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Secrets management with FluxV2 using Bitnami Sealed Secrets

This repository contains a quick demo on secrets management with Bitnami Sealed Secrets in a Flux workflow.


To follow this tutorial, you need:

0. Create GitHub Token and setup environment variables

Create a GitHub personal access token following this guide. Remember to grant all repo permissions.

Once created, export the following environment variables:

export GITHUB_USER=<MY_GITHUB_USER> (e.g. nikever)

1. Start Minikube cluster

At the root level of this repository, execute:

export REPO_DIR=$(PWD)

Start a minikube cluster:

cd $REPO_DIR/minikube
make setup

By default, the command spins up a one node Kubernetes cluster of version v1.19.4 in a VirtualBox VM (CPUs=2, Memory=4096MB, Disk=20000MB).

You can pass additional parameters to change the default values. Please referer to this Makefile for further details on the cluster creation.

1. Install FluxV2

  1. Open a terminal and bootstrap Flux with fluxcli:
flux bootstrap github \
    --owner $GITHUB_USER \
    --repository demo-flux-secrets-fleet \
    --branch main \
    --path ./minikube-cluster \

The bootstrap command:

  • creates a demo-flux-secrets-fleet repository
  • generates Flux components manifests
  • commits Flux components manifests to the main branch
  • installs the Flux components in the flux-system namespace
  • configures the target cluster to synchronize with the ./minikube-cluster path inside the repository
  1. While you wait for the commands to complete, you can verify that the pods in the flux-system are becoming running:
kubectl get pods -n flux-system -w
  1. Clone the demo-flux-secrets-fleet repository
git clone$GITHUB_USER/demo-flux-secrets-fleet
cd demo-flux-secrets-fleet/

2. Deploy Hello secret App with Flux

  1. Create a hello-secret folder inside the minikube-cluster folder:
mkdir hello-secret
  1. Create a Flux GitRepository manifest pointing to the Hello Secret repository's master branch:
flux create source git hello-secret \
    --url \
    --branch main \
    --interval 1m \
    --export \
    > ./hello-secret/hello-secret-source.yaml
  1. Create a Flux Kustomization manifest to build and apply the kustomize directory located in the Hello Secret repository under the manifests folder.
flux create kustomization hello-secret \
  --source=hello-secret \
  --path="./manifests" \
  --prune=true \
  --interval=1m \
  --export \
  > ./hello-secret/hello-secret-kustomization.yaml
  1. Deploy via GitOps
git add -A && git commit -m "Deploy Hello Secret App"
git push
  1. Wait for Flux to reconcile everything:
watch flux get sources git
watch flux get kustomizations

You can force the reconciliation with flux reconcile source git flux-system

  1. Check the resources deployed:
kubectl get all -n hello


NAME                             READY   STATUS                       RESTARTS   AGE
pod/hello-app-6cb6ddd95f-2chmq   0/1     CreateContainerConfigError   0          54s

NAME                TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/hello-svc   NodePort   <none>        8080:30964/TCP   54s

NAME                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/hello-app   0/1     1            0           54s

NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/hello-app-6cb6ddd95f   1         1         0       54s

As you can see, the pod pod/hello-app-6cb6ddd95f-2chmq is in the CreateContainerConfigError status. To become running, the pod needs a hello-secret secret, which is currently not deployed:

  Type     Reason     Age                 From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                ----               -------
  Warning  Failed     43s (x8 over 2m6s)  kubelet            Error: secret "hello-secret" not found

3. Deploy Bitnami sealed secrets

  1. Create a sealed-secrets folder inside the minikube-cluster folder:
mkdir sealed-secrets
  1. Create a HelmRepository manifest
flux create source helm sealed-secrets \
    --url \
    --interval 1h \
    --export \
    > ./sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets-source.yaml
  1. Create Helm release manifest:
flux create helmrelease sealed-secrets \
    --interval=1h \
    --release-name=sealed-secrets \
    --target-namespace=flux-system \
    --source=HelmRepository/sealed-secrets \
    --chart=sealed-secrets \
    --chart-version=">=1.15.0-0" \
    --crds=CreateReplace \
    --export \
    > ./sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets-release.yaml
  1. Deploy via GitOps:
git add -A && git commit -m "Deploy Bitnami sealed secrets"
git push
  1. Wait for Flux to reconcile everything:
watch flux get sources git

You can force the reconciliation with flux reconcile source git flux-system

  1. Check the resources deployed:
kubectl get pods -n flux-system | grep sealed-secrets

4. Create a sealed hello-secret

At startup, the sealed-secrets controller generates a 4096-bit RSA key pair and persists the private and public keys as Kubernetes secrets in the flux-system namespace.

  1. Retrieve the public key with:
kubeseal --fetch-cert \
    --controller-name=sealed-secrets \
    --controller-namespace=flux-system \
    > pub-sealed-secrets.pem

The public key can be safely stored in Git and can be used to encrypt secrets without direct access to the Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Create the secret manifest:
kubectl create secret generic -n hello hello-secret \
    --from-literal=secret=1234 \
    --dry-run=client \
    -o yaml > hello-secret.yaml
  1. Seal the secret using kubeseal:
kubeseal --format=yaml --cert=pub-sealed-secrets.pem \
    < hello-secret.yaml \
    > hello-secret-sealed.yaml
  1. Remove the plain secret and commit the sealed one to deploy it:
rm hello-secret.yaml
git add hello-secret-sealed.yaml && git commit -m "Add sealed hello-secret"
git push
  1. Wait for the SealedSecret to be deployed:
kubectl get SealedSecret -n hello -w

You can force the reconciliation with flux reconcile source git flux-system

5. Test the hello-secret app

The hello-secret app contains a containerized Go web server application that responds to all HTTP requests with the value of the SECRET environment variable.

  1. Restart the hello-app pod:
kubectl delete pod -n hello $(kubectl get pods -n hello -o=jsonpath='{}')
  1. Check that now is running:
kubectl get pods -n hello


NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-app-6cb6ddd95f-558ts   1/1     Running   0          36s
  1. Check that the hello-secret app is finally working:
curl -H "Host:" $(minikube ip)


Hello, secret!
Secret: 1234

6. Clean up

  1. Delete the minikube cluster:
cd $REPO_DIR/minikube
make delete
  1. Delete the demo-flux-secrets-fleet repository (optional).
