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129 lines (102 loc) · 3.72 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (102 loc) · 3.72 KB

Generate still video from an audio and image file, through machine (via "ffmpeg").

Do you want to:

Sample: "Pixelsphere OST (2017)".


  1. Install [Node.js], if not installed.
  2. Run npm install -g extra-stillvideo in [console].
  3. To install this as a package use npm install extra-stillvideo.


stillvideo -a bomberman.m4a -i bomberman.png
# out.mp4 created (yay!)

stillvideo -a speech.mp3 -i photo.jpg -o speech.mp4
# speech.mp4 created from audio speech.mp3, image photo.jpg


stillvideo [options]
# --help:    show this help
# -l, --log: enable log
# -o, --output: set output video file (out.mp4)
# -a, --audio:  set input audio file
# -i, --image:  set input image file
# -ol, --loop:      set loop (1)
# -of, --framerate: set framerate (1)
# -ov, --vcodec:    set vcodec (libx264)
# -oc, --crf:       set CRF (0)
# -op, --preset:    set preset (veryfast)
# -ot, --tune:      set tune (stillimage)
# -oa, --acodec:    set acodec (copy)
# -rx, --resizex:   set image resize-x
# -ry, --resizey:   set image resize-y
# -fx, --fitx:      set image fit-x
# -fy, --fity:      set image fit-y

# Environment variables:
$STILLVIDEO_LOG # enable log (0)
$STILLVIDEO_OUTPUT # set output video file (out.mp4)
$STILLVIDEO_AUDIO  # set input audio file
$STILLVIDEO_IMAGE  # set input image file
$STILLVIDEO_LOOP      # set video loop (1)
$STILLVIDEO_FRAMERATE # set video framerate (1)
$STILLVIDEO_VCODEC    # set video vcodec (libx264)
$STILLVIDEO_CRF       # set video CRF (0)
$STILLVIDEO_PRESET    # set video preset (veryfast)
$STILLVIDEO_TUNE      # set video tune (stillimage)
$STILLVIDEO_ACODEC    # set video acodec (copy)
$STILLVIDEO_RESIZEX   # set image resize-x
$STILLVIDEO_RESIZEY   # set image resize-y
$STILLVIDEO_FITX      # set image fit-x
$STILLVIDEO_FITY      # set image fit-y


const stillvideo = require('extra-stillvideo');

await stillvideo('out.mp4', 'bomberman.m4a', 'bomberman.png');
// out.mp4 created (yay!)

await stillvideo('speech.mp4', 'speech.mp3', 'photo.jpg');
// speech.mp4 created from audio speech.mp3, image photo.jpg
const stillvideo = require('extra-stillvideo');

stillvideo(output, audio, image, options={})
// output:  output video file
// audio:   input audio file
// image:   input image file
// options: given below
// -> Promise <output>

// Default options
options = {
  stdio: [0, 1, 2],   // set child process stdio
  log: false,         // enable log
  loop: 1,            // set loop
  framerate: 1,       // set framerate
  vcodec: 'libx264',  // set vcodec
  crf: 0,             // set CRF
  preset: 'veryfast', // set preset
  tune: 'stillimage', // set tune
  acodec: 'copy',     // set acodec
  resizeX: 0,         // set image resize-x
  resizeY: 0,         // set image resize-y
  fitX: 0,            // set image fit-x
  fitY: 0             // set image fit-y


Do you need anything similar?

Suggestions are welcome. Please create an issue.
