforms Notepad++ into a PHP IDE.
Discord Rich Presence Zukaritasu 2.0.625.1 - 64 bit Shows in discord the file that is currently being edited in Notepad++.
DoxyIt Justin Dailey 0.4.4 - 64 bit Supports creating Doxygen comments.
DSpellCheck Sergey Semushin 1.5.0 - 64 bit
Spell-checking with these main features:
-Underlining spelling mistakes

-Iterating through all mistakes in document
-Finding mistakes only in comments and strings (For files with standard programming language syntax e.g. C++)
-Possible usage of multiple languages (dictionaries) simultaneously to do spell-checking.
-Getting suggestions for words by either using default Notepad++ menu or separate context menu called by special button appearing under word.
-Able to add words to user dictionary or ignore them for current session of Notepad++
-Using either Hunspell library (included in plugin) or Aspell library (needs to be installed).
-A lot of customizing available from Plugin settings (Ignoring/Allowing only specific files, Choosing delimiters for words, Maximum number of suggestions etc)
-Support for downloading and removing Hunspell dictionaries through user friendly GUI interface
-Ability to quickly change current language through the nice menu.
EditorConfig EditorConfig Team 0.4.0 - 64 bit
EditorConfig is a text file that defines coding conventions for a project to help maintain them consistent no matter which text editor you use. This plugin adds support for .editorconfig files to Notepad++. It will automatically discover and apply matching .editorconfig settings to the files that you open for editing. For the EditorConfig recommended use, file format and samples, visit
ElasticTabstops Marius Vasiliu, Justin Dailey 1.5.0 - 64 bit Support for Elastic Tabstops.
EnhanceAnyLexer Ekopalypse 1.4.0 - 64 bit Adds more styling, colors only, options to any Lexer
ERP Helper Whitley Media 1.1.2 - 64 bit
A set of utilities for developing ERP integrations, includes XSL transformation and Workday API SOAP calls.
Explorer Jens Lorenz - 64 bit File browser. You can open files from your local drives in Notepad++, just double click!
Expression calculator PlanetCNC 3001.21.1125.1 - 64 bit Expression calculator plugin for Notepad++
ExtSettings Andreas Heim 1.3.1 - 64 bit Set various Scintilla settings which are not available via Notepad++ preferences dialog.
F# Interactive Prapin Peethambaran - 64 bit
F# source code lexer and IPC client for F# Interactive.
Note: the .NET SDK must be installed separately.
FileFinder UFO-Pu55y 0.3 - 64 bit Quickly and comfortably find files by name, both in folders and in N++'s file history.
Fixed-width Data Visualizer Shridhar Kumar - 64 bit
Fixed Width Data Visualizer adds Excel-like features for fixed-width data files in Notepad++. Displays cursor position data. Foldable Record Blocks; Hop & Jump to specific fields. Field Copy & Field Paste. Data Extraction. Builtin dialogs to configure file-type, record-type & fields; and themes & colors. Automatic File Type Detection. Handles homogenous, mixed & multi-line records. Full Multi-byte character support. Darkmode enabled.
GEDCOM Lexer Stan Mitchell - 64 bit
View and edit GEDCOM files with syntax highlighting of: level, xref id, tag, pointer, value and escape tokens. Customize coloration and font styles. Grammar errors are also highlighted. View GEDCOM files in outline mode by folding sections based on line level.
GitSCM Michael J. Vincent - 64 bit N++ Gui for already installed Git SCM for Windows. Optionally TortoiseGit.
GotoLineCol Shridhar Kumar - 64 bit
A plugin to navigate to a specified line and (byte-based or character-based) column position. Will also display character byte code, UTF-8 byte sequence & Unicode code point at cursor position. Darkmode enabled. Command line options.
HEX-Editor Jens Lorenz - 64 bit Hex editor. Some reported issues, however many bugs fixed in latest release.
HTML Tag Martijn Coppoolse - 64 bit
Provides three core functions:
- HTML and XML tag jumping, like the built-in brace matching and selection
of tags and/or contents.
- HTML entity encoding/decoding (example: é to é)
- JS character encoding/decoding (example: é to \u00E9)
HugeFiles Mark Johnston Olson 0.4.1 - 64 bit
Reads very large files one chunk at a time, ensuring that each chunk breaks at the end of a line.
