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180 lines (146 loc) · 7.5 KB

v1.0.5, CRAN Update 10

  • Add historical decompositions and RMSE/LPS, and WAIC for analysis
  • Improve the algorithm to draw sign restrictions
    • Shocks are now built and checked per variable
  • Fix the CRAN NOTE on missing "tangle output"
  • Update FRED-datasets to 2023-10 vintage
    • Newer FRED-QD files include (unannounced) small naming changes

v1.0.4, CRAN Update 9

  • Fix bug from last update, where automatic ARIMA-priors where sqrt'd twice
    • Thanks to Michael Wolf for pointing this out, and
    • many thanks to Nirai Tomass for discovering the bug
  • Update FRED-MD and FRED-QD datasets to the 2023-02 vintage

v1.0.3, CRAN Update 8

  • Fix bug where warnings caused an error during automatic ARIMA-based priors
    • Thanks to Martin Feldkircher for pointing this out

v1.0.2, CRAN Update 7 / JSS Release

  • Add DOI in the CITATION file for a new JSS publication
    • DOI will be registered after publication on CRAN
    • References now use the DOI interface instead of URLs
  • Update FRED-QD and FRED-MD datasets to 2021-10
  • Fix minor issues with vignette (e.g. fixed dataset, references, etc)
  • Add verbosity to ARIMA-based automatic prior settings
  • Add hook to simplify use of shared generics with vars
  • Add README file to the package with correct URLs

v1.0.1, CRAN Update 6

  • Add identification via zero and sign restrictions
  • Update CITATION with the forthcoming JSS reference
  • Prepare for tidy outputs in BVARverse
  • Fix minor bugs and typos (internal checks, documentation, and vignette)

v1.0.0, CRAN Update 5 / JSS Revision 2

  • Add fancy vignette with background and demonstrations
  • Add new features
    • New FRED-MD database and updated FRED-QD (data("fred_md"))
    • Transformation helper functions (fred_transform(), fred_code())
    • Add Conditional forecasting (see ?bv_fcast())
    • New replacement functions for irf() and predict() (irf(x) <- irf(x))
    • Provide wrapper for parallelised execution (par_bvar())
  • Improve existing features
    • Enhance IRF and forecast plotting
      • area argument adds polygons for credible intervals
      • t_back allows adding realised values before forecasts
      • col and fill arguments allow changing colours
      • transparence is applied to sequential lines / polygons
      • Improved x-axis labelling
    • Regex may be used for vars, vars_response, and vars_impulse
    • New type for coef(), fitted(), etc, to retrieve means / quantiles
    • Add constructors for the prior mean b argument in bv_mn()
    • Auto psi now allows for one order of integration
  • Enhance speed considerably (~2-10 times faster)
    • Move IRF and forecasts out of MCMC
    • Capitalise upon matrix properties
    • Cached and customised multivariate normal drawing
    • Optimised FEVD computation
  • Fix bugs
    • IRF calculation is now ordered properly (please recalculate)
    • coda methods are now proper methods (potential issue on Windows)
    • Vectorised scale_hess now works properly
  • Remove deprecated functions and arguments
  • Work on documentation and examples
  • Update citation information
  • Improve upon internal structure
    • Unit tests with tinytest for development (skipped on CRAN)
    • Outsource additional steps to dedicated functions
    • More robustness checks and add verbosity to errors
  • Tested extensively on R 4.0.0 and R 3.6.3

v0.2.2, CRAN Update 4 / Impulse Response Hotfix

  • Fix impulse response calculation (stray transpose of coefficients)
    • Thanks, Maximilian Böck for helping us track this down
  • Add some verbosity to error messages
  • Prepare for next major release
    • Include messages about future extensions and changes of FEVDs
    • Update docs on future construction of sign restrictions
    • Update docs on prediction and IRFs in bvar()
  • Add FRED-MD co-author Serena Ng to data contributors

v0.2.1, CRAN Update 3 / FRED-QD ODC-BY 1.0

  • Clarify exact ToU of the FRED-QD dataset with St. Louis Fed
    • Comply with the new modified ODC-BY 1.0 for FRED-QD
    • Mention and add license to LICENSE file (linked in DESCRIPTION)
    • Add the copyrighted series we are allowed to use
    • Mention updates and license in the data documentation
  • Fix and improve documentation

v0.2.0, CRAN Update 2 / JSS Revision 1

  • Extend methods further
    • Add summary() methods for bvar, bvar_irf and bvar_fcast
    • Add as.mcmc method to interface with coda
    • Support hyperparameters and coefficients in plot.bvar() and density()
    • Add companion() method to retrieve the companion matrix
    • Improve ylim of plot.bvar() density plots with multiple chains
    • Add logLik() method for bvar objects
  • Fix bv_psi() errors for modes other than "auto"
  • Change fcast and irf defaults of bvar() to NULL
  • Move from MASS to mvtnorm for dmvnorm() (used in logLik())
  • Be more specific in error messages
  • Add coda to suggestions for convergence assessment etc.
  • Add files LICENSE, CITATION and
  • Improve examples for further test coverage
  • R CMD check --run-donttest: One warning (deprecated functions)

v0.1.6, Internal Release 1

  • Prepare for minor release 0.2.0
  • Provide several standard methods for objects generated with BVAR
    • predict() for ex-post forecasts and updating quantiles
    • irf() / fevd() for ex-post irfs, fevds and updating quantiles
    • fitted(), residuals(), coef() and vcov()
    • density() as shorthand for calling density() on hyperparameters
  • Add print() methods for intermediate objects
    • Includes bv_minnesota, bv_metropolis and method outputs
  • Rework plotting
    • plot.bvar() now supports types, subsets and multiple chains
    • Deprecate bv_plot_trace() and bv_plot_density()
      • Add density(), including a plot method
      • Replace by plot.bvar(), incl. plotting of multiple chains
    • Change plotting of bvar_fcast and bvar_irf
      • Deprecate bv_plot_irf(x) for plot(x$irf) or plot(irf(x))
      • Move conf_bands argument to predict() / irf()
    • Add plot methods for bvar_resid and bvar_density
  • Add sign_lim to bv_irf() to set maximum number of sign restriction draws
  • Standardise prior construction further
    • Align alpha and lambda, improve psi alignment
    • bv_mn() may be called with a numeric vector for alpha and/or lambda
  • Improve documentation
    • Document related functions in joint
    • Add details on priors
  • Add less concise aliases for bv_mh() and bv_mn()
    • bv_metropolis() and bv_minnesota()
  • Fix bugs related to single confidence bands at 0.5
  • Save fred_qd with format version 2, lowering R dependency to (>= 3.3.0)
  • Add vars to suggests for shared methods, import is bypassed

v0.1.5, CRAN Update 1

  • Try to clarify licensing terms with the Federal Reserve
    • Some copyrighted series may have to be removed
    • Subset the dataset to only include variables in public domain for now
  • Fix addition of prior pdfs to ML
    • alpha needs an sd parameter
    • psi now needs proper shape and scale parameters
    • Add normalising constant
  • Add lines to all density plots (when supplied via ellipsis)
  • Add documentation on using scale_hess as a vector
  • Add two pre-constructed dummy priors bv_soc() and bv_sur()
  • Further split up calculation of marginal likelihood

v0.1.3, CRAN Submission

  • Update DESCRIPTION with linked DOI
  • Change \dontrun{} examples to \donttest{}
  • Fix bounds in plot_hyper()
  • Update references with links via DOI
  • Add and improve examples for print and plot methods
  • R CMD check --as-cran: No errors or warnings, one note (New submission)