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R package DIDdesign: Analyzing Difference-in-Differences Design


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DIDdesign:Analyzing Difference-in-Differences Design

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Installation Instructions:

  • Downloading the most recent version of DIDdesign from Github

    ## need to install `devtools` if necessary
    install_github("naoki-egami/DIDdesign", dependencies = TRUE)

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Basic DID design with panel data
  3. Basic DID design with repeated cross-section data
  4. Staggered adoption design

Overview and Workflow in DIDdesign


  • Step 1: Assessing the parallel trends assumption via did_check()
    • View and visualize the output via plot() and summary()
  • Step 2: Estimating the treatment effects via did()
    • View and visualize the output via plot() and summary()

The Basic Difference-in-Differences Design with Panel Data

## load package

## load data

In the basic DID design, units receive the treatment at the same time. In anzia2012 dataset, the treatment assignment happens in 2007.

Step 1: Assess the parallel trends assumption

As the first step of the double DID method, users can check if the parallel trends assumption is plausible in the pre-treatment periods. did_check() function estimates statistics for testing the parallel trends and computes the equivalence confidence intervals.

## check parallel trends
check_panel <- did_check(
  formula = lnavgsalary_cpi ~ oncycle | teachers_avg_yrs_exper +
    ami_pc + asian_pc + black_pc + hisp_pc,
  data = anzia2012,
  id_unit = "district",
  id_time = "year",
  option = list(n_boot = 200, parallel = TRUE, lag = 1:3)

did_check() function takes the following arguments:

Argument Description
formula A formula specifying variables. It should follow the form of `outcome ~ treatment
data A data frame. This can be either data.frame or tibble.
id_unit A variable name in the data that uniquely identifies units (e.g., individuals or states)
id_time A variable name in the data that uniquely identifies time (e.g., year).
design Design option. It should be "did" when the basic DID design is used.
is_panel A boolean argument to indicate the type of the data. When the dataset is panel (i.e., same observations are measured repeatedly overtime), it should take TRUE. See the next section for how to analyze the repeated cross-section data.
option A list of option parameters.
- n_boot: Number of bootstrap iterations to estimate weighting matrix.
- parallel: A boolean argument. If TRUE, bootstrap is conducted in parallel using future package.
- lag: A vector of positive lag values. For example, when lag = c(1, 2), pre-treatment trends are tested on the period between t-2 to t-1 (corresponding to lag = 1), and between t-3 and t-2 where t is when the actual treatment is assigned. Default is lag = 1.
- skip_standardize: A boolean argument. If TRUE, use the original scale of the outcome to compute the equivalence regions. Useful when the outcome of the control group does not have any variation for some time periods. Default is FALSE.

Assessing the output from did_check()

The output from did_check() function can be accessed by summary() function, which reports estimates for the pre-treatment parallel trends as well as the 95% standardized equivalence confidence interval.

## view estimates
#> ── Estimates for assessing parallel trends assumption ──────────────────────────
#>    estimate lag std.error EqCI95_LB EqCI95_UB
#> 1 -0.003613   1   0.00265   -0.1018    0.1018
#> 2  0.003263   2   0.00231   -0.0926    0.0926
#> 3 -0.000434   3   0.00271   -0.0674    0.0674
  • estimate shows the DID estimates on the pre-treatment periods. Deviation from zero suggests the possible violation of the parallel trends assumption.
  • std.error shows the standard errors for the estimates reported on the estimate column.
  • EqCI95_LB and EqCI95_UB show the upper and lower bound on the 95% standardized equivalence confidence intervals. Values are standardized such that they can be interpreted as the standard deviation from the mean of the baseline control group. For example, EqCI95_LB for lag = 1 can be interpreted as EqCI95_LB standard deviation away from the mean of the control group at time t - 2 (lag = 1 corresponds to the parallel trends check between time t-2 and t-1). Wider intervals suggests the possible violation of the parallel trends assumption.

The output can be also visualized by plot() function. By default, it shows a plot for the 95% standardized equivalence confidence intervals on the left, and a plot of the observed trends on the right. The generated plots are in ggplot object, thus users can add additional attributes using functions from ggplot2.

## visualize the estimates

  • Data used to generate the above plot are available via

    ## data for the trend-plot
    ## data for the equivalence plot
  • Individual plots are also available via

    ## trend plot
    ## equivalence plot

Step 2: Estimate the treatment effect with the double DID estimator

After assessing the parallel trends assumption with did_check(), we can estimate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) via did().