Can also break JSON files into syntactically valid JSON chunks.
Can find/replace text in big files without huge memory consumption.
Find/replace form for editing the big file without reading it all into memory.
ImgTag salvom 2.0.1 - 64 bit Insert IMG tags, in your HTML document, using the Open File dialog box to select image files.
Indent By Fold Ben Bluemel, Frank Fesevur 0.7.3 - 64 bit
Indent using Fold points
Note: Disable Notepad++'s Auto Indent in Settings - Preferences - MISC - Untick Auto Indent.
Java Plugin Dominik Cebula 0.4.0 - 64 bit Allows Java Code Compilation and Execution directly from Notepad++.
JavaScript Map Parser Oleksandr Boiko 4.2 - 64 bit
Provides better JavaScript support. Provides a panel with hierarchy structure of functions in your js file.
jN Notepad++ Plugin Eugen Kremer - 64 bit
Allows you to extend Notepad++ by using JavaScript.
- You can create new menu elements which execute JavaScript
- You can use manu ActiveX components available on your PC
- You can add shortcuts executing JavaScript
- You can create HTML-based dialogs and docking windows
- You can write JavaScript wrappers around Win32 API
- Since version 2.0.116 you can debug your automating scripts
- Selection highlighting and navigation bar
- Integrated Zen Coding v0.7
- You can catch context menu request and create your own
JSFunctionViewer Sover David 1.1.0 - 64 bit
Provides an easier way to view and/or navigate to functions from function calls. Also works with external files if the src attribute is the last attribute of the <script> tag. Select the name of a function to view it. Recommended: In the Find/Replace window (Ctrl+F), tick the 'Match case' and untick the 'Match whole word only' check box.
JSON Tools Mark Johnston Olson 8.1 - 64 bit
Query/editing tool for JSON including linting, reformatting, a tree viewer with file navigation, JSON schema validation and generation, escaping/unescaping strings, and much more.
The tree viewer can also be used to explore CSV files and regex search results (experimental).
JSON Viewer Kapil Ratnani, Rajendra Singh - 64 bit JSON viewer that displays the selected JSON string in a tree view.
JSTool Sun Junwen 1.2312.0 - 64 bit
Javascript plugin.
* Douglas Crockford's JSMin algorithm to minimize javascript code.

* My own algorithm to format javascript code.
* A JSON data viewer. This JSON data viewer can handle >10MB JSON file easily.
* Support 64bit Notepad++ (from version 1.20.0).
Really helpful to javascript coder on Notepad++ and really easy to use it.
Made in China.
LanguageHelp Franco Stellari - 64 bit
Allows loading a language specific help file (CHM, HLP, PDF) and search for the keyword under the cursor.
The latest version allows showing the help files as menu entries or in the context menu.
Linefilter3 SeeliSoft - 64 bit Allows filtering for a given text and display the matching lines in a new window.
Linter Vladimir Soshkin - 64 bit
Allows realtime code check against any checkstyle-compatible linter: jshint, eslint, jscs, phpcs, csslint, and many others.
Location Navigate Austin Young - 64 bit
Navigate between your last edit/view points. Useful for code/text edit and view, especially for many and large text files
1. Automatically record the cursor position and modified points
2. You can jump to any position that your cursor has visited.
3. Can use shortcuts (Ctrl+- for previous position and Ctrl+Shift+- for next position) to jump forward and back in code
4. Can jump to any modified points (Ctrl+Alt+Z) back and forward (Ctrl+Alt+Y)
5. History positions are automatically adjusted when text is modified.
6. Can record positions data when application exit and it will be loaded in next run.
7. Can navigate only in current file
LuaScript Justin Dailey 0.12 - 64 bit
Adds Lua scripting capabilities. This provides control over all of Scintilla's features and options with a light-weight, fully-functional programming language.
Markdown Panel Mohzy83 0.7.3 - 64 bit Lightweight plugin to display rendered Markdown files.
MarkdownViewer++ nea 0.8.2 - 64 bit
View Markdown/CommonMark compliant text files rendered on-the-fly directly in Notepad++ in a docked panel.
Export the rendered result as HTML or PDF and configure the file extensions to be rendered.
MenuIcons Franco Stellari 2.0.7 - 64 bit Adds icons to the main menu, tab menu, context menu, and the tabs themselves.
Merge files in one G. Singh - 64 bit Copy lines from multiple files into one.
Mime tools Don HO 3.1 - 64 bit
Implements several main functionalities defined in MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Base64, Quoted-printable and URL encode/decode
MultiReplace Thomas Knoefel - 64 bit
Advanced multi-string replacement; storage of search/replace patterns; CSV column highlighting, targeting, and sorting; dynamic computational operations; rectangular selection support.
MusicPlayer Jon Galletero - 64 bit Open and play music files.
Supports: *.wav, *.mp3, *.aiff, *.wma
MZC8051 Jiangshan00001 0.0.1 - 64 bit a 8051 c compiler plugin within notepad++.
NavigateTo Oleksii Maryshchenko - 64 bit
Do you have more then 10 open tabs? Then this plugin is for you.
New and efficient way to quickly navigate between tabs (files). Allows you to search for a symbol or filename, filepath by matching against a keyword you type, and get a real-time preview while going through the search results with the Shift key.
And YES, you can uncheck the Multi-line option, in the Preferences > General > Tab Bar zone because you don’t need the multi-lines tab feature anymore :)
Author: Oleksii Maryshchenko
NewFileBrowser Austin Young 0.1.5 - 64 bit Define 20 new file's initial text and have an inner web browser which can run current file.
Notepad++ bplist plugin Sergiy Azarovsky - 64 bit
Supports viewing/editing binary plist files. Due to the fact that ordinary plist files have XML format, this plugin does not support them. It only loads binary plist files (bplist).
NppOpenAI Richárd Stockinger - 64 bit
OpenAI (aka. ChatGPT) plugin for Notepad++. Simply select your text, press Ctrl + Shift + O, and you'll see the AI generated response in seconds. Some examples: 'Please create a Fibonacci function in PHP'; 'Mi az árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép?' (Hungarian Unicode test) etc. This plugin requires an active internet connection and an OpenAI registration / API key (handles it confidential).
Notepad++ Plugin Demo Don HO 4.4 - 64 bit
Notepad++ Plugin Demo is written from Notepad++ Plugin Template to demonstrate the usage of plugin API.
Notepad++ Plugin Template Don HO 4.4 - 64 bit Template for making plugin development as easy and simple as possible. Four steps and it's done.
NotepadStarterPlugin Yonggang Luo - 64 bit
When it is installed as a Notepad++ plugin or running NotepadStarter.exe in the Notepad++ app directory, it will automatically replace the system default notepad.exe application with Notepad++ (without need to remove anything from the Windows system.). It's tested under Windows 7, but Windows XP should also work.
Npp Converter Don HO 4.6 - 64 bit ASCII<->Hex converter.
npp Random String Generator Maurice CMBSolutions 1.9.2 - 64 bit Generates random strings with configurable output.
Npp Xml Treeview João Rosa 2.0.0 - 64 bit Treeview visualization for XML files.
npp.Connections Vladimir Korobenkov 1.1.0 - 64 bit
This plugin allows Notepad++ to connect to MS SQL or Sybase servers. ODBC data sources, like a MySql Driver, are also supported
NppCrypt Jean Paul Richter - 64 bit
Encryption/decryption with various block ciphers, hash-algorithms, random-characters, encoding with Base-16/32/64.
NppEventExec Mihail Ivanchev 0.9.0 - 64 bit
Allows automatically executing NppExec scripts on Notepad++ events. You can use it, for example, to format and compile source code.
NppExec Vitaliy Dovgan 0.8.8 - 64 bit Execute commands or saved scripts without leaving Notepad++.
NppExport - 64 bit
True WYSIWYG exporter. Allows you not only to save your source code as an HTML/RTF file, but also to copy your source code in the clipboard in RTF/HTML format, so you can paste it into your word processor ( Writer, LibreOffice Writer, Abiword, MS Word) to get the same visual effect.
NppFavorites Helder Sepulveda - 64 bit
Favorites plugin.
Notepad++ does not come with favorites. This is a simple solution to that problem.
NppFTP ashish_kulz 0.29.13 - 64 bit Allows FTP, FTPS, FTPES, and SFTP communications. Very useful for web development.