## estimate treatment effect
fit_panel <- did(
  formula = lnavgsalary_cpi ~ oncycle | teachers_avg_yrs_exper +
    ami_pc + asian_pc + black_pc + hisp_pc,
  data = anzia2012,
  id_unit = "district",
  id_time = "year",
  design = "did",
  is_panel = TRUE,
  option = list(n_boot = 200, parallel = TRUE, lead = 0:2, se_boot = TRUE)

did() function inherits most of the arguments in did_check(). Different from did_check(), did() takes lead parameter in the option argument.

Argument Description
lead A parameter in option argument. It should be a vector of non-negative lead values. For example, when lead = c(0, 1), treatment effect when the treatment is assigned (lead = 0) as well as one-time ahead effect (lead = 1) will be estimated. Default is lead = 0.

Assessing the output from did()

Users can obtain the estimates via summary() function.

## view the estimates
#> ── ATT Estimates ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>    estimator lead estimate std.error statistic p_value  ci.low ci.high
#> 1 Double-DID    0  -0.0065    0.0026      -2.5  0.0131 -0.0116 -0.0014
#> 2        DID    0  -0.0062    0.0027      -2.3  0.0194 -0.0114 -0.0010
#> 3       sDID    0  -0.0044    0.0044      -1.0  0.3179 -0.0130  0.0042
#> 4 Double-DID    1  -0.0079    0.0032      -2.4  0.0146 -0.0142 -0.0016
#> 5        DID    1  -0.0115    0.0036      -3.2  0.0016 -0.0187 -0.0044
#> 6       sDID    1  -0.0031    0.0039      -0.8  0.4260 -0.0108  0.0046
#> 7 Double-DID    2  -0.0049    0.0043      -1.1  0.2502 -0.0134  0.0035
#> 8        DID    2  -0.0115    0.0049      -2.3  0.0196 -0.0211 -0.0018
#> 9       sDID    2   0.0015    0.0049       0.3  0.7664 -0.0081  0.0111
  • estimator
    • Double-DID shows estimates from the double DID estimator that combines the extended parallel trends assumption. This estimate should be used only when the parallel trends assumption is plausible.
    • DID shows estimates from the standard DID estimator.
    • sDID shows estimates from the sequential DID estimator that requires a weaker parallel trends-in-trends assumption. When the parallel trends assumption is not plausible, this estimator should be used.

plot() function for the output from did() can be used in two ways. First, it generates a treatment effect plot when the function is provided an output from did(). Second, it generates a plot that adds the pre-treatment trend check in addition to the treatment effect estimates when the function is provided an output from did() as well as did_check().

# plot only treatment effects
post_plot <- plot(fit_panel)

# plot treatment effects + pre-treatment assessment
pre_post_plot <- plot(fit_panel, check_fit = check_panel)

## show the plots side-by-side
(post_plot +
  ggplot2::theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
  ggplot2::ylim(-0.015, 0.01) +
  ggplot2::labs(title = "Post-Treatment")) +
  (pre_post_plot +
    ggplot2::theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
    ggplot2::ylim(-0.015, 0.01) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Pre- and Post-Treatment"))

The Basic DID Design with Repeated Cross-sectional Data

Sometimes, each period consists of different units, instead of repeated observations of the same units. did() can handle such “repeated cross-sectional” data by setting is_panel = FALSE. As an example, we analyze malesky2014 dataset (see ?malesky2014 for more details on this dataset).

Step 1: Assess the pre-treatment parallel trends

## load data

## check parallel trends
check_rcs <- did_check(
  formula = vpost ~ treatment + post_treat | factor(city),
  data = malesky2014,
  id_time = "year",
  is_panel = FALSE,
  option = list(n_boot = 200, parallel = TRUE, id_cluster = "id_district", lag = 1)

did_check() and did() for repeated cross-sectional data accept a slightly different argument from the case of panel data.