NppGist Ivan Kochurkin (KvanTTT) - 64 bit Allows working with GitHub Gist (create, edit, remove, rename).
NppGTags Pavel Nedev 5.1.2 - 64 bit
Front-end to GNU Global source code tagging system (GTags). Provides code indexing and search/navigation tools for various languages.
NppGZipFileViewer Pascal Krenckel 3.0.1 - 64 bit A Notepad++ plugin to open and save files in the gzip or bzip2 format.
Npp Highlighter Michael Zhang - 64 bit
Npp-Highlighter draw indicator on scroll bar when:
- line contents changed

- double clicked and smart highlighted words
- text highlighted by Style token
NppJumpList ahvgeezer 1.2.2 - 64 bit Adds Windows 7 jump list support.
NppMenuSearch Peter Frentrup 0.9.6 - 64 bit Adds a text field to the toolbar for searching menu items and preference dialog options.
NppNetNote Harrybharry - 64 bit
Allows the same document to be edited in real time on two different computers. Only needs a network connection between the two.
NppPluginOpenHost jejemorg - 64 bit Allow to open Host file on Windows
NppQrCode Vladimir Korobenkov - 64 bit Creates a QR code from selected text. Just select some text and click the toolbar button.
NppRegExTractor Jan Graefe 2.1.0 - 64 bit Search one or more regular expression in one or more different files and get XML search results.
NppTags Frank Fesevur 0.9.1 - 64 bit
NppTags is a Universal Ctags plug-in to browse through your sources easily and lets you jump to a selected function / variable / class / etc in your code by pressing just one key.
NppTextViz Jakub Dvorak 0.4.2 - 64 bit
Hide or show lines to help analyse larger files - logs for example. Can hide all lines that contain text pattern. Or simply select several lines and hide them. Based on TextFX plugin v0.25 by Chris Severance.
NppUISpy Andreas Heim 1.2 - 64 bit Determine the menu command ID's of Notepad++ menu items and toolbar buttons.
Open File In Solution IncredibleJunior 3.0.1 - 64 bit
Lets you index specific folders and possible specific types of resources (XML, CPP, PY files) for a fast indexing of files.
NWScript Tools Leonardo Silva - 64 bit
View, edit and compile Bioware's NWScript files with this plugin. Use customized color-syntax for your personalized tokens and also for engine-defined ones. Can disassemble compiled scripts and build makefile dependencies. Also has a feature to process files in configurable batches.
OpenSelection Franco Stellari - 64 bit
Open files based on the selected text. A typical applications is 'include' files of may types of programs. Another applications is to open Matlab functions. Can be customized for different languages based on the open file extension. Multiple search folders may be specified along with multiple extensions.
Papyrus Script Lexer blu3mania - 64 bit
View and edit Papyrus Script files used by Bethesda games with syntax highlighting, function and block folding, hyperlinks to referenced scripts, keywords matching, plus compilation support with anonymized output and error list view.
PlantUML Viewer Philipp Schmidt - 64 bit A Notepad++ plugin to generate view and export PlantUML diagrams.
Poor Man's T-Sql Formatter Tao Klerks - 64 bit
Simple SQL formatter performing full multi-batch T-SQL formatting (individual statements, stored procedures, any DML, any DDL) with numerous formatting options.
Pork to Sausage Don HO 2.5 - 64 bit
Pass any selected text to any command line program as input and take the output (the result of program) to replace the selected text.
Preview HTML Martijn Coppoolse - 64 bit Preview HTML files inside Notepad++ (or in a floating window) without having to save them first.
Python Indent Derek Brown - 64 bit Python auto-indent plugin.
PythonScript Dave Brotherstone + Jocelyn Legault - 64 bit Python Script plugin.
QuickText Joao Moreno, Jing Teng - 64 bit Quick text substitution, including multi-field inputs. Similar to Tab Triggers in TextMate.
Random Values Bas de Reuver 0.3 - 64 bit
Random values generator for passwords or test data. Generate single value string, int, decimal, datetime, guid or csv, xml, json, sql.
RDMD for Notepad++ (English) dokutoku - 64 bit Runs rdmd in Notepad++ (English).