Argument Description
formula It should include the post-treatment indicator, in addition to the time-invariant treatment variable. Covariates are supported as in the panel case.
is_panel It should be FALSE to indicate that the data is in the repeated cross-sectional format.
id_cluster A parameter for option argument. It should be a variable name used to cluster the standard errors.
## summary
#> ── Estimates for assessing parallel trends assumption ──────────────────────────
#>   estimate lag std.error EqCI95_LB EqCI95_UB
#> 1  -0.0143   1    0.0406    -0.176     0.176
## view plot

Step 2: Estimate causal effects

## estimate ATT
ff_rcs <- did(
  formula = vpost ~ treatment + post_treat | factor(city),
  data = malesky2014,
  id_time = "year",
  is_panel = FALSE,
  option = list(
    n_boot = 200, parallel = TRUE, se_boot = TRUE,
    id_cluster = "id_district", lead = 0
## view summary
#> ── ATT Estimates ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>    estimator lead estimate std.error statistic p_value ci.low ci.high
#> 1 Double-DID    0    0.046     0.050      0.91    0.36 -0.053    0.14
#> 2        DID    0    0.054     0.055      0.98    0.33 -0.054    0.16
#> 3       sDID    0    0.068     0.081      0.85    0.40 -0.090    0.23

The Staggered Adoption Design

DIDdesign supports the staggered adoption design where units receive the treatment at different periods of time. As an example, we analyze paglayan2019 dataset in the package (see ?paglayan2019 for more details about this dataset).

## data

## format dataset
paglayan2019 <- paglayan2019 %>%
  filter(!(state %in% c("WI", "DC"))) %>%
    id_time = year,
    id_subject = as.numeric(as.factor(state)),
    log_expenditure = log(pupil_expenditure + 1),
    log_salary = log(teacher_salary + 1)

As we can see in the above plot, states receive the treatment at different years ranging from 1965 at earliest to 1987 at latest (and some of the states never receive the treatment).

Step 1: Assess the pre-treatment parallel trends

check_sa <- did_check(
  formula = log_expenditure ~ treatment,
  data    = paglayan2019,
  id_unit = "id_subject",
  id_time = "id_time",
  design  = "sa",
  option  = list(n_boot = 200, parallel = TRUE, thres = 1, lag = 1:5)

Most of the arguments are common to the case of the basic DID design. There are a few additional arguments specific to the staggered adoption design.

Argument Description
design A design argument. It should take design = "sa" for the staggered adoption design
thres A parameter in the option argument. It controls the minimum number of treated units for a particular time to be included in the treatment effect estimation. For example if thres = 2, the effect for Tennessee will be removed from the time-average effect because it’s the only unit who received the treatment in 1972 (i.e., the number of treated units in 1972 is less than the threshold).
## view estimates
#> ── Estimates for assessing parallel trends assumption ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   estimate lag std.error EqCI95_LB EqCI95_UB
#> 1 -0.00267   1   0.00864    -0.109     0.109
#> 2 -0.01245   2   0.00886    -0.162     0.162
#> 3  0.00227   3   0.01105    -0.123     0.123
#> 4 -0.00758   4   0.01185    -0.156     0.156
#> 5 -0.01070   5   0.00894    -0.124     0.124

plot() function behaves slight differently from the basic DID design. By default, it plots the treatment variation plot on the right.


Step 2: Estimate staggered-adoption average treatment effect

did() function can handle the staggered adoption design by setting the design argument to design = "sa".

## estimate time-weighted SA-ATE
fit_sa <- did(
  formula = log_expenditure ~ treatment,
  data    = paglayan2019,
  id_unit = "id_subject",
  id_time = "id_time",
  design  = "sa",
  option  = list(n_boot = 200, parallel = TRUE, thres = 1, lead = 0:9)
#> ── ATT Estimates ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>       estimator lead estimate std.error statistic p_value ci.low ci.high
#> 1 SA-Double-DID    0  0.01094     0.014     0.790    0.43 -0.017   0.038
#> 2        SA-DID    0  0.01098     0.014     0.792    0.43 -0.017   0.039
#> 3       SA-sDID    0  0.01365     0.016     0.832    0.41 -0.014   0.045
#> 4 SA-Double-DID    1 -0.00083     0.012    -0.068    0.95 -0.021   0.021
#> 5        SA-DID    1  0.00107     0.013     0.084    0.93 -0.022   0.026
#> 6       SA-sDID    1 -0.00725     0.017    -0.414    0.68 -0.041   0.031
## plot treatment effects + assessment statistic
sa_plot <- plot(fit_sa, check_sa, band = TRUE)

## show plot
sa_plot +
  ggplot2::ylim(-0.1, 0.1) +
  ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "red", linetype = "dotted")


R package DIDdesign: Analyzing Difference-in-Differences Design







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