RDMD for Notepad++ (Japanese) dokutoku - 64 bit Runs rdmd in Notepad++ (Japanese).
Regex Trainer Ahmoy Law 1.2.0 - 64 bit Regex Trainer (based on net framework 4) that supports a complex regular expression.
Remove Duplicate Lines G. Singh - 64 bit Remove duplicate lines without removing empty lines.
RestApiToText Jeffrey Smith - 64 bit
Make REST API calls using content from an editor tab, then see the results in a new tab.
Useful when you want to test a REST API or store the results of a REST call, without the need for an external REST tool.
Reverse Lines Query Kuma - 64 bit Reverse lines in the selection or document. It works like the unix tac command.
RunMe Franco Stellari - 64 bit
Execute the currently open file, based on its shell association. Also allows opening an explorer or command shell at the file location. Options are available to save the current file (or all files) before execution. The executed file can be run in foreground, background, or hidden mode. Context menu entries and tool bar icons are available.
rustnpp nika-begiashvili 1.0.2 - 64 bit Rust plugin to run or build cargo project and run or build *.rs files. Requisite Rust installation.
Save as admin Yauheni Khnykin 1.0.211 - 64 bit Allows saving file as administrator with Windows UAC prompt.
SecurePad Dominic Tobias 2.4 - 64 bit
Encrypt/decrypt whole documents or selected text with your own key. Useful for storing sensitive information like logins that you don't want lying around in a plaintext file.
Select N' Launch Don HO 2.2 - 64 bit
Get the selected text, save it as file with the extension you customized in the system temporary directory, then call system to open it with the extension-associated program.
Select to Clipboard Jakub Dvorak 1.0.3 - 64 bit
Auto copy selected text to clipboard. You can automatically copy selected text like in PuTTY (or similar) terminal application.
SelectQuotedText Frank Fesevur 1.1.0 - 64 bit
Select the text in quotes (aka a string) based on the Scintilla lexers in Notepad++. Just press Alt+' and select the entire string under the cursor. If no string is found, it selects the current word.
Session Manager Mike Foster 1.4.4 - 64 bit
Session manager. IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading from a version older than 1.2 then, immediately after the upgrade, open the Settings dialog and reconfigure your settings.
Shtirlitz Vsevolod Lukyanin 1.1.2 - 64 bit
Adds menu listing decoding styles. Choose a style - and this style decodes the selected text (Turbo-5 style should fit in most cases). The styles themselves and all the settings can be made by Stirlitz.exe, which is in the Shtirlitz folder. It is there without advertising pictures and due to this only 428 KB.
Snippets Frank Fesevur 1.7.1 - 64 bit
Adds the possibility to add code snippets to the current document by selecting them from a simple list.
Solution Hub IncredibleJunior 3.0.1 - 64 bit Base requirement for several plugins from incfred.
Solution Hub UI IncredibleJunior 3.0.1 - 64 bit Basic UI to create and setup solutions used by the SolutionHub.
Solution Tools IncredibleJunior 3.0.1 - 64 bit
Configurable priority-based fileswitching (most commonly used when switching between .h and .cpp). Configurable what extensions map to which targets and in what order.
'goto file' implementation, Ex. stand on a line, press whatever shortcut(or left mouseclick on the line) you have bound to the GOTO command on a line like :
#include "somefile.h"
require 'some_path/to_a_luafile'
Source Cookifier UFO-Pu55y 0.10.0 - 64 bit
Use Exuberant Ctags to parse either only the currently activated source file or multiple files. The results are shown and can be browsed in a treeview inside of a dockable window. (Requires .NET)
SpeechPlugin Jim Xochellis - 64 bit
No kidding, Notepad++ speaks now. With SpeechPlugin, you can make Notepad++ dictate your text or source code. Of course, speakers are necessary.
SQLinForm Guido Thelen - 64 bit
Formats plain SQL, SQL embedded in program code, SQL snippets, and SQL statements with syntax errors.
Has a powerful code folding feature and formats your SQL as you Type. Supports all major DB like Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Teradata, Netezza, MySQL, Sybase, MS Access, etc. Incorporates its own multi-DB parser engine. No additional software required.
SurroundSelection Justin Dailey 1.4.1 - 64 bit Automatically surround the selection in quotes/brackets/parenthesis/etc.
TagLEET Gur Stavi - 64 bit
Ctags browser. Look up the definition of variables and functions in source code. Can also find include files if ctags file was generated correctly. Ultra fast with low memory usage. Allow working with a single ctags file for very large projects.
TakeNotes Franco Stellari - 64 bit
Helps people who like to use Notepad++ for jotting quick notes. Instead of using unnamed 'new ?' files, this plugins allows to quickly create new empty files in a folder of choice. The file names may be custom generated using a mask and may contain details such as the user name, date, and time of creation so that unique files may be generated. Additionally, the plugin allows to load exiting notes in the folder of choice, save existing files as a note, and open the last saved note quickly. Please refer to the Options dialog box for more details. It is strongly recommended to use this plugin in combination with AutoSave to make sure that you never loose a note.
Task List blitowitz 2.6 - 64 bit
Automatically scans the open document and adds all "TODO:*" items to your task list, a window pane docked on the right. Double-clicking an item in the list will take you to that line in the code.
ToolBucket Paul Heasley 1.10.6622.41516 - 64 bit
Requires .NET 3.5
Multi-line search and replace dialog.
Change indentation dialog.

Generate GUID.
Generate Lorem Ipsum.
Compute MD5 hash.
Compute SHA1 hash.
Base 64 encode.
Base 64 decode.
TopMost Franco Stellari - 64 bit
Allows setting the main Notepad++ window as a topmost window so it can stay on top of other windows even when it is not active. Syncs with Notepad++'s own stay on top functionality and allows to remember the setting between restarts as well as to show a toolbar button.
Tortoise SVN IncredibleJunior 3.0.1 - 64 bit
Main operations for SVN, with a concept of a root solution directory. Note: Uses Tortoise SVN internally so you have to have this installed. Available at
URL Encode/Decode Plugin Rajendra Singh - 64 bit
Hopefully a decent URL Encoder and Decoder plug-in for Notepad++ which helps to make developer's life easier by providing facility to encode/decode the URL within Notepad++.

How it works:
1. Configure setting from menu (Plugins->URL Plugin->URL Plugin Settings). It is not mandatory, but recommended.
2. Select text/URL which you want to encode/decode.
3. Perform your task via Plugins->URL Plugin->Encode/Decode URL.

Visual Studio Line Copy Mackenzie Zastrow (forked by Derek Brown) - 64 bit
Adds two commands to Notepad++ CopyAllowLine and CutAllowLine, which adds Visual Studio style copy/cutting to Notepad++.
WakaTime WakaTime 5.1.1 - 64 bit
Automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
Visit to see your logged time.
XBrackets Lite Vitaliy Dovgan 1.3.1 - 64 bit
Allows autocompletion of brackets ([{""}])
Inserts corresponding right bracket when the left bracket is typed. Uses "smart" autocompletion: * next character is analysed for ([{ brackets; * next & previous characters are analysed for " quote.
XML Navigator Pavel Kotrc 1.4 - 64 bit Plugin which shows the structure of an XML file in a tree view and allows fast navigation within it.
XML Tools Nicolas Crittin - 64 bit
Small set of useful tools for editing XML. Plugin is MSXML-based. The features are:
- XML syntax Check
- XML Schema (XSD) + DTD Validation
- XML tag autoclose
- Pretty print
- Linarize XML
- Current XML Path
- Conversion XML &lt;-&gt; Text
- Comment / Uncomment
- XPath expression evaluation
Zoom Disabler Stanislav Eckert 1.2.0 - 64 bit
Tired of zooming your document everytime you just want to scroll but accidentally still holding the [Ctrl] key? Then this is what you want! It disables mouse zoom, keyboard zoom, or both.
NppTextFX2 Karlheinz Graf 1.4.1 - 64 bit TextFX2 is a Notepad++ plugin which performs a variety of common conversions on selected text.
Folding Line Hider 1.1 - 64 bit
This Notepad++ plugin can hide the unsightly folding lines, and for convenience, you can fold and unfold the current level using the Alt + Left/Right keys.
NX ASCII Database Helper Xuefeng 1.0.0 - 64 bit
This is a Notepad++ plugin for Siemens NX CAM ASCII Database file, which help the user list all of type in database and format file.